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Pokémon Masters Discussion Thread


"What the hell...?"
Got Dexio on my eighth daily!

I'm starting to think this game gives me more Sync Pairs through using paid daily gems.


Paragon of Summoner
Is there any way i can complete the villain mission for the extreme battle event? i'm having trouble on who to use or carry and i don't like the paralyze passive skill to kick in and take damage from trap a lot. I don't see if there's any possibility on the sandstorm version of team immunity.


Well-Known Member
It’s the ground weakness against ss subway bosses if you asked me
I used SS Giovanni but also the Rhydon variety one could also work.

You don't need the whole team to be immune to status just the tank. I used MC and Registeel who have innate status immunity and used the escape artist lucky skill. There should be other better options as well I'm sure. I think SS Blue/Classic Red get it from their grids, you can check.


Paragon of Summoner
Any tips for this ultimate battle? i know arc lance and leon (alt) are the key sync pairs here, but i don't think i have the sync move levels to do it even though the resources on the 5 star candies, candy coins, and superawakening are too limited here.

I know acuity and impervious are the key skills here and i don't think there's a way to reflect the stat downs back to the opponents.


This Ultimate was surprisingly easy for me but I guess that was because I came with an optimal team. While I didn't copy grids or watched the play, I copied a team that used Alt Leon, NC Nate and Arc Steven.


"What the hell...?"
I want Bede with Inteleon, but I'm being cautious with my gems.

So figures the first and only multi-pull grants me one Hop, TWO Marnie, but no Bede. Desire sensor strikes again.


Paragon of Summoner
This Ultimate was surprisingly easy for me but I guess that was because I came with an optimal team. While I didn't copy grids or watched the play, I copied a team that used Alt Leon, NC Nate and Arc Steven.

what level is alt leon and NC nate's sync moves? cuz i can't seem to get through this one.


what level is alt leon and NC nate's sync moves? cuz i can't seem to get through this one.

Alt Leon 1/5
NC Nate 5/5
Arc Steven 5/5

Regardless, I believe 3/5 for Nate and Steven should suffice. I only went all the way because of favoritism (Nate) and the meta (Steven)


"What the hell...?"
My Inteleon withdrawal struck me...so I got Inteleon after 6k more gems. Somehow ended up getting all three of the variety sync pairs (and Marnie at 2/5, which works because I like her more than the two guys) in 9k gems.

Then I pull on the first tier of Christmas Lillie's paid banner and end up getting her too.



Managed to get Milo with dailies. Not bad, to be honest.


Paragon of Summoner
Well I got seasonal bugsy in 5 multipulls and I had to pity pull for seasonal viola. I know i'm much of a gambler and risk-taker, but i had to do what's right and expand my choices including champion's stadium.

I know i should be pulling for elio and selene (alt), but i need to see where the next month's datamine takes me otherwise it may not catch my eye and interest.


Turns out I managed to get Variety Bede with a daily. Wasn't expecting another new unit after getting Milo yesterday but that's pretty good.

Funny thing is that I have both of Bede's alts, yet the OG keeps evading me haha