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Pokémon Masters Discussion Thread


"What the hell...?"
Got Dexio on my eighth daily!

I'm starting to think this game gives me more Sync Pairs through using paid daily gems.


Paragon of Summoner
Is there any way i can complete the villain mission for the extreme battle event? i'm having trouble on who to use or carry and i don't like the paralyze passive skill to kick in and take damage from trap a lot. I don't see if there's any possibility on the sandstorm version of team immunity.


Well-Known Member
It’s the ground weakness against ss subway bosses if you asked me
I used SS Giovanni but also the Rhydon variety one could also work.

You don't need the whole team to be immune to status just the tank. I used MC and Registeel who have innate status immunity and used the escape artist lucky skill. There should be other better options as well I'm sure. I think SS Blue/Classic Red get it from their grids, you can check.