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Pokémon Masters Discussion Thread


"What the hell...?"
I wanted Sunny D-roc so bad despite the banner draining 17k gems from me, but one normal phone animation later, I got the dog!

...And Paulo I guess *shrugs*

(Just kidding, I like Paulo, but his dog more.)

Lord Godwin

The Lord of Darkness
I would love to see Trace. Mustard and Honey. Also Peony with G-Max Melmetal (or Sygna suit Rose and Peony with Regieleki and Regidrago), Swordward and Shielbert with G-Max Kingler and Sandaconda, respectively. More Hoenn Frontier Brains, Juan, Ultra Recon Squad with some more UBs, Sada and Turo, someone from BB (maybe Kieran to begin with), some more Legends characters. And AZ with Eternal Floette to tease Legends Z-A.

Here's some nice list of missing characters:

Lord Godwin

The Lord of Darkness
Trace is probably the last notable Kanto character who's missing from the game.
You can say Bill if you want to be picky. Or Daisy Oak. Though, I be suprised if we wil get Red's mother before Trace...

I don't understand all the Trace hate. Hop and Hau pissed me more. And Trace adopting the Cubone was so sigma of him,

Pokemon Power

Well-Known Member
Am I the only one who finds it strange that we haven't gotten the next update for the game yet? Now is usually the time of the month in which we get it, as well as the datamine.

Lord Godwin

The Lord of Darkness
Am I the only one who finds it strange that we haven't gotten the next update for the game yet? Now is usually the time of the month in which we get it, as well as the datamine.
It's usually around 28 of the month. Wondering if due to Pokémon Day next month there can be some delay?


Training Anaylst
I would love to see Trace. Mustard and Honey. Also Peony with G-Max Melmetal (or Sygna suit Rose and Peony with Regieleki and Regidrago), Swordward and Shielbert with G-Max Kingler and Sandaconda, respectively. More Hoenn Frontier Brains, Juan, Ultra Recon Squad with some more UBs, Sada and Turo, someone from BB (maybe Kieran to begin with), some more Legends characters. And AZ with Eternal Floette to tease Legends Z-A.

Here's some nice list of missing characters:

I'm honestly surprised they haven't completed the Gym Leaders yet for the pre-Gen 9 games. There's not that many missing and some of them even have models already in the game, you'd think they'd just slap them on a spotlight here and there between limited banners but they keep ignoring them.

At the very least I'm surprised we haven't gotten Drayden yet considering how important he is to Iris, though I guess he can pop up in a future storyline for her and/or Drayton.


A huggable electric rodent!
I'm honestly surprised they haven't completed the Gym Leaders yet for the pre-Gen 9 games. There's not that many missing and some of them even have models already in the game, you'd think they'd just slap them on a spotlight here and there between limited banners but they keep ignoring them.

At the very least I'm surprised we haven't gotten Drayden yet considering how important he is to Iris, though I guess he can pop up in a future storyline for her and/or Drayton.
I'm personally surprised that Byron isn't in the game yet, given that he's mentioned in Roark's description and the last Sinnoh Gym Leader release having happened ages ago.

Lord Godwin

The Lord of Darkness
I'm personally surprised that Byron isn't in the game yet, given that he's mentioned in Roark's description and the last Sinnoh Gym Leader release having happened ages ago.
When you look at missing GL and other characters, outside Ilima, most are the oldest ones: Wattson, Juan, Byron, Opal, Mustard, Honey, Peony Spencer, Brandon, Tucker, Drayden, AZ, most of Paldea Teachers and Pokemon Professors. Either we gonna get some old geezer event or Masters are strongly biased vs creating old characters units:-D


"What the hell...?"
Datamine time:

Lodge Sync Pair:
Diantha & Tyrantrum (Rock Strike)

Valentine Sync Pairs:
Palentine Marley & Shaymin (FINALLY REUNITED) (Grass Sprint & Support)
Palentine Erika & Lurantis (Grass Tech & Strike)

New Sync Pairs:
Juliana & Koraidon (Fighting Strike & Tech)
Florian & Miraidon (Electric Strike & Tech) Story Spoiler: He's from the Violet universe!
...and they're both Master Sync Pairs, by the way
Uva Clavell & Sprigatito (free?) (Grass Sprint & Tech)

Gym Scout Sync Pairs:
Gym Brock & Kabutops (Rock Support & Field)
Gym Grusha & Beartic (Ice Support & Field)
Gym Winona & Altaria (Flying Support & Field)

DC Sync Pair:
DC Shauna & Sylveon (Fairy Sprint)

New EX Roles (for just the Sync Pairs above):
Brock & Kabutops : Field
Grusha & Beartic : Field
Winona & Altaria : Field
Marley (Palentine's 2025) & Shaymin : Support
Erika (Palentine's 2025) & Lurantis : Strike (Special)
Juliana & Koraidon : Tech
Clavell (Alt.) & Sprigatito : Tech
Florian & Miraidon : Tech
Nemona & Pawmot : Field

(And if people want to join my gym, it's 3287-7016-1654-7823)
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Well-Known Member
Erika gets another alt after a very long time. Like most Erika alts it's cool and I love Lurantis. The only unit I'm tempted to pull this month but not sure if I will. I have enough Erikas already and SS Erika still serves me pretty well.

Marley is cool but she's not a character that I am all that interested in.

Finally Winona with Altaria and also a free method of getting Grusha. Shauna being the next DC pair gives another free unit for my worst region.

Florian and Juliana are some of the most boring player character designs in the series so they are skips even if I like both the raidons. Florian is from an alternate universe which is never going to matter after this introduction.

Free Clavell is also welcome but I am concerned about the future of the Violet alts, especially the ones that might not be free given that they are just palette swaps.

Good month to save gems

Couldn't find a good enough Kris-focused gym so joined a Johto one. Not sure if these tags are going to matter later, would be cool if they did. I just don't enjoy playing any game modes that require playing with others (blueberry quests )

Edit: Apparently there's guaranteed pokefair scout with Classic Elesa, SS Giovanni, Akari, Larry and Bede. Don't have Akari, Larry or Bede so hoping to get one of those. SS Giovanni is 1/5 and Elesa 4/5 (super awakening time?)
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