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Pokémon : Monster within

Pokémon : Monster within

Pokémon : Monster within

Chapter 1 : A New Life!​

Afternoon. The sun over Kanto was shining on everybody’s head. From kids playing on the beach building sandcastles to Pokémon living in forest and plain. For some it was an ordinary day that will pass through time, but for a 16 years old kid named Daryo, this day will stay forever in his mind.

Walking down a path in Viridian Forest, Daryo stopped in front of a tree with a Spearow hanging its sharp claws into a branch. The tiny bird Pokémon was only chirping peacefully, but to the red flaming haired boy it was a target. He took a small rock on the ground and looked at the Spearow about 20 meters away.

“Hehehe! Here it comes!” shouted Daryo with an evil grin.

With a fast arm movement, he threw the rock right on the Pokémon’s head knocking it to the ground, uncounscious.

“Haha!! Right on! That was hilarious!”

The boy dropped knees on the ground laughing so hard. He was almost crying out by laughing too much. Meanwhile, the tiny bird got back on its legs glaring evily right at Daryo. It spread its wings before unleashing a powerful scream to alert other Spearows nearby.



Daryo’s laughs stopped instantly as he got back three steps away from Spearow. Suddenly, leaves from the trees surrounding the boy were starting to shake. Funny fact it’s that there were no wind. Staying there any longer was not considered to be smart. He decided to turn feet but as soon as he turned away, another Spearow came right to his face and pecked him.

“Owwww! That... That hurts!! Stop it!..... Arrghh!!”

Daryo crouched to the ground, hands behind his head to protect himself as dozen of hidden Spearows came out of the leaves to peck him and scratch him with their claws. Things were getting bad to worse as he was starting to bleed from these bird Pokémon’s attacks. He was scratched everywhere, his back, his legs, his arms, even his face were bleeding. He then heard words that stopped this carnage.

“Pidgeot. Use your Gust attack!”

A cloaked man approached the scene and summon a giant bird to help Daryo to get out of this mess. With a single flap of wings, Pidgeot send flying away the group of enraged Spearows that were attacking the kid. He then got closer from the boy that was still suffering from scratches all over his body.

“You alright kid..?” asked the man cloaked by a dark brown suit.

Daryo hardly got back on his feet and stared with one eye shut at the tall man standing in front of him. The man had some of weird white gloves with symbols on it.

“I saw what you did to those Spearows...” said the man crossing his arms. “And I know who you are.. Daryo” he continued with his german-like accent.

“Wha..? How do you even know me?!...” replied Daryo shocked.

“I know a lot of people around here, kid. Especially you.” The man who still didn’t want to uncover himself started explaining some few things to Daryo. “I know that you’re one of those prank kids that make their own rules...”

The cloaked guy was right. Since Daryo doesn’t see much his parents, he passes down his frustration of being lonely by making pranks and disturb living Pokémon. With a father being Viridian City’s Gym Leader and his mom working at the Silph Corp in Saffron City on a special project, Daryo can only see them before they get to work early in the morning.

“You don’t even know what being a Pokémon is. You-”

“What! You’ll tell me that you know..?” added Daryo interrupting the guy. The young man started getting weak from all those scratches and dropped down a knee to the ground.

“I sure do understand their feelings. How they react, how they feel! Trust me, you’ll know what it means to be a Pokémon...”

The man then extended his arms toward Daryo crouched in front of him. A white glow came out of his special gloves as he pronounced some weird speeches. On the ground, Daryo was glowing white. Sparkles were whirling around the fainted boy. His sight was blurring every second as his eyes were shutting down.

Vom Menschen zu Pokémon, ändert das Leben dieses Jungen. Sein Körper, den er zurück gewinnt, wenn ein Traum erfüllt wird.

* * * * *​

“Awwww.. He’s so cute!” said the voice of a girl nearby.

Daryo opened his eyes and noticed a blurry desk in front of him. Weirdly, last time he saw a desk it was lot shorter than that. He rubbed his eyes to gain focus and he was right, the desk was bigger than him!

People behind him were talking. A girl seemed to be joyful and an older man looked glad to see this girl being happy. Daryo turned around to these people and froze on place.

((What the...? Have I being teleported to the world of giants???)) he asked himself looking at the brown haired girl smiling down on him.

“This is a Charmander! It’s yours from now on!” said the old man to the girl.

((A Charman- ....?)) Daryo looked at what used to be his hands and noticed two red clawed paws. He freaked out. He looked at the girl nervously and then to the old man and didn’t catch a single thing.

“Come here you little cutie!” said the girl in white top and red skirt approaching Daryo.

The little fiery Pokémon stepped back a little and lit up papers on the desk now behind him with his fiery tail. The old man quickly got up and desperatly searched for something to extinguish fire.

Daryo turned around to the flaming papers of the old man. He tried to blow on the burning notes about Pokémon types and stuff but a flame came out of his mouth and litteraly sent the whole desk to ashes. The old scientist came back with an extinguisher and could only noticed he was too late.

“Noooo! My notes!” yelled the man in pain to see his work being burned by the fire Pokémon. “Fortunately I saved those works on a CD! Heh!” he added making Daryo feel a little better.

“I’m sorry Professor Oak... I guess my Pokémon isn’t accustomed to its fiery nature yet...” replied the girl apologizing for the mess.

“Don’t worry about that, Tanya. That Charmander is somehow quite special... There’s something about it that makes it different from the others...” said Oak to Tanya looking at Daryo intrigued.

Now as a Charmander, Daryo looked up at those creatures called humans that he once was and couldn’t stop thinking about what that cloaked man said to him.. Trust me, you’ll know what it means to be a Pokémon...

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~​

Two new characters enters the story: Flora, Tanya’s longtime friend and Matt, a new guy just moved to Pallet Town. He quickly gets in both girl’s sight and Daryo suddenly gets mad. Matt notice Tanya’s Pokémon has something special and ask to fight him.

Will Tanya accept her new crush’s challenge? How Flora will react about it? Will Daryo reveal his inner strength?

Stay tune to know it!
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*The Water Warrior*
I personally think it's an ok fan fic, i mean I myself am no expert, but i think it needs to be longer from what i can tell by reading many of the others posted on this site.

I also think you should describe your characters in more detail then you used, What is their backround, whats their appearance, i mean give us a little more information so we can picture it in our heads. But i mean it was a good beginning, keep up the good work.
Thx I've noticed that too by reading it.. Don't worry I'll correct that from now on. I know it's kinda short compared to other fics but by describing more my story will be longer :)

Thx for the advice!


Well-Known Member
It has portenal, but as stated before you need more discriastion. I saw no spelling mistakes or gammer.
