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Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: End to End


Not a Seadra
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: End to End

Haha I have too much free time on my hands >:0

This is an RPG for players who know what they’re doing. No newbs; I don’t care how much you love Mystery Dungeon but I’d rather have experienced players even if they just like the idea of the game and don’t know much about it. You can teach someone about the game, but you can’t teach them how to Roleplay properly.

Thanks to the people who spurred me to post this :D~


Without further ado, the plot.

Pokémon Mystery Dungeon
End to End​

One hundred years ago. It seems so long, so far off, an untouchable flicker of light in the back of our minds. But sometimes it jumps out at us. Sometimes it takes the far off firefly that is time to find out the mysteries of now...

One hundred years ago, natural disasters racked the world of Pokémon. Earthquakes split the ground, thunder and lightning stormed through the skies in an unstoppable tirade of destruction. Rescue forces were in high demand, much higher than before when missions were simple, just kids who got lost on journeys and lovers who needed help to find each other in their dungeon homes.

Now innocents were being sucked down into the earth by fissures, being taken to places where they should not go. And the rescue forces could do very little. It seemed that hope was becoming hard to find...

But then, she came.

In the Tiny Woods, a Mudkip named Kari strolled idly. There, she met a Cubone who called herself Ren and claimed... to have previously been a human. Kari couldn’t believe her ears. It seemed outrageous, but she believed Ren. They started a rescue team – Team Terrallin – with a mission to save a Caterpie. And their fame grew without anything special happening for a while.

Then they were sent to Mount Thunder to save a Shiftry, and had to fight the legendary Pokémon Zapdos. But this was not their claim to fame, either. Eventually, a Gengar with an unreasoned grudge against Ren found out her secret... and applied it to the Ninetales legend.

A human touched one of Ninetales’s tails and was cursed, but instead was protected by its Pokémon, Gardevoir. Ninetales was going to speak to the human, but it ran. It ran far away. So Ninetales predicted that that human would one day become a Pokémon... and when that happened, the world’s balance would be upset.

Gengar said Ren was that human, but in truth it was him. But the others believed him, so Ren and Kari had to run. Team Red – Alakazam’s team – gave them one day to prepare and leave. So they did, early that morning, without their other team members knowing, and took to life as fugitives.

They ran for many days through mountains and caves, trying to escape. They fought the legendary Pokémon Moltres and Articuno along their path to freedom. After they defeated Articuno, however, an Absol named Kaida approached them. She told them where Ninetales lived, where they could find the truth, and joined their rescue team because her instincts told her too. Kaida would one day become the third member of Team Terrallin, famous with Ren and Kari.

Finally, the trio reached the summit of Mount Freeze. There, Team Red finally caught up to them and they fought for a little while before Ninetales stopped them. She told them what had really happened: that Ren was not the human from the legend. Relieved, the rescue team returned home.

The team later quelled Groudon’s force, and they destroyed the star that upset the world’s balance with Rayquaza’s help. And Ren was told she had to leave the world of Pokémon now by Gardevoir. Gardevoir had been coming to Ren’s dreams, making clear the reason she was there and the details of this venture. Ren left for a while, leaving Kari’s spirit crushed. However, she did not leave forever and soon returned because she did not want... to leave her friend.

And the rescue team grew on and on. Many Pokémon joined, including many legendary ones. Ren became a Marowak, Kari a Swampert. They became famous, as famous as Lucario himself – the greatest of all rescuers. And so they were the only ones... who could take this mission.

A Dragonair came to them, half dead from worry, flight, and battle. She pleaded for their help; she had gone too far into a cave – The Cavern of Final Blood – with her mate, and he had not returned with her. She told them it was dangerous there and she didn’t know how far they would have to go. But Ren, Kari, and Kaida, Team Terrallin’s finest, accepted the mission.

They went to the Cavern of Final Blood... and were never heard from again.

Team Terrallin was devastated by the loss of their leaders. The legendary Pokémon left along with many others. A few stayed around, but none of them achieved any great feats. They left or died silently.

That was one hundred years ago.

So far back, but so close now...​

The world’s balance... has it been again upset? The earthquakes carving the ground, the storms tearing the sky asunder? It is as it was. But there is no star, no Xatu to give answers, no human to come and save them. There is no reason, no hero, no answer to the pleas of the lost. Rescue teams, once so out-of-fashion, are in high demand again, higher than ever before.

They have no legend to think of, no story to explain this. Only one hundred years ago. Only Ren, Kari, and Kaida – the lost.

Aspiring rescue groups have again formed. They seek the answers to the riddles, the solution to the grand problem. And it lies... in a legend they have heard recently: The Dragonair Legend.

“Once, there was a Dragonair. She and her mate lived in the mountains, near the Bleeding Mountain. They went into a cave, an inescapable dungeon, together but only one returned. She searched for help, but did not get her mate back. So she sat atop the Bleeding Mountain and stared at the dungeon, her tears flowing down from her pure purple eyes. And to this day, she stares at the cave, crying for her lost one. Her eyes have been dyed white by her tears, giving her sight... for more than any other.”

What will they do? Will the answer be found, or is it lost... lost like the heroes of Team Terralin or the Dragonair’s mate?

Seek the answers and you will find...


You will be taking control of an aspiring rescue team that wishes to find the answers to the questions. Not too advanced; all Pokémon need to be in their lowest stage unless they have baby (egg only) forms, then they can be second stage.

The rescue Team Terrallin is my team, so it’s as realistic as I could make it. They may have descendants; we don’t know. No legendary Pokémon can start on your team, but if you’re lucky... haha >:3 We'll see, won't we?

Moves shall be used Animé-style; that is, any move they can learn up to their current level of strength so be reasonable. I’ll hold you to that.

My special rules-
1) Follow all RPG Forum general rules, or katiekitten’s psycho Raikou (wtf, rhyme) will eat your fingers XD
2) Use good grammar and complete sentences. Absolutely no 1337 talk!
3) Post adequate length, though I understand an occasional short post.
4) Bunnying is allowed, but as long as it is IC and not extreme. Must have character player’s permission
5) Keep it simple. Don’t make missions last forever.
6) Godmodding = instant death.
7) I reserve the right to have you edit things if they do not fit with the plot.

So, here’s the form. Fill it out two or three times depending on the number of Pokémon on your Rescue team (like mine has three so I’ll do three forms). You cannot have more than three and should probably have two, a one-Pokémon team seems a tad oxymoronic, don't you think? XD

Name: (Cannot be Ren, Kari, or Kaida ty >>)
Maturity: (As age is not clear [like a Dragonair could be hundreds of years old while a Ninetales could be thousands but a Ratata, etc can only be about five], state how old you are in comparison to human maturity.)
Gender: (I don’t care if it’s genderless, make a guess!)
Species: (no D/P because we don’t have quite the info we need for this yet)

Rescue Team Name: (“Team so-and-so” and it’s the same for all of your characters.)
Team Rank: (Leader or Co-Leader for now; you may get others later depending on my insanity :x)

Description: (what’s different about you?)

Personality: (how do you act?)

History: (brief, no humans turned Pokémon. Be sure to list why they joined the team and what their goals for later are)

Other: (cannon fodder :D)

RPG Sample: (Optional. If I don’t trust your skills, I’ll ask for one. Doesn’t have to be from scratch)

I’ll only be taking a few members, so first come, first serve. Reservations will be given only with a VERY good RPG sample or if you’re my friend. So yeah.

My team, Team Phyre:

Name: Rikixe
Maturity: 15
Gender: Female
Species: Absol

Rescue Team Name: Team Phyre
Team Rank: Leader

Description: Rikixe is a very lean Absol with almost grayed fur. Her eyes blaze fiery red and shoot out daggers with their glance. Her claws are sharp and long; her scythe is the same. Her tail is almost bendable instead of the usual stiffness.

Personality: Rikixe is rather... cold, for lack of a better word. She is very quiet and gives off a chilly aura, something you could expect from an Absol. She often retorts to comments directed at her with very snappy or insulting words. Also, she has a bad habit of liking to scare others (poor Acarix XD). She normally will just sit or lie down and watch things happen in silence, because she doesn’t care about the affairs of others. She takes loss and other things rather hard, becoming depressed and maybe sitting still for days at a time because of it. Rikixe has an eye for the opposite sex, oddly enough. Despite her cold, wisecracking exterior, she can make a good friend, and when she does she will never leave their side. It is for this that she has suffered.

History: Rikixe was born in the Frosty Forest, far from town near Mount Freeze. Her mom was young, Rikixe her first child, but her dad was older, a wise gray creature with soft crimson eyes. They raised her in the forest, and she was always a shy, quiet creature. But she grew up well... until it was time for her to go. Her parents told her she was ready, and she was indeed. She stole away, running through the world until her pads turned red. She loved traveling.

But of course, she couldn’t just let that be it. She met a Houndoom in a scorched, ruined plain, and eventually “fell in love” (she was a bit young, so I’ll say “puppy love”) with him, the Houndoom named Frimino. They lived together for a good while before the natural disasters became overwhelming. It was then that a great fissure claimed Frimino’s life. Rikixe dove into the cavern it opened in hopes of saving him, but could not. He was gone.

Rikixe flopped down over his dead body and cried. She had never cried before. For a day she was there alone, over her best friend’s corpse, crying. Then an overzealous Growlithe by the name of Acarix stormed down into the cavern, looking for trouble, to be sure. Acarix found Rikixe and helped her back out of the cave. With a bit of sour gratitude to the Growlithe, Rikixe asked if maybe they wanted to form a rescue team. Acarix agreed with extreme happiness.

It was later, while they were doing an E-Rank mission that the pair came across a strange Seviper. She was very headstrong, but a good fighter and strategist. The Seviper, named Meteora, decided that she’d join up with Team Phyre because it sounded fun. And now the three are basically inseparable, but Rikixe does thing that the others are a little crazy (Okay not a little) and stays slightly detached.

Other: Rikixe fights with trickery, such as Faint Attacks and Double Teams, but is gifted with the Scratch/Slash attacks too. She just prefers to destroy minds over matters. :3

Name: Acarix
Maturity: 12
Gender: Female
Species: Growlithe

Rescue Team Name: Team Phyre
Team Rank: Co-Leader

Description: Acarix is orange – the kind of orange you find in a fire – with midnight black stripes. Her eyes are sparkly, bright green and always emulate hyperness or happiness. Her tail is exceptionally fluffy. Her underside is a cream color.

Personality: Acarix is as hyperactive as they come. She can often be found chasing her tail (to no avail, mind) or running back and forth repetitively. She talks very fast and is always smiling about something. However, she can get frustrated and will lash out. She’s a good fighter, especially in close combat, and has a heavy sense of morals. She is fun to be around, definitely amusing, and makes friends very easily. After all, it’s really hard to stay mad at someone like her! On the downside, Acarix does hold strong grudges for a while but will forgive them after enough time has passed. She also remembers things, lots of things... things she probably should just forget, Rikixe says. Oh, and she likes treasure/shiny objects.

History: Acarix lived a normal Growlithe life in the badlands with two Arcanine parents. They were incredibly proud of her, saying she’d be a great rescuer someday. And that’s how she found her way away from home: through a tunnel that seemed to have no end. She ended up in a different part of the scorched plains, the same place where Rikixe was currently living.

Later, she wandered into a newly opened cave to see what she could find (particularly in the way of treasure) and encountered an Absol laying over a Houndoom. Apparently, the Houndoom was dead. Acarix walked over to the Absol and consoled her, saying she didn’t need to stay down here. The Absol, Rikixe, agreed grudgingly and came out. After she realized how difficult that cave was to navigate, Acarix was glad she had helped Rikixe out. The Absol then, with a grumbling tone, asked if they could make a rescue team. “Graciously,” Acarix accepted.

It was later, in another dungeon, that they met the strategic Seviper, Meteora. Acarix immediately took a liking to the headstrong snake, mostly because she was pretty funny at times. When they rescue team became three, Acarix shared her “Co-Leader” position with Meteora happily. She loves her work more than anything in the world, other than sparkly red gems.

Other: Acarix liiiiiikes treasure :D Wait I already said that. Okay, she fights head-on and doesn’t even know how to give up. No special tactics, just run in and beat ‘em up. If it doesn’t work that way, fire is good. Besides, Acarix is a pyromaniac anyway. <3

Name: Meteora
Maturity: 13
Gender: Female
Species: Seviper

Rescue Team Name: Team Phyre
Team Rank: Co-Leader

Description: Meteora really looks like the Seviper in the Pokédex. The only notable difference is that she is slimmer and shorter, a dwarf of her species.

Personality: Meteora is very headstrong (oh wow, big shock) and likes to charge into things. She doesn’t normally think things through all the way, which is truly a shame because she’s an amazing strategist if she wants to be. Meteora hates to leave business unfinished; she must take care of it immediately. That’s why the team gets so many missions done and so few breaks. She is very stubborn and had a strong will, making it rare for her to fall to Dream Eater, Nightmare, or Hypnosis-style attacks. Her mind is tough to crack, even by Psychic Pokémon, which is odd for a Poison-type. Meteora is also very sneaky :3

History: Meteora was born in the plains, where she grew up in a very normal way for a Seviper. She liked to go on “missions” with her friends in the Tiny Woods or other forests/little caves just for the heck of it. Of course, this is the kind of thing that gets you stuck in a dungeon. >.> She did, one day, with a buddy of hers, a Nidoran female named Bubbles. They sent out a distress call and were rescued by Team Phyre.

Meteora was so happy to be rescued, she could have exploded right then and there. She didn’t, luckily, but asked Acarix and Rikixe if she could join. She said it sounded like a lot of fun, plus she wanted to help, plus they were a cool team. So the crazy Seviper named Meteora joined Team Phyre, extremely happy to do so.

Other: Meteora likes to poison things then beat the living crap out of them in any way necessary. Wrap, Tackle, and the occasional Bite fall into this category.

Cdra1617: Team Phyre (Rikixe, Acarix, Meteora)
InnerFlame: Team Cutie Pie (Tale, Honey)
Legendary Suicune Girl of Pokémon: Team Fire Storm (Kayla [Flare], Zach [Sparky])
Rayn: Team Sapphire (Reena, Riky)
PokemonBreederChris: Team Azure (Rura, Merigold)
Knightblazer: Team Usukairi (Lucied, Ifrit, Javas)
Psychic: Team ??? (?, ?, ?)
MerkelHog: Team ??? (?, ?, ?)
~Alexis Laistenna~: Team ??? (?, ?, ?)

Discussion Thread
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Fire and Ice Combo
Oooie, I didn't think you would be posting this so soon. May I please reserve a spot? I'm a friend I think and and pretty good RPer in my opinion. If not I try to post here later and I would be hurt(kidding).

If I start out with two characters how long would I have to wait until I get a third?
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*shifts eyes* I feel as if I don't sign uo it'll follow me forever, or until sign up's clossed. First a couple questions:

Do we all have different Teams?
Can I have a spot, if not I'll have my SU in a bit.


Really and truly
At first, I just wanted to read the summary and then just walk away.
But I can't. XD

Can I reserve a a Team? I just started playing Red Version, and I've become a bit obsessed, so I can't pass the RP without giving it a go first. XD

Just...to make sure: our two/three team members can be any first stage Pokémon, other than from the Fourth Generation?

...Fwee. Looks like it'll be a similar crowd from Scarred at the moment.



Not a Seadra
Woah XD I can't believe I didn't think this would attract attention. Sheesh.

InnerFlame: Sure, I'll hold you a place. If you have two to start, it really depends on what kind of plots I give you if you'll get another soon or late. o.o But you can recruit other Pokemon at different times, so you'll have three before you know it, most likely. *confuses self and everyone else*

Legendary Suicune Girl of Pokémon: I SUCK PEOPLE IN. XD Reserved. And yes, everyone controls a different team.

Psychic: o.o I realllly suck people in. Reserved, and yes, that's correct. And it's hard not to get obsessed XD I got Blue and started getting obsessed fast.

And it is the same people from Scarred o_O Stalkers. XD

EDIT: matrixofpokemon, I can't reserve for you because I don't know you. Give me an RPG sample if you want to reserve, or just submit a form and hope for the best.

Cdra1617: Team ??? (?, ?, ?) RESERVE
InnerFlame: Team ??? (?, ?, ?) RESERVE
Legendary Suicune Girl of Pokémon: Team ??? (?, ?, ?) RESERVE
Psychic: Team ??? (?, ?, ?) RESERVE


Metallic fighter
mind reserving me a spot as well cdra. And I promise to actually post in this or you can hang me up by my toes and beat me with a baseballbat :D.


Not a Seadra
MerkelHog: Sure thing. And XD I'll make sure you keep that promise. *brandishes fork o' death*

Cdra1617: Team ??? (?, ?, ?) RESERVE
InnerFlame: Team ??? (?, ?, ?) RESERVE
Legendary Suicune Girl of Pokémon: Team ??? (?, ?, ?) RESERVE
Psychic: Team ??? (?, ?, ?) RESERVE
MerkelHog: Team ??? (?, ?, ?) RESERVE


#1 Weavile Fan!
Reserve a spot for me!

~Alexis Laistenna~

&lt;Aren't I cute?
Can I reserve? I love cdra works of art.


Not a Seadra
Reservations will be given only with a VERY good RPG sample or if you’re my friend.
No; I don't know you. Send in a good sample or just submit your forms.


~Alexis Laistenna~: Haha XD

Works of art? Hardly XD Reserved.

NOTE: I'll only be taking one or two more members, so if you want to join please submit your forms or a good sample RP! Unless I know you. :3

Cdra1617: Team ??? (?, ?, ?)
InnerFlame: Team ??? (?, ?, ?)
Legendary Suicune Girl of Pokémon: Team ??? (?, ?, ?)
Psychic: Team ??? (?, ?, ?)
MerkelHog: Team ??? (?, ?, ?)
~Alexis Laistenna~: Team ??? (?, ?, ?)


UnlimitedBlade Works
Finally, I have been debating to reserve a spot, or joining, just reading the summary over and over again, and I have finally decided:

"I, PokemonBreederChris! Ace Breeder, shall here by, ask for a reservation to a spot withing the sacred boundaries of this divine RPG! Tis the day, when I shall complete my Sign up, I shall hopefully be accepted into the greatness this Owner's creation creates."

May I reserve a spot please? I will get it done when I am finished with a LONG essay I am doing, I like to procrastinate......


Name: Kayla (Also known as Flare)
Maturity: 15
Gender: Female
Species: Charmander

Rescue Team Name: Team Fire Storm
Team Rank: Leader

Description: Nothing but the red Team Fire Storm Bandanna.

Personality: Kayla is brave and very loyal, a born leader. Kayla is very kind but has one heck of a temper, it's advised you don't light her fuse. She isn't afraid of anything, not even water. Kayla is very stubborn and impatient making her a little unpleasent at times. Kayla has a soft side though, and takes pity on anyone easily.

History: Kayla lived with her mother, a large pure white Charizard with a ice blue flame, for her father had died long ago. Her father was famous for being on the gold ranked Team Red but died soon after Rescue Teams weren't needed. She had only seen her father once, a couple days after she waas born. For the most of her life Kayla lived a normal Charmander life. Everyone called her Flare though, because of her flaring personality. One day when she went out with her friend Zack, a Pikachu, there was a great earth quake and her mother parished when a large boulder fell on her. Kayla asked Zack if he wanted to start a rescue team with her, so no one would lose a family member again.

Other: Hmm nope.

Name: Zack (Also known as Sparkey)
Maturity: 14
Gender: Male
Species: Pikachu

Rescue Team Name: Team Fire Storm
Team Rank: Co-Leader

Description: Nothing but the yellow Team Fire Storm Bandanna

Personality: Zack is your happy go ucky kind of guy. He is always chearful and has a good thing to say. Zack is one to take things a little to far though like a prank or joke. Zack does though sometimes be serious, but very rarely. Just like Kayla though, Zack is very stubborn. He doesn't get mad easily but even then he isn't one to hold a grudge.

History: Zack was abandoned by his mom and dad as a Pichu. He soon met Kayla after Shocking her by accident. She was angery him for shocking her but took pity on him after he told her his story. Zack and Kayla became friends fast, and he evolved into a Pikachu. About a month after that the earth quake happened and Kayla asked if he wanted to start a rescue teamt with her. He accepted with a smile.

Other: Nothing.

Well there it is. *hopes for the best*
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Fire and Ice Combo
I wanted to be the first one to post... *weep until she really what post# Suicune is...* Your the unlucky 13 post I guess it okay I didn't post before you. :p

Name: Tale
Maturity: 12
Gender: Female
Species: Vulpix

Rescue Team Name: Team Cutie Pie
Team Rank: Leader

Description: Tale's curls aren't very curly is the only thing that set her part from other Vulpix.

Personality: Tale is actually a kind and caring though it can often be mistaken by her sarcastic comments. This fox is all but girly and doesn't worry much about her appearance. She like to be in charge of things, the leader despise the fact she doesn't like to act all leader-like. Childish kid is one way she can be describe and her antics often get other busting into laughter... or at least her friends. Seriousness is one trait she doesn't show too well, but she knows when it's time to be serious. When in a battle she is very sly and bold, using tricky moves to get her opponent to lower then guard and never backs down. One of her worst trait is her anger..... When she get mad it like venom to the ears. Her constant barks of insults are harsh and more horribly painful than flame could inflict. After her furious habit fades she often apologize for what she had said due to guilt that make her feel like a bad person. Under and only under extreme pain of sorrow will Tale ever show sadness. She the kind of person who tries to keep the depress part of herself hidden.

History: Tale never knew her real parents and nobody seems to know who they are either. She grew up in a pack of Houndour and Houndoom, where she picked up many different things including her fighting techniques and her inferno rage. Though she probably as mature as a young kid she was at the age when she had to leave the nest or in this case the cave and take life in her own hands. She eventually met a Skitty called, Honey, and they become quick friend and best friend in no time.

Other: Her curls are sometime curled but doesn't stay that what for very long. Uses attract to distract those of the opposite gender.

Name: Honey
Maturity: 12
Gender: Female
Species: Skitty

Rescue Team Name: Team Cutie Pie
Team Rank: Co-Leader

Description: Honey is bigger than the average Skitty and is more muscular also a much darker hot pink.

Personality: Honey is as sweet and her name. She always trying to help other in trouble even if it happens to be someone she doesn't like. One thing she tries not to do is hurt other feelings, and constantly will try to put things nicely if possible. Honesty is one of her best traits, you can trust her to tell the truth most of the time. She's not the type that is overly obsessed with appearance but she will fix it if she has the time to. There is a balance mixed of girly and tomboyish, for example getting dirty doesn't really bother her but she's willing to clean herself. She is very childish, wanting to play around all the time and doesn't always knows when it's time to be serious. She got the giggles really bad will burst into laughter at the most random things even if they are not funny to most. Being a Skitty she has a natural curiosity that make it difficult to ignore something that unknown to her. There are certain times when Honey will become extremely depress and will isolate herself from others. Around this moment it best to just leave her be. Such a rarely seen emotion for this cat is anger; but once it appears it is fierce and most will likely be more surprise to receive such angry words of such a happy, giggly kitty.

History: Honey was born and raise with both of her parents and her siblings, though she was always the runt of the litter. Smaller and darker shaded she felt out of place and other like to tease her. She didn't let that get her down she actually use that as reason to work harder to get stronger. Going out in the woods and training everyday she increase her strength and she even grew taller. It got to the point when almost everyone admire her because of her determination to grow more powerful. But there were still some hater that tried to bring her down though their effort was futile. Eventually she and a Vulpix named, Tale, met up and became close friends.

Other: Skitty is really strong and she good at tidying up one's appearance like Tale for example. Like Tale uses attract attack to distract opposite gender but also have some others tricks up her sleeves.

I don't think I have every written so much for personality before... I guess because I have little description I made it up with personality :D. I thinking about making a third character because as you can see both of the characters I created aren't very serious so I going need one serious one to keep them in check. Though I'm not sure if it will be male or female and what specie so I will have to wait until I make or gain a third member.


Not a Seadra
PokemonBreederChris: Sorry dude, don't know you. However, I procrastinate too XD It's amazing I got my form up today. But please apply, I think you can make it. That or give me a sample from some other RPG...

Legendary Suicune Girl of Pokémon: I have only one question. Are they really the maturity levels of a 5 and 4 year old? I find that a little hard to believe, personally... but meh, Accepted.

InnerFlame: Accepted :p We'll discuss a third later.

WOOT. I got my characters posted :D First post, first post.

Cdra1617: Team Phyre (Rikixe, Acarix, Meteora)
InnerFlame: Team Cutie Pie (Tale, Honey)
Legendary Suicune Girl of Pokémon: Team Fire Storm (Kayla [Flare], Zach [Sparky])
Psychic: Team ??? (?, ?, ?)
MerkelHog: Team ??? (?, ?, ?)
~Alexis Laistenna~: Team ??? (?, ?, ?)


Rescue Team Name: Team KJH
Maturity: Human Compred: 13 Level 9
Species: Squirtle
Name: Aqua
Team Rank: Leader

Description: Aqua painted her shell with signitures of people she and her team saved.

Personality: Aqua is very kind and loves saving people. She's really nice, and brave. She won't give up and she speeks her mind.

History: She Started a rescue team after she had heard stories of 100 years ago.

Name: Ember
Maturity: Human Compred: 12 Level 10
Species: Vulpix

Team Rank: Co-leader

Description: Nothing, besides being a more of a browner color than red.

Personality: Ember is really shy. She's quite a wimp and is why she's not leader. She hides behind Aqua most of the time. She doesn't fight that much, but carries around the items.

History: Joined the team after her friend Vapor had fallen down a chasm. As a client she chose to watch Aqua and Trench save her friend who now stays in town and provides her with news she misses on missions.

Maturity: Human Compred:13 Level 11
Species: Trench
Name: Trapinch
Team Rank: 3rd in command

Description:Trench is usually covered in sand.

Personality: Trench is very crazy and does most of the battling for the team. She isn't leader because she can't handle talking to clients without her mind straying. She is wild and will do almost anything.

History:She joined the team to be able to help out in crazy situations. She joined KJH because there had only been one person, so she thought her strength would raise their team to glory!!!!

Edited it!! I didn't know what to call my third member so I called her 3rd in command.
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my forms are:
team Go-Getters
maturity:8 1vl.16
team rank:the leader

description:kyla is a greenish-pinkish color(sort of)
personality:kyla is very fast but can't do anything fast enough
history:she started the team when she got the game

maturity:lvl.17 8 yrs.old
rank: partner

description:she is red and furry
personality: she is kind of sassy
history:she saw me when i first woke up
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The Shiny Espeon!
Well, this is my sign-up. I put a RPG sample 'cuz you probally don't trust me. I hope you like it. =D

Name: Reena
Maturity: Around 12-13
Gender: Female
Species: Eevee
Rescue Team Name: Team Sapphire
Team Rank: Leader

Description: Reena is pretty much a regular Eevee; she wears a blue bandana to show what team she is on.

Personality: Reena is nice and caring Pokemon who will try to help everybody, even if the Pokemon in question is trying to beat the living snot out of her. She is a bit naive, so she thinks that the peaceful way will solve everything. Reena usually doesn’t get mad with others, but hates to see suffering. When she does see it tough, she will try to stop the suffering anyway she can.

History: Reena lived a normal life, and when it was time to go, she went out of the house and on to look for a job of some sort. When the first calamity came, she tried to get a mission of some sort and couldn’t get one by herself. That’s when she met Riky, who had the same problem too. The first mission they got was to get a lucky blue bandana that their employer lost, and in return, they got blue bandanas too.

Other: Reena prefers not to fight, but if it can’t be avoided, she will use Tackle and Quick Attack to try to KO the Pokemon as fast as she can so they won’t suffer.

Name: Riky
Maturity: 12-13
Gender: Male
Species: Totodile
Rescue Team Name: Team Sapphire
Team Rank: Co-Leader

Description: Riky is a little bigger than most Totodiles, and wears his blue bandana with pride.

Personality: Riky is the class clown of Team Sapphire. He always makes jokes and pranks, but they never hurt anyone’s feelings. Riky is a hyper Pokemon, like most Totodiles are, but sometimes it can get out of hand. He likes to fight Pokemon head-on because he knows that the peaceful way of solving things doesn’t really help in a dungeon.

History: Riky’s parents were very serious Feralitgatr, so he felt like he had to be funny to get everyone happy. His parents didn’t like his behavior, and they kicked him out of the house a few months before his brothers and sisters. That didn’t stop him from being funny though, but when the first calamity came, he decided to try to get a job. He couldn’t by himself and you should know the rest.

Other: Riky likes to use Water gun and Bite. His philosophy of fighting is almost the opposite of Reena, but he won’t hurt an innocent Pokemon or make them suffer.

RPG Sample: Reena woke up and stretched. The sun was just rising on the horizon. She looked around her base. The maps where still on the wall and all of her belongings where in place. Everything was in good order, so that meant nothing bad had happened in the night. She walked out to the mailbox. It was empty.

Hmm… Reena thought. I’m usually not up so early I beat the mail! I think I’ll just go to Riky’s house and wake him up.

She searched the mailbox one more time, and then she trotted over Riky’s house. It was small but it had some good quirks that Reena really liked. Reena let herself in and whispered, “Hey Riky, wake up.”

Riky sat up and opened his eyes. He yawned and tried to stand up but he fell back down.

“Ugg…what time is it?” Riky asked in a groggy tone.

“Before sunrise,” Reena answered.

“Is the mail even here?” He grumbled.

“No…that’s why I came here to wake you up,” Reena replied.

Riky glared at her and stretched. Ugg…Girls. He thought to himself. I don’t think I will ever get what’s going on in their heads.
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Not a Seadra
Knightblazer: I trust you, because I've seen you RP before. (Zodiac, remember Mari?) Reserved.

ashes: A few things. You can only have 2-3 Members. Please put your members in order of rank (plus there's no "member" rank for now); it makes it easier to read for me. ._. And finally, you histories and some of your personalities are too short. Oh, and we don't need levels in this RPG =D

Make some edits, please.

Purplepassion: Denied. One, looks like your leader was a human.
History: (brief, no humans turned Pokémon. Be sure to list why they joined the team and what their goals for later are)
Two, there is no personality, decription (one *complete* sentance would do, but I don't even see that ._.), or history.

I don't think you can pull off all the edits I need, but you can try.

Rayn: You seem to know what you're doing, but your sample is a bit... off. As long as you can use proper paragraphing and maybe just a little more description in the RPG, Accepted.

NOTE: I will not be taking any new members now (six is much more than I expected o.o). If you were making a form already (before I closed SUs) then PM me your form. If you were told to edit, you have until the RPG starts. This RPG will start when all reserved members have posted their forms.

Cdra1617: Team Phyre (Rikixe, Acarix, Meteora)
InnerFlame: Team Cutie Pie (Tale, Honey)
Legendary Suicune Girl of Pokémon: Team Fire Storm (Kayla [Flare], Zach [Sparky])
Rayn: Team Sapphire (Reena, Riky)
Psychic: Team ??? (?, ?, ?)
MerkelHog: Team ??? (?, ?, ?)
~Alexis Laistenna~: Team ??? (?, ?, ?)
Knightblazer: Team ??? (?, ?, ?)
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