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Winter can't come soon enough
Chapter 97: Fiery Vortex

I want to leave a record of this somewhere. Yes, POV-2020 is under quarantine, and no one's supposed to be interacting with it. But every time I pass it by I sense something distinctly off. I've probed that universe as best as I could without disturbing the seal. And I continue to find a specific blighted soul. A shadow pokémon, if I had to guess. Their heart is closed off so tightly.

Well, I finally made a bit of progress last time. The soul responded. He's a silvally, but a helmet was forced onto him. I think the person that shadowed him is responsible. His memories are... a bit jumbled. I'm not really sure what to do.

But the strange thing... something about him was familiar. It was the same... irritation of my light Bahamut gave me before he attacked me.


Demerzel's message came through Shimmer's gemcom. The ponytales cursed his luck. After going out of his way to bug Gene and get a bunch of pirates to agree to cause problems in Herbrides to make his mother look bad, now was when Demerzel decided to call out for him? He hadn't heard anything from Demerzel since Tulpise.

But Shimmer knew that Demerzel also had an interest in getting rid of the parasite that was, apparently, Queen Isola. Even if his interest lay in the Red Chain fragment that everyone was confident Isola had. It was partly why Demerzel was trying to use Shimmer.

... Well, that and the fact that Paradox was apparently holding some partner of his as a captive and blackmailing him into working against Isola. Though Shimmer imagined the Red Chain fragment was a far stronger motivator. Since, presumably, he could rescue his partner with it.

Still, if Demerzel was calling, then perhaps that meant he knew Shimmer's mother was up to something. And Shimmer couldn't bear not knowing what that was. So, he snuck out of the mall and slinked off to the outskirts of Herbrides, where he waited for the calyrex to appear. And waited. And waited.

Even when some sort of invisible enemy appeared within Herbrides' skies and began blasting some of the buildings and spawning pokémon, Shimmer stayed put. The pirates hadn't mentioned cloaking technology, which made him nervous. But as much as Shimmer wanted to run back into the city, he didn't want Demerzel getting involved in any of this. Shimmer had to trust what the resistance was doing. And hope they didn't hold this against him.

Demerzel eventually showed up to teleport Shimmer to the same warehouse where he'd activated the genesect several weeks ago. They were even lined up in neat rows like before.

There were fewer genesect than last time, with many scrapped fighting against the empire. And Arianna was walking through them, eyes glowing blue. Was she doing some psychic scan on them? Did that stuff even matter when they were machines?

"You've certainly been busy." Demerzel sat atop a metal railing. He crossed one long leg over another. If that was meant to be an accusation, Demerzel kept his tone worryingly soft. "I've been trying to reach you since last night."

"Sorry." Shimmer pawed at the metal ground with an icy forehoof. He'd already rehearsed an excuse for this very occasion. "I've been keeping tabs on this so-called resistance Aeon's royals are working with. They're fighting the Eterna Empire from within."

"Oh?" Demerzel rested a paw under his chin. "Is that a fact?" He looked right, where the breaker circuit that turned the genesect on was bolted to the wall. "Perhaps that's why the emperor has been so antsy as of late."

Given Shimmer had eavesdropped on one of Paradox's goons blackmailing Demerzel, he could hazard a guess what the calyrex meant. "I take it Minister Charles paid you a visit recently?" Shimmer said.

Demerzel nodded. "Said that I need to do something to move things along right away. Strike at the heart of the kingdom since Dazzels is too far from any distortion pockets the empire can access."

Arianna froze with her right arm hovering over one of the genesect. "They're telling you to attack Dazzels?"

"Indeed." Demerzel pushed himself off the railing. "But I had already planted the seeds for such an occasion long before Charles' threat."

"What?!" Arianna's glasses went askew. She glanced at Shimmer.

"I'm with her." Shimmer nodded at the gardevoir. "Of course you should—"

"It can't be stopped," Demerzel cut in, expression stern.

Whinnying, Shimmer's tails frazzled. "The heck's that supposed to mean?!"

"A very important prisoner got hold of a very unstable power and is about to make a break for it," Demerzel said. He glanced up at the black ceiling. "Well, if my calculations are correct, anyway."

Shimmer did his best to avoid his shocked expression changing to one of suspicion. They'd paid a visit to someone fitting that description the other month: Vortex. Shimmer had been escorting Vegna out of the prison and ended up leaving Demerzel alone with the charizard. Between that and Demerzel's tone, he was clearly implying he'd given out the unstable power.

"That's illogical." Arianna resumed walking between genesect units. She tapped each one she passed on its head and her eyes flickered blue. "One prisoner cannot possibly cause problems for the whole capital city."

"Be that as it may, this is a golden opportunity for you, Your Grace." Demerzel turned to Shimmer. Was he smirking? This was nothing to smirk about! "The chance to sway the public's favor over to you and away from your mothers. Put them in a bind, so to speak."

He hovered toward the breaker switch in the corner of the room. "Public opinion is already on shaky ground with your mothers. First they didn't step in with Venish. Then they went and assigned Seifer's relatives to lead the Radiant Guard."

The calyrex shook his head. "Relatives who've been seen vacationing in Herbrides for most of their tenure."

Shimmer's tails nearly puffed out. Did that mean the Radiant Guard's new leaders were in Herbrides?

... No, no. He couldn't think about that. Focus!

Instead, Shimmer went with, "And? I completely botched things in Tulpise." The memories of Melmetal breaking apart and that awful robot silvally staring him down rushed back into Shimmer's mind.

"You got people evacuated safely," Demerzel countered, pointing a nubby paw at Shimmer. "And now you have a chance to save Dazzels from a threat while your mothers sit on their rumps, ignoring the plights of the people."

Shimmer looked between Demerzel and all the rows of genesect. "Using them?" He pointed his horn left.

"Indeed." Demerzel clapped his hands.

Nothing happened at first. The calyrex cleared his throat. "Arianna?"

"Right." The gardevoir nudged her glasses up. Shimmer watched the strange, spiral-shaped pairing device he used for Melmetal float toward him. Arianna fixed it around his horn with her telekinesis. "There we are."

"Good." Demerzel opened the breaker panel and flipped the switches. Row by row, the genesect's red eyes lit up. They all stood at attention.

"Of course, you'll have backup," Demerzel continued, shutting the breaker panel.

"You and Arianna again?" Shimmer kept his gaze on the genesect. Should he test that the control device worked on them?

"More than that." The calyrex's neck beads glowed pink, along with his eyes. "Go on. His Grace can hear you."

"Shimmer's there?"

The ponytales' tails poofed out in surprise. "That voice... Reno?!"

"You bet. And I've got Rufus and Vincent here, too." Reno laughed. "Not really sure why D-man's roping us into this. Guess he watched our crowning good performance in last year's Crowne Cup and thought we could help fight off whatever bad stuff's about to go down."

Shimmer took a steady breath. He hadn't seen the cinderace in a couple of months. Not since his mother ended the academic year and shuttered all the schools in the kingdom. He glanced at Demerzel. "Why them?"

"You need people you can trust helping you out." Demerzel shrugged. "It's clear to me you have... reservations about my conduct and character."

He was right. But still... Team Striker were athletes. "You guys are okay with this?" Shimmer asked. "I know your training to join the pro baccer circuit's pretty hard, but it's kind of apples and oranges, don't you think?"

"I expressed those concerns to Mr. Demerzel," Vincent said. Shimmer recognized the inteleon's "I'm three steps ahead of you" tone. "We're to assist with any Phantoms that may appear and direct people toward city exits in case they have to evacuate."

Shimmer supposed evacuation assistance was more reasonable.

"You've gotta be agile for stuff like that," Rufus added. "Right up our all— holy ****!"

"What?" Panicking, Shimmer looked at Demerzel. "What is it?"

"Dudes, did you see that giant flaming pillar?!" Rufus said.

"Yeah! Looks like it was coming from over by the prison." Reno's voice trembled a bit.

"... Just like Mr. Demerzel predicted," Vincent muttered.

Shimmer's heart thundered in his chest. What had Demerzel pulled him into? What was this power he'd given Vortex?!

"It's time." Demerzel folded his hands behind his back. "Mobilize your genesect. I'll get you to an attacking point."

"A-All of us?" Shimmer pivoted left. The genesect still stood at attention. How was one calyrex possibly going to teleport all of—

Wait, what was Shimmer thinking? It was Demerzel that got all the civilians out of Tulpise. He clearly had immense psychic power. Was that normal for calyrex... or was something helping him out?

"Okay, yeah! People are panicking!" Reno said. His voice was shaky. Demerzel must not have given Team Striker all the details. "W-We got this, guys! It's the fourth quarter and we're down by three..."

"Your Grace." Demerzel blipped over to Shimmer's side. "We have to go. Activate the genesect."

Shimmer concentrated on his horn. Like with Melmetal back in Tulpise, the ponytales projected a thought.

Standby for battle.

The genesect's cannons whirred to life. Demerzel nodded. Then the room disappeared in a blinding blue flash.


Demerzel dropped Shimmer and his genesect off on a stretch of tarmac a few hundred meters from the razor wire-topped metal walls surrounding the Dazzels Penitentiary.

... Walls that the building-sized charizard walking away from Shimmer had melted into liquid metal.

"Where is she?"

This was the power Demerzel had given Vortex? But this was... this was like some of the Paradigm members or Whispers that Yuna and her friends talked about! Why could Demerzel do this?

Shimmer could scarcely stop his legs from trembling. Oh, why hadn't he stayed with Igneous in Herbrides?

"Your Grace, what are you doing?" Demerzel forced a small radio communicator on Shimmer's ear. "You have to stop him!"

The ground shook again. Shimmer couldn't stand there quivering in fright. Vortex was heading toward the city!

"Right." Shimmer pointed his horn at the genesect flanking him.

Their electronic eyes flashed and their cannons hummed on their backs. The genesect rocketed into the air in groups of two or three.

"Where's Isola?" Vortex snarled. He flapped his wings, which failed to lift him into the air. Shimmer wasn't sure his wings even functioned anymore because they were literally made of fire.

The ponytales cautiously galloped after the genesect. Fire wouldn't mix well with the icy powers Demerzel had given him. But the genesect had ways to change the type of blasts they shot from their cannons, didn't they?

Use water! Shimmer projected the order through his horn. He caught flashes of blue in the air. The genesect circled Vortex. Large water globs peppered the gigantic charizard. Vortex threw his arms up, hissing. Steam filled the air.

Shimmer stopped running. Keep it up! Make sure you stay in flight! He hoped that would be enough for the genesect.

Snarling, Vortex swatted at the air. "No. I won't... be pushed around. I won't... let little insects stop me!" He inhaled, then spewed a huge wave of fire. It bathed the dusty ground far ahead of Shimmer in red and orange. A few genesect were caught up in the blast and burnt to ashes.

And the fire kept going and going. Flames carried off into the distance. Toward the city!

It was too far for Shimmer to hear anything, but he could see flames buffeting some of the buildings. The air in the distance became thick and hazy with smoke.

"Guys, talk to me!" Shimmer said. He really hoped the radio worked with Team Striker.

"I think some warehouses on the outskirts of the city just got hit with fire!" Reno said. "What's going on, Your Grace?!"

Vortex continued forward, spinning his massive body around. His flaming wings and outstretched arms clipped some of the genesect, knocking them from the air.

"A giant charizard!" Shimmer galloped forward again. He'd left the tarmac behind for the dusty ground Vortex was walking along. Though the ponytales took care to keep away from the molten, bubbling spots Vortex had walked on.

"Giant... wait, is that Vortex?" Vincent caught on quick. "PNN's been giving almost daily updates on him. They said he'd fallen ill! Is he a Phantom now?"

Shimmer was about to answer when he caught a flaming, scrapped genesect careening toward him. The ponytales flung it behind him with a telekinetic burst, stumbling and whinnying when the ensuing explosion's hot air grazed his tails.

"Something like that!" He sent another order to keep firing to the genesect. More steam filled the air to his left. Vortex hadn't stopped walking, though. His quaking steps forced Shimmer to stop running.

"Do you know who I am?" Vortex snarled at the genesect circling around him. "I'm the one who deserves to run this kingdom. Not Isola. Me! Me, me, me, me!"

Vortex's roar jolted Shimmer, who stumbled and faceplanted in the dirt. Fierce winds disheveled his tails and icy mane. When Shimmer scrambled back to his feet, he saw several genesect lying in shattered remains in the scorched, almost glassy dirt to his left. The buildings in the distance crumbled, waves of dirt spilled out toward the desert.

All the while, the titanic charizard continued forward. The remaining genesect kept shooting water globs, but they were evaporating into steam before they could even hit Vortex.

Shimmer stood there, heart pounding in his chest. Images of Melmetal's crumbling form superimposed themselves over Vortex.

He couldn't do anything. Shimmer was failing. Just like in Tulpise. Just like always.

"Out of my way!" Vortex uselessly flapped his flaming wings, then took another lumbering step forward, leaving blazing dust in his wake. "Where's Isola? I'll kill her! Burn her to ashes! Then the kingdom will see me for the savior I really am!"

Shimmer shrank away from the bubbling footprints in the sand. "I can't..." His tails curled up against his legs. Most of the genesect were gone. Smoldering metallic scraps littered the sandy ground. "It's not working. He's too—"

Blue lightning filled the air around Vortex. Then a bright blue ball slammed into his snout. Shimmer watched it scrunch up from the impact. Molten saliva melted the remaining genesect and splattered on the ground around the giant charizard. Shimmer's ears folded from the awful sizzling that rang in them.

"Good grief! I always knew this guy was full of hot hair, but this is ridiculous! Ain't that right, V?"

Shimmer's eyes widened. He recognized that stupid voice! The ponytales scanned the air— yep, Griffon was circling around a dusknoir who floated in place directly in Vortex's path.

But Shimmer had no idea what was up with the giant black dragon hovering between Vegna and Vortex. It had to be the source of the blue lightning, though. Its tail was a freaking turbine!

... And come to think of it, wasn't there a lingering static charge when Vegna saved Shimmer back in Venish? Was Vegna the source of this dragon? What the hell was going on here?!

"You!" More fiery slobber dribbled from Vortex's broken muzzle. He shuffled forward, kicking up ashen plumes. "Isola lapdog!"

Vegna lazily shook his head. "They stripped him to his little shirt and bound him in an iron chain. And burned him in a holy place where many had been burned before."

Vortex's response was to spew a giant Flamethrower. Vegna thrust his right arm forward. The black dragon discharged tremendous bolts of blue lightning. And they actually kept Vortex's flames from advancing on Dazzels' outskirts like before!

"Always the fool rushing to conclusions." Vegna kept his right arm extended. "When did I ever say I was on Isola's side? If anyone's the puppet in this little theater production, it's you."

Shimmer's tails curled up. What was Vegna implying? Did he know about the corrupted power Demerzel had given Vortex? No, surely he would've told the resistance about that. Maybe he was theorizing on the spot?

The massive charizard growled and snapped at the air with his maw. "I'm no one's puppet! I own this kingdom! It's all me!"

Shimmer had stood around long enough. Swallowing hard, he galloped closer to the battle. Though the ponytales hesitated when he spotted blurs in the air out of the corner of his eye. Were those... other flying-types? They were keeping their distance, unlike Vegna.

Don't tell me... the press is here?

Another collision of fire and lightning sent Shimmer scrambling to his right with a frightened whinny."

"Yo, V! Peep the ground! It's Dimmer!" Griffon cawed. The corviknight still circled around Vegna, but kept his gaze trained on Shimmer.

Even if the press was here, Shimmer had to say something. Especially now that Vortex was following Griffon's gaze.

"I know you're upset!" Shimmer shouted, flinching when his voice cracked. "But we know there's something wrong with my mother! It's— she's some sort of parasite!"

From up in the air, Vegna's eye crackled with red energy. He thrust his right arm to the side. Blue lightning gathered around the blue dragon, who charged toward Vortex. The giant charizard spewed titanic flames from his mouth, pushing the dragon back until Vegna forced them to retreat.

"What?" Vortex again looked at Shimmer. The ponytales backed away. Vortex was going to burn him alive!

"You were right!" Shimmer said. He didn't have time to stop and consider his words. "I looked into the things you said and you were right! There's a... terrible pattern of behavior in my family! And it only makes sense... if there's a parasite who's moving from generation to generation!

"A parasite... who'll come for me next!"

Vegna gave another signal. The black dragon charged forward. Vortex was too slow to react this time. The dragon slammed into the left side of Vortex's head. It whipped left. Roaring in pain, Vortex wobbled. His giant legs made it hard to regain his balance.

That was when Shimmer saw an orange gleam in the distance. "Behind you, Vegna!" he cried.

The dusknoir drifted away from Shimmer seconds before an orange beam swept across the ground, kicking up huge plumes of dust and debris. An unexpected shockwave upended Shimmer and sent him skidding through the dirt. Even once the ponytales had rolled to a stop, his world wouldn't stop spinning. He couldn't get back to his feet without falling over and nearly throwing up.

But that was fine. Even if he'd gone and screwed things up, backup had arrived. The other resistance members could take over. They were stronger. They'd actually beaten Whispers. All Shimmer would do is get in their way.

He remained on the ground, head meekly buried under his forelegs. If the others could bail him out of this, then Shimmer was done with Demerzel. No more sticking his neck out and screwing anything up for everyone else.


The moment Noctum handed Seifer off to the healers, he learned about the threat in Dazzels. It was a place he hadn't been before, so the cosmic charizard couldn't just open a rift and go there.

Fortunately, Vegna was around and had, through considerable strain, forced open a golden portal. Noctum went through the rift with Jade and Valkyrie in tow. Vegna was nowhere to be found on the other side, but there were people flooding the streets, fleeing from burning buildings. The flames were spreading rapidly.

They had to try something to contain the fires.

"Jade, can you help put these out?" Noctum wondered. His own attacks wouldn't help whatsoever.

"Huh? You know air just spreads fire around, right?" Jade flapped her wings in place, looking around nervously.

"Not wind, dumbass." Valkyrie jabbed Jade's back with her elbow. "Water! Lugia have water, right?"

"Ow! Hey! That's a sensitive spot!" Jade's tail flaps curled. Pink gas drifted behind her. "And I dunno! I haven't used water moves since I woke up."

"No time like the present then." The garchomp climbed up Jade's back and forcefully pointed her head down. A building of mostly glass shattered as its foundations ignited. "Do it!"

The salugia's eyes twitched. Valkyrie's jerking of her neck made her stiffen. "Agh, no, wait! Not like that! Not liiiiiiaaaaayyiii—"

Orange energy was building up in Jade's mouth. That wasn't any water attack, though. It was Jade's Aeroblast! She couldn't fire that into the city!

"Valkyrie, turn her head right!" Noctum pointed ahead of him, toward the dusty plains and the giant charizard in the distance.

Grunting, Valkyrie dug her arms into Jade's neck. Jade twisted right, then fired the Aeroblast. It swept along the ground, leveling a warehouse that the flames had spared. Then it continued outside the city.

"Stay here and deal with the flames," Noctum said, flying after the Aeroblast and ignoring Valkyrie's protests. He flew through a wall of dust. The air got thicker and warmer. It blurred and warped all around him. Just how intense was this heat? Was this all the giant charizard's doing?

Well, whoever this charizard was, they needed to be—

A sudden gust of hot wind dispelled the dirt in the air. Noctum got a good look at the giant charizard's white belly... and the candelabra-shaped crystal wedged into his chest.

It was just like how Yuna described Whispers who were using the power of Leo's plates!

Like when fighting Halvus, Noctum's gut burned. The plate didn't belong to this charizard. It belonged to Leo!

Noctum flew right. The big charizard was occupied with Vegna and Zekrom. Blue-violet light swirled around Noctum's arms. He didn't know why he could do this. But he was following his gut.

The cosmic charizard swiped the air in front of him. Crescents of brilliant blue energy raced forward. They hit the giant charizard's left shoulder, warping everything around them. Cracks and lines filled the air as Charizard roared.

Noctum stiffened. The energy dissolved from his arms. His tail flame shrank.

That voice... Vortex?!

Red and black static rippled out from the crystal in Vortex's belly. Almost like the corrupted plate was reacting to Noctum's presence.

Wait, was a mystery dungeon about to form?

"It's not fair!" Vortex snarled.

Yelping, Noctum flew up. A dragon-shaped torrent of fire passed underneath him.

"Why do you get to have it? That power... and dragon typing!" There was a wild look in Vortex's eyes. Flames swirled around his giant nostrils. "You're a hick! A troglodyte!"

A fiery twister erupted all around Vortex. Noctum flew further back. Vegna and Zekrom also had to put some distance in the opposite direction.

"You know what I had? Nothing!" The flames wouldn't dissipate. It was hard to even see the giant charizard behind his wall of fire. Was the ground turning to glass around Vortex? "Parents in dead end, blue collar jobs. A disease that left me without fire. Without any moves!

"And you know what I did? I clawed my way up from the bottom!"
Vortex's fiery dome spewed flaming pillars in all directions. Noctum dove down to dodge one, then strafed left to avoid another. "I didn't grovel or kowtow to any royals! I earned my keep and my respect! I'm a self-made 'mon! I'm everything you're not, you worthless, lowly servant!"

Noctum's head rang.

Time floating opposite him. Shouting about how much better they were.

Gasping, Noctum corkscrewed right, avoiding another flaming pillar. The cosmic flames in his mouth grew larger alongside his tail flame. Blue-violet light swirled around his claws.

No more.

"Shut the hell up!" Noctum swiped his arms forward. Blue-violet crescents swarmed Vortex's fiery dome. The flames rippled and flickered. Glowing lines crisscrossed the dome. They shattered, breaking the dome apart entirely.

That was when the cosmic charizard swooped in. The energy around his arms grew even brighter. It spread into his wings. Down his belly. Across his tail.

"You don't get to talk to me like that!" Noctum dodged a large gout of fire and slammed his glowing arm into Vortex's right shoulder. "I owe my life to that family! They took me off the street!"

He backed away from a swipe of Vortex's left arm, then unleashed a flurry of Air Slash crescents. They sliced through Vortex's arm. Over the giant charizard's roars, magma dripped onto the ground and sizzled by Vortex's feet.

"I don't care what you did to reach the top!" Noctum rolled left to dodge a giant fireball, then right. He flung more blue-violet blasts at Vortex's face. Vortex screamed in pain. "I care about doing what's right! I care about helping my family! I care..."

Vortex tried to gather more flames, but Noctum shot toward the crystal chandelier in his stomach and drove a spear of spacial energy directly into that.

"... About getting Leo his plate back! So hand it over!"

Static energy exploded out in all directions. Noctum felt something warm and smooth within the crystal and pulled. He glimpsed an orange rectangle and brought it close to his glowing blue belly. Noctum opened a rift and fell back into it.

He landed on the ground a hundred meters away from a rapidly-shrinking Vortex. Static dissolved away, leaving nothing but an unconscious charizard lying in the middle of a glassy circle.

The plate tingled against his chest. Noctum held it at arm's length. The blue was much brighter than before. Blue auroras and stars swirled around his belly, like waves rolling across water.

It wasn't just his belly, either. His wings were full of glowing blue auroras. So was the underside of his tail. He ran a claw over his belly. Blue light glistened around his claws, coalescing into a pink sphere he was able to hold with his claws.


(Art by Leche)

I guess... more of Palkia's power is coming out.

Noctum glanced upward. Vegna pointed to Noctum's left. Griffon flew in that direction while Zekrom disappeared in a stream of golden light.

What was with these other birds, though? There were pidgeot and unfezant and swellow carrying cameras. Were people recording this?

"Fear not, good citizens! Thanks to Prince Shimmer's quick thinking in conjunction with supportive allies in Aeon... Charizard Vortex's rampage was stopped!"

The cosmic charizard stiffened. That was Demerzel's voice!

And moments later, Demerzel appeared in front of all the birds, gesturing wildly. Whatever he was saying to them, Noctum couldn't hear. He was too far away.

"Yo. V says to rift back to your buds. We gotta vamoose."

"Gah!" Noctum's tail flame shrank. He turned to find Griffon and Vegna beside him. The former had Shimmer draped over his back. The ponytales looked incredibly guilty.

"He's spinning it," Shimmer muttered. "Demerzel's trying to make himself and me into the heroes here."

"Huh?" Noctum's now yellow eyes dimmed. Putting aside the question of why Shimmer was even here when Noctum knew he had gone to the Herbrides Hilltop Mall with Yuna, the cosmic charizard was still lost. "What do you mean spinning? Who's he talking to?"

"We can discuss it in full later," Vegna said. "Leave now. I'll grab Vortex while Demerzel's grandstanding for the press."

Noctum's eyes widened. Those birds were reporters?!


Red energy crackled around Vegna's eye.

"Because we all played into Demerzel's hand. And I suspect things may soon turn volatile here."


(Art by Sylfeanne)


"... Yourselves why Shimmer was the one trying to stop this from happening?"

Justine watched the footage of Demerzel, mouth agape. It took every ounce of willpower not to trash the PV set with her Sacred Sword.

"Where is Her Eminence? Where is the Radiant Guard?" Demerzel gestured around him. The cameras panned to shots of smoking craters and dirt melted into glass by Vortex's assault. "What if I told you the acting commanders — both relatives of Keldeo Seifer — were in fact vacationing in Herbrides. A city that, by the way, simultaneously came under fire from denizens of World Ender!"

He pointed at the cameras. "Call up your news stations if you don't believe me. But there was a mass evacuation from the city just as Prince Shimmer arranged for Tulpise before it fell into distortion."

Justine couldn't take this anymore. "Mute, damn it!" the virizion hissed. The PV went silent. Fuming, she turned around. "Say the word, Izzy! I'll haul his ass to Citadark!"

But rather than glaring at the PV like Justine, Isola sat facing a large, heart-shaped vanity mirror, running a heart-shaped brush through her luscious pink mane.

"Are you for real?" Justine stomped up to Isola. "Weren't you listening? That... that literal egghead is committing high treason! And freaking Vegna was there fighting Vortex! We should arrest them both! Stage public executions! I—"

"Peace, darling."

Isola's brush booped Justine's snout. The virizion crossed her eyes and found tiny sparkles around her nostrils. "How can you be so calm?" She blinked rapidly until her vision was back to normal. "At this rate, people are going to take the streets!"

"They won't." Isola set the brush down on a pink, heart-shaped table beside the mirror. The rapidash got to her feet. Her armored breastplate glowed gold under the sunlight drifting in through the windows.

Justine shifted her weight nervously. "Well, what about the servants in the palace?"

"They will be fine." Isola smiled serenely at her mate.

The virizon's cheeks flushed. "You'll have to forgive me if I'm skeptical, Izzy." She glanced at the PV screen. Demerzel was still talking and gesticulating wildly. "He's playing us for saps."

"Let him think that."

Justine stiffened as Isola's voice got closer. The rapidash sauntered up to her. Something about the way light glinted off that breastplate made Justine weak in the knees.

"But we... we have to do something," Justine whispered. "There's a fire in northeast Dazzels. It could—"

"It'll be fine." Isola was right in front of Justine. She nuzzled the virizion's right cheek. "I'll take care of everything, sweetie. I always have~"

"Y-Yeah." Justine's hind legs shook from Isola's warm breath on her neck. "But how?"

"Like this."

Justine's spine-tingling pleasure gave way to a sharp, intense pain in her chest. The air rushed out of her lungs. Justine tried to take a breath, but something heavy weighed on her chest.

She looked down... and found a dagger of crimson energy piercing her chest. It came from the red gem in the center of Isola's breastplate.

"Iz... zy... why?"

Justine coughed up a small amount of blood. A psychic force caught the droplets before they could splatter on Isola's shoulder. She levitated them into the trashcan by the door of her bedroom.

"Shhh." Isola pressed her muzzle to Justine's... and forced the blade in further. The sharp pain turned to an intense burning. Justine tried to scream— to breathe.

Her legs felt so heavy— no, they were heavy. Why were they turning to metal?

"It's okay, sweetie," Isola whispered, kissing Justine's cheek as she forced the blade in deeper. "I forgive you for doubting me. Even if it was such an ugly thing for you to do."

She needed to scream. Fight back. Do something. But as the metal raced up Justine's legs, all she could do was stare blankly.

"Admittedly, I haven't tested this yet," Isola continued. That sickeningly sweet smile hadn't left her face. "But if that pitiful deoxys can turn 'mon to machine with the Red Chain, why can't I? I wield it far more beautifully than he ever could."

The rapidash forced Justine to look her in the eyes. "Besides, there can be beauty in a machine who will never doubt. Never question. Always follow orders."

Justine couldn't even get her mouth open. Her legs were fully metallic. And the metal was spreading down her torso. From the dagger— no, from the gem in Isola's breastplate.

"Don't worry, sweetie." Isola nuzzled her side again. "I'm doing this for both of us."

She kissed Justine's snout... and the same green metal started to inch across her face. "Once we're through here..."

For a brief instant, Justine swore she saw a pink serpent replace Isola's head.

"... Everyone will see just how beautiful we truly are."


~Flames of Ruin: Vortex~
There are those who would claim the Affirmer is evil. Heartless. Soulless. But the Affirmer acts because His heart aches for the suffering that plagues reality. That is why He kept His pokémon partners with Him. Why He continued to care for them throughout His mission.


Winter can't come soon enough
Chapter 98: Great Personal Cost

The first few weeks after Tessa passed were... not all that different, honestly. Making her a spirit gave her back some of the energy that had waned the last few years. And, well, we knew this was coming. We'd prepared for it. In some ways, things haven't changed. She's just... not always around. Sometimes I need to use my light to conjure her.

This arrangement won't last forever. We agreed on that. Even if my powers can distort her sense of time, she doesn't want to be summoned as a spirit forever. She'll want to rest for good eventually.

I'm not sure when that time will come, but I'll be ready. After all... I have support.


Yuna put her now empty glass of water down on the metal table. She glanced right, but the door from the restaurant to the living quarters was still shut. Just like it was a minute ago. And a minute before that. And a minute before that.

Yet everyone else's eyes were locked on it. Even as bowls of meat and vegetable stew Guzzie had given the team had long gone cold. The lone exception was Artemis, who was coiled up against the wall on the other side of the table and staring at a gray pillar. Yuna didn't think milotic could get such empty looks in their eyes. Though, given what she'd heard, she didn't blame him.

Having to leave Leo behind and trust he could handle himself was bad enough. Coming back to find Seifer in critical condition and Vortex rampaging toward Radiance's capital almost made Yuna want to ask Guzzie what the strongest thing he had to drink in his bar was.

"This is a good thing, right?" The dragapult stole glances at the door. Still closed. "They wouldn't be taking so long if they hadn't found a way to save Seifer."

"Maybe." Nikki leaned forward in her chair. "Or they're trying to figure out how to break the bad news to us."

"Don't say that!"

Cyril slammed his hands down on the table. Red soup splattered out of everyone's bowls. The cosmic zoroark's fur shifted between red and black.

"There's no way I'm the only one thinking it," Nikki retorted, glancing around the table. "Right?"

Igneous stared down at his soup. Scarlett avoided Cyril's gaze. "I'm not," the dragonair mumbled.

"Heeee's a goneeeeer for suuuuure!"

Scarlett's eyes widened in horror. She covered her neck bauble with her wings when Cyril glared daggers at her. "I, uh, will have to have a talk. With myself."

She shrank down toward the floor as Cyril leaned toward her. Igneous shot his arm out. "Berating her won't accomplish anything."

Cyril eyed the grovlazzle's arm like he was about to tear it off. Cid hastily sat up and cleared his throat. "Ah, if I might interject?" The orbeetle's spots glowed pink. "Vegna and Team Bureau are back." He pressed his right hand to his temple. "With Shimmer, apparently. And Vortex?"

Igneous jumped out of his seat surprisingly fast. "Shimmer's with them? How is he?"

"Aww, worried about your new boytoy?"

"No!" Igneous' head leaf caught fire. Nikki laughed harder when the grovlazzle brandished a Leaf Blade at her. "I want to know he's okay so I can kick his ass guilt-free."

"Suuuuuuuuuure you do." Nikki waved him off dismissively. "And I'm a holowear supermodel."

"Pipe down, all of you."

Cyril lunged over the table, nearly knocking a startled Yuna off her chair in the process. He scrambled to his feet and dashed toward the now-open door, where Koraidon stood.

"No..." Cyril staggered to a halt. "No, no. Wipe that look off your face." He waved his arms in front of his head. His starcloud mane rippled like violent waves crashing on the shore. "You're not here with news. You're... you're..."

Koraidon bowed his head. "I'm sorry."

"Don't you dare!"

"The healers did everything they could." Koraidon clasped his hands together.

"NO!" Cyril dropped to his knees. "You're lying, damn it!"

"I wish I was," Koraidon said. "But Seifer was already gone by the time the healers got him." His feathered horns drooped. "He never had a chance."

Yuna's chest ectoplasm tightened. Her core flickered erratically.

Cyril's fur was a fiery red. He shoved Koraidon aside and ran through the door.

"Ah, Cyril! Wait!" Koraidon turned and ran after him.

"Should we... follow him?" Yuna wondered, somewhat amazed she even managed to get that sentence out. Her head was practically spinning.

No one responded, though. Scarlett stared at her blurry reflection in her untouched soup. A tense Igneous was braced against the wall, clutching his right arm. Nikki was looking at the floor and Artemis hadn't budged from the last time Yuna checked him. He could've fooled her into thinking he was a statue if Yuna didn't know better.

"I should... go check on Team Bureau." Cid hovered into the air, spots flickering erratically. The orbeetle headed for the door to the residential quarters before Yuna could react.

She looked at the others. "Guys?"


"Someone say something." The dragapult fidgeted nervously. "I don't— I'm not sure what to do here."

"And you think we are?" Scarlett whispered, worriedly rubbing her neck bauble with a wing. "Why'd you have to say that, Starlene? I look like an absolute tool now."

Nikki's chair creaked against the floor. Yuna waited for the toxtricity to offer something. She'd even settle for something crass. But Nikki shoved her hands in her jacket pockets and quietly headed for the restaurant's other exit leading toward the outpost.

"Wait, Nikki!" Yuna flew after her. Nikki held her right hand up to stop the dragapult.


Yuna's tail shriveled.

"Need some air." Nikki's mohawk dimmed. "I'm fine. Don't worry about me." She continued toward the door, which slid open to let her through.

When Yuna turned back around, she found the other door opening to let Igneous and Scarlett through. "Wait, guys!"

Though she sped toward them, they didn't acknowledge her. And they were already halfway through the glass tunnel leading to the residential quarters by the time Yuna reached the door.

Her shoulders sagged. Yuna couldn't be alone. Not now. She needed something to do or people to be around. Or else she'd... she'd...

A whimpering Tessa lay in the dirt. Ears ringing. Snout broken. Tears blurring her vision.

Yuna shook her head. She forced a rift open into the hanger and darted into it. Noctum and the others were there. The cosmic charizard... clutched an orange rectangle that looked a lot like one of Leo's plates. But he was lying on the floor, staring at the ceiling with a faraway look in his eyes.

"Noctum!" She flew across the hanger, passing Valkyrie and Vegna talking to Cid. The garchomp had Vortex slung over her shoulder while the dusknoir loomed over Shimmer. Yuna didn't care, though. Why wasn't anyone helping Noctum? He looked ill!

"Are you okay?" Yuna waved her arms around. When she got no response, she put her hands on his shoulders. "Noctum, say something? Are you hurt? Did you get sick?"

"Time... time..."

"Huh?" Yuna nudged the cosmic charizard, but he kept mumbling the same thing. "Hey, guys? I think something's wrong with Noctum!"

"We know." Valkyrie glanced at her. "Soon as we got back, he said Seifer's dead and he's been like that ever since."

Yuna glared at her. "So you thought it'd be okay to leave him like this? He needs help!"

"I was going to get him a healer," the garchomp growled. "But I have to handle this charizard first." She adjusted her tenuous grip on Vortex, not caring that her claws dug into his thighs.

"Then I'll go get one," Yuna said. "Most of them are over by... by..."

Her tail partially retracted into her torso. Valkyrie snorted blue purple embers.

"I figured." She turned away from Yuna and stomped across the hangar with her passenger in tow.

Swallowing hard, Yuna turned back to Noctum. The cosmic charizard continued to stare blankly at the ceiling.

"Valkyrie's going to get some healers," Yuna assured him. She hovered to Noctum's side. "It's going to be okay." Except her voice was shaky. Yuna couldn't come up with anything more substantial than that. And Noctum still wasn't acknowledging her.

"As cold as this sounds, you won't get through to him."

Maxie walked over from the large computer terminal setup on the other side of the hanger. There were fewer skorps at the consoles than usual.

The ghostly typhlosion nudged his goggles. "He's in shock."

Yuna figured that was the case. "But why?"

"Hard to say." Maxie shrugged. "Something to do with his makeover, perhaps. I see it changed again."

"His makeover..." Yuna eyed the blue auroras in his belly and wings.

He crossed his stubby arms. "Did you ever ask him about what happened during the fight against Halvus?"

The dragapult winced. "No." She figured they could talk about it when Noctum was ready. That was a reasonable thing to do, right?

"Well, hindsight's twenty-twenty and all." Maxie pinched the bridge of his goggles. "You can stay by his side. But it appears he's holding a plate. You ought to take that to Leo." The ghostly typhlosion looked around the hangar. "Where is he, anyway?"

Yuna stiffened. "He, um, had one last thing to take care of on the other side of the anomaly."

"I thought you sealed it," Maxie said, narrowing his eyes. "What's going on here?"

"I, um—" Yuna's head pounded again. She wanted to leave. No, she had to leave.

Without even thinking, she bent over and pulled the plate out of Noctum's grasp. The cosmic charizard resumed mumbling to himself. Yuna backed away, guilt and panic squirming around her insides.

"Wait, where are you going?" Maxie's fiery collar churned. "I asked you a question."

Yuna turned and opened a small rift. The dragapult shot through it, landing on a cot with a blue blanket. The cleffa and eevee dolls on the bed bounced up and landed next to her.

Groaning, Yuna set the plate down next to them. She flopped down on her back, even though that meant her triangular head was slightly propped up.

"Why are we in Leo's room?"

Yuna didn't bother pushing Reshiram away. She traced her right hand over her core and tossed two motes of light next to the plate. Reshiram and Rayquaza appeared in splashes of blue light.

"Mayhaps we're waiting to bestow this plate upon him whence he returns," Rayquaza said, coiling up beside it.

"Guys, please." Yuna squished her temples. "I really... can't do this with you right now."

Broken face in the dirt. The taste of blood and soil. Every breath a struggle.

She kneaded her hands against the blue blanket, trying to will away those images.

"It's, um, okay to be upset," Reshiram whispered, walked up to Yuna's face. "Even if he wasn't exactly your friend, he was your teammate."

Yuna tensed. She squeezed her eyes shut and tried to fill her head with something else. Something like... like the bed of hot coals behind her parents castle! Yuna envisioned the rhythmically pulsating orange glow the coals gave off under the ash-choked skies. The clusters of embers drifting through the air.

Soft fur tickled Tessa's belly. She woke up to a faceful of two icepix tails tickling her snout. Oh God, she was going to sneeze. Roll away, roll away!

"No sneezing," Yuna mumbled.

"Wait, sneeze?" Reshiram shot into the air, flapping his tiny wings. "I'm not looking to get blown away like a dust mite!"

Crap, she'd said that out loud. Yuna opened her eyes and rubbed her face. "It's fine, Reshiram. I was..."

"Old memories?" Rayquaza wondered, still coiled up next to the plate. Yuna nodded.

Reshiram hesitantly landed next to Rayquaza. He looked ready to book it into the air at a moment's notice.

"If thou art that troubled by Sir Seifer's demise—"

"It's stupid," Yuna blurted out, only to throw her hands over her mouth and look down shamefully. "I mean, well, in the back of my head I've always known we've been at risk of dying. It's been that way since the Noatun mystery dungeon." She sighed. "But, well..."

As she trailed off, Reshiram scratched his tiny chin with a tiny wing claw. "We've always avoided it until now, so you started to take your safety for granted. That fear faded." He folded his wings at his sides. "So, it's a shock to the system."

Yuna stared at Reshiram, blinking slowly. He was the Sage of Truth... and had a glimpse into her headspace. And nothing she'd thought about since she heard the news had anything to do with Seifer himself. Or even Cyril, who'd just lost his boyfriend.

"It's me," the dragapult whispered.


She tilted her head down. Small shadowy ripples lapped at the edges of her core. "I'm upset... because of me," Yuna mumbled. "Because it reminds me... of Tessa dying." She folded her hands over the core, hoping the two Sages couldn't see the shadows. "If I die here... will it go the same way? Will Giratina take over?"

The chaos energy was like tiny needles poking her hands. "Could Giratina just 'kill' me at any moment? We have an agreement, but what's stopping them from breaking it?"

God, Yuna had really taken that for granted, hadn't she? Talking about the past life stuff with the others last week never changed her situation. It simply... made it easier for her to ignore it.

Rayquaza and Reshiram were silent. Yuna didn't blame them. What could they say to reassure her? That she had a strong enough will to resist it? Well, that wouldn't matter if something killed her.

It's only a matter of time before you yield to the inevitable.

... Or maybe they were simply biding their time. Maybe Giratina expected Yuna to lose heart and let them take her over.

Loud knocks at the door jolted Yuna upright. "C-Come in?" she squeaked. The tiny Sages returned to her core as the door opened. Yuna's fleeting hope Nikki had gone looking for her was dashed when a familiar dusknoir floated in.

"What do you want?" Yuna somewhat sank into Leo's bed.

"And now his eternal life like a dream was obliterated." Vegna flicked his right hand and the door shut behind him. The dusknoir drifted forward... and placed a biscuit on a napkin by Yuna's feet.

She eyed it like it was poisoned. "Uhh..."

"Eat. You need your strength." Vegna pushed the biscuit closer to her. "The specter of death casts a harsh, chilling weight. It takes considerable endurance to rise against it."

Frowning, Yuna took the biscuit. "Sounds like you're telling me to get over it."

Vegna's eye dimmed. He backed away from Leo's bed, crossing his arms. "Perhaps I... could've phrased it better. This is not something one simply 'gets over.'"

"Then what did you mean?" Yuna hesitantly bit into the biscuit. It was surprisingly good. And warm, too.

"Death is a difficult burden to bear," Vegna said. "It's easy to let it paralyze you. Especially when it's something you've experienced for yourself."

Yuna's ectoplasm shriveled. It made her missaim her bite. Biscuit fragments dropped onto the blue blanket. Sighing, Yuna picked them up and stuffed them in her mouth.

"You're worried about this conflict, aren't you?" Vegna put his right hand on his chest. "About what it could do to your present self."

"Why do you care?" Yuna shot back. Of course the inquisitor would see through her quickly. The dragapult didn't want Vegna to have the satisfaction.

So she was surprised when the dusknoir backed further away and slouched against the wall. His arms were still crossed and his head was bowed in thought. "You have the power... to shape the future. For the better."

Squinting at Vegna, Yuna finished the biscuit. "Because of Giratina?"

Vegna shook his head. "Their power might play a role, sure. But I'm talking about what's up here." He tapped the side of his head with his index finger. "Your will."

Yuna had a hard time believing that. She lay on her side, still eyeing Vegna skeptically. "Where is this all coming from?"

The dusknoir silently stared at the ceiling. Then he whispered, "A place of regret, perhaps. I'm not proud of the things I've done."

That was too vague for Yuna. Perhaps if she put it together with his earlier comments about death, she could hazard a guess what Vegna meant.

"Are the rumors true, then?" she asked.

"Which ones?"

"The Grim Reaper stuff," Yuna said. "That you kill people who are found innocent in cases you prosecute."

"No." Vegna's response was instantaneous. He squeezed his crossed arms with his hands.

"Then why haven't you ever said anything about it publicly?"


Yuna raised a brow. Wouldn't the selfish thing be to call out such a nasty reputation? She pushed herself up to a seated position. "I don't follow."

"Part of me believed it my penance for lifetimes of caustic decisions made out of selfishness." Vegna held his right hand up and looked at the golden cracks running through his ectoplasm. "Vengeance simmered beneath every action I've done in service of the Kingdom of Radiance."

God, she wished Vegna would turn down the flowery language. Stupid poetry obsession.

Before Yuna could force him to elaborate, however, a stream of blue light spilled out of her core. A tiny Reshiram materialized in front of Vegna.

"It's you," Reshiram whispered. He pointed his right wing at Vegna.

"Huh?" Yuna frowned.

Reshiram looked back at her apologetically. "When he explained the situation with Necrozma to us... and he talked about Bahamut's journal... something didn't sit right with me."

Vegna looked away from Reshiram.

"Wait, like your truth sense?" Yuna said. It wasn't like Reshiram had brought it up with her lately. The dragapult figured her chaos powers had made him lose it. Or at least weakened it to the point of uselessness.

"I thought maybe I was mistaken," Reshiram continued. "I mean, lawyers seem like the types who can twist the truth around in ways that could fool even me." He shook his head. "But how you're talking right now is eerily familiar."

"Wait, familiar?" Yuna's eyes widened. "As in—"

Reshiram pointed his wing at Vegna again. "You're not some random person who stumbled on Bahamut and took his journal. You're the soul that was severed from his body. You're Bahamut."

Silence, save for the humming of the lights in the ceiling. Reshiram held his wing out. Vegna stared at the door. Yuna looked between the two, unsure whether to say anything.

Finally, Vegna bowed his head.

"There's a reason I told your predecessor to scout you in spite of your shortcomings. I never could get anything past you, Cecil."


Igneous ended up going to the room he shared with Scarlett and Shimmer instead of looking for Valkyrie and the ponytales. His ear frills hadn't stopped ringing. The dragonair hadn't said anything to him, either. She slithered onto her bed and coiled up tight around her pink pillow. Igneous opted to lie on his back with his right knee bent and his left leg straight. Outside of switching his legs' positions, he hadn't moved.

The volcarona lay on the ground. His body burned. And not in the usual way his inner fire or Flame Body did. This was painful. Like hooks digging into his wings and chitin, trying to yank something out of him.

"I'm sorry." The man with the arceus hairdo loomed over Igneous. "A few of us must bear this awful burden. But the end result will be a world free of suffering. "

Igneous could only cry out in pain. The spiritomb by his lower half swirled around faster and faster. And the tugging got worse and worse.

"You're seeing it too, aren't you?"

"Huh?" The volcarona looked around in a panic, trying to find where that female voice was coming from.

"Yooooooo, Igggggyyyyy! Snap out of it!"

A psychic tug on Igneous' head leaf jolted him upright. "The hell?!" He sprang off his bed, Leaf Blades at the ready... only for them to fizzle out when he found Starlene floating in front of him. She turned and disappeared into Scarlett's neck bauble.

"What— why—" Igneous rubbed his head. "The leaf's sensitive," he mumbled.

"Sorry." Scarlett poked her bed with the tip of her tail. "You were, um, shaking?" The dragonair shook her head. "No, more like trembling. I was trying to snap you out of it."

"Oh." Igneous slumped onto the floor, curling his arms around his bent knees. "I think I was... remembering something from that past life."

"Your death?"

His leafy tails nearly caught fire but Igneous managed to control himself. "W-Whatever would give you that idea?"

Shuddering, Scarlett tucked her head down so her coiled body hid her neck bauble. "It's what I saw."

Now it was Igneous' turn to shudder. How could he respond to something like that? "I'm sorry," the grovlazzle mumbled, though he didn't sound that sure of himself. "Do you want to talk about it?"

"There's not much to say." Scarlett's wings drooped. "I think I was fighting that Zodiark person. Or his pokémon. They were too strong. I got overwhelmed." She suppressed a wince.

Voice cracking, she said, "It hurt a lot."

Igneous scooted toward her bed. He was about to reach an arm out to her when his X-transceiver buzzed. Seriously?

He got to his feet and plucked the X-transceiver off the bed. "Sorry, now's not a good ti—"

"I'm running the story."

His blood went cold. That was Sakaki. Brow furrowing, Igneous held the X-transceiver up toward Scarlett and flipped the speakerphone mode on. "What's going on here?" he growled.

"I thought you already knew about the attack in Dazzels," Sakaki said. "Valkyrie was there, wasn't she?"

"Haven't gotten all the details," Igneous said. God, he sounded exhausted. "I was in the thick of Herbrides. And we... lost someone in the fight there."

"I see."

Silence came from the other end, but Sakaki hadn't hung up. Igneous was going to do it for him when the nidoking continued, "Are you okay? You're not thinking about your mother, are you?"

The audino nurse and oranguru doctor finished pulling out the breathing tube. A wheeze escaped the withered sceptile's lips. More like a deflating balloon than a proper breath.

"Well, I am now," the grovlazzle seethed. Scarlett shot him a worried look. "Whatever you need to say, say it."

Another pause followed, then, "News outlets were broadcasting the attack. Demerzel showed up and made the same wild claims about the body snatcher on live Polarisvision. Now they're circling the wagons. Calling him an insurgent. Some are implying he's actually a Ryujin plant."

Igneous stomach churned. He really didn't need this right now. The grovlazzle hadn't even had the strength to find Shimmer and get answers from him.

"I'm running a full exposé in a special edition of the Radiant Beacon," Sakaki announced. "It's all hands on deck. We're printing extra copies to give to our people embedded in the refugee camps for those who fled Tulpise and Venish."

"Okay." Igneous pinched his brow. "Anything else?"

"Once it's out there, I'm pulling everyone but our hidden scouts back to Scale City. Things are going to get volatile."

"That's just a guess, though."

"Call it a gut feeling," Sakaki said. "That's all I have. Give my regards to your dragonair friend."

Igneous glared at the X-transceiver. "She's been listening in."

And he hung up before Sakaki could respond. Igneous tossed the X-transceiver onto his bed where it bounced onto his pillow. He plopped down on the edge of the bed, putting his head in his hands.

"Great. Just great. Can this day get any worse?"

The door handle jiggled, then opened with a loud creak. Igneous and Scarlett looked across the room in unison.

Shimmer stood in the doorway. His tails puffed out.

"Ah. You're, uh, already here." He shrank down. "I don't suppose I can lead with an 'I'm sorry,' huh?"

As much as Igneous wanted to march right up to Shimmer and sock the ponytales in the snout, he couldn't muster up the energy. The grovlazzle only managed to scooch to the edge of his cot, hunch over, and rest his head on his hands.

Fortunately, a certain latias had Igneous' wish covered. Starlene zipped to Shimmer's side and immediately chomped on his ear.

"You totaw dumbash!"

"Ow, oww! Leggo!" Shimmer shook his head and his horn sparked. Starlene backed off, only to jab him in the side with her left wing.

"Not until you explain yourself, buster!" Starlene hovered away when Shimmer glared at her. She punched the air with her tiny hands for a few seconds. Then she vanished back into Scarlett's neck bauble.

"S-Sorry." The dragonair coiled tightly around her pillow and squeezed it. "It's, um, been quite a day."

"Her heart's in the right place." Igneous lifted his head off his hands. "What the hell were you thinking plotting some backroom deal with pirates and then gallivanting off right before they showed up?!"

The ponytales' ears folded. "I wasn't planning on that last part. And I honestly thought Gene would loop you guys in."

"Oh, so you assumed!"

Starlene popped out of meeping Scarlett pointing an accusatory claw at Shimmer. "And you know what they say about assuming." She twirled around and pointed at her conical rear.

"He gets it!" Scarlett hissed. The dragonair managed to get Starlene back into her neck bauble. She repositioned herself on the bed so she was lying atop her pillow. She covered her bauble with her wings.

Sighing, Igneous sat up straighter. "Gene does whatever he feels like. You can't leave **** like that for him." The grovlazzle crossed his right leg over his left. "But I wanna know why you went ahead with such an asinine idea."

"W-Well, in hindsight... I prob— no, definitely shouldn't have." Shimmer shrank back toward the closed door, looking at his frosty hooves.

"That doesn't answer my question."

"Technically you didn't phrase it as a question?"

Igneous' head leaf simmered. Shimmer dropped to his belly and covered his head with his forelegs. "I was afraid, okay! Afraid Mom's been up to something in the background!" Shudders racked the ponytales' body. "I thought she'd be able to track me here. And you guys have been so busy running around doing stuff I didn't think I had any other options!"

He poked his head out from his forelegs. Even with one eye open, Shimmer's expression was rather pathetic. But a part of Igneous wouldn't buy it. He clasped his hands together and tapped his chin.

"So, even though I took you in and offered to help, you still felt it better to get Gene to set you up with complete strangers?" the grovlazzle growled.

Shimmer squeaked and ducked back under his foreleg. "Well, when you put it like that it really does sound pathetic, huh?"


"Dayum. Twink on twink violence. He's gonna need a rawst berry for that one."

Igneous side-eyed Scarlett, who was rubbing her head so vigorously against her pillow he wondered if the dragonair was trying to phase into it out of embarrassment.

"We've got a right to be angry," the grovlazzle said. His posture slouched a bit. He tapped his claws against his blanket. "Because it wasn't just the pirates. They gave way to a new anomaly and then Xeromus showed up."

He looked at the door. "You could argue Seifer would still be here if you'd told us what was going on."

That one seemed to get to Shimmer, who shuddered again. "I'm sorry!" he blurted out repeatedly. "I'd never— I didn't want this to happen. I was trying to, y'know, make something happen. Like you guys."

"Yeah. That's why I'm mad." Igneous crossed his arms and shook his head. "I've been there. When my mom died. I tried to be the one to make things happen. Didn't tell anyone." His left claws tightened around his right elbow to try and stop the tingling. "Lost an arm for it."

Shimmer winced.

"But it wasn't just that." Igneous squeezed his elbow tighter. Why wouldn't the damn pins and needles go away? "I lost the respect of everyone around me."

"At your... dad's newspaper?" Shimmer uncovered his head and slowly raised it.

Igneous sighed. He wasn't entirely sure if this was a good idea. But given the day's events, he decided to rip the bandage off.

"No. In the Ryujin." The grovlazzle tucked his head down. "Mom was the leader. Dad had an inkling, but never pressed the matter."

He was, of course, twisting the truth. Even though part of Igneous wanted to out Sakaki, his instincts drove him to protect his father. "I was supposed to take over. But after I tried to go after her killers on my own, the clan had doubts. They think I'm reckless. Dead weight.

"Sound familiar?" Igneous eyed Shimmer as the ponytales lifted his head up more. There was confusion sprawled across his face. Igneous quickly added, "I wasn't sure if you'd try to run off to your mothers if I told you the truth. But since you were willing to talk pirates into raiding one of your kingdom's cities, clearly it doesn't matter anymore."

That undercut whatever Shimmer was planning to say, since he poked dejectedly at the floor with an icy forehoof. "I see," he whispered.

"I'm not entirely clean either," Scarlett piped up. "I willingly let Vortex and his scientists do all sorts of weird stuff to me so I could get famous." The dragonair rolled her head onto its side. "There was, like, an entire page of side effects this stuff was going to do. Like draining the color from my scales, giving me cataracts, turning me sterile and—"

Igneous accidentally sucked in a sharp breath and descended into a coughing fit. He and Shimmer traded bewildered looks.

"Ah, sorry. TMI?"

"Yeaaaaah." Igneous thumped his chest until the last of the coughing faded. "But, well, do you get the point, Shimmer? We've been where you are. We don't want to see you make the same dumb decisions." He glanced at Scarlett. "Right?"

Scarlett nodded. "It sounds like you... know you weren't that good of a person back at the academy. The way to fix it isn't by running off on your own to, I dunno, prove something." Her right wing slowly flapped in place.

"Good point." Igneous jabbed the air with a claw. "Like it or not, your mom's one piece of a larger puzzle here. We're juggling a lot. So, if you really want to apologize, then you have to get with the program. Cooperate."

He slid off the side of the bed and onto the floor. "I'm still learning that part myself, so I guess saying that makes me an asshole. But whatever. There's too much at stake."

Igneous stretched his arms up so his claws grabbed at the bed covers. "That's my spiel. I'm not out to hate you or anything, Shimmer. Especially since I... see myself in you. Which has been... confusing."

An awkward silence followed. Shimmer rested his head on the carpet. "You see it too, huh?" He sighed, coating the carpet by his nostrils in a thin layer of frost.

Embers crackled on Igneous' head leaf. The way Shimmer spoke, it was almost like—

"Oh, brother."

Starlene materialized. Scarlett picked her head up, ready to recall her, when the latias held up her hands.

"I'll be gentle," she promised. "We're both thinking it."

"Thinking what?" Igneous frowned.

"That while you're crushing on us, Shimmer's crushing on you." Starlene made a little triangle with her claws. "And I think, deep down, you're a bit torn."

Shimmer's horn flickered and Igneous tensed up to avoid his head leaf catching fire.

"C'mon, don't deny it." Starlene drifted toward the floor, looking between the two guys. "He's stuck close to you, Iggy. And you haven't pushed him away."

"Cuz I'm not trying to alienate him." Igneous waved Starlene off dismissively.

"It's true for me," Shimmer admitted, pulling some of his frosty mane over his face in shame. "But I figured, I dunno, this was just another Xander situation. That you'd been nice to me and, with time, I'd realize there wasn't any connection." He laughed nervously. "I mean, y'know, I never thought I'd even find a reptile attractive."

If that was meant to be a compliment, it missed the mark. Igneous shut his eyes and gently massaged his brow. Try as he might, the grovlazzle couldn't muster up a response.

Sighing, Starlene flopped onto the floor. "Jeez, it's like pulling teeth."

"Gentler," Scarlett chided.

Igneous opened his eyes to see Starlene picking at carpet fibers. "Fine, fine." She locked eyes with Igneous. "You still crushing on us?" The latias pointed to Scarlett.


"Yes or no."


"Yeesh." Starlene rolled her eyes. She turned her head in Shimmer's direction. "What about him?"

Igneous tried to straighten out the leaves on his right arm.

"I think we have to be more specific," Scarlett said. The dragonair pointed her tail at Shimmer. "Do you find him attractive?"

"I, uh—"

"Yes or no."

The grovlazzle's head leaf crinkled. When did this become an interrogation? "Yes," he admitted in a whisper.

"Do you think you like him?" Scarlett asked. "In a 'we should go on a date' sort of way?"

That one stumped Igneous. Sure, he saw himself in the ponytales... but was that a good thing or a bad thing?

All Igneous could manage was scratching his head. Shimmer was still hiding his face behind his hair, so Igneous had no idea how he was taking this.

"Okay." Scarlett lifted her head up and recoiled around her pillow. Starlene vanished back into her neck bauble. "Then I think... we're all in similar places."

Igneous frowned. "In what way?"

"Uncertainty." Scarlett brushed tip of her tail back and forth across her blanket. "We're all conflicted about whether or not our feelings are real." The dragonair pointed her tiny wing at Shimmer. "Because of the past." She pointed the wing at Igneous. "Or the present."

Then she looked down at her pillow. "Or the future."

Shimmer finally brushed his hair out of his face so he could look at Scarlett. "Referring to yourself?"

"Yeah. Cuz, like..." Still rubbing her tail against her blanket, Scarlett stole a glance at Igneous. "I've, y'know, seen the changes you've been making. You stuck by me in Herbrides. And tried to save Seifer, even recognizing Gene gave him the best chance. You didn't run off this time."

Igneous heart fluttered, but he kept his expression stoic. "I hear a 'but' in there."

Wings drooping, Scarlett sighed. "It's hard for me to, like, rationalize thinking about love or whatever when it feels like the world's on fire. And I don't know if that's because of Polaris' experiments or something else."

As much as Igneous wanted to jump to Scarlett's defense, he stayed his tongue. She had said it before: she didn't want a white knight. Maybe she wants validation.

"That's fair." Igneous' claws dropped to his sides. He tapped them against the carpet. "We haven't even talked about that **** Xeromus said about the cloud daemon being the 'real arceus.'"

"And I don't want to." Scarlett shook her head. "He's lying for Zodiark's sake."

Igneous nodded, though he had the nagging sense they were missing something. Still, if Scarlett didn't want to press it, then he'd drop it. "Yeah. It was just, y'know, an example. Of what could make it hard to think about love and relationships and stuff."

Shimmer got to his feet and made his way over to his bed in the corner opposite the door to their room. "Great," he muttered. "Does that make me a bad person for thinking about it, then?"

Talk about a lose-lose question. Igneous doubted he could say anything that wouldn't upset Shimmer. He silently watched the ponytales climb onto his bed.

"No. People have needs," Scarlett said, to Igneous' surprise. "And, like, if you two want to test the waters, go ahead. Only thing that matters is trying to help the resistance, right?"

There had to be better ways to phrase that. A tingle ran down the grovlazzle's spine and he wasn't sure if that was out of awkwardness or potential excitement.

"I don't know." He stood up and flopped onto his bed, burying his face in his pillow. "It's been a long day. I just want to sleep."

"What was that?" Scarlett asked.

Igneous tilted his head right. "I just want to sleep. Maybe tomorrow we can, I dunno, do something low-key. Nikki and Yuna can join, too."

Assuming there wasn't some resistance issue they had to tackle, of course.

He didn't bother waiting to see if either of them responded, however. Igneous smushed his face into his pillow, dug his arms underneath it, and tried to will himself to sleep.


Winter can't come soon enough
Chapter 99: Soulful Lament

"Do you ever think about him at all?"

Tessa dabbed her muzzle with a cloth napkin, then set it next to her empty plate. Next to her, Nickie's left ear flattened.

"Think about who, Nero? Just because I complimented his thighs doesn't mean—"

"No, silly." The riolu chuckled. "That friend of yours back home." Her aura feelers twitched. "Or, uh... maybe he wasn't your friend anymore by the end?"

"Oh." Nickie looked down at her remaining tart. The icepix's snout wrinkled. "Yeah. A few times." She looked at the ceiling. "If he was here, he'd be bouncing off the freaking walls. The guy'd be so jazzed. He was, like, unhealthily obsessed with pokémon."

Tessa raised a brow. "So there
are pokémon in the human world?"

Nickie's tails puffed up. "Uh, well, yeah. It's, y'know, kinda complicated." She laughed nervously, then scarfed down the rest of her tart. Crumbs littered her white snout.

"Sometimes I wonder what would've happened if he was here instead of me." Nickie looked at Tessa. "And then I tell myself it'd be a disaster. He'd treat everyone around him like dirt and think himself the most important guy in the room."

She turned up her nose. "Before I disappeared, I told a couple of buddies that Shane outed me to my dad. I hope that spread through the school like wildfire. Maybe it'd be the wakeup call he needs."

Tessa's aura feelers throbbed. Despite Nickie's even tone, there was a
lot of emotion behind her words. "I see." The riolu rubbed her shoulder. "That bad, huh?"

Nickie saw Tessa's expression and her ears folded. "****." Her tails curled up. "I, uh..." She bit her lip. "That wasn't supposed to sound so harsh."

She scooted next to Tessa, who squeaked with the icepix's tails brushed against her waist. "It's not all bad," Nickie said. "I got to meet you, didn't I?"

"Me?" Tessa's aura feelers stuck up. "It's only been a couple of months."

"Yeah." Nickie leaned over. "Still enough time to think you've been one of the best things that's happened to me."

Blood rushed to Tessa's cheeks.


With newfound hindsight, Reshiram's revelation seemed so obvious. Vegna had Bahamut's journal memorized. He commanded multiple Sages. His focus had been squarely on Necrozma since he showed up at the outpost. Hell, the fact that he got to the outpost meant he had to have formed a rift between the regular and reverse worlds. And the thing he told her a couple of weeks ago...

"Continuing down this path will lead you to discover several horrible truths. And without that tenacity... the weight of those truths will crush you."

Maybe one of these could've been a coincidence. But taken together, there was only one logical explanation.

Yuna wanted to be mad. What did Vegna have to gain by sitting on this secret?

The dragapult scooched toward the edge of the bed. "Why?"

Vegna's look practically screamed "elaborate."

"Why hide it like this? Especially after coming to us for help?"

The dusknoir's eye glowed blue. "Yes, why hide being the soul of a large dragon of light worshiped by half the world and scorned by the other half?"

If he was trying to spin this back on Yuna, she'd have none of it. She curled her golden claws around her blanket. "This isn't some courtroom debate. I want answers."

"Me too." Reshiram looked more hurt the longer the conversation went on. "You told my wife you hated her big mouth."

"And you went behind my back and eloped," Vegna growled. He tilted his head right and shook it, sighing. "Which is... irrelevant. You want answers? I told you, it all goes back to selfish vengeance."

"Revenge." Yuna curled and uncurled the tip of her tail. "On Eternatus?"

"On Isola." Vegna held his right hand up. Blue Will-O-Wisp embers crackled around his fingers.

"What?" Reshiram's tail turbine matched Vegna's embers with some of its own. "If you want revenge on her, why work for her? And wouldn't that, y'know, give you a motive to do Grim Reaper killings?"

"The body snatcher is the one who killed Chiron and Leo," Vegna said, locking eyes with Yuna. "My memory of that day is... spotty, but I'm sure of it. I have evidence."

The Will-O-Wisp embers congealed into Bahamut's journal, which Vegna held in his hand. It flipped open to show the word TRAITOR scrawled in red ink, along with jagged scribbles and puncture marks suggesting the writer had stabbed the pages with a pen repeatedly.

A gush of hot air from Reshiram's tail turbine rippled the part of the blanket dangling off the side of the bed. "Traitor? You don't think—"

"That one of the Sages is related?" Vegna's eye dimmed. "Clearly I do."

"But how?" Reshiram squeaked.

"They never sealed themselves away in a Needle." Vegna shut the journal, which dissolved into gold light his hand absorbed. "For a time, I thought perhaps it was the former Sage of Justice. After all, there was no logical reason for a keldeo to be around Radiance."

"Couldn't you say the same thing about an articuno, moltres, and zapdos?" Reshiram pointed out. "None of them were Sages, yet they're in the Radiant Guard."

"Which is why my focus shifted to Isola," Vegna said, tapping his right index finger against his left arm. "I suspect she's the reason. Just as I suspect she unsealed Keldeo and allowed her to procreate. If Isola does have a Red Chain fragment as the clown prince suggests, it would all make sense."

"Well, we've pulled a lot of Needles," Yuna mumbled. "I know Necrozma got Suicune and Zygarde. Scarlett seems to have Latias. And you have three. So that leaves—"

Vegna held up two fingers. "Two. There should be two Needles remaining. Diancie, Sage of Heart. And Enamorus, Sage of Beauty."

"What about Latios and Zeraora?" Reshiram asked. "And Victini, too?"

"Already with Necrozma. And Victini most likely had their needle corrupted and broken already."

Yuna gulped. Then... there wasn't much left keeping Eternatus tethered to the reverse world. "Okay. Two potential Needles. But one of them might be the body snatcher. Then we'll just end up learning who it is by process of elimination after pulling the next Needle, won't we?"

"By then, I fear something terrible might happen," Vegna growled. "Considering there are multiple people trying to expose Isola."

He looked down, eye dimming. "Not to mention that if one of them is the body snatcher, then there's really only one Needle remaining."

Vegna lifted a shaky hand and examined all the gold cracks in it. There were more there than the other week. "One Needle... keeping this fragile body together."

Yuna pinched her brow. This was a problem. One that also came with the extra uncertainty of Yuna not knowing whether getting to the bottom of this was her desire... or Yaldabaoth exerting their influence.

"So you... intend to recombine with Necrozma?"

Vegna was silent.

Yuna crossed her arms. She needed a slightly different angle. "Eternatus can't be destroyed. Necrozma wants to destroy it. Do you still feel that way?"

"I do not."

The dragapult wished she found that reassuring. "If you recombine, then will Bahamut lay off?"

"I cannot say," Vegna responded. He turned his head toward the door again. "I'm unsure whether or not Necrozma's single-minded obsession with destroying Eternatus will win out over me. My body is... far stronger than my spirit."

"But it's the only way to stop Bahamut, right?" Reshiram poked his wing-claws together nervously.

"I was trying to work with Gene to find alternatives," Vegna explained, flicking his right hand. "If we destroy Necrozma as it is now, my spirit will fade when the final Needle is pulled. I had suggested he take a blessing from Leo, but he is... unwilling."

Leo. Yuna thought of the cosmic arceus as she also stared at the door.

Another thought tickled the back of her head. "Did you sense Chiron? Is that why you put me in your class?"

Vegna sighed. It lingered for several seconds. "Do recall that I never even met you until you came to the academy. But I did sense... familiar traces from meeting your parents on their prior trips. So, yes, I admit I arranged to get you into my class so I could see you for myself.

"And when I did, I thought that parts of your aura brought Chiron to mind. But other parts... reminded me of myself."

That was probably Yuna's distortion powers. Giratina did say Bahamut stole them somehow.

"It's not the same. Neither you nor Leo." The dusknoir shook his head. "Perhaps you both reincarnated. I'm unsure. Either way... I don't consider either of you family, if that's what you're worried about."

There was plenty Yuna was worried about. Enough to not find any solace in Vegna's words. The end of her tail twitched with irritation. "How did this all happen?"

"It's complicated," Vegna whispered.

She rubbed the brim of her triangular head. "Then make it make sense."

Another sigh. Vegna folded his hands over his closed stomach mouth. "As I said... my memories of the day I lost Chiron and Leo are fuzzy. But I think... that was when I learned many of the same things you heard from Giratina."

Before Yuna could make a remark, Vegna held up his right hand. "I don't remember specifics of my past life like you claim to." He lowered his hand. "There are... vague recollections. Of struggling to understand the world around me. And the world, in turn, not understanding me."

His hands balled into fists. "Frustrations giving way to isolation giving way to yet more frustrations. A vicious cycle feeding into itself."

The dusknoir tucked his head down. It was... shameful? Yuna couldn't quite peg his body language.

"And then I woke up alone. A giant dragon of light." Golden embers drifted off the exposed cracks in Vegna's arms. "I wandered the universe — or, as it turns out, the distortion world — seeking an end to my loneliness. But the same pitfalls that befell my past self happened here.

"I did not understand the places I visited." Vegna shook his head. "And I did not communicate well. But this time I had power." He held up a clenched fist. "I could make my frustrations known... through force."

Yuna's tail slowly curled throughout Vegna's explanation. "Just how many places did you attack in your travels?"

"Too many. It felt good. It felt right." The dusknoir bowed his head shamefully again. "I could blame Giratina's powers, but in the end it was still my choice. And, perhaps, I might've continued down that path... had I not met the Overseers."

Reshiram's tail turbine crackled like the engines in Cyril's workshop. "You were on Chakran when they were around?"

Vegna nodded. "And when they abandoned our world." He folded his hands over his stomach mouth again. "But I met someone there. And it was like... looking into a cracked mirror. I couldn't shake the feeling that this person... was a happier me. Similar struggles, yet he found friends and family to support him.

"Something about that made me snap." The dusknoir squeezed his hands together. "I lashed out at him. He defended himself... with a power that split my soul from my body."

"Wait, what?" Yuna leaned forward and almost fell off her bed. "But then—"

"He pulled me back together," Vegna said. "But, yes, I ended up learning that power from him. And using it on myself." He shook his head. "After Chakran, I thought that... the only way I could be like that Overseer was to make my home. I didn't create the life that would inhabit your home, but I brought about conditions to allow life to evolve."

"Then put yourself in charge of what resulted," Reshiram said, shifting around uncomfortably. "And I was part of that."

"You guys described Bahamut as a bit of a control freak." Yuna tapped a gold claw against her core. "Do you think that was because of Giratina's powers?"

"I think it was both of us," Vegna responded. He waved Yuna off. "Regardless, all my controlling tendencies couldn't stop Eternatus from showing up. Along with everything else that followed."

Yuna tried to recall what Igneous had told her about that final entry in Bahamut's journal. "You were... tired of emotions weighing you down. So, you split your soul from your body."

Vegna pinched his brow. "I had once believed... that I was meant to pass away, like any other person. That being struck by Eternatus had 'cursed' me with immortality."

"But you don't believe that anymore." Reshiram sounded sure of himself. Must've been that truth sense. "Because of Giratina?"

The dusknoir nodded slowly. "Yes. But at the time, I viewed my spirit as a burden. So, I sought to cast it off. Except when I emerged as a soul... fear took hold. I didn't want to disappear."

"Then is some of the other stuff true?" Yuna wondered.

"I did find and pull Zekrom's Needle," Vegna admitted. A blue glow took over his eye, but quickly faded. "The necromancy stuff is true as well. However, that was because this body proved fragile from the beginning. Not after pulling Zekrom's Needle."

He held his hand up to expose the gold cracks along it. "All the necromancy acts were attempts to preserve my body and keep it from crumbling. It's why I became an executioner for Radiance. To use those spirits to preserve my body." Vegna lowered his hand. "I only transferred to the Ministry of Justice after suspecting Isola had a connection to the one who took Chiron and Leo away from me."

With a grunt, Vegna pushed himself off the floor. "That is, to the best of my knowledge, the whole truth."

"I see." Yuna sat up straight, then immediately asked a question that sprang to mind. "Do you regret what you've done?"

Vegna braced his left hand against the wall. "If this were a court of law... I'd have argued that Giratina's influence drove my actions. That I never intended to cause so many problems." He looked down. "And so much harm."

"That doesn't answer my question," Yuna growled, trying to stop her tail from lashing at the dangling edge of Leo's covers.

"I regret it," Vegna said. "I wish I'd never had such terrible power. Perhaps if I could go back to that distant life... I'd do things differently."

Reshiram flew up to Yuna's left on the bed, between her and Leo's plate. "Well that's, y'know, good. It's a start." He looked between the two ghosts, tittering. "Maybe if you hold onto that mindset, when you become whole that'll—"

"You should try to destroy Necrozma as it is right now," Vegna said. He floated closer toward the door. "I— we've done too much harm. If you and your allies do possess great power from the distant past, then it should be possible. It is... the most pragmatic option."


She didn't think she could make one word sound so forceful. But given Reshiram's dumbfounded expression, that's exactly what Yuna had done.

The dusknoir looked over his shoulder. "What?"

Yuna dug her claws into the fibers of Leo's wool blanket. "I'm so tired... of people telling me what I should do. What's 'best' or 'most pragmatic.'"

Reshiram curled up his wings. "It did sound like something Bahamut would say."

She pointed at Vegna. "This is your fault, too. You don't... get to take the coward's way out here. You're helping us fix this." The dragapult tapped her right index claw into the palm of her left hand. "Whether that's as Vegna or Bahamut or something else entirely doesn't matter to me. I won't let you just disappear.

"So, yeah, I guess you were right. I don't forgive you or respect your decisions or whatever."


"Don't." Yuna held her left hand over Reshiram like she was ready to squish him. He abruptly shrank back toward Leo's plate. "If that's everything, you can go." The dragapult flicked her right hand lazily toward the door. "I'm going to wait for my son to get back. And I don't need you around for that."

At first, Vegna held his ground. Then his eye dimmed and he turned back toward the door.

"Perhaps there's... more of her in you than I thought."

The dusknoir opened the door and floated out. He didn't bother shutting it.

"Well that, uh..." Reshiram twirled a lock of fur with a wing claw. "I guess that could've gone worse?"

"Save it." Yuna glared at him.

"I wasn't, um, looking to criticize or anything." Reshiram shifted his weight uneasily. "I know this stuff's upsetting, but it feels like it's making you more upset than before."

"You think I don't see that?" Yuna plucked Reshiram off the bed.

"Whoa! H-Hey, easy now!" The tiny dragon flailed between Yuna's claws.

"How do I know this anger is mine and not Giratina's?" Yuna held Reshiram up in front of her face. "What if they're trying to isolate me from everyone so I'll give up and let them take over, huh? How can I trust my thoughts and wishes here are really mine?"

"... Yeesh," a new voice interjected. "Maybe I should've looked for some whiskey or vodka to bring."

Squealing, Yuna let go of Reshiram. "N-Nikki! H-Hi!"

Reshiram hit the bed and bounced off it with a nasally yelp. He faceplanted onto the carpeted floor then hastily got to his feet, shaking out his messy fur.

"I'm okay!" he declared.

Yuna recalled Reshiram into her core and shimmied backward so she could prop her triangular head against the wall. "How, um, long have you been standing there?"

The toxtricity walked inside, pausing to kick the door shut with her right leg. "When you told Crotch Fuzz to 'save it,'" Nikki replied, shrugging. "Guess you're drifting into existential **** again, huh?"

"O-Only toward the end." Yuna's long tail crinkled. "I was talking. With Vegna."



It came out so fast it sounded like one word, but Nikki must've parsed it out because her mohawk shrank. "Oh. Ohhhhh ****." She looked back at the closed door. "Is that, uh, good or bad?"


"Should we be upset?"


Nikki threw the door open, leaned into the hallway and stuck her middle finger up. "How's that?"

Nickie reared up on her hind legs. She tried to lift a foreleg but tumbled backward with a yip.

"W-What was that?" Tessa was trying not to laugh.

"I wanted to flip that fopdoodle off!" Nickie kicked at the air with her legs. "God, I miss having hands."

"It works." Yuna chuckled into her right elbow.

"Good." Nikki shut the door again while rummaging through her right jacket pocket. She pulled out two small glass vials. "Was gonna keep both of these for myself, but I think you need the other more than I do."

She tossed it to Yuna, who barely managed to catch it after bobbling it between her hands. The dragapult held it up and squinted at the pink gas inside. "Wait. This is—"

"Salazzle vapors. From Twiggy's sister." Nikki strutted toward the bed, tossing her vial to herself.

Yuna kept staring at the pink gas swirling around inside. "Why though?"

"To take the edge off."

The bed fwumped when Nikki flopped down on the edge of it. A meeping Yuna shuffled closer to Leo's plate. Her tail shot into her torso.

"Heh. Never gettin' tired of that." The toxtricity pointed to where Yuna's tail had been seconds ago.

Yuna kneaded her tail out of her torso, pouting. "Is this what you meant when you said you needed air or whatever?"

Sighing, Nikki pushed herself back until her waist spikes plinked against the metal wall. "Yeah. It's the Seifer stuff."

The dragapult straightened up when Nikki actually used Seifer's name. This really was serious.

"I know I don't... get memories like the rest of you," Nikki said, turning her vial back and forth in her fingers. "Still, hearing about Seifer made me think for a bit. You said I fought against Zodiark in the past. But I clearly lost."

She closed her eyes. "So, they must've killed me, right?"

The icepix lay unmoving on the gray and blue, stone ground. Blood stained her fur.

"I... don't know."

"Your face says otherwise."

Yuna jolted. Nikki was leaning over and looking at her.

"I saw you," the dragapult admitted, brushing her right hand over her core.

"Figured." Nikki pulled away, mohawk shrinking. "I don't gotta know the details or anything. Just that... it's gotta go different this time, right?"

"Right. Yeah. Sorry."

"For what?"

"Trying to hide it." Yuna fidgeted.

"Eh, it's whatever." Nikki waved her off. "You were looking out for me. And I pressed you on it."

They both shared a look. The toxtricity's mohawk went pink again for an instant before she looked away and coughed into her hand. "So, uh—"

"C-Can I, um, just ask you one thing?" Yuna blurted out. She was leaning forward, hands pressed down on Leo's blanket.

Nikki opened her mouth, then shut it, then opened it again. Maybe she'd planned on giving a smartass response and abruptly reconsidered. "Yeah."

"What would you do if, y'know, Giratina ends up taking me over?"

Yuna expected the silence that followed. Nikki leaned over. Still clasping her vial, she rested her head on the backs of her hands. A soft, rhythmic thumped filled the room from Nikki tapping her foot against the carpet. She had to be thinking it over, then.

"I guess... I'd fight to get you back."

"And if it's not possible?"

"Screw that."

Yuna's ectoplasm constricted. "Huh?"

Nikki sat up. "After all the ****'s that happened to us, you're really going to say something's not possible?"

"I, uh— it's a hypothetical?" Yuna's voice cracked.

"Doesn't change my answer." Nikki swung her legs onto the bed, facing the dragapult in the process. "I'd fight to get you back. Even if it means pissing those Overseers off."

She looked down and mumbled, "Hell, that might get 'em to come to me faster."

Yuna imagined Nikki charging toward some angelic light... only to get vaporized by a giant white laser. She cringed. "I thiiiink I get the picture."

Hell, maybe Nikki really was onto something. Vegna mentioned an Overseer who split his soul from his body the first time. Perhaps he could split her off from Giratina.

Maybe it wasn't a complete lost cause, then. Yuna had a fighting chance. And someone willing to fight for her.

Nikki stuck her vial in front of Yuna's face and waved it. "So, how 'bout it? Dunno about you, but I've had enough existential **** for one day. Hell, for the whole month."

Yuna lifted the vial in her hand. "I, uh, guess so?" She closely examined the pink gas inside. "What exactly should I do here?"

"Pfffbt. That's easy." Nikki brought her vial over by her face. "Y'just do this." She popped the cork off and heavily inhaled. The pink gas flowed into Nikki's face. There were probably nostrils there Yuna couldn't see between the toxtricity's scales.

At first, nothing seemed to happen. Then Nikki reclined. A shiver ran from her head town to her legs. By the time Nikki was slumped against the wall — her waist spikes wedged in a crack between said wall and Leo's bed — her feet were twitching and her mohawk frazzling erratically.

"N-Nikki?" Yuna waved a hand in front of her face. She squealed when Nikki grabbed it and squeezed her palm repeatedly.

"Squiiiiishy," Nikki said.

"H-Hey now," the dragapult squeaked.

"I'm fiiiiiine." Nikki let go. Her arms flopped by her side. "Just enjoying the colors."

Yuna wanted to ask what Nikki meant, but paused when she saw pink spreading over Nikki's sclera. She looked down at her own capped vial.

"Hey, so, as the guy who used to date a salazzle, maybe we ought to consider not using th—"

Yuna booted Reshiram from the back of her mind and popped the cap off her vial. She didn't have nostrils, so she simply leaned over and let the vapors splash onto her facial ectoplasm.

For a moment, she wondered if there wouldn't be any effect. Then the gas seeped into her ectoplasm.

The vial slipped from Yuna's grasp and dropped onto the bed. All around Yuna, the gray metal walls rippled and wiggled. Bright reds, greens, and blues danced around one another, twisting into yellows, oranges, and purples. So many colors swirling around and around and around...

"Feels good, doesn't it?"

A hand on Yuna's leg made her ectoplasm tighten and quiver in a way she'd never experienced before. She looked at the arm and saw streams of purple and yellow trailing off it. They molded into icepix that ran around the arm. Around Yuna's leg.

Ten. Twenty. Thirty. So many icepix. Spinning. Circling.

The arm turned to something heavier. Scales that smothered her jiggling ectoplasm.

Yuna fell onto her back. A thunk suggested something hit the ground, but she was long past caring.


"It's not usually this quiet here, is it?"

Vince's question disrupted the soft echo of Leo's golden hooves against the metal floor. The cosmic arceus made his way down the hall. "It's late. Everyone must've hit the hay."

"Where are we going?"

"Quiet." Grishi shushed Vince. A whimper followed from the purple koraidon.

"Still dunno why you're here, B-T-dubs." Leo looked over his shoulder. The zorotwo was levitating Vince alongside him. "We made it back. Shouldn't you go home?"

"Grishi could go home." He rolled his eyes. "Sit and twiddle claws. But Grishi knows that dumb thing to do when everything in danger."

He held two claws up to his eyes, then pointed them at Leo. "So, Grishi do responsible thing and keep eye on Leo and friends. Grishi be adult in the room."

"We are adults," Leo said, continuing forward.

"Then Grishi be mature adult."

"Whatevs." Leo reached his door and abruptly stopped. His chest tightened. His starcloud mane and tail pulsated. "H-Huh?"

"Oh no. What's wrong?" Vince sounded like he was trying to worm out of Grishi's psychic grasp. "Are there Whispers here?"

"No." Leo lifted a foreleg and placed it on the door. "I sense... my power. But that doesn't make sense. What—"

The moment he opened the door he saw one of his plates lying on the carpet next to the bed.

A bed with a dragapult and a toxtricity practically tangled together like a pretzel. Their limbs twitching and torsos shuddering.

Leo blinked once. Twice. He cleared his throat.

... Nothing. Did they even hear him?

The cosmic arceus waved a foreleg. A hand made of dirt popped out of the carpet, grabbed the plate, and chucked it toward Leo, who caught it in his starcloud mane.

He silently stepped out of the room and shut the door.

"Change of plans," Leo declared. The plate melted into his mane. A fiery orange dribbled down his wheel like someone spilled paint on it.

Grishi and Vince exchanged looks. "What's wrong? I thought we were going to your room," the purple koraidon said. "And did you just get another plate?"

"Leo taller now." Grishi held two claws close together. "By smidge."

"My mom's in there. With Nikki." Leo wasn't sure how he was keeping a straight face. "Who I might need to start calling my other mom."

Vince stared back blankly. "What."

"I dunno. They're stoned out of their minds." Leo repeatedly moved his head in a circle. "Maybe they won't remember any of it. Either way, I'm out."

He pushed past Grishi and Vince. "H-Hey, wait! Where are we supposed to go, then?!" Vince said.

"Find the orbeetle in the hangar. He'll set you up with a room."

"What hangar?!" Vince finally got out of Grishi's grip. The purple koraidon started after Leo. "And where are you going?"

Leo quickened his pace. "To take a long, cold shower."


"Why do you think?" And the cosmic arceus stomped into a rift of his own making.


Widget did not like lying in a "loaf" position. Even switching to miraivally mode didn't help him out. And the carpet was itchy. Why did they even have to sit on the floor like this anyway?

"So, that's the situation." Gene set a handless cup of tea down on the table at their feet. "Unstable world. Threat to the universe. We could some extra muscle, especially if things keep going south on this side. What do you say?"

The shadowy mewtwo extended his right hand. The two urshifu sitting across the table exchanged looks.

"You said there are a bunch of strong pokémon with this 'resistance' of yours?" Lin asked, a brow raised.

"They're Aeon troops." Gene kept his hand extended. "Mostly dragons and other reptiles."

The other urshifu leaned forward. "So, that include any of them big muscular dragons with the circular plates?" He traced his paws in circles.

"I think he means kommo-o," Widget offered, though he wasn't sure why the urshifu considered that important.

"More than a few," Gene said.

"Any of 'em ladies?"

"Xiao." Lin smacked his brother's shoulder.

Gene shrugged. "I'm sure there are—"

"Ya got a deal!" Xiao grabbed the shadowy mewtwo's hand and enthusiastically shook it. His yellow tail crinkled up in pain.

When the handshake ended, Gene pulled his throbbing hand back and nursed against his stomach. "Great. Welcome aboard." He got to his feet. "We'll give you time to get whatever affairs you need in order, then come back to bring you to our base."

Lin crossed his arms. "What about the dojo, Xiao? And the village?"

"We bring the students, of course!" Xiao got to his feet. "You saw the news on PV. Things are going sideways. Looking out for our people means getting 'em somewhere safer than this nutty kingdom."

"That's... true." Lin stood up, arms still crossed.

"Heh." Xiao rubbed his nose. "You just don't wanna admit I'm right."

"Perhaps keep your thoughts about kommo-o to yourself next time." Sighing, Lin shook his head. "When should we expect you back?"

"Hopefully in a day or two." Gene gestured for Widget to stand. "We're heading over to Blightsmuth next."

"That's on the other side of the kingdom," Lin said. "It'd take at least two days by rail."

"Well, guess it's a good thing we'll be flying." Gene pet Widget's back.

The miraivally's thrusters coughed out smoke. "I beg your pardon?"

"You heard me." Gene stretched his arms up. "And weeeee should probably get going. C'mon, bud."

"Seriously?" Widget watched Gene float over the bamboo floor toward a wooden double door. "Isn't this a bit fast?"

"We're on a tight schedule." Gene snapped his fingers.

Widget bowed his head apologetically at the two urshifu. He shifted back to his cosmic form and trotted after Gene. They stepped through the double doors and descended wooden stairs to a wooden bridge over a small pond with lily pads and bamboo fronds scattered around.

"We have to go back to the base," Widget said.

"Not without new recruits." Gene floated across the bridge, nonchalantly resting his hands behind his head.

"This isn't about getting us numbers." Widget marched after him. His starcloud neck ruff rippled with every step. "You're avoiding Cyril."

"I'm not."


Widget caught up to Gene, who was leaning against a sign reading "Unseen Fist Dojo." He jabbed a gold talon into the shadowy mewtwo's thigh.

"You're trying to recruit new people not long after telling your friend to his face that his boyfriend was as good as dead," Widget said. "It comes off as trying to replace Seifer. It's insensitive. You should know better."

Gene raised a brow. "Really? You're going to lecture me on this?"

The cosmic silvally's crest drooped. "He's been with you for ages. He needs you right now."

"Nah." Gene pushed off the sign. He walked across the dirt road. "I'm the last person he wants to see right now. So, better to do something productive. Better to find us some new recruits." He punched one hand with another. "Nikki lived with Shredder and she's plenty tough. So, the guy must know a thing or two."

Widget squinted. "Which is why you want to go to Blightsmuth?"

Gene turned back, smirking. "Exactly."

"Great." The cosmic silvally sat down. "Then have fun."

"Oh, for pity's sake." Gene pinched his brow. "You're digging your heels in? Really?"

"Yes." Widget held his head up. "Send me back to the base. I won't enable your bad decisions."

They silently stared each other down for several seconds. Eventually, Gene relented. With a lazy flick of his wrist, he spawned a rift. Widget spotted the hangar on the other side.

"Be my guest." Gene gestured toward the rift. "Don't come crying to me when it doesn't go how you're hoping."

Chuffing, Widget marched toward the rift. He paused with one foreleg on the other end to look at Gene.

"I hope you'll reconsider."

He waited for a few seconds. When Gene didn't respond, Widget finished stepping through the rift. He found a few skorps staring at him.

"Oh, uh, hi." Widget awkwardly waved a foreleg. "Anyone seen Cyril around?"

"Medical bay," one skorp said.

"Thanks." Widget trotted toward the hangar door.

Maybe Cyril already had other people with him. Regardless, Widget wouldn't rest until he knew the zoroark was okay.


Winter can't come soon enough
Chapter 100: Positively Adamant

While Spacial Rend was relatively easy for me to describe in manuscript form, Dialga's Roar of Time is much more... esoteric. Hisuian records suggest a large beam of energy, but that sounds no different from your average Dragon Pulse. Even descriptions from the second Hisuian hero suggest Roar of Time was less impressive a sight than Palkia's Spacial Rend.

I suppose part of it is in the name itself. What does roaring time even equate to? Is Dialga bombarding an opponent with an array of different possibilities? Are they warping time in the area of the attack?

Perhaps the Space Globe can shed some light on this for me. I'll ask Zodiark.


The restaurant had been open while the group waited for news about Seifer. And it stayed open even after Cyril's outburst, though Guzzie and Guzmelda tried their best to hastily get the remaining patrons fed and out the door.

Throughout the constant scurrying of the black and pink guzzlord couple, Artemis remained coiled next to a corner table. He stared blankly at a flickering neon record hanging above the jukebox. Artemis had no idea how much time had passed. He didn't care, either.

It was Artemis' fault. Seifer was gone because of him. If the milotic had just understood his place... that he'd been sitting on the sidelines for a reason. Artemis had been out of his depth with the toxic swamp that took over the skorps' home planet. Gene knew that. That was why the mewtwo had Artemis work that stupid drone when they went to Eterna City.

But Artemis complained anyway. Let that dumb samurott talk him into going back out in the field.

And now Siefer was dead.

Why hadn't Artemis just stayed behind?

His scales tingled— no, itched.

He hunched over, putting his hands on his thighs to catch his breath. Akari was climbing off Ursaluna to gather the balms scattered at A̸͈͠r̴̛̠e̷̩͌z̸̳̉ȕ̶̖'̴͚̽s̷̼̓ feet.

"What were you thinking, doing all this yourself?" Artemis said. He managed to catch his breath. "Did you think I couldn't help you?"

Both girls shared a glance.

"Right." Artemis' shoulders sagged. "No one would blame you for thinking so. Not much of a leader, am I? I've never even seen almighty Sinnoh with my own eyes."

"Y'square, mate?"

Artemis jolted. His horn grazed the metal wall behind him. Ribbons curling, the milotic hissed in pain.

Wait, ribbons? He looked at them, blinking repeatedly.

"Oi. Artemis, innit?"

He looked up to see that lycanroc mutt standing in front of him, paws on a sleeping Sigurd's wheelchair. Given the direction Sigurd was facing, they were probably heading to the residential quarters.

"I'm fine." Artemis waved Jaeger off with his right ribbon.

"Ain't a good liar, mate," Jaeger said. He lifted his paws off the wheelchair. "Heard about what happened to Seifer. Damn shame."

Artemis looked down guiltily. "It's my fault. He died taking a blow for me." His ribbons curled up as he suppressed a shudder. "All because I... really thought I could make a difference out there. Me, some... some random nobody milotic."

Jaeger scratched his chin. "Easy to blame yourself right now. But it sounds like Seifer chose to run in and take that blow."

"Only because I was careless," Artemis countered. His brows drooped. "I'd been... icy toward him, because of what happened in the past. Never got to a point where I could forgive him." He shook his head. "Then this happened."

"That's the grief talking," Jaeger said. "Sounds like y'need time to sort through it." The lycanroc mutt rubbed his rocky mane. "Wish I could help, mate, but it ain't exactly my forte."

Artemis' eyes narrowed. "And just what is your forte? You're supposed to be one of these Overseers, aren't you?"


"Whatever!" Artemis flicked a ribbon in Jaeger's direction. "Doesn't that make you strong? Why aren't you out there fighting these guys?!"

He slithered up to Jaeger and jabbed a ribbon into his chest. "If you'd gone out there, then... then maybe I wouldn't have! And Seifer would still be—"

Jaeger grabbed the milotic's shout and shushed him. He tilted his head in Sigurd's direction as a warning not to wake the guy up.

"'Fraid it don't work like that, mate." Jaeger let go of Artemis' snout and stepped back. "Overseers get power from entering a world with the help of the local gods. Didn't happen to me, so I don't have that power. 'M like a normal lycanroc."

"Seriously?" Artemis slouched to the point where his ribbons dragged on the floor. "But what about that emerald sheen your fur sometimes has?"

"Yeh, 's just a glow." Jaeger held his paw up. It flashed emerald for a bit. "Cuz 'm usually a zygarde when I visit a world."

What? The milotic struggled to imagine how one jumped from serpent dragon to rock dog.

Jaeger scratched his ear. "Zygarde got a canid form, mate."

"Oh." Still, Artemis didn't buy it. He straightened up. "Well, we literally have the local god here: Leo. Why can't you borrow some of his power so you can fight? He already shared his power with Cyril and Widget, so..."

His voice trailed off. "He shared... his power with Cyril and Widget..."

Jaeger raised a brow, only to grunt as Artemis shoved him into the back of Sigurd's chair while slithering around him.

"What's the hurry, mate?"

"Leo! I need Leo!" Artemis slithered toward the door. He'd been in such a stupor for so long that it hadn't occurred to him that the cosmic arceus should have been home by now. Which meant that he was somewhere in the outpost.

"What for?" Jaeger said.

"There might still be a way to save Seifer," Artemis said.

Jaeger muttered something, but it was too quiet for Artemis to hear. The metal doors slid open for the milotic. He headed into the glass tunnel.

Yes, Leo was the key. The key to saving Seifer... and to his power woes. Leo was God. He had to have some sort of control over life and death. Now that he had several plates, surely Leo could tap into those powers. And also give Artemis a boost, too.

Blessings for both of them. That was the solution. A way for Artemis to undo his terrible mistake... and to make sure no one would ever get hurt covering for his stupidity again.

It was a solid plan. It was going to work— no, it had to work.


Widget had initially checked the "main" infirmary area — several repurposed rooms whose walls Gene had broken down — but found no sign of Cyril or Seifer. He asked one of the cyclizar monks carrying around some towels. She told the cosmic silvally they'd taken Seifer into an empty room at the end of the hall.

The first room he tried had Ifrit and Shiva, who were still asleep. The second had Yiazmat beside a slumbering Calcifer. It was the room at the very end, by a glass wall looking out at the asteroid belt and brilliant aurora, that Widget found an ajar metal door.

He lightly tapped the door with his talons. "Hey. Anyone in here?"

No response. Widget leaned over. His head crest nudged the door open. He recoiled upon seeing a charred, vaguely equine body lying on a blue tarp covering the bed. There were scented candles and lilac flowers around the bed. Widget wondered if those were trying to mask the smell of a burnt corpse.

"What do you want?"

Cyril's voice was hoarse, but he still managed to sound harsh. Widget shrank back, his head crest drooping.

The door opened fully. Cyril walked back toward a metal folding chair beside Seifer's body and slumped down into it.

"I, uh—" Widget couldn't take his eyes off the tarp. He wouldn't have even known that was Seifer had he not seen the lightning fry the keldeo. "I just wanted to check in."

"I'm not up for talking." Cyril let his starcloud mane drape over his face. It was more disheveled than usual. And his ectoplasmic pelt was knotted up, too.

"I know he meant a lot to you," Widget whispered.

Cyril's black fur flickered red. Widget's claws scraped against the floor. Had he said something wrong?

The cosmic zoroark stayed silent, still facing Seifer. Though Widget had no idea if he could see the keldeo's corpse through all that fur.

Eventually, Cyril muttered, "This mean Gene's back?"

"No." Widget stepped into the room. Lilac and lavender scents practically assaulted his beak. It was almost suffocating. But better than the alternative, I guess.

"No?" Cyril's fur flickered red again.

Widget tensed. Was honesty the best policy right now? Then again, he wasn't a great liar and lying could just make Cyril angrier.

"He didn't want to come back." The silvally's starcloud neck ruff deflated. "He thought you didn't want him around. So, he's trying to recruit ousted Crowne Ministers over in Radiance. I think he's heading for Blightsmuth."

At first, Cyril didn't respond. Then he smacked his right leg with his right hand. "Oooof course he is. Gotta find some way to salvage this, right?" He flicked his left wrist toward Seifer's body.

"I think he's afraid," Widget mumbled.

"Of what?" Cyril whirled on Widget. His mane still obscured his face but locks of hair rippled like stormy waters. "Me chewing him out for not dropping everything to get Seifer to safety?"

Widget's crest drooped. "That's, uh... a pretty good guess?" He looked down at his gold talons. This idea was turning worse by the second.

Raspy laughter followed. "No reason to worry." Cyril slapped his right leg again. "Because he was right. As usual."


"There was no reason to rush him back." Cyril's laughter continued. The gems in his limbs flickered erratically. "That lightning fried him. He was... he was..."

His laughter faded to choked back sobs as Cyril slumped off his chair and onto his knees.

"C-Cyril..." Widget took a step toward the cosmic zoroark... only to jump back when Cyril punched the tarp.

"Why?" He punched again. "Why, damn it?" And again. "Why did this have to happen?" And again.

Widget had to say something, right? "He was trying to save Artemis. Trying... to be the hero he always saw himself as."

"I get that!" Cyril snapped. Widget caught a quick glimpse of the zoroark's puffy eyes before his hair obscured them again. "But the last thing that happened before that was his asshole father disowning him because I let him rile me up!"

He turned and punched the tarp again. Cyril's right arm rippled with static. "I screwed up! I loved him and I... I'll never..."

The cosmic silvally's neck ruff deflated further. Those static ripples meant Cyril would erode into a Whisper if Widget didn't do something.

"It's not your fault." He quickly went to Cyril's side and sat down next to him. "Between the pirates and Xeromus, everything was out of control. I'm sure if Seifer were here, he wouldn't blame you for losing your cool."

"But he did blame me!" Static briefly replaced Cyril's mane and torso. "He scolded me. And I never got the chance to apologize..."

Crap! Widget was making it worse!

"W-Well, um..." He had to think. Think. Think. "If he was, y'know, really mad at you, would he have gone with you and Artemis?"

Widget flinched when Cyril turned to him. His hair was still covering his face, but at least the static wasn't showing up this time.

"I dunno," Cyril whispered. He slumped to his right so his head and upper torso were lying on the chair. "But he's gone now. I'll never get to make a proper apology."

"There might still be a way!"

Widget turned to find Artemis in the doorway. The milotic leaned against the door, trying to catch his breath while also shoving Leo's side with a ribbon.

"Hey! C'mon, dude, my fur's not even dry!"

The cosmic arceus hesitantly entered the room. Water dribbled off his blue-purple, starry pelt. The towel draped over his torso dropped onto the floor.

"You pulled Leo out of the shower?" Widget asked.

"Of course not." Artemis finished catching his breath, slithered inside, and shut the door. "I pulled him out of the shower area while he was drying off." He pointed a ribbon across the room. "Because this is important! Leo can save Seifer!"

Cyril's head snapped in Leo's direction. Leo turned to Artemis. "What?"

"A blessing should totally work!" Artemis sounded awfully sure of himself for what sounded like a complete wild guess. "Look at what it did for Cyril and Widget." He gestured to both with his ribbons. "And you have a ghost-type plate, right? So, you should totally be able to revive a soul. If you're the creator of the universe, nothing's impossible for you."

Widget looked down at the floor. All those concerns he brought up to Gene about Leo's blessing rushed back to the surface. Could Leo really bring Seifer back? Or would he end up putting an entirely different spirit into Seifer's body? Did the cosmic arceus even understand how his blessings worked?

"Wait." Cyril held his hands up. "No, something about that ain't right. Seifer was killed back in Radiance. His soul shouldn't be here anymore. It'd be... claimed by Eternatus, wouldn't it?"

"Maybe?" Leo shrugged. "TBH, I'm not really sure."

"TBH?" Cyril pulled his starcloud hair aside to squint at Leo. "Seriously, dude?"

The two cosmic fuzzballs' ensuing bickering barely registered to Widget, who was repeating Cyril's claims over and over in his head.

Souls claimed by Eternatus. Claimed by... Eternatus...

"I might be able to help with that."

Widget hadn't realized what he said until he saw three sets of eyes on him. Artemis wrapped his tail around one of the cosmic silvally's hind legs. "Don't just stand there. Explain!"

"I, uh—" Widget blinked several times. "Well, y'know, the emperor built me to interface with Eternatus. So, um, I might be able to locate Seifer's spirit. If it's, like, adrift and stuff."

"You don't sound too sure of yourself." Cyril crossed his arms and tapped a foot on the floor.

"But he can try." Artemis let go of Widget's hind leg. The milotic pet the leg with his tail. "For everyone's sake, right?"

"Does that mean I can go back to drying off?" Leo reached a foreleg toward the towel he dropped.

"No, we still need you," Artemis said. Leo brought his foreleg back, an unamused look on his face.

"Uh, right." Widget stepped toward Seifer's body. His form shifted back into his original, Eternatus-esque look. His glassy, red-pink torso was... strange after not experiencing it for so long.

"Here goes." The eternavally shut his eyes and concentrated. What was it the emperor had told him to do?

His fur bristled. No, forget him. Do what feels natural.

Widget took one deep breath. Then another. And another.

Even though his eyes were closed, a dully, hazy outline of the room painted itself in front of him. There were two bright, white-blue flames to his right. A gold flame sat between them. It was so intense, it almost broke Widget's concentration. It had to be Leo's spirit.

Focus. Deep breaths. Widget had to think beyond the—


Widget's eyes opened. He stumbled toward the bed, shaking his head and blinked stars from his vision. "That doesn't—" Widget looked at the bed where Seifer's body lay.

"Did you see something?" There was a spark of hope in Cyril's voice.

"A crystal," the eternavally whispered. "A gray and blue crystal... right on the bed. Which I don't understand. Cuz you guys looked like ethereal flames to me when I was concentrating."

Cyril hummed in thought. Artemis slithered between him and Widget. "That's a good thing!" the milotic chirped. "That's gotta mean his spirit's here. Which means Leo can help!" He turned to the cosmic arceus. "I bet all you gotta do is 'break' that crystal and you'll free Seifer's soul!"

Leo's damp starcloud mane dimmed. "Gray crystal? I dunno..."

"Please, Leo, you have to try!" Artemis beckoned him with his tailfins.


Artemis nudged Cyril with his left ribbon. "You agree with me, right? You really want Seifer back!"

The cosmic zoroark's mane dimmed. "Yeah. I do."

"Then what do we have to lose?" Artemis looked between Cyril and Leo.

After a few seconds of silence, Leo stepped forward. "Fine. I'll try." He approached the bed. "Maybe it is that simple. And I have a lot of plates now, so that's bound to help."

Widget shuffled back. His fur stood on end. Something about the crystal bothered him. He wasn't sure why, so he kept his beak shut. Widget silently watched golden filaments unravel from Leo's wheel. They gently touched Seifer's corpse. Leo's wheel and starcloud mane sparkled with a blue-purple aurora. The dampness from his shower turned to small bits of steam above his head.

Though tempted to tap into that spirit sensing power again, Widget feared he'd break Leo's concentration. He stood as still as a statue.

... And then the filaments twitched.

Leo's eyes opened. They were full of panic.

The filaments twitched again. Artemis and Cyril didn't seem to notice, gazes locked on Seifer's body. Its hooves were... glistening?

This time the filaments jerked. Was Leo trying to pull them away?

Something's wrong.

Widget had to speak up. "Leo?"

"I can't, nnngh, get them back," he said. The filaments jerked again, but remained attached to Seifer. The glistening had spread over the keldeo's charred body.

"Wait, what?" Cyril stepped up to Leo. "If there's a problem then stop."

Leo's wheel and starcloud mane flickered. "I can't! It won't— why isn't this working? Stop! Stop!" He kept jerking the filaments.

Widget's head crest glowed. He shifted back to his cosmic form. "Do you want me to slice them? I'm sure I can—"

"No! Get back!" Leo stuck his left foreleg out.

Artemis finally seemed to register the problem. He was reaching toward Leo when the cosmic arceus suddenly tensed.

The filaments were ripped from Seifer's body. They flailed about like rapidly deflating balloons. Leo staggered back, eyes wide. Cyril dove onto the floor, narrowly avoiding one.

Widget jumped over one of the filaments just as another smacked Artemis across the face. Despite being thin, the filament's slap slammed the milotic into the wall. His golden scales darkened to black and his ribbons turned into starry nebulas that matched Cyril and Leo's hair.


(Art by Inku.)

Artemis slumped down onto the floor and lay still.

"Artemis!" the cosmic silvally cried. "Leo, you have to make it stop!"

The filaments — no, they were more like tendrils now — continued lashing at the air. Leo staggered back, his wheel dimming and brightening erratically. "I can't! Nothing's working!"

"Then try something els— auugh!"

A tendril slapped Widget's right cheek bolt. Like Artemis, he was flung into the corner of the room. A resounding clang echoed in the room, but Widget didn't hear it. His ears hadn't stopped ringing.

Widget collapsed. The room spun and spun and spun. The gray walls and ceiling melted away into a swirl of reds, purples, and violets.

"Wha?" He blinked rapidly, but the sea of colors wouldn't disappear. "Leo? Cyril?!" Widget tried to lift his head, but found he couldn't move it.

The sea of red and purple rippled. One by one, silhouettes drifted toward him. He spotted a charizard, then a decidueye beside it, then a xatu floating behind them both.

Silhouettes kept popping up. Soon there were ten— no, twenty? Widget had quickly lost count. He tried to move away from them, but he couldn't.

Widget couldn't open his beak, either. Only stare at the silhouettes.

Some larger ones stood behind the others. A reshiram loomed over them all. A miraidon floated beside it. And behind them both... a familiar silhouette resembling a giant hand.

The cosmic silvally tensed up. Those three... were parts of the transformations he used. Widget never thought about why he could transform like that. He figured the emperor had built him that way.

All the silhouettes' lifted their heads. Hollow blue eyes stared Widget down from all directions.

Again, he tried to get his beak open. Nothing happened.

Widget trembled. Why was this happening? Was this because of Leo's power? But it had already helped him before... hadn't it?

One of the silhouettes was right in front of Widget's face. Three heads. Three sets of hollow blue eyes.

Hydreigon stared Widget down. Its main head looked over its shoulder at the silhouettes. Then it turned back to Widget.

Finally, Widget's beak moved. "What do you want from me?" he squealed.

Silence. Hydreigon continued staring.


(Art by Yereren.)

"Puh-please." Widget was able to look around. Everyone was staring. Boring through him with their hollow blue eyes. "I don't... understand..."


Widget tensed. His claws dug into... the purple and red swirling beneath him. "Who said that?!" He looked around in a panic. "Was it you?" Widget eyed Hydreigon.


It was louder this time. And coming from all around Widget. "Voice what?! I'm talking! You can hear me!"

Hydreigon inched closer. So did the other silhouettes.

Voice. Together. Voice. Together.

"Stop it! You're not making any sense!" Widget pleaded. He tried conjuring an attack to ward off the silhouettes, but the energy fizzled out the moment it reached his beak.

"Stop! Get away!" Widget rapidly shook his head, as if that could somehow force the silhouettes back. "Get away from me!"

Hydreigon placed one of its smaller heads on Widget's crest.

We carry the wills of slumbering lives. We are their Voice.

Melding together, the silhouettes funneled into Widget's chest. His starcloud ruff swelled up.

Widget screamed. A wall of blue light swept away the red and purple ocean, but his screams didn't stop. Not for an unconscious Artemis. Not for Cyril, who was slumped on his knees beside a keldeo-shaped blue and gray crystal.

When Widget's screams died down, his gaze fell on Leo. The tendrils were gone, but the cosmic arceus looked around the room with increasing horror on his face. Rapidly shaking his head, Leo slammed the door open and bolted from the room.

The metallic thumps of Leo's galloping echoed in Widget's head even as they grew steadily farther.

Widget shakily took one step toward the door. Then another. Then a third. He tried to will himself to go after Leo, but that one piercing word kept echoing in his head.

Voice. Voice. Voice.

He managed one last step, before falling over on his side and blacking out.


Shane lifted his head off the glowing root of the crystal tree surrounding him. Its prismatic branches and leaves turned the small cavern's walls into a rainbow mosaic. It was practically a sky shifting from the soft blues of morning to the orange and reds of sunset. It was a sight Shane had taken in so many times it had practically lost all meaning to him.

Besides, it wasn't important. He had a visitor. The icetales got up, stretching out a hind leg... only to sharp in a suck breath when the leg cramped.

"Ow! Ow! Charlie— gah!"

He fell over on his side, disheveling his chest ruff and exposing the rainbow crystal underneath.

A crystal the summer form deerling that stood at the opposite end of the cavern eyed intently.

"Angel! Hi!" Shane blurted out her name a bit too loudly as he scrambled to his feet. He winced from his own echo. "Uhh... I wasn't expecting you here. Right now. At this very moment." He awkwardly punctuated his wording while he dusted himself off with four of his tails.

"Well, spontaneity can be one of life's many joys," Angel said, slowly walking further into the cavern. "How's the Tree of Light?"

Shane glanced over his shoulder. "Same as it was the last time you asked. You know we don't have to do the small talk stuff, right?"

When he turned back around, gone was the simple summer deerling. In her place stood a xerneas with a golden pelt, gold antlers, gold crystals on her chest and legs that brought Shane's true form to mind. Her vibrant glow melded with the Tree of Light's aurora to spread a golden tinge around the cavern.


(Art by Digivolvar.)

"True." Angel's gaze drifted toward the Tree of Light's branches. "But I was concerned." She continued forward. Her crystal hooves plinked softly on the cavern floor with every step. "I poked around Ginnungagap. By 2020."

Shane's tails puffed out. "I, uh... I know I'd suggested it, but you didn't have to go do that right away."

"You were distressed," Angel said." She stopped by the icetales and leaned over. Her golden antlers dimmed along with her rainbow eyes. "Still are distressed." She sounded quite sure of herself.

They looked at each other in silence for a few seconds before Shane turned back to the tree. "Maybe a bit," he conceded, pawing at the ground.

Sighing, Angel shrank back down to a summer deerling. She brushed against Shane's side and sat next to the edge of a nearby tree root.

"Something happen?"

"You remember that world that got me in trouble over the whole 'protecting ogerpon' thing?" Shane asked. Angel nodded as he sat down next to her. "One of Zodiark's mystery dungeons targeted that place. 2020's new arceus managed to settle things down, but he... did something surprising."

"What kind of surprise?" Angel wondered. "Not a pleasant one, from the sound of things..."

"He took Vince."

Angel leaned into Shane's line of sight, flabbergasted. "You're kidding."

"Wish I was." Shane sighed. A tired smile spread over his muzzle. "Besides, weren't you the one who said I only know how to be unintentionally funny?"

That flummoxed the summer deerling. Enough for her golden antlers to flicker in and out of existence. "Well that's—" Angel shook her head. "I'm sure I've told you that friendly ribbing — whether from friend, family, or partner — is a small way for two souls to share in the joy of life."

"Maybe." Shane playfully poked Angel's side with a tail. "But I'm not exactly known for being a good listener."

They shared a look and then a quick laugh. Then Shane's ears folded down. "Anyway, it turns out that the Reverse World guardian for that dimension was helping 2020's new arceus."

Angel tilted her head. "And that was?"

"The fuzzy mewtwo-zoroark mishmash." Shane curled two of his tails together. "He, uh, remembers me from when I helped with his ascension."

"I see." Angel put her left forehoof over Shane's right forepaw. "That must have been awkward."

"Well, it did make me feel like I was a dolt," the icetales conceded. "And I betrayed Vince's trust." The gem in his chest flickered. "Not exactly a great quality in an Overseer."

"True." Angel took her forehoof off Shane's forepaw and instead placed it on the rainbow root to her right. She still wore a calm expression. "Still, mistakes are as much a part of life as love and lust. Whether you let them define you or rise above them will determine the sort of person you are. That goes for gods or mortals. Overseers or interns." She conjured a small mote of light that she placed on the tree root. A tiny blue flower sprouted from the root.

"I know." Shane had heard that from Angel before. "This one's... different. Because of all the 2020 stuff." He winced. "And how I contributed to it." He sucked in a sharp breath. "It's... hard not to let it all get to me. Especially when I can only try and help indirectly."

Angel grew back into a golden xerneas. She leaned over and gently licked Shane's back.

"H-Hey!" His tails puffed out.

"You poor thing~" she said. "You've been talking with one of the Dark Matters again, haven't you?"

Shane shook himself until Angel pulled away. "Tama, actually," he said.

"Well, he does still lean cynical on these things," Angel said, shrinking back to deerling. She climbed onto the tree root and playfully nudged the flower she'd grown.

"I know... and he is trusting me on this." Shane got up and stretched in a downward dog pose, fanning out his snowy tails. "But he does have a point about how thin a tightrope I'm walking."

"In what way?"

"It's... dangerous for me to get close to 2020's divine energy," Shane said. As he finished his stretch, he slowly expanded into his necrozma form. He stretched his upper half toward the Tree of Light's trunk. Shane rested an upper wing against it. "There was a reaction when the new arceus showed up. I'm not sure he realized it... maybe because he doesn't have a full grip on all his powers."

He lifted his lower wings. They darkened and staticky red energy pulsated through them. "If we'd stayed together a bit longer, we'd have caused another mystery dungeon to form up. Right after he'd sealed Zodiark's." Shane lowered his wings and the energy dissipated. "And I tried to track down some of his missing plates after leaving 4940, but every time I thought I sensed one... I lost it."

Angel tilted her head, but then her eyes slowly widened. Her golden antlers flickered in and out of existence. "Wait, you don't mean..."

"That divine energy I banished from home must be baked into 2020's." Shane squished his eight-pointed head against the tree trunk. "It still, like, remembers me. And so my presence repels it." His face slid down the tree trunk until he was lying face down on the ground. "I guess it wasn't a problem back when I visited the old outpost because all that energy was sealed up. But now that it's free and spreading around—"

"You can't get close to it without risking a reaction," Angel cut in. Hoofbeats suggested she was walking on her tree root toward Shane's head. "And not the fun kind, either."

Shane half-grunted, half-laughed at that last comment. He turned his head left and saw gold, crystalline forehooves dangling off a tree root.

"Pretty much," he said. "It's like my wings are tied." A pause, and then he added, "And that's not the fun kind, either."

"Oh, you." Angel nudged his left upper wing with her forehoof.

"You started it."

"God of life perks."

Shane turned his head further to find Angel winking and sticking out her golden tongue. "Fine." He rolled over on his back, folding his four wings across his crystalline chest. "At least there's an upside to this. If I could feel that strong a reaction to the new arceus... then it's possible that shadowed soul I mentioned to you might finally be able to let go."

Several seconds of silence followed. Shane was going to elaborate when Angel said, "That silvally?"

He nodded slowly. His head tendrils shriveled slightly. "He's been drowning in shadows for so long. All because I've told him he needs to hold out for the right moment." Shane's tendrils extended. "And I think that moment's here. If I'm right... he may be able to help the new arceus stop Zodiark."

"And if you're wrong?"

Shane's whole body dimmed. "That's... what this backup plan's for."

More silence followed. Enough for Shane to believe Angel decided against pressing him further on that subject.

But where did that leave them? Heck, they'd gone off on such a long tangent that Shane had forgotten why Angel had even dropped by. "So, uh, what were we talking about before?"

"My little 2020 drive by." Angel got off the root. Her golden antlers glowed brighter. "I think its Voice has awakened to their true nature."

"What?!" Shane sat up so quickly his head tendrils whipped back and forth. "Hang on. Shouldn't there be multiple—"

"It was only one energy spike I sensed," Angel said. A shudder ran down her golden body. "But it was... an intense spike. Almost too much to handle." There was a bit of... excitement in her voice. Shane's rainbow eyes swirled around as he tried to come up with an explanation.

Eventually, something sprang to mind. "You don't think..."

Angel nodded. "I do. Mashed together into one entity. A Super Voice, if you would."

"I see." The necrozma traced his wing claws around his chest spikes. "That's... hmm. Not really sure what we can do with that right now. If anything."

"I take it you don't want me telling the higher-ups?" Angel leaned forward, practically resting her head on Shane's top chest spike. His rainbow eyes turned shades of red.

"Uh, well... they'll probably figure out I had something to do with it." Shane laughed nervously. "So, um, maybe we keep it our little secret? I'm sure they'll sense it soon enough."

"Oh my~" Angel fluttered her eyelids. "How scandalous. And yet it's quite exciting. I heard you had a wild streak about you."

"H-Hey now." Shane nudged Angel's golden snout with an upper wing. "Do I need to toss you in a cold shower?"

"Are you threatening me with a good time?"

Shane's head went from gold to bright red. He opened and closed his crystal beak several times.

Angel smiled sweetly. "You've got nothing."

"I've got nothing."

The golden xerneas pulled her head off Shane's spike and stood up. "Well, as much as I'd like to celebrate life with you right now, I should probably get home before I lose track of time." She glanced back at Shane. "If anything else pops up or you'd like any more of my help, you know where to find me."

She sauntered across the cavern for a few seconds before breaking into a gallop. Once her hoofbeats had faded away, Shane slumped back onto the ground, groaning loudly.

He really wished Nero was still around. The old fella would have been perfect for a situation like this. But alas, that wasn't the case. Shane had a feeling he'd need folks like Angel and Tama to get through this crazy situation.


Winter can't come soon enough
Chapter 101: Personal Space

Noctum floated on his back in the sparkling water. Emotion kept the lake — the humans called it Verity — around their home as pristine as anything Noctum had seen. The sun's reflection glistened all around him. Even the shabby magikarp keeping their distance glimmered from the sunlight.

He lazily turned his arms in circles, drifting across the water. The surface was warm while the water underneath was cool.

It was so interesting! A fine example of the power of space at work. He hummed softly, floating closer to the small grassy island in the middle of the lake.

Akari sat on the edge, dangling her legs in the water. Emotion drifted between the trees behind her, running their nubby hands across bare branches.

"... Don't know what I'm going to do, Irida." Akari shook her head. "There's still some friction between Diamond and Pearl."

Noctum stopped swimming and tilted his head.

Oh, right. The one who gave blessings to him was here, too.

"Diamond and Pearl?" Irida glanced at Noctum. "Do you mean..."

"Dialga and Palkia." Akari lazily lifted her right leg. Water dribbled off it. "I thought they'd be appropriate nicknames."

"Right." Irida looked at reflection in the water. "You do call your pokémon something other than their species."

Akari raised a brow. "Do you not?"

Irida looked left. Underneath the slim shade of one of the bare trees, a glaceon poked at a napping espeon's side. After a few more nudges, Espeon's closed eyes twitched. His forehead gem glowed. A burst of telekinesis unceremoniously tossed a mewling Glaceon into the lake.

Noctum picked his head up, worried Glaceon couldn't swim. Still on his back, he swam in her direction.

"I never considered it," Irida admitted, watching the water. Fortunately, Glaceon surfaced, but she was quite miffed. Noctum reached her. He dipped his head underwater and positioned it under Glaceon. Then he extended his long neck, creating a makeshift bridge for Glaceon to climb back onto the island.

She immediately barked and hissed at Espeon. Ice crystals formed on her damp fur.

Still curled up in a ball, Espeon poked one eye open. Then he closed it and simply purred.

Glaceon screeched. An Ice Beam formed in her mouth.

"Stop it, Glaceon!" Irida smacked the ground with her left hand. "You shouldn't have been bothering Espeon while he was napping and you know it."

The Ice Beam faded into frosty air. Glaceon looked down guiltily.

"And Espeon." Irida was on her knees. Her arms were crossed. "You don't fling people into the lake because they're bothering you."

Espeon didn't appear to acknowledge Irida. Noctum thought a little persuasion was in order, so he lifted his head and spat a tiny stream of water at Espeon. The moment it doused him, Espeon jumped to his feet, back arched. He loudly hissed at Noctum, who simply nudged his head in Irida's direction. Espeon's ears folded and he muttered what seemed like an apology to Glaceon and Irida.

"Ah, uh, thank you, Palkia." Irida bowed her head respectfully.

Noctum smiled and lowered his head back against the water's surface.

"That might be it," Akari whispered.

"What do you mean?"

"I think I know a way to mend the rift between Diamond and Pearl." Akari got to her feet. "It's like two siblings bickering. A parent can help stop the arguing."

"A parent?" Irida tilted her head.

"I've just gotta finish seeking out all the pokémon here in Hisui," Akari declared.

"A-All the pokémon?!"

Noctum caught the meaning. She was talking about the Creator. The thought of their disapproving look drove Noctum to dive underwater...


The cosmic charizard sat up, sucking in a sharp breath.

He wasn't underwater. He was just in one of the drab, gray rooms at Cyril's outpost. An infirmary room, judging by the jars with berry pastes and glowing fluids sitting on the shelf opposite his bed. There were two other beds to his right. Widget lay in one and the other had... some black-scaled serpent with starcloud ribbons. A... cosmic milotic? The resistance didn't have one of those...

"Finally up, are we?"

Noctum squeezed the covers in his hands.

"V-Valkyrie," he squeaked. The garchomp sat on a chair beside the door, idly flipping through some sort of magazine. "H-Hi." He hastily threw his covers off and scooted to the edge of his bed. "What, uh, are ya reading there?"

"Lingerie holowear magazine." Valkyrie nonchalantly turned the page. She looked up at the cosmic charizard. "You want it? Maybe you'll find something fitting."

Noctum blinked a few times. "I don't... know what that is."

"Tch." Valkyrie crumpled up the magazine and tossed it into the trash bin on the other side of the door. "It was a joke, you dweeb. That was just some trashy Qliphoth celebrity gossip magazine." The garchomp crossed one leg over the other. "Needed something to pass the time since you've been zonked out since yesterday afternoon."

"Since yesterday afternoon?" Noctum's starry tail flame shrank. He tried to remember what happened. They had gotten back from stopping Vortex's rampage and then...

"There was this pressure." Noctum put his right hand over his chest. "Crushing."

"A bit young for a heart attack," Valkyrie scoffed. She switched crossed legs. "You dropped to the floor and kept muttering something about 'time's gone,' then you passed out."

"I see." The cosmic charizard tapped his claws together nervously. "What else did I miss?" He glanced at the beds next to his.

"Seifer didn't make it," Valkyrie flatly said. "Or, more accurately, he was already dead when we got him." She pointed at the cosmic milotic. "Apparently Artemis thought Leo could bring Seifer back from the dead." She turned her claw on Widget. "And brought him along for the ride. But something went wrong. "

The garchomp snorted pink-purple embers. "You've already seen Artemis' makeover for yourself. That's not everything, though." Valkyrie kicked the side of the empty bed to her left with her leg.

"Seifer's body's crystallized, Cyril's catatonic, Leo's locked himself in a broom closet, and Gene's faffing about in Radiance instead of being here to rally the troops."

She leaned her chair back on its hind legs. "Any questions?"

Noctum blinked once. Twice. He went over Valkyrie's recap again, but struggled through the full sequence of events. Why would any of this alter Artemis' appearance? Or hurt Widget? And if Leo was back from the mystery dungeon, what about Yuna and the others who went with her.

All of those questions wrestled for his attention, leading him to dumbly mutter, "Uh, what's catatonic?"

Valkyrie's death glare told him that was the wrong question.

"Err, I meant... how's Yuna?" Noctum laughed nervously.

"Could be worse." Still propping up her chair, Valkyrie shrugged. "She brought that koraidon Overseer here somehow. And some weird zoroark and mewtwo mishmash from the latest mystery dungeon.

"Oh, and itsoundslikeshetooksalazzlepheromonesandhadherselfaniceacidtriplastnight."

"Wait, she did what?!"

"She's fine." Valkyrie waved dismissively. "Embarrassed, but fine. Nikki's the same way. They must've tripped balls together."

Noctum had no idea what to make of that.

"Besides, there are more important things going on." Valkyrie let the chair drop back to all fours. She got up and her usual stoic expression returned. "Your appearances changes again, then you just so happen to become unresponsive, muttering 'time's gone,' right before we learn Seifer was declared dead? I refuse to believe that's a coincidence.

"You know something. What aren't you telling me?"

The cosmic charizard gripped the side of his bed. A part of him knew this had to come up eventually, but why did it have to be right now? Especially when she'd finally started to trust him.

"This is a 'reincarnated souls' thing, isn't it?" Valkyrie squinted at Noctum.

His tail flame shrank.

"Knew it." The garchomp paced by the foot of Noctum's bed. "I have my theories." She stopped and crossed her arms. "But I want to hear the truth from you."

Noctum tightened his grip on the bed. Was that meant to be a gesture of trust?

"You promise not to get mad?" Noctum brought his legs together and hunched over. "Or knee me in any sensitive places?"

Valkyrie kept her arms crossed. "As long as you tell me the truth."

"Okay." Noctum took a shaky breath. He really hoped this wouldn't cause any problems. "That strike from Halvus I absorbed reminded me of my past life." His wings unfolded. "I was this... big dragon who controlled the flow of space. Palkia."

"Control the flow of space?" Valkyrie's arms fell by her sides. "That sounds like... like..."

"Like a god? Yeah." Noctum grabbed his tail and brought it around. He stared into the starcloud flame. "I think Arceus created me, which means I'm connected to Giratina. And I had a counterpart who controlled time, Dialga. Kinda like this big blue-gray dragon-horse thingy. They were haughty and talked like they were better than me instead of an equal."

"Wait, horse-dragon?" Biting her lip, Valkyrie glanced at the door. "Are you implying what I think you are?"

The cosmic charizard nodded. "Seifer was Dialga." He squeezed his tail. "Which makes me wonder how much of his early attitude — y'know, before he got fired — was Radiance's culture and how much was his true self leaking through."

Noctum held a claw by the end of the tail flame. It wasn't warm. It hadn't been warm since it changed.

"It could apply to me, too," he mumbled. "The stuff you got on my case for — wanting to please everyone, following others' directions, hell being a servant — was what I was like as Palkia." Noctum ran a claw through the starry flames. "I wanted to do the job Arceus gave me right. So people could live happy lives. I figured if they were happy, then I was happy."

Valkyrie was still looking at the door. After a few seconds, she asked, "Where do I fit into this picture?"

"Y'know that crisis?" Noctum squeezed his tail again. "The one Zodiark manipulated Giratina into causing? It made Dialga and I fight... and, if I'm honest, they had the upper hand. But then a few humans sought me out to help stop it. One of them... was Yiazmat." He looked over his shoulder at Artemis. "Another led a group that worshiped Dialga."

Sighing, Noctum looked at Valkyrie. "And the third... led a group that worshiped me. She was a very gentle human, from what I remember."

More silence. This was one tenser, with Valkyrie's expression shifting between disbelief and anger. She raised a claw, then lowered it.

When she finally spoke, all she managed was a single, "Damn it." Valkyrie walked over to the wall on Noctum's left and leaned her right arm and head on it.

"I'm sor—" Noctum caught himself, knowing an apology would only further irritate the garchomp. "I wasn't sure whether to tell you. Because, y'know, we're friends. I thought if this came out... it'd make everything awkward." He swallowed hard. "But you asked me for the truth. So, I gave it to you."

He squeezed his tail, ready for Valkyrie to yell at him. Instead, the bed shifted and creaked as the garchomp sat on the edge of it.

"Thank you," Valkyrie whispered. "For being honest."

Noctum's tail flame grew a little. He scooched closer to her. "You're not upset?"

"Dunno." Valkyrie shrugged. "It does... explain one thing for me." She sighed. "Part of why I chose to work as an assassin was to get stronger, you know. But I second-guessed that choice for a while. I was already a garchomp. I had Tesla's dumb experiments. I was strong. Why did I think I needed to be stronger?"

She glanced at Noctum. "Was that something this human worried about?"

After thinking on it for a minute, Noctum nodded. "You did express those fears to Yiazmat, I think?"

"Figures." Valkyrie snorted blue-purple embers. She leaned forward, resting her arms on her knees.

"Do you miss her?"


"The old me."

"Oh." Noctum lazily swung his left leg out, then back in. "Maybe?" He slowly, repeatedly kicked the air. "I'm friends with you, though, Val."

"You're just saying that."

"Am I?" the cosmic charizard wondered. "I was partnered with Yiazmat. I'm not really sure how much I actually saw you back then."

Valkyrie clicked her tongue. "S'pose that's fair. Must've been a real lonely ass god, then. To think I make for good friendship material."

Noctum frowned, then grunted when Valkyrie thwaped his backside with her tail. "It was a joke."

"You put yourself down, though," Noctum mumbled.

The garchomp thwaped Noctum's backside again. "I know you know about self-deprecation. C'mon."

"Okay, okay." Noctum pivoted left to protect his flank from Valkyrie's rough, scaly tail. "In any case, you wanted the truth. I gave you the truth." He slouched and leaned back, bracing his arms on the bed. "If I had to guess... that deep part of my soul must've, like, realized the connection with Seifer and felt it fizzle out. Which made me black out."

"Can't say I get the spirit mumbo-jumbo behind it." Valkyrie also slouched backward, mimicking Noctum's posture. But she had to be more careful not to puncture the mattress with her claws. "Had you seen death before?"

"O-Of course." Noctum's tail flame sparked, both from the questions and how fast he answered it. "I mean, other servants died of old age. Calcifer's parents, too." He glanced at the beds to his right. Artemis and Widget were just as out of it as he'd been. "And, y'know, there were dragons who fell to Whispers in dungeons."

Valkyrie shook her head. "No, I mean. Have you ever seen a death like Seifer's before?"

Noctum tensed. He bowed his head, then slowly shook it.

"Think that's the real problem," Valkyrie said. "Not some deep soul bond or whatever."

The cosmic charizard grunted. Of course the assassin would think that. "Well, I wasn't, y'know, trained to be desensitized to this stuff."

He saw Valkyrie's tail moving this time and pressed it into the mattress before it could smack his left leg.

"Yeah, I'm used to it now," Valkyrie said, eyeing Noctum's hand. Rolling her eyes, she moved her tail away. "Wasn't always the case. Some of the early deaths... they've stuck with me."

"Like your early jobs?"

The garchomp shook her head. "Before that. Citadark."

Noctum swallowed hard. "L-Like people getting executed by Vegna?"

She shook her head again. "Prisoners killing each other."

"Oh." Noctum's voice was tiny. He went back to kicking the air with his legs. "I guess, uh, you put too many criminals on an island..."

"Tesla had these weird collars that could suppress pokémon's powers," Valkyrie explained. When Noctum glanced at her, she was kicking the air with her legs, too. "It didn't stop the nastiest ones." She sighed. "Saw my first death when some heliolisk had managed to sharpen a cafeteria tray. He used it to—"

Valkyrie stopped herself. "Nah, forget it. The details don't matter."

Silence followed. Both dragons knew they were mimicking each other. Valkyrie stared Noctum down. Was she trying to will him to stop?

Noctum decided to indulge her... by scooching next to her. "You gonna be okay?" he said.

The garchomp stopped kicking the air. She raised a brow. "Are you?"

Dang. He wasn't prepared for that one. His tail flame shrank.

"I'm not sure."

He tensed when Valkyrie raised her right arm, only to relax when she patted his left shoulder.

"Guess that makes two of us." She laughed bitterly. "But at least we get to be screwed up together, right?"

Noctum's mouth hung open. Valkyrie scraped his shoulder blade.

"Ow!" The cosmic charizard's wings tensed. "L-Look, it's hard to know when you're joking!"

"Sounds like a you problem." Valkyrie yawned. "Well, those two lugs are still out of it." She stretched her arms up. "And I can't imagine Vortex waking up any time soon. So, I'm feeling lazy."

The garchomp flopped down on the bed, splaying out on her side. "Lemme know if they wake up, I guess."

Noctum grabbed his tail. "H-Hey, y'know there are other beds here, right? Why do you have to use mine?"

"Lazy." Valkyrie yawned again. "You don't like it? Make me move, Palkia."

Noctum opened his mouth, then closed it. He held a hand up, then lowered it when Valkyrie smirked at him. Sighing, Noctum got to his feet and shuffled over to the bed across from the one he'd been using.

Valkyrie snorted. "Dork."

"I heard that." Noctum frowned.

"I wanted you to."

Despite the sassy tone, there was a grin on Valkyrie's face. Noctum took that as a win.


Yuna's day couldn't have started off more awkwardly. She woke up curled around Nikki, with her tail draped over the toxtricity's lower half like a blanket. With a yelp, the dragapult darted out of bed.

Leo's bed. Where they slept together. And where... something else happened the other night. But Yuna's head was so foggy. It was all a blur.

Nikki slowly sat up, rubbing her eyes. "Maaan, why'd you have to get up? I was comfy." She felt around the bed, probably looking for her leather jacket. Yuna couldn't remember her taking it off.

"It's on the floor." Yuna pointed to the foot of the bed with her tail. Nikki crawled forward, then lay on her stomach. She barely had enough reach to grab the jacket and toss it up onto the bed beside her.

"Bluuugh." Nikki's mohawk slowly came to life. "Twiggy's sister doesn't screw around. That **** hit hard."

Yuna fidgeted nervously. "Um, Nikki? Do you... remember last night?"

"Yeah." Nikki stretched her legs out. "Haven't had a night like that in a while. I feel like a new tox." She rolled over on her right and propped her head up with her arm. "Why?"

"I, um—" The dragapult's tail crinkled. "It's all kinda fuzzy for me, but I, um, think something happened?"

Nikki snorted. "More than something. Mostly for me, though. Pretty sure you told me things don't work that way for dragapult."

Then Yuna's blurry memories were right. "Ah." She drifted toward the ground. "What, um, should we do now?"

"Strip the bed." Nikki glanced over her shoulder. "Then, uh, I guess if we're trying to be responsible we find out if there's, y'know, world-saving business to do. If not, lazy day, babyyyy."

Yuna blinked a few times. "You mean go back to bed?"

"Pfbt. Nah." The toxtricity rolled off the bed. She put her jacket on, then grabbed the covers and yanked them off in one smooth motion. "Means not doing anything productive. Everyone needs a good lazy day now and again."

"Oh." Yuna got off the floor and helped Nikki by grabbing the other end of the fitted sheet to get it off Leo's bed. "You're, um, really nonchalant about this."

"Do you want me to make a big deal of it?" Nikki balled up the covers and sheet. She had to wrap both arms around them to stop them from spilling onto the floor. "I'm not Pillow Prince. Don't need fanfare saying I had a fun night with someone I like."

"But you'd tease someone if you knew, wouldn't you?"

"Hell yeah I would. Cuz it's funny."

The dragapult's ectoplasm quivered. Yuna's torso tightened. "I, um—" She tried to keep her form stable, but her tail also twisted around until it was as thin as a straw. "I've, um, never really... thought about that kind of stuff before?"

She looked down at her core.

"I doubt this is a Yaldumbass thing," Nikki scoffed.

Yuna's thinned tail shriveled up. "Y-Yaldumbass?"

Smirking, Nikki marched toward the door. "Seemed appropriate." She glanced at Yuna. "Look, I'll leave it up to you. We can forget about it if you want."

"N-No." Yuna took several deep breaths. Her torso and tail slowly expanded. "I think it was... nice. B-But maybe we don't do anything that crazy again?"

"Fair enough." Nikki nodded. "I'd shake on it but, well..." She lifted the ball of linens in her arms. "Can you get the door?"

Yuna floated over and opened the door. They headed for the laundry room and gave the linens to two of the skorps manning the washing machines. Then they headed for the hangar. Yuna was startled to learn that Grishi was in the outpost, having come back with Leo and Vince. Cid wasn't around to offer a report, nor was Gene. But Alder told them that things were quiet on the anomaly front.

Nikki took that as her cue to declare a lazy day. Which led them up to the restaurant where they sat at one of the tables by the glass wall offering a view of Guzzie Jr.'s arena. Sparks and fireballs flickered in the corner of Yuna's vision as the two sat quietly waiting on the "surprise" Nikki ordered.

Guzzie's loud stomps heralded his arrival. Yuna watched the guzzlord set down a tray with two large glasses and a big plate of fries.

"Here you are." Guzzie took the dishes off the tray. "Two chocoholic milkshakes and a plate of fries. If you want anything else, let Guzzie know." He turned and headed back toward the kitchen.

"Excellent." Nikki rubbed her hands together eagerly. She pulled one of the milkshakes toward her. "I can't believe you've been here two months and haven't gotten a single shake. Wild."

Yuna reached for the other glass. "I guess I don't see what the big deal is? What does shaking the milk do to it?" She looked at the thick, creamy chocolate in the glass. "Other than make it look a little like that ice cream stuff people enjoy?"

Nikki gave Yuna the most dumbfounded look she'd ever seen. "You're shitting me, right?"


"Good grief." Nikki took a fry and tossed it into her mouth. "It's not called a milkshake because you're shaking the milk. You blend ice cream, milk, and other **** together." She scooped whipped cream off the top of her shake with two fingers, then licked it off.

"Then why call it a milkshake?" Yuna whined.

"Hell if I know. Your confusion's cute, though." Nikki grabbed two more fries and scarfed them down. "Next you're going to tell me you think root beer is booze made from plant roots."

Yuna's ectoplasm shriveled. "I-It isn't?!"

Nikki stared at her in disbelief. After a few seconds, she slapped the table, howling with laughter. This quickly faded to a stoic expression. "You're a freaking riot, Princess," she deadpanned.

Frowning, Yuna licked the whipped cream from the top of her shake. "Why'd you order these things together, anyway?"

"To show you one of the best combos in the realm of foodstuffs," Nikki declared. She grabbed a large fry and held it up for Yuna to see. "Fry." She pulled it toward her milkshake. "Dipped in shake."

Nikki ate the large fry in a single bite. "Yeah, that's the good **** right there."

Yuna looked between her milkshake and the fries. Shrugging, the dragapult took a few fries. She dipped one into the chocolate shake, then pulled it out and ate half of it.

Her ectoplasm jiggled. "Mmmm." Yuna finished the fry, then dipped the other two and scarfed them down. "Yeah, I think I see your point." She licked her golden claws. "It's good! I like the mix of sweet and salty." It reminded her of the kettle corn she'd had the other week.

Smirking, Nikki grabbed some more fries. The toxtricity dipped one into her milkshake. "You can admit I have good tastes~"

"I guess you do." Yuna chuckled.

The awkwardness of the morning had melted away. Part of Yuna felt guilty that she was having fun doing something so... silly and insignificant. But that was quickly snuffed out by the part of her that just didn't care.

"Fries and milkshakes for lunch?"

Metallic hoofbeats drew Yuna's attention left. Shimmer walked toward them, with Igneous and Scarlett not far behind. The dragonair spotted the fries and shook her head.

"A Nikki classic, I see."

The toxtricity wiggled a shake-covered fry at Scarlett. "You know it. If y'all want shakes, you gotta order them."

"I'm good." Shimmer stopped by the table. "That stuff would go straight to my hips."

"Pssh. You have nine tails." Nikki ate the fry in her hand. "More than enough to cover your ass no matter how doughy."

Yuna snorted. Luckily she hadn't eaten the fry in her hand. "N-Nikki."

Nikki tossed a fry into her mouth. "I calls 'em as I sees 'em."

"Har, har." Shimmer rolled his eyes.

"We figured we'd check in," Igneous said. The grovlazzle put a chair down at the corner of the table opposite the glass wall and sat down. "You guys hear about what happened last night?"

Yuna and Nikki exchanged a look, then shook their heads. She had a bad feeling Igneous was about to ruin her good mood.

Igneous passed along a recap Valkyrie gave him of what happened with Artemis, Widget, and Seifer. He crossed his arms and shook his head. "Not sure what we should do with this. It's concerning, though. Especially because of what happened in Herbrides yesterday."

Nikki rested her left arm on the table and used it to prop up her head. She sipped at her chocolate shake. "More Xeromus ****? You already killed the vibe, Twiggy, so just spit it out."

Sighing, Igneous recounted a claim Xeromus made about Leo not being the true arceus of their universe. Instead, the crazed silvally believed that title belonged to the cloud monster that killed Seifer.

"Then he's obviously lying," Nikki said. She set her shake down and pinched her brow. "Nnngh. Brain freeze."

"Is he?" Igneous tapped his chin. "Leo's blessing went haywire."

Yuna frowned. "It didn't for Cyril or Widget." She decided she'd had enough fries and switched to slowly sipping her milkshake.

"What if that was because Leo didn't have any plates at the time?" Igneous wondered.

"Sheesh, Twiggy." Nikki rested her head against the table. "You put the 'kill' in 'buzzkill.' That's the kind of **** I'd expect out of, like, the Reaper."

Hearing Vegna's title made Yuna suck up a bit too much of the milkshake. A dreadful chill condensed her ectoplasm. "Aggggggh." She covered her torso with her arms and squeezed tightly.

"Oh, right, dragons hate ice." Nikki's mohawk flickered. "Guess brain freeze is even worse for you."

The dragapult kept rubbing her arms and chest until her ectoplasm settled. Then she rested her hands on the table like she was going to push herself up from her chair. "I should go talk to him."

"Why, so you can tell him what Twiggy said?" Nikki wondered.

"N-No." Yuna frowned. "To, y'know, assure him this wasn't his fault and stuff."

Scarlett paused with her tail hovering by the half-eaten plate of fries. "Uhhh, do you actually know what you want to tell him? Cuz if you just put your foot in your mouth, it might make things worse."

"Of course I do."

She didn't. And she could practically feel Reshiram's disapproving look.

"Well, still. I'm his mom." Yuna rose from her seat. "I should be there for him. Besides, it's not like a locked broom closet can stop me if I use my rifts."

The sucking of air came from Nikki's direction. She set her empty glass down and fiddled with the straw. "Don't you need to have been somewhere to rift to it?"


"Have you gone into that broom closet?" The toxtricity raised a brow.

Yuna opened her mouth, then shut it and sat back down, slumping over on the table.

"What about Gene?" Shimmer asked. The ponytales tapped an icy forehoof on the floor. "He could get you there."

"He's not here."

Everyone's heads turned to find Jade waddling toward them. The salugia had what looked like one of Cyril's laptops under her left wing.

"Right. Cid mentioned that," Yuna said, picking her head up. "Where is he?"

"Heading to Blightsmuth, apparently," Jade said. "He wants to meet with that shredding guy."

"Shredder?" Nikki and Scarlett said in unison. They exchanged a surprised look.

Jade slapped her knee with her free wing. "That's the one!"

Yuna tilted her head. What did the shadowy mewtwo want with an ex-Crowne Minister?

"Tis not like thou can ask him," Rayquaza said.

"Huh." Nikki leaned her chair back, balancing it against the metal column behind her. "That means he could rift us over there when he comes back."

"You thinking of going home?" Scarlett said. The dragonair pulled the plate over to her, leaned over, and began scarfing down some of the fries at the edge of the plate.

Nikki stretched her arms up and cracked her knuckles. "It'd be nice to see the ol' joint while we've got some time to breathe."

Yuna nodded in agreement. It'd be something different. Plus, she'd brought Nikki home. It only seemed fair that she visited Blightsmuth.

"Well, I dunno how long he'll be." Jade reached the table and set the laptop down. "In the meantime, Cid said I oughta show you this." She grabbed the laptop and opened it up to a page of that weird Chatter thing Yuna heard mentioned before. Judging by the large play button taking up most of the screen, this was some sort of video.

"Okay, trackpad. Trackpad." Jade examined the laptop. "Which one's the— aha!"

She pressed a square on the base of the laptop and obnoxious music with some sort of guitar blared from the speakers as a... vaguely familiar sylveon in a skintight blouse studded with sequins hopped into the feed.

"Whassup #XanFam?! It's your lovely star-studded sylveon!" He winked at the camera and tons of pixelated hearts appeared on the screen. "And it's time for today's #ThreeCheersThreeJeers!"

"The he— ack!" Nikki fell out of her chair, which toppled to the floor with a clang.

Whinnying, Shimmer's tails puffed out. "Xander?!"

Xander hopped backward, sparkles trailing behind him. "Our first #Cheer goes to DJ Spiri2mb." A bunch of pixelated thumbs-ups appeared on the screen behind the sylveon. They rapidly gave way to a blue and purple spiritomb wearing sunglasses with flame decals on the frames. It also showed his name, which had a number two in it for some unfathomable reason. "His latest single 'Afterlive' just dropped and it is #flames."

The group could only stare in disbelief as pixelated fire icons and clapping hands appeared all over the screen.

"What is this?" Scarlett's wings fluttered nervously. "It's like he's... hosting some sort of show?"

"And now the first #Jeer... to the police department for Canalave City!" Xander continued. This time a bunch of thumbs-downs appeared on the screen, giving way to footage of a bunch of doodles of human cops lounging about in office chairs and hammocks. "They just sat by and twiddled their thumbs while the rebels swooped in and wrecked Iron Island!"

Xander's screen transitioned to show some kind of construction site with a bunch of broken machines and pieces of metal.

"Hey!" Jade squawked, tail flaps curling. "It was like that when we got there! The Whisper did that!"

"Forget it." Shimmer couldn't take his gaze off the laptop as more pixelated thumbs-ups surrounded a dancing Xander. "Why is he there? Don't tell me the emperor brainwashed him like he did the volcarona twins!"

Yuna's legs retracted into her torso. "Err..."

The ponytales tensed. "Don't 'err' me." He glanced at the others. "What am I missing here?"

No one wanted to break the news to Shimmer, leaving Xander's recording to continue.

"... Move on to our final #Cheer. As always, it goes to our beloved Grand Emperor Paradox for his stellar work getting rid of the Iron Island rift the rebels created!"

"Shut that off!" Shimmer hissed. His horn glowed pink. A similar glow surrounded the laptop, which slammed shut.

"H-Hey, careful. That isn't mine." Jade picked up the laptop and inspected it.

Sighing, Igneous leaned over and put a hand on Shimmer's right shoulder. "I hate to break it to you, but Xander joined Paradox willingly."


"We managed to spy on Paradox capturing our classmates," Yuna admitted, massaging her legs out of her torso to mixed success. "Xander practically threw himself at Paradox's feet."

"I thought he'd get turned into an Eternatus Trooper," Nikki scoffed, getting back up and dusting off her leather jacket. "Or one of those robots."

The ponytales wasn't impressed. Shimmer's horn was still glowing. "And when was anyone going to tell me this?!"

"When the need arose." Igneous squinted at Jade. "Evidently, this is that need."

"Um, is it really that surprising?" Scarlett asked, brushing her left wing against her neck bauble. "I thought you realized your guys' relationship was built on basically nothing."

Yuna frowned at that. Xander was part of Radiant nobility, right? Why else was he at Horizon? "What is his background, anyway?"

"He's—" Shimmer stopped himself. His eyes slowly widened, then the ponytales hung his head. "Oh no..."

Everyone looked at Shimmer expectantly. "Well?" Nikki said. "Don't keep us waiting!"

"Polarisvision!" Shimmer blurted out. His shoulders sagged. "His father's the head of one of the biggest media companies in the kingdom... which he sold to Polaris, like, five years ago!" He tensed up. "Xander was the one who would get me onto the sets of movies or PV shows and that's how we ended up dating..."

"Then of course he'd make dumb videos for Paradox." Nikki threw her arms up. "Guy's clearly an attention whore!"

"How much attention could he really get?" Scarlett wondered. She slowly ate a couple more fries. "This Qliphoth place is ridiculously b—"

"He has fifteen million followers on Chatter. His account was made two weeks ago." Jade got the laptop screen on again, showing the numbers alongside a picture of the sylveon lying in a very... lascivious pose.

Eyes widening, the dragonair swallowed hard and descended into a coughing fit.

Shimmer scooted away from the salugia, whinnying. "F-Fifteen million?!"

"Well, ****." Nikki leaned over and rubbed Scarlett's back. "That's obnoxious. But does it really matter?"

"It would if the guy's a Paradigm lieutenant." Jade paused for a few seconds, smiling dumbly. Then she pointed at the small paragraph on screen, below a gold banner reading "Chatter Premium EX Plus Plus Member."

"His bio says he's one."

Nikki threw her arms up again. "Well screw me for asking, I guess! So, what, do we humiliate him online by using one of Boss Kitty's drones to catch him doing something stupid? Turn his fans into an angry mob? I bet Scarlett and I could write a killer diss track if we want a more musical option."

Yuna drummed her claws against the table. "No, I'm pretty sure we have to beat the Paradigm out of him."

"But getting to him's going to be a problem if he's really that big," Scarlett squeaked, leaning over to nervously nibble on a fry. "Starlene needed security and stuff to keep the public away from her and that fanbase was a fraction of a fraction of what Xander's got."

"I have a proposal, then." Nikki's right arm shot up. "We don't worry about it today." She picked her chair up, spun around it, and sat on it so her arms were draped over its back. "Think about it, guys. We don't know where he is, who's with him, or what sorts of powers he has. We're not the intel gatherers and Boss Kitty's off paying Shredder a house call for some stupid reason.

"Besides, these Paradigm dweebs keep showing up whenever new rifts pop up." The toxtricity smirked. "So, if we wait for the next mystery dungeon, then there's a chance he just shows up and we kick his ass."

Sighing, Yuna leaned back. Her ectoplasmic body practically draped over the back of her chair like it was a towel rack. Nikki did have a point. It didn't make sense to go after Xander without a plan. And a solid plan needed solid information.

"I just feel guilty sitting here when something's wrong," the dragapult mumbled.

"Don't think of it as sitting around then." Nikki drummed her fingers against the back of her chair. "Think of it as resting up before whatever our next battle is."

"I guess." Yuna traced a claw around her core. "But what do we even do to relax?"

"I'd suggest a spa day, but we don't have one of those," Shimmer said.

"Don't look at me." Jade raised her large wings. "These silly things aren't good for mixing up herbal remedies like I did in the ol' apothecary days." She looked over her shoulder. "Plus, I don't even have any supplies."

"But the monks do," Scarlett pointed out. The dragonair straightened up and looked at the salugia. "What if you were giving instructions to us?"

"Teaching? Moi?" Jade pointed at her face. "I never considered it."

"Seriously? Herbal remedies?" Nikki squinted at Scarlett.

"Do you have a better idea?" Scarlett countered.

The toxtricity went back to drumming her fingers against the back of her chair.

"It can be pretty therapeutic grinding up herbs and ingredients with a mortar and pestle." Jade pressed a wing digit against the laptop. "But it's up to you guys."

Scarlett looked around at the group. Yuna pulled herself upright and shrugged at the dragonair.

"I'll give it a shot. It's something different." She glanced at Nikki and Igneous.

"Yeah, sure," the grovalzzle said.

"Oh, what the hell. If even Twiggy's doing it, then I'm in."

Jade's tail flaps wiggled in excitement. "Great! Then, uh, I'll go find some supplies and a quiet room!"

She turned on a dime and quickly waddled toward the door to the residential quarters. Yuna glanced at the now empty plate of fries.

This wasn't how she imagined today going. But all things considered, she'd take it over any mystery dungeon chaos.


Winter can't come soon enough
Chapter 102: Blightsmuth or Bust

"Okay, be honest. What do you think?"

After a solid two weeks of some very strange changes — getting her tails shaved and dyed with her hair to resemble a fire vulpix, stitching together weird tubes for her hind legs, and gathering thorns from nearby mystery dungeons to put on leather bands — Nickie had finished her makeover. She stood between Tessa and their room's mirror, admiring her torn-up leg tube thingies.


(Art by Pledge.)

Tessa still didn't understand what the point of wearing them was if they were torn. Torn scarves were useless for dungeon crawls. What good would these "thigh-highs" be?

Nickie's ears folded and her earlier enthusiasm melted away. "You hate it."

"Huh?" Tessa's aura feelers shot up. "N-No! O-Of course not! Whatever would give you that idea?"

"That dumbstruck look on your face." Nickie's gaze fell to her paws. "And your voice cracked."

Wincing, the riolu rubbed the back of her neck. "Sorry. I, uh— it's not something I really understand."

She had to save face. Tessa quickly stepped to Nickie's side. "But
you're happy with it, right?"

Nickie slowly nodded.

"Well, if you're happy, then
I'm happy." Tessa's tail wagged.

Some of Nickie's earlier energy returned. Her tails wagged asynchronously.

"Yeah," she said. "Yeah, I love this!" Nickie stared at her reflection. "It's the most...
me I've felt in a long time."

The icepix nuzzled Tessa's side. "Thanks for helping out."

Tessa's aura feelers shot up. Her tail wagged faster. "W-What are friends for?"


Sticky hated everything about Xander's studio. From the cameras wrapped in pink felt and covered in glitter to the sequined hearts on the outline of the greenscreen to the shelves on the other side of the room haphazardly stuffed full of props and other things the sylveon could use for his clips.

[The concentration of sparkles in this room is fifty percent over legal thresholds,] Iron Enforcer declared. The robotic type: full scanned the room. [Shall I destroy the building?]

"No." Sticky sighed. "Paradigm-owned facilities are exempt from sparkle regulations." The naganadel looked down at his tablet. "Which is a sentence I totally thought I'd say in my career when I graduated business school..."

Iron Enforcer's eyes turned blue and displayed loading icons. They soon faded back to their default red. [Understood. Sparkle threshold parameters updated.]

"Hey, hey. If it isn't my favorite #secretary!"

Sticky fought to hide the disgust in his expression. "Executive assistant," he growled, glancing toward the opposite corner of the room to find Xander strutting toward him. The sylveon swished a fur boa out of his face and lifted star-framed sunglasses off his eyes.

"To what do I owe the pleasure?" Xander asked. "Something from our #GoatedGrandEmperor?"

He pranced over to the naganadel's side and produced a uPhone from his pink coat pocket. He swiped onto Chatter. "Check it. I got that **** #trending this morning!" Xander scrolled down a page full of chats about Paradox, including assorted pieces of fan art.

[Those portraits are highly inaccurate.] Iron Enforcer's red parts glowed. [Grand Emperor Paradox does not have muscles. Shall I hunt down the ones responsible?]

"No." Sticky waved the robotic type: full off. "I'm here with a new assignment for you."

"Oh?" Xander stepped back, still clutching the uPhone in a ribbon. Another ribbon pulled off the sunglasses. "I thought I'm defending the #Needle over by my bedroom."

"Change of plans." Sticky tapped at his tablet. "Guile Hideout will take over temporarily. You're taking your act on a little road trip to old stomping grounds."

Xander's brow furrowed in thought. "You mean the Kingdom of Radiance?"

Sticky nodded.

Sighing, the sylveon tapped on his phone. A loud "OOF" reverberated through the room. Sticky tensed.

"Enjoying our soundboard, are we?" Sticky deadpanned.

"How else should I react to a #buzzkill?" Xander winked and stuck his tongue out at Sticky.

Iron Enforcer's head crest sparked with red energy. [Uncooperative attitude detected. Permission to muzzle him?]

I wish. Sticky put a hand on Iron Enforcer's glowing crest. "Your orders are to take Iron Enforcer and escort Lieutenant Turian and her important package to Lieutenant Cassius in Khelifet."

Xander clutched his boa with his ribbons. "Ugh, seriously? That #hotbox? Do you have any idea what the heat'll do to my fur? Not to mention my makeup! I've got #sponsors to think about!"

[Your duty is to Grand Emperor Paradox.] Iron Enforcer stepped toward Xander, eyes glowing. [Dereliction is cause for termination.]

"You're getting riled up for no reason," Sticky scoffed. He swiped across his tablet. "It's not much actual traversal. A handful of teleports will take care of things. Plus, you're meeting Lieutenant Cassius underground."

The sylveon's eyes slowly widened. "Is this that #BloodMoon thing?"

Sticky pinched his brow. "Yes, it's 'that #BloodMoon thing.' Are you not reading your briefings?"

"I #speedread 'em!" Xander put his sunglasses back on. A holographic "DEAL WITH IT" flashed underneath his smug face. "The #brainwaves are already hitting. I can cook some good #StreamValue outta this."

He turned away from Sticky and pulled his uPhone in front of his face. "Lemme just chat the #XanFam the deets."


Iron Enforcer darted to Xander's side, holding its open maw around a startled Xander's uPhone.

[Mission parameters dictate no location disclosure until we are at our destination,] it stated.

"Okay. Sheesh." Xander put the uPhone back in his coat. "Anything else?"

"You have sixty minutes to prepare." Sticky flicked his wrist toward the door Xander entered through. "I suggest you put that to good use."

"Copy that, Captain Killjoy." Xander sauntered toward the door, lazily saluting Sticky with a ribbon while keeping his back turned.

The naganadel sighed. He really hoped Paradox knew what he was doing with this plan. Three Paradigm lieutenants in one spot when they'd already lost several of them sounded like a terrible idea.

But Paradox must've known something Sticky didn't. After all, the emperor had never been wrong before. Sticky couldn't lose faith. Even if every encounter with Xander made him want to throw up.


Awkwardly sitting on a metal stool with her tail curled around its legs, Yuna banged magazine stacks on the coffee table in front of her with the wooden sticks in her hands. The thwapping carried a steady enough beat. One, two, three... one, two, three...

"Nice, Princess. You're keeping decent pace."

Nikki stopped strumming her guitar and sat up on the couch behind the coffee table. She placed the guitar beside her, propping it upright.

"Thanks?" Yuna dropped the sticks on the coffee table and wrung her hands out. "Tiring, though."

"Why?" The toxtricity tilted her head. "Dragapult don't have muscles."

"Uhhh..." Yuna looked at her shriveled hands. "Forget it."

"How do you feel otherwise?" Nikki leaned back, draping her right arm over her guitar.

Yuna shrugged. "I... guess my head's a bit clearer than yesterday?"

"Then it's working!" Nikki snapped her left fingers.

The suggestion Yuna give drumming a try came after two days of balm making sessions with Jade. Yuna thought smacking magazines like they were drums was rather silly, but after several minutes she'd settled into it.

Besides, the Sages weren't bothering her. And she hadn't had any intrusive Tessa or Yaldabaoth-related thoughts the entire day. So, Nikki's silly idea did something.

"We ought to take a break, though," Yuna suggested. "Maybe lunch."

Nikki nodded approvingly. "Any thoughts?"

Yuna smirked at the toxtricity. "Well, I figured you'd have a new suggestion."

"Hmm." Nikki leaned forward, tapping her chin in thought. "What about grilled cheese?"

"That's a thing?" Yuna raised a brow. "What's the point of grilling cheese without any meat or veggies?"

Chuckling, Nikki got to her feet. "It's a sandwich." She stretched her arms up. "You get tomato soup with it. Dip the grilled cheese in the soup." Nikki kissed her fingers like those chefs on the cooking shows some of the monks watched. "C'mon, we'll try it."

Yuna floated off her steel. "Okay, but a cheese sandwich sounds silly."

"Oh ye of little faith." Nikki stepped out from the couch and turned left. In the corner of the room, Scarlett shut a notebook and uncoiled.

"Lunch sounds good to me." The dragonair turned to Igneous and Shimmer, who were hunched on either side of a chair playing some sort of card game. "You two hungry?"

Shimmer blinked a few times, then placed his cards face down on the chair. "Absolutely."

Before Igneous could respond, however, a jagged purple rift appeared in the door. Gene stepped through, much to Yuna's annoyance. It seemed like lunch was about to get put on hold.

"Your guy Shredder's a stubborn dude," Gene declared, yellow-tipped tail lazily swaying back and forth. "Wouldn't commit to the resistance. And has some kinda intel he's sitting on."

Igneous stood up. He shook one leg out at a time. That kneeling must have hurt. "Why didn't you just read his mind to get the intel? I know you can get around dark-types."

"Goes against team spirit." Gene tapped his right temple with a finger.

In the back of Yuna's mind, Reshiram's fur puffed out like he'd gotten electrocuted.

Something wrong?

"He's lying about the team spirit reasoning,"
Reshiram said. "But I don't think I want to know the truth."

And judging from Nikki's scrutinizing look, Reshiram wasn't the only one questioning the mewtwo.

"So, what, you want me to convince him?" Nikki wondered. She had mentioned wanting to go home the other day.

"Nah." Gene pointed to Shimmer. "I'm here for Twinkie."

Shimmer's tails puffed out. "M-Me?"

Gene held up an index finger. "Shredder agreed to cooperate if our weakest link spars with him."

The ponytales' ears folded.

"I don't think he's weaker than a skorp," Igneous muttered.

"Not like that." Gene waved a hand dismissively. Then, in a pale imitation of a gruff voice, he said, "A band can't jam if everyone's hearts aren't in it. So, I wanna see that weakest heart in action."

The shadowy mewtwo tapped his right temple. "Even if the monks or the skorps aren't that strong, they're committed to this." Gene pointed to Shimmer. "I've yet to see that kind of energy out of Twinkie, here."

"But I helped set up the thing with the pirates!"

Everyone squinted at Shimmer, who promptly shrank down to his belly.

"W-When do we leave?" he squeaked.

"Right now." Gene snapped his fingers. His tail pointed to the rift behind him, which had stayed open for their entire conversation.


"What a... unique aroma your guys' home carries."

It hadn't taken long for Shimmer to go from lagging behind the group to walking the fastest of everyone down the uneven cobblestone road. The ponytales' snout was wrinkled and his tails were constricted like deflated balloons.

Nikki likewise held the collar of her leather jacket over her face. "Man. I was used to it. Guess I've been away too long."

"It's not as bad up here," Scarlett said, flying with Yuna and Gene over the others. The dragapult's gaze was fixed on the black and brown wooden roofs. Many of them had holes covered by haphazardly hammered in wooden planks or discolored tarps. One she passed on her right had some strange green fuzz clinging to it.

"People actually live here?" Shaymin popped up in Yuna's mind, wrinkling his tiny snout in much the same way as Shimmer. "The kingdom doesn't show this place any gratitude."

Which lined up with what Yuna heard from Nikki. Still, she couldn't have imagined anything this bad. The dragapult passed more wooden buildings. Two on her left didn't have proper doors or windows and just had bedsheets clinging desperately to the empty frames. Similar green fuzz was on the sheets.

Buzzing up beside Scarlett, Igneous hovered over a broken stone chimney. "How many people are supposed to live here, again?"

"Not a lot." Nikki lazily flicked her right arm, passing by broken streetlights with strange pink moss growing on their poles. "Before I left for another year at Horizon, those who were left were living around the central plaza."

Scarlett dipped down slightly. "What do you mean 'those who were left?' Did something happen?"

"Just the usual yakuza 'recruitments,'" Nikki scoffed. "Luring folks away with the promise of better **** than this." She gestured to a one-story house whose front half had collapsed on itself. "I know you said you were secretly sending Shredder money, but that can only do so much when the people he'd have to hire to fix this **** won't come to the city."

Yuna winced. Aeon's skies might've been choked with ash, but at least their towns weren't dead and decaying like Blightsmuth.

"Can you even call this place a city anymore?" Reshiram wondered.

Does it matter? Yuna countered.

Ahead of her, Gene whistled and pointed in front of him. Shimmer looked up, then broke into a trot. Nikki jogged after the ponytales.

"What's the rush?" Yuna flew faster, catching up to Igneous and Scarlett.

"Central plaza's a few blocks away," the dragonair replied. Her feathery wings flapped to carry her ahead.

"Ah." Yuna followed her. The buildings up ahead had shifted from decaying wood to a mixture of stones and rocks. And they were actually in one piece. Although there was a large stone wall in the cobblestone road where the wooden houses stopped. Shimmer skidded to a halt by it. And a sigilyph had stopped Gene up ahead.

"Yo, Gruber!" Nikki's mohawk brightened and she waved at the wall. "Blights out, my guy!"

The rock wall shifted. There was a hidden door at the bottom! Nikki rested her hands behind her head and strolled on through. Shimmer followed her, looking a bit less certain.

Sigilyph floated to the side.

"Blights out." Sigilyph's eye glowed blue. He must have been Gruber. "Shredder's waiting up ahead for ya."

Gene nodded and continued forward. The others followed him.

"Surprised to see you back here, Scarlett," Gruber said. "Thought you were too good for us now."

The dragonair winced. Her feathery wings shrank a bit. Igneous was quick to flutter over to Gruber. "Are we going to have a problem? She's been helping us out, y'know. The same way we're trying to get Shredder to help us."

Gruber looked Igneous over. "No problem here." The sigilyph's eye dimmed. "You can call off your, uh, girlfriend?"

"I'm a guy," Igneous growled, then flew off. Yuna followed him, shooting Gruber a look. He quickly drifted toward the top of the wall, likely pretending he hadn't noticed Yuna.

Yuna continued onward, trying to forget that brief awkward spat. The rundown houses and buildings had given way to an open square of uneven cobblestone. There was some sort of caged off battle ring in the middle of the square. A handful of pokémon were off to the sides of it, attention focused on a raised wooden platform. An obstagoon sat atop a large speaker, nodding in time with the beats of a rillaboom drummer. An electabuzz and low key toxtricity were playing on electric guitars, though Yuna had no idea what was powering them.

"I brought your twink, Shredder."

Gene had managed to parade Shimmer past the small group of pokémon to the front of the makeshift stage. The music abruptly stopped. The three musicians glanced at the obstagoon, who swung his legs around and hopped off the speaker.

"Well, ain't this a cute little present." Shredder strutted across the stage. "Your weakest link is the crown prince? And here I thought he was running around with that egghead, Demerzel."

"Th... things changed." God, Shimmer sounded so tiny. Even in the air, Yuna saw his legs shaking. But Shredder was just one obstagoon. How did he compare to, say, a giant, rampaging Vortex?

"You wanted the guy with the least heart." Gene pat the ponytales' back. "And I delivered. I even threw in a couple of your buds... as a little treat." The shadowy mewtwo blew a kiss at Shredder.

Reshiram sighed in Yuna's head. "I knew it."

Knew what?

"Oh, for pity's sake." Nikki walked over to them, pinching her brow. "The one time I wish my gaydar steered me wrong." She looked between Gene and Shredder, frowning. "World's on freaking fire! We don't have time for this ****!"

"Ah, ah." Shredder wagged an index finger at Nikki. "World ain't crumbling this second, Sparkplug."

Nikki's mohawk turned pink. Was Shredder where the toxtricity picked up her mocking nickname habit?

"See, we got us a problem of our own." Shredder gestured out to the small group of pokémon. An espeon and floragato with shabby fur mewled in acknowledgement. "And that problem might funnel its way right into your even bigger problem!"

The obstagoon smushed his hands together. "Maybe we should work together. But I gotta know I can trust you." He glanced at Shimmer. "All of you."

Shimmer's ears folded. "You know I don't agree with what my mothers are doing, right? That's why I—"

"You were grandstanding for the news with that egghead veggie." Shredder pointed accusingly at the ponytales. A couple of dark linoone booed, along with Espeon and Floragato.

Shredder returned his attention to the others. "It's all about trust. Top to bottom." He snapped his claws and pointed at Gene. "And, yeah, that was a double entendre."

Yuna rubbed her eyes, wondering if maybe she'd been better off staying in bed.

"This guy was a Crowne Minister?" Reshiram said. "It's like if Nikki tried going into politics..."

"You want this settled quickly?" Shredder gestured to the caged ring Yuna was floating over. "Battle's the simplest language us pokémon speak. I'll get everything I need with a li'l one-on-one." He leaned over, resting his right arm on his right knee. "Or ya gonna wuss out?"

Everyone's gazes fell on Shimmer, who swallowed hard. "W-Well I'm here, aren't I?"

"Then we got us a rumble!" The obstagoon leaped off the stage, landing beside Shimmer with a hearty thud. "Open the door and let us in!" Shredder barked.

Floragato shot her grassy yo-yo toward the fence. It twirled around a handle and opened a door Yuna didn't even realize was there. The dragapult drifted toward Nikki while Espeon and two linoone ushered Shimmer and Shredder into the ring.

"So, um, just how troublesome is Shredder?" Yuna whispered. "Cuz, like, Igneous and Noctum said Shimmer was there for the whole Iron Jugulis thing."

"Oi, Sparkplug! I know you ain't 'boutta just stand there gawking with Blockhead! Get your ass onstage!"

Igneous looked between Nikki and Shredder. "For what?"

"It ain't a rumble without some backing music!" Shredder played air guitar. "C'mon, Sparkplug. I know you've got it down pat." He jerked his head toward the stage, where the low key toxtricity from earlier was holding out an electric guitar.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm going." Nikki strutted over, nodding and waving at some of the locals. Scarlett glided down atop the speaker where Shredder had been sitting. Nikki swiped the guitar out of the other toxtricity's hands. She ran her left fingers along the cords and looked out toward the ring.

"So, um..." Shimmer looked around in confusion. "How exactly do we start th—"

Rillaboom raised his drumsticks and smacked them together.

"A-one! A-two! A-one, two, three!"

Nikki rifled off a quick chord progression and the cage door slammed shut. Shredder rushed Shimmer down, leaving the whinnying ponytales galloping left. He was fast enough to dodge swipes of Shredder's blackened claws.

Shimmer skidded across the uneven stone, slinging Ice Shards from his glowing horn. Two plinked off Shredder's gray back before the obstagoon whirled around and swatted the other two aside.

"Ha! You makin' things drafty?" Shredder then turned around and shouted at Espeon, who was manning the door with Floragato.

"Shred! Shred! Shred! Shred!" the locals chanted.

Yuna frowned. What was Shredder doing?

She quickly got her answer. A faint blue light appeared around Espeon. And when it did, Shredder's chest and arms beefed up a bit. Yuna spotted a panicked look in Shimmer's eyes. He shot an Ice Beam from the tip of his horn, but Shredder spun around and held up his crossed arms.

An X-shaped shield absorbed Shimmer's attack. "Too slow!" Shredder sneered, then he turned and barked at Espeon again. The same faint light appeared... and Shredder's muscles grew even larger.

"All right, now that's what I'm talking about!"

Yuna looked to Nikki, who was too busy with her guitar part. Rillaboom and the other toxtricity backed her up on drums and bass.

"Oh ****." Igneous gasped as Shredder ripped stones out of the ground and flung them at Shimmer.

"What? What did I miss?" Yuna drifted over to the grovlazzle's side, watching Shimmer deflect one stone with a shield, only for the second to strike him square in the snout. The ponytales staggered back, snout bloodied, while the locals whooped and hollered.

"Shred! Shred! Shred! Shred!"

The obstagoon charged Shimmer down, though his steps were slower and lumbering than before.

And then it hit Yuna. Those weird roars from before...

"He used Scary Face on Espeon." Igneous looked over at her. She was reared up, shaking the cage door in excitement. "If Espeon's got Magic Bounce... and Shredder has Defiant..."

"He slowed himself down to raise his own strength?" Rayquaza burst into the back of Yuna's mind. "Forsooth! Tis quite the bit of strategery!"

"Shimmer, look out!" Igneous cried. But the ponytales was too dazed from the earlier blow. Shredder's Night Slash swept Shimmer off his feet and flung him all the way right where he smacked against the metal grating and crumpled to the ground.

"That's garbage!" the grovlazzle grabbed the cage in front of him and shook it. "Using Scary Face on the crowd like that?"

"Street rules, *****!" Shredder countered. "Anything goes!"

"Damn." Gene walked over to Yuna's side, shaking his head. "Maybe I should've lied and picked that dumb purple and white koraidon your kid brought home with him."

Yuna resisted the urge to snap at Gene, instead watching Shimmer fire enough ice from his hooves to freeze Shredder's legs mid-charge. The obstagoon effortlessly shattered the ice, but it still gave Shimmer enough time to fire a Dazzling Gleam from close range. The burst of pink light forced Shredder back, hissing and crossing his arms over his face.

Another X-shaped shield formed up, but Shimmer surprisingly didn't press his attack. Yuna expected him to fall for the bait, but the ponytales instead ran away from Shredder.

"Oi, where do you think you're going?"

"Shred! Shred! Shred! Shred!"

Shredder ripped a couple more stones out of the ground, but Shimmer fired an Ice Beam right when Shredder was reaching down for the second. It froze his left hand and the stone. Eyes widening, Shredder hurled the stone in his right hand toward Shimmer.

"What are you doing?!" Igneous called as Shimmer skirted the stone and reached the steel cage. The ponytales jumped up, spraying icy mist from his hooves. They stuck to the metal grating. The steel cage wobbled as Shimmer ran along the side of it.

"Nice try, Happy Feet!" Shredder grabbed hold of the opposite end of the steel cage and throttled it. The loose metal grating rippled like it was a set of linens Aeons were trying to air dry.

Horn sparking, Shimmer struggled to maintain his footing.

"Get off, Shimmer!" Igneous begged. He was worryingly into this. Yuna held her tongue, though, because Shimmer's whole body glowed white. The ponytales unleashed a wave of chilly air.

Hissing, Yuna shrank back toward the stage. The cold stung the dragapult's ectoplasm and she wanted no part of that. When she lowered her arms, she found the whole steel cage iced over, with Shredder's hands stuck to the grating.

Before the obstagoon could break the ice around his hands, Shimmer lunged from his position near the top of the steel cage. Fairy dust gathered around his horn. Shredder yanked his now-glowing hands free and swung at the diving Shimmer.

Dazzling Gleam's brilliant pink light collided with Shredder's jet black Night Slashes. A blinding flash forced Yuna to shut her eyes and turn away. Gasps and shouts from the crowd suggested they fared similarly, though somehow Nikki and the other musicians were still playing.

At Rayquaza's urging, Yuna lowered her arms and found Shredder clutching Shimmer by his horn. His black and white face was scuffed up and covered in a layer of pink fairy dust while Shimmer's mane was completely disheveled.

"Cut the music!" Shredder ordered, letting go of Shimmer. "I've seen enough."

The ponytales dropped to his rear with a grunt. "Damn it." He shot an apologetic look toward Yuna and her teammates. Gene had turned away, pinching his brow and shaking his head. Igneous looked ready to try and melt the cage and head inside. The small crowd was about to cheer for Shredder claiming victory.

Instead, everyone gasped when Shredder suddenly hoisted a startled Shimmer back up.

"He's got guts!" Shredder bellowed. At first, no one responded to the declaration. After Shredder repeated himself, however, various onlookers raised paws and wings in a delighted cheer. Espeon went to rattle the cage again, only to back off with a hiss upon touching the cold steel. Floragato twirled her yo-yo.

Shimmer stared blankly. "I don't get it."

Yuna thought much the same. "Are we missing something?" she asked Igneous, who could only shrug.

"I never said you had to win, Snowflake." Shredder laughed and thumped a squealing Shimmer's flank. "I wanted to see if you had heart." The obstagoon placed his fist against his chest. "And I saw heart. Freezing the damn cage and lunging for me like a crazed feral after I've buffed up?" He flexed his bulging biceps. "Yeah, that takes real grit! You've changed."

Shredder pointed to Gene. "We're in, Kitten."

The shadowy mewtwo whistled. "Well, damn. Didn't see that coming." He Phantom Warped through the icy cage and floated over to Shredder. Presumably to talk some manner of specifics that Yuna wasn't interested in. She watched Igneous help Shimmer out of the ring. A couple of the linoone patted the ponytales as he went past.

"That was ridiculous," Igneous said, looking Shimmer over. "Are you okay? What were you thinking? You could've—"

Shimmer flinched. "I was, uh, thinking of you?"

The grovlazzle's head leaf caught fire. "I-I'm sorry?"

"J-Just, y'know, some of the crazier things you've done." Shimmer brushed his forelegs together nervously.

"Well that's— I, uh—"

"Pfffffffbt, your leaves are gonna burn off at this rate, Twiggy!"

Nikki and Scarlett's approach was enough to get Igneous' head leaf to simmer down.

"Something you want to tell us?" The toxtricity fluttered her eyelids at Igneous and Shimmer.

"No." Scowling, the grovlazzle crossed his arms.

"They're feeling things out," Scarlett said.

Igneous's scowl turned to a glare. "Seriously?"

"I'm pretty sure she already knew," the dragonair said.

"Two for two today, baby." Nikki fist-pumped. Scarlett chuckled while Yuna looked between the two in confusion.

Before she could ask what Nikki meant, Gene landed behind Scarlett.

"All right, pack it in. We're taking this conversation back to the base."

"Already?" Nikki raised a brow, then shrugged. "Eh, it ain't like we've got much around here to worry about. Guess we can call it a day early."

Gene shook his head. "Far from it. Shredder's gonna tell us about that problem he mentioned earlier. It sounds like we'll have work to do."

The toxtricity slouched. "Grrrrreeeeeat."

Yuna looked past her teammates, where Shredder was organizing the 'mon who'd watched his fight with Shimmer. This was a... strange acquisition for the resistance. And the dragapult figured she wouldn't know what to make of it until she learned exactly what Shredder wanted their help with.


A day lying in bed staring at the wall was long enough for Widget. Valkyrie knew he'd woken up, but the garchomp let him be. She even stopped checking on him, leaving the cosmic silvally to lay around and stew in his thoughts until he reached a firm conclusion.

Those silhouettes were him.

Widget finally understood what the emperor meant when he said he'd "drawn from Eternatus itself" to create him. And what being built to "interface directly with the Benefactor" stood for.

The Eterna energy that forged him... was nothing but slumbering souls. Powerful slumbering souls. And Widget was sure they were connected to Leo. The arceus must've "woken" them up.

All of Widget's fears were true, then. He wasn't his own person. He was never meant to be his own person. Just a machine running off spiritual energy. One that would follow Paradox's will.

As Widget forced himself out of bed, he wondered what this meant for the Eterna Empire as a whole. Paradox had drilled into him — heck, into everyone, really — the horrors of the Kingdom of Radiance. How their source of electricity, ether, came from the people trying to live their lives within the Empire.

... But at the same time, a lot of stuff inside Eternatus ran on Eterna energy. Paradox had taught him it was a wondrous and limitless power source with no real drawbacks.

It had to be the same as ether, then. Energy drained from spirits. Were they spirits that tried to stop Zodiark, only to end up in stasis instead of reborn like Yuna and the others?

Widget didn't know. And his head pounded from thinking about it. He glanced at the occupied bed next to him. Artemis lay there. The milotic had gotten hit by Leo, too. And now had a similar cosmic makeover for his troubles.

"Hey." Widget nudged the side of the bed. "You okay?"

Silence. Artemis' eyes were shut, but Widget didn't think he was sleeping. Ignoring him, then. When this whole thing was Artemis' idea in the first place.

The cosmic silvally nudged Artemis' black-scaled body. "Get up." His tone was firm.


Widget stared blankly. "We have work to do."

Artemis slowly turned and poked an eye open at Widget.

"Why... am I here?"

It wasn't surprising Artemis was taking it all even worse than before. Valkyrie muttered about how shaken up he was over Seifer's death. Widget wasn't sure what he could offer the cosmic milotic.

"Because you're trying to help the resistance." It was the best Widget had.

"Not that." Artemis lazily swatted the air with a starcloud ribbon. "Why am... I in this world?"

Widget's neck ruff dimmed. "Excuse me?"

Artemis shakily pushed his head up. "Xeromus was right. Leo's not the arceus I remember."

Wait, was Artemis saying he was a reincarnated soul, too?

The milotic's ribbons shriveled. "I recognized things. Noctum, Valkyrie, Seifer, and Yiazmat." Artemis' breathing was shaky. "We all... we have to be from that first world Yuna mentioned. The one Zodiark fled from, and Giratina pursued." He shook his head. "But Leo's not from there."

He coiled up on the edge of the bed. "Noctum is Palkia. Seifer is Dialga." His eyes darted around nervously. "I let Dialga—"


Widget stepped to Artemis' side without even thinking. He offered his left shoulder for Artemis to lean against. Artemis stared silently at the cosmic silvally.

"Why are we here?" Artemis whispered. "How could I... let Mighty Dialga—"

"You can't think like that." Widget nudged Artemis' starcloud ribbon. "We can't think like that."

Artemis raised a brow.

Widget's neck ruff swirled around. "Whatever Leo did... messed with my head, too." He sighed. "It seems like souls from two different universes are reincarnated. I wish I had answers for you, but I don't.

"What I do know, is that Leo's frightened." The cosmic silvally looked Artemis in the eye. "He couldn't have expected that to happen. We have to... tell him it's okay."

That was the right thing to do. Widget hoped that between his words and pleading expression, he'd convince Artemis to come with him. Artemis did have his head bowed in thought, but he said nothing.

After a minute, Widget was ready to leave the infirmary when Artemis slithered off the bed.

"I guess you're right." The milotic held his head up. "I've made some serious mistakes. If I don't try to make things right, then I'd be humiliating my past self."

Widget nodded, offering Artemis a smile. The two exited the infirmary. Widget found Jade waddling down the hall and she confirmed that Leo was still holed up in the third floor broom closet. They headed over to it and Widget knocked on the door.


No response. Widget tried again.

"C'mon, Leo. I know you're in there."

Still nothing. Artemis slithered up to Widget's side and jiggled the handle. "Leo, it's Artemis. Look, I'm sorry I pushed you like that. It was wrong of me."

The lock clicked open and the door swung inward, revealing Leo awkwardly seated between shelves stocked with laundry and dishwashing detergent. At least a dozen brightly-colored, empty, crumpled ice cream pints were strewn about the floor. Some had strings of melted ice cream trickling out of them.

Widget stared blankly at the floor. "Um, does Guzzie know you've been taking this ice cream?"

"No." The cosmic arceus set a half-full pint down beside a bottle of laundry detergent. Minty green melted ice cream stained his facial fur.

"Oh," Widget whispered. Well, this was off to a fantastic start. The cosmic silvally had to save face quickly. "Listen, Leo—"

"We've worked together before, haven't we?"

Widget stepped back. His starcloud ruff condensed. "Huh?"

"I saw it." Leo leaned over and smushed his face into the ice cream container. When he lifted his head up, his face was greener than before. "When I lost control. You were a hydreigon. Begging me to let you summon a human because there was something wrong with this thing called a Worldcore."

Hydreigon's silhouette flickered in front of Widget. It faced Leo, all the heads at attention.

"Leo, I'm really sorry." Artemis slithered between Widget and the arceus. "It was wrong of me to force you to try and save Seifer. I was... blaming myself for his death, and so I stupidly thought I could use you to fix my mistake."

Leo eyed the milotic. "Yeah, well, I should've tried harder to put my foot down. Lesson learned." He leaned over and sloppily gobbled more ice cream from the pint. When Leo pulled his head up, he squished the now-empty container with his forehead and lazily tipped it over so it fell on the floor beside the others.

Well, this wasn't a disaster. But it wasn't going great, either. Widget tucked his head under one of Artemis' starcloud ribbons. "Are you going to be okay? Is there anything we can do for you?"

"More ice cream'd be swell," Leo said.

Artemis and Widget exchanged incredulous looks. Leo glanced at the pile of ice cream pints by his hooves.

"Oh." He blinked slowly. "Guess I overdid it."

Leo grabbed a raggedy towel from a metal shelf on his left and wiped his face. He tossed the rag onto the pile of empty pints. "It didn't work... because of Seifer's soul. He's not from the past I know." Leo looked at Widget. "But you and Cyril are."

He stepped over the pile of pints. "How am I supposed to fix things if I don't understand my powers? If I don't understand what's going on?"

His concerns weren't that different from Artemis'. Or Widget's, for that matter. The cosmic silvally looked down guiltily.

"I don't know. For now... I think we have to take it one step at a time." Widget pulled his head back from under Artemis' starcloud ribbon. "And that first step is, y'know, getting out of the broom closet."

With a nervous laugh, he hastily added, "And not eating your weight in ice cream."

Leo's starcloud mane and tail dimmed. "Yeah. At this rate I'll be thicker than Cyril." He shook his head, sighing. "One of those steps isn't going to have to be talking with Mom, is it?"

"I don't follow." Widget tilted his head.

"Mom and Nikki got stoned in my bed and made out with each other," Leo flatly said.

Silence followed, with Artemis shooting Widget a flabbergasted expression.

"Iiiiiiiii probably shouldn't have said that out loud." Leo tapped a gold forehoof on the floor. "Welp. I guess it be like that."

That was... more of that strange lingo Widget didn't understand. Yet the silvally felt compelled to say something.

"It's up to you how you want to handle Yuna."

"Then I'm-a ignore it."

Leo stepped through a rift and appeared beside Widget. "If it happens again, I'll just douse 'em with my splash plate." His wheel shifted from gold to blue.

Widget doubted that was a healthy approach, but he wasn't going to criticize. He'd actually gotten the arceus out of the broom closet.

"So, what now?" Leo looked around. "Seems kinda dead around here."

"About that..." Artemis slithered out of the broom closet, a ribbon pressed against his head. "It sounds like Gene's back. And calling for a team meeting in the hangar."

Widget raised a brow. "What's it about?"

"Blightsmuth's old Crowne Minister is here," Artemis said. "Apparently, he has some information that might be connected to the Empire."

Leo and Widget exchanged confused looks. Blightsmuth was where Nikki was from, right? This didn't sound good.

"I guess we're going to the hanger, then," Widget said.

He didn't know what to expect. But as Leo opened up a rift to bring them to the hanger, he hoped it didn't mean they'd have to jump right back into the fray.


Winter can't come soon enough
Chapter 103: Under the Influencer

"So, um, I went over to Aeon Town. Like you asked."

Hydreigon looked up from his half-eaten, oversized bowl of stew. The latias lying on a cushion across from him nervously fidgeted with her claws.

"Oh, you did? Wow, that was fast!" Hydreigon spoke through his main head while his right head-hand continued slurping up stew. His left head-hand squinted at him. "Err, n-not that I wouldn't expect you to be fast or anything, Blossom. You're one of the best fliers around."

Blossom blinked. "Um, thanks?"

They stared in awkward silence that was broken by the slurping of stew broth. Blossom's wings twitched. "Are you, uh, curious what I saw?"

"Hmm? Oh, yes! Of course! Very curious!" Hydreigon nodded all three heads, including the one that was half submerged in the bowl.

Blossom's neck got splattered with broth for her troubles.

"Ah, sorry! Terribly sorry!" Hydreigon forced his right head-hand out of the bowl and drifted away from it. "So, um, what did you find?" He grabbed a small dish towel and tossed it to the latias.

was something off in Aeon Town, just as you thought," Blossom explained as she cleaned the broth off her feathers. "But, well... I think it's coming from one of the guildmasters?"

Hydreigon's six eyes widened. "Th-the guildmasters?" He poked his head-hands together. "Oh dear. That sounds, y'know, not good."

"I'm not really sure how to describe it." Blossom's feathers stood on end. "One of the lucario... has something
off about his aura. But whenever I tried to probe more, I got a terrible headache — like the whole room was spinning — and had to stop."

"I see." Hydreigon looked down. "W-Well, even so. You've been very helpful." He forced a grin onto all three heads. "I'm sure if I do some digging, I can get to the bottom of things."


"Are you #4realz, Cassius? What are we waiting around for? These dumbasses gonna roll out a #RedCarpet on us?"

Xander stood on a towel he'd placed in the middle of a dusty courtyard. The sylveon eyed the front door of the gaudy orange mansion in front of him. He wasn't sure what was dumber: the sides of the house resembling flexing arms or the fact that this whole building was underground. Seriously, how did the hell did this place go undetected by Radiance's police?

From his place on the mansion's front stoop, Cassius shrugged. "Don Giuseppe works in mysterious ways." The Mr. Rime adjusted his hat. "No doubt he's making sure things are ready for Turian."

Harsh coughing drew Xander's attention to his right. A balding and sickly ursaluna hacked up a mouthful of green-yellow phlegm. Xander put a ribbon over his snout and turned away. The snot reeked as bad as any pure poison-type muk. At least before this Xander could walk away from it.

"You did remember the other part of this package deal, yes?" Cassius said, watching Turian cough up more phlegm.

"*****, please." Xander flicked a ribbon dismissively. As if he'd actually forget. He jerked his head in Iron Enforcer's direction. "Show him."

The robotic type: null's back opened. A metal arm emerged clutching a test tube filled with glowing red fluid.

[As ordered.] Iron Enforcer retracted the arm into its back. [Is the subject still viable?]

"She was as of five minutes ago." Cassius had conjured icy playing cards in his hands and shuffled them. "The Don doesn't have the sleight of hand for any fast ones. The transfer should work exactly as we expect it to. No surprises in this deck."

"Puh-leeze lay off the card metaphors." Xander shook his head. "It's cringe."

Before the Mr. Rime could retort, the front door flew open. A guitar and bass riff echoed through the dusty courtyard.

"Hmm?" The sylveon raised a brow.

"Whazzup, Empire bros?!"

Xander saw a flicker of red in the doorway. On instinct, he jumped back and pulled out his uPhone. He managed to start recording as a red carpet rolled its way over the front stoop and all the way across the courtyard, stopping right in front of Turian and Iron Enforcer.

A grapploct clutching a megaphone stepped out of the doorway. "Put your dukes up and start clapping for the realest bro around! The Steely Spirit himself, Big Gus!"

Grapploct twirled the side, letting a dozen lopunny and lilligant file out of the front door, alternating thrusting their arms left and right in time with the guitar and bass.

"Get down tonight with our boy Gus!"

Iron Enforcer's red eyes glowed. [Why are these meatbags singing?]

"The party never stops with our boy Gus!"

Xander almost dropped his uPhone in surprise as the lopunny and lilligant stepped to the sides of the red carpet and began throwing out confetti.

"The coolest cat around, that's our boy Gus!"

The sylveon caught a gray gleam within the doorway. Then the portliest perrserker Xander had ever laid eyes on waddled out the front door, whooping and blowing kisses to his assembled cheerleaders.

"He'll knock you to the ground, cuz he's Big Gus!"

"Mwah, mwah! Hugs and kisses!" Gus switched from blowing kisses to flashing victory signs as the music died down and the lopunny and lilligant broke into applause. "Oh, you're all too kind, my darling gals!" He shot them fingerguns as he waddled past. Cassius hadn't left his spot on the front stoop and was ignoring Gus while continuing to shuffle his deck of icy cards.

Xander struggled to keep a straight face. This was the Medici Crime Family's leader?! Gus was nothing but a sleazy, smelly tub of lard!

"Well, #XanFam, I know what's going in this week's cringe compilation," the sylveon whispered. He stopped recording and hid his uPhone before Gus got a proper look at him, but he was sure chatting just a snippet later would get him a shitton of clicks.

"You da guy here to bring us da goods?" Gus stroked his bushy beard. It had several colorful splotches. Assorted sauces and condiments from this perrserker's "see food" diet, if Xander had to guess.

"No. I'm the fuzz and I'm here to arrest your ass." Xander's words dripped with sarcasm. "I've got your fighter and the blood moon serum." He gestured to Turian, who was coughing up more nasty phlegm, and Iron Enforcer. The robotic full's back opened, producing the mechanical arm holding the vial.

"Dat's your fighter?" Gus stared at Turian incredulously. "Dey look ready to keel over."

The lopunny and lilligant all laughed. It clearly sounded forced, but Gus bowed and blew kisses to them anyway.

Clearing his throat, Cassius strode down the red carpet. "And that's where your side of the scheme comes in, Don Giuseppe."

"Man." The perrserker sighed. "How many times I gotta say it before you get it t'rough your thick skull?" He tapped the side of his head with a claw. "Giuseppe was my pops, like his pops and his pops before him. I'm Big Gus." He smacked his belly.

"Whatevs." Xander was getting tired of standing in this musty courtyard. "Let Cassius speak."

"We're going to take our fighter and transfer his soul into the ursaluna you captured." The Mr. Rime explained as an icy card warped from his left hand into his right.

Gus' eyes widened. "You can do dat?"

Cassius' card duplicated, then the two cards turned to four. "Of course."

"And dat'll let us put on da show of da century at Salim Stadium?"


"Now you're speaking my language, ya sonofagun!" Gus slapped his right knee, then snapped his claws. "Carpaccio! Get dat lazy greedent bud of yours out here and bring dis gal 'round back, will ya?"

"Oi, ya heard da boss, nut-for-brains! Get out there!"

A greedent tripped in the doorway and rolled down the red carpet. He managed to stop himself by Turian.

"You got it, Mr. Boss Gus, sir." The greedent waddled behind the ursaluna and began to push her off to the right.

Iron Enforcer glanced at Xander. [Do we follow?]

"I should hope so," Cassius declared, still doing little card tricks with flicks of his wrist. He and Iron Enforcer walked alongside Turian and Greedent while Gus ushered his cheerleaders back through the mansion's front door.

That left Xander at the front gates. The sylveon was about to go after them when a loud "Psst!" caught his attention. Xander glanced over his shoulder and tilted his head.

Was that a porygon-Z stuck inside the gate? It was like the gate's bars impaled its torso. How? That wasn't there before.

Xander was about to signal his allies when he noticed they were frozen in place.

... No, it wasn't just them. All the Medicis were, too.

[Don't mind them, Strimmer!] Porygon-Z's voice was garbled, like it was coming out of some vintage PV speakers. [They're just on an (ADGE BREAK)! But I've extended a little (PRIME GAMING) to you (FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY)!]

Every ounce of Xander told him this was sus as hell. He turned to walk away. "If you're a fan, you can #BuyMyMerch from my link like everyone else." Xander flicked his ribbons dismissively.

[(OMEGALUL)! I see you are a 'mon of a culture as well,] Porygon-Z retorted. It then shouted random directions out and its body jerked around. The metal gate held it in place.

Xander had taken three steps toward the others when it called out, [Don't you want to (USE THE BOOST TO GET THROUGH)? Your good buddy, Ahsen, can grow your audience like a zillion viral videos!]

The sylveon froze mid-step. Grow his audience? Now that was the kind of language Xander recognized. He turned back to Ahsen.


At first, Ahsen kept shouting random directions and getting jerked around like a puppet on strings. But it managed to stop shouting and look Xander in the eyes.

[I can show you (A WHOLE NEW WORLD)!] it declared. Static rippled around its nubby hands, turning into several party popper emojis that showered the ground in pixelated confetti. [(HELIX) can link you to another dimension with a shiny new audience waiting for (STREAM VALUE)!]

The porygon-Z vibrated excitedly. Bony aerodactyl wings replaced its arms for a few seconds, before disappearing.

"Another dimension?" Xander tapped his chin in thought. "You mean like those #rifts Paradox keeps talking about."

[!] Ahsen's dinging noises were unsettling. [If you (ACCEPT THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS), (HELIX) will link you up to your new audience. You'll have the power of (PRIME GAMING) on your side! (STONKS) rising! UP UP DOWN A A!]

It jerked around seemingly at random again. Pixelated blocks momentarily swallowed up its head. [We're talking millions of people captivated by your (HELIX)-approved (START9)! We'll make you the greatest (VEETUBER) known to man!]

"Veetuber?" Xander tilted his head.

[Using the power of eeveelutions to captivate a spellbound audience,] the porygon-Z said. Its arms turned to skeletal kabutops scythes for a second as it flailed them about excitedly. [It's a (100 PERCENT CERTIFIED GRADE A) plan! All you have to do is (ACCEPT THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS) to proceed!]

A small ball of static trickled out from Ahsen's chest and floated toward Xander. The sylveon eyed it cautiously. This sounded insane. But an entirely new dimension to lavish attention on him was too good to pass up.

"Hang on." He held up a ribbon. "Will I have to give up my Paradigm powers?"

A loud buzzer sounded. [You get a (HELIX BOGO)! Buy one (VEETUBER) power, get (OLDGE) power for free!]

"That's a yes, right?"

Ahsen nodded, before shouting [DOWN!] repeatedly while its body vibrated in place and more static cubes appeared around it.

"All right." Xander approached the porygon-Z. "What's the plan?"

It was still a sketchy proposition, but the fame would surely make it worth his while. Anything to get to the top... and become the world's biggest star.


"You've gotta be shitting me! The Medicis took Freya? How? Why?!"

Sparks littered the middle of the hanger, courtesy of an angry Nikki. She glared at Shredder, who stood opposite her, at the head of the small group of Blightsmuth 'mon that followed him back to the outpost. Yuna floated next to her, along with the others who'd gone to Blightsmuth. Noctum and Valkyrie were over by the computer monitors. Yuna saw Leo by the hanger door, but he kept avoiding her gaze, which made her ectoplasm shrivel.

"Wish I was, but I ain't."

"Freya's tough as nails," Nikki said, mohawk still crackling. "How'd those clowns get the jump on her?"

Shredder nudged Floragato forward. "I only caught the end of it," she muttered, fiddling nervously with her yo-yo. "But I saw a greedent taking her through some big blue rectangle."

Yuna expected the toxtricity to offer another rebuttal, yet Nikki stayed silent.

"Big blue rectangle?" Scarlett tilted her head. "That's kinda vague, don't you think?"

"Want me to read her mind?" Gene tapped his right temple.

"No need." Igneous stepped past the shadowy mewtwo. "That sounds like Minister Charles."

"Charles?" Shredder squinted, then scratched his chin. "Oh, yeah, he went missing a few months ago."

"I saw him in Venish, corrupted by the Empire." The grovlazzle crossed his arms. "And he had a greedent with ties to the Medicis working with him. I doubt it's a coincidence. But Empire or not, what does kidnapping one ursaluna do?"

No one responded, though Yuna could see some agitated looks on the faces of the Blightsmuth folks.

"Ah, ****."

The dragapult wasn't expecting Gene to cut in. He hovered in front of Igneous, pinching his brow.

"It must be Turian."

Everyone exchanged confused looks.

"Isn't a durian a really stinky fruit?" Jade said from her roosting spot by boxes filled with the monks' medical supplies.

"Turian, Birdbrain." The shadowy mewtwo waved Jade off dismissively. "Paradigm Lieutenant. Has always used an ursaluna body despite the species being quite rare within Eternatus." He tapped his chin in thought. "Haven't heard a peep about her in months, so I figured they must be looking for a new body for her."

"And Freya's gonna be that new body?" Nikki's mohawk flared up again. It even flickered red. "Well screw that noise! We gotta rescue her!"


The toxtricity whirled on Igneous. He shrugged. "We don't know where she was taken. It could be any Medici encampment. Or she's already been brought into the Qliphoth."

Yuna's tail crinkled. If the transfer was already complete, then they'd have to fight her. "But even if we can't stop this Turian lady, we can still free Freya. Like with Beef—"

"Nein, I'm Biff!" the buzzwole called from near the closed hanger hatches. He was doing push-ups with a nervous-looking Vince on his back.

"Right." Yuna tried to recollect her thoughts. "Um, but you get the idea. And there's my dad and Victini."

"'Cept they're both still out. Same with those two birds," Valkyrie said. The garchomp rolled her eyes when Noctum and Yuna frowned at her. "Sorry." She held her arms up. "Force of habit."

"I don't want Freya to be stuck asleep." Nikki's mohawk kept giving off tiny sparks. Yuna had to back away from her to stop the static from jiggling her ectoplasm. "We have to try something." She looked at Igneous again. "Doesn't your family keep tabs on the Medicis? Get your pops to—"

"I think I've got something!"

Everyone turned to the computer stations in the far corner of the hanger. Cid was pointing at a couple of skorps desperately trying to turn a couple of the larger monitors so that everyone could see. As soon as they did, obnoxious guitar music played from the speakers.

Familiar obnoxious music.

"Whassup #XanFam?"

"Oh no." Yuna's legs shot into her torso. Why was Xander popping up again?

"Wait a sec." Nikki pointed at the screens. "That's Salim Stadium over in Khelifet! The hell's going on here?!"

"It's ya boi Xander comin' at ya from #EnemyTerritory!" The sylveon crouched down and looked around in a poor 'mon's impression of sneaking around. He was dressed in skin-tight camo and wore a beret like he was one of those soldiers in the movies Guzzie would sometimes play in the restaurant.

"Cuz we're simulcasting to #RaDUMBance!" Xander winked at the camera and several pixelated hearts fluttered around his face. "To bring you a #SpecialEdition of #ThreeCheersThreeJeers!"

Pixelated confetti streamed out around Xander while disembodied applauding hands surrounded him. "I know, I know. I can't believe it either. And we're gonna #MixItUp in more ways than one!" He spun around, conjuring a bright pink version of that martini shaker thing Yuna saw Guzzie use at the bar. "By starting with the #Jeers today!"

Red, pixelated thumbs downs surrounded Xander as the camera pulled out for a large holographic "JEER ONE" to flash over his head.

"#JeerOne is goin' to #MeanieQueenie Isola!" Xander stepped aside for a picture in picture to appear. It showed footage of the rapidash in front of a gaggle of reporters.

"Your Eminence, what do you have to say about the Beacon's accusations?"

"Are you really some sort of body snatcher?!"

"Why didn't the Radiant Guard step in to stop Vortex or the invaders in Herbrides?"

"Where's High Inquisitor Justine?!"

The flurry of questions cracked at Isola's normally serene demeanor. Yuna even noticed an eye twitch.

"Everything in that so-called 'expose' is hearsay," Isola said. Her usual sweet tone had a layer of frost in it, judging by Shimmer's ears folding and tails puffing up. "We have arrest warrants issued for Nidoking Sakaki and the staff writers who dared to submit this slander. There are bounties of one million radians for each of them. And we're raising the bounty on his son, Grovyle Chiaki, to 1.5 million radians."

Igneous' tail leaves caught on fire. "This has gotta be fake, right?!" He stormed over to Cid. "He's conjuring this with Paradigm magic or whatever!"

"It's legit, eh!" One skorp declared from the smallest computer terminal. "PNN is showing the press conference, too!"

The grovlazzle fell silent as Xander cut the footage from his stream.

"Ya got that right, #XanFam!" He clapped his ribbons together excitedly. "#CancelCulture's coming over to #RaDUMBance and it's going straight for #MeanieQueenie herself!" The sylveon dashed toward the camera. "Oh, and just between us, that report's #TotesLegit." He winked at the camera and stuck his tongue out playfully. "Which means a #fraud's been keeping #Eternatus imprisoned!"

Xander smushed his cheeks with his ribbons, feigning shock while tons of pixelated shocked faces popped up around him. "It's totes crazy, right?"

The shocked faces went away while Xander twirled around. More pictures in pictures showed swarms of pokémon marching around, carrying a variety of signs, some with cartoonish doodles of Isola full of knives and other pointy objects.

"That's why #CheerOne goes to these brave #RaDUMBance souls!" Xander wiggled his ribbons while pixelated hands doing those "metal horns" Nikki loved so much drifted all around him. "Taking to the streets to tell #MeanieQueenie to buzz off! You totes know they want a real leader!"

The sylveon spun around, conjuring a deoxys plushie between his two right ribbons. "And you can totes get a cuddly little version of the best leader around at a whopping fifty percent off if you use my code 'IHEARTPARADOX' at the #XanFam merch store!"

"Why the hell are we watching this?" Valkyrie snarled. Purple embers licked at her lips. "Shut it off!"

"Leave it on." Gene held his right arm out. "There might be something here."

Xander now had a picture of Vegna up beside him. Several people turned toward the dusknoir, who was braced against the wall. Lightning crackled in his eye.

"#JeerTwo goes to this goober named Vegna." Xander rolled his eyes. "He was one of #MeanieQueenie's minions. A prosecutor. But get this! He was totes #Murderizing peeps who got off innocent against him in court!"

With a wave of his ribbons, Xander summoned another picture in picture. This one had footage of Vegna in the tower of the Crowne Court that Yuna had gone to. The dusknoir flicked his wrist and a flash of golden energy dislodged a portion of the tower that appeared to be under construction. It fell to the ground where it crushed a familiar slurpuff.

Yuna's tail and legs shot into her torso. This didn't make any sense. Vegna denied those allegations. Was he lying?

"Impossible." Electricity rippled through Vegna's body. Yuna swore she saw flickers of gold, too, and the flash of anger on Gene's face told her she wasn't the only one.

"I was in a meeting with the judge," Vegna growled. "This footage is manipulated. Or fabricated."

"But they're playing it on PNN!" the skorp at the tiny computer exclaimed.

"Pix News, too!" called a second skorp beside him.

"Then they were sent manipulated footage," Vegna snarled. This time Yuna was sure his eye turned gold. Everyone else in the room exchanged uneasy looks.

Before anyone could press the matter further, however, Shimmer's whinny caught everyone's attention. "W-Why am I getting jeered?!" His tails puffed out.

Yuna returned her attention to the screen where Xander shook his head at a picture of the ponytales. "#RaDUMBance's twink of a prince is getting jerked around by those #ResistanceLosers like the sad little bottom he is!" He waved his ribbons and generated a Shimmer puppet getting yanked in different directions by holographic phantoms of Gene and... Demerzel?

"The emperor still has one of his partners, right?" Reshiram reminded her. "Guess he's given up trying to blackmail Demerzel and instead painting him as an enemy."

"Now I
know what you #RaDUMBance viewers are thinking," Xander continued. Another picture in picture showed Xander and a pre-transformation Shimmer exchanging a very passionate kiss. "Me and Shimmer were #OTP, so why the #Jeer? Well, that's easy!

"I just wanted to screw him and help run #RaDUMBance!"
Xander laughed heartily while a big red X crossed Shimmer out of the photo. "But now that the #GrandEmperor has shown me the light, I couldn't give a lick about him!"

He leaped close to the camera and leaned in. "And just between us, dude's a terrible kisser. And he gives lousy head!"

A whimpering Shimmer had slinked onto his belly, burying his head under his forelegs. "Shut it off! Please shut it off!" he begged.

"Don't listen to him." Scarlett slithered behind him while Igneous stepped in front of him as if they could block everyone else's gazes.

Jade tapped her chin with a wing digit. "Y'know, if that body snatcher got control of Shimmer, it would've made him kick Xander to the curb, wouldn't it? So, this is pretty ironic."

Igneous' head leaf caught fire as he glared at the salugia. "Iiiiiiiii'll shut up now." She looked down.

Yuna didn't have anything to offer Shimmer, but seeing him like that brought to mind when he'd focused the whole academy's attention on her at the Crowne Cup's opening ball. And a tiny part of her enjoyed seeing him get a taste of his own medicine, which gave way to waves of guilt.

"Ah! There! That's the intel we need!"

Gene pointed to the monitors, which showed footage of a large stadium. It had banners with crudely drawn fists draped over large screens.

"Medicis?" Valkyrie held up her bladed arms. Noctum shot her a concerned look.

"That's right! These folks took over a whole stadium!" Xander's footage pulled back to reveal that he'd been standing in some sort of broadcasting booth within the stadium the entire time. "In celebration of #RaDUMBance's impending fall, our #GrandEmperor's allies, the #Medicis, are hosting a no-holds-barred tournament open to the public!"

The sylveon curled his ribbons into a big heart. "And #YaBoiXander's gonna be on the mic! I'll be bringing you all the juiciest deets, spiciest hits, and #EpicFails!"

His smile grew bigger. "And the #WinnerWinnerChickenDinner will get a prize package including a ton of #YaBoiXander's merch... and a chance to meet with #GrandEmperor Paradox himself!"

A picture of the deoxys posing proudly flashed on the screen.

"Who knows? You might get the chance to work for him directly, just like #YaBoiXander!"

The monitors then shut up and Gene turned around, rubbing his hands together. "So, we'll have at least one Paradigm Lieutenant out in the open."

"Not to mention Charles if the Medici are involved," Valkyrie added. She was still staring down the monitors like she wanted to attack them. Yuna had a feeling she was going to leap at the chance for this fight.

"That was it?" Yiazmat scoffed. The dragapult corralled a couple of armored kommo-o back toward her. "I hardly see the need to get that invested in some... takeover of a single place in Radiance."

Gene snapped his fingers. "Which is exactly why we don't need to focus all our efforts there." The shadowy mewtwo looked around. "We send a few Aeons and monks to scout around before bringing out the bigger guns." He jerked his head in Valkyrie's direction. "Chompy's ready to murder our computers, so I'd say she just volunteered to be a big gun."

Yuna saw Noctum whispering something to the garchomp, who jabbed his light blue belly with a claw and glared at him. The cosmic charizard's starcloud tail flame shrank.

"We can go over who's who once we have a lay of the land," Gene continued. "That agreeable?"

Nods and approving mumbles followed until the hangar door opened up and Archie lumbered through.

"Alder's got something!" the samurott barked. He stepped aside so the braviary could hover over him.

"Yes, a big something!" Alder's pink feathers flickered excitedly. "One of the monks that was scouting Sinnoh for us says she found a Needle! It's in Jubilife City!"

"Jubilife?" Gene's tail crinkled. "Some of us were just in Sinnoh the other day. How'd we let this slip by?"

"Tch. Not like we've been actively searching for them," Igneous scoffed. He was kneeling beside Shimmer and nudging the despondent ponytales' shoulder.

"Well, our priorities have clearly shifted," Vegna said. His eye buzzed with blue electricity again.

Yuna caught another flash of contempt on Gene's face, but the shadowy mewtwo quickly hid it. "Let's not get ahead of ourselves." He looked at Alder. "Bring that monk back here, get a report from her, and we'll go from there."

More mutters of approval followed, but Yuna stayed silent. Her gaze drifted toward the floor.

Another Needle. The final Needle, if Vegna was to be believed. Once pulled, it would tell them which Sage was missing. And which Sage could be the body snatcher.

Yuna's mind kept racing. Did Necrozma already know about it? Was it not approaching because the empire was guarding the Needle? And what would happen to Vegna if it was pulled? What if Vegna came along and Necrozma was there? Could they recombine? Should they recombine?


A cold hand on Yuna's left shoulder jolted the dragapult to attention. She turned to Nikki.

"You all good?" the toxtricity asked.

"No." Yuna swallowed hard. "There's a lot at stake here." She tried subtly pointing at Vegna with her tail.

"Oh." Nikki blinked. "Ohhhhhh, right." She adjusted her jacket. "All the more reason for me to go with you, then."


Nikki put a finger on Yuna's lips. Her ectoplasm rippled.

"I won't fight directly if it's too dangerous. I can do moral support."

If Yuna had a heart, it might've fluttered. Instead, her tail undulated back and forth.

"I'd... like that a lot."

Hopefully, things would be fine. Maybe there would be no Necrozma and Yuna was worrying for nothing. Regardless, she felt better knowing Nikki would be at her side.


Winter can't come soon enough
Chapter 104: Dark Tidings

Gene had stood on this charcoal ground countless times before. In the past, the red sky gave way to a swirling black cyclone on the horizon. Now, though, that cyclone was close enough for the mewtwo to see all the crystal shards and jet-black debris swirling around the red globe in the center of the storm.

"What is it this time?" Gene's yellow-tipped tail lazily drifted back and forth.

"I can practically taste your doubt."

Red and purple lights flashed within the cyclone. Its voice was like a fierce wind trying to blow Gene off his feet.

"You fear the husk's return. You fear you cannot change the light dragon's mind. Your anger rises from failing to solve this sooner."

"What are you, my therapist?" Snorting, Gene rolled his eyes. "Lemme guess. 'You should harness that fear and anger.'" He massaged his neck following his impersonation of the storm's guttural voice.

"Your refusal to embrace that pain will get you killed," the storm declared. "Get us killed."

"Can you even die?" Gene scoffed. The storm called itself a force, after all. And he was pretty sure a force wasn't something one could kill.

Red lightning crackled around the core. "Even if I survive, I will scatter to the winds without a form. Whatever pain and anguish you experience in your final moments will be wasted."

"Charming." Gene hovered into the air. "But I don't need your help. I have a team."

"You had a team for Herbrides," the storm reminded him. "They do not have faith in you. Not when you got the keldeo killed. And callously disregarded everything that followed."

Tail crinkling, Gene turned away from the storm. Thunder rumbled in the distance.

"Do you think I take pleasure in feeling your regret?"

Gene held two fingers a small distance apart. "A tiny bit."

"I cannot feel pleasure." More lightning crackled through the cyclone. "Your negativity only adds to the endless pain that defines me."

"Then what's with all the 'Turn that pain into power' garbage?" The mewtwo side-eyed the black cyclone.

"Turning pain on others is better than letting it sit and fester," the storm countered. "You have fought and destroyed for ages."

"For a good damn cause!" Gene growled.

More thunder rumbled in the distance. The storm's core glowed brighter.

"There's that familiar anger," it said.

Gene took a breath to steady himself. "Whatever. I don't need your power right now."

Purple bolts streamed toward the mewtwo from the cyclone, only to strike a blue barrier and vanish on the spot. Gene smirked, if for no other reason than to mask his relief. Things were still holding up.

"Nice try." He drifted further from the cyclone. "Like I said, I've got this."

More lightning peppered the blue barrier.

"You'll be back," the cyclone declared.

"Not today."

Gene saluted the storm, then watched it fade away with the rest of his mindspace.


"... Ty? Boss Kitty, you there?"

The shadowy mewtwo grabbed hold of the arm Nikki was waving in front of his face.

"What?" Gene squinted at the toxtricity. Nikki gestured with her other arm to the paved, empty streets of Jubilife City.

Well, empty save for the large black tornado carrying scores of Eternatus Troopers and debris from nearby buildings. The moment the tornado vanished, the Troopers went careening past all the buildings and toward the distant forest. Mega Rayquaza floated over to Yuna's side by the entrance to a large white building with big, colorful cameras painted on it.

"I can see my house from heeeeeeeeeeere!" one Bombardier declared.

The dragapult glanced up at Gene and Nikki.

"What now?" Yuna asked through the X-transceiver. She was a bit too far to shout at them.

Gene blinked several times. Right. The mission. They'd found Jubilife TV under heavy Eternatus Trooper patrol. A patrol that Rayquaza handily swept through. Still, it didn't take a powerful psychic to guess where in the city the Needle was.

"Well?" Nikki said.

"I need a sec." Gene held his right hand up as he concentrated. He was close enough to the building for his ESP to detect who was inside, so—

Okay, yeah. There was a rapidly growing aura.

"With me!" Gene punched a rift open beside Yuna, grabbed the dragapult, and pulled her through. Yelping, Yuna managed to recall Rayquaza into her griseous core.

Plumes of purple shadows erupted in the street, right by where Yuna was floating moments ago. The shadows gave way to a black horse with flowing purple hair. It paced in front of the Jubilife TV building with hooves that weren't even attached to its legs.

"It's him."

Vegna's voice was raspier than usual, but Gene could still hear it behind him.

"Guile Hideout?" Gene glanced over his shoulder to see the dusknoir nod at him. "Well, that's no ice horse. Guess this means the emperor's breaking off his deal with Demerzel?"

"That would be the logical conclusion." Vegna crossed his arms. "Still, this is not a trifling matter. His blade reflects attacks and that armor seems to absorb impact from strikes. My familiars forced him back last time by attacking Glastrier. We'll need a similar approach."

"Seriously?" Yuna's ectoplasm constricted. "They're innocent in this."

Gene held his hand up. "Princess, Vegna and I will try and distract him. Odds are he's the last line of defense, so if he's out here, you might be able to sneak in and get the Needle."

He looked at Nikki, expecting her to demand a role in this. Surprisingly, the toxtricity held her hands up. "I'm over here if you need me. Or if more bots show up."

The shadowy mewtwo nodded his approval, then took off with a burst of levitation. He only needed a couple of seconds to land opposite Guile Hideout and his steed.

"I think you've gotten a bit turned around, big fella." Gene casually rested his hands behind his head. "Jousting festival is over in Galar, not Sinnoh." He shifted a hand to tap his chin. "Or is it Kalos? Either way, a half a world over."

Guile Hideout drew his sword and leveled it at Gene. His steed neighed loudly, but he yanked the reins and silenced her. Something about her voice was... unnatural. She was one of Demerzel's partners, right? No way she could be feral. Had the emperor... done something to her?

"Meeeewtwwwoooo." Guile Hideout's distorted voice could only draw out Gene's species. He slashed the air. A black crescent shot toward Gene, which he easily Phantom Warped through.

"Not one for conversation, I take it." Gene smirked. "That's fine." He tapped his right temple. "We can skip straight to business. Though I wouldn't recommend it, seeing how many of your Lieutenants we've taken out lately."

Guile Hideout's black eyes flickered purple. His grip tightened on his sword.

Gene raised a brow. "Oh?"

"Weaaappooooon." Guile Hideout jerked his steed's reins. She reared up on her hind legs.

Next thing Gene knew, purple balls had surrounded him. Like some sort of spectral variant of his Psystrike. He had ample room to Phantom Warp away as the purple balls converged and exploded in a purple geyser.

"Don't thiiiink. Don't feeeeeel." Guile Hideout swiped his sword. More spectral crescents filled the air. Gene Phantom Warped past them, and slung a Shadow Ball toward the horse's chest. She leaped away with impressive speed despite her heavy-looking rider.

Gene remained tense. Any quips about Guile Hideout's attitude — or lack of it compared to other Paradigm lieutenants — died in his throat the moment the shadowy mewtwo heard those four words.

His chest tightened. Had that tin can really said that?

You're afraid.

"Weaaappooooon." Guile Hideout tugged the reins. More purple energy balls surrounded Gene. He Phantom Warped away from them slamming together, only for metal spikes to pepper his chest. A harsh, stinging pain spread over him. Gene pulled the spikes out of his chest. No blood, thankfully, but they hurt like a ***** for how tiny they were.


Clumsy. Careless.

The horse was charging toward Gene. He slung two Shadow Balls at her, but she was able to leap over them. Gene Phantom Warped forward, avoiding the shadowy pillar that erupted when Guile Hideout and his steed landed where Gene had been floating.


Gene spotted a familiar dragapult by the Jubilife TV vision. Purple shadows had walled the building off. Try as she might, Yuna couldn't get past it. Then ectoplasmic spears shot past Gene.

"Princess, watch out!" Gene cried.

Yuna spotted the arrows. Next thing Gene knew, she was several meters away, no rifts necessary. Since when could she teleport?

"Focus on yourself, dumbass!"

Griffon's harsh caws and a couple of loud clangs snapped Gene to attention. He saw Talonflame and the corviknight flanking Guile Hideout, keeping him and his steed occupied.

"Chiiirrrooooon. Meeeewtwwwoooo." Guile Hideout surrounded the birds with purple balls. They couldn't escape from the shadowy barrage. The explosion almost resembled a night sky, so Gene figured Astral Barrage was a good enough working name for that strange attack.

"Weaaappooooons." The knight raised his sword high and a dome of shadows raced out all around him.


Gene raced away from the attack. The dome kept expanding outward for a full city block and wouldn't go away. Gene stared at the purple and black energy twisting through the dome.


Not now.

You know exactly who this is. And that's why you're afraid. In the end, nothing's changed.

"Princess, what the hell's going on?" Gene hissed into his X-transceiver. Guile Hideout galloped through the inside of the dome toward him. Vegna and his birds were somewhere on the other side, but Gene didn't really care.

"Something was blocking me from phasing into the building," Yuna said. "And now this stupid dome is in the way!"

But the dome vanished into Guile Hideout's steed. Gene found himself staring down the barrel of what might as well have been a ghost-type Hyper Beam. The shadowy mewtwo tried flying over it, but the beam singed his feet and yellowing tail.

That's right. Run. It's all you're really good for.

Gene decided to give that asshole a taste of his own medicine, surrounding Guile Hideout with Psystrike orbs and slamming them forward. While some struck his steed, who neighed in pain, the rest were caught by Guile Hideout's blade as he spun around. They were flung at a charging Talonflame, sending him crashing to the ground with garbled shrieks.

"Damn it," Gene hissed in a whisper.

Idiot. You were warned about that. Kill the steed instead.

"Princess, we've got incoming Troopers!" Nikki exclaimed. "Gimme a hand here!"

A rush of air rippled Gene's tail. The dragapult heading away to fend off Eternatus Troopers, no doubt. Gene couldn't think about it further, because more purple ectoplasmic blobs filled the air. Guile Hideout sent the Astral Barrage racing all around him.

Gene maneuvered through them and tossed a tiny fireball at Guile Hideout's left knee. A strange purple ripple snuffed the flames out.

"Pathetic." Guile Hideout swiped at Gene with his sword while his steed sent a Shadow Ball in the other direction, probably to stop Vegna's advance. Gene Phantom Warped through the blade, then summoned his psychic spoon to slash the sword. Despite putting all his muscle into the swing, Guile Hideout held tough. A burst of wind forced Gene back.

Kill the steed.

She's innocent.

She's suffering. I feel her pain from every strike. Every time he tugs her reins. She wants to be put out of her misery.

A giant icy javelin soared through the air. Guile Hideout spun and slashed at it with his sword. Just as he split the icy javelin apart and sent its halves careening into opposite sidewalks, Gene slung a Shadow Ball at the steed's flank. Her legs buckled.

Snarling, Guile Hideout hefted up his blade. Black Lightning raced out in an arc in different directions. Gene easily Phantom Warped away. Opposite him, Vegna leaped from one building rooftop to another, riding a horse resembling an icier version of Guile Hideout's steed. Glastrier, if Gene recalled.

Now I get it. Pathetic bleeding heart.

Gene grimaced. Shut up!

Vegna's eye flashed white. From a couple of buildings ahead of Gene, Glastrier shot another ice javelin forward. Gene surrounded Guile Hideout and his steed with Psystrike orbs once again. He slammed them together. Like before, Guile Hideout succeeded in deflecting many of them. This time, though, that left him and his steed open to Glastrier's attack. The javelin shattered and froze both horse and rider to the concrete.

Gene heard explosions in the distance, along with the frantic shouts of Eternatus Troopers. Nikki and Yuna were holding up, then. Or got reinforcements.

What a pitiful deflection. You won't attack the steed for the same reason you won't simply kill the dusknoir. Too much fear. Too much weakness.

*****, I'm trying to help them.

Guile Hideout's frigid prison shattered. His steed wearily shook ice chunks from her mane.

A lie to mask your own doubts.

"Vegna!" Gene telepathically shouted. He flicked his right wrist and a pink glow surrounded the steed. Guile Hideout raised his sword at Gene. Black lightning crackled around it.

"We have to get the sword from this asshole and use it against him!"

Black bolts peppered the air. Gene released his psychic grip. But he couldn't Phantom Warp through all the lightning. Some of it peppered his right side, including his Malice Crystal. A jolt of pain ran from his shoulder down to his tail.


Back off! Gene mentally snarled. That stupid dark storm was only making things worse. He couldn't concentrate like this.

A torrent of ice and lightning drew Gene's attention below him. Zekrom's wispy form struck the steed with a blue lightning bolt, then another ice javelin from Glastrier froze her to the ground. The force from the blow knocked Guile Hideout back.

... Off his steed.

This was Gene's chance. The shadowy mewtwo surged toward the ground. Rather than using his attack, he simply slammed Guile Hideout from behind.

It won't work.

Snarling, Gene tugged on that negativity chomping at the back of his mind. Shadows pooled around his hands, giving him a surge of strength to wrench the blade free of Guile Hideout's hands.

"Oi, look alive, Boss Kitty!"

Gene reflexively jumped away from Guile Hideout. Griffon flew in front of them both, casting a Protect that warded off a Shadow Ball from the steed. She looked around in a panic while Vegna approached atop Glastrier.

"We got her! Just do the thing already!"

There were more explosions and screams in the distance. Gene tuned them out, gaze fixed on Guile Hideout.

Destroy him.

"Meeewtwooooo." Guile Hideout reached his right hand up toward Gene.

"Don't talk to me." Gene pointed the blade at Guile Hideout. "I know who you are. You're finished. Surrender your Paradigm power."

Coward. Finish him.

Gene heard neighing several meters ahead of him.

"Hurry up, Boss Kitty!" Griffon cawed.

"Useless weaaaaapoooon."

The noises. The shouting. Guile Hideout's taunt. All too much for Gene. The shadowy mewtwo's flicker of anger led him to tug on that dark power again. Shadows sheathed Guile Hideout's blade seconds before Gene plunged it into his armored chest.

Guile Hideout didn't scream. Or groan. Or even gasp. Cracks spiderwebbed through his silver armor, until the pieces fell away. For a few brief moments, Gene saw a human form burnt beyond all recognition. Much like what had happened to Seifer.

One thing was still intact, though. The faint outline of an R next to where Gene had plunged the blade in.

Blue light swallowed up the sword. It faded into a small card with a VIII on it. Then both the card and the body underneath it crumbled before Gene's eyes, leaving nothing but a pile of brown ash at his feet.

Interesting. No satisfaction. Only emptiness.

Gene stepped back from the ash. "Princess, Guile Hideout's down. Get back here and grab the Need—"

Blinding light caught the corner of Gene's eye. He turned left and saw rainbow lasers raining down on the a building several blocks away. Shattered glass and rubble spilled out onto the street.

Gene scarcely had time to acknowledge it, as a dragapult sped toward him, clutching a wide-eyed toxtricity.

"What the hell just happened?!" Gene stared at where the building used to be. There was a silhouette in the middle of all the dust in the air.

Your fear is rising. You already know what it is.

"It's here."

Vegna's voice trembled ever so slightly.

Nikki pulled herself free from Yuna and dropped to the ground. "Th-that's Necrozma, isn't it?" Her mohawk shrank. "I shouldn't be here. That thing will rip me to shreds!"

"Then go with Princess." Ectoplasm gathered around Gene's hands. He was doing his best not to think about the last encounter. "Necrozma blocks rifts, remember? The best thing to do is grab the Needle. Now."

The shadowy mewtwo didn't wait for a response. The longer he hesitated, the more likely Necrozma would do something to stop Yuna from getting the Needle. So, Gene flew toward the dust cloud. He slung two Shadow Balls into it.

A burst of pink energy snuffed out his strikes and the dust in the air. Necrozma's large, humanoid, crystal form stood atop the remains of the building its blast destroyed.

"Mewtwo." Necrozma raised two crystal tendrils and blasted scalding water at Gene. He Phantom Warped left and shot a Shadow Ball at Necrozma's right leg. A third crystal tendril batted the Shadow Ball aside, sending it across the street and crashing through the window of the presumably abandoned Pokémon Center.

Give into the fear and anger. Use my power.

Gene tossed two more Shadow Balls. Two Scalds destroyed them, then Gene found himself staring down an onslaught of Thousand Arrows. He was too close to a building on his left, so he rolled right through the air, rapidly firing smaller Shadow Balls. Necrozma tried to turn the Thousand Arrows, but couldn't. The Shadow Balls peppered Necrozma's left side, but it didn't seem to care.

"As weak as ever." Necrozma stomped the ground. Electric pillars sprang up all around him. Gene tried to weave his way through them, but then something sliced his left side. The shadowy mewtwo hit the pavement and tumbled to a stop. Nicks and scrapes peppered his dark gray skin.

"You're, nngh, wrong." Hissing in pain, Gene hopped back to his feet.

I can feel your fear rising every passing second.

"You're the weakling. Cutting out your soul... for more power."

Gene heard lightning buzzing before a Bolt Striking Zekrom charged past him. A startled Necrozma barely managed to fire a rainbow beam at Zekrom from point blank, blasting her back where she grazed a couple of buildings and flung rubble around the streets.

Figuring Necrozma was having too easy of a time deflecting things from afar, Gene rushed forward while its Prismatic Laser faded. Gene conjured his psychic spoon and slashed Necrozma's leg repeatedly.


Emerald light filled the sky. Gene barely managed to Phantom Warp across the street from the ensuing Thousand Arrows hailstorm. A giant blue sphere rushed toward Necrozma. But Zekrom struck an invisible force which held her in place. Gene heard Vegna grunting in effort somewhere behind him.

He'd give Zekrom a hand, then. Gene slung a Shadow Ball at Necrozma's left side, then rushed in after it. Crystal tendrils appeared, but instead of deflecting the Shadow Ball away, they hit it back at Gene. He couldn't dip into a Phantom Warp fast enough. The Shadow Ball slammed into his chest and fell on his back, hissing.


Gene sprang back to his feet, only to gasp as a wave of emerald hexagons raced toward him. He shot into the air. Emerald light singed his feet. The pain stung, but it could've been worse.

You're too afraid to fight at your best. Give me control.

Never. Gene fired two Shadow Balls at Necrozma while it was busy slicing through a Glacial Lance from Glastrier.

There was still a chance to save this. They were buying Yuna enough time. If pulling the Needle disoriented Necrozma as much as it did Vegna, then Gene could seize the opening and—


Vegna's cry startled Gene, who fell to the ground, sprawled out on his belly. Intense heat brushed his back from the Prismatic Laser he narrowly dodged.

Static buzzed around his nostrils. A heavy thud and snarls filled his ears. Gene pushed himself up and raced forward, psychic spoon in hand, rapidly approaching Necrozma. It was trading electrified punches with Zekrom.

Gene feinted left, then crossed back right and lunged for Necrozma. He thrust the psychic spoon toward Necrozma's left leg. A resounding clang rang out.

Roaring, Necrozma's tendrils lashed out all around it. But Gene anticipated and pressed himself up against Necrozma's leg. A psychic force tried to repel him, but he had to hold. Hold on. Hold on.


A sudden jolt of black sparks drove Gene's spoon through Necrozma's crystal armor. The shadowy mewtwo's eyes widened. He hadn't—

It caught him so off guard he wasn't prepared for Necrozma's tendrils. He pulled his spoon out and parried one on his left. Then a second on his right.

But the third impaled Gene from behind. The pain didn't even set in until the crystal spear emerged from his stomach.

He barely noted his blood splatter on the ground by Necrozma's foot. Didn't hear whatever it was Necrozma said. Hardly noticed buildings sailing by him. Had Necrozma tossed him away?

The storm was saying something, but the ringing in Gene's ears was too loud.

Gene hit the concrete once. Twice. Necrozma must've tossed him so hard he was skipping along the ground.

Everything spun around him. Blood pooled in his throat.

Familiar memories flickered through his mind.

Bahamut stabbing Gene's right shoulder with the broken fragment from his face. Striking the island with a gigantic energy ball.

Necrozma pinning him to a piece of planetary rubble, readying to blast to wipe him out.

Gene tried to suck in breath, but all he could manage was a gurgle.

The blurry swirl of black concrete and gray sidewalk faded away. And something caustic grabbed hold of him.


The shadowy storm was raging now. Black and purple lightning scorched the grass, which was falling away chunk by chunk into an endless dark abyss.

"I warned you!" Its distorted voice was practically deafening. However, Gene lacked the strength to put his hands to his ears. "Your pathetic cowardice has ruined us!"

Gene fell to one knee. The pain was getting to him even here. Was he already dead? What was going to happen to him now?

"There's still a chance," the storm said. "Give me control. Before your spirit fades entirely and I break apart."

Indeed, the dark cyclone looked like it was collapsing in on itself. Tiny cracks punctured the storm's red eye.

"I ca... n't..." Gene grabbed his chest. Yeah, his soul was burning. And not in some romantic way. He hadn't felt pain like this in ages, even following Necrozma's last attack.

"Your fear and anguish are palpable!" the storm snarled. More lightning struck the ground. About half the grassy field had fallen into the abyss. "All you've done is run away from them! And look where it got you!"

"If I... give in... then I'm... no better." Gene squeezed his chest with his right hand. "I'm just... like Bahamut. Driven... by anger."

"So, better to roll over and die?"

Gene didn't respond. More lightning scorched the ground around him.

"Look at the dragapult. She refused to give in to Giratina and now she's stuck in limbo. Filled with fear and apprehension for what the future holds."

What good did bringing Yuna up do for Gene? He was going to—


Yuna could do Gene good here. She didn't give in to Giratina. She found some sort of compromise. And maybe... maybe that was what Gene needed here.

The ground a few meters in front of him fell into the abyss. A maelstrom of purple, red, and black lay below Gene.

"You're right." Gene managed to raise his trembling arms like he was surrendering. "I've screwed the pooch big time."

"Then you'll give in?"

"No." The shadowy mewtwo smirked. "We'll just have to work together."

Purple lightning rained down around Gene, disappearing into the abyss with clumps of the ground. There was only a few meters of ground left around Gene.

"Wrong answer."

"Hardly." Gene pointed a shaky finger at the storm's broken core. "If I give up and let you take control, then I'm still running away from everything."

He looked down at the withered gray grass beneath his feet. "I'm done running."

"We cannot simply 'work together,'" the storm huffed. "You are one soul bonded to a force of negativity and emptiness."

"Of course you'd say that," Gene scoffed. "But we won't know without trying."

The storm shrank somewhat. More of the ground fell away. Only a couple of meters were left in front of Gene.

"This won't work. You'll just revert to what you were like under Team Rocket. Why do you think Nova was so worried about me?"

As far as Gene was concerned, there wasn't time to argue this point further. He was done talking. And Nova wasn't here anymore.

Survival was what mattered.

With a pained grunt, Gene leaped into the air. The ground he'd stood on crumbled away, leaving nothing but the gaping abyss beneath him.

"Fool! You'll be the end of both of us!"

The storm wouldn't dare strike Gene, however. Because it had to know that would truly be the end of them both.

No more running. They'd been separated for so long. But it was time for them to come together once again. For the mewtwo to accept the part of him Nova and Miraidon had split off.

He flew toward the eye of the storm. Purple light swallowed them both up before Gene reached the core.


Gene awoke with a sharp gasp and shot to his feet. He hadn't felt this energetic in weeks.

He ran a hand along his chest. No blood. Instead there was a red gem, just like the eye of that storm, with a black and red crystal lattice spreading out to his shoulders. His tail had taken on the same starcloud qualities as Cyril, Leo, and Widget's fur.

Down the street, both Necrozma and Vegna were disoriented. The dusknoir lay on his back in the street. He lacked any of his familiars and his right arm was dissolving away in streams of gold. Necrozma clutched its crystalline head. It had no eyes, but Gene was sure it was looking toward the Jubilife TV building. Had Yuna pulled the Needle?


(Art by Gren.)

Didn't matter. It was time to strike.

Within seconds, Gene was by Necrozma's side.


Shadows swirled around Gene's hands. Black and purple spikes emerged from the sidewalk, slicing through Necrozma's crystalline legs. Necrozma's tendrils lashed out wildly in retaliation, trying to smack or stab Gene. He parried all of them aside with bursts of purple lightning. The electricity crawled up Necrozma's tendrils and shattered them. Crystal fragments dropped to the ground around them.

"Wh... how?"

Over Vegna's strained voice, Gene continued his assault on Necrozma. He grabbed the crystal titan's right arm and sent dark lightning coursing through it. Like the tendrils, the arm shattered and littered the ground with more crystal fragments.

Roaring, Necrozma fell over on its side.

"No! Noooo!" Necrozma desperately sent a Thousand Waves forward, but Gene Phantom Warped through the green hexagons and pummeled Necrozma's exposed chest with more shadow spikes.

"I won't— I can't lose!" Necrozma tried to conjure a Photon Geyser, but Gene kicked it off the sidewalk and into the street.

"I ne... ed pow... er..." The claws of Necrozma's remaining hand scraped the concrete as it tried to stand back up. "Mo... re... pow... er..."

Gene rushed back toward Vegna, who was down to just a head and half a torso.

"I'll do you one better, buddy." He didn't care how distorted his voice sounded. Gene only had one shot for this.

The mega mewtwo levitated Vegna into the air.

"What are... you doing?" Vegna wheezed. "Get rid... of us."

"I'm making my own path forward!"

Gene plunged a shadowy blade into the dusknoir. Something vaguely resembling a groan escaped his decomposing body. He stared in complete disbelief.

There was a tiny voice in the back of his head. Telling him to end it. To be rid of Bahamut forever. To think of what he did to Gene back on Cinnabar. And all the clashes they had since then.

"You're not... going anywhere!" Gene declared. "You're... sticking around... to fix what you helped break!"

Finally, after holding the shadowy blade in place for several seconds, Vegna's ectoplasmic body imploded into a tiny ball of golden light. Gene rushed toward Necrozma's prone form. He weaved past stray bolts of yellow lightning.

"No!" Necrozma flailed around on its back. "No, stop!"

"It's time for you... to pull yourself back together!"

Gene wasn't sure who or what would emerge from what he was about to do. But that wasn't stopping him. Sure, his newly reunited half believed this would end badly. Gene thought differently. After all, Bahamut had proven too damn stubborn.

And so, with a tomahawking swing of his right arm, Gene slammed the golden ball into Necrozma's torso. He jumped back seconds before a pillar of blue light swallowed up what was left of Necrozma.


(Dark Matter Gene. Art and design by Inku.)


~Il Paradigma, No. VIII: Guile Hideout, Justice~
The power of Justice was one the Emperor long kept sealed. What use was it when he restored order to the Qliphoth so succinctly? And kept it in order for so very long?

It was only in response to the resistance leader's increasing public presence that the Emperor sought to reanimate a long-lost figure from the rebel leader's past. He constructed enchanted armor, infused with Malice, to grant this figure a second chance at life.


~Il Paradigma, No. XVII: Vegna, the Star~
The lingering spirit severed from the mighty dragon of light. Too gripped by panic to slip into the Benefactor's embrace, he managed to cling to a fragment of the Universe's power that the dragon of light had previously stolen. With that power, he kept his spirit together using dark arts to manipulate the spirits of the dead.


Winter can't come soon enough
Chapter 105: Diamonds in the Rough

"Can I ask you something?"

Nickie's question prompted Tessa to lift her head up from the Kecleon Mart catalog she was flipping through. "Sure."

"Your dad... is he
always so serious?"

Tessa blinked a few times. "Is this about the meeting?"

"Yeeeeaaaah." Nickie pawed at the edge of her cushion. "I mean, he didn't yell at us or anything. But that look on his face was so
stern." Her shaved tails puffed up a bit. "Gives me the heebie-jeebies."

"Ah." Tessa rubbed one of her aura feelers. "When it comes to guild business, he gets very... focused. But outside of work, he's gentler. Promise!"

Nickie's snout twitched. "So, uh, can we, y'know, see him? Outside of work? You're his kid, right? Shouldn't be hard."

"Sure?" Tessa shrugged. It sounded easy enough.

"It'd help settle my nerves."

"Right." Tessa turned the page in her catalog. "Then I'll make it happen."


Jubilife TV's interior was devoid of people. That Paradigm lieutenant must have cleared everyone out. Yuna floated past tables with metal food trays full of bagels, rolls, and other pastries. Some of them had mold patches.

The dragapult headed up the stairs and peeked into a studio. Nothing but a bright pink stage with lights and cameras pointed at it.

Yuna glanced at her griseous core. I could really use a sign right now. She had no idea how long Gene and Vegna could stall outside. She heard occasional muffled thumps and thuds. How close were they to the building?

"Yo, Princess! Think I got something!"

Nikki leaped down from higher up the stairwell. "There's a funny glow coming from the top floor."

Yuna flew up the stairs. Nikki ran alongside her. The blasts she heard before were even quieter now. Though if this was a fancy broadcast building, Yuna supposed it made sense it would be built to dampen outside noise.

The studio on the third floor was even pinker than the one below it. Fur boas and sequined dresses full of sparkles littered the floor beside the circular stage. Even the cameras and spotlights were covered in pink fur and doused in glitter.

"Yeah, Xander was definitely here." Nikki's nostrils twitched. She clapped her hands together and conjured poison globules. The toxtricity tossed them over her shoulder, where they smeared a pinup poster of Xander in fishnets and a corset on the wall behind them. Yuna had floated right past it without even noticing it. And now she wished she could have remained blissfully ignorant of its existence.

"I can take a gaaaaawmd guess what this guy dreams about," Cresselia said.

"The vibes in here are rancid." Shaymin sighed and shook his head. "Find that Needle."

"So, where was the glowing?" Yuna looked around. All the glitter and sequins made it tough to tell.

"That door in the corner." Nikki walked up to the dragapult's side and pointed to a shut door with a big white heart on it. Thin gold light trickled through cracks between the door and the floor and ceiling.

"Worth a shot." Yuna quickly hovered toward the door. She grabbed the handle and, predictably, it wouldn't turn.

"Hey, do you think you could unlock it by phasing through the locking mechanisms?" Reshiram wondered.

Yuna blinked. She hadn't really thought of that before. Mainly because she didn't understand locking mechanisms that well.

Another muffled explosion told her to stop overthinking. She pressed her right hand against the door... and phased through it! Yuna felt around until her hand brushed against pins that were docked into small metal pegs. She slid them out of the pegs and found her left hand able to open the handle.

"I'm in." Yuna pushed the door open and was greeted with racks full of dresses, skintight latex and leather suits, and... other strange pieces of cloth and fabric that made Yuna want to turn and leave.

"Why didn't you just phase through the door?" Nikki walked over, scratching her head.

"I didn't want to leave you out here," Yuna said, rubbing her right arm. As if on cue, she heard another muffled blast.

The toxtricity's mohawk turned pink. "O-Oh." She stuck her hands into her pockets. "Thanks."

Nodding, Yuna forced her way past all the clothing. Sure enough, the Needle was in the back of the room, in front of a big, heart-shaped mirror. She'd admire the tackiness if she wasn't in a hurry.

Yet, as Yuna floated closer, apprehension ate at her.

This was it, wasn't it? The final Needle. The last Sage who sealed themselves away.

... At least, assuming Vegna told the truth.

"He genuinely believes this is it," Reshiram reminded the dragapult. "Worst case, he's wrong. Not outright lying."

That didn't bring Yuna much in the way of comfort. But she couldn't delay any further. Ignoring her reflection in the mirror, she reached out and grabbed the Needle.


"Y'know, I've never really thought about it. You came up with this custom, didn't you?"

Diancie turned, twirling a chisel around in her right hand. She looked expectantly at Bahamut, who lay on her granite floor, gazing at the gemstones in the ceiling.

"I did." The light dragon crossed one large gold crystal leg over the other.

"Why?" Diancie wondered.

Bahamut did his best not to let any irritation show. He really didn't want to go down this buneary hole. Too specific an explanation and he might have to divulge things he'd rather keep to himself.

"Diamonds form under intense heat and pressure." Bahamut lazily raised his upper wings and pressed them together. "Great stress leads to something beautiful."

He tilted his head left and cracked a grin. "Sounds a lot like partnership or marriage, doesn't it?"

Diancie tapped the chisel against her chin. "Hmm." She turned back to the purple and gold crystal behind her. "A beautiful marriage enduring stress." Diancie chiseled away at the diamond. "And what happens when the union
doesn't work?"

Bahamut dimmed. Of course she'd ask that. Good thing he had an answer ready.

"Even a diamond can crack under intense enough strain."

chinks of chisel on diamond and tinks of tiny diamond chunks dropping to the floor prevented the room from falling into total silence. Diancie continued chipping off misshapen purple and gold fragments.

"Are you worried that will happen with Chiron?" she wondered.

Bahamut's head tendrils shrank. "That's—"

He folded his upper wings between two of his chest spikes.

"I believe her feelings are genuine."

Diancie paused with the chisel near the bottom left corner of the diamond. "That doesn't answer my question, sir."

Aaaaand that sent Bahamut's tail straight into his torso. For pity's sake, he was supposed to have kicked that habit. And now he needed something to settle down with.

"Thou fair-haired angel of the evening, now, whilst the sun rests on the mountains," he whispered. "Light thy bright torch of love, thy radiant crown put on, and smile upon our evening bed."

That managed to coax his tail back out. Good.

"Your cryptic poems aren't an answer eiiiiitheeeer~" Diancie sang, cheerfully chiseling away at the diamond.

Aaaaaand back in went the tail.

Bahamut threw his upper wings over his head.

yes, I am worried about screwing this up." His upper wings flopped at his sides. "What else am I supposed to say?"

Diancie smirked. "That you were too proud to admit it without some teeth pulling."

Bahamut's rainbow eyes swirled around. "But I don't have teeth..."

The look Diancie gave him hastily made the light dragon add, "Joke!" He raised his lower wings and waved them around. "It was a joke, I swear!"

Sighing, Diancie grabbed the chisel and returned her attention to the diamond. "I'm gonna get Reshiram if you keep beating around the bush."

Fine!" Bahamut's gold shifted to an irate orange. He had to breathe. "Enamorus' title exists to spread the idea of love. The beauty of love."

At least he managed to get the tail out again. "If people learned the guy who crafted the Sage of Love doesn't have the slightest
inkling about romance and relationships..."

His light rippled and frazzled. "It could make them restless. The kind of restlessness that could... draw
it here."

The light dragon's expression hardened. "I won't let it destroy m—
our home."

Diancie fumbled her chisel but managed to catch it before it fell to the floor. "Ah, right. Yes. That, erm, would make sense, sir."

Bahamut sat up. "Watch your tone. I'm not here saying the fate of the world
hinges on this or anything."

"Y-Yessir." Diancie swallowed hard. She chiseled at a few more points on the diamond. "Well, uh, your proposal gift's... ready to rock."

Bahamut glared harder. Of all the times for a ridiculous rock pun.

Laughing nervously, Diancie rested her right hand on the diamond. "S-Sorry, sir. Couldn't help it." She offered a sincere smile. "Even though you're nervous, we're all rooting for you two."

Well, that was nice to hear. Bahamut saw his intense, albeit distorted, reflection in the diamond. He softened his expression a bit.

"Thank you." The dragon pointed an upper wing at the gem. "In more ways than one."

"Don't mention it." Diancie put her tiny hands on her hips. "And, hey, maybe if things go well, you'll consider dropping the whole 'Sages can't court' thing?"

The glare returned. Was all this some ulterior motive? Had Lugia put her up to this? Stars above, she was
more than a pain in his ass. He'd have scouted for replacements, but Chiron was fond of her...

"Let's just... take things one day at a time." Bahamut levitated the gem beside him. "Proposal first. We'll see what happens from there."

He flicked an upper wing. Rather than the door opening, a wormhole formed underneath Bahamut. He lazily saluted Diancie with an upper wing as he sank into it.

Bahamut had the gem. And some reassurance. This would work. It
had to work.


As the memory faded and the dressing room's brightly lit ceiling came into view, Yuna lay on the floor, shuddering.

This didn't make any sense. Why did she see things through Bahamut's eyes? Every other memory was Chiron's. Because the two were connected!

But his ethereal body rippling... and his tail shooting into his body. They were just like... just like...

"Princess? Princess, say something!"

Nikki's shoves jostled the dragapult. But Yuna stayed silent, gaze still fixed on the ceiling.

What could this mean?

"Snap out of it!"

Scaly hands grabbed Yuna's torso. The ceiling got closer, then shook violently.

Nikki's face came into view. The toxtricity was holding her... and shaking Yuna despite her larger size.

"C'mon, Princess!" Worry spread across Nikki's face. "Stay with me!"

The icy vulpix rolled Tessa over on her back. "Can you hear me? Did the reviver go off? C'mon, Tess, say something!"

"Nnngh." Blinking rapidly, Yuna pushed Nikki's arms away and drifted back. She glimpsed Diancie's silhouette from the corner of her eyes.

"I—" Yuna started, but her tail crinkled. She looked at some of the fuzzy scarves on a rack in front of her.

Deep breaths.

Her griseous core tingled in her chest. Was Yaldabaoth trying to interject?

Ignore them. Deep breaths.

Not that the dragapult had lungs. But the air steadied her ectoplasm. The ripples and quivering died down.

"I got a memory of Bahamut." Yuna suppressed a shudder. "All my other memories were Chiron's. Which I thought made sense. But this one..."

Saying it out loud proved difficult.

"What?" Nikki stepped closer, head tilted.

"Bahamut acted... kinda like me." Yuna's tail started to retreat into her torso. "Like that." She pointed at the tail like it had a mind of his own. "His tail would do that, too. And his body would ripple and jiggle like my ectoplasm."

Nikki raised a brow. "Meaning?"

Yuna threw her arms up. "That we're, like, related somehow."

"Uh-huuuuuh." Nikki lazily strutted away from Yuna, resting her hands behind her head. "And that's surprising becaaaaaaaaause?"

"Because I used to be..." Yuna's voice trailed off. She looked down at her wispy feet, then massaged her tail with them until it was fully out of her torso.

"I take it you caught on?" Nikki said, smirking.

Yuna drifted right and draped herself over an empty chair. "If I'm really Giratina, and Bahamut had Giratina's power, then I guess it makes sense. He had a part of my soul, after all."


Nikki smacked Yuna's back. Meeping, Yuna faceplanted onto the seat of the chair. "Owwww..." She squirmed around to sit backwards on the chair, curling her tail around its legs.

"Whoops." Nikki wiggled the fingers of her raised hand. "But, hey, at least you're not freaking out anymore, right?"

The dragapult hardly considered that a consolation. Besides, there were bigger things to worry about. Namely...

"Um, did anything happen after I pulled the Needle?" Yuna wondered.

"Like what?" Nikki asked.

Yuna shrugged. "I dunno. The room shaking? Some ripples of distortion or colorful lights?"

She got a blank look from Nikki. "Uhh, I guess I heard some more explosions in the distance?" the toxtricity said. "But they completely stopped a little while before you woke up."

Yuna glanced down at her griseous core. It sat in her chest, slowly pulsating like it usually did.

Now that was strange. Wouldn't Giratina have reacted to Yuna severing the connection between Eternatus and the reverse world?


A dainty throat clearing drew Yuna's attention toward the mirror, where Diancie still floated. The Sage wore a confused expression.

"Ah. You, uh, probably have a lot of questions," Yuna said, pressing her brow into the back of the chair.

Diancie nodded. "Talk about bizarre first impressions. You and your girlfriend sneak away from work to canoodle or something?" She looked around the room. "This place would... certainly accommodate that."

"G-Girlfriend?" Yuna squeaked. When her tail shot into her torso, it shifted her weight enough to tip the chair backward. "Wh— eep!"

Arms flailing, Yuna floated into the air before the chair fell over with an unimpressive thud.

"We're not— that's just—"

"We're partners trying to save the universe, Rocky," Nikki scoffed, crossing her arms. "What are you, the Sage of Assumptions? You don't got the backside for it." She laughed to herself.

"Sage of Resilience, actually." If Diancie was annoyed, she didn't show it. She twirled around and gazed at her reflection. "Diamonds are resilient, after all. At least, that was Bahamut's take."

"Pssssht." Nikki bent over to stand the chair back up. "Like anything that asshole says is worth a damn."

That got an irritated look from Diancie. "Excuse me?"

Yuna chose to stop this before things got heated. The griseous core flickered, then sucked a startled Diancie inside. "The others can catch you up," she whispered to the core.

Chaos energy tickled her ectoplasm from the edges of the core. It felt like Giratina reacting to the new presence, so Yuna ignored it.

Something still felt off to her, but at least Yuna now knew which Sage was unaccounted for. And with the last Needle pulled, what did that mean for Necrozma and Vegna?

"Okay. Guess it's settled." Nikki clapped her hands together. "We should get out of here, right? You think Gene's okay?"

Before Yuna had the chance to respond, the room violently shook. Clothing racks toppled over, leaving a veritable rainbow of fabrics strewn across the floor.

"The hell? Is this an earthquake?" Nikki jumped to Yuna's side. "Princess, you gotta get us outta here!"

"But Necrozma blocks rifts." Yuna's tail crinkled. She'd have to fly Nikki out.

Seconds later, however, the dressing room door was violently torn off its hinges. The wall surrounding it crumbled away.

Yuna darted protectively in front of Nikki, ready to summon Rayquaza to her aid. But an unseen force grabbed hold of the dragapult. The next thing she knew, they were both flung face-first and screaming into a jagged purple rift.


Between the Needle in Jubilife and the Empire popping up in Khelifet, the outpost was a flurry of activity. Enough for Guzzie to close the restaurant and, despite his son's protests, the arena. That gave Widget plenty of space to slink off to while everyone else ran around coordinating things.

The cosmic silvally barely paid attention to Xander's broadcast. He was still too preoccupied with what had happened to him. And Leo.

Which was why he was currently pacing along the edge of the arena, waiting for the cosmic arceus to come by.

Yes, Widget felt guilty worrying about himself with everything else going on. But this was like a pervasive itch he couldn't scratch. If Widget couldn't get to the bottom of things, he'd go crazy.

"'Sup. Brought the lizard."

Widget looked up in time to duck under a flailing Vince. The purple koraidon landed behind him and rolled to a stop, groaning loudly. The fluttering of wings preceded Alder landing next to him.

"What was that for? I can walk, y'know." Vince staggered to his feet and shook himself out.

"You're twitchyAF." Leo walked across the air until he was between Vince and Widget. "You were totes gonna bolt."

"Bolt to where?" Vince looked down, scowling. "I can't go anywhere without my powers. I'm practically your prisoner!"

"You really wanna have that argument?" Leo squinted at Vince, whose feathered antennae drooped.

Sighing, Vince looked at Widget. "What do you want?"

The cosmic silvally gestured to Alder and Vince. "Between your Lorekeeper and Overseer stuff, I was wondering if either of you knew something about an entity known as a Voice."

Judging by Alder's pensive expression and Vince's startled one, Widget had hit on something. The braviary levitated a book out of his crest and flipped through it.

Vince pawed nervously at the ground. "W-Where did you hear that?"

"From myself," Widget flatly replied. He tucked his head down. "When Leo and I... worked on Seifer the other day, I saw... silhouettes of a bunch of pokémon. And they were, like, pointing at me. Calling me Voice."

He shuddered. "Ever since, something's felt... off. Like my scales are crawling under my fur and I want to rip them out."

Vince shrank back from Widget's visceral description. Alder cut in before the purple koraidon could say anything. "I do have something. The Voice of Life." He tapped the page of his open book with a wing. "Says here they embody the will of the world and all the souls that inhabit it."

Widget's crest fanned out. "Ah! I think... I think that's it!" He repeated the phrase to himself a few times. His scales tingled and his fur stood on end. "But what do you mean by that 'will of the world' stuff?"

The braviary flipped the page. "The Voice of Life helps to keep the world in balance through preserving spiritual integrity," he explained, reading off the page. "Whether a force of nature or a living being themselves, the Voice of Life can work directly with a person's soul, even drawing spirits in from nearby worlds and empowering them in times of crisis."

With that last sentence, Widget jolted. The arena's gray floor disappeared from under his feet, replaced by a serene blue sky. He watched a pikachu fall through the air, limbs flailing, until they disappeared through the trees below.

A sharp breath brought Widget back to attention.

What was that, a memory? His memory?

"There can be other Voices, too," Vince said, looking around. "Though that's more applicable to Overseers. Most worlds only have a Voice of Life. And if there's knowledge of that stuff, it's usually kept to legendary pokémon. Voices will frequently work with them, aiding in a world's creation or tweaking its design to keep things balanced."

He shot Leo a look. Widget followed Vince's gaze, frowning.

"So then... when Leo kept calling me his brother, he wasn't just being silly?"

"I blurted that stuff out whenever it happened," Leo confessed. He brushed a golden forehoof back and forth on the metallic ground. "In hindsight, though..." He glanced at Alder, who nodded.

"If we're to assume that Leo is the creator, then it would make sense for him to feel a connection with the universe's Voice." Alder pointed at Widget with his right wing.

Widget's starcloud neck ruff deflated. Something about that bothered him. Why did he see all those silhouettes of other pokémon, then? And what about Xeromus' ranting in Herbrides? Not to mention...

"The emperor created me," the cosmic silvally muttered. "But I'm pretty sure he doesn't know about this stuff. Did he somehow make a Voice by complete accident? Or did... did..."

He stepped back, avoiding eye contact with Leo.

Did Leo put the Voice inside me with that blessing?

Both options unsettled him. They leaned toward his worst fears. That his identity wasn't his own. His thoughts, actions— none of it was really his.

"Get back!"

Leo's cry jolted Widget. The cosmic arceus stepped in front of him, wheel glowing brightly. A jagged rift sat in the middle of the arena.



Nikki's cry came seconds before she and Yuna hit the arena floor and skidded to a stop beside Leo.

"What the hell, dude?!" Nikki growled, rubbing her head.

The rift faded to reveal a mega mewtwo floating above everyone. Widget thought he sensed Gene's aura, but those black lattices and red Malice Crystals sent a horrid chill down his spine. As did the red core in Gene's chest. It was practically staring Widget down. The cosmic silvally's scales crawled even more than they did earlier.

... Wait. That lattice! He'd seen it the other day in Herbrides. As a silhouette around Gene.

It's been too long, Voice.

"Dark Matter?"

Widget whispered the words without even realizing it. Heads whipped in his direction. There was a flash of recognition in Leo's eyes, confusion in Nikki's, panic in Vince's... and curiosity in Alder's, who was glancing between Gene and the rapidly turning pages of his open book.

"So, you figured it out." Gene remained above everyone. There was a strange distortion to his voice that soon faded with the intense red glow from his chest.

"Figured what out?" Nikki pushed herself up. She pointed accusingly at Gene. "Makeovers don't excuse pulling that **** on us!"

"My bad." Gene didn't sound the least bit sorry. He quickly focused on Leo and Widget. "Us three are connected."

He pointed to Leo. "The creator."

Then to Widget. "The source of balance and spirituality."

And finally Gene pointed at himself. "And the source of emptiness and negativity."

Silence followed, with everyone aside from the three Gene pointed to exchanging uneasy looks.

... Then Nikki audibly snrked. And the snrk turned to laughter. The toxtricity leaned forward and rested her hands on her knees.

"Um, Nikki?" Yuna nudged her side with her large tail.

A few deep breaths stopped Nikki's laughter. "Sorry. But, like, c'mon." She gestured at Gene with both arms. "Boss Kitty's basically telling us he's the god of edgelords! How can you not laugh at that?"

Widget rubbed his chitinous forelegs together nervously. "Should we, um, be worried about what this means for the resistance?"

"No." Gene waved the cosmic silvally off. "I'm still me. Just like Princess is still Princess." He glanced at the dragapult, specifically the amber crystal in her chest.

"Besides, I'm not the only one who put himself back together."

"Eh?" Widget's crest tightened. "What's that supposed to—"

"Release me at once, you wretched gremlin!"

With an amused swish of his starcloud tail, Gene levitated forward... a squirming lucario? His pelt had the same starry motif as Leo and Widget's. He glared daggers at the mega mewtwo.


(Art by Raph.)

"All that power you so desperately craved is forever out of your reach, buddy," Gene said, ignoring everyone's confused expressions. "It went back to its rightful owner." He pointed to Yuna. "And if you even think about splitting yourself again, I'll put you right back together."

Blinking slowly, Widget realized what Gene's taunt meant.

"That's Bahamut?" he said, eyeing the starry lucario. "Did you fix him?"

It didn't make any sense. Wasn't he supposed to be some giant dragon of light? Or at least a smaller lump of black crystals?

"I did." Gene smirked at the cosmic silvally. "Pretty sure Princess was aware of this already, but for the rest of you who didn't put two and two together... Vegna was the missing soul."

"Seriously?!" Widget squawked, starcloud ruff puffing. He glanced at the others as if waiting for someone else to let their shock be known.

Except that didn't happen. Leo's expression hadn't changed. Hell, even Nikki wasn't phased. And she was the first one to open her big mouth at times like these.

The toxtricity caught his gaze. "I already knew that. No math required." Smirking, she adjusted the sides of her jacket.

"Same." Leo tapped a forehoof against the floor. "I eavesdropped on you yelling at Vegna. You called me his son."

"You're not my son." Bahamut had given up fighting against Gene's psychic grip. His expression remained fierce, however. His eyes had a fire behind them that sent a chill up Widget's spine. Almost as much as that red gem in Gene's chest.

"You may share his name — his color scheme, even — but you're not him." The cosmic lucario side-eyed Gene. "You're supposed to be a powerful psychic. You can see it. Yet you refuse to admit the truth out loud. Instead, you yelled at Vegna."

Widget frowned. Some part of him didn't like Bahamut dismissively referring to Vegna like he was someone else entirely. It brought that itching in his scales back. Was this a Voice of Life reflex? If it was, he could do without it.

"To be honest, I was hoping now that you're whole again you might be able to fill in some of those gaps." Gene tapped his right temple. "We're still missing pieces of the bigger picture."

Yuna's tail curled up. She fidgeted nervously. Widget was about to ask her what was up when she said, "You told me as much the other day. That a lot of your memories were fuzzy."

Something was off with Yuna's tone. Like she had pivoted from what she wanted to say at the last second.

As much as Widget wanted to press her, he let it slide. He focused on Bahamut instead. The lucario was silent. In fact, he'd shut his eyes. Was he ignoring them?

"Yo, Mutt." Nikki's mohawk crackled. "Cold shoulder ain't helping anyone."

"Then tell Mewtwo to release me." Bahamut glared at Gene. "It is difficult to think straight when one's stuck in a psychic snare."

Gene squinted. "Are you going to behave?"

"I'm not threatening anyone," Bahamut countered.

Rolling his eyes, Gene snapped his fingers. The blue glow surrounding Bahamut faded. But the moment the cosmic lucario hit the ground, he sprinted toward Yuna.

Everything happened in the blink of an eye. Bahamut conjured a blade of light... maybe a custom Bone Rush or Psycho Cut? He swung the light blade only to strike Gene's purple and black spoon. Motes of light and shadows hit the ground around Gene and Bahamut.

Widget backed away nervously. The red gem in Gene's chest was glowing again.

"I knew you'd try it, bastard." Gene's voice had gotten deeper and guttural again. But whatever he was doing was pushing Bahamut back. The flat of Gene's spoon broke the light blade and the cosmic lucario was forced to jump away. He kept his paws raised like he was ready to try and strike again.


(Art by Raph.)

"She has my power," Bahamut snarled. He conjured another light blade and pointed it at Yuna. "Mine and Chiron's!"

"She has her power back," Gene corrected. The glow in his chest gem faded. "As for the Paradigm fragments that belonged to Chiron... c'mon. Think." He tapped his right temple again. "Why would aspects of both you and Chiron end up with Yuna?" His starcloud tail pointed at the dragapult.

Widget caught a flash of shock in Yuna's eyes.

"No." Her ectoplasm rippled, then her tail shot into her torso. "You can't be serious."

Bahamut's eyes widened. His starry tail crinkled in much the same way Widget had seen Yuna's do time and time again.

The cosmic lucario stepped back. "That's... impossible."

That was when it sank in for him. The cosmic silvally's beak hung open. How was it possible?

"Oi!" Nikki's mohawk sparked. "Someone wanna loop the rest of us in?"

The amber gem in Yuna's chest crackled. Squeaking, she covered it with her arms. Bahamut looked away, his expression stern once again.

Sighing, Gene shook his head. "Guess it falls to me, then." He crossed his arms. "Princess here? She's Bahamut and Chiron's other kid."

"Oh, okay."

Yuna shot Nikki a look of disbelief. The toxtricity must not have initially realized what Gene said, because a few seconds later her mohawk grew and turned bright red.

"Wait, that's not okay!" Nikki threw her arms up in disbelief. "That's freaking insane! It doesn't even make any sense!"

"Really now?" Gene paced back and forth on the metal floor. "Think about it. Why has Princess been able to interface with everything in Eternatus so easily? How could she pull all those Needles and get weird memory visions? How did her lost chaos powers return to her?"

"Because she's Giratina," Nikki said, though her wavering tone and shrinking mohawk made her sound quite uncertain.

The mega mewtwo pointed at Bahamut and Yuna. "Well, that soul of hers had to reincarnate somehow. Same as the lot of us. And the easiest way for all that to add up is if she's his kid."


Gene held his hands up. "I'm not entertaining questions. We've got work to do."

Widget tilted his head, then remembered the small contingent that had gone off to investigate Khelifet. He hadn't even bothered checking in on any updates about that.

"What?" Bahamut's aura feelers stiffened. "You can't espouse such insanity and then waltz off like it's not your problem."

"Watch me." Gene sarcastically saluted Bahamut and flew back toward the restaurant, ignoring Nikki and Vince's shouting to stop.

Widget sat down, his head still spinning. He could scarcely imagine what was going through Yuna's head. She stared blankly at Bahamut, who was doing everything in his power not to look at her.

"Well then." Laughing nervously, Alder waved his right wing. "Perhaps I should give you all some space for your family reunion."

The braviary flapped his wings and flew toward the restaurant. A second later, Vince sprinted after him. "H-Hey, don't leave me with them!" the purple koraidon cried. "I can't do awkward silences!"

After a short time passed, Leo finally broke said awkward silence, walking toward Bahamut. The cosmic arceus loomed over him thanks to Leo's plate-induced growth spurts.

"So, like, are you my gramps, then?" Leo wondered. "This geezer's kinda cringe, but I guess I can roll with it."

That got under Bahamut's skin... assuming he actually had any. The cosmic lucario's aura feelers curled.

"What are you talking about?" he growled. "Cringe isn't even an adjective!"

Widget took that as his cue to excuse himself. "Uh, I should... go help Gene out."

He shifted into flight mode and took off into the air, eager to get as far away from those two as possible. There were still things Widget needed to address with Leo, of course. But he supposed those would have to wait for another time. He just hoped the resistance's newest acquisition would simmer down. Otherwise, they were going to have a massive headache on their hands.


Winter can't come soon enough
Chapter 106: The Desert Oasis

Entry 699
I fled the desert planet, but not before striking it in such a way that I damaged its day-night cycle. Hard to put into words, really. But I could sense Eternatus approaching. I'm sure it won't be long before it swallows up the desert world.

A part of me regrets this. But what was I supposed to do? Those people tried to siphon my light to appease some unknown god.

It really is a pity. The desert sun felt wonderful. But this is yet another world to add to the list that rejected me.

How long will this continue? When will I find somewhere I belong?


The outpost's cool, sometimes damp atmosphere was perfectly fine for Noctum. Still, the cosmic charizard was more than happy to leave it behind for the sweltering desert heat. It reminded him of the volcanoes back in Aeon. Except instead of ash-choked skies, warm sunlight blanked his scales. That and the scorching sand beneath his feet sorely tempted him to flop onto his belly and fall asleep on the spot.

But a sharp jab in his right side jolted Noctum to attention. Valkyrie leaned her head in, an unamused look on her face.

"Have you even been paying attention?" she growled.

"O-Of course." Noctum laughed nervously.

The garchomp glared at him. "Liar."

Noctum's starry tail flame shrank. "S-Sorry..."

Valkyrie tugged his right arm. Noctum stumbled after her. At the other end of the tan, sandy dune, Igneous paced behind a cyclizar and hitmonlee who were looking through large binoculars. Shimmer stood beside him, eyeing a map he levitated in front of his face.

"What do we got?" Valkyrie asked.

"It's like we thought." Igneous crossed his arms. "There's a crowd funneling into Salim Stadium. That's where the Medici goons seem to be." He glanced over his shoulder. "If they were on the lookout for Seifer back in Tulpise, I've got a feeling they'll be looking for us, too."

Noctum looked back at his starry tail flame. The thing was practically a dead giveaway. "So, are we going to use Cyril's Morph-O-Tron thingy?"

"Unless you've got a better idea," Valkyrie scoffed.

His gaze fell. He didn't have anything better. "What exactly would we use Morph-O-Trons for?" Noctum wondered. "Going into the stadium and fighting Xander directly?"

"I don't think so." Igneous walked over to hitmonlee and tapped his shoulder.

"Scouts are saying he's holed up in, like, a broadcast booth or something," Hitmolee reported, lowering his binoculars. "They sensed multiple bizarre auras there."

Well, that hardly sounded new. They'd dealt with that plenty of times before. But Noctum saw Valkyrie scowling and figured he was missing something.

"What are you thinking?"

"If we end up having to fight our way through to Xander, we'll be in trouble," the garchomp said, crossing her arms. "We'd need numbers as good as we had back at Indigo Plateau. And even then, that was one Paradigm member. If there are multiple strange auras..." She shook her head.

Noctum gasped. "You think there are other lieutenants beside Xander?"

"Don't forget, Charles is probably skulking around somewhere," Shimmer piped up, stuffing the map into a saddlebag. "Though, uh, as a Mr. Rime, couldn't he sense your guys' auras even if you're disguised?"

"Not this time." Igneous twirled one of the loops around in his claws. "These have some modifications. They'll suppress our natural auras and avoid giving away the ruse." He tossed the Morph-O-Tron to himself. "Still, to be on the safe side, we're going to play along and enter Xander's stupid contest."

"What?" Noctum's flame grew. "Wouldn't they, I dunno, spring some sort of trap on us?"

"Probably," the grovlazzle conceded. He glanced at Shimmer. "But that's where Gene's plan comes in."

Noctum wasn't sure whether Gene having a plan was really a good thing or not. He traced his right foot through the sand. "Did Gene mention any details of this plan?"

"Only that he's going to make sure Charles is 'occupied' so that he can't try and ambush us," Igneous said, scratching his head with his free hand. "Which lets us focus on Xander. And we should be able to swing that to our benefit."

The mega charizard frowned. "Because?"

Igneous glanced at Shimmer, who sighed.

"The broadcasts tell me this is still the Xander I remember." The ponytales looked down guiltily. "He's every bit as egotistical and vain as before. Like me." His tails curled up. "Paradox powers or not, if he sees a chance to humiliate you guys on Eternavision or Polarisvision, he'll take that chance in a heartbeat."

Noctum hated the idea of playing right into their hands like that, but he did watch the videos. Even if he didn't understand these hashed tags Xander kept bringing up, it sure sounded like the sylveon only cared about making himself look good.

"Fine." The mega charizard lumbered up to Hitmonlee. "So, what, we head into the city now?"

"You and Igneous will." Valkyrie jerked her head toward the grovlazzle.

"Hmm?" Noctum raised a brow. "Why us?"

"Two for a lower profile," Valkyrie said. "I don't... trust myself to stay entirely collected given my history with these guys."

That was a surprising admission from her. Noctum would've expected her to insist on going. Still, this didn't sit right with him. "Wait, Igneous has just as bad of a history with them, doesn't he?"

"Oh, I'm not going in to sign up." Arms crossed, Igneous went to Noctum's side. "But I know Khelifet better than Val. I can tell you where to fly to avoid drawing attention."

He produced a set of keys on a klefki-styled keychain. "Plus, I've got keys to a back entrance for a casino the Ryujin operate."

Noctum tilted his head. A casino? He'd heard the term before, but its exact meaning escaped him.

Valkyrie must've seen a blank look on his face, because she said, "It's a place where people go to gamble money on stupid games. Which they usually lose."

"It's a place to lay low, that's all." Igneous waved her off dismissively. "Enough talking. We should get going."

He produced a second Morph-O-Tron ring and handed it to the cosmic charizard. Noctum slipped it around his wrist and pressed the blue button. In an instant, his black-scaled hand shifted to a purple gliscor claw.

Noctum looked himself over. "Gliscor?"

"Fits with the environment."

He looked up and saw a salazzle plodding toward him, trying not to sink into the sand and fall over.

"What?" Igneous was trying to make his voice higher pitched while his hands pressed against his black dress to stop the desert winds from flapping it about.

"N-Nothing." Noctum looked back at his fake gliscor tail.

"Does your sister know you're pretending to be her?" Shimmer wondered.

"No, but a pop culture writer would be crawling all over this." The fake salazzle waved Shimmer off. Igneous climbed onto Noctum's back. "Let's fly."

"Uhhh, right."

Swallowing hard, Noctum took to the air. Though he knew he was flapping his wings, he looked for all intents and purposes like a gliscor gliding through the air.

The distant buildings quickly grew in size. Despite the bright sunshine, an array of colorful flashing lights lit up the tops of the buildings. Bright neon signs advertised resorts and casinos. There was a large, electronic mandibuzz perched atop a big sign advertising some restaurant calling itself The Watering Hole.

"Stay to your left," Igneous said, grip tightening around Noctum's shoulders. "We want to keep away from The Watering Hole and the hotels around it."

Veering left, Noctum flew over a street whose shops nearly blinded him from reflecting the dazzling desert sunlight. He'd caught a brief glimpse of enough jewels to make even the hardiest Aeon dragon salivate. But Noctum had to stay focused. This was an important assignment.

"Go straight for two more blocks," Igneous instructed. "We're past the jewelers."

The fake gliscor glanced at restaurants with assorted pokémon dressed in shawls and white cloaks to shield themselves from the heat and sunlight.

"Slight right up ahead. There's two streets and you want the one that's not a full right turn."

All the sand had given way to smooth concrete, which easily let Noctum figure out which street Igneous referred to. There were other fliers moving past as well. Noctum nodded toward a corviknight taxi. The tall buildings gave way to single-story shops, some with houses on a floor or two above them. Large awnings and tarps now blocked his view of what the shops were, though he saw a family of graveler and geodude walking by with bags of groceries.

"Keep going straight, then hang another slight right," Igneous said. "Shouldn't be too much further."

They'd reached a more open part of the city, where tan desert sand covered bare streets neatly weaving around large electronic billboards. All the signs advertised Xander's tournament. A few of them also showed a picture of one of the ugliest perrserker Noctum had ever seen, with a mangy beard and a portly belly that'd put some goodra to shame.

All the buildings had cleared out for good reason, however. There was a massive circular structure of crisscrossing gray beams and arches, with bright lights and giant screens sitting on top. The stadium stood on metallic platforms over a pool of water. Glass tubes ran underneath the platforms, disappearing into the streets.

"What am I looking at?" Noctum wondered.

"A 'mon-made island," Igneous responded. "Solely built to hold up that stadium. And there's an aqueduct system underneath funneling the oasis water to treatment plants which then sends the water throughout the city."

Were he not disguised, Noctum's tail flame would've flickered in surprise. "That oasis supplies the whole city?"

"No. There are a few collecting pools littered on the outskirts," Igneous continued. The fake salazzle adjusted his grip on Noctum's shoulders. "You're going to want to descend, by the way. I'm spotting fliers patrolling the stadium's perimeter."

Noctum's flight got a bit more turbulent as he tried to keep his nerves in check. The Morph-O-Tron had him disguised. Things would only go badly if he let them. He had to stay calm, cool, and collected.

There was a white stretch of pavement with yellow and white arrows designating a landing zone for fliers within walking distance of the stadium. Noctum drifted down toward it. The simmering pavement was nice against his feet, disguise or not. It calmed his nerves.

Igneous climbed off Noctum's back and awkwardly staggered to his side, right arm tucked under a partition in his dress by his right hip.

"Uhh?" The fake gliscor tilted his head.

"Wedgie. Stupid holowear," Igneous grumbled.

Noctum was only more confused. Wasn't he only wearing a dress?

"Never mind." Igneous beckoned Noctum after him. "Let's get moving." The fake salazzle's fast walk turned to more of a saunter as they passed by assorted fighting-types walking around the concrete paths branching from the stadium entrance.

A poliwrath stopped and tugged on the shoulders of two hitmonchan. They all stared transfixed at Igneous. Smirking, he waved at them and blew some vaguely heart-shaped embers at them.

"Um, aren't we supposed to keep a low profile?" Noctum whispered. He kept checking his legs to make sure the gliscor disguise was holding. They weren't exactly graceful walkers. "This defeats the purpose, doesn't it?"

"We're inevitably going to run into people," Igneous whispered back. "Just act natural."

There was an ursaring in a red hoodie walking toward them, a glimmer in his eyes. Igneous quickly held up his hand. "Sorry, hun. Can't chat. My buddy and I are here on business."

Before Noctum could comprehend how to "act natural" in this situation, Igneous had an arm around his fake gliscor wing and pulled him along. They passed by other pokémon staring transfixed at Igneous. He waved at some and blew a few kisses and somehow that kept them from following, leaving them hushing in excited whispers.

After a minute of walking, they'd reached the shade from the awning over the stadium entrance. A cardboard cutout of that fat perrserker on all the billboards held an arrow pointing left, denoting sign-ups for "The Medicis' Destructapalooza." Smaller print underneath it read, "Sponsored by the Eterna Empire and Rajah Ratings."

"You've gotta be shitting me." Igneous scowled.

"What?" Noctum looked between Igneous and the cutout. The fake salazzle walked away from the cutout, but jerked his head in the direction the arrow pointed. Noctum took that as his cue to enter the stadium and follow the sign. He didn't get very far, however, as there was a line of pokémon that ended with a couple of jumpluff.

"That sponsorship," Igneous whispered through the X-transceiver. "The guy who built this stadium is a copperajah named Salim. He was a Crowne Minister but ran an entertainment company on the side."

"And?" Noctum didn't think there was anything weird about that. Stadiums were used for entertainment, both in Radiance and the Eterna Empire.

"Xander made it sound like the Medicis hijacked this place. And they've got goons crawling all around it. But what if Salim's in on it?"

"Why would he do that?"

"To get back at Isola for stripping him of his title," Igneous exclaimed.

Okay, that Noctum could understand. Still, maybe it was better to save the speculation for once they'd gotten to the casino. That way Noctum wouldn't look funny talking into his X-transceiver. The fake gliscor opted to say something else.

"Awfully long line," Noctum declared, not addressing anyone in particular. "Guess this thing's getting a lot of attention, huh?"

He got a few curious looks from the jumpluff and a lopunny couple further ahead. Noctum saluted them, earning eye rolls. They quickly went back to looking ahead of them.

Noctum raised his arms in a fake stretch, then whispered, "Hey, by the way, who exactly am I signing up for this?"

Silence. Noctum swore he heard Igneous swearing under his breath. "Problem?"

"I'm looking to see if there are rules posted anywhere."

The line shuffled along the gray corridor. Sunlight spilled in through arched windows, glistening against paintings of Khelifet's tall buildings. Beyond the paintings was a golden copperajah statue beside a few folding tables that the line headed toward.

Noctum sure hoped Igneous would find something soon, because the line was moving quickly. The Medicis had gotten a couple of xatu to help with the registration. There was someone else there, too, but Noctum couldn't see them. They must've been right behind the statue.

"Got something," Igneous said, to Noctum's relief. "Looks like you only have to give the name of the team leader. Max of four participants per team."

Great, but that still didn't tell Noctum what to write down. If they were going to fight, the Morph-O-Trons wouldn't help them. Meanwhile, the line was still moving. Noctum was close enough to the copperajah statue to realize that fat perrserker was beside it. He paced back and forth behind the registration table.

"Artemis!" Igneous suddenly declared.

It took every ounce of strength for Noctum not to wince.

"The empire doesn't have anything on Artemis. Certainly not the way he looks now. So, we'll use him."

Noctum stretched again to hide his face behind his fake gliscor wing. "Is he okay with that?"


Fair enough.
He waited a few more minutes, shuffling forward until he'd reached the front of the line.

"Next," one xatu said, looking right at Noctum.

"Oh, uh, right!" Noctum moved forward. He had to stay composed. The Morph-O-Trons were hiding his aura. These psychics wouldn't read him. It'd be fine.

"Registering yourself or someone else?" Xatu asked.

"Someone else."

Xatu levitated a clipboard with a form in front of Noctum.

"Fill this out."

As Noctum grabbed the clipboard and pen — the Morph-O-Tron made it look like he had the pen in his pincer — the perrserker pacing behind Xatu stopped and chuckled.

"Good thinking." Perrserker smacked his belly. "You don't look like the type what could put up much of a fight. Guess your buddy's trying to keep this on the down low, eh?"

Noctum continued filling out the form with Artemis' basic info. Perrserker was only trying to get a rise out of him. Noctum wouldn't blow his cover.

"Well, if this buddy of yours is worth anything, we could always use another enforcer in our ranks," Perrserker continued, stroking his grimy beard.

"Done." Noctum slid the clipboard to Xatu. He levitated it under the table and produced another piece of paper.

"Have the leader fill out this waiver and bring it with them tomorrow morning," Xatu monotonously said. He must've given the same instructions at least twenty times already, judging by the original size of the line. "Event starts at eight sharp. If the team's late, they're DQ'd. Next!"

Noctum took the waiver, eager to get away from the stadium and all the prying eyes. Without meeting Perrserker's gaze, he turned and headed back through the gray corridor. When he made it back to Perrserker's cardboard cutout without getting pulled aside, he was confident the Morph-O-Tron had done its job.

... Or the empire was choosing to prepare something for tomorrow.


Given Noctum recalled Sakaki saying he was taking as much of the Ryujin underground as he could manage, the cosmic charizard was surprised to learn Royal Khelifet Resort and Casino was still open. Not that he got to appreciate any of it, as Igneous ushered him into a back entrance and up some cramped concrete stairs until they'd reached the hotel's top floor.

Now he found himself in some sort of "executive suite," having brought Gene, Artemis, and the resistance members waiting outside the city through separate rifts. Noctum had no idea what made the suite executive. Was this suite in charge of the other hotel rooms?

No, that didn't make any sense. Rooms weren't alive.

Unless this room was full of rotom-possessed appliances.

After quickly inspecting the kitchenette's marble-plated equipment and confirming it was rotom free, Noctum found himself by a floor-to-ceiling window, staring out at brightly lit neon signs advertising other casinos. The intense heat outdoors blurred the distant desert dunes together with the clear blue sky.

That view slowly faded as a tan curtain descended from the ceiling, backed by the gentle hums and whirs of some kind of mechanical crank.

"Can't have fliers seeing us," Igneous said. Noctum looked over his shoulder and found the grovlazzle in the corner of the suite's den, turning a dial that probably operated the curtain.

Noctum approached Gene, who swiveled around in a large tan chair beside a glass coffee table. He'd heard Gene had undergone some sort of extreme makeover, but this was far from what Noctum envisioned. What was it with everyone getting these strange cosmic changes to their appearances? It couldn't all be Leo's doing, right? Leo had nothing to do with Noctum seeing that stuff about the lustrous globe.

Never mind that. He couldn't get sidetracked. "What's the plan here?"

Gene stuck his right leg out to stop the chair spinning around. "You'll have to be more specific, Zardy."

Before Noctum could elaborate, Valkyrie appeared on the other side of the chair, resting her claws against its left arm.

"The full plan," she growled.

"Testy." The mega mewtwo wagged an index finger, tsking Valkyrie.

"Don't screw around here." The garchomp spun Gene's chair. "I don't care about your permanent mega or your creepy chest armor. We've got a job to do."

"All right. Easy there, huntress."

Gene pushed himself up from his seat. His eyes glowed blue. A blue projection of Salim Stadium appeared over the coffee table. Everyone in the den gathered around it.

"I call it Operation Desert Swarm."

Shimmer squinted at Gene. "You totally stole that one from a movie."

"No idea what you're talking about, Twinkie." Gene lazily waved the ponytales off, then returned his attention to the projection. Three red dots appeared near the top of the stadium. "As of, like, three minutes ago, I've got three auras with large Malice concentrations pinpointed here."

Igneous leaned over, scrutinizing the dots. "That would be Charles, Xander, and..."

"Turian." Gene snapped his fingers. The red dots turned to tiny red projections of a Mr. Rime, sylveon, and ursaluna. "At this point, they're together. Striking now, though, risks us having to deal with them and all these Medicis. And they might be able to summon Eternatus Troopers as backup. Hard to say for sure, though."

Something occurred to Noctum that he hadn't thought of earlier. "Couldn't we force them through a rift away from the city?" That would solve their biggest problems.

"We'd have to get to them first to do that." Gene squinted at the mega charizard. "Have you been to the top of this stadium?" He jerked his head at the projections.

Noctum's tail flame dimmed. "No..."

"Didn't think so." Gene waved his hand. The three projections hovered over the stadium. "Now, we know Xander's casting tomorrow's event. Which will put him in the stadium's broadcast booth."

The mega mewtwo raised an index finger. Xander's projection returned to the same spot as earlier.

"Turian may not be a show fighter like Chernabog, but she is a scrapper," Gene continued. He dragged the ursaluna projection toward the stadium. "I'm willing to bet she'll be somewhere in the stadium perimeter. Which leaves Charles."

Gene placed his head on that creepy red gem in his chest. "He's psychic right now. No doubt he'd sense an aura like mine. So, when the event starts tomorrow morning, some of our bigger bodies and I will try and lure Charles out from wherever he is."

"And what makes you think he'd take that bait?" Shimmer said, frowning. He sounded like he had about as much faith in this idea as Noctum did, which wasn't a lot.

"Heh." Gene tapped his right temple. "Because now that Bahamut's whole again, we've got something to entice him: a new Red Chain fragment."

Noctum's tail flame fwooshed in surprise. "W-Wait, what? Bahamut's whole again?! Since when?" He looked around the room. The others were equally bewildered.

Gene looked at his right wrist as if it had a watch. "Since, I dunno, an hour ago? Kept Necrozma away from the final Needle. I weakened that dumbass husk enough to squish Vegna back inside of it."

Noctum coughed out bright blue embers. "Vegna? Are you saying—"

"That he was Bahamut's missing soul the whole time? Yep." Gene flopped back in his seat. The projections disappeared from over the coffee table. "Funny. I've got the strangest sense of deja vu. Are you going to lecture me because I kept it a secret? Cuz I'm-a peace out if you do."

"Nah." Valkyrie sat down on the right arm of Gene's chair. "Gonna call you a bastard, though." She snorted out dragonfire embers. "Bastard."

"What did you expect, Chompy?" Gene waved his right hand, fanning away the embers. "The base is full of Aeons. Wasn't about to out him like that. Especially with some of you guys realizing he ain't exactly the beacon of hope your religion makes him out to be."

Valkyrie snorted more embers. "Please. I never worshiped him."

"Just drop it," Noctum interjected. He stood his ground when Valkyrie gave him the stink eye. "There's no point bickering about it. It's in the past."

"Why do you keep dragging that up, Dialga?!" Noctum shouted toward the blue and gray rift in front of him. "It's in the past! You of all people should unders—"

"The past is as relevant as the present!" Dialga's voice thundered from within the rift. "I wouldn't expect
you to understand!"

Noctum forced the memory out of his mind with a deep breath. He focused on Gene. "Bahamut's agreed to all of this?"

The mega mewtwo smirked. "No, but he will."

"Seriously?!" Igneous' head leaf simmered.

"Seriously." Gene flicked the projection and it vanished in a puff of starry smoke. "He'll listen to me. And then we'll make do. Like always."

"Yeah. Sure. Great." Igneous threw his arms up and walked toward the kitchenette. "I need a freaking drink."

"That's the spirit!" Gene's smirk widened. "See what I did there, Zardy?"


Valkyrie scowled. "A spirit's a kind of booze."

"Oh." Noctum blinked. He looked down at the tan silk carpet beneath his feat. "Maybe you should peace out for now..."

Gene jumped out of the chair. "Sheesh. Buncha killjoys." The mega mewtwo stretched his arms up over his head. "C'mon, it's like we're playing out a spy movie or video game. You could show a bit more enthusiasm. Like Iggy over there!"

He pointed to the grovlazzle, who was slouched over the kitchenette counter with a large bottle of wine.

"You oughta go for a martini instead," Gene quipped. "Shaken, not stirred, of course."

Noctum had no idea what Gene was talking about. Luckily, Valkyrie was here to express his frustrations for him. The garchomp held a claw to Gene's snout.

"Look." She narrowed her eyes. "Congrats on your makeover and power boost. Reeeeeaaal happy for you." A purple tinge spread over Valkyrie's claw. "But you don't get to use it as an excuse to be more insufferable. Act like the damn leader or leave us the hell alone. Got it?"

For a brief moment, Noctum swore a black, eerie miasma spread through Gene's Malice Crystals and black lattice. Valkyrie must've had the same experience, since she stepped back and lowered her claws.

"... Respectfully," she muttered.

Gene turned away from her. "Using disdain to mask your jealousy for my power? Not a good look, Chompy."

Valkyrie's jaw slackened. "How did—"

"My makeover." Gene casually strolled past Valkyrie and looked at his dim reflection in the giant PV screen mounted to the wall. "But I'm not looking to fight. You want me to be serious? Fine. Come tomorrow, it's all business. Deal?"

She was too stunned to answer properly. Artemis, Igneous, and Shimmer stared blankly. Which meant it fell to Noctum.

"Deal," he said.

"Great." The mega mewtwo clapped his hands together. "Then you guys relax in your swanky hotel room and I'll go back to the base."

Noctum frowned. "Actually, I was hoping to go see Yu—"

Gene wagged an index finger. "Ah, ah. I wouldn't if I were you."

"Why not?"

He threw open a jagged rift behind him and paused in front of it. "Because she just found out she's Bahamut's daughter. Wouldn't want to get in the way of her family reunion, would you?"

As the mega charizard's jaw dropped, Gene bowed to the group and exited through the rift. A stunned silence followed, broken only when Igneous poured wine into a cup that was definitely not meant for wine.

Shaking her head, Valkyrie stomped toward the kitchenette. "Better pour one out for me, too. So much for a day of simple recon..."

Noctum swallowed hard. He really hoped this wasn't going to break the group's focus for tomorrow.