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Pokémon: Oracle of Legends. {+10}


umm... someone
Pokémon: Oracle of Legends. {+10}

Hello everyone! I´m new to this forum (but not nesesarily to the forum thing), I just was surfing arround and decided to post my growing, kinda old story here; I hope ya like it!!

This plot is about the journey of a smart, curious young boy called "Stanley", now at his 15s he is about to embark on his long-waited Quest, which takes place about 10 years after Ash’s Saga ended! So things had changed a little... Oh! the intro is like this...

It’s 4 o’clock in the afternoon at "Newbark Town", a lush, fresh and tiny city at the southeast sector of the Johto map, and Stanley is still Asleep upstairs in his room in his comfy bed, that was the upper one of the bunk, the lower one was his sister’s but she moved to a region called “Shinou” some months ago because of job; he lived with his Mom in a two-story, light yellow, calm house at the very core of a not-so-vibrating city.

Stanley is currently having a dream, in which he is talking to his Mom, which was weird, because Stanley’s dreams are often abstract appearances, in it was his thirty-six year old mother, Elisabeth. She had been a world travelling Pokémon trainer but when he was born Stanley's mother settled down and became the local Pokémon breeder, whose Day-care centre was under reconstruction.

She was telling him about his “Future-Reading Ceremony”, the one he had so long ago he couldn't remember. It was one of Mr. Fuji's family's exclusive customs that was only preformed for the family itself, the young, and close friends of the family.

5 years ago, in this ceremony, the baby Stanley was in the middle of a group of two Kiruria and one Neiteio, which are Mr. Fuji’s future-reading Pokémon; Elisabeth, who was sitting near the Circle, which is a name given to the Ceremony performance area, was thinking on Stanley’s possible future, she thought Stanley would become a great business man, but Fuji confirmed that the silhouettes of Stanley and the Oracle of Legend’s were next to each other involved in a dark swirl of shadows, which caused Stanley’s parents to feel shivers.

Stanley gradually woke up from his slumber, he rolled some minutes in his bed and after gazing his open wardrobe next to the little Taneboh-Like TV he received when he was younger, his newly ironed clothes scattered on the floor, his Furaigon-googles right on the chair next to his Bag, he took his Poké-Gear with complete laziness, he gazed at his device and learned that it was 4:13pm! so in haste, he rushed out of bed, took a quick but good shower, got rapidly dressed with his favourite grey T-shirt, jeans, waterproof vest, black iron boots, white bandana and his best grey wristband for luck; housed his Dumbbel-like Lantern, his remaining Potion, his Phone and Furaigon-googles into his small, Nukkurar-like Bag in no time. He was in a hurry to take leave his home and embark in his journey that was promised to start that very day while running down the stairs. But his mum stopped him to have lunch, Spaghetti, Meat and some Tamato berry sauce, and watched the Special Report on ONBS News... bad news...

-"...The cataclysm that occurred in both regions were awful to the citizens and no one has a true Idea of what caused the Tanoby islands to sink after a huge tsunami, or the gigantic fissure at the Lake of Rage’s bottom that apparently came out from nowhere..."

”...Dr. Franco has sum theories about these Events..."

Dr. Franco: "...Thanks, Llya, as u have heard, about this huge wave, I’m sure that it was not caused from a Tectonic activity or my Geo-Detector device would had reacted, and it somewhat resembles to some kind of Water’s ravage against Earth..." Franco continued

"...And this fissure that appeared in Lake of Rage it killed many Pokémon because of the Drastically lowered water level, that wasn’t caused by an Earthquake, or citizens in Mahogany town would had feel the Tremor, and again, this event resembles Earth’s wrath against Water..."

After the Report ended Stanley felt a little nervous about his journey, but he’s not going to stay-at-home now, he waited this quest for 5 years!; A secret quest of restoring the balance in the legends of the Pokémon World...

In this journey Stanley is bound to make new friends and foes, and of course, he’ll sporadically meet some familiar characters (for us...) and the Legends themselves! But no one knows (out of Newbark) that he is the hope to maintain the balance amongst legends...

Like it? I hope so, I will be uploading this story until forever :p (I think) I´ll be patient to read your oppinions...

Coming up next: Chapter #1: Get the show on the Road.


umm... someone
Oh! thank you very much DarkPersian479, I know I have to improve on my english since I live in Venezuela (where Spanish is the 1st. language) and no, don´t worry about the main Character, I know Gary-Stu/Mary-Sue people are awkward for most of us, so I´ve got another idea for his duty with the Legendaries (that´s all I can tell you for now).

Thank you again, I´ll try to improve the next Chapters...


umm... someone
[FONT=&quot]Yeah, I´m double-posting... so?[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Well guys and girls, I bring u now the very 1st. Chapter of the story; enjoy.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Chapter #1: Get the Show on the Road.

It’s 4:37 pm. of the First day and this is the very moment of Stan’s first departure from his home sweet home into his long journey across the country; but so, the first step is to head to the north-west of the city, to Professor Utsugi’s Laboratory.

”Good luck honey! Be careful and don’t oversleep for the next time!” Elisabeth said this with warm good-bye-waving hand at Stan’s first steps into the city.[/FONT]
”And don’t forget to call us regularly...” She ended with her Nyorotono at her side, watching Stan waving good-bye in a similar way.

As Stan walked past a few streets, he eventually got the sigh at the Plaza; where he at least managed to see the ending of a battle. The Goriki used cross-chop, a super effective move, on its opponent Ringuma! Stanley couldn't help but be a little awed, realizing he'd soon be in Pokémon battles too. “Wow, what a great move” he thought about the fighting move he had just seen with a nice reaction in his face and spirited eyes. As the trainers were just recalling their Pokémon, Stan was nothing but bounced back in his trip heading to Utsugi’s lab and resumed his way into the northwest of the city, running across this fresh, car-deserted, sunny streets, he made it to Utsugi’s Lab, which’s owner, Utsugi, was apparently waiting for Stan’s arrival sitting there in a bank with patience at the very front of this 5 floored, grey building in the entrance – a well-cared, apparently calm garden.

As Stan was just spotted by the middle-aged scientist, the glad Utsugi said ”Where were you?, I thought you would arrive earlier” with his characteristic calm.[/FONT]
”Hey Utsugi!” The boy entered himself in a friendly way “Me too, I couldn’t help to watch a battle right in the plaza, Sorry...” Stan apologized to the busy man rubbing his grey-bandana-tied nape in an oops-like expression.

The slightly disappointed man just replied at the boy’s carelessness “It doesn’t matter, please give me your Form” (The Form which Utsugi is talking about is the one that Stan was supposed to fill with his information, in order to get his Trainer Card) ”This will be a second or two” he said last

The boy remembered when he was at home, filling the personal form at the early time of 3:53 am and then said ”Oh! Sure” before quickly reaching the important paper out of his pant pocket and showed it at the scientist, Utsugi just took it from Stanley’s hand and stamped it right away with the official sign of the Pokémon-Meeting federation and gave it back to Stan with a subject-related advice; the old, kind scientist said to the boy that he had to deliver it to his assistant in the Research Field, at the very northeast of Cherry Grove city, the neighbour city.[/FONT]
With this, Utsugi gave Stan his long waited Pokémon inside a red-and-white, capsule-like catching tool named –Pokéball- with a ”This is the Pokémon I promised to you 5 years ago to find, take good care of him” [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]The man continued with ”Remember that Silver Conference Competition will arrive soon, so you must shake a leg with this” trying to make the boy come in sense about making his dream, to become a Pokémon Master, come true.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]“Good luck, boy” the man ended at his departing little friend’s kind of confused expression about the two goals, but the collected boy just thought it briefly by “Anyway”.

”You don’t worry, dude” Stanley said before going “Well, I’m leaving... bye!” And so he did, Stan went now to the west of the city to go start rolling. [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]

It’s 4:56 pm. of the first day and Stan is on his way to Cherry Grove city, through the grassy, irregular terrain of the windy Route 29. At first sight the place seems to be deserted by people, but Stan knew that it was filled with all kinds of Pokémon hidden somewhere; this landscape was full of trees, tall grass, clouds, apparently peaceful, so Stan decided to go start hit the road with his hometown behind him and then wished to go on his trip along with his new friend, so he took out the Pokéball from his Pack and sent out his Pokémon throwing the capsule-like ball upward to see it burst open with a flashing stream of bluish white light landing onto the fresh outside. It was his long-waited Pokémon, and his first one; in his case, Stan wanted an Eievui for almost 8 years ago; after this send, Stan’s joy couldn’t be higher as he saw the brown-fur, cute little normal-type creature entering the adventure with its indifferent battle cry.

As Eievui came out of its Pokéball, Stan noticed his new little pal had a letter in his mouth, in that moment, Eievui turns his attention to Stan and lays the letter on the short grass in front of his new keeper with carelessness, the guy just picked the letter from the grass and flipped it open to reveal a handwritten text.

"Dear Stanley Natzuke, please accept this Pokémon as my part of our trade, you will notice it is a male Eievui; as you wished for almost 8 years. So I" The hand-writing ends apparently interrupted like that, leaving the boy just confused and nervous for a while.

Getting over his nervousness, he said an actual not-so-confident ”Well, do I have any choice?” to his new little sidekick, who is just scratching his ear in complete indifference to whatever Stan feels about him. But in that instant the guy told his pal “Oh, whatever, you are my very first Pokémon, and I will take care of you with my life” right on, and began rolling ahead joined as a team.

After running past a patch of tall grass, they went the way up to a little hill and took a look at the whole terrain of the fresh, green Route 29, Stan spotted some Otachi eating some fruits down the road, some Poppo and Onisuzume soaring the sky; the guy was nothing but delighted with the view and he spontaneously headed right into the wild in a burning passion in his eyes.

After battling some troublesome Otachi and Digda, Stan healed Eievui with his remaining potion and skilfully defeated a pair of Onisuzume afterwards; with these experiences Stan was gradually learning about his new friend’s battling skills, Eievui learned that those Onisuzume they defeated, owned an Oran Berry tree, he approached to Stan and tried to advice him about this. The little Pokémon just stood before the resting Stan and tried telling “(Hey! Those Onisuzume, the own an Oran Berry tree, let’s go!)”, Stan’s almost complete lack of understanding made him awkward to try get Eievui’s words, with this, he just got "...Oran Berry... this....way..." or something

Then Eievui ran towards a tree, Stan got the thing right in and followed his pal, just after a few meters, it was there, the most gorgeous Oran Berry tree Stan had seen in his life since he was a little kid.

After they sat there in front of the tree, they ate and picked some berries, Stan just lay down and stared at the sky with his arms crossed behind his head, he gazed at those gently-moving, cotton-like clouds up in the yonder with his friend at his side, interested in a tiny weed sprouting from the grass; Stan was nothing but glad to have such a relatively good start of this wonderful journey while looking at the calming, colour-shading sky, so with this kind of joy, the guy just fell asleep in his position some minutes later.

It is now 5:38pm. Of the beginning of the saga and the twosome is just relaxing down in the grass below the berry tree, but Eievui got something different in his mind; “(Heck! What a boring guy is this, I feel some kind of inconformity from him, but that’s pushing things up)” the little brown-furred Pokémon thought before releasing up a big yawn from his mouth and fall asleep.[/FONT]
And so the time passed on, with the two of them just snoozing down; but they were quietly asleep until Stan felt something crawling on his head, and when he opened his eyes there was this worm-like, brown little creature’s face with its prominent stinger in its forehead, dangerously near the boy’s face. All shocked up, the guy just screamed “Aahh! A Bidoru!” quickly followed by an instinct-triggered violent reaction with his arms to get away from danger; startling everyone.

As Stan got rid of this worm he just commanded Eievui to respond with a Tackle, the little brown-furred thing just lunged quickly and eagerly into his target, but the wild Bidoru evaded the attack with a quick roll and out of nowhere, Poison Stinged Eievui´s belly! it was a direct impact – the stab made the normal-type creature to squirm on the ground in Crushing Pain, the pain was probably caused because of the poison infliction; but then, Bidoru was about to stab Eievui again, this time right in the face! But Stan quickly intervened with an iron-boot kick at the wild Bidoru that sent the little bug monster into some vegetation at the near distance.

”Oh My Goodness Eievui! Are you Okay?!” Stan shouted in death-fear while watching Eievui suffering, he didn’t hesitate to carry Eievui to take him into Cherry Grove city’s Pokémon Centre, but suddenly, a Swarm of Supie came out of nowhere and surrounded them in no time!

Stan remained motionless in the middle of this buzzing swarm for 2 seconds and ran as fast as his feet could let him move towards Cherry Grove at the very west, with the wounded, weeping little creature in his arms, he tried to take a look to his Poké-Gear, it was 6:38pm! It was getting dark, and thank Aruseus he didn’t get lost in his way though a road full of trees and natural obstacles that eventually ended in an apparently calm city.

As the twosome arrived into the city, the swarm stopped pursuing the group and Stan dashed like hell into the Pokémon Centre, which for Stan’s fortune, was at the near north; of course, Stan didn’t have time to have a detailed look from the hill ending with the entrance to the city. While Nurse Joi was attending his Pokémon, Stan received a call in his handheld, two-screened, silver-and-gold coloured Poke-Gear; it was from him Mom in Newbark.

As Elisabeth’s face was just flashed from the upper screen, she started with the question ”Are you ok baby?”. [/FONT]
At first sigh of his mom, Stan just replied an angry, sarcastic ”Sure, I’m perfect!”.
”Oh, honey I was worried about you” Elisabeth continued a little relaxed. [/FONT]
Trying not to make his mom worried, Stan just replied ”Don’t worry mum, I’m fine, I can see Newbark City From here...” when something interrupted his comment “!... Don’t tell me u r the one that is making Smoke signals...” he said with a look out the window.[/FONT]
The woman just responded ”umm, well I am, it says "I’m rooting on you", but well, bye baby”.[/FONT]
Stan just said to this ”u get stranger and stranger each time I see you (or hear you...)” rolling his eyes as his mom’s face was flashed off the upper screen of his handheld computer.[/FONT]

Coming up Next:

Chapter #2: History Hysteria.