I really loved this episode. Erika was an interesting gym leader, and cute too.

I thought their gym battle was pretty good, but I also thought Ash should have just gone with Primeape (God knows, the thing could have used some more screen time. =P). They also made it interesting by including the perfume making business along with the gym. It was hilarious when Ash(ley) and TR showed up at the gym and James had to keep hitting his stomach to get Meowth to shut up, and ended up having to shove him back into his shirt. I laughed to hard.XD Brock was also funny, he was in goofy girl mode for almost the entire episode, and seeing him pressing his face against the glass of the perfume store was classic.XD And who could forget Meowth's comment about the cartoonist forgetting to give him a nose? I have a suspicion that was dub added, but I don't care, it was just so great. The ending of this episode was also really good. TR sets the gym on fire and they have to save all of the Pokémon inside, but Erika can't find her Gloom so Ash goes in to save it. The part where he emerges from the gym with Gloom in his arms was really great, and the music playing at that part was really good too, I just can't get emphasize enough how great the music was in these old Kanto episodes.XP Overall, this is still one of my favorite episodes ever, everything about it was perfect. They just don't make 'em (or dub 'em =P) like they used too.