Ghost Trainer
I'm excited to see how the competitive meta plays out. They have to come up with some new rules or something. Otherwise these poor poor pokemon are going to get left in the dust and we are going to have a gen 6 meta all over again. Maybe once the main site is updated with the new info and we can see all the info for each pokemon with the respective pokemon it will be easier to form strategies, but right now I don't see myself using any one of the new mons for battling. Which sucks because I was really looking forward to new strategies, battles, and teams.
Either way, it is going to be rough finding decent trade bait to get competitive legendaries with there being so many. I hate soft resetting for event pokemon so I know I won't even try on story line pokemon.
Provided only Regional dex Pokemon (probably exclude UBs and legendaries) and no megas will be allowed it looks well sorted. I took a look at all the available Pokemon and the speed is pretty well balanced, apart from a few rather fast but extremely frail exceptions.
I believe the Tapus will be included in vgc 17, because their stats aren't too monstrous but could be a vital part in setting up terrains, which is what GF is aiming at with how many Pokemon get these terrain moves or benefit from it. Weather makes a return, as well.