Generic Human #8192
Pokémon that I need
hello, people, Pokedex_filler here. I've finally finished my Kantodex, meaning I took a count of how many Johto pokémon I have left to get. after some checking, along with the rare pokémon (Mew, Celebi, Jirachi), I HAVE ONLY ONE POKéMON LEFT OVER! And its name? Lugia. Being the type of person I am, I am NOT spending upwards of £40 on Pokémon XD just for one Pokémon, so I have a question. Does anyone live in the Lampeter, Wales area that has any of these Pokémon, or the games that "supply" them, as I need these and these ONLY to get a full National Dex! If you can help me, thanks.
And, yes, I DO have a Deoxys and am a crazy Pokémon collecter. So sue me.
P.S. My Pokédex number SAYS 261, but I say I have 1 left because I have access to the others
hello, people, Pokedex_filler here. I've finally finished my Kantodex, meaning I took a count of how many Johto pokémon I have left to get. after some checking, along with the rare pokémon (Mew, Celebi, Jirachi), I HAVE ONLY ONE POKéMON LEFT OVER! And its name? Lugia. Being the type of person I am, I am NOT spending upwards of £40 on Pokémon XD just for one Pokémon, so I have a question. Does anyone live in the Lampeter, Wales area that has any of these Pokémon, or the games that "supply" them, as I need these and these ONLY to get a full National Dex! If you can help me, thanks.
And, yes, I DO have a Deoxys and am a crazy Pokémon collecter. So sue me.
P.S. My Pokédex number SAYS 261, but I say I have 1 left because I have access to the others
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