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Pokémon that I need

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Generic Human #8192
Pokémon that I need

hello, people, Pokedex_filler here. I've finally finished my Kantodex, meaning I took a count of how many Johto pokémon I have left to get. after some checking, along with the rare pokémon (Mew, Celebi, Jirachi), I HAVE ONLY ONE POKéMON LEFT OVER! And its name? Lugia. Being the type of person I am, I am NOT spending upwards of £40 on Pokémon XD just for one Pokémon, so I have a question. Does anyone live in the Lampeter, Wales area that has any of these Pokémon, or the games that "supply" them, as I need these and these ONLY to get a full National Dex! If you can help me, thanks.

And, yes, I DO have a Deoxys and am a crazy Pokémon collecter. So sue me. :)

P.S. My Pokédex number SAYS 261, but I say I have 1 left because I have access to the others
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its well worth getting pokemon XD for the extras(you can use a bonsly), you can get extra moves for mew, you can get the lucky egg and its not safe to trade with someone who you dont know and meet off the internet, they could be a 30 year old pedophile who wants to rape you.. consider this before you truly think of asking for it off the internet


Generic Human #8192
an_idiot_ said:
its well worth getting pokemon XD for the extras(you can use a bonsly), you can get extra moves for mew, you can get the lucky egg and its not safe to trade with someone who you dont know and meet off the internet, they could be a 30 year old pedophile who wants to rape you.. consider this before you truly think of asking for it off the internet
yeah, ok, i see the problems.

and, for the extras of XD:
1: I'm not really interested in using Bonsly unless I get to keep it
2: I have no Mew, that's why I made this post
3: It'd probably be better to search for a Lucky Egg on FR/LG as you get extra Chanceys and a higher chance of getting a shiny, because you actually fight wild, catchable pokémon.


you can get shinies on XD... and there are wild pokespots


Generic Human #8192
I know, but i have access to everything that XD has to offer save for a few things (Lugia, Lucky Egg), so what would be the point of buying a £40≥x game for those few things?


true love
Pokedex_filler said:
I know, but i have access to everything that XD has to offer save for a few things (Lugia, Lucky Egg), so what would be the point of buying a £40≥x game for those few things?

That's up to you, but I don't know how else to get a Lugia.. and since this isn't a topic about forcing you to buy Pokémon XD, I suggest that people don't start posting for he/she to get it.. But I dunno how else to get it 'legally'.. as some may say. And I don't know about the events either.



Generic Human #8192
it's fine. and, looking at your TC, you got jirachi by Pokémon Channel, correct?


true love
Pokedex_filler said:
it's fine. and, looking at your TC, you got jirachi by Pokémon Channel, correct?

Answering your question, actually no.. My boyfriend purchased Pokémon Colosseum by reservation so he got the bonus disc. And I just had have it..

I dunno much other ways of getting the rare Pokémon outside of U.S. though.. and probably not much inside it.


Generic Human #8192
well, aren't you lucky?


great pokemon

You have good pokemon but get more shiny pokemon they are cool


Generic Human #8192
milesmclean said:
You have good pokemon but get more shiny pokemon they are cool
Yes, i know. Problem, though: i have neither the patience or the time to get a shiny. Look at my sig!
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