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"Pokémon the Movie 8.5" (my first non-Intensity fanfic)

Kakashi-Sharingan Warrior

Well-Known Member
brilliant! when she was carrying pikacvhu why didint pikachu use thunder and kill her?

Jesse GS the II

I was frozen today!
Blue Aurora said:
Ya still haven't answered Jesse.

I haven't played "Pokémon Colosseum", but like PokemasterJ said, Orre hasn't been featured in the anime yet, so I didn't include it.

Jesse GS the II

I was frozen today!
Next installment!


Cut to the hallway where Ash and the others are exploring. They continue to open doors as they move further down the hall.

BROCK: No Pokémon in here...although, that is a nice dinette set.

YOSHI: No good in here either, but that’s one heck of a library.

MAY: Oh, this is useless! We’re never going to find our Pokémon in here!

ASH: Hey, don’t give up so easily, May. When I was a starting trainer, I wound up in a lot of bad situations too, but I never gave up!

MAY (voice cracking slightly): Yeah, but...but what if the thief has already...w-what if they already...you know...

Ash puts his hand on May’s shoulder as a tear rolls down her cheek.

ASH: Hey, hey, don’t cry, okay? Look, we know that the Pokémon are around here somewhere, and we’re gonna find them and get them back, all right?

MAY (sniffling): But I can’t help it! I can’t help thinking about what’ll happen if we don’t succeed!

ASH: Listen to me, May. There have been hundreds of times in my training career when the deck was stacked against me, but I had my friends right by my side to help me out, and I pulled it off every time! When the St. Anne sank, Misty and Brock were right there to help me through it, and we made it out alive. When Team Rocket took over the Viridian City Gym and fought dirty, Misty and Brock were there to help me subdue them. When I was stranded on the Orange Islands after a blimp wreck, Misty helped me find my way back to civilization. Every time it looked like I’d never make it out of a bad situation, my friends came to my aid. And now - look at me, May - now, we’re all in this together, and if we work as a team, we can find our Pokémon before anything bad happens to them! All right?

May smiles and wipes the tears out of her eyes.

MAY: Yeah, I guess so.

ASH: There you go! Now, come on, let’s keep moving!

They continue down the hall. Misty walks next to Ash.

MISTY: You sure handled that well.

ASH: Thanks.

Misty hesitates for a moment.

MISTY: You know, the last time we met up, we didn’t really get much of a chance to talk about May, did we?

ASH: What’s to talk about?

MISTY: Well, you and she are friends, right?

ASH: Right.

MISTY: And that’s all there is to it, right?

Ash looks at Misty a little strangely.

ASH: What are you trying to say?

MISTY: What? I’m just curious as to how you feel about her.

ASH: Misty, she’s my friend. Max is my friend, Brock is my friend...heck, you’re my friend. That’s all.

MISTY: Right...that’s all...

Misty walks a little further behind Ash. Her face has just the slightest hint of concern - or perhaps it’s disappointment.
Cut to outside the mansion. Jessie and James are straining to climb up the rocky cliff side by hand. Jessie puts her foot on a rock jutting out of the cliff; it comes loose, falls, and nearly hits James in the head.

JAMES: Watch where you’re kicking those things!

JESSIE (straining): My deepest apologies.

JAMES: That didn’t sound very sincere!

JESSIE: Ooh, you’re certainly the perceptive one tonight, aren’t you? Look, just keep climbing, we’re almost there anyway.

They continue to move their way up the side of the cliff. Finally, Jessie reaches the ledge. Once she’s standing upright, she helps James up. Both of them look at the mansion before them. They’re at the rear of the house, away from the main entrance.

JESSIE: Classy.

JAMES: Whoever stole our Pokémon must be loaded! Hey, after we get Meowth and everybody back, let’s rob the joint!

JESSIE: If it’ll make you happy, it’s a deal. Now, how do we get inside?

James spots the closest window, then rushes over and tries to wrench it open.

JAMES: Hey, Jessie, give me a hand here!

JESSIE: I’ll do one better.

Jessie picks a rock up off the ground and hurls it at the window. It hits James in the back of the head, and the impact causes his forehead to smash the glass. Jessie reaches in through the hole and undoes the lock while James massages the area of impact on the back of his head.

JESSIE: Oh, by the way - duck.

JAMES: Now she tells me.

Jessie slides the window open, and they both climb inside. They turn around and find themselves in a room full of various Pokémon training memorabilia - shelves lined with photos, items mounted on tables, etc.

JAMES: Wow, would you look at this? It’s like some sort of Pokémon training museum.

James picks up a dusty framed photo. Jessie grabs it out of his hands and puts it back on the table.

JESSIE: And you don’t touch things in a museum! Now, hands behind your back!

JAMES (disappointed): Aw.

James reluctantly does as he’s told. Jessie looks around in awe at the various photos and items around. She eyes the burnt-out Technical Machines, a dust-covered Item Finder, and in the corner, a rusted bicycle. She then observes a black-and-white photo on the wall - it depicts the little girl trainer from the earlier flashback standing with a woman who looks like her mother and a 30-year younger Professor Oak. At the girl’s feet is a Charmander.

JESSIE: I wonder who this girl was.

JAMES: What girl?

JESSIE: The girl in this photo. Looks like she was a trainer once.

James walks over and looks at the photo.

JAMES: Yeah, this looks like it was taken on her first day as a trainer.

JESSIE: Look at the date - “April 8, 1974". This was over 30 years ago!

JAMES: Wow, we’re not even that old. I didn’t know they had Pokémon 30 years ago.

Jessie continues to look at the photo, then looks down at the table beneath it. On the table is a dust-covered book. She picks it up and blows the dust off it. The cover has the word “TRAINER DIARY” embossed on it in faded gold lettering.

JAMES: Hey, how come you get to pick up stuff?

JESSIE: I possess the feminine touch, whereas you just grab and run.

JAMES: It’s more effective my way.

Jessie sits down in an armchair in front of a burnt-out fireplace and leafs through the diary. She reads aloud to James.

JESSIE: “April 8, 1974. Today I began my Pokémon journey. I met Professor Oak for the first time. He was really nice and he gave me a Charmander to start training with. I nicknamed him Zed.”

JAMES: Aw, this is sweet. I love snooping through other people’s private memories.

Jessie looks concerned as she keeps reading.

JESSIE: Wait, it keeps going. “But then I got to Route 1 and I found out how weak it is right now. I ran into a wild Pidgey, but Zed couldn’t even injure it. Apparently it’ll take a while before I can really beat anything. But I’ll keep trying anyway!”

JAMES: Hey, I really hope she made it.

Jessie flips a few pages ahead.

JESSIE: “May 14, 1974. It’s been more than a month and I still can’t catch anything other than Pidgey. I’ve got seven of them now. I’m still in Pewter City. I lost half my money trying to beat Flint, the gym leader. Why does he have to use Rock Pokémon? Nothing I own is good against him. I figure maybe if I act all disappointed at the end, I can get my badge through pity.”

She flips ahead again.

JESSIE: “July 25, 1974. I managed to get into Lt. Surge’s gym today. He called me a baby and made fun of my Pokémon. I sent Zed on him, but his Raichu was way too strong. And Sleepy, Sneezy, and Doc all got knocked out in one hit. Surge said I lost because Pidgey are weak to Electric attacks. I think I lost because he hates me. I’m starting to hate him.”

She flips ahead again.

JESSIE: “September 3, 1974. I’m in the Safari Zone right now, and I can’t catch anything. There are plenty of Chansey and Tauros all over the place, but I’m trying to catch a Dratini. They’re way too fast. I could fight them, but the warden doesn’t let me use my Pokémon. It’s just as well, all my Pokémon stink in battle anyway.”

She flips ahead again.

JESSIE: Wow, the ink’s all smudged on this one...“February 17, 1975. I lost at the Indigo Plateau. I tried and I tried, but I went down in the first round. Everyone was cheering for the winner, but nobody even cared about me. And the worst part is it’s all documented in my PokéDex forever. Well, that’s it! I’m never training Pokémon again! Nobody cares if I succeed or fail! I hate Pokémon! I hate Professor Oak! I hate all those snooty gym leaders! I hate the Elite Four! As far as I’m concerned, they can all drop dead...”

Jessie looks up at James. Both of them are shocked.

JESSIE: That’s where it ends.

James’ eyes move to the fireplace. He sees the blackened remains of a charred and melted PokéDex.

JAMES: I think we’ve found our kidnapper’s motive.

Cut to the underground laboratory. The net of Pokémon is still hanging off the ground, and the Pokémon inside are restless as they try to escape. One Pokémon in particular manages to squeeze his way to the outer reaches of the net - Meowth.

MEOWTH: Jeez! It’s a jungle back there! I don’t even want to know whose butt I was up against.

Meowth grabs the wires and shakes them.

MEOWTH: Wire netting! Man, this lady knows her stuff...well, there’s only one way out of this!

Meowth extends a claw and tries to slash the wire. Instead, his claw breaks. He puts his paw in his mouth to numb the pain.

MEOWTH: Eeergh...okay, that wasn’t the one way out. But this has to be!

He cracks his knuckles and flexes the best he can while squished up against the other Pokémon.

MEOWTH: This shall be my greatest escape yet.

Taking a deep breath, Meowth tries to force his head out through a hole in the wiring. He manages to do so with some difficulty, but his charm pops off his head. It bounces off the concrete floor with a “ding” and rolls underneath one of the massive Poké Ball Storage shelves. Meowth watches with disbelief.

MEOWTH: Oh, that can’t be good.

Straining, Meowth forces his arms through the hole, and finally manages to push the rest of his body through. Once he’s out, he lands on the floor, then looks down to see that he’s dislocated his left arm. He snaps it back into place with noticeable discomfort.

MEOWTH: WHOA, that felt weird...okay, now to find that coin!

Meowth scurries off towards the shelves, but stops dead when he hears the footsteps of the woman approaching. He gasps, looks around, and dives under the shelf just as she enters the room. With her back to the camera, she walks past the net and towards the elevator on the opposite side of the room. Meowth watches her from under the shelf.

WOMAN: Foolish trainers, think they can get their Pokémon back...well, they’ve got a surprise coming for them! As soon as I get that jerk with the hat, I’m dragging him and his search party outside so they can watch me as I murder that rat right before their very eyes.

Meowth puts a paw to his lips.

MEOWTH (thinking): “Jerk with the hat”?...don’t tell me the twerps are here? And the “rat” she’s talking about must be Pikachu...holy moley, she’s gonna kill the mouse! And if Pikachu’s gone...Jessie, James, and I are out of a job!

Meowth leaps out from under the shelf.

MEOWTH: Don’t even think about it, lady!

The woman turns around and looks at Meowth. He realizes what he’s just done.

MEOWTH: Uh, I just stepped outside to use the little kitty’s room. Hope you don’t mind...

The woman grabs Meowth by the scruff of his neck and picks him up, walking back towards the dark room behind the door.

MEOWTH: Wait, I need my charm back first!

WOMAN: You mangy little runts don’t know when to quit, do you? Well, now you get to spend time with your brave and foolish friend here.

MEOWTH: What friend? No friend of mine I know is brave. Foolish, yes, but brave?...

WOMAN (furious): SHUT UP!

She flings the door open again, revealing Pikachu sitting against the wall. He looks up at the sudden illumination of the room. In goes Meowth, landing on the floor in a heap.

WOMAN: Enjoy your time together - as soon as I find those kids, you’re both as good as dead!

She slams the door shut again, casting the room into darkness. Meowth’s voice is heard in the black.

MEOWTH: So...what are you in for?


To be continued...
Man! If you ask me, I think she should drop dead! It is painfully obvious that she was never meant to train pokemon, but was meant to do something else with her life. She just easily lost track of her long life goal, and went crazy. You shouldn't try to waste your life with something you're not meant to be good at. She should learn to move on and try something else.

This is intresting so far. Keep going with it. :)

Kakashi-Sharingan Warrior

Well-Known Member
yay! Jesse mentoined my name!!!

good!!!!! brilliant!!!!!! that old lady shure hates pokemon...all because she sucked she is gonna kill em all..............


Super Gamer
Great Job. It has a great plot. I'm @ school and I read the whole thing XP. I'm in my Computer Class right now. You are a great righter & I love your Pokémon Intensity "Japanese Idol" fan fic too. It was so funny. Now in this one, the girl is a psychotic b****! She should just drop dead. Aren't the Pokémon faster than humans, they could've all attacked her @ once.


Jesse GS the II

I was frozen today!
I got it - I'll give your fic a read.


Cut to another long hallway. Ash and the others continue to search in different rooms.

MAX: I’m telling you guys, they’ve gotta be in the basement!

DANI: We don’t know how this person’s mind works, so don’t jump to conclusions.

MAX: But I’m used to being right all the time, it takes some adjustment to get out of that groove.

Ash closes another door and turns around to see May standing right behind him. He jumps.

ASH: Whoa! May, what is it?

MAY: Do you mind if I ask what you and Misty were talking about earlier?

ASH: Oh, it was nothing really important, she was just asking what the friendship between you and me is like.

MAY: And what’d you tell her?

ASH: I told her that we’re friends and that’s all there is to it. I mean, wouldn’t you agree?

MAY: Yeah, I would. But what else did you say?

ASH: Nothing, really, I just told her that she’s also my friend, same as you. Why are you curious?

MAY: Well, Misty seems to be thinking about something pretty deeply. She’s been that way ever since you talked to her.

ASH: Oh, she’s probably just concerned about the Pokémon like we are. Come on, let’s keep going.

Ash tries to move down the hall, but May puts a hand on his shoulder and stops him.

MAY: I don’t think that’s it, Ash.

Ash turns around and looks at May, then looks at Misty a few feet behind her. She’s looking down at the floor with her hands in her pockets, thinking about something. Ash walks over to her.

ASH: Uh...Misty?


ASH: Um, this may sound like crazy talk, but May and I get the strangest sensation that you’re unhappy about something. Is there anything you’d like to talk about? Because I’m right here, and I know it’s been a while since we last saw each other.

Misty puts her hands behind her back and looks at the floor again.

MISTY: No...no, there’s nothing, really...I’m just concerned about the Pokémon, that’s all.

ASH: Well, don’t worry about that. I get the feeling that we’re gonna find them before too long. Okay?

Misty looks up at Ash. Before she can say anything, Brock opens a door further down the hall.

BROCK (shocked): Whoa! Guys, come take a look at this! I think I’ve found something!

The others run down the hall to where Brock is standing. They look in the door and their jaws drop in surprise. Inside the room is a huge assortment of cages, tanks, and suspended animation tubes, each one inhabited by a different Legendary Pokémon. Raikou, Entei, and Suicune prowl around a large cage on the floor. Ho-Oh, Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres sit on a perch suspended from the ceiling, with their wings banded to their sides so they cannot fly. Celebi rattles a bird cage hanging from above, trying to get out. Mewtwo and Mew attempt to break out of their glass tubes, but cannot break them. Lugia and Kyogre are stuffed into a large aquarium with barely any room to move. Regirock, Regice, and Registeel charge the bars of their cage, trying to break out. Groudon, trapped in another cage, rattles the bars and roars. Rayquaza is stuck in a large glass display habitat in one of the far walls; in the area next to him is Deoxys, and hanging from another birdcage is Jirachi. Ash and the others look around, amazed.

ASH: Incredible!

YOSHI: How on earth did they capture every Legendary Pokémon?

May charges into the room.

MAY: Well, don’t just stand there! We’ve got to set them free!

May tries to open the door to the Legendary Dogs’ cage. As soon as she touches the bars, she’s immediately electrocuted and falls to the floor. Ash and Max run over to help her.

MAX: May! Are you okay?

MAY: Yeah...but remind me not to touch anything else.

BROCK: I don’t believe this! What kind of a person would do this?

Mewtwo knocks on the inside of his suspended animation tube to get everyone’s attention.

MEWTWO: <I can answer that...we were kidnapped by this woman in a giant zeppelin, you see...>

DANI: Yeah, we know about that part, she got our Pokémon too.

As Mewtwo “speaks”, the scene fades to his flashback. In the sky over the Kanto region, the zeppelin’s claws snatch Mewtwo and Mew out of the clouds and pull them into the ship.

MEWTWO: <Wait, I’m not done. Furthermore, I overheard her talking to herself about how she plans to capture every Pokémon in the world, then take them back to her secret base and destroy them all.>

MISTY: Destroy them? Why?

Still in flashback, Mewtwo glares at the woman as she operates the controls of her ship.

MEWTWO: <I attempted to read her mind and find out for myself, but she was ready to contain me.>

The woman picks up a taser and sticks Mewtwo in the side. Electrocuted, Mewtwo falls over paralyzed, and the woman recalls him into an Ultra Ball.
Fade back to the present.

MEWTWO: <Not even my powers would allow me to escape - I had been weakened too much. The same thing happened to all the other Pokémon you see here.>

ASH: So, this woman, whoever she was, wants to kill every Pokémon on earth? That’s sick!

The door to the room suddenly swings open. Everyone turns and gasps when they see the woman standing there, holding her taser.

WOMAN: I don’t recall asking for your opinion, boy.

MAY: So you’re the one who stole our Pokémon! You give ‘em back right now!

The woman laughs uproariously.

WOMAN: You expect me to just surrender to you like that? You expect me to just roll over and give up just because you ask me to? Oh, it’s going to take much more than words to beat me.

Ash twists his hat backwards.

ASH: Good, because I’ve always said that actions speak louder than words!

Ash charges at the woman, ready to tackle her, but she whips out her taser and jabs Ash in the stomach. Electricity courses through his body for a moment, and he falls to the ground. Misty rushes over to him.

MISTY: Ash! Are you all right?

Ash gets to his feet.

ASH: Yeah, I’m fine. Years of living with Pikachu have helped me build up an immunity to that stuff.

WOMAN: Well, see if you’re immune to this!

The woman takes a tiny black ball out of her pocket and throws it on the floor. It immediately bursts open, spraying a pink mist in Ash’s face. The others are soon encased by it, coughing, and they all fall to the floor, asleep. The woman, covering her mouth and nose, puts her taser back on her hip.

WOMAN: And now the fun really begins.

Cut to the dark room where Meowth and Pikachu have been stashed. Meowth paces in circles as Pikachu attempts to sleep. He can’t do so, as he’s too worried. Meowth suddenly stops pacing and looks at the wall. He then runs over to Pikachu and shakes him.

MEOWTH: Hey, mouse, get up! I think I found our way out of here!

PIKACHU (confused): Pika pika?


Meowth points to a hole between the wall and floor. Obviously, Pikachu can’t see anything.

PIKACHU: Pikachu! Pika pi pika...

MEOWTH: Well, yeah, my nighttime vision is six times better than yours. Now come on, I’m gonna get you outta here with me!

Meowth makes a run for the hole. Pikachu grabs him by the tail and stops him.

PIKACHU (suspicious): Pika pikachu? Pi pika?

MEOWTH: Because if you don’t get out of here alive, I’m gonna be out of a job! My boss pays me to chase after you, remember?

PIKACHU: Pika pika?

MEOWTH: Well, no, he hasn’t ever said that, but I’m pretty sure he’d want you anyway.

PIKACHU: Pika pi...Pika pikachu chu pikachu.

MEOWTH (offended): What? Jessie and James? Those jerks? Forget them, as soon as we get out of here, I’m headin’ straight back to Team Rocket headquarters and askin’ for new partners. Partners who’ll actually respect me for once! Now come on, I gotta get my charm back before I do anything else.

Meowth tries to squeeze through the hole, but he can’t fit on his own.

MEOWTH (straining): Rrrgh...hey, mouse, come here and give me a push.

Pikachu leans against Meowth’s backside and tries to push him further into the hole. Suddenly, Pikachu’s ears perk up.

PIKACHU (scared): Pika pika! Pikachu!

MEOWTH (muffled): Whaddya mean she’s comin’ back? Quick, push me the rest of the way through!

Pikachu continues to shove as the woman’s footsteps draw closer outside the room. Finally, one last push sends Meowth disappearing into the wall - just as the woman opens the door. Pikachu stands over the hole and tries to look innocent. The woman walks in and grabs him.

WOMAN: Come with me, rat - we’ve got business to tend to.

She walks out, carrying Pikachu, and slams the door behind her.
Cut to the exterior of the mansion, overlooking the cliffside. Ash and the others are lying on the ground, still asleep. The woman walks up to them and kicks Ash awake.

WOMAN: Get up, kid.

Ash stirs, as do the others. They look up and stare at the woman - no longer obscured by any shadows. Her long brown hair blows in the night wind, and her dark vest and skirt are nearly indistinguishable from the night sky. She is still holding Pikachu. Ash notices this and makes a grab for him.

ASH: Pikachu!

But when Ash lifts his arms, he sees that he’s been handcuffed. Everybody else has been too. Ash glares at the woman angrily.

ASH: What are you going to do with him?

WOMAN: In good time, kid. For now, I want you to savor this view of the ocean. Pleasant, isn’t it? You’d better enjoy it, too, because this is the last time you’ll ever be outside.

BROCK: Look, who are you anyway?

The woman turns to face them.

WOMAN: Well, since you won’t get to tell anyone anyway...my name is Laura Costantino. You may remember me as the one who stole all your Pokémon.

MAX: Yeah, we know who you are! What’s your problem, anyway?

Laura leans over and gets right in Max’s face.

LAURA: My problem is none of your concern. All you need to know is that you’ve all reached the end of your Pokémon journies...just like I was forced to reach the end of mine so early in life.

YOSHI: So that’s it, then? You’re trying to compensate for the fact that you’re not a trainer anymore? And your idea of doing so is killing every Pokémon in the world?

MISTY: That’s not even close to sensible, let alone fair!

Laura, who has turned around to face the sea again, suddenly stops. She slowly turns back towards Misty.

LAURA (eerily calm, becoming increasingly angry): Fair? You’re telling me what is and isn’t fair? Let me tell you a little something, then. A little story about a girl, age 10, who set off to become a Pokémon trainer with the hopes of vanquishing the Elite Four and becoming the greatest Pokémon Master of all time. But this girl got dealt the wrong hand in life. This girl came out last in every battle she participated in. This girl couldn’t catch any decent Pokémon. This girl was taunted and teased by every gym leader and trainer she ever met! This girl was knocked out of the Pokémon League Finals after only one battle! And this girl has been stewing in her own hatred for years, and now she’s finally exacting her revenge on the Pokémon world that treated her so badly! That’s an eye for an eye! A tooth for a tooth! AND YOU HAVE THE GALL TO SIT THERE AND TELL ME WHAT IS AND ISN’T FAIR?!?!

Misty trembles a little bit.

MISTY (frightened): B-b-but just because you weren’t a great trainer, it doesn’t mean you have to exact revenge...

LAURA: Did I say that stuff happened to me?

MISTY: No, but it’s obvious it did...

LAURA: Did I say that stuff happened to me?

MISTY: ...No...

Laura grabs Misty by the collar and backhands her in the face on every word she says.


ASH (infuriated): LEAVE HER ALONE!

Laura lets go of Misty and turns her flaming eyes towards Ash. Misty huddles on the ground, crying.

ASH: Don’t you dare hit Misty again! If you have a problem with her, you have a problem with me!

Laura picks up Pikachu again.

LAURA: This is your Pikachu, right?

ASH (apprehensive): Yes...

LAURA (insanely angry): WELL THEN, YOU GO GET HIM!!!

Laura suddenly hauls back and throws Pikachu off the cliff. Everyone gasps, but Ash leaps after him, running toward the edge of the cliff.


MISTY (terrified): ASH, NO!

She’s too late - Ash takes a running jump off the edge of the cliff and dives after Pikachu. Misty runs to the cliff’s edge and watches them fall. Ash reaches for Pikachu in midair and realizes his hands are still cuffed together. He manages to grab Pikachu nonetheless.

PIKACHU (scared): Pika pi!

ASH: I wasn’t going to let her win, Pikachu - we started our journey together, and we’re gonna end it together.

And with that, Ash and Pikachu hit the water with a huge splash.

MISTY (horrified): NOOOOOO!!!

The remnants of the splash disappear in the waves as they crash against the rocks. Ash and Pikachu are nowhere to be seen. Misty tries to fight back her tears, but can’t do it and starts all-out sobbing. Her eyes suddenly flash with anger and she lunges at Laura.


Laura manages to wrestle Misty off of her. With one fluid motion, Laura then draws a gun on the group.

LAURA: Anyone who so much as THINKS of attacking me again, you have to answer to this, understand? Now, inside! GO!

May, Max, Brock, Dani, Yoshi, and Misty all carefully get up and head for the rear entrance. Laura keeps her gun trained on them as they reluctantly return inside. The camera wides out and pans down the cliff to the sea, where the waves continue to crash against the rocks - and suddenly, Ash and Pikachu burst out of the water, gasping.


To be continued...
Okay, one small problem with it. How did she get Jirachi? With all that I know about the 6th movie, there would be no way she could get it, unless she somehow tricked the legend into awakening in the first place. Also, according to the studies I've made, any attempt at trying to break the crystal, could very well destroy it in the process. (The studies are rather complex, and take a brilliant mind in mathematics to understand.) :)

So, how did she get it? I'm confussed. o_0

Jesse GS the II

I was frozen today!
I haven't seen any movie past the third one, so I didn't know that. But if Laura didn't capture EVERY Pokémon in the world, she wouldn't be as nasty. Let's just say she found a way to do it - she's just that devoted. Heck, this plot's been boiling in her cerebrum since 1975, I imagine she'd have everything worked out.
Okay, here's the rest of the review. :)

Loved the pokeshipping moment. (Ash is just so protective of Misty, huh?) ;)

I hope you keep going like this.

I'm thinking up a certian ending in my head. I just hope it happens. :)

Jesse GS the II

I was frozen today!
I've got an ending in mind too, but I don't know if it's anything like yours. In either case, let's get a little closer to it...


Cut to the interior of the mansion. In the massive kitchen, a small crack suddenly forms in one of the walls. It gets bigger and bigger until finally, Meowth bursts out and lands on the floor in a heap. He coughs amidst the dust. His charm is still missing from his forehead.

MEOWTH: There has to be an easier way to sneak around this house.

Meowth suddenly turns towards the doorway when he hears two sets of footsteps outside.

MEOWTH: Oh no, she’s back! And she’s got someone with her! I gotta hide!

He darts around, looking for a hiding place, and finally flings open the stainless steel refrigerator door and hides himself in one of the drawers, letting the door slam shut behind him. The kitchen door opens, revealing that it was actually Jessie and James who were approaching.

JESSIE: Nope, no good, this is the kitchen.

JAMES: Aw, where the heck are our Pokémon?

James looks towards the fridge.

JAMES: Well, as long as we’re here, we might as well help ourselves to something.

JESSIE: How can you eat at a time like this? Our Pokémon are trapped somewhere and this psycho lady wants to kill them!

JAMES: I’m trying to think up a strategy. It’s not my fault if I don’t work well on an empty stomach.

James opens the fridge and peruses the items inside. He opens one of the drawers and yelps in surprise, jumping backwards and hitting his head on a row of hanging pots. Meowth pokes his head out of the drawer, shivering.

MEOWTH: Glad to see you too.

Jessie’s face lights up at the sight of Meowth.

JESSIE: Meowth! There you are! We’ve been looking all over for you! Come on, we’ve gotta find the rest of our Pokémon.

Meowth hops out of the drawer.

MEOWTH: Yeah, fat chance. Don’t think I’ve forgotten what you said to me the other day.

JESSIE: Oh, come on, Meowth, can’t you forgive us? We were angry, we weren’t thinking straight...

MEOWTH: If that’s the case, you two must always be angry.

James thinks about that for a moment.

JAMES (getting it): Hey!

MEOWTH: Forget about it. I’m not gonna put up with your lack of respect anymore! I’ve worked with you guys for too long, and when I get back to the boss, I’m signin’ up for new partners!

JAMES: Yeah, but how are you gonna get back to Viridian City?


Meowth stops and thinks for a moment.

MEOWTH (incensed): Shut up.

JESSIE: Meowth, please, think about it! You’re our best friend!

MEOWTH: If I’m your best friend, how come you’ve never treated me as an equal, huh? How come you’ve never let me fight a battle? Is it because you think I’m too weak? Is it because you don’t have any confidence in me? What is it?

JAMES: Look, it’s not like that!

MEOWTH: Then what is it like?

JAMES (struggling): It’s...it’s...okay, I don’t know what it’s like!

Meowth crosses his arms and turns away from Jessie and James.

MEOWTH: That’s what I thought.

JESSIE: Meowth...

MEOWTH: You go on without me - I’m just gonna go back to the other Pokémon and tell them what you said.

Jessie perks up when she hears Meowth say “other Pokémon”.

JESSIE (excited): You know where our Pokémon are?

MEOWTH: I know where all the Pokémon are. I was captured same as everyone else, remember?

JAMES: Where are they?

MEOWTH: Pssh, like I’m gonna tell you. You think you deserve to have Pokémon? They probably don’t even want to be with you after what you said to them. I know I don’t!

Meowth turns around again. Jessie and James look at him sadly. A tear forms in the corner of Jessie’s eye.

JESSIE: So...this is it? After all those years together...it’s over?

MEOWTH: You better believe it is.

Jessie and James slowly turn around and walk back out the door of the kitchen, leaving Meowth behind. He glares at the wall angrily, but his glare starts to weaken as he hears the door close. He closes his eyes and sighs deeply.
Cut to the dark room where Pikachu was kept. Laura flings open the door and shoves Misty, May, Max, Brock, Yoshi, and Dani inside.

LAURA: You six stay here while I get the show ready - I want to make sure it’s agonizing enough.

She slams the door, and a “click” from the other side proves that she’s locked them in. Misty sits against the far wall, buries her face in her hands, and starts crying again. Yoshi pats her on the back.

YOSHI: Hey, look, I’m sorry about...what happened back there. There wasn’t anything we could do.

MISTY (between sobs): Don’t be sorry, it’s not your fault...

YOSHI: Well, it’s not your fault either, so there’s no sense in crying over it.

MISTY: You don’t understand, you don’t know Ash like I did. I’ve known him longer than any of you. None of you have the same friendship I had with him!

BROCK: It’s okay, Misty, I understand. I knew him almost as long as you did...come here.

Brock sits next to Misty and puts his arm around her. Misty sniffles, then grabs a corner of Brock’s coat and blows her nose on it. She sniffs again.

MISTY: Thanks...

BROCK: Hey, I’m here to help.

DANI: Guys, seeing Ash go like that was sad, but you have to remember that he went out bravely. I mean, he was trying to save Pikachu, after all.

MISTY: That’s Ash for you, always putting others before himself...he was a great guy like that...

MAX: Well, I for one think that if Ash was still here, he wouldn’t want us to get hung up like this. Just because he’s gone, it doesn’t mean we can just give up. We’ve still got Pokémon to save, right?

BROCK: Exactly! But we’ve got to find a way out of here first.

DANI: I think I’ve got an idea...Yoshi, give me your backpack!

Yoshi takes off his backpack and hands it to Dani. She rummages around for something in the dark and finally pulls out Yoshi’s Trainer ID card.

DANI: If they can unlock doors with credit cards, surely your ID card work just as well!

YOSHI: Whoa, hey, won’t that cut it in half?

DANI: It’s a small price to pay, my friend! Besides, you can always ask Professor Elm for a new one.

YOSHI: Then why don’t we just use yours?

DANI: Because it’s my plan and I get to decide how it works. Now come on!

Dani locates the spot between the door and the frame and starts jiggling the card. As she does, May walks over to where Misty is still sitting.

MAY: Hey, Misty, do you mind if I ask you something?

MISTY: Yeah, go ahead.

May sits down against the wall.

MAY: Well, when Ash...you know...and when you tried to tackle Laura, what did you mean when you said “he was the only thing I had”? Surely, you didn’t mean “friend” - I mean, you’ve got all of us...

Misty looks up at May through her red, tear-clouded eyes.

MISTY: It’s a...a personal matter, really. I don’t know if I want to discuss it.

MAY: Oh...okay, I wouldn’t want to force it out of you or nothing.

May gets up and heads over towards the door.

MISTY: Wait - May?

May turns around.

MAY: Yeah?

MISTY: Uh...look, you and Ash...there, uh...there wasn’t anything going on there, was there?

MAY: What do you mean?

MISTY (struggling): Well, you...and he, I mean...oh, jeez, this is embarrassing...uh, you two weren’t...um...

MAY: We were just friends, if that’s what you’re getting at.

MISTY: Oh...oh, yeah, well, that’s obvious! That wasn’t what I was asking!

MAY: Well, then, what are you asking?

Misty looks at May for a moment, then looks at the floor.

MISTY: Nothing.

May shrugs and sets off for the door again. Misty sighs and covers her face with her hands.
Cut to the cave beneath the cliff. Ash has his handcuff chain stretched over a rock while Pikachu smashes it with another rock. After several attempts, the chain finally breaks. Ash flexes his wrists.

ASH: Well, it’s not perfect, but at least I can move my arms. Thanks, Pikachu.

Pikachu smiles.

ASH: Okay, now we’ve got to get back up to the mansion and rescue the Pokémon. Any idea how we do that?

PIKACHU: Pika pika!

Pikachu points to the elevator.

ASH: Yes! Perfect!

Ash and Pikachu run across the sand and under the giant zeppelin to the elevator doors. Ash pushes the button.

VOICE: Restricted access. Identification required.

ASH: Uh-oh...well, it’s worth a shot.

Ash speaks clearly into the button panel.

ASH: Ash Ketchum.

VOICE: Invalid identification. Prepare to be vaporized. Have a nice day.

Once again, the lasers descend from the ceiling. Ash screams and covers his face, but instead of being vaporized, the lasers shoot sparks and shake. Ash sees that Pikachu is electrocuting the button panel. Finally, the panel explodes, and the two lasers fall out of the ceiling and crash to the ground. The doors slide open.

ASH: You know, Pikachu, sometimes you really come in handy.

Ash and Pikachu step inside the elevator, and the doors close. Ash looks at the different buttons.

ASH: Hmm, this could be a problem...I still don’t know where the Pokémon actually are...and we need to find Misty and the others too.

PIKACHU: Pika pi! Pikachu!

Pikachu points at the button labelled “B”. Ash smiles.

ASH: The basement! You know, I think it’s high time we took Max’s advice.

Ash presses the button, and the elevator begins its ascent.


To be continued...
OMG, that....was.....Frickin' Awesome! Dude, the people who make pokemon should look at this, and use it as a movie idea! Then you would get paid money for writing it.

Kakashi-Sharingan Warrior

Well-Known Member


this is just amazing!!!!

Jesse GS the II

I was frozen today!
Here's Installment #7 (can you believe this has been going for a week already?)...


Cut to the dark room. The camera pans across three broken Trainer ID cards littered on the floor, then pans up to Dani, wriggling a fourth one in the space between the door and the frame. May, Misty, Brock, Max, and Yoshi stand around her, looking upset. Finally, the card snaps in half, but the door still isn’t open. Dani hands the pieces back to Brock, who is looking particularly irate.

DANI: Sorry, Brock.

BROCK (sarcastic): Perhaps you’d like my gym leader ID too?

DANI: Really? You’d do that?

BROCK: Of course not! It was sarcasm!

YOSHI: Why don’t you use your card?

DANI: Ah, I think it’s pretty safe to say that this isn’t working.

YOSHI: Yeah, convenient that you decide that only after you’ve destroyed everyone’s ID except your own.

MAX (hysterical): It’s hopeless! We’re never gonna find our way out of here! We’re doomed!

May grabs Max by the shoulders and slaps him.

MAY: Snap out of it, Max! Get a hold of yourself!

Max runs his hand through his hair nervously.

MAX: Sorry, I don’t know what got into me.

YOSHI: This is ridiculous. There has to be a way to escape...let me lie down, I think better in a horizontal position...

Yoshi lies down on the floor, but his head makes a “clang” noise. He sits up and rubs the back of his head in pain.

YOSHI: OW! What was that?

Misty feels the floor where Yoshi’s head was.

MISTY: I think it’s a sewer cover! Somebody help me get it off!

Everyone grabs an edge of the cover and lifts. The cover slowly comes off, revealing a ladder leading down to an unseen pipe.

MAY: Yes! All we have to do is follow the pipes! We’re bound to find the room where our Pokémon are eventually!

BROCK: Good job, Yoshi. Thanks for finding that.

YOSHI: And thank you for not making a lame “using your head” pun.

One by one, the six trainers descend into the sewer.
Cut to Jessie and James wandering the halls of the mansion. Both of them look very dejected.

JAMES: I can’t believe Meowth actually did that. Doesn’t he realize we’re sorry?

JESSIE: There’s just no convincing a guy like that.

JAMES: You know, it’s really our fault, if you think about it. We haven’t treated him right all these years. Either we leave him out of our plans entirely or we make him do the hard work - and then we don’t even let him battle.

JESSIE: And he brings up a really valid point - why DIDN’T we let him battle?

JAMES: Well, it’s not like he ever expressed any interest in it before now. But I guess we could have let him.

JESSIE: And he could have been so powerful...jeez, I feel like such a heel.

James looks at Jessie suspiciously.

JAMES: A heel?

JESSIE: It’s an old term nobody uses anymore, like “cruisin’ for a bruisin’.”

JAMES: Oh...

Jessie and James stop in front of a door at the end of the hall.

JAMES: You want to try this room?

JESSIE: It’s worth a shot.

They open the door and their jaws drop upon seeing that they’ve walked into the room where the legendaries are kept.

JAMES (ecstatic): Holy mackerel, we hit the jackpot!!!

JESSIE: Oh, it’s okay for you to say “holy mackerel” but I can’t say “heel” without getting a look?

JAMES: Look, Jessie - legendary Pokémon! All of them, from the looks of it! Can you imagine the promotions we’d get if we showed up at Giovanni’s office with –

Jessie slaps James in the back of the head.

JESSIE: Not now, you moron! We’ve got more important things to think about!

JAMES (small): Yes, ma’am.

Mewtwo looks up in his suspended animation chamber and notices the Rocket agents.

MEWTWO: <You again! Don’t tell me you’re behind this?>

JESSIE: No, of course not! We’re actually trying to find our Pokémon at the moment.

MEWTWO: <Well, you won’t find them in here, this room is reserved for legendaries only.>

JESSIE: I can’t believe this wacko would keep you all locked up like this...

MEWTWO: <We tried to escape, believe me. Latios and Latias tried transforming into humans to unlock their cage, but the locks are on the outside.>

Jessie looks at Latios and Latias, crammed into a steel cage next to the Legendary Dogs. Latias cocks its head in a “so-I-screwed-up-what-are-you-looking-at” way. James notices Jirachi’s birdcage hanging from the ceiling.

JAMES: Whoa! How did they get Jirachi?

Jirachi rattles the bars of its cage.

JIRACHI: Jiraaa-chi!

MEWTWO: <He says “long story”.>

JESSIE: Listen, maybe you can help us. Do you know where the rest of the Pokémon are being kept?

MEWTWO: <Have you tried the basement?>

JAMES: No, actually, we hadn’t. Is that where they are?

MEWTWO: <I don’t know for sure, but most all evil masterminds run their sinister plots out of their basements.>

JESSIE: Then that’s our next stop! Come on, James.

Jessie runs out of the room. James follows, but stops and looks at the Legendary Dogs’ cage.

JAMES: Can’t I just have one of the dogs?

Entei barks and snaps at James from behind the bars. He squeaks and backs out of the room.
Cut to the interior of the elevator. Ash and Pikachu are still inside as it continues its journey up towards the basement.

ASH: Any second now, we’ll be back in the house and on our way to reuniting with all the other Pokémon.

PIKACHU: Pika pika?

Ash looks down at Pikachu.

ASH: Hey, you’re right! If Laura captured every Pokémon in the world, that means she must have caught the ones I released! I’ll finally get to see them again!

Ash starts counting off on his fingers.

ASH: That’s Charizard, Squirtle, Lapras, Pidgeot, Primeape, maybe Butterfree if he’s still alive...uh, who am I forgetting?


ASH: I don’t think Haunter counts, but yeah.

Suddenly the elevator shudders to a stop. The lights flicker out.

ASH (irritated): Great, just what I need at this point.

Ash looks up and sees a small escape door in the ceiling. He tries to reach it, but he’s too short.

ASH: Oh, that figures...hey, Pikachu, if I hold you up, do you think you can see what’s wrong up there?

PIKACHU (confidently): Pikachu!

Cut to outside the elevator car. The door swings open and Pikachu’s head pokes out. He looks up the elevator shaft and gasps.

PIKACHU (frightened): Pika pika! Pi pikachu!

Inside the car, Ash stands on his tiptoes, holding Pikachu up.

ASH: What? What do you see?

Suddenly, Pikachu disappears from Ash’s hands. Ash barely has time to wonder what happens before an arm reaches in through the door, grabs the hood on Ash’s jacket, and pulls him up through the door. Once on the roof of the elevator, Ash sees that he’s been grabbed by Laura. She holds Pikachu by the ears in her other hand.

LAURA (seething): You couldn’t leave well enough alone, could you?

ASH: Uh, you wouldn’t, by any chance, be feeling merciful right now, would you?

Laura slams the escape door shut with her foot, throws Pikachu down to the roof, pulls a small remote control out of her pocket, and hits a button on it. The elevator starts moving upward again.

LAURA: Actually, I suppose it’s rather beneficial that you arrived when you did - you get to join your friends after all. I’ve got quite the show in store for you...

Ash gulps as the elevator moves further upward towards the open doors that lead to the basement.


To be continued...
Okay, another small thing you should know.

Jirachi can actually speak telepathically, and tends to have the voice that's child like in both versions of the movie. (Got info from others who saw the original with that one.) :)

Sorry about pointing a mistake out, but it's a habit I developed in High School! So sue me! >_<

Anyways, it was good how Dani destroyed everyone's Trainer ID's before giving up, I kinda liked that.

I also like the small clearing up thing you made with Jirachi. It at least stops some people from asking. :) (Remember, as the author, you're supposed to know the whole story inside and out. Every little detail possible needs to be explained.)

Anyways, this is good, and I have a feeling things will start to get very intresting.

Keep it up! :)

;151; - *in bed early with avatar*