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"Pokémon the Movie 8.5" (my first non-Intensity fanfic)

Jesse GS the II

I was frozen today!
Thanks for the heads up, pokeplayer - I edited my original, at least. Anyway, let's keep this moving (we're getting closer to the conclusion now)...


Cut to the sewer beneath the basement. Misty, May, Max, Brock, Dani, and Yoshi walk through a large pipe, their feet splashing in the inch of water below them.

MISTY: Now, let’s see...if we just came in through that hole over there, then that ladder up ahead should lead us to the next room.

She points at the ladder hanging from the ceiling in front of her.

BROCK: Okay, but how do we get the cover off?

YOSHI: We push like heck.

The six trainers approach the ladder and ascend it one by one. However, Misty and Brock wait at the bottom for a moment. Misty seems concerned about something.

BROCK: Is something wrong?

MISTY: Well...I’ve been thinking about what’ll happen when we get to the Pokémon. I mean, who’s gonna break the news to Ash’s team members?

BROCK: Oh...well, it won’t be easy, I’ll admit...but why don’t I do it? You seem troubled enough by it as it is, I wouldn’t want you to have to talk about it again.

MISTY: Thanks, Brock...that’s very considerate of you.

Dani yells down from the top of the ladder.

DANI: Hey, you guys, we’re not doing this for our health!

MISTY: Sorry!

Misty and Brock climb up the ladder to help.
Cut to the bathroom, several floors up. Meowth climbs on top of the sink and looks at his reflection in the mirror.

MEOWTH: I really gotta get that charm back...it’s like I’m naked without it.

Meowth looks down at the rest of his body.

MEOWTH: Then again, I’m always naked, aren’t I?

He starts pacing back and forth on the sink.

MEOWTH: You know, I’m starting to wonder if I was too hard on Jessie and James...they really seemed sorry, after all, and I have spent a lot of time with ‘em...no, I can’t forget the principal aspect at work here - they didn’t treat me with enough respect! It’s high time I left them while I’ve still got my dignity!

Not looking where he’s going, Meowth steps off the side of the sink, trips on the lever on the toilet tank, and falls into the bowl with a splash. The toilet flushes, taking Meowth down with it.
Cut to the dark room. Laura unlocks the door and flings it open, still carrying Ash and Pikachu.

LAURA: Now you stay in here with your...

Laura looks around and sees that everyone else is gone.

ASH: My what?

LAURA (infuriated): Where did they go? I locked them up in here ten minutes ago! They couldn’t possibly have...

Suddenly, Laura spots the open manhole in the center of the room.

LAURA: Rrrgh! I was hoping they wouldn’t find that!

She begins climbing the ladder down to the sewer. Ash and Pikachu lean against the wall.

ASH: So, should I just wait here for them?

LAURA: Oh no you don’t! You and your rat are coming down here with me!

PIKACHU (offended): Pikachu?

ASH: And what if I refuse?

Laura pulls out her gun again.

LAURA: Then you’ll have to answer to this little baby.

Ash gulps again and follows Laura down the ladder. Pikachu goes with him.
Cut to the sewer. The other six trainers continue to push on the manhole cover with great difficulty. Finally, it begins to move.

MAY: Bingo! We’re that much closer to our Pokémon!

They all stop suddenly when they hear a rushing noise. They look at the smaller pipe jutting into their pipe as the rushing gets closer. Finally, a huge flow of water shoots out of the pipe, carrying Meowth with it. He splatters on the floor of the pipe, dripping wet.

MEOWTH (gasping): Never...again...

MISTY: Meowth? What are you doing here?

MEOWTH: What, you think I didn’t get captured along with everyone else? I’ve been tryin’ to make my escape for the last hour!

MAX: And you thought you’d flush yourself to freedom?

MEOWTH (pointing to the pipe): I didn’t mean to do that, you idiot.

Suddenly, splashing noises are heard coming from further down the pipe. Everyone turns to see Laura, Ash, and Pikachu walking towards them. Misty’s face lights up at the sight of Ash.

MISTY (excited): ASH! You’re still alive!

ASH: Misty!

Ash tries to run towards the ladder, but Laura puts out an arm to stop him.

LAURA: As happy as I’m sure this reunion is, I’m afraid I have to cut it short. You see, there’s still the small problem of you all being alive, and I’d like to remedy that as soon as possible.

MAY: You don’t scare us anymore! Our Pokémon are right on the other side of this hole, and once we get to them...

Laura laughs sinisterly.

LAURA: Perhaps, but I’m more interested in what’s on the other side of this hole.

She points to the end of the pipe, at which a large door with a revolving handle is located. She begins to walk over to it.

LAURA: For, you see, when I had this house constructed, I also knew that after I destroyed the world’s Pokémon, I wanted to live a nice, comfy life, so I had a swimming pool installed. And where there’s a pool...

She begins unscrewing the handle as the trainers, Pikachu, and Meowth watch in horror.

LAURA: There’s bound to be a filter!

She wrenches open the door, sending gallons upon gallons of water rushing out. She hides behind the open door to avoid getting swept away. Ash, Pikachu, and Meowth scramble up the ladder as the water barrels down on them. They narrowly avoid being carried away down the pipe.

ASH: Why aren’t we going anywhere?

MISTY: Keep pushing!

The trainers continue to push on the manhole cover. Laura, holding onto the top of the door, looks at them evilly.

LAURA: Don’t even think about it!

She jumps off the door and dives after them. As she drifts by the ladder, she grabs hold of one of the rungs and begins to climb. Ash and the others keep pushing until, finally, the manhole cover slides off the hole.

ASH: Yes!

They work their way out through the top of the hole as Laura continues to climb.

LAURA: Come back here and die already!

MEOWTH: Not today!

As Laura places her hand on the top rung of the ladder, Meowth extends his claws and slashes her fingers. She withdraws her hand in pain - and in doing so, loses her grip on the ladder. She falls into the rushing water below as Ash and the others replace the manhole cover. As soon as it’s back in place, Misty jumps up and hugs Ash.

MISTY: Oh, Ash! Thank God you’re all right!

ASH: Yeah, I didn’t think I was gonna make it at first. But clean living prevailed!

Brock taps Ash on the shoulder.

BROCK: Hey, take a look at this!

Everyone looks around to see the shelves of Poké Balls and the giant net of Pokémon.

PIKACHU (amazed): Pikaaaa-chu...

MEOWTH: You’re tellin’ me...

ASH: Well, come on! We can’t just stand here, we’ve gotta find our teams!

The trainers run down the first aisle of shelves.

ASH: Guys! Where are you?

MAY: Is anyone from my team down here?

BROCK: Anybody?

There is no answer.

DANI: Well, it’s not like these balls are gonna open themselves.

YOSHI: You mean we’ve gotta throw every single one of these things until we find our Pokémon?

MISTY: You know what, let’s come back to this later. I say we free the wild Pokémon first.

MAX: Good idea.

The trainers return to the net where the wild Pokémon continue to struggle. As soon as Ash and May are present, Swellow and Beautifly squeeze to the edge of the net and call for their trainers.

ASH: Hey! Swellow and Beautifly are in there!

MAY: Quick! Somebody cut the net!

MEOWTH: I tried that already. It’s made out of wires, and unless you got something strong enough to break through metal, I’d say you’re out of luck.

MISTY: Well, there’s gotta be something...

Meowth thinks for a moment.

MEOWTH: Wait a minute...this is all wild Pokémon. That means...yes! They’ve gotta be in here!

Meowth suddenly jumps onto the netting and climbs to the top.

ASH: What’s he up to?

MAX: It better be something beneficial.

Meowth reaches the very top of the net, puts his paw in his mouth, and whistles. After a few seconds of struggling, two familiar Pokémon emerge at the top of the crowd - Jessie’s Arbok and James’ Weezing.

ARBOK: Chaabokka!

WEEZING: Weez-ing...

MEOWTH: Hey guys! Remember me?

Down below, the other trainers are amazed.

MISTY: Arbok and Weezing!

MAX: Who?

ASH: They’re the Pokémon that Jessie and James used to own before they came to Hoenn.

BROCK: To be honest, I liked them a lot better than the Seviper and Cacnea they have now.

Back at the top of the net, Meowth explains his plan to Arbok and Weezing.

MEOWTH: So, on the count of three, you two hit it with the Acid, got it? But take it easy, try not to hit any of the other Pokémon, okay?

ARBOK: Chaa!

WEEZING: Weezing weez!

MEOWTH: All right - THREE!

Arbok and Weezing let loose with their Acid attacks. Slowly, it starts to burn a small hole in the net. Meowth moves out of the way, then looks down at the trainers and gives an OK sign.

MEOWTH: It’s workin’!

Ash and the others look on with anticipation. Their expressions change to those of great dread when they hear the loud “clang” behind them. They turn around to see Laura, dripping wet and seething, standing at the open manhole and breathing heavily.

LAURA (outraged): This...ends...here...

ASH: Laura!

MEOWTH: Guys, pick it up! We ain’t got much time!

Arbok and Weezing start attacking harder, and the hole in the net gets bigger. Laura grabs a tranquilizer gun leaning against the wall, cocks it, and fires towards the net twice. The darts shoot through the hole and plug Arbok and Weezing in the stomach. They stop attacking and begin to sway back and forth.

MEOWTH: Oh, come on, you two, don’t give up! You were almost there!

But the two Pokémon fall over, asleep. Meowth lets go of the net and falls toward the floor. Misty catches him.

LAURA: You kids have put my plans on hold for the last time! Well, that does it! I’m gonna see to it that you don’t disrupt my plans ever again!

Laura readies the tranquilizer gun again.

BROCK: Wait!

Brock steps forward.

BROCK: Before you do whatever it is you’re about to do, I’d like to say just one thing...

He turns around and heads for the elevator.


Ash and the others follow suit. But Laura is too fast for them, and manages to plug each trainer, Pikachu, and Meowth in the back with a dart. They begin running slower until, finally, they can’t even stand up and drop to the floor. Laura walks over with a look of pure malice on her face and throws the gun aside.

LAURA: Going up...

She drags the unconscious trainers and Pokémon to the elevator one by one, then hits the “UP” button, shoves them all inside, and begins her ascent up to the main floor of the house.


To be continued...
Okay, first off, your welcome. :)

Second, Man! That girl just won't quit! 0_0 This is very intresting. I hated it when that evil girl inturruptted the reunion. I really should've seen that coming. >_< Also, with how much determination she has, it's hard to believe that she sucks so badly at Pokemon. Then again, such a thing is possible. :)

This is great! Keep it up!

Oh, and just how much further are you planning to go with this? :)

Well, see ya. :)

;151; - *on the phone with the avatar*


Is Back!!! For now.
Im luvin this.... very interesting. Very, very interesting. Cant wait what happens next.

Jesse GS the II

I was frozen today!
To answer several questions at once - after this installment, it should only take me one more to wrap the story up. And I do have a demise in store for Laura, but I don't think it's very grisly. It is adequate, though.


Cut to the room where Laura’s Pokémon training items are kept. The door swings open, and Laura, noticeably exhausted, drags the trainers and Pokémon into the room.

LAURA (gasping): Note to self...next time, don’t use the tranquilizer gun...

Nonetheless, she kicks Ash in the side to wake him up. He stirs, as do the others.

LAURA: All right, you worthless louts, this is it. As soon as I’m out this door, I’m locking you in and you’ll never see your Pokémon again!

ASH: What is wrong with you? Okay, so you weren’t a great trainer, but that’s no reason to go crazy like this!

Laura is offended.

LAURA: Excuse me?

MISTY: Ash is right! If you weren’t a good Pokémon trainer, you should have applied yourself until you got better!

ASH: I didn’t win all my gym battles on the first try, but I didn’t give up!

MAY: I’ve lost my share of contests, and it never gets me discouraged!

MEOWTH: I used to work with two jerks whose entire career is built on them losing!

BROCK: “Used to”?

MEOWTH: Long story, I’ll explain later.

YOSHI: Look, the point is, can’t you just find it in your heart to give training another try? Can’t you just forget about your losses and start over?...Can’t you just let the Pokémon be?

Laura thinks about that for a moment, looking sincerely contemplative. Then, without warning, she pulls out her gun.

LAURA: Nope.

She aims directly at Ash’s head and squeezes the trigger. Misty screams, grabs Ash, and pulls him out of the way just in time. The bullet blasts out of the barrel, hits the windowsill across the room, ricochets off the ceiling, banks off the doorframe, and finally hits the knob that controls the fireplace, turning it all the way to the left. The fireplace bursts into flames, setting fire to the armchair, the rug, and the walls. Laura puts her gun back in its holster.

LAURA (smug): Well, that’s even better than what I had in mind. Well, gotta run - so many Pokémon to kill, so little time.

Laura walks out the door and closes it behind her. Ash makes a dive for the doorknob, but Laura locks it from the other side before he can do anything. Everyone recoils in horror as the flames spread to the shelves of Pokémon memorabilia. The photos burn in their frames. The table holding the diary crashes to the floor, setting the diary itself ablaze.

DANI: So now what do we do?

MEOWTH: In a situation this dire, I usually resort to this.

Meowth starts clawing at the door frantically.


Cut to the hallway. Jessie and James walk by, in the direction of the burning room.

JESSIE: I can’t believe that in this huge house, we can’t find the stupid elevator. You’d think it’d be on one of these floors!

James sniffs the air.

JAMES: Hey, do you smell something burning?

JESSIE: Actually, yeah, now that you mention it...

They look in the direction of the room and notice smoke coming from the space between the door and the frame.

JESSIE: It’s coming from that room!

JAMES: That room...isn’t that the room with all the Pokémon training stuff?

JESSIE: I think so.

JAMES: We can’t let that stuff go up in flames! I could use that Itemfinder I saw in there!

Jessie and James rush to the door and knock.

JESSIE: Is there anyone in here?

Meowth’s voice comes from the other side of the door.

MEOWTH: Jessie! Is that you?

JAMES: Meowth! Are you all right in there?

Cut to inside the room. The trainers try to stamp out the flames behind Meowth.

MEOWTH: Not for long, I won’t be! Look, I need you guys to do me a huge favor!

Back in the hall, Jessie and James look apprehensive.

JESSIE: Why? I thought you said we weren’t partners anymore! That we never treat you with respect!

JAMES: That hurt, man, it really did.

MEOWTH: Well...

Back inside, tears start to well in Meowth’s eyes.

MEOWTH: I’m sorry about all that! I was wrong, okay? I’ve been with you guys for too long to just dump you like that! I take it all back! You guys aren’t horrible trainers, you’re the only friends I ever had!

JAMES: You...you mean it?

MEOWTH: Yes, I mean it!

Back outside, Jessie and James seem touched.

JESSIE: Oh, Meowth, we’re sorry about all the things we said too. And we promise to treat you with all the proper respect you deserve from now on!

JAMES: You’re just as good a Rocket agent as anyone else!

MEOWTH: That’s all well and good, but the issue of this fire still remains unsolved...

JESSIE (catching on): Oh! Right! What do we need to do?

Cut to inside. The flames are getting more intense.

MEOWTH: Go down the hall about five doors until you find the side hallway that splits off to the right! The elevator’s at the end of it! Take it to the basement and get all the Pokémon that belong to Ash, May, Brock, Misty, and...

Meowth turns to Dani and Yoshi.

MEOWTH: Who are you?

DANI: I’m Dani, that’s Yoshi.

MEOWTH: Dani and Yoshi! Then bring ‘em back here! You got all that?

Back outside, James puts a finger to his head as he recites the names.

JAMES: Ash, May, Brock, Misty, Dani, Yoshi. Got it!

JESSIE: Hurry! We don’t have much time!

Jessie and James take off down the hall. Jessie counts off five doors, then they both turn down the hallway. Once they find the elevator, James punches the “B” button. The doors slide open, and Jessie and James run inside and press the “Door Close” button. The elevator begins its slow descent. Jessie and James stand impatiently with their arms behind their back, listening to the elevator music.
Cut to the burning room. The trainers are still trying to smother the fire. Ash tries to beat it out with his jacket, but it doesn’t do much good.

ASH: It’s no use! We need some kind of liquid!

Pikachu searches the items on the shelf and points to several bottles of Potion.

PIKACHU: Pika pi!

MAX: Good enough!

Max tosses Potions to May, Brock, and Misty. They spray it on the fire, but it just burns stronger. Frustrated, May throws her bottle into the fire, causing a small explosion. Misty looks at the label on her bottle.

MISTY: Aerosol! What a rip-off!

Cut to the basement. The elevator doors slide open, and Jessie and James burst out to see Laura at her control panel.

LAURA (smiling malevolently): This is the moment I’ve been awaiting for thirty long years...

She throws a switch, and the net of wild Pokémon begins moving. A mechanical arm extends it over a closed pit in the floor. The pit opens up to reveal boiling hot volcanic magma. The net slowly descends over it. Jessie and James watch, horrified.

JESSIE: What do we do? What’s the plan?

JAMES: Well, every time we’ve enacted a plan, it’s always been the same thing...but I think it’s time we try a new direction.

James runs out of the elevator and tackles Laura from behind. The net stops its descent, much to the relief of the Pokémon within. Jessie rushes over to the control panel and tries to figure out how to move the net back. Meanwhile, James is on the floor, struggling to keep Laura from getting back to the controls. He grabs her around the waist, but she kicks him in the nose. James shakes it off and lunges at her again.

JAMES: I could use a little HELP here!

JESSIE: Oh, right!

Jessie abandons the controls and rushes over to help James. Laura manages to throw James off of her, sending him skidding across the floor and slamming into a wall. She pulls out her gun again, but Jessie punches her in the face, and her gun goes flying into the magma pit. Laura rubs her jaw and growls, then lunges at Jessie in an attempt to knock her into the controls. Jessie manages to turn her around and kick her in the stomach, sending her stumbling backwards. She trips over James’s extended leg, smacks her head on the wall, and falls to the floor, unconscious. Jessie and James return to the controls.

JESSIE: I don’t know how long she’ll be out for - we’ve gotta do this fast!

JAMES: Okay, uh...I think she pressed this button for the doors...

James presses a button, and the magma pit closes.

JESSIE: And this lever, I think, operates the net...

Jessie pulls on the lever. The net moves back across the room, then stops when it reaches its farthest point. Rocking back and forth, the wire netting begins to break around the hole Arbok and Weezing already made - until finally, the net falls to the floor, freeing the thousands of Pokémon it held captive. Jessie and James are astounded.

JAMES: We did it! We did something right!

JESSIE: But those are the wild Pokémon - we need to get the captured Pokémon.

James spots the huge shelves of Poké Balls and runs over to the one at the end of the row. He starts pushing it, but to no avail.

JAMES: Jessie, help me out here!

Jessie runs over and joins him, but the massive shelf still won’t budge.

JESSIE: It’s no good! We need more force!

Jessie and James turn to the crowd of wild Pokémon as they hear three familiar cries. Out of the crowd come Arbok and Weezing - and to James’ great surprise, Victreebel.

JAMES: Weezing! Victreebel!

JESSIE: Arbok! I never thought I’d see you again!

The Pokémon smile, then start pushing on the shelf. However, since none of them have hands, it isn’t easy.

ARBOK (straining): Chaaaa...


The Pokémon throw all their strength into their pushes. Slowly, the shelf begins to tip. After one more push, it finally falls over, knocking over the other shelves in a huge domino effect. Thousands upon thousands of Poké Balls clatter to the floor and burst open, revealing the captured Pokémon. The room is now filled to nearly its full capacity. Jessie and James stand on the control panel.

JESSIE: Okay, listen up, everybody! It’s very important that everyone can hear me! Any Pokémon belonging to Ash, May, Brock, Misty, Dani, or Yoshi - PLEASE COME FORWARD!

Swellow and Beautifly burst out of the crowd, followed by the others - Grovyle, Torkoal, Corphish, Bulbasaur, Bayleef, Cyndaquil, Totodile, Noctowl, Phanpy, Heracross, Snorlax, Kingler, Muk, thirty Tauros, Charizard, Squirtle Larvitar, Lapras, Pidgeot, Primeape, Haunter, Forretress, Mudkip, Ludicolo, Crobat, Onix, Geodude, Vulpix, Combusken, Skitty, Bulbasaur, Luvdisc, Corsola, Gyarados, Psyduck, Politoed, Starmie, Staryu, Horsea, Goldeen, Togetic, Typhlosion, Beedrill, Croconaw, Misdreavus, and Jigglypuff. They gather around Jessie and James.

JAMES: All right - now, your trainers are in trouble! We’ve got to get upstairs! Is there any way faster and roomier than the elevator?

Bulbasaur tugs on James’ pants leg and points to an Abra sitting amongst the crowd. Its squinted eyes start to glow, and it Teleports Jessie, James, and all the trainers’ Pokémon out of the room.

JESSIE (as she disappears): Wow, this feels weird.

Cut to the burning room. Ash and the others lay low on the floor to avoid the smoke.

MISTY: Ash...Ash, there’s something I have to tell you in case we don’t make it out of here alive...

ASH (coughing): Well, you’d better hurry...

MISTY: Well...see, when we first met, I know we weren’t really all that friendly toward each other, but after a while we became friends!

ASH: Yeah, I know, where are you going with this?

MISTY: Well, the thing is...after we split up...it gave me a lot of time to think about it, and...

Misty takes Ash’s hand in hers and looks into his eyes.

MISTY: Ash...I’ve decided that I...

Before she can finish her sentence, the door crunches off its hinges, having been charged by one of Ash’s Tauros.

ASH (ecstatic): Our Pokémon!

MISTY (sarcastic): Great timing, guys!

Combusken, Torkoal, Cyndaquil, Vulpix, Geodude, and Charizard burst into the room, able to withstand the flames. They carry the trainers, Meowth, and Pikachu to safety. Once out of the room, Ash sees Jessie and James standing among the other Pokémon.

JESSIE: Don’t think that this do-gooder shtick is gonna be an ongoing thing.

ASH: You mean...you guys found our Pokémon?

JAMES: Funny situation, ain’t it?

Mudkip, Squirtle, Kingler, Ludicolo, Corphish, and Starmie charge into the room and enact their Hydro Pumps all at once, extinguishing the fire. Psyduck tries to help, but can barely emit a trickle.

PSYDUCK (confused): Psy?

MISTY: Psyduck, I know you mean well, but leave this to the professionals.

In the hall, Ash hugs as many of his Pokémon as he can at once.

ASH: Oh, thank God you guys are okay! I thought I’d never see any of you again!

PIKACHU: Pika pi!

BULBASAUR: Bubba-zaur!

CYNDAQUIL: Cinnaquil!

PIDGEOT: Pijo-to!

JAMES: Hey, before you get all lovey-dovey here, we’ve still got more Pokémon to save!

BROCK: You’re right! How do we get them all back downstairs?

MEOWTH: I thought these might be of some assistance.

Meowth pulls a charred backpack out of the burnt room and dumps out about sixty minimized Poké Balls.

MEOWTH: Laura must have stocked up thirty years ago!

JESSIE: Meowth, you’re a genius!

MEOWTH: Well, I do what I can, but whatever transforms your Ditto.

Ash, May, Misty, Brock, Yoshi, and Dani start grabbing Poké Balls, maximizing them, and recalling their Pokémon one by one.

ASH: Bulbasaur, return! Totodile, return! Haunter, return! Corphish, return!

MAY: Skitty, return! Beuatifly, return! Combusken, return!

MISTY: Psyduck, return! Staryu, return! Politoed, return!

BROCK: Onix, return! Vulpix, return!

DANI: Jigglypuff, return!

YOSHI: Beedrill, return!

Max stands against the wall and watches.

MAX: It’s times like this I feel so left out.


To be continued...


I like this, so you're almost done with it huh? I hope your last chapter is the grand finale!

Flame Man

Mi Apodo Es Leo
I love it! I nearly cried it is so good!

Jesse GS the II

I was frozen today!
Here it is - the epic conclusion...


Fade to the basement. Ash and the others burst out of the elevator to see Laura is still lying on the floor unconscious. They also witness the giant crowd of Pokémon. Ash is stunned.

ASH: Whoa...I didn’t even know this many Pokémon existed...

BROCK: Well, we’ve got to get them out of here! Laura could wake up any minute!

The trainers work their way through the crowd of Pokémon, ushering them towards the exit.

MAY: Come on, you guys! Time to go home!

MISTY: Hang on, we can’t go too fast - Gyarados isn’t back yet.

ASH: He can catch up with us later, we’ve gotta move!


Everyone turns around to see that Laura has come to. She slowly rises to her feet, looking more furious than ever before.

LAURA (breathing heavily): If you think for one minute that I’m about to let you get away with this, you are deathly mistaken.

ASH: Back off, sister - now that we’ve got our Pokémon back, you don’t intimidate us anymore!

LAURA: Your Pokémon are no big threat to me! Not while I still have the power to knock them out in one hit!

She grabs her tranquilizer gun and cocks it. Charizard suddenly bursts out of its Poké Ball and shoots out a Fire Spin that singes Laura black. The gun melts out of her hands. She brushes the ashes off her face, extremely angry.


But her sentence is cut off by the sound of a huge hole being blasted through the ceiling. Pokémon on the floor below dodge the rubble as it falls. Gyarados flies in through the hole, followed by Mewtwo, Mew, Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres, Lugia, Ho-Oh, Celebi, Latios, Latias, Rayquaza, and Jirachi. Raikou, Entei, Suicune, Groudon, Kyogre, Regirock, Regice, Registeel, and Deoxys leap to the floor in a fighting stance.

MISTY: Gyarados! You found them!

LAURA: What are the legendaries doing out of their cages? I thought I told you to...

With a flick of its wrist, Mewtwo picks up Laura with its telekinetic powers and flings her across the room. She lands in a heap on the floor.

MEWTWO: <I couldn’t care less about what you told me, human.>

ASH: You see, Laura, it’s not so simple to overpower every Pokémon in the world. Even when they’ve been captured, they still know when they’re being mistreated. And if that should happen, you don’t want to see what goes down when they strike back against their captors...I know that all too well.

Ash looks up at Charizard and winks. Charizard returns the favor. Misty steps forward, with Togetic fluttering in the air behind her.

MISTY: Pokémon don’t like being pushed around. They don’t like being slaves. What we have with our Pokémon is a special friendship that can’t be broken - not by you or anyone else.

TOGETIC: Toge-chikku!

LAURA (gasping): I don’t care! I want my revenge! I demand recompense for my losses!

MEOWTH: Lady, I think it’s high time you learned your lesson - at the hands of a couple of REAL losers.

Meowth whistles again. Arbok, Weezing, Victreebel, Lickitung, Wobbuffet, Seviper, Dustox, Cacnea, and Chimecho leap out of the crowd, ready to fight. James squats down on the floor and whistles.

JAMES: Here boy! Come on! That’s a good boy!

Instantly, his pet Growlithe bounds out of the crowd.

JAMES: Hey, Growlie, we haven’t talked in a while, have we? You wanna fight for Jimmy again? Huh? Do ya?

GROWLITHE: Growl! Growwwwlithe!

JAMES: Good boy!...Sic ‘er.

Instantaneously, all ten Pokémon lunge at Laura, smothering her. Meowth snarls, hisses, and leaps into the fray, his claws extended. Ash nods at the scene, impressed.

ASH: For a couple of losers, your teams are pretty well-honed.

JESSIE: You’d be surprised how effective they can be when they’re not up against your Pikachu.

Laura crawls out of the fracas, scratched and bruised. She makes for the rear entrance, but the trainers are too quick for her.

YOSHI: Oh no you don’t! Typhlosion, go get her!

DANI: You too, Croconaw!


Typhlosion and Croconaw bound out of the room, tackling Laura from behind. She manages to squeeze out of their grip and make a mad dash for the exit. Ash, Misty, May, and Brock start throwing Poké Balls left and right. In successive flashes of light, Bulbasaur, Squirtle, Totodile, Cyndaquil, Bayleef, Grovyle, Pidgeot, Staryu, Luvdisc, Geodude, Vulpix, Crobat, Mudkip, Combusken, Skitty, and Beautifly appear. They charge after Laura and follow her out the door into the night.
Cut to the area overlooking the cliff side. Laura stumbles across the rocky ground, the Pokémon still in hot pursuit. Ash and the other trainers burst out the door after her. Finally, Laura is cornered on the cliff’s edge, surrounded by Pokémon.

ASH: You know, Laura, in a way I kind of feel sorry for you...I mean, you could have been a great trainer if you’d just applied yourself. But now look where you are - an empty, bitter, broken shell of a woman with nothing left. And when I look into those cold, heartless eyes of yours, I want to kick myself for even considering feeling sorry for you!

LAURA (weakly): There’s still a chance! I can still re-enact my scheme! You haven’t won yet!

ASH: No, not yet...

Ash snaps his fingers. Pikachu, Togetic, Meowth, Charizard, and all the other Pokémon immediately launch their most powerful attacks. Laura is simultaneously hit with Fire Spins, Hydro Pumps, Thunders, Razor Leaves, Hyper Beams, and everything else. After a good fifteen seconds of being pummeled, the attacks stop. Laura looks down and sees that the attacks have pushed her off the side of the cliff. She screams as she falls the entire mile down to the sea below. She disappears among the rocks with hardly a splash.

ASH (triumphant): NOW WE’VE WON!

The crowd of trainers and Pokémon erupts into cheers.

MISTY: We did it! We saved the Pokémon!

MEOWTH: And what a wild ride it was!

JAMES: Oh, wait a minute...

James reaches into his pocket and pulls out Meowth’s charm.

JAMES: I found this on the floor back there. I imagine you were looking for it.

MEOWTH: My charm! Thanks, James!

Meowth grabs the charm, licks it, and slaps it back on his forehead.

MEOWTH: Ah, I feel complete again!

BROCK: Okay, we’ve vanquished the evil, but how do we get the Pokémon back to their trainers and back in the wild?

JESSIE: I think I’ve got an idea. Ash, mind if we borrow your Charizard and Pidgeot for a second?

ASH (apprehensively): ...Promise not to steal them?

JAMES: After this whole mess? I give you my Scout’s Honor - and I wasn’t even a scout!

ASH: All right...but bring ‘em back!

Jessie hops on Charizard’s back; James and Meowth hitch a ride on Pidgeot. They leap off the cliff and soar down to the cave.

MAX: This has to have been the craziest adventure I’ve ever been on.

ASH: I dunno...I think I’ve had crazier.

BROCK: You have not!

ASH: What about the Saffron City thing?

BROCK: Okay, that was pretty crazy.

Haunter zips up behind Brock and laughs.

HAUNTER: Hau hau hau hau haunter!

MAY: I’m just so glad to have all my Pokémon back!

She hugs her four Pokémon. Skitty licks her cheek affectionately as the rest of her Pokémon smile and hug her back.

MAY: Don’t worry, guys, I’m never gonna let you out of my sight again!

Ash walks over to Misty. Togetic is still fluttering over her head.

ASH: So, Misty, what was it you were trying to say to me back there?

MISTY (taken aback): What?

ASH: You know, when the room was on fire - you said that you’d finally decided something. What was it?

Misty puts her arms behind her back and looks at the ground.

MISTY: Oh...nothing important.

She looks up at Ash and smiles. He smiles back. Just then, both of them are distracted by the giant object rising up beside the cliff - the zeppelin, with Jessie, James, and Meowth at the controls. Charizard and Pidgeot fly alongside it. Ash turns around to face the other Pokémon.

ASH: Ready to go for a ride?

The Pokémon cheer in agreement.
Fade to the Indigo Plateau, a few days later. A sign outside reads “ALL TRAINERS - MEET HERE TO RECLAIM YOUR POKÉMON TODAY”. Inside, the stadium field is packed with trainers. Professor Oak, Tracey, and Gary stand on a stage. Oak has a large pamphlet of papers in his hand - the National Pokémon Trainer Registry listing. Tracey is surrounded by his Marril, Venonat, and Scyther, while Gary has his Nidoqueen, Arcanine, and Umbreon at his side. Behind them all is a massive pile of Poké Balls.

OAK: Kensington, Stacy!

Stacy pushes forward through the crowd.

STACY: Right here!

Several of the balls burst open. A Blastoise, Rapidash, Espeon, Shiftry, Slowbro, Dodrio, Mankey, and Pupitar appear and hop off the stage to be reunited with their trainer.

OAK: Kerry, Joshua!

JOSHUA: Over here!

Joshua’s name is met by a Sceptile, Kangaskhan, Scizor, Gloom, Pidgeotto, Ditto, Mightyena, Seaking, and Dragonair.

OAK (smiling): Ketchum, Ash!

ASH: I’m good, Professor!

Ash waves in the crowd, surrounded by Pikachu, Grovyle, Torkoal, Swellow, and Corphish. Misty, May, Max, Brock, Dani, and Yoshi stand near him.
Fade to the Pokémon Center that Ash was in at the beginning of the movie. Inside, Nurse Joy and Chansey watch the news on TV. Officer Jenny and Growlithe lean against the counter, also watching.

REPORTER: And it would appear that order is returning to the Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, and Orange regions as the world’s Pokémon are returned to their trainers and to the wild unharmed!

JENNY (jokingly): It doesn’t look good on the police force when a group of renegade trainers do our job better than we do.

JOY: Oh, we’ve got our Pokémon back - be happy.

CHANSEY: Chan-sey!


Fade to Professor Oak’s lab. Inside, Ash sees that his reclaimed Pokémon are secure in the storage facility, with its newly restored roof. He looks around the multitude of Poké Balls in the facility and smiles, then turns around and exits. In the other room, he finds Misty and the others, as well as Pikachu, Oak, Tracey, Gary, Delia, and Mimey.

ASH: Yeah, they’re all there.

OAK: Well, Ash, I want to thank you very, very much for those acts of bravery you showed on that island. If it hadn’t been for you, the Pokémon would still be lost.

ASH: Oh, don’t thank me - my friends played just as big a part in this as I did!

Ash gestures to May, Max, Brock, Misty, Yoshi, and Dani.

MISTY: Thanks, Ash.

MAX: But you gotta admit, you really kept your head throughout that whole thing.

MAY: I wouldn’t have been able to do all the stuff you did, not in a million years!

BROCK: Especially considering that, if it hadn’t been for Ash, you would have drowned half a mile out.

MAY: Yeah...that’s a contributing factor.

Delia kisses Ash on his forehead.

DELIA: Oh, Ash, you have no idea how proud I am of you! This is your most amazing feat yet!

MIMEY: Mr. Mime!

DELIA: You know what we should do? We should have a big get-together in honor of Ash’s great accomplishment! You deserve it, wouldn’t you say?

Ash looks over at Misty.

ASH: I appreciate the thought, Mom, but...I really only need to talk to one person right now.

Cut to the lawn outside Oak’s lab. Ash and Misty sit on the front step, looking at the trees and sky.

ASH: So, I guess that, now that you’ve got your Pokémon back, you’re heading back to your gym?

MISTY: I guess so. I mean, I already wished Togetic goodbye before she went back to the Mirage Kingdom, so there really isn’t anything else left.

ASH: Well...just remember that I’ll always be thinking of you, okay? You know that you’re my best friend, right?

MISTY: I know...I’ll be thinking of you too, Ash.

Ash turns back to the sky. Misty hesitates for a moment - then closes her eyes and kisses Ash on the cheek. Ash’s eyes widen in surprise, but rather than saying anything, he just smiles and puts his arm around her.
Fade to the ferry back to Hoenn. Ash, Pikachu, May, Max, Brock, Dani and Yoshi lean on the railing, looking out to sea.

MAY: Ah, it’ll be good to get back to training again.

PIKACHU: Pika pikachu!

BROCK: So, Dani, Yoshi, you still planning on the gym challenge?

YOSHI: Sure! After beating Laura, I’d say we can beat anything.

DANI: And I think I’ll be looking into some of those contests - I’m sure my Misdreavus has a shot.

BROCK: Well, good luck with that. Maybe we’ll cross paths again someday.

DANI: I’d like that, I would.

Max notices Ash staring out at sea with a smile on his face.

MAX: Whatcha thinking about, Ash?

Ash puts a hand to his cheek where Misty kissed him.

ASH (still smiling): Oh...I’ll tell you when you’re older.

The camera wides out on the ferry and pans up to the sky.
Cut to Jessie and James with their Pokémon. Both look happy to be reunited with each other. Where they are, however, is not immediately evident.

JESSIE: Oh, guys, I am so sorry for everything I said the other day.

JAMES: Me too. Can you find it in your hearts to forgive us?

The Pokémon smile.

SEVIPER: Seviper!

WOBBUFFET (saluting): Wobba-fett!


DUSTOX: Dussstox!

Cacnea looks at James longlingly.

JAMES: Ah, go ahead!

CACNEA (delighted): Cacnea!

Cacnea jumps up and hugs James around the waist. James is obviously in pain, but sucks it up and smiles.

JAMES: You know, a part of me really missed this...

Chimecho hovers over James’ head and lovingly wraps its tail over his eyes. Meowth walks over and taps Jessie’s leg to get her attention.

MEOWTH: Hey, Hoenn region at 12:00 and closin’ in fast!

JESSIE: Good to know! Double-check the autopilot and find out our ETA.

MEOWTH: Roger! You know, I’ve always wanted one of these things...

Meowth hops into the driver’s seat and fiddles with the control panel. The camera slowly pulls back to reveal that Jessie, James, Meowth, and the other Pokémon are piloting Laura’s zeppelin. The skull-and-crossbones Poké Ball has been painted over with a giant red “R”.

MEOWTH: Estimated time of arrival: twenty minutes!

JAMES: Good! We’re making better time than I thought!

JESSIE, JAMES, AND MEOWTH (in unison): Looks like Team Rocket’s soaring off again!

The zeppelin continues to drift away from the camera, through the clouds, towards the Hoenn region.


Blue Aurora

For Mother Russia!
Good conclusion, but I really like it when the villain who has been real evil is for them to die a really bloody, disgusting, disfiguring, mutilating death. Why Jesse, WHY DID YOU NOT DO THAT?!?!?!?!


Is Back!!! For now.
Great conclusion, but i agree with Blue Aurora, the woman must of deserved a bloody death!!!!!!! Oh well Jesse. Great Work.
I agree with them, that lady was one of those people who starts with a B and ands with an itch and she needs a more Bloody death. You should do another movie. Cause this one was AWESOME!

Jesse GS the II

I was frozen today!
Well, I had a more vivid death scene in store for Laura at one point, but I didn't want to get too graphic, otherwise I wouldn't have been happy with it. But I still think I beat her up enough - I mean, she's hit with about twenty attacks, surely that'd cut her up a bit; and she hits the rocks on her way down.

Thanks anyway for the kind reviews. I didn't think I'd ever come back to this story after I first began and abandoned it back in late 1999, but it turned out even better than it was before. I don't have any plans for another movie right now - but if I ever come up with one, you can rest assured that it'll be up here as it progresses.
Good conclusion. However, I just thought of another place where you messed up. Back to the scene where Ash and Co saw the Legendaries. There was a very strong bond of friendship that Max and Jirachi held in the 6th movie. When they saw each other, it would've been a very emotional reunion.

Also, don't get your hopes up of this coming true. They're already making the final movie for Houen. So good luck there. :)

Also, come to think of it, I kinda liked the end of Laura alot. After all that, she'd be lucky to even have a heartbeat. :) I almost feel sorry for her. (And I wanna kill myself for even thinking that.) :)

Anyways, this was a great movie in the end. Too bad there's a 0% chance of it coming true. ;_;

Well, I hope you continue to make more good stories. You're quite talented. :)

See ya.

;151; - *beats up Laura's dead body for what she did to all of those pokes.*

Kakashi-Sharingan Warrior

Well-Known Member
Brilliant!!!! excellent ending!

Jesse GS the II

I was frozen today!
pokeplayer984 said:
Anyways, this was a great movie in the end. Too bad there's a 0% chance of it coming true. ;_;

Oh, I don't expect them to make a movie like this (not this heavy on the violence and PokéShipping clues, anyway), but I'm happy with it as it is.

I'm glad to see you were all happy with my decision to have Laura die at the end, rather than just change her ways like so many villains in "Pokémon" movies have done in the past. Interestingly enough, in the original version of this story, there were three villains - Laura had two accomplices named Evan and Chris, but they couldn't do anything right and kept screwing up her plans. I decided they distracted from how evil she was, so I took them out. I think I made the right decision (also, Laura was originally an ex-Team Rocket agent who had been fired years ago, but I think making her a traumatized ex-trainer was better).

And here's an interesting bit of trivia: Laura and the two sidekicks she used to have are based on three jerks I knew in 8th grade, which was when I first got into "Pokémon". In fact, if it hadn't been for these three (whose names were Laura, Evan, and Chris, incidentally) constantly heckling me about my "Pokémon" kick, I don't think I would have written this story at all.

Flame Man

Mi Apodo Es Leo
My name is Evan! I am not a jerk to anyone. I am the exact oposite of what you discribed the buly Evan.