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Pokémon: The Teams United

Pokémon: The Teams United

Lilycove: a busy harbor city, day and night, receiving and shipping items of all sorts; the people were always kept happy by shopping, sightseeing or throwing parties. One particular party seemed to be extra busy as people were coming into the house it was being held at every moment; it was a mystery how everyone could fit in there, let alone have fun.

Everyone was fitting, however, and having fun. Some of them, though, were going down to the basement to have some “private time”… or in reality, private time with people that worked for the same organization as them or their organization’s enemy: Teams Magma and Aqua. It may seem a mystery as to why they would do that, but in that basement a briefing was being held for select members of those Teams, and it was about to start.

Preparing for the briefing, a man dressed in casual apparel so as to blend in was going over what he was about to explain in his head. Being an Administrator, he had been chosen to give the briefing; in the center of the darkly lit room, a long, rectangular table with several chairs was set up behind him and some agents had already sat down in them and were chatting with each other. Finally, when all of the picked agents had arrived, the man at the head of the table turned around to face everyone else; he cleared his throat and, looking at everyone, began. “Hello everyone, I’m glad you could make it to this briefing. Now, before you fall asleep out of boredom, I’m going to go ahead and say that you better not; this briefing isn’t for any ordinary mission, but one of the greatest importance.” Most of the agents still looked bored.

“Now then, everyone knows that in the regions of Kanto and Johto the main threat is the notorious Team Rocket, and that in our own little home, Hoenn, the main ‘threat’ is everyone in this room; Teams Magma and Aqua, obviously.” The Administrator looked around, seeing that he had gotten everyone to glance at each other, acknowledging the fact that people working for both sides of the threats of Hoenn were about to work together for whatever this mission was.

“However, while everyone knows about us, what most people don’t know is that there are an almost infinite number of realities, and in a few there’s another threat here in Hoenn called Team Frost. They’re very different from us and the Rockets, though, because their goal is to stop all Pokémon training on the planet, and through some sort of research on Pokémon history, they think that millions of years ago, Pokémon were just as intelligent as us. Their title making it obvious, they specialize in Ice-type Pokémon, but that’s not quite how they enforce their will…” A few people straightened in their seats, more curious than they had been in the beginning of the briefing.

“They’re an incredibly brilliant organization, and what makes them such a threat is that they’re very familiar with nanotechnology, Pokémon biology, various sorts of viruses and diseases and methods of artificially creating them and many other usually complicated things that normal people like us wouldn’t understand.” Some of the agents chuckled, others leaning back in their chairs with small grins on their faces.

“Right now, to help complete their main objective, whatever it may be, they’ve allied themselves with a ‘toy’ company named Alzaron Playmates. Alzaron is actually a very popular company that spans all three of the regions, and don’t think that the whole company is just a cover-up; no, it actually is a toy company, except that in a few hundred of its toys are viruses designed to kill humans, and humans only.” Everyone’s faces immediately got serious at the remark, some of the agents a bit nervous although they didn’t show it; they had been used to dangerous missions, just not any quite like the one they were getting briefed on.

“We’re guessing that the virus also does something to Pokémon, but we don’t know what it is. However, we do know what it does to humans, and I, at least, do not like the idea of yet another Team in our domain.” The Administrator paused and looked around the room once more, seeing that most of the agents’ expressions had changed from bored to serious to determined, then continued. “Our Leaders are willing to temporarily work together and send some of the best agents they have, all of you, undercover to infiltrate Alzaron Playmates, reveal its intentions to the public and shut the company down.” Throughout the meeting the Admin had been pacing back and forth, making gestures with his hands for show.

“Your mission as part of Team Snipe, which I happened to so cleverly name myself, is to stop the bomb-toys, no matter how cliché the whole ordeal may seem.” A few agents chuckled once more at the comment and then let the Administrator continue. “And as you probably all know already, if anyone realizes that you’re a part of Magma or Aqua, you’ll be caught, tortured, tortured some more and then possibly executed, so don’t get caught; if any of you are, then the entire mission is down the drain. Dismissed.”


…and that concludes the plot. Basically, you join either Team Magma or Team Aqua to stop a toy company from killing thousands of innocent people. The motive, along with other things, will be revealed as the RPG goes on. And before, and if, you skip on to the Sign Up Sheet to make your character, make sure you read the Rules first to help make sure your form won’t get rejected!

Rules: you must obey these.
-Follow all of the normal Serebii rules; specifically, these and these.
-No swearing, cussing, cursing or whatever you want to call it, because I don’t like it.
-You must have decent grammar! By this I mean your form is almost certain to get rejected unless you use proper spelling, capitalization and punctuation! Remember, you can always run your posts through a spell check if need be.
-Keep your posts rated PG or below; I don’t care if you think that sounds wimpy, but very young people do cruise the forums too, whether they should or not!
-No using killing weapons unless you use them for something other than killing; this RPG doesn’t require death other than threats of it.
-No power playing unless someone allows you to do it to their character or characters.
-You’re not allowed to make any super characters that are good at everything they do, have only the most powerful Pokémon, are amazingly charming, etc.
-Your alias has to be something that someone could mistake to a real name, although you can still have some sort of a nickname that's always used. Example: Samantha "Blizzard" Polkings.

Sign-Up Sheet: this is for making your character; you can have up to two, each being as different as you want them to be.
-Real Name: a name of yours that only those who you trust most know.
-Usual Alias: I think that basically everyone in either Team should have one or more fake names that they go by anywhere other than with someone that’s on the same team as them; list your character’s most common fake name here.
-Age: how old you are; the minimum is eighteen years old, and the maximum is thirty-two.
-Gender: “Are you a boy? Or are you a girl?”
-Description: what you look like. (Don’t describe clothing; that will probably change all of the time. Only describe it in your first post of the actual RPG and whenever it changes, which should be often.)
-Vehicle Type: what you drive or ride, like a car, motorcycle, skateboard or even roller blades; not to be confused with Vehicle Description.
-Vehicle Description: your vehicle’s color, basic interior design (if it has one) and various other notes; not to be confused with Vehicle Type.
-History: how you grew up and memorable events that marked your life and shaped your future.
-Team History: how you came to join your Team and what convinced you to do it.
-Pokémon Team: how many, what species and the names of the Pokémon you have; also mention anything significantly unusual about them, like if your Paras has a claw missing.
-Pokémon Team History: how you got your Pokémon team; don't forget to be descriptive.
-Personality: what you’re like, how you would react in certain situations, the basis of your reputation, etc.
-Skills: what you’re especially good at, like stealth, persuasion, Team cooperation, Pokémon training or whatever.
-Weaknesses/Major Flaws: nothing too major, but stuff like not being very charismatic or not all that good at Pokémon training; basically, the opposite of Skills.
-Other: anything reasonable that I haven’t mentioned that you want to list, but not anything like a major health problem; remember, these agents were specially picked for this mission, and Maxie and Archie would pick the best of the best.

Notes: All characters will be starting in Rustboro City to meet with each other and go to various other places from there, led by two Administrators, one Magma and one Aqua. If you want to know almost exactly where they're going to meet, ask me and I’ll think up an excuse for not telling you as quickly as I can. Now, have fun!
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Real Name:john smith
-Usual Alias: blackjack
-Age: 24
-Gender: male
-Description: short, spiky black hair, about 5" 6', goatee beard
-Vehicle Type: motorcycle
-Vehicle Description: black, 100cc
-History: grew up in a rough neighbourhood, mum died of a lung desease and dad commited suicide
-Team History: magma, because i love fire pokemon and magma specilise in fire pokemon
-Pokémon Team: 3 pokemon, charmander, magmar and a growlithe, me charmander has a lame right paw/hand
-Pokémon Team History: i got given my charmander by my father and the magmar and growlithe i caught with pokeballs my dad handcrafted in his shop
-Personality: kind, easy going, in a fight i would become very aggresive.
-Skills: persuasion, Pokémon training, battle strategy
-Weaknesses/Major Flaws: slow thinker, stealth
-Other: nothing
mvcr4 said:
Real Name:john smith
-Usual Alias: blackjack
-Age: 24
-Gender: male
-Description: short, spiky black hair, about 5" 6', goatee beard
-Vehicle Type: motorcycle
-Vehicle Description: black, 100cc
--History: grew up in a rough neighbourhood, mum died of a lung desease and dad commited suicide
-Team History: magma, because i love fire pokemon and magma specilise in fire pokemon
-Pokémon Team: 3 pokemon, charmander, magmar and a growlithe, me charmander has a lame right paw/hand
-Pokémon Team History: i got given my charmander by my father and the magmar and growlithe i caught with pokeballs my dad handcrafted in his shop
-Personality: kind, easy going, in a fight i would become very aggresive.
-Skills: persuasion, Pokémon training, battle strategy
-Weaknesses/Major Flaws: slow thinker, stealth
-Other: nothing

Section titles in red mean you flunked the section, letters in red mean you should have capatilized the word and words in red mean you misspelled or shouldn't replaced or shouldn't have had the word. Here's something that would be better, minus description since you describe anything which means that I don't know what anything looks like:

-Real Name: John Smith (John Smith; very boring and just plain bad.)
-Usual Alias: Blackjack (not bad...)
-Age: twenty four (okay...)
-Gender: male (obvious...)
-Description: I'm short, spiky black hair, standing at about five feet and six inches and I have a goatee. (About how much do you weigh? What about all of your othre various features?)
-Vehicle Type: motorcycle (good, you understood that...)
-Vehicle Description: black with a one hundred CC engine. (Okaaaaaay... I hope you meant to put something else down...)
-History: I grew up in a rough neighbourhood, my mum died of a lung desease and my dad commited suicide. (How did you feel about these things? What kind of rough neighbourhood did you grow up in? Did any of these events effect you in any way?)
-Team History: I joined Team Magma because I love and train Fire Pokemon and, of course, Team Magma specilaizes in Fire type Pokemon. (Why do you specialize in Fire type Pokemon? Did anything else influence your decision to join Team Magma, perhaps?)
-Pokémon Team: a Charmander with a lame right paw, a Magmar and a Growlithe. (Okay, not all that bad...)
-Pokémon Team History: my father gave me my Charmander and the Magmar and Growlithe I caught with Pokeballs that my dad handcrafted in his shop. (How did you catch Magmar and Growlithe with special[?] Pokeballs? What kind of shop did your dad have? You didn't mention that in your History...)
-Personality: kind and easy going, although in fights I'm very aggresive. (Way too short, try thinking a bit more about that...)
-Skills: persuasion, Pokémon training and battling strategies (not bad, but it just doesn't work with you Weaknesses/Major Flaws; to be good at thinking up battling strategies you probably wouldn't be a slow thinker, don't you think? Plus, don't you think that your Pokemon might be evolved if you got them so early in your life and you're so good at training them? Of course, I'm only assuming that you did since you didn't say whether or not you did!)
-Weaknesses/Major Flaws: I'm a slow thinker and stink(?) at stealth. (Good enough, but as I've already said, it doesn't add up with your Skills...)
-Other: nothing (well, you didn't flunk that...)

Yeah, that's better... barely; there's no description, because I repeat, you didn't describe anything! If you have any hopes of being accepted, describe everything! As a hint, try to always remember the five big words of description: how, what, why, where and who. And make sure you make it gentle to the eyes; don't make a list of things, rather make sure readers know what someone or something looks like or is like with a pleasent amount of description.

*gasps for breath* There, I'm done; now go work on that form if you want in.

EDIT: Okay, I've calmed down now, and I apoligize for being so mean. It's just that you've got to do better, and I guess I went overboard stating that, so... I'm sorry.
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This seems interesting enough... original

Name - Micheal Mizrachi
Age - 26
Usual Alias - The Grinder or The Professor
Gender - Male
Appearance - Micheal is a tall man who stands at about 6 foot 2 inches. He weighs a good 185 lbs. mostly in muscle. He has a long scar the stretches from the top of his rightshoulder down to a few centimeters short of his elbow. He also has short blonde hair that he spikes up. He has brown eyes. He has fairly large ears that on the left side seem to stick up like an elf ear. He has large calf muscles. He oddly also has larger forearm muscles than bicep and triceps. (Sorry couldn't think of anything else)

Vehicle Type - His Pokemon (Sorry If I'm not aloud to do that)

Vehicle Description - He usually either rides his Garydos or walks to where he needs to be.

History - When "The Grinder" was about 4 years old he went to a special private school that taught specific classes for aspriring pokemon trainers. He had always had an interesting relationship with pokemon. His parents thought that this was because he was saved by a staryu when he was a young boy. When he had gone off into the water of the beach without supervision he had begun to drown, and because he was so small he was not heard, but miraculously he was saved by a small staryu that eventually became his first pokemon.

At the school they learned how to train their pokemon. Most people had very easy pokemon to train such as spearow, pidgey, and rattata. Professor Greg was very interested in Micheal's slightly advannced training of his rarebreed staryu, so he spent more time taking him under his wing.

For a few years he kept training with Professor Greg, and at age 8 had his first pokemon battle against his professor. By this point Micheal had formed a close bond with his pokemon, and they knew how to battle extremely well for their age. The Professor decided to use a tauros for the battle, and eventually ended up winning by a fairly large margin. It was obvious that Micheal and Staryu had learned the basics, but he had not yet grasped the concept of tactic and proper move usage.

At 9 years old he was sent away to an elite trainer boarding schools. There were only the best at the institution, and Micheal soon realized that he had alot of work to do. He was still getting a very good education, but ofcourse he was aiming to become a top gun player.

When he was 11 after 2 years at the institute he attained his first nickname "The Grinder" that was given to him in a schoolwide tournament for his agressive and energetic style of battling. He came runner-up in that tournament, and he had lost to a 16 year old sophmore in high school at the school.

After that tournament he set off for a few weeks to see if he could catch any pokemon, because he had realized that his well trainered staryu was not enough to take on more experienced battlers. After about 2 weeks of searching he found a garydos. It was obviously young so it was very agressive and it was the casue for "The Grinder's" scar after a tackle attack aimed at staryu missed and the garydos his Micheal head on.

When that happened both Micheal and Staryu who he had not yet nicknamed were filled with anger, and eventually took down the gyarydos and Micheal caught it. It was by far the hardest battle he had ever been in to that point. He found the strength to carry himself back to the institute where he took a long vacation for a week.

When he got back after his vacation he was very determined to start training again. Many of his peers congratulated him on his catch, and in turn his respect rose even higher.

For the next 2 years he went about his normal school life. At this point he was in the 8th grade, and their was a small classwide tournament to see who would win thhe grand prize of an evolution stone of their choice. Most people by this point though had an edge because they had more pokemon, even if only 2 were aloud to be used. Micheal pushed through the tough field with his water pokemon and won a water stone.

To this point he was still suprisingly unaware that staryu evolved with a water stone so when staryu asked for it he gave it to him and witnessed his first evolution. Upon the evolution the class clapped at the miraculous change in size and beauty. This is when he was given the nickname the professor for his lack of knowledge of how his first pokemon evolved.

Then one day when he was out on his bi-annual exhibition to catch pokemon. Micheal went out and caught himself a poliwhirl. Many people had also caught Raticate, Beedrill, and Abra. He went back and later that week enrolled in the annual schoolwide tournament.

This year they had a recordd high of entrants topping nearly 160 making 10 rounds for each participants. As well as the choice of an evolution stone for getting into the finals, if you place 8 or better you also get a cash prize. Many people entered from all grades from 6-Seniors in high school. In this year Micheal was deep in his Sophmore year at 15 years old.

Many were expecting "The Ghost" the top battler of the senior class to win. Many others were picking some juniors to take the championship. And after coming runner up a few years back Micheal was of course not an underdog even in the huge field.

As the favorites fell and rounds passed they were left with 2 people left. It was between "The Grinder" and "The Ghost". Though Micheal fought his hardest he always found himself at the end of the ghost's traps and eventually ended up losing the battle. He took his evolution stone and $100 for being runner up in the tournament. "The Grinder"s slump had ended and he was back into his old style of tournament play.

Of course Micheal picked another water stone as his prize and nearly immediatley evolved his poliwhirl into a poliwrath. For a long time Micheal and "The Ghost" were friends for what remained of the year, but when "The Ghost" left school they didn't keep in touch with each other. The Grinder never new exactly what ever happened to "The Ghost".

The last of his memories at the academy was during his senior year, by this point he was 17 and had formed a close bond with his pokemon, but he was at a severe disadvantage in his battling becasue he only had water pokemon, and even though he had formed close bonds with the type he new that he at least needed 1 more pokemon regardless of type to be able to cope with the fierce competition his new classmates were begining to create.

It was the bi-annual expidition they just happened to find themselves on a beach, but it was in the winter, and in the rough snow there were many shelder that were in their shells, and krabby in the sand, but somehow Micheal found a spheal cold and alone on the beach, obviously taken their by the strong currents in the water. When he found it he helped it with a potion and it seemed to be nice.

They spent a few hours with each other and spheal agreed with Micheal to come with him to the academy. The first moment they got back to the academy he went directly to training his spheal, and eventually it evolved into a sealeo. Now he had a team for the last schoolwide competition.

In his junior year he had came in 12th of 160. When he started the tournament thoug he had come with overconfidence and even thoug he he was one of the heavy favorites he only came in 24th. This was also the last appearance of ghost. Ghost had come to watch the event. They caught up a little bit after the day and talked about the past but soon Ghost left and Micheal didn't see her again.

After he graduated nearly valadictorian he went as a pokemon trainer, but very early on he had been found by Team Aqua, and they asked Micheal if he wanted to join. Because he always had such a passion for water pokemon he excepted and dispalyed his team for the aqau leaders, and they also agreed.

A few weeks after he was given his first mission was to assemble a team of 5 pokemon, so he went out to find another pokemon. He was searching for a while, and one night while fishing he felt a bite on his line, and when he couldn't even make it move he was almost sure that it was a pokemon, and it was probably strong. He released his poliwhirl and told it to mega punch whatever was in the water, and when it did you could see the ocitillery underwater stop and fly to the top of the water.

After that it was an easy catch and Micheal was off to the HQ to show them his newly formed team of 5.

For 7 years he worked and eventually made it to the position of Aqua Grunt. By this point he had caught many other pokemon including shelder, more staryu, goldeen, but he still only used his "original" 5 pokemon. This is where his history ends.
(Finally done with history, sorry it took so long and that it is so long)

((OOC: Sorry I couldn't finish it I will get it done by tomorow))
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Heather Mason

-Real Name: Katrina Morris (Kat)
-Usual Alias: Alessa
-Age: 18
-Gender: Female
-Description: what you look like. (Don’t describe clothing; that will probably change all of the time. Only describe it in your first post of the actual RPG and whenever it changes, which should be often.)
-Vehicle Type: Skateboard

-Vehicle Description: Kat's favourite skateboard. It is an aqua blue board with scratches all over it, and hot pink wheels. The bottom of the board has various stickers on it, most faded and torn. A few are legible, however, and sport phrases like 'Pokémon Master.'

-History: how you grew up and memorable events that marked your life and shaped your future.
-Team History: how you came to join your Team and what convinced you to do it.
-Pokémon Team: (Pokémon History wrapped into this)

#52 Meowth
Name: Vincent
Age: 2 years old
Gender: Male
Personality: A quiet Meowth, Vincent enjoys spending time with Kat more than he does fighting. When the claws come out, however, he is Kat's most powerful Pokémon. He is chastised by other trainers for being unevolved, but he can hold his own.
History: A once sickly, abandoned Meowth, Kat found him a year and a half ago. She nursed him back to health and he became her first Pokémon. He grew attatched to her very quickly, and is never without her. Her only Pokémon who stays outside the PokéBall.

#196 Espeon
Name: Heather
Age: 3 years old
Gender: Female
Personality: Heather has a somewhat pessimistic personality. Fiercely loyal to Kat, she instantly harms anyone who threatens her master. However, a tragic event in her life has left her rather snappish, and she is prone to getting upset easily.
History: A "black market" Pokémon, Heather was rescued by Kat and a friend during an auction. Heather was a coveted Pokémon, with a sleek purple coat. What made her wanted more than ever, though, were the flecks of blue scattered throughout her fur. She has had harsh treatment, and rarely trusts any human.

-Personality: what you’re like, how you would react in certain situations, the basis of your reputation, etc.
-Skills: what you’re especially good at, like stealth, persuasion, Team cooperation, Pokémon training or whatever.
-Weaknesses/Major Flaws: Unfortunately, Kat's one weakness is that she has become close to someone on the opposing team, and many Aqua members view that as grounds for dismissal.
-Other: anything reasonable that I haven’t mentioned that you want to list, but not anything like a major health problem; remember, these agents were specially picked for this mission, and Maxie and Archie would pick the best of the best.

(OOC: The same goes for me, I have a report to write, but I will get my sign-up done tomorrow. This sounds like a very promising RPG, and I hope I am accepted into it! Thank you for taking the time to read my sign-up, what little of it there is, anyway. Also, I do have another idea for a character, one that would tie into Kat, so if I am accepted, I'll edit this with another sign-up.)

Uggh still not done, sorry. And I changed my alias. But you were right, Icy Blues is part of a song.​
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FlygonFirefly: not a bad sign-up sheet, I guess, and although I'm sure you've never heard this before, your History seems too long. Don't get me wrong, a long history is good, but you don't have to chronicle your character's entire childhood. I suppose you don't have to edit that, but if you decide to make a second character, I'd appreciate if you'd make it shorter.

FlygonFirefly said:
Appearance - Micheal is a tall man who stands at about 6 foot 2 inches. He weighs a good 185 lbs. mostly in muscle. He has a long scar the stretches from the top of his rightshoulder down to a few centimeters short of his elbow. He also has short blonde hair that he spikes up. He has brown eyes. He has fairly large ears that on the left side seem to stick up like an elf ear. He has large calf muscles. He oddly also has larger forearm muscles than bicep and triceps. (Sorry couldn't think of anything else)

Me said:
--make sure you make it gentle to the eyes; don't make a list of things, rather make sure readers know what someone or something looks like or is like with a pleasant amount of description.

Like that says, don't cram everything you can think of into a description, but instead put enough of in it so that people can imagine the character by what you've already given and deduce the rest from his personality. You're not accepted or rejected yet, because you haven't finished your form.

Heather Mason said:
-Real Name: Katrina Morris (Kat)
-Usual Alias: Icy Blues
-Age: 18
-Gender: Female
-Description: what you look like. (Don’t describe clothing; that will probably change all of the time. Only describe it in your first post of the actual RPG and whenever it changes, which should be often.)
-Vehicle Type: Skateboard

-Vehicle Description: Kat's favourite skateboard. It is an aqua blue board with scratches all over it, and hot pink wheels. The bottom of the board has various stickers on it, most faded and torn. A few are legible, however, and sport phrases like 'Pokémon Master.'

-History: how you grew up and memorable events that marked your life and shaped your future.
-Team History: how you came to join your Team and what convinced you to do it.
-Pokémon Team: (Pokémon History wrapped into this)

#52 Meowth
Name: Vincent
Age: 2 years old
Gender: Male
Personality: A quiet Meowth, Vincent enjoys spending time with Kat more than he does fighting. When the claws come out, however, he is Kat's most powerful Pokémon. He is chastised by other trainers for being unevolved, but he can hold his own.
History: A once sickly, abandoned Meowth, Kat found him a year and a half ago. She nursed him back to health and he became her first Pokémon. He grew attatched to her very quickly, and is never without her. Her only Pokémon who stays outside the PokéBall.

-Personality: what you’re like, how you would react in certain situations, the basis of your reputation, etc.
-Skills: what you’re especially good at, like stealth, persuasion, Team cooperation, Pokémon training or whatever.
-Weaknesses/Major Flaws: nothing too major, but stuff like not being very charismatic or not all that good at Pokémon training; basically, the opposite of Skills.
-Other: anything reasonable that I haven’t mentioned that you want to list, but not anything like a major health problem; remember, these agents were specially picked for this mission, and Maxie and Archie would pick the best of the best.

(OOC: The same goes for me, I have a report to write, but I will get my sign-up done tomorrow. This sounds like a very promising RPG, and I hope I am accepted into it! Thank you for taking the time to read my sign-up, what little of it there is, anyway. Also, I do have another idea for a character, one that would tie into Kat, so if I am accepted, I'll edit this with another sign-up.)​

Well, I'll be waiting. And I don't really like "Icy Blues" as an alias; it sounds like the name of a song, and even more importantly, would you want that as an alias in real life? I kind of doubt it. And, of course, you're also not accepted or rejected yet because you're not finished. By the way, your second character can be in another post if you want.

TO EVERYONE WHO HAS SIGNED UP OR IS PLANNING WHETHER OF NOT TO: I won't be on the internet for a while and I don't know how long it will be because my family is moving, so don't expect any replies for now. I repeat, I don't know how long I'll be offline, but I will edit my sig when I'm back; bye.


real name:George Cooney
alias:Scizor Man
description:about 6 foot 5 inches tall.George weighs about 127 lbs. from constant training. George also has many scars all over his body.
vehicle:his pokemon or running.
vehicle type:running for speed, and Pidgeot for flight.
history: when George was a kid his parents were killed by a berzerk Salamemence, and the force from a hyper beam sent him flying. When he awoke from suffering an almost fatal blow to the head he searched around and found a shiny Scizzor being attacked by it's old herd, so he sent his shiny pidgey to drive away the syther and scizzor. after that the scizzor became his friend and let him catch it with a pokeball his dad had given him.and from then on Scizzor traind him to run really fast and jump really high.
team history: George joined Team Magma because It was Team Aqua's Salamence who killed his Parents.
pokemon team: His shiny Scizzor and shiny Pidgeot. Both are kind and firce in Battle.
personality: George is very rash and lucky, but sometimes he gets into big trouble.
skills: he is stealthy, fast, good with weapons, and good at raising pokemon.
weaknesses: George is gullible and cannot swim.
Edited some things...

-Real Name: Stella White
-Usual Alias: Wolf
-Age: 18
-Gender: Female
-Description: Stella has the average build of a girl her age, but she’s a bit slimmer to help her run away. She has bright red eyes and long, fiery orange hair that she keeps tied in a long ponytail that reaches her hips.
-Vehicle Type: Roller Blades
-Vehicle Description: Simple red roller blades with black wheels, that’s all.
-History: Stella grew up in Fallarbor Town. Unlike most of the kids in her town, she didn’t want to participate in Contests. She wanted to train and study Pokémon instead. Because of this lone wolf-like behavior, many kids avoided her, and some even called her a freak and threw rocks at her. Stella, however, paid no attention and lived with it. Her parents were concerned on how the others were treating their child, but she brushed them off whenever they tried to talk to her about it. But, they were unaware that she would cry herself to sleep every night. Soon, the kids actually started to attack her with their Pokémon. Unfortunately for them, they didn’t have as much experience as Stella in battling. After a painful lesson in battling, they stayed as far away from her as possible. She was even home schooled instead of public school. When she was old enough, Stella left Fallarbor with her Pokémon and camped out at the base of Mt. Chimney, where she decided to join Team Magma. She was, at first, torn between an inner conflict: live life like an average trainer, or sacrifice her freedom for excitement? She quickly solved it: Whenever she wasn’t needed, she would slip off and act she was just another trainer.
-Team History: While she was camping out near Mt. Chimney, Stella stumbled upon two Magma members who were trying to get more allies. She decided to join Magma for the excitement and the chance to see Groudon, the Pokemon that fascinated her since she first heard about it.
-Pokémon Team: 6 Pokémon; Zangoose (Shiny), Numel, Skarmory (Has a scar over right eye), Bagon, Poochyena, Solrock.
-Pokémon Team History: Zangoose was Stella’s first Pokemon, surprisingly. When she first saw the Pokémon, it was a small, sickly kit passed out on her front steps. After being nursed back to health, it never left Stella’s side. It became the leader of Stella’s team.

Poochyena was the Second Pokémon to join her team. While a friend was visiting Stella’s house one day, the Poochyena jumped out of the friend’s bag and raced towards a very sad Stella. Apparently, the Pokémon had come along for the ride. Sensing that something was wrong with the young girl, it refused to go back to its home, and even attacked anyone who got near Stella. So, it was allowed to stay with her.

Skarmory was the third member. Stella’s mother, who often traveled, had come home one day holding a weak, beaten and barely breathing Skarmory chick. Although it was given the best treatment possible, it was now blind in it’s right eye. Stella was determined to help it, and soon it became a permanent member.

Bagon is the next member. While Stella was still taught in a public school, her class went on a trip to Meteor Falls. The little Pokémon kept following Stella around, as if she was it’s mother. Finally, after many attempts to lose the Bagon, she gave up and allowed it to be on her team.

Solrock, the fifth member, was actually away from it’s home when Stella saw it. She was training with her Zangoose when she saw the Pokémon floating around in circles. She then decided to simply capture Solrock and add it to her team.

Numel was Stella’s last Pokémon to join her team. When Stella got to Mt. Chimney, she saw the Pokémon lazily eating some berries. She immediately battled and caught the Numel, who was completely confused the entire time. Nevertheless, although it’s a bit slow and weak, Stella still treats it like it’s a winner.
Personality: Stella has a “Lone Wolf” personality, which means that she usually works alone. She can be very merciless in battle, and harsh towards others. But, that masks her true personality. She’s actually very sensitive. She could be happy one moment, absolutely fuming the next. In other words, it’s best not to tick her off. Every once in a while, though, she looks for excitement, especially if it's something dangerous.
-Skills: Hacking into computers, stealing, solving puzzles, and battling.
-Weaknesses/Major Flaws: Has a quick-to-change temper, doesn’t get along well with others, and can be a bit of a klutz.
-Other: Nothing.

If there's any problems, let me know.
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-Real Name: Katie Ivan

-Usual Alias: The Ghost

-Age: 28

-Gender: Female

-Description: Katie stands at about 5’ 11”, thin and non-muscular. She prefers mind over matter, using her intellect to overpower others. She has straight amber hair that reaches just beyond her narrow shoulders and she has dark blue eyes. She has a small case of arthritis in her hand, however, which restricts some movements with her fingers.

-Vehicle Type: No vehicle, prefers to walk

-Vehicle Description: N/A

-History: Katie, at a young age, developed passion for Pokemon and their behavior, and she found certain affection for those of the water type. One particular Pokemon which Katie was drawn to was a Horsea she had found in a lake near her home. Learning the basics of Pokemon training from her father, she devoted much of her time to training her Horsea so vigorously and actively that it grew to be a powerful, quick fighter.

Katie became such an avid trainer by age twelve that her parents had decided to send her to an elite school for experienced young trainers. Katie had taken an interest in one of Horsea’s talents, Acid Armor, that allowed it to conceal itself in the water, and it was this tactic that quickly earned her the nickname “The Ghost.” She learned advanced training techniques and began battling competitively, unaware of the power of some of the more experienced students. She figured she needed to add a second to her team. She ventured outside the campus for a few hours and came upon a large lake. The first Pokemon that caught her eye was a Poliwhirl that was walking along the shore of the lake.

Poliwhirl proved not to be such an easy catch. Horsea still lacked the power to take on this opponent, and its Doubleslap attack made short work of Horsea after a few minutes. Horsea, with barely enough energy to lift its head, began to glow with a bright white light. When the light faded, a proud Seadra floated in the water. The Poliwhirl dove in the water after Seadra, and Seadra used its formidable Acid Armor to hide itself in the water. The Poliwhirl swam further down out of Katie’s sight and after about thirty seconds, a bruised and beaten Poliwhirl flew out of the water. Katie threw a Pokeball at the defeated Poliwhirl and it put up no fight. Katie had added a second to her team by 14.

By her senior year in the school, she had raused a Vaporeon and she was the top battler in the school. Her Poliwhirl, with the help of a Water Stone, had evolved. A tournament had started up in the academy, and she, of course, entered without thought of regret. It was a ten-round tournament, and as the battles progressed, the battles became more and more challenging for Katie’s skills. Eventually, it narrowed it down to just herself and one other contender. He was another well-known trainer called “The Grinder.”

The battle was a 3-on-3 between the two of them, and it lasted a long while as stealth and raw power were pitted against each other. Eventually, Katie, now more widely known as “The Ghost”, defeated “Grinder” and took the $250 cash prize and a Dragon Scale, which she used to evolve her Seadra.

Finishing up the semester, she graduated valedictorian and left to continue to train her Pokemon the way she had before. She had eventually begun to miss the thrill of the battle, and she returned one day to see "The Grinder" in another tournament. It was here she was found by a Team Aqua member and asked to join up with them for the fight against the Magmas. The Aquas had seemed amazed by her battling style and she had made it to the position of Aqua Grunt in less than a year.

-Pokémon Team: Kingdra, Poliwrath, Vaporeon

-Pokémon Team History: history…

-Personality: Katie prefers to be around others; she takes delight in company. She devotes much of her time making her Pokemon the best they can possibly be, and then put their strengths to the test competitively.

-Skills: Stealth is Katie’s greatest skill, and she will use her Pokemon’s speed and ability to conceal itself to her advantage.

-Weaknesses/Major Flaws: Katie’s biggest personality flaw is her short temper. She cannot take much stress without taking out her stress on other people. She cannot concentrate as well with too much on her mind, so she cannot multitask very well.

-Other: She and "The Grinder" work in different parts of Team Aqua, so they have not seen each other yet.

Yes, I know this sign-up’s history is in conjuction with FFs, but we’ve agreed to work together in this RPG as the only current Aqua members…

I am just experimenting with girl characters as of recently, so the description isn't as good as I would normally have written.
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Okay, sorry for taking so long to do all of this, but I couldn't get onto the internet for quite a while because my brother and dad, who set all of the computer stuff up, had trouble setting it all up because I reasons I don't actually know... well, I think that the phone lines may have had something to do so with it somehow, but whoever's reading this probably doesn't care about that. So, on to accepting, rejecting and generally discussing sign-up forms with the people who made them!

Heather Mason: Your form still isn't in or out yet, for the same reason as before. But, I'm going to go ahead and ask that you explain why Kat's Espeon has blue specks all over it's fur. If you want, though, I don't mind you saying that everyone guessed it was because two different species of Pokemon bred and the female gave birth to an Espeon (its species, probably) with blue specks all over its fur (probably from some sort of a Pokemon that have the same specks of a blue coat of fur).

And please go ahead and put up your second form, if it's ready, because for all anyone knows one may be accepted while the other is rejected; it depends on how well you designed each character. Second to lastly, I think that you should esplain who Kat likes, how she met him etc. in her history, when you get around to doing that.

Lastly, thanks a lot for changing her alias to a name that could be thought to be a real name.

sliver_lord: rejected; your alias isn't very good, your history is too short, your Team history doesn't have enough motive and is also too short and your history and Pokemon team history are supposed to be seperate, although that's not all that much a problem; you don't have to change that if you don't want to, assuming your going to try editing your form.

Plus, your punctuation and grammar aren't very good, and as one more thing, I think you should have put something like "ground travel" under vehicle type instead of "speed." All in all, not a very good form; try to work on things I've pointed out and maybe you'll get accepted.

FlygonFirefly: I guess I don't mind you not shortening it since you've already finished, so don't bother unless you feel like it or want to. And, of course, you're still not accepted or rejected.

Catgirl Sarisa: hmm... accepted, I guess. But, I would still appreciate if you work on a few details I'm about to mention.

First, Sarisa's alias doen't seem to make any sense; nothing in your form suggests anything that could inspire the name. Second, I think that since she joined Team Magma for the excitement and (probably) the adventure, you should make her an person that semi-craves excitement; I mean, I doubt someone would do something that extreme on a whim.

O'Malley: not accepted or rejected quite yet; first I want to us to discuss your form. First of all, you never made Katie's Vaporeon's history, which is the main problem since I'd definitely rather you have histories of all of Katie's Pokemon, obviously.

Second and last of all, I think I now realize why I don't seem to like most aliases very much; they're more like nicknames than someting that people would believe to be an actual name, so would you mind putting a name that could actually be real as Katie's alias? It can never be used for all I care, but what if somebody asked what her real name was? Characters aren't supposed to give those out in this RPG, so...
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I think that since I'm putting up my own Sign-Up Form, my double post is all right, and that's why I'm doing this... *nervously glances around*

Catgirl Sarisa: thanks for editing your form and fixing some of the things I pointed out, but would you mind changing your alias again? I'm really sorry, but like I like I pointed out with O'Malley's form, I'd now prefer it if everyone had an alias that people could mistake to be a real name so as to ovoid the problem of someone asking for the character's real name. You can still keep "Wolf" of course, I'd just like you to do something like Jane "Wolf" Doe, please. Again, sorry for the inconvenience.

FlygonFirefly: please read the above, and also edit your alias; thanks, and sorry for the inconveience to you too...

Heather Mason: please read my paragraph to Cargirl Sarisa, and then add a last name to Kat's alias; thanks to you too, and once again I am sorry for the inconvenience...

NEW RULE: your alias now has to be something that someone could mistake to a real name, although you can still have some sort of a nickname that's always used. Example: Samantha "Blizzard" Polkings.

-Real Name: Nathaniel (Nate) Greyhorn
-Usual Alias: Sean Fathoms
-Age: twenty-two
-Gender: male
-Description: fairly tall and well built, being very intimidating to smaller people when he tries to be. He’s slightly large although not overweight with short, messy black hair and slightly longer fingers than usual that seem to fit with his greenish brownish eyes. His legs are possibly the most muscular part of his body from walking or running everywhere he goes and he has a clear, deep voice.
-Vehicle Type: Nate has no vehicle; he walks or runs everywhere he goes unless he gets a ride from somebody.
-Vehicle Description: none; Nate has no vehicle.
-History: Nate grew up as an only child in a house with strict rules and views that had to be shared with his father or else. Luckily, he seemed to be a young clone of the aggressive man, and naturally shared the same viewpoints and saw the reasoning behind his father’s every move. Nate’s life was marked usually with study and training, although he excelled in leadership with his childhood friends, although he never made very many because he seemed to never had time to play, and whenever he did he wanted to play war games or militaristic strategy games using the multiplayer function.

In his classes, Nate was known as an excellent but bossy student; many times he was sent to the principal’s office for talking back or contradicting his history teacher, saying that he had gotten something mixed up or slightly incorrect, which helped to shape the aggressiveness he harbors as an adult, angered by the arrogance of his the history teacher, refusing to believe that one of his students could actually be better at the very subject he taught.

One childhood friend that was most likely his best would be Ferdinand, or Nando, whose mother happened to have joined Team Aqua at about the same time as Nate’s father joined Magma. They both knew of the other’s parent’s connections, and usually debated the views of both sides and sometimes had settled disputes using their Pokémon. Eventually, though, Nando and his family moved away, leaving Nate without any real friends around him, which only let him become more aggressive and bossy. Soon, he didn’t care about human companions in his life except his parents, and started focusing almost all of his attention on making his Pokémon grow more and more powerful, believing that if he ever joined Team Magma, he would push himself hard enough to be the best of the best.

-Team History: Nathaniel’s father had joined Team Magma even before the birth of his son, so it was natural that he expected his son to also join. Fortunately, Nate wanted to join, sharing most views that his father and the Leader of Magma, Maxie, had about the land crisis. At around fifteen years of age, Nate decided to actually join, and in about two years was promoted to the status of Magma Grunt, allowing him to finally take part in general missions. About only one year ago he was promoted to Magma Administrator, allowing him to lead the missions, much to his own happiness.

-Pokémon Team: a male Blaziken, male Venusaur, male Nidoking and female Vaporeon.

-Pokémon Team History:

Blaziken: instead of going to a Professor for his first Pokémon, Torchic, Nate had it given to him by his father, who believed that everyone in Team Magma needed a Fire-type Pokémon, and a good one at that. Growing up, Torchic wasn’t very strong, although Nathan eventually taught it that as long as it tried its hardest to win, he would be satisfied with it. Only recently it evolved, although it’s quickly gotten used to its new power and abilities.

Venusaur: wanting a Grass-type Pokémon to help symbolize his love for the land, Nate decided to get a Bulbasaur as his second Pokémon; he didn’t have much trouble, either, seeing as his father simply ordered for one from Kanto. When the small seed Pokémon arrived, it seemed to be nervous around any humans at all, probably from being kept in a Pokéball for almost the entire voyage to Hoenn. Soon, though, it felt right at home when Nate focused his time on training and caring for it. It was actually his first Pokémon to reach its second stage in evolution, and seems to act very proud when the fact is mentioned within its hearing range.

Nidoking: Nate’s most aggressive Pokémon after it fully evolved, although when it was only a Nidoran, it was very gentle and timid. When he first got him as the tiny, basic form Pokémon, Nate decided that he would make sure that the Pokémon would become merciless in battle; at first, it was terrified at the idea and almost feared its owner, but as it grew in power and age and evolved into a Nidorino, it started liking the idea of becoming unstoppable, and started pushing itself harder and harder. One thing that helped let the aggressive Pokémon be as aggressive as it was was the reward that Nate had promised it once it became strong enough: a Moon Stone, to increases the Pokémon’s strength and level of intimidation even more. Finally it received the Stone, and became Nate’s most aggressive, and probably strongest, Pokémon, and still strives to become stronger this very day.

Vaporeon: Nate, soon after he joined Team Magma, decided that he wanted a Water-type Pokémon to, at first, to try and dissuade people that he was a part of the “evil” Team, and later, because they were just as strong as almost any other Pokémon. Like how he had gotten a Bulbasaur, he asked his father to get him a Vaporeon because they were generally both strong and clever, and could use the special ability Acid Armor. Thinking that his son’s decision of which Pokémon he wanted as a fourth part of his team was a good one, his father gladly ordered a Vaporeon. Pretty soon, the creature got to feel comfortable around its new trainer and its new Pokémon friends and became a real part of the team, loving to battle and show off its abilities and strengths.

-Personality: stubborn and sometimes frightening; Nate tries not to care about others’ feelings and always makes sure that the mission comes first, whatever it is. Most people he meets don’t like him because of his “attitude problem,” as they say, although he can usually inspire his teammates to do their part of the mission very well.
-Skills: intimidation and leadership; very good at gaining confidence.
-Weaknesses/Major Flaws: most people think Nate’s a very bitter fellow and he doesn’t make friends very easily, partly because of his stubbornness; put simply, almost everyone he meets doesn’t like him very much.
-Other: Nate is the Administrator leading the Magma part of Team Snipe.

The RPG should start when there are few people that joined both Teams and, hopefully, the members are balanced. Until then, let's hope for some more Aquas to sign-up.


So, uh, lemme get this straight. I need to give a little binge of history, that I understand. With the alias thing, that was FF's idea. Suggestions on improvement, perhaps?
O'Malley said:
So, uh, lemme get this straight. I need to give a little binge of history, that I understand. With the alias thing, that was FF's idea. Suggestions on improvement, perhaps?

Actually, I thought of the idea for aliases by myself, and I'm talking about changing your alias to something like Jodie "the Ghost" Kevins, except with a name of your choice.


Actually, since FF is telling me he's dropping out, there's no point in me doing it either. He like just told me this, so...

I apologize several times over... but I must resign as Aqua member here.