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Pok?mon Water War! (108)


And, as if by magic, the webmaster appeared...
Staff member
Pokémon Water War!

On the next Island, Ash & Co. see a Team Of Fire-Fighters consisting of Squirtles, Wartortles and Blastoises. Eager to test it's Skills, Ash's Squirtle gets to train with them...but when an actual fire turns up, training has to become reality. Can Squirtle stand up to the Wartortles?

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Its almost time
This was the first Orange Islands episode I saw and let me tell you something, it sucked. I never knew this was the episode after Charizard Chills at the time and would have joyed if Ash had used it to help move the truck blocking Team Blastoise or for anything. This episode even should have given Squirtle the inspiration to evolve [SPOIL]Just like Treecko in What you seed is what you get![/SPOIL]


Team Awesome
I really liked Captain Adan and his team of wartortles as guest stars. They certainly made a great team in this episode and "The Fire-Ring Squad". I like the competition Squirtle felt with the wartortle leader and how they managed to resolve it in the end. It was especially funny when squirtle and the wartortle leader crashed into each other during the race and rolled across the finish line, and Tracey declared that they broke a land speed record. :) I do think it was a bit contrived that the blastoise team got held up by a truck that they weren't seen moving until several minutes later, when I"m pretty sure (based on blastoise's size and the number of them) that they could have easily gotten that out of the way much sooner and helped fight the fire, but otherwise that's my only quibble with the episode.
Not very inteesting, one of the more boring episodes in the Orange Islands


Well-Known Member
A good filler episode I like when they show Pokemon doing stuff other than battling, also a bunch of Blastoise held up by a overturned bus could have been dealt with better, and Ash could've simply used Charizard to rescue the kid instead of Squirtle and Wartortle going in.


Well-Known Member
I liked the whole tracey didnt no what the glasses meant thing because he wasnt there. First time i saw this i thought squirtle was either gunna leave or evolve.


kiss my greens
Cap'n Aiden... not bad looking ^_~ I remember actually saluting him when I watched this episode years ago.

The rest of the episode was kind of boring, though... Water Pokémon extinguishing fires... hooray! =\

Blue Snover

Cold as ice
Not a great Squirtle episode, i've seen better.


I remember this episode, I used to have it on VC and watch it pretty often. Loved how the Blastoise were too big to approach the fire and how the Squirtle didn't have a powerful enough Water Gun, meaning the Wartortles and Ash's Squirtle had to take action. One of the best fillers in the season.

P.S. Misty's Staryu is awesome ;)


I loved the battle between Squirtles and Wartortles.
I think Squirtel showed a lot of courage, although it smaller.
And the end was good, they worked in cooperation.


Let's go to the beach, each.
This episode was very good, its obvious people haven't watched it in years.

Oh I BEG to differ. It was downright dreadful.

At least Squirtle had some screentime to itself. I really didn't like the fact that there had to be little rivalry.

I did like the ending though. Wartortle and Squirtle working together to save the little boy from the burning building. 4/10


This episode was terrible but also HILARIOUS due to the sheer amount of bad puns in quick succession. I watched this last and couldn't help but laugh.

"Pikachu has seen the light"

"It's a real bright spark"

"Pikachu has become our biggest fan...!" (While showing an electronic fan.)

A few scenes later Meowth mentions he's as 'hard as nails' and Jessie and James respond by threatening to 'hammer' him.

Oh Team Rocket. There was also a pretty bizarre/terrible line where James offers Ash and co. a "freezy weezy treat".