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Poke-Fanart (update)

well hello there, fellow artists!
I must say you guys have some serious skills drawing pokemons! I must say that I would like to comment on all of them right now, but I can't. One of the problems is my pc (crashes thanks to my tablet....:( ) but I will do so after I restore my computer.
anyways, I own an account on deviantart
so I've been doing some artworks that are pokemon related.
here are them: ( see descriptions for more info and for full view,too. )
Pokemon collage
Plusle and Minun
Torchic ( my favorite!!!)
bouncing totodile
Ruby/saphire starters (need to colour them lol)
Pichu ( super smash bros melee pose and style)

Unfinished drawings (or WIPs):
Blaziken (working on this one right now :))

well, thats all...let me know what you think!
much apretiated.;257;

Latios avatar ( feel free to use ^^):
Latios and latias!


(recently finished...^^yayness!)
I'm now in the process of inking ( I use Macromedia Flash MX)
and I color them with Open Canvas ( here is my color technique:Skitty)
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.:Daisy Dancing:.
All of them have great shading. The pikachu's head seems a little weird and the tail seems like it's made of cardboard or something. Don't freak out over it though.


Well-Known Member
THEY ARE BEAUTIFUL! They are just about perfect! (Well, I wasn't so sure about the Pikachu!)

You're almost professional! That showed in your collage! The outlines are smooth, and the coloring blew me away! I love the Cyndaquil! *is hyper due to a choco chip cookie X3*


All of them have great shading. The pikachu's head seems a little weird and the tail seems like it's made of cardboard or something. Don't freak out over it though.
THEY ARE BEAUTIFUL! They are just about perfect! (Well, I wasn't so sure about the Pikachu!)

You're almost professional! That showed in your collage! The outlines are smooth, and the coloring blew me away! I love the Cyndaquil! *is hyper due to a choco chip cookie X3*
Awww.Cute Torchics!!![my favorite too]
thanks guys!
I really appretiate your well criticized comments cus thats what I wanted. usually people dont tell me what I want to hear...such as " oh, that is so cool..." you know...
about the pikachu...
lol I know it looks weird...but its because of the pose, and the little figurine I use ( dont know if you guys saw it...there is a link..)
and yes, I was concerned about the pikachu...
thats the reason why I posted...to see who is actually being honest. :)
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Evanji Axu

Pretty good Pichu. And that Cyndaquil is just too cute!

Catapult Turtle

AbLªh GenerªL
So vibrant @_@ I second the oddness of the Pikachu figurine. Groudon looks like it's going to come out great! However you're doing the coloring, it's really good, and pretty fun. I love that Cyndaquil. Looking at your pictures makes me very happy.

*Thumbs up*


Evanji Axu said:
Pretty good Pichu. And that Cyndaquil is just too cute!

So vibrant @_@ I second the oddness of the Pikachu figurine. Groudon looks like it's going to come out great! However you're doing the coloring, it's really good, and pretty fun. I love that Cyndaquil. Looking at your pictures makes me very happy.

^^ I dont know what to say....
*happy cry*
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