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Poke-Hero Squad!


Wonder of Thunder!

Staticbusken, Stretchoth, Ms. Sunny, Invisatu, Big Fairy, Speedbro.

Staticbusken ability: Electricity
Stretchoth ability: Strecthing really far
Ms Sunny ability: Weather control
Invisatu Ability: Invisibility
Big Fairy ability: Growth/Shrinkage
Speedbro ability: Super Speed

C+C on the sprites


Well-Known Member
Same opinion as ruka rukario, I'd like to add the Slowbro to the list (or is it wearing a two-colour tee-shirt? Sorry, can't tell) The outlines look a little "messy", they're not one-pixel wide on some Pokémon (like Xatu). But good effort!


The look really weird. the shirts kinda look to simple and begginer. and Dean, that was a really bad comeback.

Chaotic Pink

Let the zephyr blow.
The shading is bad, very bad! Look at the clothing, imagine you were wearing it would the neck line be straight?
Like the one on the end? No. You could do with working on shading and outlines.


I'm a Guy FYI
it looks like combusken doesnt have a neck no more and the shading looks kinda wierd it would be better if you kept the original shading....like the Zangoose in my sig