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Poke' Pets

Would you like to have a PKMN as a pet?

  • Yes

    Votes: 65 94.2%
  • No

    Votes: 1 1.4%
  • I don't know

    Votes: 3 4.3%

  • Total voters
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Grand Poobah
I was siting i my room one day and wondering what it would be like if I had a PKMN as a pet. Like what would you feed it, where it would live, what name you would give it, ect. I feel that PKMN could actually be types of pets like an eevee would be similar to a cat or fox and a pidgy would be some what of a parrot.

My personal choice for this topic would be a Beldum named Lexington. He would live in a Timer Ball and I would even make him his own room. He would eat Metal Coats. Since he's a steel type, I would polish him weekly and try as hard as I can to teach him something else besides take down.

If you have ever thought of this, post your comments or feelings on the situation.

RULES: 1. No Polotics
2. No Cursing
3. No Site Bashing
4. Have fun!
Note: This site is part role playing too, if you want to. ^_^
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um, and stuff
Wrong section but I would like to have 7 Eevees as pet. One for each evolution and 3 would be Shiny


Grand Poobah
Don't you mean 8, Normal;Fire;Water;Electric;Dark;Psychic;Ice;Grass


Well-Known Member
i would like to have a pachirisu ;417;


I like mangos!
There is no Normal Eevee evo

Yes there is...Its EEVEE XD

I would like a Mudkip as a pet. XD I wouldnt keep him in a pokeball, and Id built a swamp in my backyard for him to play in ^_^ Id probably feed him whatever I eat. XD


Grand Poobah
*Hugs Beldum and watches "The Price Is Right" while eating Purple Pancakes with Beldum


Grand Poobah
Oh, I did'nt notice it was still on R/S/E disscussions, eh, were all here right, mine as well talk about it in this chatting section.


Know it,Respect it..
I'd like too have a mew as a pet .It would be cool.


Grand Poobah
Okay, here's what I would do, since my Beldum(Lexington) doesnt like to be in its timer ball, I would build him his own personal room with a couch, bed, plasma TV, Nintendo Wii (which im happy is coming out tomarrow!), and his own personal butler named clayhorn.


Grand Poobah
My friend said he wanted a Kyogre, I said, "How could u get a kyogre to fit anywhere near your house dude, its like the size of 2 whales?!"


Obsessive Beader/Mod
Moving to GPD since this has nothing to do with gameplay.


I would have a claydol named Stevie. he would sleep in my room. And clean it up using his psychihc powers, can he tell the future? that would b cool too.

oh, and hi, im new lol.
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