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"Pokedex" Completion


Well-Known Member
I know there isn't really a Pokedex in MD, but you guys can post how many Pokemon you have, how many pages you have in your Friend Areas, and which you are working on restricting.
-For me, I have around 145, i'm in a dungeon so I will check later.
-Around 12-14 pages.
-Raikou, but i'm taking a break and doing a few missions.
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Well-Known Member
Eh, I actually have about 145 pokemon, I meant that I restricted about 200.


Well-Known Member
redblueyellow: Wow, how many hours do you play?
I wish I had more time to play, I cant only play after school, after homework...


Mii,myself and...Wii
I have a total of 183 pokemon. Mainly kanto and hoenn poke's.


Strawberry fields.
My guess is that I have about 40-50 Pokémon at the moment. I'm only at Fiery Field, and I haven't really begun "hunting" for Pokémon just yet.


Well-Known Member
Ok, now I have around 150, I went to some of the underwater dungeons and restricted a few there...


Well-Known Member
I only have about 150, too...16 pages, but the last only has a couple Pokemon on it. I'm takin' my time(and who wouldn't want to? I don't want to already be done with it and not play anymore).


Well-Known Member
Latias: It took me 10 times to find/restrict an Eevee.
5 more to go...