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Pokedex entry.


Well-Known Member
On Raichu's pokedex entry in LG or FR i think it says(i know it says it in one) that raichu's electric attacks are so powerful it can make a dragontie faint in one hit. so does that mean if its my lvl 55 raichu against a lvl 55 dragonite
and i use thunder and it hits does that mean it will take it out in one hit??


Obsessive Beader/Mod
None of Raichu's entries mention Dragonite...it says it can take down an Indian elephant in one hit.

But the descriptions really mean nothing game-wise. Flareon's description says its flames are over 3,000 degrees F, but it doesn't melt every Pokemon it attacks in the game. XD


Well-Known Member
None of Raichu's entries mention Dragonite...it says it can take down an Indian elephant in one hit.

But the descriptions really mean nothing game-wise. Flareon's description says its flames are over 3,000 degrees F, but it doesn't melt every Pokemon it attacks in the game. XD

I was also gonna point out that none of its Pokedex entry's said that either. Anyway Thunder will do jack to Dragonite


Torterra Firma
The entries suck. They're inaccurate.

Night Avenger

Rust In Peace
Hehe, supposedly Magby's body is as hot as its flame. So his flame must be real cold cause I've seen some people carrying Magby in the anime.


Bodybuilder Trainer

Don't doubt the Dex entries so much, you just haven't seen the instances where they happen...!!

The anime has some elements different from the game for dramatic purposes

So the games dex entries can be true to a point.

One things for sure... Machamp can lift a mountain with one arm and Machoke can hold a sumo wrestler on one finger!! *Most Muscular Pose*

Darkmaster Rannon

Thundercats Hoo!

Don't doubt the Dex entries so much, you just haven't seen the instances where they happen...!!

The anime has some elements different from the game for dramatic purposes

So the games dex entries can be true to a point.

One things for sure... Machamp can lift a mountain with one arm and Machoke can hold a sumo wrestler on one finger!! *Most Muscular Pose*

yeah umm so what have you been smoking?

*Jean Grey*

Night Triumphant
Goodness, that's just an entry, it doesn't really apply to the games


Bodybuilder Trainer
Meh, I know it really doesn't effect gameplay,

But it does effect the storyline.

Remember when Gardevoir tells you in MD that she/he was willing to sacrfice him/her self for her trainer? So, yeah.


Powerplay Champion
None of Raichu's entries mention Dragonite...it says it can take down an Indian elephant in one hit.
i guess if you look at a dragonite in a way...


Candy Corn ;328;

The entries mean nothing kadabras is aying that a psychic boy woke up one day as a kadabra. Thats like the stupid/weirdest one i ever seen.

Raichu doe like 31 damade to dragoniote with thunder ;026;

All depends on lv., ev's, ivs, and such.

Post above: Duh.


Natsu no Maboroshi
The entries are just for fun, don't believe them :)