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Pokedex Numbers

water trainer13

Water Master
Hi i'm new to this (posting on forums) and i've got 329 pokemon in my national dex and 130 in my pokedex so i need 21 (including mew) for the pokedex and 57 for the nat dex so can some people tell me how many they've got in poke and national thnx ;026;


Well-Known Member
On my firered my national is only about 80. On ruby it is 380 (kanto would be 148). I should be getting a slowpoke in the next couple of days so will trade and breed everything on firered then, when i will get 150 and 383.

water trainer13

Water Master
well i live in australia so we don't have any events (except journey across OZ which i missed) and we got to pick the top 10 pokemon to get free and people were picking primeape and arcanine instead of celebii and other event pokemon (we didn't get the tickets or the chart/map thingie) but my friend did get a lvl 13 dragonite and a lvl 18 feebas from it


Well-Known Member
As I live in Argentina and we don't have any events, I can´t get Mew, Celebi, Deoxis or Jirachi. My Pokedex has 143 and my Nationaldex has 188.