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PokeDouglas's sprites


Marshtomp Trainer

This is a sprite for a fictional Pokemon I created, Cobriper, an evolution of Seviper.

It's not quite my best work so far, but I'm still a little proud of it. I made it out of Seviper and then borrowed Arbok's neck and tail.

I will be posting more fictional sprites soon.

EDIT: oops, can someone please move this topic to the Fan Sprites section?
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Jirachi Master
Arbok and Serviper are very well blended. It looks great!


Well-Known Member
Maybe edit out the markings on the neck as it makes it look to much like a mix and not an evo. Otherwise, well done it looks ok and original enough to be an evo imo.


pretty good.
this does need to be in the sprites section, though xD!
only piece of crit: there is a lump on the neck before the wide neck thing. smooth that out, and it'll be very nice!

good work


Marshtomp Trainer
One of the reasons I hate Munchlax and PorygonZ is because they ruined two of my other ideas.

Yawnlax, a pre-evolution of Snorlax. Originally evolved into Snorlax at Level 20. Compiled from Munchlax and Snorlax. Stomach is hand-created.


Porygon3, the evolved form of Porygon2. Originally evolved from Porygon 2 as Trade w/ a fictional item, the Extended Upgrade. Compiled from Porygon2, and PorygonZ. Colors are from Porygon.


Pokemon Trainer
These are very cool pokemon.I like Cobriper and Yawnlax. You did really good n them.

Lord Sceptile

Active Member
I really like Cobriper, but where Seviper's head meets Arbok's hood, there is a small lump, other than that it is a great sprite!

Keep up the good work!

Lugia Tamer

< Is friggin awesome
Cobriper's pretty cool, but the shading where Arbok's neck meets Serviper's head needs some improvement; there needs to be some outline by the neck to.

Also, Porygon3's tail(?) looks like it was resized using MSPaint, try smoothing it out.

~Lucario Master~

Well-Known Member
The first one would look better if it's neck didn't bulge.

Yawnlax it's pretty obvious you just made a new stomach and then added Snorlax parts.

Porygon 3 looks ugly. It has to many legs and it's tail(sp?) is resized.

Yami Ryu

Well-Known Member
One of the reasons I hate Munchlax and PorygonZ is because they ruined two of my other ideas.

Yawnlax, a pre-evolution of Snorlax. Originally evolved into Snorlax at Level 20. Compiled from Munchlax and Snorlax. Stomach is hand-created.


Porygon3, the evolved form of Porygon2. Originally evolved from Porygon 2 as Trade w/ a fictional item, the Extended Upgrade. Compiled from Porygon2, and PorygonZ. Colors are from Porygon.

... Sorry but if given a choice, I would take Munchlax and Porygon Z over your creations. One: Munchlax looks better, and less well, like what you did, I mean that makes Munchlax look cute tbh, and three ... there was a joke going around calling Porygon z penisgon and well >.> not only is your porygon 3 sprite poorly made ... think it'd be the one getting that joke if you showed it to more people :/ put more effort into your next sprites. They're both poorly made and wtfable.