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Pokefan64's Anything Request Mansion



Need a sprite that is a little strange, and think no-one can do it? Then you've come to the right place.

My Previous Request Shops

First, there was "Pokefan64's First Request Shop" which ... just ... died for no apparent reason. And then Hazzer and I made a joint shop which we closed. Thirdly, I made an Uber A-Z which was overloaded with requests when I went on holiday, so explodeded.

What I Can Do

As in the title, in this shop I can make almost any sprite at all. I can do WBGs, animations, you name it. If you think your request is a bit strange or abnormal, then please ask me here! Also if you can, provide a picture that is similar to your request.


I don't require you to fill out forms for your requests - just give me a clear enough picture of what to do. If I don't understand, I'll PM you.


Just read the SPPf rules, I think everything is in there.


Right ... you can visit my previous request shops by clicking on the links in the "My Previous Request Shops" section, or you can take a look at my numerous sprite threads:


*this shop is in association with the WBG Express*

Think that's enough ... request away, people.

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