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PokeMart Questionnaire

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"Nirvash ready!"
That questionnaire-ish thing in the Pokemarts...is there a specific phrase I can say that will get me an item of some sort?


Active Member
to make it easier, press select when you choose words to make it go into alphabetical mode;476;


New Member
When I put the phrase in the clerk says "thank you for taking the time to fill out our questionnaire, your feedback will be used for future reference" what does that mean?


Active Member
When I put the phrase in the clerk says "thank you for taking the time to fill out our questionnaire, your feedback will be used for future reference" what does that mean?

It doesn't mean anything in particular. Just check your start menu and "Mystery Gift" will now be there. It's not that useful now, though, since events have long ceased to exist on R/S/E.
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