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Pokemon Absol

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absol attacker

go, my army!
in a land far away, all sorts of new pokemon roam. but evil is afoot! all sorts of evil and hiddeous pokemon live among the cute and cuddly ones and the cool ones, doing all sorts of evil and trying to rule the entire world. and they already control most of the reigon. it's up to you and your pokemon to stop them and rescue people and pokemon alike! also, the nefarious team Mortos is there to cause trouble as well. are you up for it?

i'd really like this project to turn into something, so please join up and help your old buddy Absol. we need a lot of skilled people, especially those who can make online games and such. there's sections for other things too, like anime, manga, tv, spriting etc. if it can't become an rpg, i want it to at least become a popular forum. there's a variey of things to discuss.

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