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Pokemon adoption center!


New Member

theres a great arcanine a did, il do the gengar line then the marowak!

Requiem's Eclipse

Hopelessly Hopeful
I'll be waiting for Requests here. For me tell if you want shinies or normal pokemon. Also put what position you want it in.
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Well-Known Member
can i get a diaruga if not a lucario


Still Dirrty
shiny suicune please


Well-Known Member
shiny suicune would look nice


faith is power...
Wow, your quite slammed on requests ^^;. (But I just think that goes to show how good these are lol.)

Umm... I would like to request aswell (apologies).

Pokemon: Stantler

Take your time, dont rush yourself.

Thanks always,

~ Tyger-san