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Originally Posted By V Faction
No straight answer? It is Mewtwo, make no mistake.

Has that really been confirmed? Makes sense, I just never pictured that as being Mewtwo.

♥Princess Ketchum♥

#1 Ash Satoshi Lover
your so lucky to get it now but soon after 2mros and next sundays we will have it soon,worth the wait though


Well-Known Member
This is actually awsome.
I dont give a danm about them spoiling it. There going to start airing a lot of epis I bet. And they'll probaly do new epis on weekdays(if so on fridays probaly) too,because of what they did >.>


Originally Posted By Random Charizard
This is actually awsome.
I dont give a danm about them spoiling it. There going to start airing a lot of epis I bet. And they'll probaly do new epis on weekdays(if so on fridays probaly) too,because of what they did

The sad thing is, they prolly won't. Each season has to be exactly 52 episodes (or w/e), which I didn't think of earlier on. So while, doing the math with epi #'s, a handful of BF episodes will fall into this season, I don't feel it's enough to justify showing the BF Leaders (among other spoiler clips that won't happen until the very end).

I realize that the US Advanced Challenge intro also spoiled basically the entire season in terms of evolution, but at least it still fell into the Hoenn Leage...not overlapping two separate leagues the way this BATTLE intro does.

Granted, I've always been amazed at why the dubbers/4Kids change the Japanese intros AT ALL (apart from time sake).
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Aww... I just found out that episodes will be aired on weekdays... :( I'll be at skool when they air :(



After re-viewing the new intro (I recoreded it on tape), I'll admit I DO like the new music....and I could deal with the including BF Leaders, but they cut off at least half of them in that one shadow/moving sequence and went right to the shadow/standing still clip.

Also, if they're going to show the clip with May and the cartoon-ish looking Combusken, Munchlax, and Squirtle they might as well have shown the one with Brock and Mudkip/Forretress/Bonsly, but now I imagine that part will never be shown in the US. I imagine they might've done that b/c even in JAPAN Brock has yet to be connected to Bonsly in the anime, so they DEF didn't want to reveal that in the US so soon.
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Yeah, ok!
It was a good intro.

Basically 4kids merged the 3rd AG opening and the Frontier opening.

Which leads me to believe that 4kids will use the scenes they skipped in these two openings, and use that to fill the gap for opening 9.

Trainer's Choice and Title screen have also changed for the new season.


Sea Ruby Trainer
Kojiro said:
Ha, little kids with no access to Japanese spoilers will be freaked out when they see a baby clown, a spikier sneasel, and a jackal!
Lol thas true they will be wondering about who they are for awile.

Lil Brother

Just kinda there.
*theme starts to play*

Me: Oh my God, those b*stards!

Family: o_O

Yeah... I didn't like it that much. Just seemed unorganized. I was just hoping for the clip with Ash and the swingset. Groan. Ah well, whatever. A lot of little kids are going "wtf?" now though.

And at least they left in the Pokeball changing into Ash's badge case. Yay!

Rex Kamex

Well-Known Member
CyberCubed said:
It was a good intro.

Basically 4kids merged the 3rd AG opening and the Frontier opening.

Which leads me to believe that 4kids will use the scenes they skipped in these two openings, and use that to fill the gap for opening 9.

Trainer's Choice and Title screen have also changed for the new season.


EDIT: Rats, I was beaten to saying that. Well, I wonder if the actual badge case in the episode will remain the same. Oh well.


Its almost time
Why do I see three different threads about the new opening?

I expected the Advance Medley being used. I did not expect the BF song being used as well. [SPOIL]They even had Manene with TR, even if Manene were to be caught, it won't even be in this season. They also had May's Gonbe and Squirtle with Combusken further spoiling the season. [/SPOIL] At least that will be all the spoilers. [SPOIL]They didn't show Snorunt/Glalie, Ludicolo and Bonsly.[/SPOIL]

Kakashi-Sharingan Warrior

Well-Known Member
that proves that 4kids have already dubbed the BF saga dosen't it?

Well I have to wait for this to come to the UK to write a full review

and btw can someone post pictures? I want to see who the 'caped thing' is.

Rukario, Manene AND Manyula????

blimey 4kids have gone nuts!!! *whips out a shotgun*
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Whoah-oh I'm unbeatable
(guitar riff)
Walking down this endless highway
Nothing but my friends beside me
We'll never give in, we'll never rest
Advanced Battle is the ultimate test
(something) the earth, the land, the sea, and sky
They can never win, but they sure can try
I'm unbeatable
Pokemon: Advanced Battle!
I'm undefeatable
From the stars and the ancient past
They come to play but they never last
I'm unbeatable
Pokemon: Advanced Battle!
I'm undefeatable
Advanced Battle!
I'm unbeatable!


Yeah, ok!
4kids did this because Advanced: Battle will go all the way up the Harley contest episode in the Frontier season.

Not only that, but it'll all under the "Advance" theme, even in Japan it's still called Advance: Generation. So 4kids isn't to blame for including the Frontier saga under the Advance title, it's the same like that in Japan.


Well-Known Member
It's the best intro ever in my opinion. I wondered how they would top the A.C. intro. It looks they did pretty well.
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Rex Kamex

Well-Known Member
ShucklemasterJ said:
that proves that 4kids have already dubbed the BF saga dosen't it?

Well I have to wait for this to come to the UK to write a full review

and btw can someone post pictures? I want to see who the 'caped thing' is

Not necessarilly, but at least they do know that the BF saga starts in this season. Anyway...


This is from PSM, and the caped dude scene is between the one with all the Pokemon running and the scene with Team Rocket.