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Today's episode, "Clamperl of Wisdom", marks the start of a new Pokemon season in the US and therefore comes accompanied with a new intro sequence (sampling the Japanese SYMPHONIC MEDLEY and BF intros). Once you see it, please comment/discuss!
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Not the color
phoenix12 said:
Today's episode, "Clamperl of Wisdom", marks the start of a new Pokemon season in the US and therefore comes accompanied with a new intro sequence (most likely sampling the Japanese SYMPHONIC MEDLEY). I haven't seen the new US one yet myself, but once you do please comment/discuss!

We'll find out in 20 minutes.

EDIT - Yeah it was pretty cool, but had A LOT of spoilers. I don't why they started the new season so earley.
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I can't wait to see what 4Kids does with Sympnonic Melody.


yea...they stuck pretty close with the ADVANCED CHALLENGE intro (just took out the Japanese "sad Ash" rain scene and replaced it with random battle clips like Lombre/Mudkip)...so hopefully BATTLE fill follow suit and stay true to MEDLEY

Rex Kamex

Well-Known Member
Well, here's the first review:

The new theme song is actually pretty good. They used some Symphonic Medley clips. They also used some from the Battle Fronteir intro!

The Big Al

I just keeping Octo
They just spoiled the whole season in the intro. I nice one though.
Just say the into... it's great... I finally got to see Manene and Gonbe and Bonsly and Manyula in the intro and the Frontier Brains... it was great... as for the song... I like it... it's ok...


AHHHHH!!! WTF?!?!? "GOOD"?!?!? WHY THE F*CK DID THEY INCLUDE BF CLIPS??? In less 4Kids plans on cutting out a LOT of episodes, the BF saga won't come into play until the NEXT Pokemon season (starting fall of 2006). Why are the BF Leaders shown during the Hoenn season? and Ash's Phanpy...May's Squirtle....Misty's Azurill...NONE of that comes until the VERY end of this season/beginning of BF season. In my opinion, not only did they kill Symphonic Medley, they ruined the BF intro as well.

The only explanation I can think of is that this same intro will be used whenever the US airs the BF season.


Sea Ruby Trainer
I liked the intro alot, but I have one qustion you know that Pokemon that they showed in the dark that had the cape on then it jumped in the air was that Mewtwo because I think it was.


Rose > your mom
*Sigh* I dont really like the new opening. They took scenes of the Medley and Battle factory and mixed them together. The song is the worst one since ever >_>. It looks really unprofessional, since the scenes look really out of place. I liked the last one better :O

Rex Kamex

Well-Known Member
phoenix12 said:
AHHHHH!!! WTF?!?!? "GOOD"?!?!? WHY THE F*CK DID THEY INCLUDE BF CLIPS??? In less 4Kids plans on cutting out a LOT of episodes, the BF saga won't come into play until the NEXT Pokemon season (starting fall of 2006). Why are the BF Leaders shown during the Hoenn season? and Ash's Phanpy...May's Squirtle....Misty's Azurill...NONE of that comes until the VERY end of this season/beginning of BF season. In my opinion, not only did they kill Symphonic Medley, they ruined the BF intro as well.

There are only about 40 out of 52 episodes left in the Hoenn saga. The Battle Fronteir saga does start in this season, just not this particular year.

V Faction

The new opening feels exactly like the new Revolution Controllers: A mixed bag.

They're using two seasons worth of openings. So that means by the time we get back to Kanto, we'll still have this opening. That's a long time.

They also used the Frontier Brain wide shot with Noland unveiled. The Japanese opening will undoubtedly be adding on to theirs, but I'm not sure if 4Kids! realizes what's happening.

Great music though.


Well-Known Member
mewtwo1414141414 said:
I liked the intro alot, but I have one qustion you know that Pokemon that they showed in the dark that had the cape on then it jumped in the air was that Mewtwo because I think it was.

I'm pretty sure that was Tucker.

BTW, the intro should come to the UK pretty soon, but it sounds messed up. I'd like to see the 4th Gen pokemon though. And they could've included english names for Rukario, Manyula and Manene in the intro.


They've taken two of the best intro's (Medley and BF) and made them into one of the worst. I can deal with them messing around with Medley...but the BF intro was my absolute fave Japanese intro...now it's just completely out of place. idk what to say...this is just awful....makes NO sense....

Originally Posted By MJC Carto Guy
There are only about 40 out of 52 episodes left in the Hoenn saga. The Battle Fronteir saga does start in this season, just not this particular year.

Hmm...good point...I didn't do the math. I still think it should've been saved till later, though. And now we've just completely lost the Drew/Harley clip (among other great shots in the BF intro). I don't like basing almost the entire intro on the last 12 (at most) episodes in a season.
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Well, it was definately jumping the gun, having scenes from the latest Japanese opening as well as the last one... Meaning Harley and Shuu were in it. <3 The song wasn't bad, but not the greatest... Well, since English seasons are different from the original, I suppose haven't scenes from later on isn't too bad... Isn't part of BF supposed to be a part of this season? Only the first few episodes I thought...

I rather liked it overall (except for the Frontier Brains being in it...). =3 I guess it's one of those love/hate deals...

V Faction

phoenix12 said:
They've taken two of the best intro's (Medley and BF) and made them into one of the worst. I can deal with them messing around with Medley...but the BF intro was my absolute fave Japanese intro...now it's just completely out of place. idk what to say...this is just awful....makes NO sense....
Awww, boo-hoo.

Even if they did split them up, changes would be inevitable.

Rex Kamex

Well-Known Member
-Absol- said:
I'm pretty sure that was Tucker.

BTW, the intro should come to the UK pretty soon, but it sounds messed up. I'd like to see the 4th Gen pokemon though. And they could've included english names for Rukario, Manyula and Manene in the intro.

Trust me, that isn't Tucker. That would be too random.


Originally Posted by Mewtwo141414141414
I liked the intro alot, but I have one qustion you know that Pokemon that they showed in the dark that had the cape on then it jumped in the air was that Mewtwo because I think it was.

I've wondered the same thing since MEDLEY came out in Japan! I don't think there's really a solid answer, tho.

Rex Kamex

Well-Known Member
They also changed the Trainer's Choice music to be more similar to the new dub intro. They also changed the type of question. "Which Pokemon would be most affected by ember?"