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Pokemon Adventurers: Beginner's Luck

Pokemon Adventurers: Beginner's Luck

Chapter One-Night Flight
Chapter Two-Holy Sweet Elite
Chapter Three-Of Snakes and Food
Chapter Four-Shopping, Plotting and Creaming
Chapter Five-The Fields of Viridian

Rating: PG-13 For violence and all that. Take it seriously.
Inspiration for this chapter came from: All you 'good' reviewers that so dislike 'traditional' opening chapters involving late risings and fun but uber starting Pokemon. Credit also goes to my writer's block, which prevented upwards of fifty previous stories from ever making it past the first chapter and thus inspired this work of art, which blows right through.
Make up weird-sounding reasons for anything he can't find facts on (example: the upcoming Shinou/Sinnoh Region and where it was before D/P came out)
Ignore your post if you flame his
Report rulebreaking posts
Insert himself into the fic whenever and/or wherever he wants
Interpret the Pokemon world any way he wants
Utilize 'generic' tools, names, Pokemon, plot, etc.
[Everything else here]
Chapter One
I sat on an oversized rock in the middle of the vast rolling hills north of Pallet Town on that bright April afternoon, alternately browsing through the pages of my official copy of The Trainer's Handbook and keeping an eye on Flash, my Charmander Starter, as he romped around with a coupla Rattata and a Caterpie that he had discovered cowering behind the rock I was perched on. It had taken a little doing on his part and some comfortable ignoring of them on my part, but he had finally managed to convince them that we weren't out to capture them, at which point they had begun some sort of Tag/Football crossover.

I wasn't really upset about that. I mean, I felt a little excited over the prospect of catching my own Pokemon, but there were several reasons for leaving these little guys alone.

First and foremost was the part where I really didn't want to interrupt their fun and my studying just so I could capture one, possibly two Pokemon. I mean, there were always at least one Pokemon out of ten that attack you with the sole purpose of battling you, capture or victory their aim. Why bother going for a coupla Pokemon when I was sure that I'd probably get a chance to take some other Rattata or Caterpie that actually WANTED to get caught, or at least was ready for it.

Another reason was that I didn't want to train Pokemon that wouldn't live very long. Even with the extension of their life spans brought on by the genetic alterations incurred by the capture gases used in pokeballs, Bug Pokemon and Rattata still only lived four or five years, with the minor exception of some of the nastier Bug-types, like Scyther and Pinsir, or the Bugs crossed with one of the 'indestructible' types, like Forretress or Shedinja, with the latter having no end to its life span yet recorded. I wasn't about to expend the time and energy to capture something that would live for only a few years when I was planning to train for the rest of my life. Who wants to go through the trouble and pain of having to train a new Pokemon every few years?

The biggest reason, of course, was that, like most other new Trainers, I had already planned out my team. I knew that it would probably change, like most things do, depending on my whims and the current state of the competition, but I wanted to keep as close as possible to my plan.

First and foremost, I had chosen Charmander, a Fire-type Pokemon that evolves into the Flying-Fire dragon Charizard. One of the more powerful types, I knew I could easily capture at least one of the other Pokemon for my team with it and defeat several Gym Leaders, if I found a way to move around the different Regions and I could avoid Water-type Trainers.

The next Pokemon I wanted to catch was Exeggcute, a Psychic/Grass cross that could evolve into the devastatingly powerful Exeggutor, a tree-like Pokemon with three heads that had been known to destroy small towns when under the guidance of even an inexperienced Trainer.

After I caught Exeggcute, the logical next step would be to capture a Water-type. My preference was a Seel, Poliwag or Lapras, as their final forms were large enough to carry my five-foot-eleven, hundred-thirty-nine-pound body across the various large bodies of water that populate the Region area and had good secondary types, Ice being great against the Grass-type, the favored anti-Water-type, and Fighting being just a good all-around type.

After that and after I acquired Surf and the Soul Badge, property of Koga, the ninja Leader of the Fuchsia City Gym, I would be able to travel to Johto across the small bay between Pallet Town and New Bark Town or, depending on the level of my Surfer, I could even head off to Hoenn or Orre or my home Region, the Sevii Islands. My plan, however, called for making a stop in Johto to acquire a Piloswine or a Steelix, depending on the type of Water Pokemon I captured, then heading off to Hoenn to round out my team with a Kecleon, the Normal-type being a good Swiss Army Knife attack-wise, and a Sableye, the wonder Ghost/Dark Pokemon that has no weaknesses type-wise.

Of course, this team depended on Charmander evolving into Charizard, which, if he didn't want to, could be changed in a second. I had several alternate teams already planned out, but, being the rather reckless, footloose character I am, I wasn't even sure I wanted to operate with a planned-out team. After all, the Poison-type, even though it was only on one of my lists, was a fun type to watch on TV, and the all-around-weak Electric-type was, although lousy defensively, a powerhouse when it got rolling, with such Pokemon as Raichu, which could launch roughly a hundred thousand volts of power at a whim, Magneton, which was known to down a city's power just by being there, and Manectric, which could get so powerful that it would be continually trailed by thunderstorms.

So, as of my first day of Pokemon Training, I had some idea of what I was going to do and little idea of how to do it. But that didn't matter, because I was part of the greater corporate identity known as the Pokemon League.

And that, as I studied my Trainer's Handbook, was impressive in itself.

I looked up briefly as Flash growled in pain, then returned my attention to my book when I noticed that he had just bumped his nose on the Caterpie's head and had already returned to helping the little caterpillar chase the Rattata around. I turned the page and found myself suddenly stumbling on an innocuously-titled chapter: Cautionary Preventative Steps to Prevent Permanent Injury to Yourself and Your Pokemon from Wild Pokemon.

Now, the mere fact that wild Pokemon would consciously maim a Trainer’s Pokemon was a shock in itself, but a Trainer? I began reading intently to see if they meant accidental injury, like a freak Thunderbolt being loosed in the wrong direction or a Rock Throw starting an avalanche. As I read into how many deaths and injuries wild Pokemon purposely inflicted on Trainers and their Pokemon, I found myself entering into a place that many people wake up to every day: the Real World.

During my first eighteen years, I had been duped into believing that Pokemon Training was a bed of roses. Oh, sure, I’d known that I’d have to work hard to help my Pokemon become more powerful, and I had known since watching my first Pokemon Battle on the Arena Channel that Trainers and Pokemon would both be tested physically and mentally during battle. I had even known that many Pokemon prey on other Pokemon, but it was academic to me: a mental and not emotional realization that predators have to eat meat because they are predators.

But as I read on into the death statistics and the maimings and the disappearances, many of which were extremely violent, something inside me clicked on. I wasn’t sure what it was, but I could tell what its purpose was. It was there to help me survive in this brand-new world and it was just inputting its first information: death does not always come through age alone. As my eyes glazed over the pages I was reading, I realized that I had even read of this reaction before. The ‘Survival Instinct’, many Trainers who had clawed their way to the top of the stack had called it. A little consciousness inside the consciousness that was always trying to keep the parent consciousness and, by extension, the body that it was in capable of supporting its further existence.

Flash growled again, this time in a playful manner, and I jerked involuntarily, snapping my head around to see him, the Caterpie and one of the Rattata tickling the other Rattata and all four giggling hysterically. I was about to yell for Flash to get away, they were wild Pokemon that could kill him, but then another consciousness awoke: common sense informed me quite rudely that it was doubtful any of the three Wilders, as I mentally labeled them, could take Flash on and win, whether singly or as a group. Fire is naturally dangerous to Bug-types, and the two Rattata didn’t look near as prepared for battle as Flash, who had grown up being instructed in an environment that prepared him for the sole purpose of being a beginning Trainer’s first Pokemon and probably that Trainer’s powerhouse. Not only that, but common sense also directed my eyes to Flash’s fangs. He was a predator, unlike the herbivore Caterpie or the omnivorous, but mainly herbivorous, Rattata, and was more likely to eat them than they were to kill him.

I settled down at that, returning to my book even as I cursed myself for being so jumpy and silently thanking Lance Toshiba, the Kanto Elite Four Champion who, eleven years before, had altered the Trainer Minimum Age from ten to fifteen. If I had been a ten-year-old and had read that chapter, I would have probably run off screaming and gotten myself eaten.

Actually, considering how I was at ten, I probably wouldn’t have even read the Handbook and gotten myself eaten the third day out of Pallet. Maturity, even five extra years, is a wonderful thing.

As I settled back into the book, reading through the various precautions to be taken when traveling through forests and other wild, virtually untouched areas, the idea slowly began developing in my mind that, even though dangerous, an excursion into some of the tamer wild areas would be a good chance for a little extra training or capturing a more powerful Pokemon for the team. So the idea was already in my head when I got into the section about training in wild parts of the Regions, which began going into detail on the unknown status of so many of them. Perhaps, a small voice echoed in my head, when Flash was stronger and I knew a little more...

Then I noticed, abruptly and unhappily, that it was getting dark. And I was still a couple miles away from even the Viridian Plain, where Viridian City was located.

To set the proper context, I had just finished reading the equivalent of a spooky book. And it was getting dark.

Whee is an understatement.

“Flash!” I slid down from my rock and looked around for the little orange lizard, locating the burning light of his tail hiding behind a tree in the slowly-but-surely gathering gloom. “Time to go!”

The lizard slumped out from behind the tree, making a complaining noise that was echoed by his three playmates and a new player, a Hoothoot that hopped out from a small hole in the tree above Flash. I sighed and waved for Flash to hurry.

“Hurry up, Flash, it’s late and we’re still a couple hours away from Viridian City and the Pokemon Center.” The thought of the free bed and meal was attractive, to say nothing of the safety of four walls around me. It would take something really determined to break through the walls of a PC, which were rated to withstand everything from a Charizard’s fire to a Gyarados’ thrashing to a Nidoking’s Hyper Beam. And the only predatory Pokemon around these parts were all Bug-, Normal- and Poison-types, which meant that they weren’t much of a threat to a city watched over by the powerful Giovanni Landers, Root Admin of the deadly Team Rocket, masterful strategist and unarguably the most powerful Ground-type Trainer in the world, and home to the Headquarters for not only Team Rocket, but also the Headquarters of the Mercenary Teams Sting and Bloodsport and the Fan Team Karl’s Heroes and secondary bases and recruitment centers for more Teams than you could shake a stick at.

All in all, it was the safest place in the world that night. And here it was, roughly thirty minutes until dark, and I was still a few hours from leaving the Wild and entering the safety of domesticated Civilization.

Flash, however, didn’t quite see it that way. He looked first at the sun, then north in the direction of Viridian City and south in the direction of Pallet Town, which was already three hours behind us. He then turned his gaze to me and shook his head, making a strangely serious sound for something of such a cute appearance while pointing toward a dell formed by several hills dropping abruptly down for roughly fifteen feet a few dozen yards to the west of our position. I cocked my head and thought it over, then figured out that he wanted to make camp in the dell and shook my head.

“No, let’s try to get to Viridian City.” Trying to exert some sort of emotional sway over him, I said, in a tone not a little discouraged, “Everybody else who started today is probably there already.”

Flash grinned and waved for me to follow him, then, with the Rattata and Caterpie scampering around ahead of him, trotted toward the valley.

I was about ready to give up and recall him when a new thought hit me: look it over seriously, deliberate fairly on the location, then say no and make a break for Viridian City, having shown myself to be fair and intelligent and very hungry. With that in mind, I hefted my sleeping roll onto my shoulders and stuffed my book into the pocket of my pants before striding along behind Flash, determined not to be swayed by any emotional appeal.

My emotions weren’t what was appealed to, though, as I found out to my rapidly-drooping spirits. For starters, the dell was situated so that there was only one steep entrance from the top, with the trees and assorted brush blocking all access from the less violently-steep valleys formed by the gently rolling hills around and the steep walls lined at the bottom by the sharp, pointy plants preventing entry from that angle. The entrance itself, as I discovered the fun way, was lined with razor-sharp thorns and wild rose bushes, not to mention the fact that the ceiling of the tunnel was so low near the bottom of the trail that I had to crawl on all fours and even Flash, two foot something that he was, had to stoop slightly to go through.

When I emerged from the tunnel, I found myself in what had to be the inspiration for all of May-May Clionne's journey novels. The trees that lined the edges of the dell had grown in such a way that their leaf-lined branches formed a slight roof, through which the late-late-afternoon light filtered through in a way that somehow lit the entire area without throwing much of a shadow. A tiny bubbling brook ran right through the middle of the clearing, which was populated by grass and dotted with several patches of dirt showing where previous occupants had worn the grass out. There were even small piles of charcoaled sticks showing where previous Trainers had made small fires for cooking and warmth. The Rattata, Caterpie and Hoothoot immediately began running around in a berserk fashion, playing that Tag/Football thing they'd been playing before.

I couldn't find anything to dislike about the spot, much to my irritation. I wanted out of the cold, out of the elements and away from the dangerous predators. I was about to veto the camping site when my 'irritation' factor suddenly swapped angles after realizing something very, very, VERY irritating was happening.

I was letting my emotions get twisted by a book that was probably written by a big, fat, overly lazy creature way back in a warm office.

THAT officially switched my opinions around, 'cause if there's one thing I HATE, it's being manipulated, whether intentionally or unintentionally, by somebody else. I'd camp in that spot all night and ENJOY it if it killed me, which was doubtful.

The thought of the rumored packs of Houndour and Houndoom flickered into my mind, but my irritation, which was rapidly transferring into anger, at the fear-mongering that I'd been playing on myself via a chapter in a book, simply transferred itself into an oath that I'd kill them if they got me out of my bed in the middle of the night.

Or at least make it more trouble than I was worth to eat me.

While I was thinking all this through and sucking on my bleeding fingertips, Flash trotted around the perimeter of the clearing, which was rapidly darkening as the sun went down, before trotting up to me and tapping my thigh with one claw. When I looked down, he pointed at the sleeping roll slung across my chest from hip to shoulder and then at a clear spot on one side of the brook that was worn in almost a perfect rectangle. Previous sleepers enjoying a good spot, I decided, and moved over there, removing my roll from my back and untying the twine holding it together before flipping it out and setting it down, neatly lining it up with the edges of the worn spot. When I finished, I looked it over and decided that that spot was, in fact, a previous resting spot for people, as it was perfectly proportioned to my bedroll.

Flash, meanwhile, had skipped off to play with his friends and I decided to leave him at it while I picked up firewood. Looking around, the feeling that this was the best spot to be camping in for miles around continued building in me. Dead branches littered the ground, many of them either small branches suitable for my needs or larger branches that could be easily broken into smaller pieces to resize them for a fire. There were scores of tiny dead branches from the brush as well, providing perfect kindling, and I sure didn't need a lighter or matches as long as I had Flash and his flame-tipped tail.

Quickly gathering enough brushwood and branches for a fairly decent fire, I plopped them next to a charred spot and, flopping down, built a small pyramidal structure in the gloom of the final rays of the sun and the early twinkling of the stars and a new moon. When finished, I could only see that I was done by the reflected firelight of Flash's tail swinging around. Looking around, I spotted him and the two Rattata having a race between the Hoothoot and the Caterpie. I waited until the race was over, which he lost handily to both the Rattata, then whistled to catch his attention and waved him over.

"Hey, Flash, gotta light?"

He nodded and merrily skipped over, carefully avoiding the brook by jumping as far as possible from a running start. When he reached the little pile of wood, he brought his tail out in front of him and, holding the tail firmly between his paws, blew on the live flame that was attached to the tip of it. Embers began scattering wildly, then several lit on some of the dry grass I had placed underneath the wood and started them to burning, at which Flash stepped back and watched contentedly as the flames began rising.

I watched the fire for a coupla minutes as well, then my stomach made a sound like somebody spitting and I rummaged through my left pants pocket before pulling out a nutrient bar and a piece of steak wrapped in plastic that I'd brought along for Flash. Unwrapping the meat, I offered it to the Charmander, who grinned toothily before practically inhaling the food, almost taking the tips of my finger off in the process. I threw him a dubious look as I shook my hand to get the tingling of near-death experience out of it, then turned my attention to my own food and began tearing into it with an appetite that hadn't had a thing since roughly two-thirty, when I'd had a light snack consisting of three apples and four pickle-ketchup-mustard-cheese sandwiches.

As I inhaled my own food at least as fast as Flash had done his, I watched the little fire lizard returning to the game of Catch-Me-and-Tackle-Me-In-Teams-That-Don't-Stay-The-Same and, like most people who end up sitting in an almost romantic setting eating a PokEnergy bar for his supper, began reflecting on the world and ways to enjoy it quietly.

For roughly five seconds.

There was a sudden 'whoosh' of air above me and then a 'huff' of exhaled air, heralding the arrival of a female wearing nothing but black, ninja outfit and fancy masquerade-style mask and all.

I, being the guy who's always on top of things that I am, gave a startled 'yip' as I flopped onto my back, where I immediately slapped my palms flat to the ground and flipped to my feet, landing with my hands in front of me in case she tried any funny business.

Flash wasn't too far behind me, leaping over the brook and landing on all fours next to me before raising himself to his full height and baring his teeth at the girl.

We stood there for a moment, the girl on one side calmly watching our antics as if they were amusing and we on the other watching her carefully, intently watching her every move in case she was going to attack. After a moment of that, the girl smiled slightly and, crossing her arms in front of her and revealing two Spinarak clutching her armbands, bowed, her neck-length black hair shifting with her ghostly motion like something that had a mind of its own.

"This night is heralded by the smoke of your fire, young Trainer." Straightening up, she stretched comfortably, arms above her head and flipping the Spinarak around so that they were back-to-back. “The dark hunters are out and about. I suggest you prepare yourself with containers of water to douse their fire and kicks and punches to send them running.” Suddenly dropping into a crouch, she backflipped onto a tree branch overhead, where she paused briefly and looked at me coyly. “Show no fear, young Trainer. They can sense it and it draws them.” With that remarkably reassuring remark, she was gone, leaving a clearing that was suddenly very quiet except for the fearful whimpering of the little wild Pokemon and the nervous rustle of the Hoothoot rapidly trading feet several times.

I clenched my fists and looked down at Flash, who stared up at me determinedly, albeit with a slight tremor in his lower jaw. Not wanting to frighten the Pokemon any further, I quirked a grin on one side of my mouth and straightened up, letting my hands fall to my sides.

“I don’t suppose she was referring to the IRS, huh?”

Flash looked puzzled for a moment, then enlightenment broke across his face and he chortled for a bit, until the Hoothoot abruptly began hooting in a fashion that is best known as ‘panicked’. Snapping my gaze toward it, I was almost struck by its panicked flight from whatever was chasing it. Ducking beneath it, I was then almost bowled over by the white streak that was flashing along after it.

Operative word, of course, being ‘almost’.

My feet held their places beneath the initial assault, allowing me to get my hands up just as a set of the nastiest teeth I’d ever seen came for my throat. Wrapping my hands around the upper and lower jaws, I spun and flung the Persian, as the jeweled forehead revealed it to be, into the side of a tree, causing it to yowl painfully. I winced at the sound, remembering the strange girl’s admonishment about the dark hunters, undoubtedly Houndoom and/or Houndour, being in the area and prowling about, then the cat rose to its feet, glowering darkly at me and growling angrily. Flash interposed himself between us, growling nastily at the cat and having the favor returned. The Persian slowly got to its feet, allowing me to see its ribs so plainly that I could have counted them all if time had permitted.

But the cat had little patience for visual inspection by a human, as evinced by its rapidly dropping to its haunches and then leaping from that position, heading right for me in a wounded fury. It hit me in the chest before I could duck, knocking me back into the brook before we bounced back in a roiling, tearing, heaving mass of fur, claws and muscle. Just as I managed to hit its head with a rock that I hastily grabbed from the edge of a tree and roll on top of it, wrapping my fingers around its throat in a desperate to subdue it before it did so to me, it disappeared from under me. I collapsed into a roll and came up in a crouch, seeing my handbook teetering over the edge of the brook’s embankment, an empty PokEnergy bar wrapper and a line of five pokeballs, with the fifth one wriggling back and forth wildly. Even as I watched, awestruck and still slightly dizzy from my rolling around, the pokeball stopped wiggling and the red top half went transparent, revealing a glowering Persian staring up at me. I blinked a coupla times, then looked at Flash, whose face mirrored my stupefied shock.

“This is SO not the way I envisioned catching my first Pokemon.”

He nodded, slowly shuffling over to the handbook and carefully flipping it back onto the dry ground just as it began sliding into the brook. We both stared at it for a second, our brains slowly catching up with what had happened, then I shook my head and, stretching out on one hand and a knee, plucked the Persian’s pokeball up from where it was lying, causing a whimper to emanate from a bush along the rim. Snapping around in preparation for attack, the most threatening thing I noticed was that the Caterpie, in its species’ response to fear, had released what had to be the most vile stench I’d ever had crawl up and hook my nostrils in advance of ripping them out of my head. Grinning, chuckling with the release of tension, I waved my left hand in front of my face while my right fingers, still holding the pokeball, covered my nose in an attempt to filter out the smell. It smelled like my pocket.

“Dude, that stinks.”

Flash began chuckling, then giggling, then he broke into laughter, my voice adding to the din as the rest of our little group began releasing the tension that had built up through laughter.

“Oooooowooooooo! Roooooo! Hooooooooooooowwwooooooo!”

The clearing went silent as quickly as it had broken out into laughter, the girl’s warning echoing its way into my head. ‘The dark hunters are out and about.’

We were SO dead.

But then the stress in my brain that hadn’t yet been released found a new outlet: pride and fury. I had just survived my first encounter with a Predator, capital P and large teeth, on my own. There was no way I was gonna let a few wolves stop me.

Grunting, I leaped over the brook, picking up my pokeballs and book as I went and stuffing them back into my pockets. I paused for a moment when I reached my bedroll, trading hard stares with the Persian for a moment before chucking its pokeball on the ground.

“C’mon out and join us, kitty!”

The other Pokemon all went tense again as the white cat erupted from the confines of its pokeball, landing on all fours and staring around the clearing with hate and spite in its face. When it reached my face, which was reflecting my rapidly darkening mood, it must have sensed that I was ready to take it on again if it tried anything and sat back on its haunches, its only movement after that the twitching of its ears as the wolves continued howling. Staring at it a little longer, I let my voice drip with the fury that was building up in me, fueled by my memories of the fight.

“You are hungry.” Its only reaction was to swivel its ears back to me. “You want meat. You want blood spurting between your teeth and tendrils breaking.” I had little to no idea if that was the case, but my friends in the Junior Novel Writer’s Club back home had sure thought they knew and it seemed to be working, as the words flowed from memory and began causing the cat to lick its chops. “You want your prey to wriggle in your mouth, feeling its last few drops of life slowly trickle into your mouth.” I knelt down, dropping my eyes to its level. “And I want to deal pain to those wolves. Hear them?” I cocked my head to the side, letting a dangerous grin flit across my face. “Do you think you might like a little wolf-meat?”

The cat broke into a toothy grin and got to its feet, bobbing its head in a nod that shook its entire body. Standing up, I waved it toward the entrance tunnel to the clearing.

“Have fun.”

It bounded away, disappearing into the trees faster than I could follow with my eyes, then I knelt down and began rolling up the bedroll, directing my voice toward Flash and the other Pokemon.

“Flash, we’ll be heading outta here as fast as possible and as quietly as possible.” Flipping the twine around the roll, I began tying a shoe knot. “The rest of you are welcome to come with us if you don’t already have a place to hide.”

The Hoothoot flapped its wings and took off into the sky, hooting a farewell that the rest of us responded to by squeaks, growls and waving. The Caterpie crawled up to a tree and slowly began climbing it, while the two Rattata traded looks, then dove for the bushes and disappeared. Blinking, Flash and I traded looks, then shrugged simultaneously and turned toward the entrance tunnel.

Right about then the howls, which had continued unabated since beginning, altered in pitch and a new type of howl was added to the din: pained, wounded and dying. A deadly-sounding yowl rose above the din and I quirked a half-hearted grin.

"Sounds like our friend the tooth has met the wolves." Turning to Flash, I snapped my fingers and he snapped his gaze to me. "Awright, here's the plan: we duck outta this hole and turn left. We go roughly two to three hundred yards and we come to a stream that's goes up to my shoulders and is about fifteen yards wide. We cross that and it should hold them up long enough for Tooth-'N-Claw to catch up. After that, we run like there's no tomorrow." I thought about that for a second, then shrugged. "Actually, there won't BE a tomorrow for us if we don't make it." Giving him a stern look, I shook my finger at him. "So we're gonna make it!"

Flash nodded and gave me a thumb's-up and I hefted my bedroll onto my shoulder just as something came crashing down into the clearing from the other side, thudding onto the ground and causing us both to spin toward it. We relaxed when we saw that it was just a human, although we kept an eye on him as he got to his feet and brushed his sleeves, the girl from before floating into my mind. There was a soft flapping noise and then a blue-and-purple Zubat fluttered into view, squeaking a couple times at its Trainer, who looked us over carefully.

"I don't suppose you're some big-shot League Champion, are ya?"

When he said 'League Champion', that clicked with the girl's face and I glowered darkly at the tree she had backflipped onto. "No, but you just missed one." He blinked at me and I sighed. "Onyx was here."

He chuckled and absently adjusted the straps to his backpack. "Yeah, that's what they all say." Sighing, he turned and looked at the hole in the tree cover that marked where he had come crashing through. "I suppose we're dead."

I shrugged and, kicking the fire apart, plunged the clearing into gloom before moving toward the tunnel entrance. "Follow us and we'll see if we can't survive slightly longer than today."

Dropping to my hands and knees, watching the shadows thrown by Flash's tail waver ahead of me, I crawled up the tunnel, listening to the startled noises emanating from the guy behind us as he discovered that the thorns on the bushes around us were decidedly sharp. When we emerged from the tunnel, I pulled Flash's pokeball from my vest pocket and helped him out of the tunnel, whispering in his ear that he'd probably be better off in his ball before we got to the water. He nodded and I dropped the ball on his head, causing the light from his tail to disappear and the starlight and moonlight to suddenly snap into focus. I closed my eyes and counted to twenty as the other kid slowly felt his way up, huffing slightly form the effort.

"Couldn't ya have left the light on fer another sec?" His whisper was almost inaudible in the din caused by the loud yowling and howling all around us. "It's rugged down there!"

I grinned and whacked his shoulder just enough to attract his attention before moving off toward the darker distant shadow of the water I had spotted from my rock perch before I had begun reading oh so long ago. As we moved along through what felt like the entire pack of howling, yipping and occasionally squealing wolves, I felt more than heard the other kid slowly edging ahead of me, his Zubat flashing along around us and ahead of us. I got the sneaking suspicion that he was planning on ditching me and tapped him on the shoulder, getting his attention.

"I'd better lead in case we meet my Persian out here."

He looked at me, a dark, shadowy shifting of the head, and said, in a tone that sounded rather surprised, "You've got a Persian out here?"

"Just caught it and sicced it on the wolves when I first heard them." Right on cue, a ferocious yowl rose above the din from our left. "And there he is."


He didn't say anything else, but he did move back behind me again. I led the way toward the water, then heard a shift in the howls and saw three pairs of eyes staring at us from straight ahead. They were low, however, so I just charged, knocking the Houndour out of the way with my knees before they could adjust to my abrupt speed-up. My flight must have been a signal to the kid to run faster, because he shot off ahead of me with his Zubat, both heading for the safety that that water represented at a speed nothing short of impressive. I flew along behind them listening as the howls began all switching to a timbre that spooked me. It was the hunting howls of the Houndour and Houndoom.

One of the howls, however, didn't change its tone. It was strange, with more power in it rather than terror, like that of the Hound family. I didn't feel the need to investigate it, however, and just kept running.

Then I tripped over the kid and the wolf standing over him, tucking my legs under and rolling through before getting to my feet and spinning around. The wolf was stirring slightly, growling fuzzily from the blow my knee had given its head. Remembering the way I had captured the Persian, I dove into my pocket and pulled a pokeball out, dropping on the Houndoom. It disappeared and I waited until the sweet-sounding 'ding' rang out before reaching down and feeling for the small sphere. When I found it, I picked it up and put in the vest pocket immediately beneath Flash's pocket, mentally labeling it as the 'Houndoom's pocket' before stooping over and shaking the guy's shoulder. He stirred slightly, then a squeak from above me brought my attention up. I spotted the fluttering form of the Zubat and waved it down.

"C'mon down and help me watch my footing while I carry your Trainer here." There was a questioning squeak and I shrugged. "Looks like a Houndoom got to him, but then I nailed it with my knee and caught it."

The Zubat squeaked again, then let loose with what had to be the loudest Screech attack I had ever heard. Slapping my hands over my ears, I looked over to see a Houndour that was approaching me stop in its tracks before suddenly vibrating into the ground. Blinking, I brought my hands down from my ears and, pulling a pokeball from my pocket, chucked it at the Houndour. There was a welcome 'ding' and, after hefting the other kid on my shoulder, wavered over and knelt down to pick up the ball, placing it in the vest pocket opposite Flash's before standing up again and following the Zubat, who flew back and forth ahead of me, keeping an ear on what was around us.

Abruptly, more feeling than hearing, I knew there was something walking along beside me. Looking down, I spotted the Persian padding along next to me, a satisfied air about it. Grinning, I reached down with my free hand and scratched it behind the ears, causing it to purr.

"Have a good supper?" It growled comfortably and I grinned. "Good." There was a howl from ahead of us and I winced. "I hate to ask you to do this right after you've eaten, but could you clear the way for us? The Zubat's a friend, by the way."

It growled and took off ahead of me, loping toward the river ahead and disappearing into the night. There was a howl again, cut off abruptly and causing even more howls to rise at its disappearance. We were so close to the water by then that I could see the reflection of the stars on the water.

Yup. That's when the second and third Houndoom I had seen that night appeared, one standing over the bleeding carcass of a Houndour and the other off to one side, both staring with deadly intent at me. I grimaced, then growled and charged, yelling things that are better off left unsaid. The two wolves abruptly jerked off to the left and right, the one on my left falling prey to the Zubat's Screech attack while the one on my right leaped at me and was in turn pounced on by my Persian. Turning around, I pulled another pokeball from my pocket and chucked it at the Houndoom while it was still engaged in a ferocious bite-and-claw fight with my Persian. The wolf disappeared and I dipped into my pocket for another pokeball, spinning toward the Zubat's opponent, who was writhing on the ground, and chucking it at him as well. There were two 'dings', one right after another, and I picked both pokeballs up and placed them in my empty lower-left vest pocket, reflecting that I was getting a rather decent collection of Dark and Fire Pokemon.

The Persian growled at me and I quirked a grin. "Fight across the river, 'kay?"

It glowered at me, but followed along as I began walking again, switching over to a run as the howls intensified behind me. Then I had to abruptly skid to a stop as the bank of the small river, as the body of water turned out to be, almost toppling over with my top-heavy load before I managed to drop the other kid behind me and fall to the ground. As I lay there for a second, trying to catch my breath, I heard a suspicious snuffling nearby and looked up into the face of yet another Houndoom. I sighed and whistled, causing it to look up at me and bare its teeth.

“Yeah, look, can’t we all just live together in peace and harmony?” It growled angrily and began advancing on me. “I guess not.”

Right on cue, the Persian dropped from a tree branch above us and began a ferocious brawl with the Houndoom, who was clearly outclassed and just as clearly determined to survive long enough to kill. Getting to my feet, I looked around and spotted the Zubat fluttering around on the other side of the river, patrolling that end to make sure there wasn’t anything that could make trouble from that end. At least, that was the comforting thought I decided to live by for the moment. I turned my head to the side so that I could speak to the Persian.

“I’m not catching that one, so go ahead and maul to your heart’s content.”

The fight picked up in intensity, if that was possible, and I reached down and picked the other kid back up onto my shoulders, removing my handbook from my pocket and stuffing it in his backpack before zipping it up again, doing the same to my pockets before turning toward the river again, the kid across my shoulders. Bracing myself for the impact, I took a step out and dropped into the icy early-Spring water, dropping in up to my waist before making contact with the bottom. Glowering, already starting to shiver from the water seeping through my pants and into my vest and shirt, I swore that I was going to personally skin any Houndoom or Houndour that made it across the water and turn it into a nice shirt as I began fording the river. It slowly got deeper as I went into it, with the center being almost chest-high before it began getting slightly shallower as I approached the opposite bank. Freezing cold though it was, I at least had the comforting thought that none of the part-Fire Hounds could make it across, at least not without being badly burned.
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Then I heard something make a slight splashing noise in the water upstream of me. Immediately, the thought of the Feraligatr, a predatory river-dwelling creature that liked to drown its victims by biting them and hauling them beneath, sprang to mind. I made it to the opposite shore one second after that, chucking the kid up onto the bank and hauling myself up in a fear-fed rush. I almost slipped back into the water when a chunk of mud came off, but there was a handy tree root at hand and I practically leaped out of the water, my imagination feeding me pictures of gigantic, tooth-lined jaws coming for me from out of the water and fueling my flight. I landed next to the kid, who stirred slightly and sighed happily.

“Ooh, yeesss, I WOULD like some more mushroom-sausage-pepperoni pizza, thank ya!”

I blinked at the sky, which was slowly getting lighter from the stars, then turned my head sideways to see the kid licking his lips with a goofy smile on his face.

“Why, thank ya! A super-sized order of breadsticks would hit the spot right now. And a free two hundred-gallon soda barrel that never runs dry? I LOVE-OW!”

He blinked his eyes open, then I stood up and hit him again, this time with my foot. “And THAT’S for the breadsticks and THIS,” I kicked him again, “is for the soda.”

He blinked again, then his eyes went wide and he looked around as the howling reached a new peak. “Where am I? Where are the Houndoom?” He jerked his head up. “Where’s Fang? Why am I wet?”

I sighed and began hopping up and down to try and keep the blood flowing through my legs and chest. “Don’t get your Alph in a knot, we’re across the river. If Fang is your Zubat,” said Zubat abruptly came zooming up to us, happily squeaking at its Trainer, who hugged it, “Then he’s right there. Uh, you’re wet because we just got across the river.” I glowered at him. “With ME carrying YOUR unconscious butt over here.” I began jumping higher and faster to keep what little blood flow I had going. “And the Houndoom are over there with my Persian.” I thought about it for a second, jumping and spinning at that moment and landing with my head still spinning from that simple movement, then added, “Except for the ones I caught, of course.”

He gaped at me while his Zubat happily broke free of his arms and began circling his head. “You actually CAUGHT some of those things?” He thought about it for a moment, then continued, rather wistfully, “I don’t suppose I could talk ya out of any of them, huh?”

I grunted irritably. “No, you couldn’t. But it just so happens,” I pulled the pokeballs for a Houndoom and the Houndour out and chucked them at him, “That your Zubat weakened these two for me, so they’re rightfully yours.” I held my hand out. “On the condition that you give me two empty balls for my trouble.”

He blinked at the pair of red-and-white spheres in his lap, then looked up at me and grinned while removing his backpack. “No prob. Here ya-huh?” He pulled my handbook out, causing a coupla pokeballs to fall from the pocket and roll down to his feet. “I thought I threw mine away.”

I grinned and took the handbook from his hand. “That’s mine.” Kneeling down, I scooped up the pair of pokeballs from the ground before straightening back up and pocketing the book and the pokeballs. I looked around and noticed that the wolves were lined up on the opposite side of the river, howling loudly and bitterly. “I hope that Persian got away safely.”

There was a low purr from right next to me, causing me to jump straight up higher than before and starting my blood to flow like a dam had burst. When I calmed down a couple seconds later, I realized it was just my Persian, sitting next to me very quietly and smiling cheekily. Glowering at the kid, who was laughing hysterically on the ground, I sighed and shook my head.

“I suppose we’d better get moving before they find a way to get across.”

Almost on cue, something splashed its way out of the water on our side of the river and I pulled Flash’s pokeball from my pocket, eyeing the dark form that emerged from the water and began approaching us. The kid got to his feet and his Zubat flapped into a position above and ahead of his Trainer. Smiling grimly, I released Flash and gestured him and the Persian forward.

“This is gonna be our first battle, guys. Let’s make it good.”

The kid slapped his hands together and set himself for battle. “We is SO gonna own ya’llz.”

With a growl, the Mightyena advanced toward us, his red eyes glowing in the dark and his black-and-gray body becoming particularly dangerous-looking when one looked at the shadow thrown by Flash’s tail light. Just as I was about to order my partners to attack, I heard a dangerous hiss from behind me and snapped my head around to see a huge, shadowy snake. With a yelp, I dove to one side just as it snapped its head forward at where my head had been. Flash and the Persian leaped right and left, while the other Trainer gaped at the snake as it flowed through with its strike and came back around into a coil to our left.

“C-Can I catch it? Please?”

I blinked at him, then shrugged. “Be my guest.”

With a whoop, he shot toward the snake, his Zubat diving down and latching onto the snake’s hood. The Mightyena began pouncing on him while his back was turned, but the Persian was faster and struck it on the side, knocking it back and into the water. Grinning, I whistled.

“Flash, Persian, let’s do this the right way.” The Charmander growled in affirmation and the Persian looked at me for a second before shrugging and trotting over beside Flash. The Mightyena got to its feet and I heard the Zubat Screeching at the Arbok before its Trainer whooped and then abruptly squawked, then the wolf began pacing toward us, his teeth bared hungrily. Grinning back, I snapped my fingers. “Persian, Scratch it on the leg. Flash, give it a taste of your Ember.”

While Flash charged forward, his eyes blazing and his mouth spitting red-hot tongues of flame that the Mightyena tried to dodge while still keeping an eye on Flash and me, my Persian calmly got to its feet and, sedately walking behind the Mightyena, raised one paw. Three razor-sharp claws shot from the paw, then it slashed the rear left leg of the wolf, causing it to yip in pain and spin around just in time to receive a rearful of fire from Flash. With a yelp, the wolf sped around beyond the Persian and spun to face all three of us, his eyes watching us warily while his tail slapped the ground in an attempt to de-flame it. Flash and I advanced up to where the Persian was lazily licking itself, an act that caused me to sigh and roll my eyes.

“Flash, Persian, Growl at it. Maybe it’ll surrender from your fierceness.”

Flash growled at the Mightyena, a sound of threatening pain and instant death. The Mightyena bared its teeth at him, then the Persian, after finishing his slow bath, bared his own teeth and let loose with a growl that caused the hairs on the back of my neck to rise. Unlike Flash’s, which promised pain and instant death, Persian’s growl elicited images of blood-soaked bodies, painful dismemberment and slow, anguished death. The Mightyena launched itself at Persian, his jaws open wide and his teeth ready to disembowel. Persian, faster than I could watch, shot to his feet and bared his own teeth, his claws coming out of their sheaths. Flash ran off to the side, then took a deep breath and let loose with a volley of fiery embers at a point directly ahead of the wolf. The Mightyena saw the stream and tried to stop in mid-air like a cartoon character, feet flailing and tail going between the legs, then its momentum threw it through the fire, causing it to howl in pain as the embers started numerous fires in its fur. Persian saw the fiery missile coming at it and dodged to the side, watching the Mightyena slam into the ground and begin rolling in a mad attempt to put out the fire.

I noticed that the Mightyena’s fur was still slightly wet from the river it had crossed, which basically meant the embers didn't have much fuel, and pulled a pokeball from my pocket, ordering a final attack from my pair. “Flash, Ember it again. Persian, Faint Attack when Flash is finished.”

Flash leaped to the attack, opening up on the Mightyena with a fiery barrage. Persian, however, didn't wait until the was done before leaping into the air and baring its fangs and claws at the Mightyena. Flash abruptly cut off his assault on the Mightyena as Persian struck the wolf, both erupting into a snarling, snapping brawl with fur, fury and fangs flashing at every turn. My eyes hardened at the Persian's disobedience and I prepared my pokeball, waiting until they broke apart before throwing it at the Mightyena. The wolf disappeared in a cloud of gas and Persian, who had been in the middle of pouncing on it, ended up merely batting at the air before landing on all fours simultaneously. It immediately began licking itself like nothing had happened as the pokeball 'dinged', then I recalled it and walked over to the Mightyena's ball, scooping it up and turning to look at Flash.

"Good going, Flash." He growled happily at me, then looked around at where the other kid was still battling the Arbok. I traded cocky looks with Flash, then we sauntered over by the battle and watched from the sidelines as the kid ordered his Zubat to Supersonic the Arbok, at which point the snake sunk to the ground, defeated, and the Trainer reared back and threw a pokeball at the big snake, the containment mechanism impacting with the scaly skin of the reptile and absorbing it. The pokeball landed on the ground and rolled once, twice, three times before letting out its 'ding' and ceasing the struggle. The kid jogged over to where the ball lay on the ground and stared at it for a second before bending over and picking it up. Straightening up, he stared at it for a second before holding it above his head and whooping. I grinned.

"Took ya long enough."

He turned and looked at me smugly, holding an arm out for his Zubat to land on. "Fang here did it all by himself, unlike your TWO Pokemon."

Grinning, I turned and took a look at where the lights of Viridian City burned into the sky above, barely visible from where we were yet within reach. "Whaddaya think, camp here or take another two hours to get to Viridian?"

The other kid moved up beside Flash and me, looking toward the city. "Eh, we could camp here and move in tomorrow."

The wolves behind us howled long and low, a mournful sound that raised the hairs on the back of my neck. "Let's camp further on. I'd rather not get eaten."

"What?" The kid's teasing voice caused me to look at him from the sides of my eyes. "Can't take the howling?"

Right about then is when the flock of Golbat attacked.


Author's Note: Right, fourteen pages, nine thousand, one hundred sixty-six words MSWord. First chapter of the first book of the Pokemon Adventurers series, titled that way because of the lack of that sort of titling. If you don't get something, wait until later (when I post the next chapter, for example) or ask.

If you don't like the way this story starts, tough. It's my story and you're just a reviewer. If you don't like some of the grammar, look at it in context and see if it's just the first-person narrative thing. SPELLING help is welcome, as I occasionally goof. Just watch to make sure you're not dissing a character's way of talking.

For those of you who have read my paltry stories before, I regret to inform you that there shall not be any weaponry. At least, the Really Big Gun variety. There shall, however, be some weaponry of the Pokemon variety.

I am only able to update a maximum of once a week due to Internet accessibility constraints. Probably less, due to the extraordinary amount of time required to think a chapter up.

And now to leave. *disappears in a cloud of smoke*

This thread's wall of shame:

Applicatory quotes to offence:
The sting of a reproach is the truth of it.
If you will not hear Reason, She will surely rap your knuckles.
-Benjamin Franklin

I am ashamed to say that the author is the first to act shamefully in his own thread. In his very first post, he said the following in his Author's Note:
SilverBlaze09 said:
If you don't get something, wait until later (when I post the next chapter, for example) or ask.

If you don't like the way this story starts, tough. It's my story and you're just a reviewer. If you don't like some of the grammar, look at it in context and see if it's just the first-person narrative thing. SPELLING help is welcome, as I occasionally goof. Just watch to make sure you're not dissing a character's way of talking.
He did not alter it even after a reviewer informed him of this reader-dissing phrase, citing his fragile ego as an excuse. I am unhappy to state that, upon reading it several weeks after posting it, I cannot agree with the sentiment. Therefore, I post myself as the first shameful-acting poster in this thread.
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Bird Master
Heyamate! *sighs* I'm sorry, I wrote a long review yesterday but the forums messed up so I lossed it and I really don't reckon I could go through it again, even for such a lovely fic. I'll summarise it and I apologise for its bluntness.

Numero uno, its probably not a good idea to post so much at once. A lot of us, myself for example don't have a long time on the internet so are put off by huge chunks of words. You're better of distributing it through out the week. You'd probably be doing yourself a favour by doing that with the above posts.

Two, love the style gorgeous, realistic casual. It's been a while since I've read such an excellent first person. I like his character although find it amusing that with all the thinking he's done about his team, all this planning he still considers himself fly by the seat of his pants. The chaper was fun and interesting, although slightly unbelieveable when he sends a single skinny Persian of to sic on a pack of wolves. I thought it would be skinny for a reason, ala can't hunt, can't defend itself, so on so forth.

Other than that, no worries, its a shame this one hasn't had an replies so far. Cheers!
Heyamate! *sighs* I'm sorry, I wrote a long review yesterday but the forums messed up so I lossed it and I really don't reckon I could go through it again, even for such a lovely fic. I'll summarise it and I apologise for its bluntness.
No prob, no prob, I am completely cool about it.

Especially since I put a 'The Author Reserves the Right to' thing up there. I feel ever so powerful. XD
Numero uno, its probably not a good idea to post so much at once. A lot of us, myself for example don't have a long time on the internet so are put off by huge chunks of words. You're better of distributing it through out the week. You'd probably be doing yourself a favour by doing that with the above posts.
Kinda ironic, ain't it? I, too, am of the 'limited Internet time' crowd.

Further explanation: My fic is on my laptop, which is not connected to the Internet here at home. It does, however, have a wireless card in it, and the library in town (five miles away) has free wireless Internet access. However, I am only able to haul my laptop into town to upload once or MAYBE twice a week because of my Mom's job.

I can get on the Internet from my family's PC, however, so I can look funny on-line when I take a break from typing.

Lalala is all I speak... XD
Two, love the style gorgeous, realistic casual. It's been a while since I've read such an excellent first person. I like his character although find it amusing that with all the thinking he's done about his team, all this planning he still considers himself fly by the seat of his pants. The chaper was fun and interesting, although slightly unbelieveable when he sends a single skinny Persian of to sic on a pack of wolves. I thought it would be skinny for a reason, ala can't hunt, can't defend itself, so on so forth.
You're right, that Persian part is quite unbelievable. I shall put further thought into that for future chapters.

Thank you for the compliment, I have no idea what people mean when they say first-person is such a hard style to write. Just think what you would do if you were in that situation, drawing on past experience. Realistically. XP XD 'Course, I'd probably climb a tree and spend all night up there, but then it'd take even longer to get to Viridian... XP XD
Other than that, no worries, its a shame this one hasn't had an replies so far. Cheers!
Pshaw, my humble thanks for your review. And have no fear, I'm already *calculates* eight pages away from finished! *skips around in a circle* The Juggernaut rolls on!


Expect an update same time next week. If you review again, can I expect a massive, detailed review that'll take me forever to enjo-I mean, study? >.>;

And the next chapter... Well... Bwahaha... Plot details aplenty... And Our Hero remains quite detached from it all.

*disappears in a cloud of smoke shaped like Mickey Mouse's head*


Arcanine Royale

Well-Known Member
Well, I can say, that the world is very realistic. Everything seems quite like it would in this world.

A few spots were a bit confusing, but I'm not sure... maybe it was just my skimming habits...

Also, I noticed that you never mentioned your main characters name. That's usually not good. We really ought to know that by the first few sentences.

But other than that, its a great start, to be honest. The exposition is a little long, but I think it'll work out well enough.

Nice job.
Well, I can say, that the world is very realistic. Everything seems quite like it would in this world.
Thank you. I tried to imagine what life in that world would be like without the cartooning and worked from there. It helps that the area around Pallet that I envision is similar to my home area. XD
A few spots were a bit confusing, but I'm not sure... maybe it was just my skimming habits...
Bottom of the second chapter post said:
If you don't get something, wait until later (when I post the next chapter, for example) or ask.
If you're confused about something, either wait 'til the next chapter if it doesn't seem too urgent yet or else ask. As long as it isn't about why turkeys taste like meat, I won't bite. XD
Also, I noticed that you never mentioned your main characters name. That's usually not good. We really ought to know that by the first few sentences.
Bwahaha, I was waiting for this question. *rubs hands gleefully* Y'see, it occurs to me that people are using first-person narratives quite a bit nowadays and, as is sound doctrine in the majority of cases, are doing the best thing for themselves and their readers by managing to fit at least part, if not all, of the main character's name into their first chapter.

The question is *drumroll* how many people in real life think of themselves that way?

Do you think to yourself, Michael Gibrazord Natchoeatus Gromli is my name, and then never refer to yourself when thinking to yourself in that way again?

What I'm getting at is, well, just go through your day and list how many times you think of yourself in that way. I doubt you say to yourself, "Michael Gibrazord et cetera, you need to get yourself in gear" when you're playing baseball, for example. You just say "I'd better get in gear (and if you're really weird, like me, you add) or else I am SO going to hurt you. And that's a threat."

In essence (which means that I've just figured out a way to say all of the above more efficiently but am really uninterested in deleting it all) the main character has never had the need or interest in introducing himself to any outside person and already knows who he is, so there's no mention of his name.

Don't worry, though. He introduces himself to his partner-in-screaming-flight in the next chapter, so we will finally discover his true identity. (I say WE because I, uh, kinda haven't figured out his name myself yet) <.<;
But other than that, its a great start, to be honest. The exposition is a little long, but I think it'll work out well enough.

Nice job.
Thank you for the review, my good reviewer. If the expothithion (sorry, I just think that word is hilarious right now) is a little long, oh well. That's the only way I can keep writing, 'cause any other style kinda strains me. For now... Bwahahaha...

And the next chapter...

Let's just say I'm shooting for new borders in plot. Mwahaha...

Thank you again to you both, Tezza (whom I've seen around SPPF and admire) and Arcanine Royale (who had a different name before, I think, and whom I also admire). It is flattering to have two writers of your caliber say that my humble skills are interesting.

*disappears in a cloud of green smoke shaped like Donald Duck*


Arcanine Royale

Well-Known Member
Hey, but you could maybe incorporate by saying that his name was written on his trainer's manual or something? Just slip in or something like that?

And I've been the same name since I joined up in like April.
Chapter Twoz!

Hey, but you could maybe incorporate by saying that his name was written on his trainer's manual or something? Just slip in or something like that?
*waggles finger* Ah-ah-ah! That's getting into the character development and THAT is the author's domain. And there's even more character development in THIS chapter. IF you know how to look... Bwahaha...
And I've been the same name since I joined up in like April.
Yup, I realized that, like, five seconds after I posted. It was your banner that threw me off. XP XD Cheshire Cats are everywhere...

Rating: PG-13- May contain scenes not suitable for children under age thirteen. Take it seriously.
Inspiration for this chapter came from: The Pokemon Adventures (the Pokemon Manga that follows the game plot) chapter where Yellow gets assaulted by Lance and his Dragonair.
Make up weird-sounding reasons for anything he can't find facts on (example: the upcoming Shinou/Sinnoh Region and where it was before D/P came out)
Ignore your post if you flame his
Report rulebreaking posts
Insert himself into the fic whenever and/or wherever he wants
Interpret the Pokemon world any way he wants
Utilize 'generic' tools, names, Pokemon, plot, etc.
[Everything else here]
Chapter Two

We trudged into Viridian City at roughly midnight, exhausted, bleeding from numerous cuts and bites, with Fang huddled in its Trainer's arms and Flash so exhausted that I'd had to recall him before he collapsed completely into a nervous wreck. None of us were interested in anything but collapsing in something soft and under a roof with walls all around us. An army of bodyguards would have been nice, too, but they were optional.

Slowly making our way down darkened streets, we followed the signs that pointed the way to the Pokemon Center. When we got there, however, the red-and-white-painted building was dark and the sliding glass doors wouldn't open. We stood there stupidly for a moment, then I spun around and flopped against one of the doors, slowly sliding down it until I was sitting on the ground with my head and back against the glass and my legs flopped straight out in front of me. The other kid, on the flip side of the coin, stood there with Fang lying in his protective arm and began gently thumping his fist against the glass, too tired to even give it a decent knock.

"What." He pounded his fist against the glass each time he spoke. "Did. I. Ev. Er. Do. To. Ya."

I groaned and shifted in my seat, watching the other Trainer's shadow that was thrown from a night light in the Center. "Maybe there's a plot to make us turn into slobbering idiots."

He pounded his fist against the glass again. "Yeah. Somebody wants us dead."

At the word 'dead', the image of the bleeding bodies of Persian's victims floated into mind and my stomach, no longer protected by my adrenaline, twisted inside me. I decided to hurriedly change the subject before I lost my energy bar all over my pants. "Got any relatives here?"

He snorted and pounded the glass again, his legs almost buckling before he stood straight up and staggered back a few steps. "Not hardly." Looking around, he shook his head sharply and groaned. "Why they don't have any streetlights in this stupid city is stupid."

I groaned again from the twisting in my stomach as more visions of bodies with their heads inside their stomach cavities poured into my consciousness. I was about to ask for his help to stand up so I could throw up in a yard or something when I spotted the shadowy forms slowly collecting around us in a large semicircle that blocked off all movement away from the Center. Groaning, I smacked the side of his leg with a floppy arm.

"Trouble at three to nine o' clock."

He stared down at me. "But it's the middle of the night. Nine went by..." He trailed off as he spotted one of the shadows at the side of the building. The group began closing in, then stopped in its tracks when he burst out, "I'M GONNA KILL THE NEXT THING TO STOP ME FROM GETTING TO MY BED!"

One of the shadows stepped forward and into the feeble light emanating from the PC. She was tall, skinny and mean-looking, with bright blue hair tied into several ponytails and a Murkrow on her shoulder. She approached us with a weird smile on her face, her fingers gently trailing along the black crow's wings. The Dark bird watched us hungrily, its eyes never wavering.

At least, not until I reached up and emptied my pockets of the pokeballs, rolling them out in front of me and holding Flash's ball in my hand. The girl abruptly stopped, her eyes flicking from the kid next to me, who had turned around and was flexing his fist angrily, to me, the guy in the jean vest slumped against the door who was watching her tiredly.

"You boys look like yoah in need of some rest." She smiled sweetly at us, her eyes going over us hungrily. "Wanna come with us? We've gotta nice restin' place foah..." She trailed off as I reached down with my unoccupied hand and prodded Persian's pokeball, causing the ball to pop open and release the cat. When the smoke cleared, Persian was sitting on the ground watching the Murkrow closely, licking its jaws hungrily. I groaned.

"Persian, you've already eaten, what, six Hounds tonight. And you're hungry AGAIN?"

The white-furred feline purred and got to its feet, slowly padding toward the girl and her Murkrow, watching them intently as they returned the favor while backpedaling. Another shadow stepped out of the line and gestured threateningly toward Persian.

"Call it off! Call it off, or I'll by Mew sic my Primeape on it!"

Sighing, I swept the other four pokeballs out, releasing the two Houndoom, the Mightyena and the Ariados I had captured when it tried to eat Fang. Leaning back against the wall, I watched as my Trainer partner released his own Houndour, Houndoom, Arbok, Golbat and Oddish, revealing a lineup of Pokemon that was intimidating, to say the least. Slowly getting to my feet, I fingered Flash's pokeball and looked irritably at the group in front of us. Before I could do anything, however, the kid I'd traveled with leaped into action.

"SIC 'EM!"

I smirked and followed his lead, pocketing Flash's pokeball and ordering my own group over to the attack even as his Pokemon smashed into and through the line. My Persian took the lead, of course, with his target being the Murkrow and its Trainer, who disappeared with a burst of dark energy. My Houndoom and Mightyena began mauling half the circle all by themselves, Primeape, Donphan and Larvitar and all, while my Ariados began doing something to the two guys to the far left. What shadows weren't getting assaulted and battered by our teams disappeared into the night.

I stepped to one side as my Mightyena went flying by courtesy of a Take Down from the Donphan and watched as the glass doors were shattered. Some part of me that was still awake smirked at the fact that THAT was going to wake somebody up to let us in. It took another second or two for my brain to digest the fact that the door was now open anyway and I smiled tiredly as my Mightyena tore out of the building, murderous intent in its eyes as it shot toward the Donphan, who was assisting the Primeape in staying alive, while my Houndoom were working together as a team with the other kid's Hounds to bash them. The Larvitar and its Trainer were nowhere in sight, while my Ariados was busily shooting webbing every which way in an attempt to nail a couple of Pidgeotto and their Trainers that were teasing it.

I slumped back against what was left of the PC doors just as Trainers, many of them only half-dressed, and their Pokemon began swarming out of the Center's internals. Flopping down again, I reached forward and swiped my pokeballs just as the swarms almost stepped on them. The shadowy gangsters all yelled simultaneously before trying to escape the flow of enraged, half-asleep Trainers. My Mightyena and the four Hounds raced along among them, blocking off the alleys and an opening in a brick wall, while my Ariados had already sealed off a large part of the street to my left with webbing and was sitting in the middle of the mess, happily spinning a cocoon around a Ponyta. The Golbat, Oddish and Arbok all swept past the fleeing gangsters and began stalling them with strikes from their wings, tail and various powders. And my Persian was still chasing the Murkrow and its Trainer, although more in fun than hungry intention.

A white-clad figure appeared at my side and knelt down, revealing her identity as one of the PC Nurses that inhabit all Pokemon Centers. She laid a hand on my shoulder, looking at me worriedly. I absently remembered that I was a mess, with mud, blood and torn clothing covering me and smiled slightly before holding up Flash’s pokeball.

“I’m fine, but Flash needs some serious attention and could I sleep here thanks ‘night...”

I began slumping over and going to sleep when the nurse shook me back awake, causing me to blink irritably and look blearily at her. “Lemme ‘lone, bedtime...”

She shook her head and pointed at the winding-down battle, where the overwhelming numbers of the gangsters were becoming the underwhelming numbers with the arrival of all the Trainers.

“You need to recall your other Pokemon. They look like they won’t listen to anybody, particularly your Persian.”

I smirked, reaching down and picking up the five pokeballs again, matching the numbers on the pokeballs with their respective inhabitants. “Yeah, ‘specially my Persh’n.”

Chucking the balls at the five Pokemon that were my teammates, I watched them all disappear and the pokeballs drop to the ground before slipping off into what is often termed sleep.


“What took you so long?”

Onyx smiled at the other two, keeping a watchful eye on the third person in the group. “Oh, I met a cute little boy I just HAD to warn about the Houndoom.”

Titanium snorted, causing his Typhlosion to open one eye and ensure that all was well before returning to its rest. “You and your mysterious movements.” Turning to the other two Trainers, he jerked a thumb Onyx. “Did you know she’s the most famous and least-known of all the Wardens?”

Red shrugged. “Let us just get this over with. Purple and Orange are preparing their wedding and I need to get the cakes.”

Onyx licked her lips in anticipation. “Cakes? More than one cake?”

Red grinned. “Yes, one for the couple, one for the rest of the Wardens and one for everybody else. And that last one is going to be big.”

Titanium snorted as Onyx’ eyes began glazing over. “Welp, there goes our spy.” Turning to the fourth member of the mountaintop meeting, he jerked his thumb backwards. “You Hoenn Wardens want her?”

Diamond smiled thinly. “Only if I can take her home.”

At that, Onyx whirled around and slammed a leg into Diamond’s stomach, causing him to gasp for air and fall to his knees. His Swampert leaped to its feet from where it had been leaning comfortably against a tree, charging toward the Johto Warden before getting tripped by a vine that whipped out from the Meganium that had been hiding in the bushes. Onyx smilingly leaned over Diamond and reached down, letting one of her Spinarak crawl onto him.

“Nobody takes me home but my snooky-wooky.” Her voice abruptly went dark, while her Spinarak readied one stinger. “Especially an arrogant-”


Onyx spun around at the voice, her eyes going wide as five figures stepped from the shadows before narrowing. “Well, I see the Islanders have decided to grace us with-”

“Didn’t I say enough?” The lead figure, a tall, mountain-like man wearing a cape that accentuated the impervious air about him. “We have something far more important to worry about than honor.”

Diamond finally managed to get off the ground, the Spinarak skittering off him unnoticed and up its Trainer’s leg, and stared at the dark figure arrogantly. “Eidolon? Then the rest of you bums must be the Sevii Island Elite-OOF!”

The yellow streak that had struck the Hoenn Pokedex Warden returned to stand next to its Trainer, a girl with short blue-and-red hair caught up in a comb. She snorted and patted her Raichu on the head.

“I believe Master Eidolon told you enough.”

Eidolon, legendary Sevii Master of Steel, waved a hand at her. “Enough, Miss Flightcaller.” Returning his attention to the young boy lying on the ground, he stepped to the other’s side and reached a hand down. “We have not the time, as I said, for petty honor.”

Diamond looked at the hand for a moment, then hopped to his feet and nodded. “Fine, whatever.” Pointing at Onyx, who was watching the sky with her eyes glazed over, he continued warningly, “Just keep her-”

Eidolon turned abruptly, causing his cape to swirl around him imposingly as he looked at Red, who was similarly attired, except that his air was one of power held back rather than imperviousness. “What is the reason for calling us here, Warden Red?”

Red frowned. “Ah, you are speaking of the Purity issue.”

A boy suddenly appeared between the two, looking shocked. “Hey! I haven‘t touched any of the stuff you Kantans always drink!”

Eidolon looked at the boy for a second before speaking. “Mister Shane, I do not recall having spoken to you.”

“Fine.” The boy disappeared again, causing Red and Onyx to smirk while Titanium and Diamond gaped.


Eidolon waved a hand in dismissal. “It is unimportant.”

Red smiled slightly. “Indeed.” Raising his gaze, he nodded in the direction of a distant speck in the sky. “The reason for our gathering approaches now.”

The other eight Trainers and their Pokemon turned in the direction that Red was pointing to see a set of three figures shooting in. Three very familiar figures, in fact, so familiar that Titanium, Diamond and two of the Islanders gaped in awe and shock.

The three figures landed in order of Regionization, Mew, Celebi and Latias. All but Red, Eidolon, Onyx and a strange-looking girl Elite from the Islands stared in shock as the three Legendaries gracefully began speaking telepathically to the group as if nothing were amiss.

<Apologies for my brother’s absence,> Latias said perkily, <But he was called in by his Shield to help with a Magma problem and said I could come in his place!>

Onyx giggled with the red-and-white Legendary. “And the girls are in the house! We go!”

Latias spun in a circle, beaming happily. <Girl power is all power!>

Mew chuckled low in her throat, a motherly sound that warmed the night up substantially. <Now, girls, don’t go and degrade our male counterparts. We DO need them to go for the groceries, after all.> While the other two giggled maniacally, the only pink Legendary in the world turned to Eidolon and Red and bowed, a gesture which was returned with amusement on Red’s part, graceful homage by the strange-looking girl from the Island Elite Four and unalterable sturdiness by Eidolon, who was the first to speak when they straightened back up.

“What is our purpose here?”

Mew’s face turned from respect and maternal amusement to troubled as she turned to Celebi, the only one of the trio who hadn’t spoken. <Celebi is the one to ask, for he is the one who contacted me and asked for this meeting.>

The Johtan Legendary, who had stared at the ground throughout the entire opening greetings, looked up dully and slowly stretched. The group was struck by the exhaustion evident in every move the Timekeeper made, then he fell forward onto his face. Onyx and Latias bolted to his side, while Mew closed her eyes and began glowing, bathing the little clearing in pink light.

The boy from earlier abruptly appeared, kneeling down next to Celebi and gently lifting him in one arm, pulling a small bottle from his pocket and biting the top off before carefully allowing four drops of the brownish-purple liquid inside to drop into the little Legendary’s mouth. Celebi’s eyes closed for a second, then snapped open and he bolted up, squealing in pain. The boy smirked and replaced the bottle in his pocket before turning to the other Trainers and bowing.

“Doctor Volcanowatcher prescribes one minute of patience and the patient will be perfectly legible.”

<BONZAI!> Celebi shot around the clearing, whipping up a tornado faster than one could blink, and Grass Master Shane Volcanowatcher placed a finger alongside his nose, winked and disappeared again. Titanium stared for a moment, then shifted his gaze to the Islanders.

“How in Mew’s name-no offense, ma’am,” Mew nodded in acknowledgement, “Does he do that?”

Eidolon stared impassively at the Johtan Warden. “That is his secret.”

Right at that moment, Celebi fluttered back to the group, holding his head and shaking it back and forth.

<That is the fricking best Chesto sap I have EVER had. And I’ve had a lot.> Giving his head a final shake, he looked blearily at the group and gave them a tired smile. <Sorry ‘bout that. I’ve had an interesting coupla days now.>

Eidolon nodded. “Tell us the reason you have brought us here.”

Celebi shrugged. <Actually, for the same reason I was all triple-Z on you.> Looking back up at the sky, he continued in a subdued voice, <The Timekeepers have been holding off a force of fifteen Raikou, twelve Entei and a set of three each of Articuno, Zapdos and Moltres for twelve hours.> The group stared at him as he continued wryly, <And I’ve been running for two days straight from a Trainer with six Suicune and, BU-RUTHER are those things hard to escape. Fricking North Wind.> Shaking his head, he looked each person there in the eye. <In essence, somebody’s been expending a lot of effort in capturing the Level 3 Legendaries and lots of them without our noticing.>

Eidolon rumbled deep in his throat, the first sound other than impassive he had made since the meeting began. “We never missed Moltres fire in Mount Ember.”

The strange girl stepped up, the Roselia on her shoulder looking disturbed. “Dey cou’da jus’ yuzda Cha’za’d o’ som’din’ lahk dat.”

Titanium blinked yet again while Diamond snickered. “Heh, the Island hick accent I’ve he-URK!”

Eidolon stared impassively at the Diamond Warden while he lifted into the air, his hands grasping at his throat. “If you speak to us again, I will have you thrown into Mount Silver for the Tyranitar and their spawn to deal with you.” He waved a hand and Diamond was dropped rather rudely on the ground, sprawling across the dust as his Swampert, having long before untangled himself from the vines, opened his mouth and spewed a jet of water at Eidolon. The water connected with the tall Elite, then passed right through him as his image wavered and then disappeared. There were gasps from Onyx and Titanium and Diamond slowly got to his feet, gaping.


Eidolon stepped from the shadows of a tree behind Diamond and walked slowly around to where he had been originally standing, his face still impassive. “You Swampert is predictable. I suggest you both get some training.” He turned his gaze to the strange girl. “It is possible that they used Fire-type Pokemon, I admit.” He looked down at the ground for a moment, then turned his gaze to Red. “Team Purity?”

Red’s face went grim. “I am afraid so. My sources of information have led me to believe that Team Purity has developed a way to facilitate the Level-3 regeneration and that they have sold this technology to some outside entity.”

Nodding, the massive man turned to Celebi. “So you wish for us to stop the attack on the Timekeepers and to investigate this new group?”

Celebi nodded hesitantly. <In that order, if it’s not too much trouble. I know you’ve got more important stuff to do, but...>

Eidolon rumbled deep in his throat, a threatening sound that caused everyone but the other Sevii Elites to cringe. “Your knowledge is incorrect.” Turning back toward his group, he spoke once more over his shoulder. “We shall deal with the Timekeepers and then return to the Islands to await further developments. We shall also investigate further into Moltres’ appearance.”

With that, the Sevii Island Elite Four and Champion simultaneously turned and began walking away before disappearing into the gloom under the trees. Red smiled.

“There goes the most powerful Elite Four I have ever had the privilege of defeating.” Turning to the group still assembled, he nodded to Mew. “I shall investigate the Articuno and Zapdos connection as well as try to discover the identity of this strange team.”

Onyx nodded, her face set in the dark, predatory look that was one of her most famous expressions. “I shall discover how these intruders have captured so many Legendaries from Johto without my noticing their absence.”

Titanium stared at where the Islanders had disappeared, then shook himself and grimly smiled. “I’ll blow up some Purie bases to let them know I’m not happy with their giving these goons access to Level 3 Legendaries without giving me a cut.”

Before any of the other Wardens could finish their groaning, he leaped into the air and a massive winged beast dropped from the sky and plucked him up, bearing him off to the west. Diamond raised a hand.

“Uh, who’s gonna go help the Islanders beat up the guys attacking the Timekeepers?” Red, Onyx and the three Legendaries, not to mention the two Wardens’ Pokemon, chuckled simultaneously. “What?”

Onyx stretched as long as she could before replying, “The day they need help with anything is the day somebody manages to catch Mewtwo, and that’ll just be holding their capes for them.” With that, she and her Meganium disappeared in a cloud of black smoke and Diamond stared at where they had been before shaking his head and looking at the remaining members of the meeting.

“I guess I’ll go home and let the gang in Hoenn know about this. We’ll make sure to keep an eye on the Regi caverns and Blind Tomb.” Nodding in Latias’ direction, he continued rather sweetly, “Shield should probably be notified, hmm?” Before anybody could reply, he laughed mockingly and disappeared along with his Swampert, disgruntled because of the twin beatings it had taken. Red shook his head sadly and turned to go, throwing a final warning over his shoulder.

“Beware of attempts to capture you, Mew and Celebi. If they have indeed taken so many Level 3 Legendaries, then there is undoubtedly going to be a push to take you as well.”

Turning, he whistled shrilly and was answered by a roar. Looking back, he nodded goodbye before a massive Charizard landed, bending over to allow his boarding before launching itself back into the air. Mew, Celebi and Latias all looked at each other.

<It begins.> Mew shook her head. <It’s fortunate that we’ve such powerful Trainers and their Pokemon on our side.>

Celebi nodded, his eyes sometime else. <And there are more, when we count in Team Rocket and the Timekeepers, not to mention the Elites of each Region and the Champions.>

Latias began moving into the sky. <Aw, with so many Trainers there won’t be any fun left over for me ‘n Latios! BYE!>

She shot off into the sky, Mew and Celebi musing over what she had said.

No, there wouldn’t be any shortage of ‘fun’.


I slowly, fuzzily opened my eyes, closing them again almost immediately as the bright morning sunshine tried to fry my eyes out of my head. Why the sunshine is brightest in the morning, when nobody is ready for it, has always been something outside of my comprehension.

Throwing the blankets over my head, I tried to open my eyes again, the optical units giving me a lot of grief over their previous cooking. They finally submitted, however, and I stared at the underside of my blanket for a minute, slowly blinking awake, before I realized that there was somebody else in my room.

“-awake! Tell Nurse Joy that one of ‘em’s up!”

“Shh! Can’t you kep quaht fer a minnut? Let’m wake up en hes own time ‘steada wakehn’ up ta ya’ll screhchehn’ en hehs ehrs.”

I groaned as my head began informing me in the bluntest of terms that it was NOT in the mood for anything. A headache in the morning. I groaned again and sat up slowly, feeling slight nausea at the motion.

“He’s sitting up!” The voice was much more subdued than before, probably a result of the girl from before telling him off. Then I checked to make sure that I was decent enough to move out from under the blankets with a girl in the room and discovered, to my surprise, that somebody had taken my other clothes and had replaced them with a pair of old, holes-in-the-knees sweatpants and a white, almost-too-small-for-me white T-shirt.

Shaking my head partly in wonderment, partly to keep from slipping back to sleep, I slowly shifted the blankets off of my head and got another faceful of sunlight, closing my eyes in pain and growling, “Shut that stupid sun off already!”

There was a giggle, then the world outside my eyelids went dark and the girl from before said, “Sahn’s ahf. Good mornehn’.”

I opened my eyes again, feeling a dark look come over my face as everything in my body began informing me in the nastiest terms that any movement other than flopping back on my bed would be considered an act of war. “I feel sick.”

“I should hope so.” The new voice was that of Nurse Joy, one of the better-known voices in the Regions. What with the entire Joy family in the medical profession and each one identical in appearance to all the others of their gender, they were very recognizable. The men were Pokemon surgeons and doctors and were without equal in their field, while the women were known around the world for their kindness and caring toward Pokemon and their Trainers, making them more famous than the men, especially since there was at least one in every Pokemon Center on the planet.

This one was no less a medical officer than the rest of her family. “You suffered fourteen cuts and scrapes from Golbat fangs, two scratches from an Ariados’ web, three scratches from an Ariados’ leg razors and you had traces of an Oddish’s Poisonpowder in your lungs. Not to mention the fact that you were soaked to the skin and were covered in that Poisonpowder I was talking about. The Antidote should take effect in a little while, by the way.” There was the sound of pages and I realized I was lying back down on my bed with my eyes closed. My body was winning the war. I opened my eyes and saw Nurse Joy reading a notebook. “And then there’s your Charmander, who had two holes from Golbat fangs in his tail, was suffering from blood loss, was ALSO covered in Oddish Poisonpowder and had Ariados webbing all over him, which was starting to hinder his breathing. He was also beginning to experience exhaustion, but he's resting now.” Shutting her notebook, she grinned at me. “All things considered, I’d say you had a busy night before you got to us.”

I groaned. “Now I REALLY feel sick.” There was a laugh and a giggle from the other two people I had identified as being the same room, then I slowly heaved myself off the bed and flopped the blankets onto the mattress. Nurse Joy put a supporting hand on my arm and I smiled at her, rubbing my head to try and stay conscious for a little longer. “What’s fer breakfast?”

She looked at me concernedly, but it was the white-haired girl behind her who ask the question, her face showing a maternal care that seemed beyond her years. “Yah thenk ya’d beh able ta kehp it dawn?”

I smiled again, slowly moving toward the door. “If I don’t get used to this now, I’ll never survive the real world.”

Nurse Joy shook her head and steadied me as I began wavering near the door. “You shouldn’t be up.”

I grunted. “Then put me down in a chair facing some oatmeal.”

The annoying boy from earlier in the morning leaned over from his bunk, where he and a Mankey were playing checkers. “Ew, you like oatmeal?”

I rolled my eyes and said, as I stepped through the door, “No, but I’d barf anything else up.”

There was another ‘eww’, then I was out of earshot and slowly weaving my way down the hall, Nurse Joy walking behind me and saying something that sounded like a scolding every time I bumped into a wall, which wasn’t more than four or five times.

I finally made it to the eating lounge, which was in the exact same place as in every other Pokemon Center: in the middle, off to the left of the reception and rejuvenation room when you enter the PC from the outside world, and collapsed in the booth next to the door and slowly relaxed my body, letting myself go completely limp while Nurse Joy waved a waiter over.

"Si, Nurse Joy?" The waiter looked me over and clucked his tongue. "Ah, si. Thiz one, he looks like he could use a long nap and some crackers, as well as Picasso‘s famous chicken broth and...”

I smiled slightly. “Oatmeal is all, sir.”

“Ah, he says ‘sir'! He is a polite one, si?” The waiter nodded and whipped a pencil and a pad of paper seemingly out of nowhere, spinning the pencil through his fingers before rapidly writing something on the pad. “Your order will be here in no time, mi amigo.”

Nurse Joy looked at her clipboard, then checked her watch. “Manuel, I need to check on the other three. Could you...?”

“Ah, si, Manuel will make sure he doesn’t collapse.” Looking around at the fairly busy lounge, he shook his head. “If I'm not busy at the time.”

Nurse Joy turned and walked out of the room, pausing at the door. “That’s fine, Manuel. He doesn’t seem to be too bad, but he has had a busy night.”

I smiled again, then turned my head slightly so I could speak to Nurse Joy. “Could you let me know how Flash is doin’? He kinda had a busy night saving my butt.”

Nurse Joy chuckled. “I will. Take it easy, now.” With that, she left and Manuel breezed by, stopping only to tell me my order would be filled as quickly as possible and to call for him if I felt like I was going to pass out. I did at the time, but I had been feeling that way since I got up.

As soon as he was gone, the first thing I did was realize that oatmeal was NOT something my stomach could handle. Groaning, I flopped my head down on the table just as Manuel’s voice spoke up beside me.

“Brandigan, our cook, does not think oatmeal would be right for you, mi amigo.” I raised my head slightly, the only reason I wasn’t shocked at the speed with which Manuel could move being that I was too fuzzy in the head to care. “He suggests Saltine crackers and a nap on the couch."

I grinned. "Smart guy. Yeah, I'll take the crackers, please."

"Ah, you are indeed very polite." A plate scraped the table next to my head and I looked over. "This is complements of the house, as you English-speakers would say. For messing up a gang of troublemakers that have been giving everybody trouble."

I grinned as I looked at the plate from my position of head-flat-on-the-table. "Thanks a bundle."

"It is my pleasure-Ah! The other hero approaches!"

I looked over at the door, moving only my eyes, and saw the other kid with a girl under each arm, although whether they liked it there or were supporting him or both was unreadable, considering that they were watching his face in hero-worship.

"...And then, when we FINALLY get to Viridian City, NOBODY'S AWAKE!" The girls gasped and he rolled his eyes. "I swear, there should have at LEAST been a police officer. Not necessarily Officer Jenny or- Hey! There he is now!"

Manuel smiled at me and flashed away, taking orders like a man gone mad. Meanwhile, I was stuck with my comrade-in-inevitable-but-avoided-death and his two girlfriends, nausea in my stomach and a growing pain in my head as he began retelling last night to me at first, but then to his girlfriends. I zoned out after the part where he explained how he'd been casually fending off the pack of Hounds when he stumbled across me hiding in my hole, manfully keeping strict control over both my stomach and my tongue while he rambled on and on about his incredible victory over the ravenous wolves.

"And so, we FINALLY made it to Viridian City to find that..."

"Hey!" I closed my eye, the half-eaten cracker that I'd started on dropping to the table as I listened to the girl from before speak. "Heh nehds rest, not talk-talk-talk! Go ahf 'n lehf him alone! Or so help meh, Ah wehl have Muga give ya somethehn ya won't forget!"

"Hey! Ya leave me alone or I'll sic the Arbok I got last night on ya!"

I slapped a hand on the table, feeling my headache getting worse and beginning to make me VERY angry with the planet. "Do that. Then I sic my Pokemon on you and choke the life out of you with my bare hands and make you scream until you can't breath anymore and THEN I'll hurt you over and over and over again and ow." I rubbed my head, then slowly stood up, feeling the cracker beginning to turn and absorb in my stomach. "You. Talk. Too. Much. Now go 'way," I flopped back into my chair, pillowing my head in my arms and groaning before I continued, "Or I'll by Tanoby help her give you something you'll never forget and I GUARANTEE it will be paaaaaaiiiinnnnffuuuuuullll." I drew out the last word because right about then I needed to groan and release pressure inside. The result, however, was satisfactory in that the kid and his two girlfriends left, especially since a Wartortle appeared next to the white-haired girl and crossed its arms sternly. When they left huffily, the girl and the Wartortle watched them go for a minute before she slowly moved over and sat down across from me. I suddenly felt more comfortable and less, I don't know, uncomfortable as I heard the familiar and welcome sound of feminine clothing rustling and I smiled slowly.

"Been eight days since I last heard a girl moving. All the rest were in a big room with lots of noise." I slowly picked up my cracker as the Wartortle jumped up next to her and watched me with sober eyes. "It's been awhile since I last saw a Water-type that wasn't wild, too." I bit into the cracker as the girl slowly spoke.

"Where ah ya from?"

I smiled slightly as I slowly chewed and swallowed the cracker. "Quest Island. You?"

"Vermilion City."

I nodded with my head lying on my arm, then I reached over and picked up another cracker, bringing it to my mouth as my mind began dully wandering down some path.

I didn't want to keep any of the Pokemon I had caught last night.

The realization was sorta stunning, and it would have knocked me to the floor if I wasn't still loopy and slow. As it was, my emotions were pretty much out of it and my logic was eating dust, so my brain just kept pulling the stuff out of my head.

I didn't want them because it had been luck, not skill or even power, that had captured them. Luck.

Swallowing my cracker, I absently took another one and began chewing on it, my mind still plodding along even as my stomach began informing me that the rebellion there was winding down.

Furthermore, I definitely didn't want to keep them because they would give me an advantage against most of my first opponents. I'd still be only Beginner Rank, but I'd have Pokemon that were easily worth a Potential or Persistent Rank, which would give me an advantage over every opponent I'd come up against except the Gym Leaders, who would still be constrained by the Ranking system. It’d be power rather than skill that’d be winning my battles and I’d let my hard-won skill go rusty while I fought a couple dozen battles with my team and got comfortable with it.

But I wasn't about to throw them out into the cold because I didn't want them. No, I'd captured them and had taken on the responsibility and I'd by Weepth prove myself worthy of that responsibility or die trying.


I abruptly noticed that the girl was speaking and slowly raised my head, swallowing the last of the cracker as I made eye contact with her. “Sorry, my brain was wandering somewhere and I missed whatever you were saying.”

She grinned mischievously. “Ah was say’n’ thaht ya dedn’t sehm ta be as loohpeh as thes morn’n’, but et maght beh prehmature.”

I grinned back and plucked another cracker out of the basket, biting off half the cracker before replying. “Umf. I feel a little better, ‘specially since Open Mouth left.”

She shifted in her seat, looking at the tabletop before back up at me. “What happened awt there, ef ya don’t mahnd meh askin’...”

I shook my head, partly in the negative and partly to see if my head was still out of it. It was, but not near as much as before. “Nah, ‘sall right. Nothing really happened out there.” I shrugged and bit off more of my cracker. “I was bedding down for the night when a Persian attacked me, which I captured and then Psycho Lips,” she giggled at that and I smirked before continuing, “falls into my camping spot right ahead of the Hounds. I was already on my way out, so I invited him along and we ran, capturing a coupla Hounds while we ran. He gets knocked out along the way, at which point I end up having to carry him.” She smirked at that as I continued, “So we move along ‘til we get to the river, then I ford the river while Persian holds them all off, with thoughts of Feraligatr filling my mind. We get out, I boot him awake after discovering he’s dreaming about pizza, then we’re attacked by a Mightyena that had managed to ford the river AND an Arbok at the same time. The other kid moves in on the Arbok and I take the Mightyena. While we’re battling I discover that Persian doesn’t like obeying me very well...”

She frowned. “Thaht’s odd. Pokemon ah s’pposed ta obey theah Trainers under any ’n all circumstances ‘cause of the Regionization.”

I smirked. “Yeah, ‘cept Persian are just foul-tempered any time.”


Finishing off another cracker, I reach for another one while continuing my story. “So then we are both deciding to camp down further away from the river when we get attacked by a buncha Golbat.”

“Wonderful.” She slapped her forehead and giggled, then looked back at me. “So how’d ya get away?”

I shrugged as I finished chewing my cracker and swallowed. “Well, we ran really hard and fast. Flash, my Charmander, was bitten on the tail and lifted into the air by one of the bats while the rest of them kept us running around screaming with our hands above our heads,” she giggled again, a pleasant sound, “until he got himself free by charring the bat to almost nothing. Then I pick him up, the other kid grabs his Zubat and we run again.” Manuel appeared at that moment, silently placing a bowl of chicken noodle soup in front of me. “Thanks, Manuel.”

“Ah, it iz no problem.” He placed a finger alongside his nose before dashing off to clean some tables. I grinned before continuing the story.

“So then we get separated, me ‘n the other kid, and Flash and I run smack-dab into an Ariados’ web. It begins webbing up Flash before I could get free, while he was too busy struggling with everything he had to remember any attacks. I clobber the Ariados with a big old branch I found on the ground and knock it out before throwing a pokeball and catching the durn thing.” I plucked another cracked from the bowl and inhaled some of the soup. “Mmm, yum. Anyway, I free Flash and find that he’s about as pooped as any Fire lizard can get, so I recall him and begin running toward Viridian. The kid and I meet up again and we cover another mile before slowing to a jog, then a walk until we finally enter the city at just over a crawl.”

She shook her head. “And then ya had ta dehfeht those dumb Kulus. Ya’ll had a bizzeh naght.”

I smirked. “Dem’s da breaks.” Returning my attention to the soup, I sent a query to my stomach as to whether or not it was up to digesting a bowl of broth. It returned the query with a warning to go slow, then I practically inhaled the soup, pausing only to grab a cracker or two in between spooning the soup to my mouth.

Just as I finished, the girl tapped the table next to my bowl and I looked up to see her gazing at the local Officer Jenny, who was tapping her foot on the floor. I smiled uncomfortably.

“Um, is something wrong, Officer Jenny?”

She smiled. “Oh, there shouldn’t be. I just need to ask you a few questions about what really happened last night.”


Author’s Note: Lame-duck cliffhanger, but my deadline is fast approaching. So far, twenty-seven pages, 16,368 words in the story, which includes the previous Author’s note. Read, review, give money to the ‘Feed SB09’ fund.

*disappears in a cloud of smoke*
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Bird Master
Heya mate, here’s the long review I promised. You’d have gotten it much sooner if you’d listen to what I said about length. You’re selling yourself short on reviews just because of those huge chunks of writing. Not only that I had to go back and scan the last scenes of the last post because I’d scanned that because it was too long to pick up on all the things I missed.

I could barely bring myself to read it even though I promised and I reckon others are looking at it the same way. “Eh, too much work, I’ll go and read a story posted in shorter parts.”

We, the readers, honestly don’t mind if you leave of a fairly jagged part. I’d have stopped at the scene change and posted the rest when you got on next. A bit longer then your second post (Then I heard something make a slight splashing noise) is just right for forum readers.

I’d also avoid the arrogant sounding AN’s at the end of the story. The reason you post is for reviews. I reader has a right to an opinion just as you have a right to yours. If they don’t like it, such as my earlier thoughts on then emaciated Persian, it might help you.

Personally, I’m not sure names are all that important in fanfics, they’re the icing on the cake and you’re character has enough personality to keep him going without it.

I like the opening, and your situations, they’re so realistic for the Pokémon world, what it should be like instead of bright happy places where the danger is so synthetic.

I also like your character’s dialogue, it too is realistic, just how teenagers speak. “Not hardly.” Ah the double negative of adolescence.

The sudden build up of a Pokémon Team for a beginner is pretty *looks for a word* -uncomfortable. So many evolved forms so quickly in his journey but at least the long, exciting chapter prior can justify it. I would however muzzle Persian’s ability to take out several Pokémon so easily. In fact, the scene where they take out the shifty individuals in front of the Pokémon centre has me cringing. They’ve been fighting all night, and now they were going to trump another battle before the others arrived.

I’m confused about the ‘most famous and least known of the wardens,’ considering the terms are mutually exclusive, so I’m assuming there’s a plot point there I should take notice.

Are Red & co in your fiction the same as canon? I’m not very familiar with them and I assume a more then a few others aren’t so perhaps a bit more detail could be helpful when they’re involved.

I like Latias’s humanisation but am unsure about Mew and her groceries, but then again I’m also unsure about manga portrayal so I’m not going to be picky. Although I reckon now there’s another pink legendary in D/P, isn’t there?

In this scene I find myself getting lost in the names so I hope they will be made clearer in future chapters, mayhaps focusing and properly introducing one or two at a time.

I love the accents you use, I can practically hear it. It’s cute.

It’s strange, for all the prior realism you’re going on with the Nurse Joy theme. I don’t really mind, in my own fiction Joy’s a surname, but am still tetchy about how they’re identical, nay, clones.

I enjoy all the characters introduced, particularly Manual. Third person speaking characters always have a place in my heart *grins*.

Another good chapter, great rationalization and a spiffy side plot going on. Don’t hold yourself to deadlines, haste makes waste.

Cheers Tez
Heya mate, here’s the long review I promised. You’d have gotten it much sooner if you’d listen to what I said about length. You’re selling yourself short on reviews just because of those huge chunks of writing. Not only that I had to go back and scan the last scenes of the last post because I’d scanned that because it was too long to pick up on all the things I missed.
Refer to the end of this post and I will reply to this. *smiles evilly* However, I will say that I find myself unable at this point to shorten the chapters very much. *shudders* The stupid story is writing itself. MOTHER! THE STORY'S LOOKING AT ME!

It's aliiiiiivve...

I could barely bring myself to read it even though I promised and I reckon others are looking at it the same way. “Eh, too much work, I’ll go and read a story posted in shorter parts.”
*shrugs* There are two people at fault for that, actually: the reader AND the writer. The reader is essentially saying 'give me the one-post chapter I expect and I'll reward you with a review'. That is, IMAO, as arrogant as I tend to be. Beyond that, it tends to chop my creativity down in favor of length.

However, the writer should be trying to drag the reader into the story. I've read stories with a full two posts for one chapter and, when I finished, could scarcely believe that it HAD been two posts. The chapter had simply been too absorbing (on the third reading, too). *bows in humble repentance* I apologize for such a boring set of chapters.

We, the readers, honestly don’t mind if you leave of a fairly jagged part. I’d have stopped at the scene change and posted the rest when you got on next. A bit longer then your second post (Then I heard something make a slight splashing noise) is just right for forum readers.
*shrugs* Except that if I try to cut it off before my brain is done spewing forth, I end up with either a lame-duck cliffhanger (cliffhanger good, lame duck bad XD) or just a really boring chapter because the part I cut off is, in essence, the punchline. The culmination. Trust me, I know myself far too well to try anything less. However, I think I can tell you that the chapters will not go above fifteen pages MSW. After that, I begin despairing of ever seeing the light of day again. XD

I’d also avoid the arrogant sounding AN’s at the end of the story. The reason you post is for reviews. I reader has a right to an opinion just as you have a right to yours. If they don’t like it, such as my earlier thoughts on then emaciated Persian, it might help you.
Ah, I was waiting for this. *rubs hands gleefully* Mwahahaha...

The reason I placed those Author's Notes and all is because, quite frankly, I am in charge of this fic.The last time I started a chaptered fic, I received a review that I thoroughly deserved but also took to extreme lengths. The reviewer was Negrek and she gave me a very detailed analysis (I had better have spelled that write or else! XD) about the shortcomings of my story. She did perfectly fine and was perfectly honest.

The problem was that, as a just-beginning writer, I was liable to take a negative (to my mind) review in the wrong direction (at least in my case). Although three or four other writers that I respected had already stated that it was a story that interested them, that one review was enough to basically shoot down my interest in the story.

Now, I am not saying that Negrek was wrong. She did what she usually does: give a review that, in her opinion, is as honest and justifiable as possible.

The one in the wrong was my ego. My morale. When I got that review, I immediately, in my head, decided that I was in the wrong and that, since I didn't know another way to write, I couldn't write well.

I've slowly realized that over a few years, so I decided that THIS time I would ensure that I had a healthy buffer around my ego. Yes, it is quite arrogant, but I logically deduced that I would be unable to receive another honest review and continue writing and that the people who would be that brutally honest with me would also not be too sensitive to something like that.

*bows* And I fully agree that you have every right to your own opinion. I also believe that you can voice your opinion of my story in my presence as much as you want to. I will listen to it (or read it, in this case) and, sheltered behind my fortress of Reserved Rights, calmly and rationally decide whether or not, IMAO, it is to be applied to future chapters or not. The emaciated Poizhan (Persian in Meowth-speak XD), for example. I fully realize that I made a slight miscalculation there and will attempt to refine future references to weakness in an attempt to eliminate that mistake.

The simple point I am trying to make is that everybody has the God-given right to their own opinion but that only one opinion is in charge of this fic. While I believe you had my (or at least the story's) best interests at heart, I also know that there are others who have Fan Fiction's best interest at heart.

*bows in humble respect*

Personally, I’m not sure names are all that important in fanfics, they’re the icing on the cake and you’re character has enough personality to keep him going without it.
*snorts* Exactly. If the characters can't carry themselves without spiffy names then they're not really characters. *bows* Thank you for the compliment.

I like the opening, and your situations, they’re so realistic for the Pokémon world, what it should be like instead of bright happy places where the danger is so synthetic.
*grins diabolically* I believe that future chapters will dispel all reference to synthetic danger in conjunction with this story.

I also like your character’s dialogue, it too is realistic, just how teenagers speak. “Not hardly.” Ah the double negative of adolescence.
*rubs back of head while blushing* That's actually the product of a review I made (where I pointed out a gross grammar mangling on the part of one of the characters) to which the author (the mighty and all-knowing Chibi Pika, She-Who-Plots-Plot) replied that, in real life, there aren't a lot of people who use perfectual grammar or even splleng. XD It was the first step on my journey of enlightenment.

The sudden build up of a Pokémon Team for a beginner is pretty *looks for a word* -uncomfortable. So many evolved forms so quickly in his journey but at least the long, exciting chapter prior can justify it. I would however muzzle Persian’s ability to take out several Pokémon so easily. In fact, the scene where they take out the shifty individuals in front of the Pokémon centre has me cringing. They’ve been fighting all night, and now they were going to trump another battle before the others arrived.
*studies his text* Okay, since they are neutralized in the next chapter, I might as well explain that.

The simple fact is, only Flash was fighting all night (or at least the few hours between sunset and roughly midnight). The others were safely in their pokeballs BECAUSE:
1. The Persian had already begun to show a nonresponsive nature to its Trainer, which could have been fatal if it had been relied upon.
2. My best rationalization for the wolves is that one doesn't generally trust oneself to something that was trying to eat one a few minutes before unless the situation is desperate or one is unusually stupid.

Also, it helps that in the gangster battle a lot of the nasties left once their prey began mauling their comrades. *makes a bug eye* Wouldn't you?

I’m confused about the ‘most famous and least known of the wardens,’ considering the terms are mutually exclusive, so I’m assuming there’s a plot point there I should take notice.
Think about it (the phrase 'most famous and least known') for awhile and all will be revealed... Mwahaha...

This is if you can't figure it out:

Are Red & co in your fiction the same as canon? I’m not very familiar with them and I assume a more then a few others aren’t so perhaps a bit more detail could be helpful when they’re involved.
THAT I can give a definite answer to: No. Red, in this case, is Professor Oak's Grandson, for example, and isn't as knowledge-centered (like the Mange Green/Blue) as he is power-centered (like in the games). Onyx isn't even real, in canon terms, but is instead a product of another story that I never wrote. Titanium, Diamond, they are both figments of my imagination.

I like Latias’s humanisation but am unsure about Mew and her groceries, but then again I’m also unsure about manga portrayal so I’m not going to be picky. Although I reckon now there’s another pink legendary in D/P, isn’t there?
Ah, two plot points in a single paragraph! You are, indeed, remarkable, young grasshopper. *floats into the air while curled into a fetal position*

Mew: Is big-shot momma Legendary. She's probably been around the block long enough to know what 'groceries' are. No more can I say.
D/P: Refer to future chapter. Bwahaha...

In this scene I find myself getting lost in the names so I hope they will be made clearer in future chapters, mayhaps focusing and properly introducing one or two at a time.
Nope. Nada. The whole purpose of those little cutscenes is to... Mwahaha...

Let me just say that they will not be receiving any more description in future chapters than they had this time around.

I love the accents you use, I can practically hear it. It’s cute.
I love reading accents, hate writing them. But, I AM going for individuality, so... *sighs*

It’s strange, for all the prior realism you’re going on with the Nurse Joy theme. I don’t really mind, in my own fiction Joy’s a surname, but am still tetchy about how they’re identical, nay, clones.
Hmhmhm... Mwahaha... Uh, why am I laughing? Oh, well.

*scratches back of head embaressedly* Actually, that's because I made the mistake of listening to 'Two Perfect Girls' while writing that last part. That and the part where they seem to be in all the canon. I'll think of an explanation... Eventually... But it'll be good!

I think...

I enjoy all the characters introduced, particularly Manual. Third person speaking characters always have a place in my heart *grins*.
WOOHOO! *gasps for air* He was one of the toughest characters. I couldn't decide whether or not to leave him in because of 'realism' issues, but I finally got mad enough at the imaginary reviewer in my head to say 'BEEP YOU!' and put him in. *rubs back of head*

Another good chapter, great rationalization and a spiffy side plot going on. Don’t hold yourself to deadlines, haste makes waste.

Cheers Tez

*points to top of post* If I missed a deadline, you'd have a humonguous block of text in your hands simply because those deadlines are the only things keeping me from becoming a 'novel-a-chapter' kinda guy. XP XD

*bows* Thank you for the compliments, it is pleasurable to have such an insightful, honest and polite reviewer in this thread, especially since I didn't expect much more than a review every other chapter... XD

Oh, by the way...

About the "side plot" thing...

Actually, I think I'll let you figure it out yourself.

*disappears in a cloud of smoke, leaving only the echoes of maniacal laughter behind*
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Yuck. Okay, as a result of several re-readings, I am officially in favor of people giving me blatant grammar problems to fix. The people I know don't even speak that bad. *shudders at three-word repetition that he had to fix*
Rating: PG-13 For violence and all that. Take it seriously.
Inspiration for this chapter came from: Same as above.
Make up weird-sounding reasons for anything he can't find facts on (example: the upcoming Shinou/Sinnoh Region and where it was before D/P came out)
Ignore your post if you flame his
Report rulebreaking posts
Insert himself into the fic whenever and/or wherever he wants
Interpret the Pokemon world any way he wants
Utilize 'generic' tools, names, Pokemon, plot, etc.
[Everything else here]
Chapter Three

"Thank you for your cooperation, JayZ. The Houndoom Fan Club has stated they would be happy to give you four Ultra Balls for the trouble their Pokemon gave you last night and the Persian's Trainer has released it into the custody of Giovanni Landers." Officer Jenny checked her notebook, then nodded. "And a Trainer from Sting is offering to trade you a Pikachu for the Ariados."

I smiled slightly and rubbed my head, feeling the last remnant of the headache finally leaving. "Dang. Well, I guess a Pikachu would be cool. And Ultra Balls are good."

The officer smiled and wrote something in her notebook. "I'll inform the appropriate parties. In the meantime," she closed her notebook and moved away, "You get some rest. I'll take care of all the details."

I nodded and looked longingly at my empty soup bowl as she left, watching from the corner of my eye as another officer finished talking-or rather, yelling down-the other kid and left, furiously scribbling something on her notebook. Looking at the girl across the table from me, I quirked a smile and extended my right hand.

"Well, my name's Jacob Zoneburner, but I go by the name of JayZ now."

She giggled, then straightened her face out and nodded, pretending to hold a notebook. "Intahrestehn' name, Mistah Jazzy."

I shook my head slowly. "No, Jay-Z. JayZEE."

"Ah, Mistah JayeeZEH. Foahgive meh."

We looked at each other, then all three of us, Wartortle, girl and me, began laughing until we were holding our stomachs from lack of breath. The girl finally looked up, her face slightly confused. "Mah ahctual nahme’s Kalle Horn, bah th’ wayeh, and Ah hehf a question."

I nodded. "Shoot."

She looked at the top of the table briefly. "Ef eht's peahsonal, ya don't hehf ta answah." She inhaled, then looked me in the eye. "Wha ah ya letten' yoah Pokemon go so ehseh?"

"Hmm." I shook my head. "I guess because I didn't want to be a Beginner-rank Trainer with Pokemon that could eat my competition without my needing to use any skill. I mean, they chewed through those thugs last night like they were jelly and there were some higher-level Pokemon there. A Donphan doesn‘t evolve ‘til somewhere in the, um, upper twenties, I think. Considering how easily my Pokemon were holding their own against it, I‘d say they were higher than they normally would have been.” I shook my head again. “’Course, it doesn‘t help that a buncha them were already being trained."

She looked troubled and shook her head. "Ya di'n't hafta use them raght away. Ya cou'da..." She trailed off as the loudmouthed kid from earlier stormed up to me.


I blinked slowly, feeling irritation, confusion and amusement all well up at once. "Mine? But I hadn't even done it yet!" I frowned and rubbed my chin, then looked at the girl. "Did I?"

He shook his finger in my face before she could reply. "YA BROUGHT THE COPS DOWN ON US AND THEY TOOK AWAY MY HARD-CAUGHT POKEMON!"

"Whoof." I poked one finger into my ear and wiggled it around, clearing the spit blockage in my ear. "Yuck. Okay, for the record, I think I was the one who caught the Hounds, so that's half gone already. I only gave them over because your Zubat was the one that helped catch 'em." I pulled my finger out of my ear and looked at the unidentifiable brown-and-green stuff on it, then wiped it off on his shirt. "Thanks. And for another thing, it wasn't ME that brought 'em down. It was the Houndoom Fan Club that noticed they were missing four 'doom and called it in." I sniffed my finger to make sure the stuff was off it, then looked him in the eye. "And would you PLEASE stop yelling?"


I leaped up off my seat, getting directly in his face and screaming at the top of my voice, "THEN I'M BY LIPTOO GONNA YELL RIGHT BACK!"

He backed up several steps, a shocked expression on his face, and when he spoke it was with an incredibly lower tone than before. "I challenge ya to a battle."

Looking him in the eye for several seconds, I reached a hand up and snapped my fingers. Manuel appeared out of nowhere again, reminding me that I needed to find out how he did that. "Si, Mizter Polite?"

I smirked. "Would you please ask Nurse Joy if I can have my Pokemon back now? Flash the Charmander, a Mightyena and an Ariados?"

Right at that moment, a little red blur struck me, knocking me back into my seat and growling joyfully. I grinned and hugged Flash back, careful to avoid the wildly flailing tail-flame. “Good ta see you too, buddy.”

Nurse Joy walked up to me, smiling at Flash. “He wouldn’t listen to anything but directions to where you were.” She pulled three pokeballs from her apron pocket as well as a pair of black gloves and a black pokeball belt. “Officer Jenny stopped by with a young man from Sting a minute before we came here and traded your Ariados for a Pikachu, as well as leaving these gloves and belt.” She looked concerned as I nodded. “I hope it wasn’t wrong of me, but she said you had agreed to the trade.”

I grinned and took the pokeball belt from her, wrapping it around my slender waist and strapping it together. “No prob, I did agree to the trade. Man, I never thought I’d get a free pokeball belt.” I spun around, feeling the odd yet comfortable weight of the belt rest on my hips. “This rocks.” I looked up at Nurse Joy, who was smiling slightly. “I hope you thanked him for me.”

She nodded. “Yes, I did. He also left this for you,” she pulled a folded-up piece of paper and handed it to me. “He said it would probably be best to give you this before I gave you the Pikachu.”

I looked at her with a raised eyebrow, then took the paper and unfolded it, carefully reading the note scribbled on it.

‘Doob, I M gr8ful U R trabing Ur RIuhbos 4 my PEkuhchu. 1 thing U shub no, tho. The PEkuhchu (who’s nAm iz Calidan) iz rlly bAnjRus. I knt evN hob hiz ball withowt usEng thEs gluvs (witch R mAd 4 hobing Electic tIps thet R 2 dAnjRus 2 hod regUlrE, bI the wA) and this bLt oar hEl shok mE. I no itz prolly rong 2 giv U al thiz in Ur lap, but U sEm lIk U no wot Ur dooing, so i hop U kan tAk t lIk a brow. F U evR nEd a help, cal 4 Brady and Il help! THNX! -Shady Brady of Sting PS downt cal Cal a rat, hE kils 4 tht’

I had to read the message four times before I got all the kinks worked out, then I chuckled and showed the note to Kalle, while the loudmouthed kid tried to peer over her shoulder or the side of the paper.

“Well, I think the gloves and belt are important because the Pikachu, Caliban, is somewhat dangerous.” I took the gloves and put them on, feeling the strange material slide between my fingers, then took the three pokeballs and lined them up on the right-hand side of my belt, smiling at Nurse Joy. “Thanks for bringing these.”

She nodded and took a notebook out of her apron pocket. “Now, do you feel any dizziness at all?”

Spinning around again, I waited for a second before replying, “Nope.”

Scribbling something in her notebook, she nodded and stepped back, watching me carefully. “Bend down and touch your toes. Tell me if you feel any nausea.”

“Nope.” I looked up from my headstand. “Although I’m not exactly bending over.” I flipped back to my feet and looked over her shoulder as she checked off a couple boxes in the report. “Make sure to put down that I’m gorgeously handsome and really buff.” All five people and Pokemon looked at me with raised eyebrows and I shrugged. “Hey, what good is paperwork without a little fun?”

Nurse Joy finished writing on the paper. “He is... Also... Sarcastic... Am... Releasing... Him... From my... Custody... Finally.”

Everybody laughed, although the loudmouthed kid’s laughter was more cutting than the others’. “Haha, yer a drag on the PC, loser.”

I set my feet firmly on the floor and smirked at him, my hands at my sides. As Flash leaped down and set himself in a mirror stance slightly in front of me and to the right, I said, “We’ve got unfinished business, buddy.”

He smirked back and jerked a thumb toward the RNR room. “Let’s take this outside so yer girlfriend doesn’t hafta watch ya lose.”

Simultaneously, Kalle and I said, “Ah’m/She’s not hehs/my girlfriend!” We looked at each other, then laughed and the loudmouth shrugged and turned away, smirking.

“Whatever. Let’s just get this over with so I can get some cash.”

I swaggered along behind him, smirking. “Are you sure you’re not going outside so you don’t get humiliated in front of your female fans AGAIN?”

“Shut. Up.” His voice was decidedly nastier, but I wasn’t about to let all his needling go just because he was unhappy.

“Oh, that’s right. You’re too incompetent to even catch your own Pokemon. In fact, you slept through half of your ‘hard-caught’ Pokemon. Forgive me. I shouldn’t be teasing you about something you know so much about.” Pausing for effect, I let sickly-sweetness drip from my voice as I said, “Humiliation.”

“Shut UP!” He spun around and let fly with a punch that anybody’s grandmother could’ve seen coming. I lifted a hand and caught the fist, looking him in the eye.

“And I believe YOU were the one running from the Houndoom, screaming and tearing dirt up behind you.” He spun around and strode quickly toward the door, his shoulders taut with anger as I followed along behind him, smirking. Revenge felt oh so sweet.

We stepped out of the PC and he immediately spun around and stuck a finger in my face. “Yer gonna PAY for what ya’ve said, freak.”

I smirked and felt Flash step to my side. “And I thought we Islanders were the ones who carried grudges.” I paused theatrically, pretending to mull something over, then spoke again just as he was about to say something really nasty. “Oh, yeah, we do.”

He spat something that sounded incredibly vile before ripping a pokeball out from under the vest he was wearing. “I’m taking ya down, pajama-boy.”

I abruptly realized I was still wearing my too-tight T-shirt and sweatpants and only long years of practice and a rising sureness that he was nowhere near my skill level kept me from making an expression that would have given him ammo. A smirk crossed my face.

“That’s right, I can beat you any time of the day, whether I’m just waking up or exhausted from a long day of work.” He snarled and launched the ball to the ground, releasing an incredibly large cloud of smoke that slowly dissipated, revealing that he’d called out his Arbok. I quirked an eyebrow and snapped my fingers, causing Flash to look up at me. “Flash, you’re up.” Raising my voice, I added a touch of vocal smirk. “So, three-on-three? Or did those EVIL policewomen take more of your Pokemon then they did me?”

He spat at the ground with a violent motion, his eyes blazing with a fury that was rather shocking on the face of any but a scorned Islander. “Ya sonuva-YOWP!”

Kalle stepped up to the sidelines and smirked at the kid as he tried to wring his clothes out, gently patting her Wartortle on the head. “Ahraght, boehs. Leht’s sahve th’ vocahl abuse foah latah.” Straightening up, she raised both arms. “Wehl th’ challenged plehse infoahm us of th’ rules of battle?”

I grinned. “Three-on-three single battle, no other rules.”

There was a series of gasps and I noticed from the corner of my eyes that we had attracted a small crowd of battle-lovers. Smirking, I looked the other kid in the eyes. “JayZ’s the name, battlin’s the game.”

With a smirk, the other kid petted his Arbok as he replied, “I am Smog and I run with snakes and bats.” With that, he pointed at me. “Sic ‘em, Sting!”

The Arbok began weaving toward us, its hood slowly opening as it released the same type of hiss as it had the night before. Flash and I looked at each other, then grinned and began running toward the snake. It reared back at the sight of not only the Pokemon, but the Trainer as well, racing toward it and looked back at Smog. He yelled an order, but right then I whooped, trying to interfere with the snake's hearing while giving Flash his order.


Flash broke to the side as I skidded to a stop, opening his mouth and bathing the snake in fiery sparks. The cobra hissed again and spun around, snapping at Flash several times and causing the little lizard to skitter back toward me before it spun around and slammed its tail into the ground in front of us. The concrete crunched and specks of it flew into us, then, using the small cloud of flying dust as a cover, I tapped Flash on the head and said in a low voice, “Get on its hood and use Ember on its head when I tell you.” He smirked and nodded, looking the snake in the eye as the dust cleared. I crouched down next to him, keeping my mouth open so it looked like I was breathing hard while Smog and Sting looked arrogantly at me. Quietly, keeping my lip movement as low as possible, I said, “And don’t look it in the eye.”

The little Fire lizard shifted his gaze to the snake’s hood even as it coiled itself up before snapping toward us, using its eleven-foot length to hit us from a distance. I plastered a worried look across my face to hide the sense of inevitable victory I felt welling up in me. The fact that Smog was sticking with a tactic that his Pokemon had reflexively utilized showed that he was either confident in his partner or that he didn’t need any other tactic. He was not using inventiveness or flexibility, as Flash’s Ember probe had shown earlier, but was rather relying on his Pokemon’s inherent skills to win.

I could use that.

As the snake reared back for another strike, I judged the distance and time involved, then snapped my fingers. “Now, Flash!”

The snake snapped at where Flash had been moving, hitting only air as the lizard leaped onto its back and dug in with his claws. It reared up in pain, then shrieked as Flash released a stream of embers into its face that lasted for half an eternity, it seemed, before the snake slowly crashed to the ground, Flash flipping off its back and landing with a smirk on its feet and one hand. I grinned as Smog stared, dumbfounded, at his snake.

“Don’t suppose you got any snake insurance, huh?”

Kalle inspected the snake, then raised her left hand in my direction. “Stang ehs unabul ta battle. Flahsh wens thes roaund.”

Smog looked up at me, his face a study in anger as he recalled his Arbok. “Ya’re so goin’ down.” His hand dipped into his vest with Sting’s pokeball, returning with another ball that he tossed to the ground. “Blade! Drain that lizard dry!”

His Golbat erupted from its ball in a frenzied display of wings and fangs, shooting toward Flash, who had risen from his pose and was confidently watching the bat approach. I abruptly realized he was waiting for my signal and resolved to teach him the error of his ways later before snapping my fingers. “Flash, Scratch attack when it’s close enough. Right through its teeth.”

He looked back at me concernedly, then returned his gaze to the bat just in time to snap his claws forward as Blade struck him. By some twist of fate, his claws went right between the bat’s fangs and into the soft spot in the back of the bat's mouth, causing the other to scream and try to get away. Flash, however, hung on and began pummeling the other with a stream of fire that suddenly got the better of the bat and it slumped over. Flash yanked his paw out of the Golbat’s mouth as Kalle stepped over beside it, checking it thoroughly before walking over to Smog and whispering in a low tone to him. He slumped slightly, then looked at his Golbat and nodded sadly. Kalle moved back to her position and raised her hand in my direction again.

“Smog forfeits this round due to the injuries to his Golbat. The round two winner is JayZ and Flash!”

I raised an eyebrow at Smog as he recalled his Golbat. “Okay, I am impressed. So much so I won’t tell you to give up and stop the pain to your Pokemon but instead,” I grinned and stomped my foot out into a wide stance, “I’ll just say let’s see whatcha got.” Just as the sappiness factor reached ‘high’, I smirked. “Although I doubt a wimpy Zubat can beat my three.”

He snarled back. “I ain’t using Fang. No,” he pulled another pokeball out and released his Oddish, “I think Powder will be quite enough to finish off yer weakened Charmander.”

My gaze sharpened as I wondered what kind of strategy he had concocted. “Careful, buddy,” I muttered just loud enough for Flash to hear, “He’s either loco or he’s got an ace up his sleeve or both.”

The Charmander nodded, his gaze locked with the Oddish’s, and I looked Smog in the eye and smirked. “Who says he’s weakened?”

“Powder! Knock that lizard out of the running with an Absorb!”

I decided that he had no idea what he was doing and sighed as the Oddish and Flash both began glowing green and greenish bubbles began flashing from the lizard to the plant. Waiting until the flashing was almost done, I smirked.

“Ember and Scratch should finish it off, buddy. Go!”

Flash kicked into gear and raced toward the plant, firing off a stream of embers that connected with the plant at high speed, causing Powder to squeal and begin running around with a flame on one of its leaves. Flash leaped into the air and raised one claw, bringing it down as he landed through the cloud of containment gas that suddenly appeared. He struck the concrete where it had been broken by the kid’s Arbok and smashed pieces of concrete into the air, both of us watching as Smog slowly, sadly placed the pokeball in his vest and faced us.

“I forfeit this match. Ya’ve beaten me.” He reached toward his back pocket. “How much do I owe ya?”

I blinked, then began laughing as I pulled Flash’s pokeball from my pocket and chucked it at the little lizard, who was trying to inconspicuously pull his claws from the concrete and wasn’t getting anywhere. Fingering his pokeball, I turned toward the PC and smirked at the kid. “No charge, Smoggy. I don’t have my ID on me.”

He blinked and slowly straightened up from the slouch he’d fallen into. “Ya mean... This won’t go on my record?”

I smirked wider and strode into the PC, letting him think that over. As the glass doors shut behind me, I trotted up to the rejuvenation station and looked around. There was nobody behind the counter, which wasn’t surprising when one considered how much work Nurse Joy had to perform. I was about to ring the bell when I heard a soft sound and leaned over the counter just in time to watch a Chansey hop up on a stool and look at me helpfully over the counter. I grinned.

“Hello. My Charmander needs to be healed.”

The Chansey smiled happily at me and took Flash’s pokeball from my hand, holding it between her tiny paw and her large, pink body as she awkwardly turned around and hopped off the stool before waddling over to the rejuvenation machine and inserting the pokeball in one of the slots. She tapped several buttons on the side, then the screen above the slots flashed several times before the machine gave a ‘ding’ and the pokeball was raised up out of the machine. The Chansey plucked the pokeball from the slot and waddled back over to the counter, hopping up on the stool and smiling at me as she handed Flash’s pokeball back. I smiled and nodded my thanks.


The Chansey smiled and gave a low chirrup before waddling off. I smirked and released Flash, retrieving his pokeball before crouching down and scratching him on the back of the head. "Good work, buddy." He growled and grinned at me, then I stood up, stretch and scratched my stomach. "Well, guess I'd better get dressed and get my life in gear."

Flash gave a humming laugh as we began strolling toward the eating lounge, then paused before growling curiously and pointing at the counter, where Manuel was busily discussing something with a screaming customer. I blinked confusedly.

"Uh, that's where they cook the food. Food. You know, mun-YAH!"

Before I could finish my sentence, Flash took off toward the kitchen and I belatedly remembered that he hadn't eaten yet, at least not anything that I'd fed him, and he hadn't had much for meals the day before. I groaned and slapped my forehead even as I began running toward the kitchen.


I arrived in the kitchen just in time to see the cook, a giant of a man who looked like he enjoyed his own cooking as much as everybody else, fending off Flash with a frying pan and a spatula, a grim look on his face and his back to a table full of pie plates full of crust.

"Ye'll niver taike me beef pot poies aloive! Oi'll foight t' th' death beifoire Oi let ye do that!"

Flash growled back and faked toward the left before leaping toward the right when the cook seemed to fall for the bait. The big guy proved deceptively fast on his feet, however, and spun completely around and brought his frying pan up, connecting with Flash's headfirst charge and sending the little lizard flying back into an open cupboard full of plastic containers. I leaped in before Flash could get to his feet, waving my hands to get the attention of both combatants.

"Flash! Cookie! Stop messing up a perfectly good kitchen!"

The cook brandished his spatula at Flash, a fire in his eyes. "Thehs li'l bugger caime 'n-did you jes' call me 'Cookie'?"

I blinked, unsure as to what the expression on his face meant. "Um, yeah, I did."

His face gradually twisted and I was about to apologize profusely and make my escape with Flash when the big man threw his pan and spatula in the air, shouted 'HALLELUJAH' and grabbed me in the tightest bear hug I had ever had.

"Oi have long drimed of th' dai wh'n Oi'd be coiled 'Cookie'! Ye've made moi drimes cem true, li'l maite!"

I gasped, straining to try and keep air flowing into my lungs. "Y-heah! Sure. Can I-HWHOOP!"

He dropped me on the floor and began scurrying around the kitchen at something approaching the speed of light, practically teleporting Flash from the cupboard over to my side while he simultaneously called for Manuel, set up a griddle and began whipping up some sort of batter. I slowly stood up and was backing carefully toward the door when a voice spoke up behind me from the originally open doorway.

"Si, Senor Brandigan?"

I spun around, startled at the materialization of the waiter where there was no waiter before, and put my finger in Manuel's face. "How in the-"

Brandigan, the big man, shot between us, spinning me around and causing me to stagger back before he shot by behind me and reversed the process. I ended up in the exact same position as before, albeit dizzier and with my finger out with the rest of the hand trying to keep me upright.

"Manuel! Ight ois goid ye're here!" He then began talking so fast that, with his accent, I couldn't understand a word he said. Manuel seemed to know what was happening, however, and nodded, his face expressing pleasure.

"Ah, si! Manuel is incredibly pleased for you, Senor Brandigan. Of course Manuel will be honored show your friend to his seat." He bowed and gestured out the door of the kitchen. "After you, Mizter Polite."

I blinked and looked at Flash, who returned my look and shrugged. Rubbing my head, I carefully walked out of the kitchen, waiting while Manuel and Brandigan jabbered in some sort of kitchen-speak or something before the dark-haired, dark-eyed waiter breezed over to us.

“You have the incredible honor of being placed in the spot reserved for the Cook’s Favorite.” He draped a towel over his arm and, gesturing for us to follow, began moving toward the back of the room. “You have touched the tender, sentimental heart of our beloved Brandigan, mi amigo. That iz not common, in Manuel’s humble experience. You and your Pokemon will be served until you can‘t be served any more.”

He stopped next to a table with a ‘reserved’ card on it and gestured for us to sit down. Flash and I looked unsurely at each other, then I lifted my gaze to Manuel. “Uh, would it be all right if my other two Pokemon could sit here as well? They kinda haven’t eaten, either...”

Manuel waved his hand widely. “Ah, si! And do not worry about cost. The cook will fork the bill, as you say.” With that, he snapped his fingers and disappeared. Flash and I traded a weird look, then I shrugged and pulled the two pokeballs from my belt with one hand, deciding that I should place the pokeballs on different sides of my belt for ease of draw as I did so, and released my Mightyena and Caliban.

The wolf popped out first, landing in a solid stance that looked like it would allow Mightyena to either run or take an attack. He sniffed around, then his gaze fell on me and he warily sat down facing me before turning his gaze to where the Pikachu was standing.

I have to admit that it was a shock. The Pikachu species was well-known for its cuteness and friendliness, as well as being a hot Pokemon for fans of the show, but this one seemed to be crossed with a Persian or something. Its left ear was only half as long as the other one and torn in two right down the middle, with the edges looking like it was fraying or something. The top of its ear was jagged, as if something had taken a bite out of it, and a scar ran from the base of the ear down his stomach to the middle of Caliban’s tail.

But that wasn’t near as intensely unusual as the almost predatory look he sent around the room before landing its gaze on me. His eyes dropped to the gloves on my hands, a sneer creased its face and, turning his back on me, he hopped up onto one of the nearby tables, causing the two girls and their Rattata and Growlithe already sitting there to jump in shock. Caliban immediately began eating the hamburgers they had been eating, shooting a malevolent glance at them whenever they got near him.

I ripped my lips into a snarling sneer and shot from my chair. Caliban must have sensed my approach, because he began turning toward me even as I grabbed the skin and fur at the back of his neck and lifted him into the air.

He went berserk. Literally. There’s no other word for it when a Pikachu screams and begins letting loose lightning bolts in every direction while trying to turn around and bite the hand holding it. The only reason things didn’t turn out tragically is because the lightning bolts would only reach about four feet out before they whipped around and slammed into my gloves and belt, the electricity playing along the material like live snakes. The pokeballs on either side of my hips were untouched, a fact that my mind idly logged as unusual, and nothing was touched but the table, which was blackened by a stray bolt as it whipped around. I moved back as a result of that and waited until Caliban’s furious tantrum slowed slightly, then I turned him so he could face me. His attempts to get free redoubled, as did the number of lightning bolts flying from his brightly-glowing body. More of the bolts seemed to be aimed in my direction than before, but they were just absorbed by the belt and all that was accomplished was the Pikachu was slowly but surely drained of electricity.

When his struggles finally died off, I brought my face right up to his, a snarl-sneer still on my face. “Are you done with the tantrum yet? Or do you need a time-out?” He snarled and tried to hit me with a punch, but I just moved him away from my face far enough that he missed by an inch. “You WILL control yourself or I WILL control you.” I lowered my voice, my anger at his idiotic actions coloring my voice. “Do I make myself clear?”

His gaze locked onto mine and we remained motionless for a while. I lost all track of time in my anger and knew only that one of us would give in at this point and that that one would lose the war. Caliban must have known that as well, for neither one of us so much as twitched as we each waited for the other to break.

Just as I felt the need to blink, Caliban grudgingly looked down, his ears and tail drooping as his entire body went limp. I waited another second or two, then slowly let him down onto the ground and just as slowly stood back up, feeling the silence all around me as the entire room of people and Pokemon waited for something to explode.

Caliban looked around and smirked, then suddenly dropped to all fours and growled. There were screams, yelps and the sound of somebody fainting, then he got back upright and began laughing. Looking around for the first time since I’d taken him on, I had to laugh as well. The expression on everybody’s face was priceless.

I flopped onto the floor with laughter and wiped a tear from my eye. “Oh, your expressions right now are worth a million just to rent!” Caliban nodded and looked up at me from where he had rolled, the look in his eyes informing me that we had a truce, at least. I nodded and weakly got high enough off the floor to squirm onto my seat, still chuckling from the released tension. Flash was chuckling in his seat at the table and even Mightyena was smirking, his fangs bared and looking particularly ferocious.

The two girls stepped up beside us, their faces livid and their Pokemon glowering at us. I cocked my head to the side, starting to feel another round of laughter coming on from their expressions. "You know, you're the second and third angry faces I've seen today." I smirked and leaned back in my seat. "This is gonna be a good day."

The girl with the Rattata at her feet huffed angrily and clenched her hands into fists. "You shouldna treated your Pikachu s' roughly! It was jus' doin' what comes naturall-YOWP!"

She leaped fully four feet in the air before another weak bolt of electricity sparked off her thigh, causing her to collapse when she hit the floor, sprawling across the floor while her Rattata, who had just barely managed to avoid getting squashed by her body, took up a position facing Caliban, who was snickering at this new round of mischief he was in. His ears suddenly flattened and he looked cautiously back at me, obviously remembering the anger I had shown over his simply scaring them. I shrugged and held my hands up.

"Hey, I'm supposed to let you do what comes naturally, buddy." Leaning back in my seat, I took my gloves off and tucked them between my belt and my shirt, resolving to change into my real clothes as soon as possible. Crossing my arms, I smirked. "I can't even tell you to go easy on them." While the girls stared at me in shock, then at Caliban in fear as they slowly began backing away, I lightly tapped my foot twice on the floor, the vibrations attracting Caliban's attention long enough for me to almost unnoticeably shake my head side-to-side. He seemed to slump slightly before turning his attention to the girls and beginning to spark, stray electricity building around him. The hairs on my arms and the back of my neck rose straight up and I quirked a smile at the power he was building up before the girls managed to run away screaming, the one crawling at a speed that would have been the envy of kids half her age before she could get to her feet, her Rattata shooting ahead of her. The other girl was already at the exit, her Growlithe running with her but keeping a ready eye on Caliban in case it needed to flip around and defend its Trainer.

I waited until they were both safely gone, then snapped my fingers to get Caliban’s attention. “Nice intimidation, Cal.” The Pikachu grinned smugly, then I waved my little group to gather around the table. “Okay, since we’re all here and there doesn’t seem to be anybody trying to get us,” I raised my head up and sent a glare around the room, causing several people to duck and try to avoid my gaze, an action that caused me to smirk before I ducked back down, looking Flash and Caliban in the eye as the lizard shifted over to make room for the mouse, who hopped up to the seat and got onto his back paws, watching me emotionlessly, “We might as well get acquainted and straighten some stuff out.”

Mightyena padded up beside the table and sat down, his head slightly above the level of the table as he watched us with the eye of a predator, reminding me of the first order of business. “First off, Mightyena.” He looked at me oddly, cocking his head to the side. “You have any preference as to nickname?” He shook his head and twitched an ear back, then returned it to its forward-facing place as I said, “’Kay, then I’ll call you Ranger, after a guy back home who was always looking for somebody to beat up. We called HIM a lone wolf, by the way, so I think you‘ll fit the name just fine.” He smiled wolfishly, baring his teeth and nodding once. “Man, that was quick.” I uncrossed my arms and placed them on the table, leaning forward to speak to Flash. “Second, I wanna emphasize that I want you guys to be doing your own moving in battles and stuff.” Flash cocked his head to the side and I grinned. “Yeah, I especially mean you. I was watching you while you were fighting the Golbat and, to be blunt, you would’ve been leeched if I hadn’t known what I was doing.” He looked down in shame and I shrugged. “Don’t get down, buddy. It’s a typical newbie mistake.” I grinned wolfishly, mimicking Ranger’s teeth-baring. “But now that you’ve taken down three Poison-types in a row, I expect you to lose the newbie-ness, got it?”

He looked up and growled determinedly before he, Caliban and Ranger all looked to my left and up. I followed their gaze to see Kalle wending her way through the tables, her Wartortle at her side. She barely glanced at where the waiters were cleaning up the spilled hamburger and stuff that the girls had dropped in their flight. When she reached us, she spared hardly a glance before her abruptly-businesslike brown eyes locked onto my gray ones, her voice hard and emotionless.

“Ya shoah stahed up th’ pop.”

I shrugged, slightly uncomfortable under her gaze. “Well, a coupla girls tried to lecture me on Training and Cal ‘n me,” Caliban snickered, a sound that briefly attracted Kalle’s gaze before it returned to staring at me, “Gave ‘em proper instruction.”

She shook her head. “Whatevah ya dehd, ya’ve got th’ polehse comehn’ heah.”

THAT set me back. If they had gone to Officer Jenny with charges of Pokemon or Training abuse, I could be in serious doo. THAT was NOT something I needed. But, there was little I could do about it and I shrugged.

“Well, we’ll take it as it comes.” I scooted over, making room on the seat. “In the meantime, would you like to join a pajama-clad guy and his three all-powerful Pokemon,” Caliban and Flash snickered and Ranger grinned again, “For breakfast? My treat.”

Before she could reply, Manuel did his appearing trick again. “Of course we would be delighted if Mizter Polite’z girlfriend joined him for breakfast! Brandigan asked me to specifically state that.”

I looked around, spooked at the thought that these two seemed to know everything that was going on, before I turned back to him and replied, “She’s not my girlfriend.”

Kalle was about to speak, but Manuel shot a finger up alongside his nose and smiled a world-wise, all-knowing smile that I had a sudden urge to crease. “Ah, si, Manuel understands.” With that, he flashed off, giving a quick lecture to the cleaning crew about something like floor cleanliness or something. Kalle and I traded looks, then she slid in the seat next to me after ushering her Wartortle in ahead of her and I grinned mischievously.

“What, you don’t trust me?”

She looked up, startled, then looked down at her Wartortle and her face broke into a grin as she shook her head.

“Boehs. Alwehs makin’ trouble.”

I sighed theatrically as Caliban and Flash snickered again. “Oh, what have I done to deserve such a cutting remark?” Wiggling my eyebrows, I leaned in to her Wartortle and whispered, “Muga, is it? Tell your Trainer I’m a perfectly quiet, respectable little scamp.”

The turtle looked up at me serenely, then looked across at Flash and Caliban and growled something, at which the other two snickered and I traded an amused look with Kalle.

“One of these days I’ll learn. I swear I will, and then woe be unto they who took advantage of my unlearned state.”

She giggled, a pleasant sound, then shook her head. “Ehf ya evah lehn, Ah’ll beh out two grahnd.”

I glowered at her, then remembered that she had said something about Police and poked my head up, looking around for any sign of a uniform. “By the way, you said something about cops?”

Kalle’s eyes suddenly went cold and she looked around as well, although she did it far more inconspicuously than I had. When she returned her attention to me, her face had a slightly uncomfortable look to it. “Ah wondah. They wah comehn, Ah saw them mahself.”

Manuel suddenly appeared next to us, his face amused. “Ah, but Manuel managed to convince them that you were of little consequence, Jacob Zoneburner, in light of far more...” A strange smile crept across his face. “Secretive elements.”

I blinked slowly, keeping a dumb-and-dumber look on my face. “Oh, okay. When’s breakfast?”

He laid a finger alongside of his nose and winked. “Soon, mi amigo.”

Before he could get away again, I raised a hand. “Uh, how do you do that trick? The one where you appear and disappear like the wind and you run like a Rapidash on coffee?”

With a mysterious smile, Manuel shook his head. “Ah, but that would be telling!” With that, he disappeared again and I sighed, tapping my finger on the table.

“I hate it when they say that.”

Kalle’s face slowly unscrewed from its rocklike emotionless and she smiled. “Ah guess ya cahn’t wehn ‘em all.”

I nodded, keeping a studious eye on the table as I tried to think everything through. I felt a hand on my arm and looked up to see Kalle staring at me worriedly and... Almost fearfully, I think the emotion was, hanging around the back of her eyes as it was. I smiled, feeling my stomach begin informing me that it was getting hungry again.

“Ah ya all raght?”

I grinned and leisurely stretched, straining my wiry arms against the pathetic T-shirt as I looked around lazily for a clock. “Yeah, just lookin’,” I found a clock and felt my jaw drop. Kalle gripped my arm harder, causing me to lift my right hand up and gently pry her hand off. “It’s. Flipping. TEN O’ CLOCK?!”

Kalle looked over at the clock, then pulled a PokeGear from her pocket and checked it before nodding.

“Uh-huh, eht es.”

I clenched my hand into a fist and ground my teeth together. “There goes my carefully crafted schedule.” I flopped back in my seat, savoring my ugly mood before brushing it away. “Oh, well, guess I’ll just have to whip them all a bit quicker, that’s all. No prob.”

I saw Kalle and all the Pokemon trading looks that clearly said ‘the guy is nuts’ and I was about to give an explanation when I spotted Manuel.

Or rather, Manuel pushing a cart.

Break it down even further and I saw four stacks of twenty-two pancakes, twelve heaping plates of hash browns-griddle-fried, to boot-, six stacks of coffee cakes and fifteen bowls of sausages and bacon.

And THAT was just the first cart. Another waiter was pushing what appeared to be the Lunch Special, with fifteen stacks of hamburgers eight high, sloppy joes liberally sprinkled around the cart, hot dogs and chili dogs with stacks of condiments next to them.

And THOSE were just the first two carts. I felt drool beginning to form at the bottom of my chin.

Kalle froze, her face going stony again. “Ah they heah?”

I nodded and licked my lips. “Oh, baby yeah.”

A confused look crossed her face, then she looked at Flash and Caliban, who were both staring whole-heartedly at the incoming carts, then she turned her gaze to the incoming carts and groaned.

“Boehs an’ theah stomachs.”

I nodded and watched as Ranger loped alongside Manuel, his eyes frozen on the bowls of sausages and bacon. “Yeah. Definitely. Stomach. Food.”

As Manuel pulled up to our table, Kalle groaned and rested her forehead on her hands, while Muga sighed and flopped onto her seat. “Muga, weh had bettah lehve befoah th’ boehs behgehn theah feedehn’ frenzeh.”

I nodded, unconsciously fumbling for the table insert full of plastic silverware and pulling out a fork. “Yeah-HEAH. Feeding frenzy food.”

Manuel smiled and whipped the food onto the table. “Manuel would not suggest leaving, senorita. After all, if you do not finish your plate,” he gestured and a cart full of ice cream, cake and candy appeared, “You will not receive your dessert.”

Kalle and Muga looked at the cart, then traded looks with each other and, faster than the eye could see, whipped two forks out of the insert and cocked their arms back.

“Food, Ah sayeh! Ahnd mayeh the behst eatah wehn!”

All the guys at the table smirked. “Bring it on!”


Author’s Note: For many eons, the meaning of life for Man has boiled down to this: God, Woman and Food. Why should an eighteen-year-old fictional guy be any different?

And a note for Tezza, if she ever reviews again (wouldn’t blame her for leaving): The ‘Higher’ link in your signature is very useful. Would you mind if I linked to it in my own signature?

PS What the beep? I can't use sniigger? Oh, wait, never mind... Still. I informally log a protest. It's hard enough to find words for non-laughter as it is.
Last edited:
Rating: PG-13 For violence and all that. Take it seriously.
Inspiration for this chapter came from: My interest in unused Pokemon.
Make up weird-sounding reasons for anything he can't find facts on (example: the upcoming Shinou/Sinnoh Region and where it was before D/P came out)
Ignore your post if you flame his
Report rulebreaking posts
Insert himself into the fic whenever and/or wherever he wants
Interpret the Pokemon world any way he wants
Utilize 'generic' tools, names, Pokemon, plot, etc.
[Everything else here]
Chapter Four

Forty-seven minutes after the food-fest had begun, after seven other Trainers and fifteen more Pokemon became embroiled in the feeding frenzy and after Brandigan had sadly announced that he was out of food, seven minutes after Nurse Joy gave us ten minutes to leave before she made us help clean up and pay for the food, fifteen minutes after my last Pokemon had given out and had had to be recalled and finally, two minutes after I had hit the bathroom to empty a very full set of intestines, I bounced out of the PC, finally dressed in my beloved dark gray PL-Shrankor pants and sweatshirt, with my feet clad once again in my two pairs of PL-Shrankor white socks and my brown PL-Shrankor hiking boots and my beloved blue jean vest wrapped comfortably around my body. My pokeball belt was slung comfortably around my hips, Flash's pokeball on the right and Caliban's and Ranger's pokeballs on the left, Caliban in front of Ranger. My bedroll was once again over my shoulder, my stomach was full of high-carb foods and sugar and the only thing that would have made it a perfect day was if I hadn't somehow lost my Trainer's Handbook. That was okay, though, as I felt like I had no need for it.

The sun was high and the clouds were nowhere to be seen except on the far eastern horizon, where darker clouds were gathering but hadn't quite decided to attack us yet. It was a little chilly, but I at least had my sweater on, so I wasn't very chilled at all. The wind sounded like it could be nasty outside of the city, though, so I resolved to try and get a windbreaker or something before I left the city.

As I stood in the middle of the street in front of the PC, twisting my body around to stretch the kinks out, I tried to think about where I wanted to go.

Celadon's Grass-type Gym immediately leaped to the front of my mind. My Starter was a Fire-type, after all, and would probably evolve by the time we got to the Gym at the rate we were going. If he wanted to evolve at all, that is, a topic I'd have to bring up with him later.

But then, I also had an Electric-type, so I could head to Cerulean and take on Misty, the world-famous Water-type Trainer, who was reputed to be one of the more powerful Leaders because of her vast collection of various Water Pokemon.

And then there was Saffron City's Psychic-type Gym, where Ranger could bowl over practically every single Pokemon there. After all, when one's Pokemon couldn't be affected by an opponent's attacks and could land super-effective strikes on every attack, well... It was nice.

I grinned and decided that Saffron City would be my first stop. On the way there, I'd try to catch my last three Pokemon and that, in turn, would affect my next traveling destination.

Stretching the muscles in my arms, I felt the sun's warmth on my cheeks and smiled in response, shoving my hands in my pockets and turning to my right. The buildings that lined the streets were fairly uniform in color, a dark gray sort of brick-type color that made me feel like I was looking at something out of Oliver Twist, and they were all two-story affairs without any difference. The more I looked at it, the more it creeped me out and I finally turned completely around and looked in the other direction.

Oddly enough, that particular direction was more, well, colorful than the other way. There were roughly a dozen more houses on either side of the street before the entire thing seemed to explode into color. Since I needed more than just a windbreaker anyway, I immediately began walking down the street, gawking at the impressive array of tools, utensils, equipment and various knickknacks that lined the windows of the shops. Somebody somewhere was playing a really sweet remix of Griddle’s Impact album, complete with heavy bass and loud techno groove that seemed to pulse rather than echo down the street, and it combined with the various other, much quieter music and the hum of the crowd to make everything seem... Fun would be the word, but there’s probably a better one.

Brightly-colored shops lined the street and every intersection was a rest plaza, with tables and chairs and benches and practically every sort of food vendor on the planet. Several of them tried to hustle me into buying their wares, but I just smiled, raised a hand in their direction and rubbed my stomach, signifying that I had already eaten. Practically without missing a beat, they would each switch the target of their spiel to another passerby and I’d walk by with a smirk on my face.

I meandered along, window-shopping and looking for the type of store that would sell just the basic Trainer’s gear. Passing a window full of TV’s all showing a live battle from the Beyond Surreal Tournament, I was almost run over by a dancing, screaming fan of one of the fans as he cheered on his favorite. As I walked hurriedly out of range of his flailing arms, I heard him suddenly scream ‘NO’ and then begin sobbing, leading me to believe that his favorite had just bitten the dust. Feeling irritated at his childishness, I turned around and was about to berate him on cheering and sobbing over another Trainer’s loss when that Trainer showed good sportsmanship himself, but then I noticed that one of the Trainers on the TVs was on the ground kicking and screaming exactly like his fan.

Or maybe the fan was kicking and screaming exactly like the Trainer.

Either way, I raised an eyebrow and, turning around, walked away, inwardly deciding that I needed to show good sportsmanship when I became Champion and I got whooped. If I ever did. I grinned and decided to swagger along for no particular reason, although the group of girls just coming out of a salon giggling and laughing probably had something to do with it.

Just as I had found my swagger groove, I spotted the type of shop I was looking for: Dishonest Jake’s Used Equipment & Wares for Trainers. Dropping the swagger, I moseyed through the crowd, almost getting run over by a set of kids playing some sort of chasing game in the process, before pulling the glass door open. A bell hanging from a suction cup on the inside of the glass chimed as I stepped through, hurriedly closing the door behind me as another swarm of kids flashed by, screaming and yelling in pursuit of a pair of Meowth that had pilfered their baseball.

“Dishonest Jake’s Used Equipment and Wares for Trainers, I’m Dishonest Jake, how may I help you?”

Shaking my head at the Meowth, I turned to see a fairly grimy-looking guy who appeared to be two inches thinner than was healthy rubbing his hands in anticipation, although whether it was lunch or a con he was anticipating was something I couldn’t figure out.

Shrugging, I shook my head. “Not at the moment, thanks. I know my equipment.” Which was mostly true. I had little to no idea how to tell whether a pokeball was still usable or not, but I wasn’t about to buy used pokeballs.

How in the world could a pokeball be used and still be usable?

I shrugged and moved back into an aisle full of backpacks. Almost immediately, the backpacks struck me as interesting because they were separated into two types: relatively clean, almost shiny-new and dusty, battered, torn-at-the-edges old. It was weird.

Pulling my Trainer’s ID out of my vest’s inside pocket, I flipped it open and pressed the ‘on’ button. It snapped on and asked me for my password. Grinning tightly, I looked around to make sure that nobody or no camera was near enough to watch, then selected my fifteen-character password using the arrow keys. It was a real pain, but the best way to avoid having my ID stolen and abused. Of course, it could still be STOLEN, but it made me feel more secure, so yeah.

Finishing the password, I tapped ‘enter’ and the screen went blank before ‘PASSWORD ACCEPTED’ flashed across it and my Trainer’s Card flipped on. It just took a second to check the amount of money in my account before I pressed ‘hibernate’ and replaced it inside my vest, levering myself out from under my bedroll and placed the blankets on the ground. Fifteen hundred credits. Checking the price tags on the backpacks, I discovered, not surprisingly, that the newer ones were more expensive then the older ones. Yeah, big surprise. Plucking the least expensive of the newer ones off the shelf, I unzipped the largest of the four pockets and was greeted by a pair of moths fluttering out of the inside. Blinking at the bugs, I shrugged and inspected the pack thoroughly, opening the other three pockets and checking inside them. The only thing wrong with it was that there was a really nasty hole in the front pocket, but that was repairable. I was just about to sling it over my shoulder when I noticed another hole in the back, the part that would be rubbing my spine. I frowned thoughtfully, then was struck by a sudden suspicion and checked the location of the other hole.

Not only were they identical in size, I could fit my entire fist through the whole backpack.

Swallowing uncomfortably at the thought of whatever-it-was that had slammed a hole right through the pack and probably into the Trainer wearing it, I replaced the pack and was about to select another new pack when an old, worn, three-pocket backpack caught my eye. There was nothing spectacular about it, as it was a dusty olive drab and looked like it had been around for a couple hundred years, but I crossed over and picked it up.

It was love at first touch.

I hefted it on my back, feeling the straps slide comfortably over my shoulders as I hooked the waist straps together. The strap system was a simple hook-and-latch system, leading me to deduce that it WAS, in fact as well as style, old, but the side-pocket buttons were fairly new and everything that I needed to reach was within easy distance of one hand or the other. Shifting the backpack off my shoulders, I inspected the biggest pocket, which had a sweet little flap that snapped over it. When I opened the flap, I discovered two pockets instead of one, as I had supposed. A four-pocket backpack with room, rather than accessories, the emphasis. And the price was a measly fifteen credits. I frowned suspiciously, checking the tag attached to it before rechecking everything, testing the fabric the pack was made out of to see if it was worn too thin. When I finished, I was convinced that I had the steal of the century and I flipped it over my back, picking my bedroll up and moving toward what appeared to be the sleeping bags.


Eidolon stood atop his Metagross as it hovered over the completely trashed battlefield, his eyes taking in the scene below as the other Sevii Elites and units from the Timekeepers picked through the rubble and bodies. His brow furrowed as he looked at the odd uniforms the strange attackers were wearing and his face broke into an outright frown as he looked over the blasted bodies of the Legendary Trios strewn about the entire area.

“Something on your mind, big guy?”

He tilted his head in an almost imperceptible nod, eyeing the pure vastness of the destruction. The only thing that kept it from being a complete tragedy was that the interior of the forest, where the majority of the Pokemon resided, and Azalea Town, the nearest set of human habitations, had been left untouched.

“Sooo, what’s up?”

Eidolon shrugged slightly, a disturbing idea wiggling around at the back of his head. The attackers hadn’t even launched any sort of aerial attack on the center or the flanks of the forest, instead simply moving forward in endless waves before the Sevii Elites had arrived and broken the back of the assault by wiping out the Legendaries.

They were either tactical imbeciles or else...

“Of course.”

Mariko Toshiba, Rage Mistress and Champion of the Johto Elite Four, stomped her foot on the scales of her Gyarados, Dealer. “Of course what?! Talk to me here!”

Eidolon looked at her as if seeing her for the first time. “This attack,” he waved his hand at the carnage below, “Was a feint.” Pulling his PokeGear from somewhere on his body, he brought it to his mouth and spoke, “Sevii Elites, Miss Blade, this attack was a feint.”

“Oh, snap.”

“Th’t’s great. W’re str’tch’d o’t f’r ‘nuff ‘s ‘tis.”

“What do you think they were after, Master Eidolon?”

“I don’t know, Miss Blade, but I will-wait.” He paused for a moment, his eyes glazing over in thought before he shook his head. “Of course.” Bringing the PokeGear closer to his mouth, he said, “They’re after the Level 2 and 1 Legendaries.”

“Oh, snap.”

“You said that already.”

“And snap you.”

“Miss Blade, station a guard around any and all relics that might be able to control Celebi that are within the forest. We also need to know if any other relics outside of Ilex Forest can do the same so that we may acquire them.”

Mariko Toshiba raised a hand. “Hello? Yeah, hi, I’m the girl quietly being ignored?” Eidolon turned his gaze on her and she smiled prettily. “Nice to see you, too. Anyway, what I’m trying to say is that there’s a place in Orre where...”

“They can call Celebi at any time as long as they have a Time Flute,” Shana Blade finished for her. “Blast, that’s bad. We don’t have any contacts within Orre and we don’t have the numbers to...”

“I know somebody.”

The voice, quiet and yet hinting at power and a past dedicated to the acquisition of such, broke into their conversation. Eidolon smiled mirthlessly. “Hello, Gold.”

“GOLD’S UP THERE! FWEE! Don’t go anywhere, sweet stuff!”

The red-haired young man smiled softly, an unusual expression for his face. “No, I’ll come to you, Sarah. Right now, it’s business.”

“Oh. Okay.”

“This Wednesday?”

“WHEE! You bet!”

Eidolon shook himself and Gold looked up amusedly. “Hey, my first girlfriend, what can I say?”

“The name of the person you know.”

Gold stood up easily and stretched, his Alakazam shifting the Reflect under his feet to compensate for the movement. “I’m afraid that’s his and my business only. See, he’s the new head of Cipher.”

Eidolon rumbled, but nodded. “Very well.” Looking out over the battlefield, he brought the PokeGear up to his mouth. “Also, we need to check with the Trainers of Ho-oh and Lugia, both of whom are in Orre as well, and ensure that Shield are warned. AND inform the Leagues of this.”

“W’ve gotta b’sy t’me, Eid’l’n.”

Eidolon smirked. “When don’t we?”

Mariko shifted slightly, her eyes glazing over. “Shouldn’t we let the Alph Expedition and the Tanoby research team know about this? They could probably use some Trainer escort, too.”

The giant Steel Master nodded. “We will inform them of this, but only send escorts to Alph.” He let a dark scowl drift across one side of his face. “The Sevii Elites are returning there immediately after cleanup of this battle. We will personally ensure their protection.”

With that, Eidolon tapped his foot on his Metagross’ body and they descended rapidly to the ground. The two Johtans watched him go, then Gold smirked and shook his head.

“When those Islanders get going, they’re pretty mean. ‘Specially Sarah.”

Mariko giggled teasingly before nodding knowingly. “I see.”

Gold blushed. “I-I didn’t mean it that way, I meant, I mean, please don’t tell Sarah!”

“Tell me what?”

Mariko laughed. “Oh, that he’s planning a trip up to Orre for the two of you this Wednesday.”

Sarah clapped her hands, skipping around on the magnetic field created by her twin Magneton. “Ooh, Goldie, you big lovah!”

Mariko waggled her fingers at the pair before Gold could reply. “See you two later! I’ve gotta go tell the rest of the Johto Elite Four ‘bout this and get ready for Purple and Orange’s wedding and EVERYTHING! CYAO!”

With that, she and her Gyarados disappeared from the sky.


The man wore a Timekeeper uniform.

As he lowered his binoculars from the pair in the sky, he smiled at the idea.

Him. In a Timekeeper uniform. Funny.

He turned around and walked out of the clearing, heading down a well-worn path toward the Time-Watcher’s Shrine, a smirk on his face.


I smiled knowingly at Dishonest Jake. "A backpack that's fifteen credits. A coil of rope for twelve. A sleeping bag with built-in pillow worth twenty. A windbreaker for seven. A one-man tent and tarp for seventy-five." I leaned on the counter and raised an eyebrow. "That's a hundred-thirty-nine credits. And yet you think it's worth two hundred?"

DJ, as I noticed his initials spelled, smiled sweetly at me. "I AM Dishonest Jake, after all."

"But it says you're dishonest on the sign outside."

"Exactly. You knew what you were in for when you came in."

"But if your signs says you're dishonest and you ARE, how do I know you aren't lying about what it's worth? Maybe it's REALLY worth fifty, everything together." I made a bug eye at him. "Or maybe you AREN'T dishonest! You could have been lying when you put that sign up!"

He smiled craftily at me, rubbing his dirty, grease-stained hands together. "Ah, but that doesn't mean I'm honest! Because if I was lying when I put up the sign that said I was dishonest, it still makes me dishonest!"

Leaning in, I smiled knowingly. "Or else you're a man who likes an argument." His face shifted slightly and I knew I had my answer. Leaning back, I took all my selections in a grand sweep. "I'll give you one hundred for all this."

He clutched at his heart. "What?! Are you trying to kill my grandfather in his grave? One ninety."

"Ah, but Uncle Stu would kill me if I fell for that." Shaking my head, I shrugged. "One-five."

"Oh, is your Uncle a man of the money? One-eighty-five."

"Considering that he taught me all I know about money, yeah. One-ten."

"Ah, then he must be somebody worth dealing with! One-seventy-five."

"You insult both me and Uncle with that price. One-fifteen."

"And you've insulted my grandparents on both sides! One-thirty-nine and not a penny less than is my due."

I sighed and rolled my eyes. "Fine. One-thirty-nine it is. Wait." I recalculated all the stuff. "Oops, I meant one-twenty-nine."

DJ laughed and snapped his fingers in my face. "Too late! You already agreed to one-thirty-nine!" He cackled and rubbed his hands together again. "But because you have provided the most pleasure I've had in years, I'll make it one-thirty-five."

I smiled and pulled out my ID. "No, no, I was fairly took. You deserve all one-thirty-nine."

"What?! You dare refuse my offer?! I won't take more than one-thirty for that!"

Tapping the buttons that de-hibernated my ID, I scowled. "I refuse to pay less than one-forty-five for that!"

"You insult the honor of the Crabgrass family! For that, I will not take more than one hundred! Take it or leave it!"

I hesitated, then nodded in submission. "Oh, very well. It is destructive to my honor to say this, but I accept the hundred-credit price."

Dishonest Jake beamed for a moment as he brought his ID reader up and the transfer of credits was made, then I began packing up the sleeping bag and folded tent material in my backpack and he blinked, then scowled.


Chuckling, I stood up and removed my bedroll, flopping it on the counter along with the straps and . "I know it's not much of anything, but I'd like to leave you my bedroll as a consolation prize AND my Uncle Stu's number."

He sighed disconsolately and shrugged. “Thanks for nothing.” As I swiped a pen from a cup on the checkout counter and a pamphlet for Kindly Karl’s House of Torture, he leaned heavily on the counter. “Took by a kid less than half my age, the shame.”

I smiled and jotted down Uncle Stu’s number on the back of the pamphlet. “Here. Maybe talking with a fellow haggler will give you some comfort.” Smiling, I replaced the pen in the cup and slid the pamphlet in under his elbow. “Tell him Jacob the Volatile gave you his number. He won’t give you the time of day otherwise.”

DJ brightened up a bit at that. “Hmm, he sounds like my kind of guy.”

“Oh, I’m sure you’ll get along well.” Attaching my sleeping bag to the bottom of the backpack with the bag’s straps and the handy loops at the bottom of the pack, I picked up the metal box that the tent poles and stakes were in and began wiggling it in between the backpack and the sleeping bag. “Uncle Stu loves winning arguments.”

“Ah, but so do I.” Placing a finger alongside of his nose, DJ smirked. “I only lost this one because I wasn’t expecting anyone of your age level to have such skill.”

I grunted and finally got the two-foot-by-two-inch-by-two-inch box in between the bag and the pack and strapped the top flap shut before hefting it onto my shoulders, hooking the straps together around my waist and taking a couple of experimental steps to see if it was too ungainly. When I didn’t tip over, which wasn’t surprising considering the weight, I gave a satisfied smirk before I returned to the counter, where DJ was lazily and in sort of a depressed manner watching me put the whole thing on. Smiling slightly, I picked the coil of rope up and slipped it on over my shoulders and the backpack, then realized I had forgotten to put the windbreaker on under my stuff. I rolled my eyes.


DJ quirked a smug smile and picked up the windbreaker. “Oh, that’s all right. A windbreaker isn’t good enough for the springtime zephyrs we have around here.” Rolling the windbreaker up in a ball, he chucked it over his shoulder into a big box labeled ‘returns’ before nimbly stepping over a pile of junky-looking folding bicycles and disappearing into the shelves beyond, his voice rising above the dull hum of the crowd outside. “What’s your shirt size?”

I shrugged, causing my backpack to shift slightly. “Height-wise, I’m a men’s large. Width-wise, I’m more of a men’s small.”

“Uh-huh, and what’s your weight?”

Sliding a hand up the pack’s straps to straighten them out, I frowned thoughtfully. “Um, one-forty or so. I haven’t checked for, like, a week.”

“Eh, well, it wasn’t that important anyway. A-HA!” Something that sounded metallic crashed. “I’ll clean that up later.” He emerged from among the shelves bearing a forest-pattern camouflage-style cape that looked like it could swallow three of him or two of me up no problem. “THIS is the baby you want. Waterproof, wind-resistant and capable of going over practically anything for only three credits and the bedroll.”

I gave him a weird look. “You want me to wear a CAPE?”

“Not a CAPE! A CLOAK!” He held it up and lifted the hood, giving me an expression that said ‘you have a LOT to learn’. “Notice the hood and the lack of opening in the front.”

“Ah.” Nodding sagely, I slowly drew my ID back out of its inside pocket. “Three credits and the bedroll it is.”

He rolled the cape up and tossed at me, simultaneously stepping back over the pile of old bikes and coming back to his original position behind the counter. I caught the cape in one arm and rolled it back up after it flopped out. I was about to make a wisecrack about the incredibly large difference between capes and cloaks when I heard the sound of wings flapping above me and looked up to see a Murkrow come barreling through the skylight set in the ceiling inches ahead of a flock of screaming Pidgeotto, a weird key in his mouth and a smirk on his face, although that might just have been exhaustion. It's hard to tell the difference on a bird's face.

DJ snorted. "Now what have I told you about those 'Jotto, Mufasha?" The Murkrow landed on his head and happily flopped down to rest in the greasy hair, dropping the key into DJ's expectant hand. "Hmm, what have you got here?"

I leaned in over the counter to get a better look, causing the Murkrow to give a warning noise that sounded something like a growl, but with a vulture's undertones. It was creepy, but the only response it elicited in me was a raised eyebrow, as my attention was almost completely on the key.

It looked like one of those old-fashioned bolt keys, but, instead of the prongs at the end, it had a pair of wings and the handle was inscribed with some sort of flowing script. The ring at the end was shaped like a bird-of-prey's talons, with the handle being the leg. It inspired a sort of light feeling in me, as if I could float on the air.

I carefully controlled my face so as not to give anything away.

DJ frowned thoughtfully at the device. "What in the world...?"

Quirking a grim smile, I looked up at the Pidgeotto, who where staring wrathfully at us, then at the Murkrow, who was almost smirking back up at them. It seemed to me, however, that there was a strange emotion lurking behind those cunning eyes.

"Five in night's darkness, five in day's light. Five for the enemy, five for the right. One for the Chosen, Queen of the Heights. One for her Chosen, King of his fright." I reached over and took the key from DJ's suddenly limp hands, ignoring the incredulous stare he was leveling at me as I held the key up to the light, reading the script that I knew so well. "Keys to the past, keys to the light. Keys to the future, keys to the night. Love is the first, hate's mortal fright. Life is the second, death is its night. The keepers are third, they keep myth alight. Twenty and none, four is not right. Three under two, which are beneath one." I flipped the key around my fingers before handing it back to DJ, who was staring at me with a mixture of 'I can't believe it' and 'I wonder if he'll go even more nuts when I call the authorities on him' on his face. "It's the ancient Legend of the Space-type, which supposedly died out immediately after it foretold the ending of life as we know it. I had to do a stupid essay on the legend when I was twelve. The essay sucked, but that rhyme got stuck in my head during the process."

The Murkrow suddenly spread his wings and squawked at the Pidgeotto, who had fallen silent during my recital of the old rhyme, and they, in turn, began bashing their heads into the glass. DJ slowly shook himself to awareness, then reached down and manipulated something under the counter. The sounds of the birds above were suddenly overwhelmed by the yowling of Persian and the Pidgeotto scattered, two white streaks in hot pursuit. He smiled slightly.

"We get those things every now and then." He returned his attention to the key, then looked up at me with an unidentifiable expression on his face. "So what does this legend say about this thing?"

I shrugged. "It's a key. The Flying Key, to be exact. Other than that, I wouldn't know." Rubbing my chin, I frowned. "If you called my Uncle and asked, he'd probably know somebody who would know." I shrugged again. "That's the most help you'll get out of me, I'm afraid."

He nodded and brought it back up to the Murkrow, allowing the black-feathered bird to grasp it in its beak and watching as it flew off behind a stack of large moldy boxes before returning his attention to me, an unreadable expression on his face. "Well, I guess I'll need my three credits before you return to your great adventure."

I snorted and pulled my ID back out again. "Pfft, the only adventure I've had so far is I almost got eaten and got some Oddish Poisonpowder in my system."

"That still counts as an adventure in my book." He pulled out his ID reader and scanned my ID, causing the number of credits in my account to drop from fourteen hundred to thirteen-ninety-seven. "Okay, you're all set." As he replaced the ID reader, he looked over my shoulder and smirked. "And there she goes."

Replacing my ID in my pocket, I looked over my shoulder and didn't notice anything out of the ordinary except that it was raining. I was about to turn back around and ask what was wrong when I suddenly realized it was raining. Doing a double-take, I sighed and flipped the cape up, digging through the folds until my head finally poked through the head-hole. I reached up through the hole and tried to flip my hood up before I noticed that it was in front of me. Rolling my eyes as DJ began chuckling, I spun the cape around again and flipped my hood up.

Abruptly, my perception of everything changed. I felt sheltered, like I was in a cave. Rolling my eyes again, I shook my head.

"Well, now I know why Master Eidolon and Warden Red are so strange." Heavily accentuating my words, I continued, "They wear capes."

DJ slapped a hand to his face before bringing it down to his chin. "It's a CLOAK."

"Cape, cloak, whatever." I waved to him as I turned and walked to the door, feeling the odd swishing of my new cape as it twirled around my heels. "If you talk to Uncle, tell him I got a Charmander, Pikachu and Mightyena."

"Will do, Jacob the Volatile."

Just as I was about to leave the relative safety of the shop and enter the rainy outside world, something he had said earlier struck me and I turned around. "Hey, DJ?"

He poked his head up from under his counter, looking like the cat that had been caught eating the canary. "Huh?"

"Can I ask you something?" I backed up until my spine touched the 'push bar' on the door.


"What's a zephyr?"


Author's Note: Oh, fizzle. My chapters are getting shorter.

'Course, it doesn't help that I'm only writing five days out of seven. Weekends are spent in town and playing video games. Star Wars: Republic Commando should be placed under the 'addictive substances' heading.

Well, it looks like my original estimate of a review every other chapter is coming true. Oh, well.

By the way, any thoughts on the plot? Does it sound cheesy? I know my rhyming is horrible, but, yeah. Read, review and I promise not to bite.

Not too hard, anyway.
Whee, another back-to-back post

Rating: PG-13 For blood and violence. Take it seriously.
Inspiration for this chapter came from: The interesting weather we've been having around here.
Make up weird-sounding reasons for anything he can't find facts on (example: the upcoming Shinou/Sinnoh Region and where it was before D/P came out)
Ignore your post if you flame his
Report rulebreaking posts
Insert himself into the fic whenever and/or wherever he wants
Interpret the Pokemon world any way he wants
Utilize 'generic' tools, names, Pokemon, plot, etc.
[Everything else here]
Chapter Five
Tuesday, April 17
En Route from Viridian City to Celadon City

"Huh, who knew that a zephyr was a wind?" I shook my head, feeling my hair tangle with the inside cloth of the hood as I marveled at the weird words that language contains. "Guess it takes all kinds."

Caliban sighed extravagantly from his perch on my shoulder. The cape may have been weird, but it had room to spare inside. And since I preferred to keep at least one of my partners outside of their ball in case of attack, and since it was still raining, I'd released him inside the Pokemart and asked if he would like to stay outside for a bit. He'd shrugged and nodded, so I'd picked him up and set him on my shoulder inside the hood before exiting, with a little extra weight on my shoulder and a lot of extra weight in my backpack, what with the food and items that I'd bought, most of which had been in complete compliance with the Trainer's Handbook's List of Items No Trainer Should Be Without. All capital letters and period.

Three potions, two antidotes and a paralyze heal had been all I could get, leaving me with just ninety-five credits to my name. It wasn’t enough to challenge a Gym Leader, but I’d be willing to try it on any Trainer at my level.

Of course, all that was academic at the moment. It was cold and it was wet and Viridian City was half an hour behind me. Inside my cape, however, I was dry and warm, although beginning to sweat slightly.

All things considered, all I was interested in doing was moving forward toward Celadon City, my first stop before I got to Saffron.

I shifted my backpack to a more comfortable spot on my shoulders and felt Cal shift in response, resettling himself into a mostly-comfortable lounging position in which he was lying down with his face next to my neck, a position that allowed him to see most of what I saw without having the cape’s fabric coming down over his head. And the rain kept dribbling down and the large flat piece of land that the city was centered in slowly shifted into hills and in the distance I could see the first of the trees. It was strangely relaxing.

At least until I ran across the two Trainers and their Pokemon locked in a battle.

Next to my head, Caliban shifted and there was a crackling noise, which in turn caused me to reach my gloved hand up and scratch him behind the ears. He settled back down and I walked down into the little valley where the two pairs were fighting it out.

Both Trainers were fairly uniform, which in itself was uncommon in a world of extremely individual people. And by ‘individual’ I mean what they wear, the way they do their hair, how weird their costumes are, that sort of thing. There was even a case, or so I’d heard, where a guy’s hairdo was so large and, well, strange that he couldn’t go through normal doorways and had to have other people take his Pokemon in to be healed at the PCs. He was also known for his obsession with shiny pieces of jewelry, the shinier the better. Diamond or glass, titanium or aluminum, anything went.

I had long before decided to not do that.

In direct contrast to the extremely individuality of everybody else, those two were unusual. They were both roughly five and a half feet tall, both were rather muscular and both wore the same outfit, albeit with different color schemes: jean pants, sweater and rain coat and PL-Shrankor hiking shoes. The kid on my left wore black jeans, a red sweater and a blue rain coat open wide, while the guy on my right had more of a pure-blue look going for him. The kid on my left was blond, the one on my right was half red, half black and both of them had piercing green eyes, although Leftie was wearing glasses.

And that was it. There was no jewelry, no spooky decorations, not even a bandana that really set them off as different. It was strange. I smirked at the thought of the nightmare that their agents would have if they made Pokemon Master Rank and had to battle each other.

Heck, even their Pokemon resembled each other, although that was simply because they both had blades in place of their forearms.

On the left was a Scyther, a tall winged mantis that best embodied the word ‘sharp’. Or maybe ‘razor’. Either word fit the razor-sharp wings and the long, deadly scythes that replaced its forearms and hands, and the coldly efficient look in its eyes was something that wasn’t to be underrated. It was known to be just as coldly efficient at its business as it looked. I mean, when a Pokemon can chop trees to pieces with just its wings and its scythes have been recorded as chopping boulders into sand, well, that’s not to be taken lightly.

The Pokemon on the right wasn’t as decidedly efficient-looking, but it replaced that with an air more like that of a predator. Not that Scyther weren’t predators, which they most definitely were, but they seemed more like killers rather than hunters.

But a Kabutops is the embodiment of pure underwater predatory intent, with the one I was watching no less than a full carnivore. Its arms were blades as well, but there the resemblance to its opponent pretty much ended. Rock-hard exoskeleton, fang-lined jaws hidden underneath a decidedly impervious-looking head that was streamlined for underwater movement, beady eyes that sought ceaselessly for an opening in its opponent‘s defenses, it was a little creepy to watch it, especially since it was a little like looking at a hammerhead shark that could walk. Its feet were solidly planted on the ground and it watched as its opponent lightly flitted back and forth around it.

And then the Scyther’s Trainer barked an order and, faster than I could follow, the bug flashed forward and the Kabutops’ armor sparked with the too-fast-to-be-seen attacks from the mantis. Without an order from its Trainer, the Kabutops began spinning around, its blades straight out to the side as it tried to cut its opponent’s attack short or its opponent into pieces. The Scyther was too quick for it, though, and simply flashed back just out of reach of the blades. With its back to me, I couldn’t quite see what it did next, but the end result was that the Kabutops was suddenly flipped onto its back and the Scyther’s blade was at its throat. The Scyther’s Trainer jeered at his opponent, who just smirked. Another too-fast-to-be-seen movement later, the Scyther and Kabutops switched positions, although the Kabutops took it one step further and rested a muddy knee on its opponent. The bug tried to struggle free for a moment, even attempting to knock the smaller Pokemon’s feet out from under it, but the Kabutops just smirked and dug its blade in slightly. With a sigh from both the Scyther and its Trainer, the Trainer threw a strange-colored ball at his Pokemon and recalled it, causing the Kabutops to wobble slightly before it could get its foot back underneath its body.

“Good game, Delta.”

The Kabutops’ Trainer, who was apparently named Delta, laughed as he recalled his Pokemon. “Man, Joffre, you’ve been hanging out with those Floodplain geeks too long!” Shaking his head, Delta smirked. “Not too shabby for a CCP like you.”

Joffre chuckled as the two Trainers came together and shook hands. “CCP? You’ve been in those Battle Sims waayyy too long.” He looked around at the stormy skies, raising an eyebrow when he spotted me standing on the side of the hill in my cape watching them. Nodding in my direction, he smirked and spoke in a low voice to his friend, who also turned in my direction. Joffre then raised his voice. “What’s your problem?”

I shrugged, immediately bristling at the tone of his voice. “The rain.”

Delta ‘humphed’ and raised an eyebrow at me. “If we make it go away, will you, too?”

“Maybe.” Feeling irritation well up in me, I could feel Caliban beginning to spark in anger as well and reached my hand up again, laying two warning fingers on one of his paws. “Depends on how fast you do it.”

“Joffre, you pulled that lousy Rain Dance stunt, you do it.”

Joffre sighed and pulled a Great Ball, a superior version of the pokeball, from his pocket. “Fine, but then he leaves.” Tossing the ball, he yelled, “Sunny Day, Tannenosh!”

A Sunflora burst from its ball with a perky-sounding call, then it looked straight up and began glowing a bright orange. Moments later, a beam of light shot up and into the clouds, evaporating any raindrops that came into contact with it and causing the clouds to begin moving away from it, as if it were a live flame that hurt.

It took roughly thirty seconds for the entire sky to clear up and another thirty for the two to notice that I was no longer in front of them. From my vantage point almost completely behind the tall grass two hills away, where I’d run while they were blinded by the light, I watched as they looked suspiciously about for a moment before turning away and walking down the hill, glowering at the hood of my cape. I had almost tripped over my cape twice while running and had finally had to hold it up like a skirt to run.

If anybody had been watching, I was going to throttle the life out of them. Or maybe I’d cook that dumb DJ guy that had sold me the thing in boiling oil. Either way, somebody would die a slow death.

As I walked quickly away from the two really weird guys that had been battling, I rocked my head back and forth until I had shifted my hood off, feeling the unseasonably muggy air on my face as I steadily walked toward the forest that surrounded Viridian City on three sides. Caliban got up and stretched, then dove off my shoulder and into the knee-high grass of the field, prompting me to worry that he was running off before I shook that off. If he was, there was no way I could catch him and I sure as heck wasn’t going to leave him in that stuffy old pokeball any longer than I had to.

Remembering my other two Pokemon, I reached down with my left hand and pulled Ranger’s pokeball off my belt, momentarily fumbling with my cape before I irritably just dropped the pokeball and jumped back so that Ranger wouldn’t come out of his ball directly under me. The wolf popped out and shook himself before looking around at the soaking-wet grass. Sniffing the air, he looked back at me and cocked an ear toward where Caliban was busily spooking something with a high-pitched squeal.

“I really don’t think I want to know what Cal‘s doing.” I shrugged. “You can walk with me, mosey around on your own or try to fly, just don’t go too far. I might run into something meaner than me.”

He bared his teeth in a smirk before trotting off, leaving me with a problem: I wanted to get rid of the stupid cape, but I sure as heck didn’t want to get my pants soaked. Then I remembered that I wasn’t wearing my usual jeans. I was wearing PL-Shrankor pants, guaranteed to do everything they promised or my money back. Period. It was the guarantee that had made them world-famous just as much as it was the quality of their clothing, and part of the guarantee was that they were completely waterproof. Grinning, I shed the cape and stretched, careful not to get the fabric of the cape in the grass. I did want it to dry out eventually, after all.

I watched as Caliban suddenly leaped straight up over the grass, growling furiously at something before he disappeared back into the grass, a flash and the sound of electricity crackling over an object coming a second later. On the hill to my left, Ranger looked up briefly from whatever it was that he was sniffing to make sure that it wasn’t something dangerous before returning his attention to whatever-it-was. Shaking my cape out, I noticed with some surprise that it was already dry.

I would have paid more attention to that, but Ranger howled furiously right at that moment and distracted me.

Snapping my head up, I couldn’t even see where he was. Straining my ears, I located the source of the howls at the top of the hill near me and started toward it, pulling Flash’s pokeball from my belt as I flopped my cape over my shoulder. I really didn’t want to send the little Fire-type out in a field that was almost pure wet, but I might need him if Ranger was in over his head and-slash-or Caliban didn’t show up.

Of course, I didn’t know that he had a passion for electrocution. Especially if something else was getting electrocuted.

I reached the top of the hill to find Ranger locked in a free-for-all with three Pokemon and their Trainers. It would have really ticked me off if he hadn’t been holding his own so well. The Spearow was busy trying to get out from under Ranger’s paw, while the Caterpie and Mankey were both trying to tackle him and at the same time get loose from the webbing that stuck them together. I smirked at the Trainers, who each raised a pokeball threateningly.

“Hey, punk, we found him first!” The kid spat to the side, her eyes blazing. “Don’t horn in on our show!”

I smiled as Caliban erupted from the grass, his eyes wild with excitement. “Actually, I technically found him first, but I’ll give you a shot at it.” Turning toward Caliban, who was dancing around with excitement, I was about to tell him to lay off when an idea struck me. I pointed at Caliban. “LOOK! A WILD PIKACHU!”

Almost immediately, the three Trainers snapped their pokeballs out, releasing a Squirtle, Charmander and a Bulbasaur that immediately began attacking Cal, although the Charmander danced around for a bit on the wet grass before he could fry enough of it to make a dry spot.

I have to admit, I immediately had qualms about faking that Cal wasn’t my Pokemon because I might be committing something I might regret later. But that soon changed to qualms about letting Caliban loose on three unsuspecting Pokemon.

The Bulbasaur’s attack reach him first, the little plant-creature’s vines shooting at Cal and wrapping around him. His eyes went wild and he gave out a nasty laugh before releasing an incredibly violent-looking bolt of electricity that scorched the surrounding area and traveled along the Bulbasaur’s vines. The Grass-type’s eyes went wide and it tried to get away, but the electricity found him a second later. Even with its natural advantage over Electric attacks, there was too much electricity to funnel. It was down in seconds.

The Charmander and Squirtle, upon seeing their compatriot’s demise, launched a simultaneous Ember-Bubble attack at the vine-tangled Pikachu. Caliban, however, snickered and began spinning around on his feet, releasing electricity in small arcs around him that quickly formed a shield around his body.

Hearing a growl, I turned back to where Ranger was locked in battle and discovered that he had been finally tagged by the Caterpie’s String Shot, one foot being locked to the ground. The two remaining Pokemon, the Mankey and the Caterpie, who had finally managed to spread apart during the battle, smirked and backed off. I decided to step in.

“Ranger, Sand Attack.”

Turning as far around as his stuck foot would allow, the wolf immediately complied and began digging chunks of wet earth out of the ground and flinging them at the shocked Pokemon, battering the Caterpie back and into the ground and causing the Mankey to squeal and duck. The Trainers all gaped at me and I decided to drop another whammy on them. Turning my head toward where Caliban was busily gnawing at the vines wrapped around his body while his opponents battered at his shield, I whistled to get his attention. “Cal, Thunder Wave ‘em.”

He looked at me with a crazy grin on his face before turning toward the two Pokemon and launching an arc of electricity that slammed into both of them, knocking them both onto their backs. The Charmander immediately squealed and got to his feet as quickly as his suddenly-spasm-wracked muscles would allow, while the Squirtle just laid there and panted. Cal giggled maniacally and returned to gnawing at the vines, while I turned toward Ranger, who was busily throwing dirt at the Mankey, who was the last of his standing opponents. A squeak drew my attention to the Trainers, who were alternately staring at me, Ranger and Caliban. The guy who was standing next to the girl who had spoken before raised a hand and pointed at me.

“Th-These’re Y-YOUR Pokemon?!”

I smiled proudly as Ranger finally managed to hit the Mankey with a big enough clod of dirt in the right spot to knock it out and Caliban finally freed himself from the vines and began stalking his two opponents with a psychotic gleam in his eyes. “No, they’re really Ash Ketchum’s Pokemon. But since he’s been kidnapped by the Galactic Wardens, he asked me to take care of them for me.”

The girl who hadn’t yet spoken spat something. “I HATE Ach Ketchum! He’s such a little goodie-goodie! And that little rat that’s always following-AAAHHH!”

At the word ‘rat’, Caliban, who had been busily throwing arcs of electricity at the feet of the Squirtle, who was understandably backing up as quickly as half-paralyzed muscles can go, turned toward the girl, a dark look on his face. Before she could finish her sentence, he spun around and launched an arc of electricity at her that, while missing her, exploded on the ground next to her, showering the trio with dirt clods.

“Cal! Down!” I skipped several steps toward him, catching his attention when his next attack spun around and slammed into my gloves. “Cut it out!”

He glared alternately at me and the girl. “I don’t care what she said! You WILL control yourself!”

It took another few seconds before he finally, grudgingly looked down. Turning to the girl, who was shaking dirt out of her shirt, I crossed my arms, Flash’s pokeball still in my hand.

“You will apologize to Cal for that ‘rat’ remark.”

She spat something out of her mouth and scowled. “The Sevii I will! He’s way too sensitive for a-”

I cut her off and finished, “A Pikachu that can send more voltage through either of our bodies than we could live through. Apologize.”

The girl hesitated and the guy next to her dug his elbow into her arm. “C’mon, Heather. He’s gotta point.”

She finally sighed and nodded, looking surly as she growled, “I’m sorry for calling that Pikachu on the show a rat.”

Cal perked his ears up and cocked his head, growling curiously. She snorted.

“Yeah, I mean it. Just go away!” She turned to the Bulbasaur and stepped over to it, kneeling down and gently rubbing its bulb. “I gotta take care of Bulby.”

Cal shook his head before getting on all fours and making his eyes do something I thought was just the show’s exaggeration: go really wide and cute and unbearably irresistible. I immediately felt my knees go weak as I looked at his poor, battered body and his helpless demeanor. Everybody else seemed to do the same, although the girl who had called Ketchum’s Pikachu a rat ran over and hugged him, babbling nonsense. Cal smirked and made his eyes go back to normal, causing everybody to stagger and hold their heads. I shook myself and gaped at him as he hopped out of Heather’s arms and smiled smugly at us.

“You know CHARM?!”

He shrugged and sniffed the air before shooting off into the grass, his tail the only thing visible as he shot around with it straight in the air. I shook my head and walked over to Ranger, who was trying to gnaw the webbing off his leg. Flopping my cape on the ground, figuring that, since it had dried out so quickly before, it would do the same after being on wet grass, I placed Flash’s pokeball on the cape and began wiggling Ranger’s foot off the ground. The webbing was already beginning to dissolve, causing me to breath a relieved sigh over the fact that it wasn’t the stuff a Caterpie begins shooting when it’s ready to evolve. That stuff could last for days.

“Dang,” I grunted as I finally got his foot detached from the rest of the planet. “This stuff STICKS!”

Ranger growled in agreement and shook his foot, then froze, intently staring right at me while his ears swiveled completely around. At that moment I became aware of the ground vibrating and slowly stood up, looking back in the direction Ranger’s ears were pointing.

“What’s up?”

I snapped my hand down, listening intently as a distant rumble began pervading the air. Then I slowly bent down and picked up Flash’s pokeball and my cape, snapping the Charmander’s pokeball on my belt at the same time as I rolled the cape up and, awkwardly reaching behind my head to reach the strap on my backpack and fumbling it open, stuffed it in the quarter-inch extra space I had left in the pack. As I strapped it back down, the guy backed into me and we both staggered a bit before we could catch ourselves.

“Sorry.” He looked a bit sheepish for a second, then turned his attention to Ranger. “What’s up?”

I smiled grimly and finished strapping myself back together, noticing that my pants were still dry but my socks were starting to get soggy. A weird thing to notice at a time like that, but it was what I noticed.

“A stampede or an Earthquake attack. One or the other, and I’m betting on stampede, ‘cause Ranger can hear it more than feel it.” Looking around, I cupped my hands around my mouth. “CAL! WE NEED TO GO!”

The Pikachu shot from the grass, his fur standing straight out from his body. I crouched down to let him climb up my arm, then got to my feet once he was safely perched on my backpack. Heather waved her arms to get my attention, which she did after I noticed that all six of their Pokemon had disappeared without my noticing, presumably back into their balls.

“Alright, guys, we need to stick together! If we get separated we’re gonna be skooshed!”

I snorted. “You keep up with me, I’ll keep up with you.” I turned toward the east, setting my sights on the forest, but the other girl’s hand on my arm stopped me.

“We need to go to Viridian City to heal our Pokemon!”

Jerking my arm out of her grasp, I began striding toward the forest. “And I need to get to the forest before I spend another night in Viridian.”

Heather stomped up in front of me and squared her shoulders, planting her feet on the ground and her fists on her hips. “We need to stick together and it’s three to one.”

Ranger bared his teeth and growled, while Cal, placing his forepaws on my head, snarled and began sparking. I smiled grimly. “Actually, it’s a deadlock.” Stepping around her, I began running for the forest, ignoring their shouts.

That actually wasn’t too hard, either, with the not-very-distant-anymore rumble beginning to drown all other noise out. I ran hard, jumping over the numerous Pokemon fleeing. That in itself convinced me that I was facing a stampede even before the flock of Farfetch’d took to the skies screaming bloody murder, which completely and without question informed me that something was in the wind or, in this case, on the ground. If a Farfetch’d is disturbed by something enough to get off the ground, you know it’s big. Otherwise they’d thwack it to death with their world-famous leeks.

Ranger abruptly skidded to a stop just ahead of me and I had to do a running leap to keep from tripping over him. Even then, I still got knocked to the side by a pair of screaming Doduo, knocked down to the ground by a fleeing Ponyta and then promptly run over by several Growlithe. I would have been irritated if it wasn’t for the fact that I suddenly noticed the first of the Tauros barreling into view four hills away. I immediately leaped to my feet and followed Ranger and Caliban, who had leaped off my head when Ranger stopped, in flight.

Then we came to the river.

Skidding to a stop, I frantically looked for someplace that looked shallow enough to ford, finally spotting the familiar turbulence at the top of the water that indicated something just beneath it. Just before I raced in, however, Ranger, got in front of me and growled at the water. Just as I opened my mouth to scream him out, I noticed the swarms of Carvanha.

And the Tauros were closing in rapidly.

Not a good situation. DEFINITELY not what I envisioned for my second day of training. I mean, come ON! I wasn’t expecting milk and honey overflowing at every step, but JEEZE!

I scowled and looked for Caliban. “Cal? Hey, Cal!” The Pikachu poked his head out of a bush that overhung the water, looking like he would rather not be having a discussion with me. That attitude changed when I said, “Feel up to giving these Carvanha a jolt?”

His eyes bugged out as an evil grin spread across his face and he cackled maniacally, leaping out of his bush and stalking toward the river. I looked back to see the Tauros herd just breaking over the top two hills over and turned back to Cal. “Any day now would be good.”

The Pikachu slowly rose to his full height, taking his own sweet time about it as the Tauros zoomed into view the next hill over. I grunted worriedly and Cal just cracked his knuckles and was about to stretch when Ranger snarled ferociously at him, ears laid back and everything. Cal looked around and sighed before launching a wicked-looked bolt of electricity into the water. Several Carvanha leaped out of the water screaming before going limp and splashing back into the water. Even before they were done splashing, I had my backpack off and over my head to protect it from the water as I jumped into the river, listening to make sure Ranger jumped in after me. While I was still halfway across, I watched as Cal breezed right by me, followed soon after by Ranger. Gritting my teeth as I listened to the herd rumble past where we had been just seconds before, I swore that I’d get a nice Gyarados or Lapras or something before I EVER went ANYWHERE that even LOOKED like it had water near it, because I’d end up jumping in it and it would be nice not to get completely soaked when I did.

I finally made it across the water and scrambled up onto dry land, carefully flopping my backpack on the ground before I flopped myself across the nice, wonderful, lovely grass and the dirt beneath it right before I bounced up and tried to shake the water out of my hair. The grass was still wet and had transferred some of that into my hair, and Ranger was shaking himself, which was also dropping water on me.

As I fluffed my hair, fairly easy to do considering that it was only about three-quarters of an inch long, and got off the ground and away from Ranger, I looked back over the river and watched as the Tauros herd thundered by. Just as I was about to turn around again, I saw a sight that sent my innards straight up my throat.

The trio from before had apparently followed me toward the forest and were now perched on top of a small outcropping of rocks, fearfully watching as the herd swarmed by beneath them and into their rock pile. I watched in shock as two Tauros slammed into the rock pile before disappearing beneath the hooves of their fellows. The impact of their bodies on the rocks started the Heather-girl to sliding, while her companions grabbed her arms and tried to haul her and the Mareep she had her arms wrapped around away from the edge. They succeeded just in time for another Tauros to slam into their outcropping head-first, causing the other girl to begin sliding. Her companions caught her flailing arms and held on, the group slowly falling apart until they were mutually holding each other and themselves above the teeming mass of horns and hooves below.

I was about to shrug and turn away, rationalizing that it wasn't my business if they got run over because they had followed me and my long legs, when one of the girls let loose with that scream.

I hated that scream. It was the one that tore at your internals because of the fear and certain knowledge of impending doom that was shot through it. As far as I knew, girls were the only ones with the vocal capacity to perform it, but that didn't lessen its power. Groaning, I decided that I wouldn't be able to forget that scream if I didn't get her out of the situation they were stuck in and began thinking over the ways to save them. That's another thing about those screams: they stay with you for the rest of your life if you don't pull the screamer safely out of the danger zone.

I eyed the herd, then remembered a couple of stray facts about Thunder Wave and stampedes and looked around for Caliban. He and Ranger were calmly sitting off to one side, watching the herd streak by them with a predatory gleam in their eyes. It was kind of creepy to see both the herbivorous Pikachu and the carnivorous Mightyena sharing a special moment like that. The hairs on the back of my neck stood straight up and I shook myself.

"Cal!" The Pikachu slowly turned toward me, acting almost mesmerized by the passing bodies. "Feel like expending a LOT of electricity?" As I thought it would, that caught his attention and he snapped his head around so fast I though it would come off. A malicious gleam entered his eyes and he nodded, beginning to cackle slightly. I looked at him weirdly. "Uh-huh, I guess you do. 'Kay," I knelt down so as to be heard over the herd. "I need a wall between the charge's direction," I gestured with my hands what I needed, "And the bunch of rocks those kids are sitting on. Think you can Thunder Wave enough of those Tauros to give us a safe path?"

He looked at me scornfully before turning toward the herd and getting down to all fours. He growled, just a little, then screamed and launched a series of giant electrical arcs at the herd. Almost immediately, Tauros began dropping and I nodded. The Thunder Wave attack wasn't all that powerful, despite its impressive size. It was incredibly useful, however, when all you needed was temporary paralysis, which was all I wanted. If enough Tauros were knocked down, it would create a temporary barrier that the rest of the stampede would slowly begin avoiding.

Turning toward Ranger, I waved my hand to get his attention. "Ranger!" He looked at me and cocked his head, his mouth slightly open as he breathed the damp air. I have to admit that I was slightly distracted by the fact that I was experiencing my first time ever drinking rather than breathing the air before I shook myself to the situation at hand. "Once Cal gets enough Tauros down for us to pass, I'm going to head across to get those three out of there. I need you to cross with me and keep an eye on our barrier. If it begins coming down, give us the warning and we'll either have Cal fix it or we'll run, depending on the sitch. Understood?"

The wolf bared his teeth in a feral grin and a stray thought wandered through my head. "By the way, if you're hungry..." I shrugged, feeling a little squeamish over the thought of what I was going to let the wolf do, "Feel free to eat any of the fallen Tauros if they're too far gone to possibly survive."

His face lit up as he licked his jaws with his long tongue and I turned back toward the herd just in time to see the boy fall off the rocks. The only reason he wasn't immediately squished was because Caliban, without my noticing, was already across the river and had already finished the wall of Tauros and was busily zapping additional Tauros in front of the wall. I rolled my eyes and waved toward the far shore, jumping back into the river as I did so.

"Let's get a move on, Rang-OW!"

I reached down and pulled the Carvanha off my leg as I jumped back out of the water, the pain in my leg fueling my rapidly rising anger. Bringing the fish up to my face, I practically screamed, "IF YOU EVEN THINK ABOUT DOING THAT AGAIN I WILL RIP YOUR INTESTINES OUT AND FEED THEM BACK TO YOU!" I then, irrationally, ripped him in half, rubbing my hands raw on his sandpaper-like skin before chucking him back in, where he was mauled by his brethren. I was about to jump back into the water and take my chances with the fish by wading across as fast as possible when a rational thought blew through my head: bait the fish away with their own bodies. Grinning wolfishly, I jumped in and grabbed the first Carvanha that darted toward me, letting my anger at the gall of these fish that dared to bite me fuel my muscles as I ripped him in two and tossed the gooey mass farther downstream, where it was attacked the instant it touched down. Another Carvanha latched onto my already-bleeding leg and I growled before ducking underwater and tearing him loose. Coming back up, gasping for air despite the minimal time I had been in the water, I reached into his mouth and split it just enough for a little blood to begin seeping out the corners, then tossed him down past the other Carvanha, which were apparently finished with their meal and had noticed my trail of blood.

Seconds later, I had to jump back out of the water, gritting my teeth in anger and frustration as I yanked two more Carvanha off my legs. I grimly tossed them back in, not even injuring them, where they were immediately devoured. Apparently, piranha aren’t picky about what they eat.

Looking back across the water, I was surprised to see that Caliban had already backed up the Tauros roughly fifteen yards deep already and was stalking along the top of the bodies with his nose and tail in the air, looking for all the world like a Meowth on a fence. The three kids were cautiously descending from their perch on top of the rocks, although the Mareep was bleating in terror and making a lot of trouble for them.

I looked down at Ranger to see that he hadn’t moved from his spot while I was fighting the Carvanha. I felt a little ticked at him.

Okay, I was very ticked off at him.


He yawned and very calmly looked upstream. Following his gaze, I soon spotted the fallen tree about twelve yards away, hidden by a bunch of wild rose bushes and two big trees. Feeling rather stupid, I sighed and nodded.

“Lead on, smart guy. Way I’m going, I’m liable to get lost between here and there.” Just as we had taken a couple of strides, I suddenly remembered Flash and skidded to a halt. “Go ahead without me, Ranger. I’ll catch up.”

He looked back at me and nodded as he loped away, disappearing into the bushes before I took Flash’s pokeball from my belt and released the little Fire-type. He erupted from the gas with a snarl, claws and fangs at the ready as he landed in a fighting stance that solidly locked him with the ground. His head shifted to the right and left, then he turned around to look at me with a slightly confused expression on his face and I grinned.

“Nope, I don’t need anything beat up this time.”

He nodded uncertainly and slowly shifted to a standing position before looking around. Spotting the pile of Tauros, Ranger-who was busily chewing on a Tauros’ middle-, the trio-who were STILL getting off the pile of rocks that they must have teleported on top of- and Caliban-who was still patrolling his wall-, he took a shocked step back and immediately yelped. I suddenly remembered that the grass was still wet and quickly picked him up, gently massaging his feet as I carried him over to my backpack. Carefully setting him down on the dry pack, I knelt down beside him and rubbed the back of my head embarrassedly.

“Sorry about that. Forgot about the wet grass.” He growled in acknowledgement, then he spotted my bleeding legs and growled in shock, pointing at them. I looked down at my blood-soaked pants and sighed. “Yeah, I kinda tried to plow through a swarm of Carvanha. I'll be fine." He looked at me concernedly and I huffed. "I said I'll be fine. I need you to stop worrying about me and listen." He nodded, the concerned look being mostly replaced by concentration. Mostly. Progress, I guess. "I'm going to go across the river on a bridge Ranger found and I need you to take care of my backpack."

He immediately began growling loudly and waving his arms in the air, the intent behind it quite obvious. I gave him an irritated look. "Hey, hey, settle down. I'm leaving you behind because you're my most reliable partner. I have a lousy feeling that we're gonna need what's in my pack before we reach Celadon."

He nodded, surprisingly calmer than I had expected. I looked at him suspiciously as I stood up. "You stay here and guard the backpack, got it?" He nodded and I turned around and jogged toward the fallen tree, feeling very stupid when my legs began insulting my mother and throwing insults at me.

I crossed the tree at almost a dead run, slowing only because one, I had some experience with logs and knew they weren't the safest bridges on the planet and two, my legs hurt. Stung. Felt like they'd been bitten by Carvanha. It was painful.

Once across, I abruptly noticed not only that the trio were STILL trying to get down from the rocks, but that the stampede was over. The cloud of dust thrown up by the herd was distant already, leading me to question how they could possibly have passed on without my noticing.

As I jogged toward the rock outcropping, I spotted Ranger sedately patrolling the line of dead, dying and wounded-beyond-help Tauros, while Caliban was perched on the Mightyena's back. It was, I had to admit, a smart move. Ranger could run faster than the Pikachu could unless Cal was using Quick Attack or something, so response time to a breakout of Tauros would be quicker.

I still wished I had thought of it.

When I approached the three Trainers, it took them several seconds to notice me. When they did, however, it made me REALLY wish I had left them to the stampede.

First to speak was the non-Heather girl. "You monster! You killed all those Pokemon!"

I was taken slightly aback at the vehemence in her tone and would have embarrassed myself greatly by stuttering in shock had the guy not put his two cents worth in. "Yeah, run straight across the field! Brilliant move, smart guy!"

"YOU EVIL SON OF A-" Heather would have continued in a rather nasty tone, but she slipped slightly right at that moment and the three of them, who had been holding hands in a rather touching, but useless, gesture of one-for-all-for-one, suddenly fell backwards. I took a startled step forward, ready to catch them or pick up the ugly pieces, but then had to stop moving, plant my fists on my hips, throw my head back and laaaaaaauuuugghhhh.

Heather wound up with her leg caught in between two slabs of rock that formed a sort of V, the rest of her body upside-down and her hands trying womanfully to keep her shirt from sliding down. The other girl was hanging from her stud-studded belt that had somehow hooked itself over a little branch from a bush that was trying very hard to grow in the rocks, looking very depressed and embarrassed. The guy, however, won my vote for best physical humor. He had fallen farther and faster than the other two, rolling from behind the rock down a little gully that seemed made for the purpose until he landed in a heap at the bottom with his jacket over his head and his rear in the air. To crown it all, he had been just in time to catch the Mareep on his back when it slid from Heather's arms. The sheep bounced off him, shook itself, then marched off as if nothing happened, leaving the three humans that it had shared such an exciting experience with in their predicament and the crazy human that was me laughing his little head off.

Cal and Ranger joined me once they figured out what was so funny.

The guy glowered at us as he stood up, shaking himself back to respectability before he turned and began attempting to help his friends. Turning around, I snapped my fingers.

"Cal, Ranger, let us take leave of our eternally ungrateful enemies and bid the Viridian area a well-deserved 'I'm outta here!'"

Cal shrugged and absent-mindedly shot a bolt of electricity at a passing Beedrill, flash-frying it and sending it down to the ground in a sort of spinning motion that reminded me of old photos of crashing airplanes. I shook my head as we approached the fallen tree and began crossing it.

"Cal, don't zap the Beedrill. You never know if..." Right at that moment, I heard an ominous buzzing directly behind me and turned to see seven more Beedrill hovering behind us, their stingers all pointed at us. "... He has friends?"


Author's Note: Whee, wasn't sure I'd get this done in time. Oh, well.

For the one or two that noticed, yes, I posted a one-shot and yes, it IS related to this story. In fact, it may be taking the place of the other-plot I've been bringing out along with this one. Questions? Comments? Reviews?


I love my viewing audience.
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