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Pokemon Adventures Timeline

How accurate does this timeline look, in regards to PokeSpe Canon?

  • It looks perfectly accurate; both years and ages.

    Votes: 25 37.3%
  • It looks mostly accurate; the ages are off.

    Votes: 10 14.9%
  • It looks mostly accurate; the years are off.

    Votes: 14 20.9%
  • Meh, nice theory.

    Votes: 9 13.4%
  • I don't really care about the timeline. Still, good effort.

    Votes: 8 11.9%
  • That's the worst piece of guesswork I've ever seen!

    Votes: 1 1.5%
  • Horribly, Horribly inaccurate, to how the Manga is portrayed.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
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Xerbian Mutant
I got tired of not finding a PokeSpe timeline around, so I decided to make my own.

To any who might be curious about the dates, note that the calendar years are strictly conjecture and used to connect the various arcs on a single, coherent, and linear timeline. Feel free to nitpick to your heart's content.

Pre-Series Events
  • ??/??/1973: Professor Samuel Oak wins the 1st Tri-Annual Pokemon League Tournament
  • ??/??/1974: Carl's birth
  • ??/??/1977: Sham's birth
  • ??/??/1980: Karen's birth
  • ??/??/1983: Will's birth
  • 01/06/1986: Blue is born
  • 08/08/1986: Red is born
  • 22/11/1986: Green is born
  • 03/03/1988: Yellow is born
  • 30/04/1989: Crystal is born
  • 21/07/1989: Gold is born
  • 24/12/1989: Silver is born
  • 02/07/1991: Ruby is born
  • 20/09/1991: Sapphire is born
  • 31/05/1992: Emerald is born
  • ??/??/1992: Blue and Silver are recruited for the Masked Children
  • ??/??/1995: Blue and Silver flee the Masked Man
  • ??/??/1995: Crystal trains at Mount Mortar
  • 04/04/1996: Diamond is born
  • 06/06/1996: Pearl is born
  • 27/10/1996: Platinum is born

Main-Series Events
  • - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  • - - - - - 1997 - Red Green Blue
  • - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  • 01/04/1997: Red sets out to complete the PokeDex and sharpen his skills
  • 20/06/1997: Red wins the 9th Tri-Annual Pokémon League Tournament
  • - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  • - - - - - 1999 - Yellow
  • - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  • 01/04/1999: Yellow sets out with Pika and his PokeDex to find Red
  • 20/06/1999: Yellow and Mewtwo defeat Lance on Cerise Island
  • - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  • - - - - - 2000 - Gold Silver Crystal
  • - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  • 01/04/2000: Gold starts his journey to find Silver
  • 20/06/2000: The Pokédex Holders stop the Mask of Ice.
  • 21/06/2000: Red and Gold begin training on Mount Silver
  • ??/??/2000: Red and Gold cease training on Mount Silver
  • - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  • - - - - - 2001 - Ruby Sapphire
  • - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  • 02/07/2001: Ruby turns 11, and runs away from home aiming to conquer all the Pokémon Contests; Sapphire meets Ruby again; 80-day challenge begins
  • 06/07/2001: Sapphire defeats Roxanne, obtaining the Stone Badge
  • 12/07/2001: Sapphire defeats Brawly, obtaining the Knuckle Badge
  • 25/07/2001: Sapphire defeats Wattson, obtaining the Dynamo Badge
  • 02/08/2001: Sapphire obtains the Heat Badge from Flannery
  • 13/08/2001: Ruby enters the Normal Rank contests
  • 20/08/2001: Ruby enters the Super Rank contests
  • 22/08/2001: Sapphire earns the Feather Badge
  • 23/08/2001: Ruby enters the Hyper Rank contests
  • 26/08/2001: The Grand Meteor Explosion; Ruby and Sapphire are both engulfed both by it, in the skies of Sootopolis
  • 16/09/2001: Ruby and Sapphire wake up on Mirage Island; they begin the intense training; Sapphire gains the Rain and Mind Badges afterwards
  • 20/09/2001: Sapphire turns 11; 80-day challenge ends in a tie.
  • - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  • - - - - - 2002 -FireRed LeafGreen
  • - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  • 20/03/2002: FRLG arc begins around this time, give or take a week
  • 22/03/2002: Red, Green, Blue, Yellow and Silver are petrified around this time, give or take a week
  • - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  • - - - - - 2002 - Emerald
  • - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  • 01/07/2002: Emerald chooses the Battle Factory as his first challenge
  • 02/07/2002: Emerald challenges the Battle Pike as his second challenge
  • 03/07/2002: Emerald challenges the Battle Pyramid as his third challenge
  • 04/07/2002: Emerald challenges the Battle Arena as his fourth challenge
  • 05/07/2002: Emerald challenges the Battle Dome as his fifth challenge. This marks his only loss
  • 06/07/2002: Amid the frenzied fighting, Emerald manages to convey his wish to Jirachi, reversing the petrifaction of the five Dex-Holders
  • 07/07/2002: The ten Dex-Holders assembled at the Battle Frontier participate in the Battle Dome tournament
  • - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  • - - - - - 2005 - HeartGold SoulSilver / Omega Ruby Alpha Sapphire / XY
  • - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  • 12/09/2005: Gold, Silver and Crystal fight the latest iteration of Team Rocket, vying for control over Arceus and its assorted lesser deities
  • 12/09/2005: Ruby, Sapphire and Emerald prepare to counteract the events of the Delta Episode
  • 12/09/2005: Red and Blue travel to Hoenn
  • 12/09/2005: Green travels to Kalos
  • 12/09/2005: Yellow is who-knows-where?
  • - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  • - - - - - 2008 - Diamond Pearl
  • - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  • 28/09/2008: Diamond and Pearl meet Platinum Berlitz, and due to a mix-up, set off with her towards the peak of Mount Coronet
  • 25/10/2008: Diamond's, Pearl's and Platinum's journey ends somewhere around this time
  • - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  • - - - - - 2008 - Platinum
  • - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  • 14/11/2008: Platinum's Frontier challenge to unravel the mysteries behind the Distortion World begins.
  • 18/11/2008: Platinum's Frontier challenge ended, she helps Dia and Pearl, Paka and Uji, Volkner and Flint, Palmer, Looker, and the gathered Legendary Pokemon of Sinnoh, in the battle against Charon and Giratina. Team Galactic formally disbands, and Cyrus leave with Saturn, Mars and Jupiter for parts unknown, leaving Charon behind to be arrested by Looker
  • - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  • - - - - - 2010 - Black White
  • - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  • 18/04/2010: Black's journey begins and last four months
  • 20/08/2010: Black's journey ends; White watches as he goes into the Light Stone
  • - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  • - - - - - 2012 - Black 2 White 2
  • - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  • To be discovered
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Well-Known Member
I got tired of not finding a PokeSpe timeline around, so I decided to make my own. How does this thing look?

RBG Year: 1997. TimeSkip: None. RGB: 11. Y: 9. GSC: 8. R: 7. S/E: 6. DPP: 2. BW: 2. (The year the first volume was published. Makes sense to start there)

Yellow Year: 1999. TimeSkip: 2 Years. RGB: 13. Y: 11. GSC: 10. R: 9. S/E: 8. DPP: 4. BW: 4.

GSC Year: 2000. TimeSkip: 1 Year. RGB: 14. Y: 12. GSC: 11. R: 10. S/E: 9. DPP: 5. BW: 5.

RS Year: 2001. TimeSkip: 1 Year. RGB: 15. Y: 13. GSC: 12. R: 11. S/E: 10. DPP: 6. BW: 6

FRLG Year: 2002. TimeSkip: 1 Year. RGB: 16. Y: 14. GSC: 13. R: 12. S/E: 11. DPP: 7. BW: 7.

Emerald Year: 2002. TimeSkip: ½ Year. RG: 16. B: 17. Y: 15. GSC: 14. R: 12. S/E: 12. DPP: 8. BW: 8.

HGSS Year: 2004. TimeSkip: 2 Years. RG: 18. B: 19. Y: 17. GSC: 16. R: 15. S/E: 14. DPP: 10. BW: 10. (Did anyone actually refer to the Battle frontier incident as '3 years ago', or anything to that effect?)

DPP Year: 2006. TimeSkip: 2 Years. RG: 20. B: 21. Y: 19. GSC: 18. R: 17. S/E: 16. DPP: 12. BW: 12. (2006 fits with Dia having a Wii.)

BW Year: 2008. Timeskip: 2 Years. RG: 22. B: 23. Y: 21: GSC: 20. R: 19. S/E: 18. DPP: 14. BW: 14. (Unova is basically the Pokemon world USA, and 2008 was an important year there.)

Emerald is 8 year-old, almost full 9 year-old in GSC.

FRLG after RS ½ year (6-7 months).

Emerald after FRLG 2 months. Yellow still is 14 year-old, Ruby is full 12 year-old, Sapphire is 11 year-old (almost full 12), Emerald is 11 year-old.

Gold & Silver are 13 year-old (and Gold almost full 14), but I am not sure Crys's age. Maybe she is 13 year-old (than Gold younger) or 14 year-old (than Gold older). And they are the same year in GSC and HGSS.

HGSS after Emerald 3 years, Ruby is 14 or 15 year-old, Sapphire is 14 year-old (due Gold's birthday), Emerald is 13 or 14 year-old.

So Crys's age will be a key. If we figure out it, we will be able to more clearly all the exact age and the time point of GSC (and HGSS).

The time point of DP is unknown, but we know it after HGSS a few years later, and Pt after DP 2 weeks.

Dia & Pearl are 12 year-old (so Dia is the oldest), Platinum is 11→12 year-old in DP.

And the time point of BW is also unknown, and we also know it after Pt a few years later.

Black is 14 year-old in BW. Although White did not mention her age, I think her age is also 14 year-old. ;245;
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Xerbian Mutant
Emerald is 8 year-old, almost full 9 year-old in GSC.

FRLG after RS ½ year (6-7 months).
I thought it was a full year. Oh well, the more mistakes people point out, the more I can correct.

Emerald after FRLG 2 months. Yellow still is 14 year-old, Ruby is full 12 year-old, Sapphire is 11 year-old (almost full 12), Emerald is 11 year-old.
How did I forget about that?!

Gold & Silver are 13 year-old (and Gold almost full 14), but I am not sure Crys's age. Maybe she is 13 year-old (than Gold younger) or 14 year-old (than Gold older). And they are the same year in GSC and HGSS.
I'm assuming 13.

HGSS after Emerald 3 years, Ruby is 14 or 15 year-old, Sapphire is 14 year-old (due Gold's birthday), Emerald is 13 or 14 year-old.
Was that ever actually concretely stated?

So Crys's age will be a key. If we figure out it, we will be able to more clearly all the exact age and the time point of GSC (and HGSS).
She was 11 during GSC, and 16 during HGSS.

The time point of DP is unknown, but we know it after HGSS a few years later, and Pt after DP 2 weeks.
2 years, most likely; the series has never done bigger TimeSkips than that.

Dia & Pearl are 12 year-old (so Dia is the oldest), Platinum is 11→12 year-old in DP.
Again, I assume them all to be 12.

And the time point of BW is also unknown, and we also know it after Pt a few years later.
Also likely to be 2 years.

Black is 14 year-old in BW. Although White did not mention her age, I think her age is also 14 year-old. ;245;
Most likely; she looks no older than Black.

Flintoff Cypress

Premium Ice Cream
YES. I've been wanting to discuss this for a LONG time. I had started timeline notes a long time ago, but lost them due to PC problems and never had the time to redo and complete the work. You two have pretty much hit dead-on with what I had completed.

I think we can probably get this refined down to months (we know RS right down to the day, and I think we have a good idea of exactly where Emerald and DP take place at) and probably even further if we really put our noggins together and look through the lines.

(Maybe this can be stickied for future reference?)

EDIT: There's a lot of things that we need citations to clarify the facts. Maybe if someone can give us a volume number where these facts are stated, that would be great.
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Xerbian Mutant
YES. I've been wanting to discuss this for a LONG time. I had started timeline notes a long time ago, but lost them due to PC problems and never had the time to redo and complete the work. You two have pretty much hit dead-on with what I had completed.
You arrived at the same ages and years as I did?

I think we can probably get this refined down to months (we know RS right down to the day, and I think we have a good idea of exactly where Emerald and DP take place at) and probably even further if we really put our noggins together and look through the lines.
That would be A possible ghost-rider. And a happy one too.

(Maybe this can be stickied for future reference?)
That would be another.

EDIT: There's a lot of things that we need citations to clarify the facts. Maybe if someone can give us a volume number where these facts are stated, that would be great.
Actually, the calender years are speculation on my part. Beyond that, established fact all the way.

Flintoff Cypress

Premium Ice Cream
You arrived at the same ages and years as I did?
Actually, the calender years are speculation on my part. Beyond that, established fact all the way.

For the most part, yes. While I wasn't able to nail down 100% where some arcs took place at, it was easy to narrow down to a half-year period and from there use logical deduction.

For example, here's how I had my timeline set up:

1997 (My prototype didn't have a specific year but rather started with the RGB arc as "Year 1". I like your method better.

June 1 - Blue (Girl) turns 11
August 8 - Red turns 11
November 22 - Green (Boy) turns 11
(For simplicity's sake, let's leave Yellow out of this for now.)

We know that all three of them are 11 during RGB and we know (from the Emerald arc) that Blue is the oldest of the group. Therefore, her birthday has to come first. The interesting thing is that this makes Red older than Green (wasn't expecting that!).

Because all three of them are 11 during RGB, we know that the arc can only take place between November 22, 1997 and June 1, 1998. Sadly, this leaves a wide space of six to seven months. That's as close as we can definitely place the RGB arc.

Now we're going to get a little more complicated and take a step into conjecture territory. We need to assume that despite all of this multidimensional hoopla Sinnoh and Johto (and therefore Kanto) are relatively close enough in Kusaka's Pokearth to share similar seasonal patterns (with all of them sharing real-life Japan's climate of warm in the spring/summer with things cooling off in the fall and winter). DPPt has proven that later in the year is indeed colder in that area of the Pokearth. While the specific season is not clear during RGB, it's assumed to be warm enough for people to be casually outside and that would likely eliminate any of 1997 and possibly the first bit of 1998 as likely candidates for the RGB arc to take place. Since we can't go past June 1, we might be able to (but cannot safely) anchor down RGB as taking place in Spring 1998.

(This reminds me of the dialog scene from the movie Buffalo Hearts.)


Staff member
...2008? What on earth ever gave a year for the chapters?


Xerbian Mutant
...2008? What on earth ever gave a year for the chapters?

Nothing, sir. It's called guesswork and conjecture. It's also called pulling random guesses from a place I'll rather not mention, and see how they fit.


Well-Known Member
Now we're going to get a little more complicated and take a step into conjecture territory. We need to assume that despite all of this multidimensional hoopla Sinnoh and Johto (and therefore Kanto) are relatively close enough in Kusaka's Pokearth to share similar seasonal patterns (with all of them sharing real-life Japan's climate of warm in the spring/summer with things cooling off in the fall and winter). DPPt has proven that later in the year is indeed colder in that area of the Pokearth. While the specific season is not clear during RGB, it's assumed to be warm enough for people to be casually outside and that would likely eliminate any of 1997 and possibly the first bit of 1998 as likely candidates for the RGB arc to take place. Since we can't go past June 1, we might be able to (but cannot safely) anchor down RGB as taking place in Spring 1998.

(This reminds me of the dialog scene from the movie Buffalo Hearts.)

In fact, I must say season for PMSP doesn't really influence.

We can see Gold & Yellow wearing a long-sleeved in Summer,

Aaron wearing a sleeveless garments when others wearing the winter clothes,

and Black wearing a long-sleeved with jacket, White wearing a sleeveless garments with sleeveless jacket in the same seasons lol

Although season actually exist in PMSP XD ;424;


Xerbian Mutant
In fact, I must say season for PMSP doesn't really influence.

We can see Gold & Yellow wearing a long-sleeved in Summer,

Aaron wearing a sleeveless garments when others wearing the winter clothes,

and Black wearing a long-sleeved with jacket, White wearing a sleeveless garments with sleeveless jacket in the same seasons lol

Although season actually exist in PMSP XD ;424;
So? those summers could be temperate enough, that wearing long-sleeved clothes wouldn't be uncomfortable.

EDIT: This actually got stickied. Gotta admit, the admins work fast here.
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Flintoff Cypress

Premium Ice Cream
In fact, I must say season for PMSP doesn't really influence.

Yeah, that's why I only have the DPPt Trio getting their winter coats as a hint to the climate.

...2008? What on earth ever gave a year for the chapters?

Hmm... I was worried that this might become a problem. Maybe there should be a disclaimer stating that the numeric year is strictly conjecture and used to show relativity between arcs?


Xerbian Mutant


Well-Known Member
I thought the timeskip between HGSS and DPPt was three years because Dia mentioned seeing the Red Gyarados when he was four which places HGSS eight years after GSC which would then be three years after Emerald. But, I find it hard to believe that the time difference was THAT big. But then again, that's the only piece of evidence Kusaka left us with. :p


Well-Known Member
I thought the timeskip between HGSS and DPPt was three years because Dia mentioned seeing the Red Gyarados when he was four which places HGSS eight years after GSC which would then be three years after Emerald. But, I find it hard to believe that the time difference was THAT big. But then again, that's the only piece of evidence Kusaka left us with. :p

And we saw Palmer still in here with his son, so Palmer certainly shortly after take office Tower Tycoon.

Then again, if DP is three years after HGSS, Sird left Team Galactic nearly six years!? This is quite a long time.

In fact, it mentioned Professor Rowan left Sinnoh four years when serialized.

Therefore, I prefer to believe that DP is only one year after HGSS. (Of course, the final decision in Kusaka's hands XD)

By the way, DP Adventures also mentioned Professor Rowan left Sinnoh four years, so I suspect that this is actually a setting of game. ;392;


Xerbian Mutant
And we saw Palmer still in here with his son, so Palmer certainly shortly after take office Tower Tycoon.

Then again, if DP is three years after HGSS, Sird left Team Galactic nearly six years!? This is quite a long time.

In fact, it mentioned Professor Rowan left Sinnoh four years when serialized.

Therefore, I prefer to believe that DP is only one year after HGSS. (Of course, the final decision in Kusaka's hands XD)

By the way, DP Adventures also mentioned Professor Rowan left Sinnoh four years, so I suspect that this is actually a setting of game. ;392;
If multiple sources claim this, then it's likely true, especially considering that the DPP games do not deny or comfirm it. Or possibly they do. My memories of those games are hazy. As are my memories of yesterday's lunch.

Flintoff Cypress

Premium Ice Cream
In fact, it mentioned Professor Rowan left Sinnoh four years when serialized.

That really poses the question of why Kusaka changed it up. The magazine version of PokeSpe actually corroborated with the games' mythos and in the long run it still makes perfect sense. Refresh my memory, was this stated early or late the DP arc? Because if it was later, then he might have changed it in the volume release so that people wouldn't easily figure out that HGSS came first so he could surprise them at the end of that arc.


Staff member
That really poses the question of why Kusaka changed it up. The magazine version of PokeSpe actually corroborated with the games' mythos and in the long run it still makes perfect sense. Refresh my memory, was this stated early or late the DP arc? Because if it was later, then he might have changed it in the volume release so that people wouldn't easily figure out that HGSS came first so he could surprise them at the end of that arc.

It was mentioned in the first DP chapter.


Well-Known Member
And we saw Palmer still in here with his son, so Palmer certainly shortly after take office Tower Tycoon.

Then again, if DP is three years after HGSS, Sird left Team Galactic nearly six years!? This is quite a long time.

In fact, it mentioned Professor Rowan left Sinnoh four years when serialized.

Therefore, I prefer to believe that DP is only one year after HGSS. (Of course, the final decision in Kusaka's hands XD)

By the way, DP Adventures also mentioned Professor Rowan left Sinnoh four years, so I suspect that this is actually a setting of game. ;392;

Yes that's why I really want to think (and for it to be true) that DP doesn't take place too many years after HGSS (none if possible). Mewtwo's chase of Sird started after FRLG. The chase went on until sometime around the end of DP when Sird managed to get to Spear Pillar to lose Mewtwo. Three years is enough as it is but SIX years??? Sure feel sorry for that Starmie, having to carry its trainer on its back continuously and avoiding psychic blasts from Mewtwo for six straight years. Does Sird not need to eat or sleep??? There's also the fact that Mewtwo's purpose for chasing Sird was to find a way to unpetrify its friends. However, the Kanto Dexholders and Silver were unpetrifyed three months after they were petrified. That means that Mewtwo was chasing Sird for absolutely no purpose for five years and nine months. That's kinda sad for it. That's why I really want to believe that DP and HGSS are placed at approximately the same time. And when I read Coronis's summaries, it looked like Johanna called for Dia seconds after the final scene of HGSS closed out. :/

Flintoff Cypress

Premium Ice Cream
It was mentioned in the first DP chapter.

Okay, so this puts the "changed to keep the HGSS/DP relation secret" theory as being quite plausible. The HGSS games were announced in May of 2009 for a September release (in Japan), given the development cycle of the games there was plenty of time for Kusaka to be aware of the game's existence as he was putting together Volume 30 (which was released in Dec 2008).

Unless otherwise stated, I don't see why we can't concur with the magazine run in saying that DPPt one year ahead of HGSS...

And when I read Coronis's summaries, it looked like Johanna called for Dia seconds after the final scene of HGSS closed out. :/

...Okay, I can see where the "one-year" theory can be a problem. I'll do a little thinking and revisit this later.
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