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Pokemon Adventures Timeline

How accurate does this timeline look, in regards to PokeSpe Canon?

  • It looks perfectly accurate; both years and ages.

    Votes: 25 37.3%
  • It looks mostly accurate; the ages are off.

    Votes: 10 14.9%
  • It looks mostly accurate; the years are off.

    Votes: 14 20.9%
  • Meh, nice theory.

    Votes: 9 13.4%
  • I don't really care about the timeline. Still, good effort.

    Votes: 8 11.9%
  • That's the worst piece of guesswork I've ever seen!

    Votes: 1 1.5%
  • Horribly, Horribly inaccurate, to how the Manga is portrayed.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
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Well-Known Member
Okay, so this puts the "changed to keep the HGSS/DP relation secret" theory as being quite plausible. The HGSS games were announced in May of 2009 for a September release (in Japan), given the development cycle of the games there was plenty of time for Kusaka to be aware of the game's existence as he was putting together Volume 30 (which was released in Dec 2008).

Unless otherwise stated, I don't see why we can't concur with the magazine run in saying that DPPt one year ahead of HGSS...

...Okay, I can see where the "one-year" theory can be a problem. I'll do a little thinking and revisit this later.

Lol yeah I don't think "time passes" translates as three years. Maybe a few weeks/months, one year at the max, but definitely not three years.

And huh I never knew about the one-year passing hint on the magazines. One year is definitely better than three years imo. I thought it was three years because someone pointed out that Dia/Pearl (forgot who it was) saw the Red Gyarados at the Lake of Rage when he was four eight years ago. But then again it's not like there's only one Red Gyarados in existence. Or it could also mean that the Red Gyarados was around for quite a while before Silver captured it and it wasn't among the masses of Magikarp being forced to evolve. And it was a part of a comedy so I'm not sure to what extent we can take that claim seriously.

Flintoff Cypress

Premium Ice Cream
Having not read Volume 43, I'm just going to paraphrase Coronis's summary for those who didn't read it:

13) Finally, with all that said, HGSS happens before the DPPt series. There's no definite time indication, but it says that 'Time has passed and the stage has shifted', which indicated it may even be years. Long ago, when DP was first serialized in the magazines, it mentioned about Rowan returning to Sinnoh after 4 years of absence (alluding to his visit to Oak in Kanto/Johto for the Pokedexes). This was changed to 'some time' in the manga, but it seems that this 4 year time line between Emerald and DP may be true afterall.

I'm going to concur with that. As I said, I think it's pretty safe to anchor DPPt as around one-year after HGSS.

Also, even without dialog talking about time passing, we cannot assume that just because we see Johanna looking for Dia at the end of HGSS that it means they immediately follow one another. Remember how at the end of Platinum they reference Gold (and as we now know, referencing a past event) to pass the story to that particular arc?


Well-Known Member
Okay wait I'm confused. How does Rowan returning to Sinnoh after four years indicate that the four years was the time difference between Emerald and DPPt? (Although I do like that theory, much better than the time difference being SIX years.) Was it ever mentioned in the Emerald chapter that Rowan visited Kanto/Johto for the Pokedexes? How do we know that the start of Rowan's visit was the same time as Emerald?

Flintoff Cypress

Premium Ice Cream
Oak sends a message to Rowan asking him to come to Kanto in the final pages of the Emerald arc. While it COULD be possible that a bit of time passed before hauled his old butt over there, it's assumed that he came over sooner than later.


Staff member
Okay wait I'm confused. How does Rowan returning to Sinnoh after four years indicate that the four years was the time difference between Emerald and DPPt? (Although I do like that theory, much better than the time difference being SIX years.) Was it ever mentioned in the Emerald chapter that Rowan visited Kanto/Johto for the Pokedexes? How do we know that the start of Rowan's visit was the same time as Emerald?

Yes, it was the very last thing they said in it: a request for Rowan to come help with the Dexes.


Well-Known Member
Oak sends a message to Rowan asking him to come to Kanto in the final pages of the Emerald arc. While it COULD be possible that a bit of time passed before hauled his old butt over there, it's assumed that he came over sooner than later.

Thanks Flintoff Cypress :D

BW Year: 2008. Timeskip: 2 Years. RG: 22. B: 23. Y: 21: GSC: 19. R: 18. S/E: 18. DPP: 14. BW: 14.[/B]

Hang on, the B2W2 prologue was three years before BW and that's probably when Looker received the message about the Plasma sages in Platinum. So shouldn't the time difference between Platinum and BW be three years instead of two, if we put it that way? OMG I really wish Kusaka would have made the time differences between chapters more clear like he did before when he explicitly stated that RS was one year after GSC and Emerald was two months after FRLG.
Last edited:


Trying out new games
Thanks Flintoff Cypress :D

Hang on, the B2W2 prologue was three years before BW and that's probably when Looker received the message about the Plasma sages in Platinum. So shouldn't the time difference between Platinum and BW be three years instead of two, if we put it that way? OMG I really wish Kusaka would have made the time differences between chapters more clear like he did before when he explicitly stated that RS was one year after GSC and Emerald was two months after FRLG.

It was never mentioned that the BW2 prologue was 3 years before the BW events. Ghetsis only states that N would be an appropriate king in 3 years. Who knows how many time has passed from the moment N was crowned king till the BW arc.


Well-Known Member
It was never mentioned that the BW2 prologue was 3 years before the BW events. Ghetsis only states that N would be an appropriate king in 3 years. Who knows how many time has passed from the moment N was crowned king till the BW arc.

In final, he said BW in the three years after here.

This is also in line with the games five years ago. ;424;


Well-Known Member
It was never mentioned that the BW2 prologue was 3 years before the BW events. Ghetsis only states that N would be an appropriate king in 3 years. Who knows how many time has passed from the moment N was crowned king till the BW arc.

In the last panels of the prologue, the narrator stated that "Team Plasma then attacked three years later and threatened the Pokemon League" or something among those lines.


Trying out new games
In the last panels of the prologue, the narrator stated that "Team Plasma then attacked three years later and threatened the Pokemon League" or something among those lines.

They didn't said anything about attacking the Pokemon league, only that they started their activities and that their activities were threatening the Pokemon League.


Emerald has to be four months after FRLG.

Ruby and Sapphire ended on September 20th.

Fire Red and Leaf Green happened six months later (March the next year).

Two months after March is the month of May. Emerald happens in July.

For Emerald to happen in July, it would have to be four months after FRLG.


Well-Known Member
Emerald has to be four months after FRLG.

Ruby and Sapphire ended on September 20th.

Fire Red and Leaf Green happened six months later (March the next year).

Two months after March is the month of May. Emerald happens in July.

For Emerald to happen in July, it would have to be four months after FRLG.

So I said FRLG after RS 6-7 months.

6/20 and 7/1 is not too much difference. ;254;


Well-Known Member
Emerald does take place two months after FRLG. It is stated directly in the volumes. Also, from Emerald's flashbacks, we get to know more precisely that his chapter started on his birthday, May 31st. Ruby's age is wrong in Coronis's profiles. He's actually 11 in that chapter, like Sapphire and Emerald.


Xerbian Mutant
Emerald does take place two months after FRLG. It is stated directly in the volumes. Also, from Emerald's flashbacks, we get to know more precisely that his chapter started on his birthday, May 31st. Ruby's age is wrong in Coronis's profiles. He's actually 11 in that chapter, like Sapphire and Emerald.

I thought they were 12.


Staff member
But the events of Emerald take place on July 1st to the 7th, meaning that Ruby is indeed 12 there.


Well-Known Member
But the events of Emerald take place on July 1st to the 7th, meaning that Ruby is indeed 12 there.

I just assumed with this page, that Emerald went to the Battle Frontier straight or shortly after receiving his Pokédex. And we know that FRLG is six months after RS (About March 20) and Emerald two months months after FRLG (which doesn't seem to last very long), then it should be about May 31st. I gotta admit that I didn't read the arc properly before posting, and I don't have time for it now, so could you just show the page where this is stated?

I really should keep my mouth shut about these time things. They don't make sense anyway.


Staff member
I just assumed with this page, that Emerald went to the Battle Frontier straight or shortly after receiving his Pokédex. And we know that FRLG is six months after RS (About March 20) and Emerald two months months after FRLG (which doesn't seem to last very long), then it should be about May 31st. I gotta admit that I didn't read the arc properly before posting, and I don't have time for it now, so could you just show the page where this is stated?

I really should keep my mouth shut about these time things. They don't make sense anyway.


Here you go.
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