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Pokemon Adventures Timeline

How accurate does this timeline look, in regards to PokeSpe Canon?

  • It looks perfectly accurate; both years and ages.

    Votes: 25 37.3%
  • It looks mostly accurate; the ages are off.

    Votes: 10 14.9%
  • It looks mostly accurate; the years are off.

    Votes: 14 20.9%
  • Meh, nice theory.

    Votes: 9 13.4%
  • I don't really care about the timeline. Still, good effort.

    Votes: 8 11.9%
  • That's the worst piece of guesswork I've ever seen!

    Votes: 1 1.5%
  • Horribly, Horribly inaccurate, to how the Manga is portrayed.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
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Well-Known Member

Here you go.

And like RS, Emerald has the timeline in the volume. It was listed on 7/1 - 7/7 (And the zero day 6/30 they held a press conference.)

5/31 just the date he get Pokedex.

I guess he spent one month to do something, instance discipline. ;254;
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Well-Known Member

Here you go.

Thanks! So the two months before Emerald are counted from the day Oak called Scott, but it's not the day FRLG ended. Instead, Oak had already been doing his stuff for a few weeks. It makes sense. I had previously thought Oak called Scott right away after FRLG ended. Silly me. How could he have got the information needed at that point?

So. It goes approximately like this, give or take a day: RS ends September 20 -> FRLG starts about March 20 and lasts a couple of days -> Oak calls Scott April 31st -> Emerald gets his Pokédex May 31st -> Emerald starts June 31st.


Well-Known Member
Thanks! So the two months before Emerald are counted from the day Oak called Scott, but it's not the day FRLG ended. Instead, Oak had already been doing his stuff for a few weeks. It makes sense. I had previously thought Oak called Scott right away after FRLG ended. Silly me. How could he have got the information needed at that point?

So. It goes approximately like this, give or take a day: RS ends September 20 -> FRLG starts about March 20 and lasts a couple of days -> Oak calls Scott April 31st -> Emerald gets his Pokédex May 31st -> Emerald starts June 31st.

Wait then that means the Emerald chapter occurred three months after FRLG, not two. But I thought it was stated by Kusaka that Emerald happened two months after FRLG? Unless I'm being stupid and I'm missing something important, which is probably it.


Well-Known Member
Wait then that means the Emerald chapter occurred three months after FRLG, not two. But I thought it was stated by Kusaka that Emerald happened two months after FRLG? Unless I'm being stupid and I'm missing something important, which is probably it.

See 35th floor. ;042;


Well-Known Member
Some new news. Coronis mentioned that in Pokemon the Comic, at the time when Red and Gold are training at Mt. Silver after the events of GSC, some news broadcast of Clefairy and Jigglypuff (don't remember specific details) appeared on TV. It was mentioned that Dia saw that same broadcast when he was four years old. Since he's 12 in DPPt, that means that DP does actually take place three years after HGSS. Also, there's the news report about the Red Gyarados that Dia and Pearl saw when they were 4, which is another evidence backing up the fact that DP is three years after HGSS. I guess we have to disregard the one-year difference theory since after all since the statement that Rowan returned to Sinnoh after four years was scratched out in the volumes.

Oh and something that we all speculated is now confirmed. When the new League rule was created in RS, Black was five years old. Nine years later, BW takes place. Since we now know that DP is three years after HGSS, doing the math means that the BW chapter takes place three years after DPPt. Assuming that B2W2 is two years after BW in the manga, and since the B2W2 prologue took place five years before B2W2, that puts Platinum at the same time as the prologue, which makes sense because in the prologue Ghetsis started ordering the sages what to do and in Platinum Looker got assigned the investigation of the Seven Sages. Which puts those two events at approximately the same time.

Flintoff Cypress

Premium Ice Cream
Okay, so it's time to revise the timeline even further knowing this new information.

(Any changes I've made to include the recent findings and corrections from the last two posts will be in bold, everything else is from the last timeline post)
•April 1st 1997: Red starts his Pokémon Journey, at age 11.
•June 20th 1997: Red wins the 9th Tri-Annual Pokémon League.

•April 1st 1999: Yellow starts a quest with Pika to find Red.
•June 20th 1999: Yellow and Mewtwo defeat Lance in Cerise Island.

•April 1st 2000: Gold starts his Journey to find Silver.
•June 20th 2000: The Pokédex Holders stop the Mask of Ice.
•Somewhere in 2000: Red and Gold train on Mt. Silver. (Pokemon the Comic chapter)

•July 2nd 2001: Ruby and Sapphire take off for their 80-Day Challenge.
•September 20th 2001: Ruby and Sapphire end their quest.

•April 1st 2002: Blue’s parents are kidnapped by Deoxys.
•May 5th 2002: The Kanto Holders and Silver are petrified.

•July 7th 2002: The Pokédex Holders saved the Battle Frontier from Guile.
•August 8th 2002: Red turns 17 and goes training to Mt.Silver with his Pokémon, from time to time.

•March 25th 2005: The Johto Holders save the Sinjoh Ruins from Team Rocket.

•September 28th 2008: The Sinnoh Holders start their Pokémon Journey, at age 12.

•October 1st? 2008: Lady Berlitz starts to challenge the Battle Zone.

•October 1st 2010: Black starts his Pokémon Journey, at age 14.

•October 1st 2012: The PWT takes place in Unova and Red, at age 25, decides to leave Mt.Silver to participate.

This is good. We're starting to see the method to the madness. At least until XY comes along and then we have to figure out where THAT fits in the timeline.

Platinum fan.

I'm surprised a official timeline has not been made yet for a series like this. One can only imagine where it goes in future chapters.
This is a great theory, I've been just getting into the Pokemon Adventures manga and seeing something like this makes it even more interesting. I have the first 3 complete, volumized, chapters & I've started reading the RS Chapter. I also have the first few volumes in DPPt, so if I find anything of note regarding time I'll be sure to take note of it so we can use it for reference. I would love to help out with something like this and I can't wait to see where the B2W2 chapter takes this alongside the XY Chapter.


Well-Known Member
Wait, @OP, about your recent edits, what makes you think that X&Y happens four years after B2W2? The games aren't released yet and so far there's nothing indicating what the timegap is between X&Y and the rest of the series (both games and manga). For all we know, X&Y could be a prequel to everything. >.> And also, it's pretty much confirmed that DP happens three years after HGSS. You may want to fix that. And also, the current theory is that BW happens three years after Platinum due to the events in the B2W2 prologue.


Xerbian Mutant
Wait, @OP, about your recent edits, what makes you think that X&Y happens four years after B2W2? The games aren't released yet and so far there's nothing indicating what the timegap is between X&Y and the rest of the series (both games and manga). For all we know, X&Y could be a prequel to everything. >.> And also, it's pretty much confirmed that DP happens three years after HGSS. You may want to fix that. And also, the current theory is that BW happens three years after Platinum due to the events in the B2W2 prologue.

As was stated when I added that, it was a tentative guess. Also, yeah, Imma fix that.


Staff member
Remove the years. Pokespe doesn't have a set year and it doesn't need one.

Remove XY entirely. Until it comes out, it shouldn't be mentioned at all. It's speculation.

The DP trio were 4 in the same year as GSC.

No, Red, Blue, and Green being 16 and then 17 is not an error. Green is the oldest, and FRLG takes place before June 1st, her birthday. We can assume that all three were going to turn 12 in RGB.

Why is this thread Stickied? We don't need a third Pokemon Adventures thread Stickied. It's pointless.

At leas dump the timeline into one of the other two.


Xerbian Mutant
Remove the years. Pokespe doesn't have a set year and it doesn't need one.

I'm afraid I'll have to turn down the former request. If you want a second opinion, 'No'. If you want a third, 'hell no'.

I'm sure you can deduce where it would proceed from there.

Remove XY entirely. Until it comes out, it shouldn't be mentioned at all. It's speculation.

Yes, you're rather correct on that score.

The DP trio were 4 in the same year as GSC.

One sec.

No, Red, Blue, and Green being 16 and then 17 is not an error. Green is the oldest, and FRLG takes place before June 1st, her birthday. We can assume that all three were going to turn 12 in RGB.

No response to this, at the moment.

Why is this thread Stickied? We don't need a third Pokemon Adventures thread Stickied. It's pointless.

At leas dump the timeline into one of the other two.

If it were, it would sidetrack/distract/divert too much attention from the actual purpose of that thread.


Everything stays.
Ruby and Sapphire would be 21 at the moment ? Gosh... I read them when they were 11! I hope they're in couple by now.
Anyway, this looks pretty accurate, great job (can't believe the time you must have put on this!)! It gives me a better idea of where my favorite heroes, Ruby and Sapphire, are actually. :p


Xerbian Mutant
Ruby and Sapphire would be 21 at the moment ? Gosh... I read them when they were 11! I hope they're in couple by now.
Anyway, this looks pretty accurate, great job (can't believe the time you must have put on this!)! It gives me a better idea of where my favorite heroes, Ruby and Sapphire, are actually. :p

Nah, it's nothing I wouldn't do again. As a group of somewhat-wise people once said, 'for the love of the game'.


Well-Known Member
Really good timeline! I was just gonna add that I read somewhere (in Viz's volumes, I believe) that every ten years, a trainer from Viridian Forest is born with special powers. Since Lance doesn't look older than 25 in the Yellow saga and is clearly older than Yellow, this would mean he would've been born ten years before Yellow, making him 20 (RBG), 22 (Yellow), 23 (GSC), etc. I feel this fits his appearance as well. However, I want to check if the Japanese volumes also stated the ten-year thing, since if it's only Viz's who did, it's technically not canon. I'll check my Japanese volumes and get back to you on it.

EDIT: Yes, it's in the Japanese version, too. At the end of chapter 294 (in the FR&LG saga), there's a summary of Yellow that states there being one child born with special powers in Viridian Forest every ten years. I don't know what everyone else's thoughts are, but that's confirmation enough for me regarding Lance's age.
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Xerbian Mutant
Really good timeline!

I was just gonna add that I read somewhere (in Viz's volumes, I believe) that every ten years, a trainer from Viridian Forest is born with special powers. Since Lance doesn't look older than 25 in the Yellow saga and is clearly older than Yellow, this would mean he would've been born ten years before Yellow, making him 20 (RBG), 22 (Yellow), 23 (GSC), etc. I feel this fits his appearance as well. However, I want to check if the Japanese volumes also stated the ten-year thing, since if it's only Viz's who did, it's technically not canon. I'll check my Japanese volumes and get back to you on it.

EDIT: Yes, it's in the Japanese version, too. At the end of chapter 294 (in the FR&LG saga), there's a summary of Yellow that states there being one child born with special powers in Viridian Forest every ten years. I don't know what everyone else's thoughts are, but that's confirmation enough for me regarding Lance's age.

It's possible, plausible, and nothing contradicts it.
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TomPen94, Banido
I don't really pay attention to the ages and whatnot.

However, this twist in the HGSS arc felt nice to me. Classic Kusaka too, the guy loves to throw in connections between the arcs. Seriously, these links are all over the place, it's kinda hard to keep track of all of them.
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