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Pokemon Adventures Timeline

How accurate does this timeline look, in regards to PokeSpe Canon?

  • It looks perfectly accurate; both years and ages.

    Votes: 25 37.3%
  • It looks mostly accurate; the ages are off.

    Votes: 10 14.9%
  • It looks mostly accurate; the years are off.

    Votes: 14 20.9%
  • Meh, nice theory.

    Votes: 9 13.4%
  • I don't really care about the timeline. Still, good effort.

    Votes: 8 11.9%
  • That's the worst piece of guesswork I've ever seen!

    Votes: 1 1.5%
  • Horribly, Horribly inaccurate, to how the Manga is portrayed.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
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Xerbian Mutant
This was an amazing timeline. I cant believe you got it down like this.,

What I can't believe that somebody actually posted a new comment. Still, thanks dude(tte).


Trying out new games
I noticed a few mistakes. First of all, Crystal is 1 year younger than Gold and Silver, while Gold and Silver were born in the same year as Yellow. Blue and Silver were 5 and 2 respectively when they got kidnapped, so that could be guessed at somewhere at the end of the year 1991 or before the 1st of June 1992, according to the manga they stayed 4 years with the masked man until they escaped so in 1995 or 1996. Crystal looked like 5 years when she started training in mount mortar. I don't remember if Crys ever mentioned it, but Kusaka tends to show them during their 5th year in childhood flashbacks.

Also Blue is the oldest dexowner, we're not sure when Red started his journey, but when he met Blue they were both eleven and prof Oak stated that Green was about Red's age so let's assume they were all 11 when Red started his journey. Green's birthday is on 22nd of november, that means that Red;'s journey took place after the 22nd of november and ended before the 1st of June between the years 1997 and 1998.

As for the Yellow arc, it took 2 years after the RGB arc so Red, Green and Blue were all 13 and Yellow was 11 so Yellow's journey took between the 3rd of March and the 1st of June of 1999. Blue is like 2 years and 9 months older than Yellow.

When the GSC arc started both Gold and Silver were already 11. So I presume Gold and Silver started their journey after Christmas. When Crystal made her appearance she was also 11 so her journey started after the 30th of April. Red, Green and Blue were already 14 when they stopped the mask of Ice, so I guess the final battle happened between end November and end December. Right after that Gold and Red went to train at Mt Silver.

For the RS arc, Gold, Crystal and Silver is wrong. They can have their bday's again. plus it doesn't match up with the pallet town's trainer's age in the FRLG arc. As Red, Green and Blue were already 16 years when the FRLG arc began. Also Gold became 14 after the Emerald arc as he was already 13 in the Emerald arc, same counts for Crystal and Silver's ages.

Now for Black. He was 14 when his journey started, I assume White too. They started traveling in 2010 you say, then Black and White were born in 1996, the same year of the DPP trio.

I haven't controlled everything on your timeline, but I this is a lot already.


Well-Known Member
When the GSC arc started both Gold and Silver were already 11. So I presume Gold and Silver started their journey after Christmas. When Crystal made her appearance she was also 11 so her journey started after the 30th of April. Red, Green and Blue were already 14 when they stopped the mask of Ice, so I guess the final battle happened between end November and end December. Right after that Gold and Red went to train at Mt Silver.

This must take place in May.

So just to met Blue was fourteen and Emerald first met Professor Oak was eight year old. ;203;
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Xerbian Mutant
I noticed a few mistakes.

First of all, Crystal is 1 year younger than Gold and Silver, while Gold and Silver were born in the same year as Yellow.
: G/S/Y in the same year? While I haven't read Volume 15-27 in a while, wasn't it comfirmed that both Gold and Silver are a year younger?

Blue and Silver were 5 and 2 respectively when they got kidnapped, so that could be guessed at somewhere at the end of the year 1991 or before the 1st of June 1992, according to the manga they stayed 4 years with the masked man until they escaped so in 1995 or 1996. Crystal looked like 5 years when she started training in mount mortar. I don't remember if Crys ever mentioned it, but Kusaka tends to show them during their 5th year in childhood flashbacks.
Well, that's more to add to the lists. Thanks, Dreamingflower, your input is appreciated.

Also Blue is the oldest dexowner, we're not sure when Red started his journey, but when he met Blue they were both eleven and prof Oak stated that Green was about Red's age so let's assume they were all 11 when Red started his journey. Green's birthday is on 22nd of november, that means that Red's journey took place after the 22nd of november and ended before the 1st of June between the years 1997 and 1998.
Indeed not; hence I placed 1997 as the starting year.

As for the Yellow arc, it took 2 years after the RGB arc so Red, Green and Blue were all 13 and Yellow was 11 so Yellow's journey took between the 3rd of March and the 1st of June of 1999. Blue is like 2 years and 9 months older than Yellow.
: Noted.

When the GSC arc started both Gold and Silver were already 11. So I presume Gold and Silver started their journey after Christmas. When Crystal made her appearance she was also 11 so her journey started after the 30th of April. Red, Green and Blue were already 14 when they stopped the mask of Ice, so I guess the final battle happened between end November and end December. Right after that Gold and Red went to train at Mt Silver.
: I dunno about November-December; that late in the year would make it uncomfortable (at the least) to wear light clothes, but maybe the Kanto/Johto regions DO have a temperate climate around the year, so it's possible.

For the RS arc, Gold, Crystal and Silver is wrong. They can have their bday's again. plus it doesn't match up with the pallet town's trainer's age in the FRLG arc. As Red, Green and Blue were already 16 years when the FRLG arc began. Also Gold became 14 after the Emerald arc as he was already 13 in the Emerald arc, same counts for Crystal and Silver's ages.
: They really sort-of can't: Sapphire's whole 80-days thing hinged on that span being the time before her birthday, and Silver's birthday is on Christmas Eve.

In regards to the R/G/B ages, Canon and this timeline contradict eachother; naturally Canon takes precedence. That being said, it would not be possible for Red to be 16 during either FRLG or E, unless more than a year passed while they were petrified (if memory serves, roughly two months was mentioned at some point). The Emerald arc takes place 1/7 2002 - 7/7 2002, and Red's birthday is a month after that.

Now for Black. He was 14 when his journey started, I assume White too. They started traveling in 2010 you say, then Black and White were born in 1996, the same year of the DPP trio.
: The timeline (pure conjecture though it is) is getting fairly lengthy. Therefore I decided to eschew unnecessarily length and place DPP and BW concurrently.

I haven't controlled everything on your timeline, but I this is a lot already.
: Yep. :)
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DX 2401PT

In GSC, Yellow's birthday passed, but Gold's didn't, so the arc would be between April and July, no? More specifically, Blue's birthday didn't pass either, so April or May. If Serebii's Dex Holder page is accurate with the ages per arc, so if Crystal is really 13 in Emerald, then the GSC arc would be between April 30 and May 31.

Basically copying and pasting from the age difference chart I posted a while back that's been lost in time:

Start from Emerald. July 1 ~ July 7. Based on the ages given there, the actual age/birth year differences can be obtained.
Blue: 17
Red, Green: 16
Yellow: 14
Gold, Silver, Crystal: 13
Ruby: 12
Sapphire, Emerald: 11

Blue, Yellow, Crystal, Ruby, and Emerald had their birthdays pass. So the actual ages at the end of the year:
Red, Green, Blue: 17
Yellow, Gold, Silver: 14
Crystal: 13
Ruby, Sapphire: 12
Emerald: 11

The logic being: If you know someone who was born on the same year as you, but only a few months earlier, would you really say that that person is strictly older than you?

So, if Gold and Silver are older than Crystal, yet all three are 11 in GSC, then Gold and Silver's birthdays did not pass, but Crystal's did (so earliest start date of GSC is April 30). Blue and Crystal are 4 years apart. But if Blue is 14 in GSC and Crystal is 11, then Blue's birthday did not pass. Thus GSC can't be later than May 31, or Blue would be 15.

In RGB, Red, Green, and Blue are all 11. So either no one's birthday has passed, or everyone's did. So the arc is either before June 1, or after November 22. Since Yellow is 2 years after RGB, it's likely that no one's birthday has passed.

In Yellow, Yellow is 11, Red, Green, and Blue are 13. So their birthdays haven't passed, but Yellow's did. So the arc is between March 3 and June 1. At the end of this year, Red, Green, and Blue are 14, so if Yellow really is 2 years after RGB, then Red, Green, and Blue would've turned 12 at the end of that arc.

Add in the Sinnoh trio. The arc starts on September 28 ish (whenever DP was released in Japan), and passes October 27. So Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum are all 12. Diamond and Pearl saw a certain comedy act when they were 4, and that same act was seen in Johto shortly after the GSC arc, and given how any comedy act doesn't (and shouldn't) repeat for years, it's safe to assume that DP is 8 years before GSC, or 3 years before HGSS. So when Gold and Silver are 17, Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum are 9.

Red, Green, Blue: variable X
Yellow, Gold, Silver: X - 3
Crystal: X - 4
Ruby, Sapphire: X - 5
Emerald: X - 6
Diamond, Pearl, Platinum: X - 11

BW arc is approx 3 years after Pt. But ages aren't certain because we don't know Black's birthday and when exactly the BW arc takes place. And White is a variable. So BW and onwards are unknown. Assumptions have to be made.

Black, White: var
Rakutsu, Faitsu: var - 4 (likely var - 3)
X, Y: ???
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Xerbian Mutant
I wonder where ORAS is going to fit in all this.
Not that difficult to map/place. If we know even approximately how old they are about then (14-16?), we already have the approximate year of ORAS.


Now that there are XY chapters out, can we say where in the timeline they take place? I haven't kept up with the series (and the forums) in a while.

Red and Blue

Well-Known Member
I just figured that XY takes place a few years after the events of B2W2. All of the other arcs take place a few years after the preceeding ones(except for HGSS and ORAS which are prequels) so I assume XY should be no different.


Xerbian Mutant
Sapphire is only 2 months younger than Ruby.

Yeah, I know. I assume that you had some point to make, in conjunction with that statement. Could I request some elaboration, because not gonna lie: Kinda lost right here.


Staff member
Your timeline says Sapphire turns six in the same year as Ruby turns seven, and the next few years do it too.
THANK YOU, XAD, FOR CREATING THIS!!! I'm planning on writing a pokemon fanfic, and I was PRAYING to find a timeline of events and character ages so I knew how old to make everyone. I was starting go insane trying to figure it out, lol. So far this seems accurate. Since the release of the XY manga, have you are anyone else been able to determine when it takes place in the timeline? I would assume it wouldn't bee too long after B2W2, maybe a 1 or 2 years??


Xerbian Mutant
THANK YOU, XAD, FOR CREATING THIS!!! I'm planning on writing a pokemon fanfic, and I was PRAYING to find a timeline of events and character ages so I knew how old to make everyone. I was starting go insane trying to figure it out, lol. So far this seems accurate. Since the release of the XY manga, have you are anyone else been able to determine when it takes place in the timeline? I would assume it wouldn't bee too long after B2W2, maybe a 1 or 2 years??

2 Years sounds good.


Just for Fun
I haven't seen anyone say this yet, so I'll say it instead: In the battle between the Team Aqua Admins and Wattson, Flannery, and Winona, Shelly is using a DS. HOW HAS NO ONE NOTICED THIS?!?!?!?!
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