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Pokemon Adventures Timeline

How accurate does this timeline look, in regards to PokeSpe Canon?

  • It looks perfectly accurate; both years and ages.

    Votes: 25 37.3%
  • It looks mostly accurate; the ages are off.

    Votes: 10 14.9%
  • It looks mostly accurate; the years are off.

    Votes: 14 20.9%
  • Meh, nice theory.

    Votes: 9 13.4%
  • I don't really care about the timeline. Still, good effort.

    Votes: 8 11.9%
  • That's the worst piece of guesswork I've ever seen!

    Votes: 1 1.5%
  • Horribly, Horribly inaccurate, to how the Manga is portrayed.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
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Staff member
XY's timing depends on the academic term system in Kalos. If it adopts the Japanese academic term system, XY (epilogue) will end in January.
Y said her third school term would start in the final chapter, which implies they passed the Summer and Winter breaks, which would fit that theory, right?


Well-Known Member
I don't really see BW2 and XY happening so close because that would make X and Y older than Lack-Two and Whi-Two and that would feel pretty weird to me. Just because 'Colress' goes to Alola at the end of BW2 doesn't mean the arc takes place immediately afterwards.


Staff member
Older? Both sets are 12 each, and X would be the youngest since he's November-born.


Well-Known Member
Y's birthday is in February, which means she's almost 13 in the epilogue. If that was before the March in BW2, that'd make her older than both BW2 kids. With X it depends on whether you consider him 12 in the main arc in October or in the epilogue, he could be the youngest or the oldest. IIRC Pokespedia wasn't consistent on whether the ages were for the beginning or for the end of the arc.


The Anime/Special's canon know it all.
Y's birthday is in February, which means she's almost 13 in the epilogue. If that was before the March in BW2, that'd make her older than both BW2 kids. With X it depends on whether you consider him 12 in the main arc in October or in the epilogue, he could be the youngest or the oldest. IIRC Pokespedia wasn't consistent on whether the ages were for the beginning or for the end of the arc.
I wish that they match their game counterparts 's ages......as Y seem look like She is a late boomer to me


The Anime/Special's canon know it all.


New Member
i think the timeline for pokemon remains the same, with ash still staying a ten year old and hopefully becoming a champion of his own soon. that says a lot about his efficiency as a trainer and it raises the hopes of him becoming a pokemon master once and for all. that is what i can say is the timeline for pokemon now. do you think ash has what it takes to be a master with the top eight coming in?


Well-Known Member
i think the timeline for pokemon remains the same, with ash still staying a ten year old and hopefully becoming a champion of his own soon. that says a lot about his efficiency as a trainer and it raises the hopes of him becoming a pokemon master once and for all. that is what i can say is the timeline for pokemon now. do you think ash has what it takes to be a master with the top eight coming in?
This thread is not talking about the anime, it’s talking about the Pokémon Adventure/Special manga which is a complete different and separate canon from the anime.


New Member
Character Birthyears (PURE SPECULATION):

Celio and Bil
l - November and December, Age 855
Green Oak - November, Age 859
Blue and Red - June and August, Age 860
Yellow and Silver - March and December, Age 862
Crys and Gold - April and July, Age 863
Ruby and Sapphire - July and September, Age 865
Emerald - May, Age 866
Diamond, Pearl and Platinum - April, June and October, Age 871
Black and White - October, Age 871
Blake, Whitley and X - May, September and November, Age 876
Yvonne - February, Age 877
Sun - August, Age 878 //---------// Moon - January, Age 879

Black and White are 14 but turn 15 later (we see Summer Deerling in Nimbasa, mid-saga). They were born before Lady Berlitz.
All regions abide by a JAP school year. Henry Sword, Casey Shield, Scarlet Koito and Violet Lang DO NOT HAVE confirmed ages.


RGB Saga: August 11th to October 31st, Age 881
Yellow Saga: August 11th to August 31st, Age 883
GSC Saga: August 11th to October 31st, Age 884
RS Saga: July 2nd to September 20th, Age 876
FRLG Saga: March 21st to March 31st, Age 877
Emerald Saga: July 1st to July 7th, Age 877
HGSS/ORAS Saga: August/November Age 880

DPP Saga: September 28th to November 30th, Age 883 (DP ends in Halloween (Giratina), as we later timeskip to mid-November)
BW Saga: April 1st to December 20th, Age 886 (League was planned for March, BW1 ends with a Bouffalant (Taurus) constellation)
B2W2 Saga: October 11th to November 20th, Age 888 (there's an Fall Choir in Aspertia School Cultural Festival - epilogue in March)
XY Saga: July 14th to September 20th, Age 889 (Flare in Vaniville is the Bastille, Y's 3rd term post Dec. equates to Winter, Age 890)
SM Saga: February 27th to August 28th, Age 890 (from Pokémon's anniversary to Satoshi Tajiri's birthday - 6 month USUM timeskip)
Galar: September 1st to November 15th, Age 890 (Epilogue of Hop VS Marnie happens around May, Age 891 - 6 months post SwSh)
SV: Earliest... around Winter, Age 892 (Treasure Hunt is a 3rd term extracurricular, with Team Star crisis occuring in Summer, Age 891)

So, for those wondering... Green Oak would be 29 during XY with Blaine being 80+ ...and right now, in SV... Red should be 31!
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