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Pokemon alone


Well-Known Member
Before trainers, before even humans, pokemon were still there. You are a pokemon. You live a happy life, but want to go on an adventure. The conflict in this rpg is not about a secret evil, but of the others themselves, and the freinds that you may make. This pokemon world is much like the human world. There are gyms, even the elite four and a champion. you start out in a town and begin your adventure to be whatever you want. You may be the bad guy, but remember first come, first served. I am allowing to crime gangs, and you can't say that you want to make another one or that you want to be a leader of one. You're goal can be any number of things, and can change during the adventure. You may want to be a fighter(Equivalant of trainer) A coordinator(You perform the moves yourself) Or any number of things.

The world is very structured, like the human world, except you cannot catch pokemon, as you are a pokemon. You start at level 5, and may level up during the rpg. You may start at any stage of evolution, but please remember only one pokemon per person, and there is no de-evolution. Also, I will approve your sign up, but please NO LEGENDARYS! They will be too overpowered, and would complicate things, with you controlling their respective myths. The regions are still there, though you can be any pokemon in any region. There is one national league, consistiing of ten gyms, and an elite 6(not including the champion) There can be gym leaders, though they can leave their gym and train a bit, to reduce boredom on their part. However, they have to be around their gym, or someone else can take over. Gym leaders start at level 20. I don't really want multiple pokemon, 2 are O.K. I suppose, but we don't want 5 of the same pokemon running around. Also, No leveling up every battle, be reasonable with all of these things. You learn moves as you level up, and you must tell your starting health etc. Though stats are not heavily focused on. It is reccomended that for best performance while in this rpg, you know your chosen pokemons moves well, or even have their pokedex entry in a second window. There are unlimited move spaces(Meaning more than four moves can be learned)

Sign up sheet
Pokemon: (The pokemon you are)
Name: (No last name needed, but you may have one if you wish)
Starting moves: (Nothing too overpowered)
Gender: (Male and female only)
Personality: (make this a bit long and detailed, as per the rules)
Appearance: (See above)(You may put a picture, though)(Shinies allowed.)
Special attributes: (optional)(These may be a deal breaker if you make them too powerful)

Other information: (optional)

My sign up. Use this as an example.

Pokemon: Lucario
Name: Anzakior
Age: 16
Starting moves: quick attack, metal claw.
Personality: He is freindly yet sometimes sarcastic. He doesn't really fear much, but doesn't brag about that. He is always loyal and brave. He will not run from a fight, and sometimes his pride may get him into trouble. He will always stand by his freinds, and is a strong freind in battle. In essence, don't mess with him, his bite is worse than his bark.(>_> Stupid lucario dog resemblence making that a horrible pun.)
Appearance: He looks normal, Like many other lucarios. His teeth are long and sharp making hm look wolf-like. His fingers are a bit better at grabbing things, and look a little longer. His eyes are a bit darker and his ears are straighter.
Special attributes: He is stronger and faster than other lucarios. His movepool is a bit larger, so he may be able to get other moves.(He won't get every move in the game, or farfetched moves. Maybe about 4-5 moves that he couldn't normally get, but seem like they fit him.)
Other informatin: none.

Ok, have fun!

ANNOUNCEMENT! If you are rejected twice, then you may not apply again. I apologize, but if you do not take my advice the first time, why would you take it the second?


No more journeyers.
You must be an elite 4 or a gym leader. So 14 more spots Can be filled. You may also be something else that you come up with if it is approved by me. I will post the thread.
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PokemonThe pokemon you are)togepi
NameNo last name needed, but you may have one if you wish)marc
Starting movesNothing too overpowered)growl charm metronome
GenderMale and female only)male
Personalitymake this a bit long and detailed, as per the rules)
is kind and helpful to anybody who crooses his path. he is brave and always thinks before he acts. He si veary adveturious. He is veary forgetful ecepet for soembodys face he always remebers a face. He gets easily confuse ad gets pepploe confuse. He is still just a baby so he still crys alot and gets attached.
AppearanceSee above)(You may put a picture, though)(Shinies allowed.)
Special attributes: (optional)(These may be a deal breaker if you make them too powerful)he is small and all of his white spots are black instaed


Well-Known Member
Erm, thank you for posting, however it was quite messy.....(I'll give you a new form so it's easier to copy/paste) Also, you didn't put enough for description.

Starting moves:
Special attributes:
Other information:


Charizard Master
Pokemon: Charizard
Name: Prongs

Age: 18

Starting moves: Flamethrower, Wing Attack

Gender: Male

Personality: Prongs is a happy Charizard, whenever his with some of his friends he likes to make a foul of himself for some laughs with his friends. But, when it comes to fighting, you couldn`t get a more serious poke. Prongs hates does who brag and to be second. Likes to fight and never gives up. Prongs is very loyal and would do anything for his friends. Prongs has a taugh personality and works out every day to keep fit. He thinks that all the pokes should live togheter and wars should not exist.

Appearance: Prongs is a different kind of Charizard. It`s bigger then the normal Charizard and has dark skin with a little red here and there. The flame on his tail burns bigger than normal and the color is more darker. His big eyes are bloddy red. Prongs has a scratch mark under his right eye from a fight with another Charizard.

Special attributes: Charizard`s flame lights brighter than any other Charizard. His fire power is way greater than that of a normal Charizard.

RPG Sample:
Prongs woke up in the morning and saw that his parents where out. He got dressed and after eating something went to his friends place to have a pokemon duel. He took with him his 2 most precious pokes, Charizard and Swellow. This pokes had been with him since the beginning of his journey. Charizard was his first pokemon, a Charmander given to him by his father and after just one day of his journey he caught a Taillow that after some battle evolved into Swellow and from there on this pokes were in Prongs`s team forever. Prongs fought many battle and won many, but he never could win the Pokemon League, he tried in Kanto but was beaten in the quarter-finals, he tried in Jhoto but ion round 2 he was out, he tried in Hoenn and here he had the best result, semi-finals, where he was beaten by a friend of his. Prongs`s team was formed out of: Charizard, Swellow, Heracross, Dragonite, Houndoom and Umbreon. Dragonite was a gift given to him by his father before he past away. After some more minutes Prongs arrived at his friends`s house, he knocked one time, no respons, he tryied again, still nothing, after some more minutes his friend opened the door:
"Oh, hey Prongs, sorry it took so long, had a bit of work so did u bring your pokes?" asked Jack
"Yup, have them here, ready for battle, let`s go to the arena and have that fight k?" Prongs
"Ok, just let me get my pokes and i`m ready for you" and Jack starter running upstairs and after taking 2 of his pokes joined Prongs on his road to the arena.



Pokemon: Psyduck

Name: allen


Starting moves: confusion,disable,waterattack

Gender: male

Personality: It is a Basic water type Pokémon, #54 in the National Pokédex, #138 in Johto and #158 in Hoenn. It first appeared in the Red/Blue games. Psyduck is a pre-evolution of Golduck, and possesses water, physical, and psychic attacks. It resembles a yellow duck (some say platypus), though quite cartoonish; besides its yellow feathers, it has three little black feathers on its head. Its expression is a constant empty stare. Despite psychic attacks being its trademark (especially in the anime), Psyduck is not a Psychic-type Pokémon, however it can learn psychic via being bred with a pokémon that knows psychic though it cannot learn it via TM.

Appearance: According to the Pokédex, Psyduck's look is supposed to trick enemies into thinking that it is a weak Pokémon. It also suffers from vicious headaches, the reason why it clutches its head with its paws. Once its headache "peaks", its full power is shown. Psyduck is a parasomniac.
Even though this Pokémon is a duck-type, it is not type Flying and learns no Flying attacks (except Aerial Ace from a TM). This may be a proof that this Pokémon is more likely to be a platypus-type.

Special attributes:CUTE http://psyduck.timminstechnologies.com/

Other information:In the Pokémon anime, Misty accidentally captures a perpetually confused Psyduck. This Psyduck proved to have a knack for showing up at just the wrong or (by sheer luck) right time. Owing to its Pokédex description, most of the time the Psyduck can be seen holding its head, since it seems to have a constant headache. Misty's Psyduck is also easily excited, particularly when it is frightened.
This particular Psyduck has a tendency to be either hopelessly pathetic in battle or strangely powerful to the point of being able to simultaneously beat four Pokémon and two humans into submission. Misty's Psyduck needs to get a very severe headache before it can unleash its psychic abilities; this may derive from a Japanese science fiction idea that someone being in great pain could possibly increase their psychic ability. Misty's Psyduck, despite being a water-type, is also unable to swim; in the games, Psyduck are mostly found by Surfing.
Psyduck's amazing powers first showed up in the first season episode Poké-Ninja Showdown where Ash battles Koga for the Soul Badge. However, Team Rocket disrupted the battle in an attempt to steal all of the Pokémon in the gym. Misty attempted to join the fight but Psyduck leapt out to protect his trainer, but he pathetically failed to even scare Arbok and Weezing. His headache went into severe proportions, unleashing a Disable and Confusion attack upon Team Rocket, blasting them out of the gym and away. Koga offered a trade for Misty's Psyduck for his Venomoth but she refused. Psyduck is one of Misty's best known party members and has stuck with her ever since.
A somewhat more powerful Psyduck appeared in "Bye Bye Psyduck", an episode set in the Orange Islands, which involved Misty believing her Psyduck to have evolved into a Golduck, but it was revealed her Pokémon was asleep in her bag while this Golduck was nothing more than a show off.
More recently in Sitting Psyduck!, a Pokémon trainer named Emily had a Psyduck, hence the title of the episode. It seemed to be depressed at how it was never used in battle, but was briefly used against Team Rocket at the end.
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Well-Known Member
Erm, OK...... Allen, though I wanted it to be a little more....well, different and not just a pokedex entry, I suppose it is ok.....Also, Prongs, You cannot catch pokemon in this rpg. Or was that just an example of what would happen in a different Rpg? Either way, there is no pokemon catching, as this is before pokeballs, or humans.

Allen: You scraped through.....But aceppted.
Prongs: As long as you know that you can't catch pokemon , definetely accepted.

About 10 people will be allowed, thouh I might lessen it if people do not come here.


Charizard Master
yea i figured that out... that was just a sample from an other rpg... don`t worry lol
Pokemon: togepi
Name: marc
Starting moves: growl,charm, metronome
Gender: male
Personality: i
is kind and helpful to anybody who croses his path. he is brave and always thinks before he acts. He is veary adveturious. He is veary forgetful ecepet for soembodys face he always remebers a face. He gets easily confuse ad gets pepploe confuse. He is still just a baby so he still crys alot and gets attached to other pokemon to easily.
Appearance: he is small and all of his white spots are black instaed
Special attributes: He is able to learn a couple of dark moves
Other information:


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry, but you havent put in an appearance. Not accepted, and you may not apply again. I apologize, but you must remember these things.

Edit: There is an appearance, but it's not nearly enough. Look at mine and prongs! Those were about a paragraph! If you can't do this right, then I don't want you in my rpg, as it would be closed for you doing one sentence posts.
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Shayden XD

Sup Im finnally applying!!

Pokemon: Lucario

Name: Kain

Age: 13

Starting moves: Metal claw, Quick attack

Personality: Is nice but weird on most occasions. He is smart and tends to show it off too much. A prankster would be a good description of what he does to annoy people because thats his specialty.He and his brother are always argueing. On the good side he is strong and like his brother and also wont run away. He can be a very good reasurrer and will help anyone in need of assistence. He is young but acts much yunger and is reminded of that a little too much(he thinks)
Appearence: Much like his brother but looks better=D His ears are floppy an his paws are normal making him cute.(he isnt proud of it) His fangs are also long. He likes to be a little ruffled with his hair. His paws, face and other black parts are much darker than other Lucarios.
Special atrributes: Speed is his area of power. He moves extremely fast for his age and type. His movepool consists of haxs and few strong powerhouses. He will learn what ever people decide to teach him too.
Other information: Anzakior's little brother

Tell me what you think?
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Well-Known Member
Hmmm....Shayden, you may be my friend, but I can't let you lear any move. You can learn 5 non omega moves.(Ex. No 100 power moves)
Other than that, accepted. Also, *hits you with rake for saying your better looking*

Shayden XD

Thnx........(Im better looking I cant help it) I wont learn any retardedly powerful moves. Im not a power mad freak! This will be a fun RPG!


Well-Known Member
Alright then, however, anyone else here, you can ask questions if you would like. This rpg is very open ended, so you can ask about some things.


Well-Known Member
Well, yes. There is, just not currently. It's complicated.....it's open ended. That means that the players make the plot. It's basically total customization of a pokemon, and then you travel and go through your journey. Also, Shayden, you are not going with me. I'm going to make up some sort of excuse like I just left in the night and ran off to somewhere else, no one seeing me. Yeah near bunnying, but not!

Shayden XD

Ill meet you in the middle! Ill try and follow you but end up going on my own little quest and meet you somewhere in the middle.


Well-Known Member
Alright, no real plot, have some flexibility. xD

Pokemon: Treecko

Name: Eclair

Age: 14

Starting moves: Leer, Pound

Gender: Female

Personality: She can be bitter to other Pokemon at times, but overall Eclair is friendly towards new Pokemon. Sometimes she gets random and weird and other times she can be quite normal and calm. Whenever she gets into a battle, she gets quite competitive with her opponent(s). Eclair likes to pull a few jokes or pranks on Pokemon, but can be serious when an event occurs. When she makes a new friend, Eclair does her best to not get them angry at her or anything with her pranks or something she says on accident. Sometimes she gets out of hand when it comes to competition and says things that she doesn't really mean to say.

Appearance: She's a tad bit smaller than a normal Treecko, but makes up for it in spirit. Her eyes are a moonlight yellow, and she uses them to glare at other Pokemon most of the time. Eclair's tail is a bit shorter, but still packs some power than any other Treecko's tail. She chews on a shorter piece of twig, and is careful not to break it or damage it while in a battle.

Special attributes: Eclair can move through treetops with ease, since she practically was born in the forest. She can jump from tree limb to limb for minutes without missing a single one, but that doesn't mean she falls sometimes on accident when her mind wanders.

Other information: None really.

How's mine?


Well-Known Member
i'll just ditch you again..............Seriously though, questions might help.

Also eclair is accepted.
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Well-Known Member
Pokemon: Bonsly
Name:Sometimes called Reckard
Age: 15
Starting moves: Mimic, Charm
Gender: Male
Personality: A very confident and strong pokemon, Bonsly is incredibly strong willed. He likes to see things ablaze with imaginary scope, leading his largely creative outlook on life. He's not really a very social pokemon, but not a hermit either. He can be very expressive and when around friends, totally random. His swings from happy to repulsive can change depending on the situation, but he's mostly quite mellow.

Appearance: His pot-like structure was the average dark brown, rich with te arburn mixtures of earth that made the signature Bonsly. His oval marking on his forehead as white as any other Pokemons, from the base up it was completely normal. But once you got to the distinct prong leaves, something definetlystood out. On his left prong leaf, it was the average emerald green, but the top and right leaves were a stinging dark pink(see D/P pokedex on better image of its shiny leaves), thus instantly classified as an extremely rare, half-shiny pokemon.

Special attributes: Has an intense mind of great complexity, great for strategetic purposes, and also real-life promblems.

Optional: For all the years he has been a pokemon, he's never really had the need to evolve. Well sure, he never had the experience, but none the less shape-shifting didn't have too much of an impact on him unlike his fellow Bonsly who were always dreaming of becoming an uber-powerful Sudowoodo one day. Over the course if the past 15 years, he's mostly been staying with is family and going to a pokemon academy for gifted pokemon. At first, he became very indulged at becoming a Rescue Team member one day, but after studyingas hard as he could and researching it, he felt all the more restricted as he was now if he joined one. He soon then after flunked out on purpose though they knew he had the promise, and his parents under stood the life of perpetual sedling down, and told him about the pokemon leauge, and how they were taking all challengers who had all eight badges or ribbons to participate in a grand tornemant with the Elite Six involved. Bonsly grew greatly intrested and agreed to become a challenger and live the life of excitement and power. Before 15, he had few friends umong the batch of Cleffa, Porygon, and Igglybuff he played with.