Well-Known Member
Before trainers, before even humans, pokemon were still there. You are a pokemon. You live a happy life, but want to go on an adventure. The conflict in this rpg is not about a secret evil, but of the others themselves, and the freinds that you may make. This pokemon world is much like the human world. There are gyms, even the elite four and a champion. you start out in a town and begin your adventure to be whatever you want. You may be the bad guy, but remember first come, first served. I am allowing to crime gangs, and you can't say that you want to make another one or that you want to be a leader of one. You're goal can be any number of things, and can change during the adventure. You may want to be a fighter(Equivalant of trainer) A coordinator(You perform the moves yourself) Or any number of things.
The world is very structured, like the human world, except you cannot catch pokemon, as you are a pokemon. You start at level 5, and may level up during the rpg. You may start at any stage of evolution, but please remember only one pokemon per person, and there is no de-evolution. Also, I will approve your sign up, but please NO LEGENDARYS! They will be too overpowered, and would complicate things, with you controlling their respective myths. The regions are still there, though you can be any pokemon in any region. There is one national league, consistiing of ten gyms, and an elite 6(not including the champion) There can be gym leaders, though they can leave their gym and train a bit, to reduce boredom on their part. However, they have to be around their gym, or someone else can take over. Gym leaders start at level 20. I don't really want multiple pokemon, 2 are O.K. I suppose, but we don't want 5 of the same pokemon running around. Also, No leveling up every battle, be reasonable with all of these things. You learn moves as you level up, and you must tell your starting health etc. Though stats are not heavily focused on. It is reccomended that for best performance while in this rpg, you know your chosen pokemons moves well, or even have their pokedex entry in a second window. There are unlimited move spaces(Meaning more than four moves can be learned)
Sign up sheet
Pokemon: (The pokemon you are)
Name: (No last name needed, but you may have one if you wish)
Starting moves: (Nothing too overpowered)
Gender: (Male and female only)
Personality: (make this a bit long and detailed, as per the rules)
Appearance: (See above)(You may put a picture, though)(Shinies allowed.)
Special attributes: (optional)(These may be a deal breaker if you make them too powerful)
Other information: (optional)
My sign up. Use this as an example.
Pokemon: Lucario
Name: Anzakior
Age: 16
Starting moves: quick attack, metal claw.
Personality: He is freindly yet sometimes sarcastic. He doesn't really fear much, but doesn't brag about that. He is always loyal and brave. He will not run from a fight, and sometimes his pride may get him into trouble. He will always stand by his freinds, and is a strong freind in battle. In essence, don't mess with him, his bite is worse than his bark.(>_> Stupid lucario dog resemblence making that a horrible pun.)
Appearance: He looks normal, Like many other lucarios. His teeth are long and sharp making hm look wolf-like. His fingers are a bit better at grabbing things, and look a little longer. His eyes are a bit darker and his ears are straighter.
Special attributes: He is stronger and faster than other lucarios. His movepool is a bit larger, so he may be able to get other moves.(He won't get every move in the game, or farfetched moves. Maybe about 4-5 moves that he couldn't normally get, but seem like they fit him.)
Other informatin: none.
Ok, have fun!
ANNOUNCEMENT! If you are rejected twice, then you may not apply again. I apologize, but if you do not take my advice the first time, why would you take it the second?
No more journeyers.
You must be an elite 4 or a gym leader. So 14 more spots Can be filled. You may also be something else that you come up with if it is approved by me. I will post the thread.
The world is very structured, like the human world, except you cannot catch pokemon, as you are a pokemon. You start at level 5, and may level up during the rpg. You may start at any stage of evolution, but please remember only one pokemon per person, and there is no de-evolution. Also, I will approve your sign up, but please NO LEGENDARYS! They will be too overpowered, and would complicate things, with you controlling their respective myths. The regions are still there, though you can be any pokemon in any region. There is one national league, consistiing of ten gyms, and an elite 6(not including the champion) There can be gym leaders, though they can leave their gym and train a bit, to reduce boredom on their part. However, they have to be around their gym, or someone else can take over. Gym leaders start at level 20. I don't really want multiple pokemon, 2 are O.K. I suppose, but we don't want 5 of the same pokemon running around. Also, No leveling up every battle, be reasonable with all of these things. You learn moves as you level up, and you must tell your starting health etc. Though stats are not heavily focused on. It is reccomended that for best performance while in this rpg, you know your chosen pokemons moves well, or even have their pokedex entry in a second window. There are unlimited move spaces(Meaning more than four moves can be learned)
Sign up sheet
Pokemon: (The pokemon you are)
Name: (No last name needed, but you may have one if you wish)
Starting moves: (Nothing too overpowered)
Gender: (Male and female only)
Personality: (make this a bit long and detailed, as per the rules)
Appearance: (See above)(You may put a picture, though)(Shinies allowed.)
Special attributes: (optional)(These may be a deal breaker if you make them too powerful)
Other information: (optional)
My sign up. Use this as an example.
Pokemon: Lucario
Name: Anzakior
Age: 16
Starting moves: quick attack, metal claw.
Personality: He is freindly yet sometimes sarcastic. He doesn't really fear much, but doesn't brag about that. He is always loyal and brave. He will not run from a fight, and sometimes his pride may get him into trouble. He will always stand by his freinds, and is a strong freind in battle. In essence, don't mess with him, his bite is worse than his bark.(>_> Stupid lucario dog resemblence making that a horrible pun.)
Appearance: He looks normal, Like many other lucarios. His teeth are long and sharp making hm look wolf-like. His fingers are a bit better at grabbing things, and look a little longer. His eyes are a bit darker and his ears are straighter.
Special attributes: He is stronger and faster than other lucarios. His movepool is a bit larger, so he may be able to get other moves.(He won't get every move in the game, or farfetched moves. Maybe about 4-5 moves that he couldn't normally get, but seem like they fit him.)
Other informatin: none.
Ok, have fun!
ANNOUNCEMENT! If you are rejected twice, then you may not apply again. I apologize, but if you do not take my advice the first time, why would you take it the second?
No more journeyers.
You must be an elite 4 or a gym leader. So 14 more spots Can be filled. You may also be something else that you come up with if it is approved by me. I will post the thread.
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