(Look I had a bad time at school okay you don't want to know what happened, I don't even waqnt to say what happened okay
*is acculty cryibng from what happened*)
Chapter 7: More Contest Rivalry
The larger than usual group finally got to Fallarbor Town with a lot of problems from Peter. When they got to the Pokemon Center, he fell right into bed.
“Sleep!” he said falling into the bed.
“O…k” said Matt.
Meanwhile everyone else was in the lobby. There many people practicing for the contest.
“Look out the winner is here!” said Maya.
“I’m going to win!” said April.
“No I am” said Maya.
“Now, now you two play nicely” said Maddie.
“What’s with them?” said Missy.
“Well they grew up together and they have a rivalry when it comes to contests” said Mina.
“Funny I haven’t seen them fight like this in a long time” said Deborah.
“Yeah since we met Maya.” said Mina.
Matt came in the lobby to ask Nurse Joy something.
“Um… my friend just wet the bed can we have new sheets” said Matt.
“Did I just here what I think I heard?” said Mina.
She walked away toawrds the room.
“I wonder what she’s going to?” said Missy.
“Beats me Sasami” said Ronnie.
“Wow, you guys haven’t figured out?” said Maggie.
“Ohhhh!” said Megan she figured out that something might have happened to Peter.
Megan began to walk away.
“This is going to be interesting, does any want to watch?” said Maggie.
“Watch what?” said Missy.
"I'll show you" said Maggie.
She took Missy's hand and both began to walk away.
Nurse Joy was changing the sheets with the door open.
“I’m so sorry.” said Peter.
“That’s okay” said Nurse.
Mina entered the hall way close behind Megan, Maggie and Missy.
“Well here I go” said Mina.
Mina walked signing “Bed wetter, bed wetter, bed wetter”
“Wow it’s just like that Love Letter teasing song that Yukari sang in Azumanga Daioh” said Missy.
"O...k" said Megan.
“Mina!” said Peter gritting his teeth.
Megan walked into the room.
“Oh crud” said Peter.
“You wet the bed? That is so embarrassing! How old are you 5?” said Megan.
“Megan! I challenge you to a Pokemon Battle!” said Peter.
“I’m all done” said Nurse Joy she walked out of the room very fast so she wouldn't see the aftermath.
“Challenge accepted but do you think you can win?” said Megan.
“Oh man I forgot, Megan’s Water Angel” said Peter.
“Later, right before dinner” said Megan.
“I changed my mind” said Peter.
“Good choice” said Megan.
That night during dinner Missy was talking to Mina.
“So your relationship, what is it exactly?” said Missy.
“With who?” said Mina.
“With Peter.” said Missy.
“Sasami, Missy… I hate his guts!” yelled Mina.
“Well it reminds me of Ranma/ Akane and Kagome/ Inu-Yasha … and Usagi/ Mamoru… and Momoko/ Yosuke well you get the idea.” said Missy.
“I don’t know what you are talking about” said Mina.
“You two like each other but can’t say it” said Missy.
“No its not! If I had the chance I would physically harm him which I have, you know what I do to him.” said Mina.
Missy adjusted her glasses and said “I don’t think so”
Mina blushed, walked away and said “I have to go work on Maddie’s costume”
“I can tell they love each other.” said Missy to herself.
Then the next day right before the contest began.
“I’ll win!” said April.
“No I will!” said Maya.
Mina and Peter were arguing too but unlike Maya and April it was very childish.
“You are a bed wetter!” said Mina.
“I’m not” said Peter.
“Are too!” said Mina.
“Am not!” said Peter.
“Are too!” said Mina
“Am not!” said Peter.
“Are not!” said Mina.
“Am too!” said Peter.
“Are not!” said Mina.
“Am too a bed wetter! And that’s final” said Peter.
Every stared at him because he did say something extremely stupid.
“He sure is a Baka” said Missy.
“What baka mean any ways?” said Maggie.
Missy whispered into her ear.
“He sure is one” said Maggie.
Later the contest began in the Contest Hall. It was April’s turn
“All right April!” said Matt.
“Wow this is the first Pokemon contest I’ve ever been to” said Missy.
“Really I guess you never had time” said Mina.
“Yeah I never really had the time” said Missy.
“Come on out Roseila” said April.
Roseila came out sparkling almost.
“Use Petal Dance!” said April.
“Right!” said Roseila. Roseila began to spin the spinning made flower petals go everywhere.
“Now use Magical Leaf to cut the petals” said April.
“Okay!” said Roseila who stopped spinning. She took out her flower and shot out glowing leaves that cut the petals. The Petals went all over the hall.
“Pretty” said Missy.
Mina looked at her with a smile.
April’s score was 27.7
“The best score yet” said the announcer.
Then it was Maya’s turn.
“Go Maya!” said Ronnie.
“Come on out Butterfree!” said Maya.
Butterfree came out.
“Use String Shot!” said Maya.
Butterfree used String Shot.
“Now use Confusion on the string shot.” said Maya.
The sting shot became different shapes of Pokemon.
“Oh wow!” said Missy.
Maya’s score was 29.8.
“As near perfect as can be” said the announcer.
“Wow, Maya did better than April.” said Missy.
“April’s a very good sport. If used all of her power then she would have had a perfect score. But she can control it very well. She's one of the two can that is why...” said Mina but Mina cut her self off what she was about to say.
“Is there something you want to say?” said Missy.
“No, there isn’t” said Mina.
Something had been on her mind for quite a while but she still needed to think about it would have annoying just to blurt it out especially in front of Peter.
Later the official scorings were put up.
“They won’t face each in the first round, that’s good” said Maddie.
April’s first match was first, right before there was a small explosion. From the dust came J-Lo and Jonathan.
“Even though we don’t have a cute phrase we can come out in a big” said J-Lo.
“It was her idea.” Said Jonathan pointing to J-Lo.
“So grass Angel we meet again” said J-Lo.
She took out a gun and shot April.
“I have an idea!” said Maggie.
She took out a few pieces of cotton and gave some to Missy and Kia. She went up to the stage.
“Come on out Igglybuff!” said Maggie.
“Igglybuff!” said Igglybuff.
She took the microphone from the announcer and gave it Igglybuff. She put the cotton that she had into her ear. Kia and Missy did so to.
“Igglybuff, use Sing!” said Maggie.
Everyone in the contest hall fell asleep, except for J-Lo, Jonathan who plugged their ears and the girls.
Maggie returned Igglybuff to its Pokeball and gave the sleep announcer back her mike.
As Maggie was leaving the stage Celebi came out of its Pokeball, as well as all of April’s other Pokemon. All of the Pokemon glowed green.
“Could it be?” said Maggie.
“April’s learning her power attack” said Mina.
“All right!” said Missy.
“Too bad for your sister” said Megan.
“Your right” said Missy.
April ripped off the ropes and she transformed.
“How dare you do this at a Pokemon Contest, I will root you out!” said April.
“No!” said J-Lo.
“Grass Flower Blizzard!” said April she twirled very slowly and a flurry of flower hit them so fast and hard that is literary carried them away. Both J-Lo and Jonathan flew out the building.
April smiled and collapsed
“Looks like we have to clean up” said Mina.
“I’ll go find Maya, wake her up and get her to help.” said Maddie.
“I’ll wake up Matt and the Baka” said Mina.
Everyone cleaned up including April after she felt better.
“We should wake up everyone” said Maggie.
“I have a great way!” said Peter.
“What?” said everyone else.
He grabbed the mike from the announcer and yelled in a British accent “Hey wake up!”
“What happened?” said Nurse Joy.
“My Igglybuff got too excited and used Sing” said Maggie.
“Okay. Now I think we should start the contest back up” said the announcer.
“Here’s your mike back” said Peter handing her the Mike.
April won her battle as well as Maya.
“Ether way, one of our friends will win” said Mina.
The battle began after one hit from Maya April threw in the towel.
“Hey it’s just like last time, but it’s the opposite.” said Mina.
“You mean…” said Missy.
“Last time they fought in a contest Maya threw in the towel after just one
Hit” said Maddie.
“So I guess the winner is Maya by a TKO?” said the Announcer "Didn't this happen last time they fought except the other way around?" she mumbled.
After the contest Matt and Peter parted ways. As they were walking in the forest Maya asked April.
“Why did you give up?”
“Last time, you did it for me. This I did for you” said April.
“Thank you” said Maya.
“Next stop the Cilegna Anime Con!” said Mina.
“All right!” said Missy.
"Oh great..." said Kia