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Pokemon Arena


Don't Play Pokémon
I wanted to know if any of you would like to have a pokemon arena in the newer games that are coming out soon. It would be fun to go 1v1 on anypokemon you choose to, to get your lvls up. Post if u like this idea


Mayness Yayness!
Im confused, Like you chose any pokemon to go against? And what games do you mean? battle revolution?


Don't Play Pokémon

i mean like you go to a place in the game.. like the battle tower...
and you can choose what lvl and type pokemon you wanna face and you gain exp by beating them.. its like a training arena.. when you finish the game


Cascade Trainer
i would think that would be a cool idea..
its an easier way then using rare candies over and over again =)


Ghost Trainer
Yea i think this would be cool idea...
But what would happen if all your pokemon die?
would u get sent to the hospital? (pokecenter)
it still sounds like a good idea


Don't Play Pokémon
well.. there would probably be a pokecenter inside to help you if you die...
and it would also be cool if you could bet if you won or not


Mayness Yayness!
Im not to keen on it, I mean it takes awy the point if you can just choose, I mean if im training an electric type i'll just go against a water type of the same level that will go down in one hit making it to easy to traine IMO

shooting star

Leaving SPPF! G'bye!
That'd be nice. But you can kinda do it with the secret base thingy in R/S.


I like the Idea. =)
I don't go to the Battle tower or Battle Frontier because I can't EV train my pokemon or Level them Up. :[
it would be a good idea but you'd have to fight the elite four and get the national dex first~

and you could only fight pokemon that you've actually seen.

I must say it would make things really really easy though. It would take a lot of the trouble out of training which would make for a lot of lazy battlers in competitions.

But whatever~



Don't Play Pokémon
why aren't you ppl posting.. i thought this was a good topic


Powerplay Champion
it would be perfect for ev trainng, and a great incentive to get the game on a console.


Cascade Trainer
i think it would be cool, but i think it would be involved in the game after you beat the elite four. You dont have to get national dex first cause that takes too long.