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Pokemon Ash should have.

General Blaze

Not the face!
Hi, it's General Blaze. Now, who thinks that Ash should have different or some more Pokemon, or at least one of his current ones should evolve? I've been hoping that he would catch a Cubone or a Tyrouge, and I would like to see his Phanpy evolve into Donphan. Anyone else think so?

Deoxys & Jirachi

i think his corphish should evolve and his phanpy. I also think he should capture a trapinch and then evolve it to vibrava then flygon


Ash should catch a Bagon and evolved it to it's last form.


Yeah, ok!
Well I've always wanted him to get new types he never had before.

A ghost or Dragon Pokemon would be fine. A Steel type would be nice too.


I'm kinna excited on what pokemon after the Battle Fronteir, but thats a long ways away and by that time the writers would probably put another character in Ash's place but thats my opinion ( I mean Ash being a popular character in all).


Ups sorry let me refrase on that, I mean I'm kind of excited on what new pokemon Ash would get After the Battle Fronteir


Well, Ash is in the Battle Frontier in Kanto so the writers will want to advertise Kanto Pokemon. I've always hoped for Ash to get a Dragon Pokemon. This may sound stupid, but I think Ash should somehow capture a Dratini and evolve it into Dragonair and then Dragonite. *gets shot* I know, I know, this will probably never happen, but I really want it to. :(

General Blaze

Not the face!
dragonmaster5000 said:
Well, Ash is in the Battle Frontier in Kanto so the writers will want to advertise Kanto Pokemon. I've always hoped for Ash to get a Dragon Pokemon. This may sound stupid, but I think Ash should somehow capture a Dratini and evolve it into Dragonair and then Dragonite. *gets shot* I know, I know, this will probably never happen, but I really want it to. :(

Yeah, that would be cool, but it will never happen. Oh yeah, does anyone else think that Ash should have kept that Beedrill he caught in the Park game during the Johto series? It would have been a nice replacment for Butterfree, and he needs another Bug type other than Heracross. Not that there's anything wrong with Heracross by the way.

sephiroth follower

I think :bulbasaur,squirtle,bayleaf,cyndaquil and tododile should evolve i mean he's had them forever

Shiny Rekkuza

he should have a dragonair nad not evolve it cause dragonair is cooler then dragonite ^^


You know, speaking of Phanpy, we haven't seen it much, I mean, will it really evolve, when it's not getting enough screen time? Okay, it might evolve, because there are a few Pokemon with not much screen-time who evolved, but, I'm not so sure.


Team Rocket's Enemy
I'd say that Ash should have a Ralts/Kirlia/Gardevoir. Any of those three would be fine for him. He needs a strong psychic and each of the three pokemon of the Ralts line are attractive and are strong. What more could the writers want in a pokemon for Ash?


Raiden Maximus
Mew2 said:
I'd say that Ash should have a Ralts/Kirlia/Gardevoir. Any of those three would be fine for him. He needs a strong psychic and each of the three pokemon of the Ralts line are attractive and are strong. What more could the writers want in a pokemon for Ash?
Well, let May get one instead, then Ash get abra/kadabra/alakazam to make AdvanceShipper more interesting........

Kakashi-Sharingan Warrior

Well-Known Member
Ash should have got a huntail and May should have got a Gorebyss......

Ash should catch a psychic type, probably a Drowzee or a Slowpoke!

Ash with a Slowpoke would rule!
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