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Pokemon, Asylum of the Damned Style!

  • Thread starter The Asylum of the Damned
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The Asylum of the Damned

And now, for your viewing displeasure!

The One! The Only! The Pokemon trainer fic that defiles the candy coated world of Pokemon one chapter at a time!

See! The proud yet sometimes clueless trainer!

See! The smart-alecky Porygon at his side!

See! The blood!

See! The gore!

See! Everything else your mother warned you to stay away from!

It's the prized Trainer fic of fanfiction followings alike! Started in April 2000, finished in December 2003, immitated by many, duplicated by none, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, and absolutely <B>no</B> children of any age! The Asylum of the Damned proudly presents to you:

Pokemon: Asylum of the Damned Style!

Darkbadge Saga:

Chapter 1: Cybernetic, in the Flesh

It was a hot day. All the Grass Pokemon had migrated over to the area where our hero walked, in order to get the most out of the burning sun. Tom looked over the vast, open field, in search of a particularly weak Pokemon. He knew full well that a Pokeball could not capture a strong one, without weakening it.

Tom was about five-foot-nine, fairly tanned golden complexion. He was wearing a long beige trench coat with ordinary blue jeans. He had short black hair and an almost perfectly shaped nose and his brown eyes matched his dark hair equally as perfect.

A week ago, just after Tom turned sixteen, a friend of his retired as a Pokemon Trainer. He had given all his Pokemon away, but kept a few empty Pokeballs for nostalgic reasons. Just yesterday, he gave them to Tom. Tom quit school like most young trainers to make money and a living off of Pokemon Training.

But this goal seemed so far away for Tom. He had neither one single Pokemon, nor any badges at that. Everyone knew you needed at least eight of those badges to compete in the annual Pokemon League, the winner to take on the four top Elite trainers for that area. Then the winners, assuming there were any, would compete against one another to determine the number one contender for the Pokemaster title. The runners-up would take the place of the formerly strongest of their Elite Four, and the weakest of their Elite Four would be bumped out. The undisputed winner would face the current Pokemaster, and a new champion could be decided.

Everyone knew the name of the current Pokemaster, but not any of his Pokemon.

Popular rumor had it, that some of the current Pokemaster's Pokemon were a Dragonite, Murkrow, Ampharos, and a Charizard. But surely, to be a true Pokemaster, one had to have much more different Pokemon. And since the puzzling evidence of the 251st Pokemon had been confirmed, The League champion was sure to have over 100. But Tom could have cared less about that now. Now, Tom was worrying about getting his first Pokemon.

Tom continued over the flat terrain, over route 46. So far, he had seen a Rattata, Pidgey, and an Oddish; but they were all too strong to capture without a fight. Tom was looking depressed. "How can I possibly get a new Pokemon without weakening it?" he asked himself. "I can't fight it myself, otherwise it would never trust me. How can I possibly-"

His thoughts were cut short as the ground came up and met his face. "Ow," he groaned, climbing to his knee and rubbing his face. "What was that?"

Just then, he noticed a grayish-blue rock on the edge of the foliage on the trail that he had tripped on, except it was too sharp-edged to be a rock. In fact, it was almost like a box. Tom went over to look at it more closely, and it was suddenly pulled away into the shrub. "I wonder what that could've been?" he asked himself, pulling out his Pokedex, pointing it into to the shrub.

"No Pokemon detected," the Pokedex said blankly.

"Well, it's gotta' be some Pokemon," he muttered as he climbed into the bushes.

The foliage was even denser here. Twigs snapped beneath Tom's feet as he made his way through the shrub. Just then, he heard a sharp wail. He looked down and he saw a Weedle, his tail lodged underneath the sole of his boot.

"Weedle, the Hairy Bug Pokemon," Tom's Pokedex said. "It uses its sharp, venomous stinger on its head as a weapon against aggressors. It will also spit out a sticky substance on opponents when threatened."

Tom moved his foot off the Weedle and crouched down to it. "Hey, I'm sorry little guy," Tom said soothingly, slowly stepping off of the Weedle's tail, moving to stroke the injured Pokemon. Suddenly, the Weedle faced him and spat out a thick, sticky liquid between Tom's eyes, driving a yelp of surprise from Tom. The Weedle then scurried away into the bushes as quickly as he could. "Wait! Don't go!" Tom called as he went after the Weedle, wiping the String Shot off his face.

After about a minute, he saw the Weedle again, standing in plain sight back on the trail. Tom moved toward it slowly. "Hey, about your tail," Tom said softly in a reassuring voice. Tom went to touch the bug Pokemon when a large, bee-like Pokemon suddenly landed forcefully between them. Startled, Tom backed away and aimed his Pokedex at the creature.

"Beedrill, the Poison Bee Pokemon. The Evolved form of Weedle, following its Kakuna stage. It will attack anyone entering its territory, or anyone it thinks that is threatening it's young, with it's venomous stinger and sharp appendages on it's forelegs. It can also be very aggressive. Approach with caution."

A cold sweat ran down Tom's face. Tom had heard stories about Beedrill swarms attacking towns, due to their rapidly expanding numbers, in need for new territory. The Beedrill hovered in his face, ready to strike any moment. "N- n-ice Beedrill. Good B-Beedrill..." Tom weakly stammered, backing away slowly. "I really didn't mean to step on the Weedle's tail," Tom murmured in futility, knowing that the Beedrill was not listening. Tom's brain was too fozen in terror to think of running. The Beedrill pulled back her harm, ready to jab Tom with her razor sharp needle arm. Tom squeezed his eyes shut and braced, expecting to be skewered by the needle at any moment.

A second went by. Then two seconds. Three. No sting.

Tom opened his eyes, and found that another Pokemon had stopped the Beedrill's Fury Attack. It was a light-red Pokemon, almost a shade of pink, with flat surfaces for its body, as if it were a machine. Then Tom looked down at its feet, and gasped. It was the same grayish-blue rock he tripped over. Then, the mystery Pokemon lunged at the Beedrill, knocking her down with a Tackle attack. The defeated and disgraced Beedrill scooped up her young Weedle in her needles and flew off.

Tom, controlling his paniced breathing, wearily got to his knee and looked at the Pokemon, It turned around to Tom and said, "Pory-gon" in a blank synthesized voice. Tom aimed his Pokedex at the creature.

"Porygon, the Virtual Pokemon," Tom's Pokedex said. "Its body is made up entirely of super computer code. It is free to download or upload itself into almost any machine or electronic device. Its voice processor program can speak any language."

"Porygon?" Tom asked the Pokemon, "You're a Porygon?"

"Pory-gon num-ber 0-2-7-2-1 ver-sio-n 7 poi-nt 4. In oth-er wor-ds, I was the two thous-and-th, se-ven hun-dre-th, twe-nty fir-st Pory-gon pro-duce-d."

Tom walked over to the Porygon. "Thanks for helping me, Porygon," Tom said, thankful for Porygon's thouhgtful intervention.

"Than-k you. I was cre-ated to as-sist my cre-at-ors, you hu-man-s." The Porygon blankly spat out.

Tom looked down on Porygon's forehead. There was still dents from the Beedrill's needles embedded on it, and of course there was his scuffed foot which Tom tripped over. "You look pretty damaged, Porygon. Let me take you to the Pokemon center in Halla town, just up ahead? It's the least I can do for you."

The Porygon nodded. "Than-k you."

The Asylum's note:

It starts.....

-The Asylum(Mewfour)

The Asylum of the Damned


Pokemon, Asylum of the Damned Style!

Darkbadge Saga

Chapter 2: Porygon, Stray or stay?


Tom and the Porygon were in the midst of Halla town, searching for the Pokemon Center. Search as they might, however, neither one of them spotted one. "Funny, I could've sworn there was one around here somewhere," Tom muttered to himself, rubbing the back of his head as he and the Porygon wandered the empty streets. "Porygon, do you have any idea where one is?" Tom asked. The Porygon mechanically shook its head.

"A Pokemon Center?" a voice behind them said. Tom and the Porygon turned around too see a late-teeneaged girl standing behind them. Although a little shorter than Tom, she was about a year older. Her dark sunglasses matched her short brown hair perfectly, wearing the hair long in the back. "Tell me your joking," she said sarcastically.

"I'm not," Tom said flatly, "Isn't there one around here?"

"Oh yes, there's one here. Right over there," She said, pointing to a worn-out building across the street.

"That? That's a Pokecenter?"

"Mmm-hmm," she nodded.

The building had looked like a miniature atom bomb had hit it. Broken windows, holes in it's walls, and whatever remained of the paint was slowly peeling off.

"What happened to it?" Tom asked the girl.

"Didn't you know?" She asked, "there hasn't been a trainer here for years."

"Then I suppose your not one then, are you?"

"You kidding?" The girl snorted a laugh, "I love Pokemon!"

"Then what are you doing here?"

She swept her ponytailed hair to the side. "I heard that there was some rare Pokemon hanging around down here. Speaking of hanging around, I havn't seen you anywhere around here. Who are you?"

"Tom. And you?"

"I'm Jennifer, but people call me Jen."

Tom extended his hand to her in a gesture of freindship. Jen just stood there, paying it no mind. As Tom retracted his hand, Jen looked down at the Porygon. "Nice porygon. Where'd you get it?" she asked, taking off her sunglasses, revealing her crystal blue eyes.

Tom and the Porygon looked at each other. "Well, he's really not mine," said Tom.

"Oh?" Jen asked, "Who's is he then?"

Tom looked at the Porygon again. "Say Porygon, you never did tell me who owns you-"

Just then, Jen gasped. "You *******, you stole it, didn't you?"

"Stole it?" Tom gasped, surprised. "I did not steal it!"

"Oh, then where'd you get it?"

"I found it on the way here."

"Really. You think I believe that?"

"Yes. Because I did find him."

"You can only buy these things."

"Look, I didn't steal him-!"

"Then he's yours?"

"No, I-"

"-Lemme guess, 'You found him.'"


"What kind of ****ing stupid idiot do you think I am?"

"I dunno. How many kinds are there?"

Jen slapped Tom hard across the face. The Porygon bumped into Jen's leg angrily as Tom groaned, rubbing his welted cheek. "Whe-re do you get off st-ri-kin-g the hu-man?" Porygon demanded.

"He called me an idiot!" Jen snapped.

"Not necc-e-sar-il-ly," the Porygon output. "He as-ke-d ho-w man-y ki-nd-s of id-i-ots th-ere ar-e-"

"-Hey, what are you doing sticking up for someone who stole you?" Jen flared.

Tom looked angrily at Jen. "The hu-man did not st-ea-l me," the Porygon replied blankly.

Jen looked up at Tom, realizing Tom had been telling the truth. "Um, sorry," Jen apologized, her face flushing a blush red.

"Serves you right, *****," Tom muttered under his breath.

"What did you say?" Jen asked angrily, her anger flaring once again.

Tom looked down. "Nothing"

"You said something about me!"

"I said nothing," Tom said again, looking up into Jen's face.

If Jen had any less self-control, she would have ripped off Tom's head and tore out his liver from his neck. Crossing her arms, Jen turned away. "Some trainer you are," she taunted, "your only Pokemon isn't even yours!"

Tom looked at the Porygon, then looked back at Jen. "Yeah, well if he was mine, I'd beat you in a match any day!" Tom retorted.

Jen smirked. "Then why don't you?" She reached around her waist, brushed aside her jacket, and plucked one of the three minimized pokeballs from her belt. "C'mon, Tom, I'll take you on!"

"I don't have a Pokemon yet-"

"Then why don't you use that Porygon over there? It seems to like you enough."

Tom and the Porygon looked at eachother. The Porygon strode up to Tom. "Su- re," the Porygon said.

Tom looked up at Jen. "Okay, Jen, send out your best!" Tom challenged.

Jen could not contain a plotting grin. "Okay," she said, dropping her Pokeball to the ground, "Go, Clefairy!"

A red beam of energy shot out of Jen's Pokeball, which materialized into some shape, then into a Pokemon. "Clefairy!" the Pokemon cried. Tom pulled out his Pokedex.

"Clefairy, the Fairy Pokemon," Tom's Pokedex said. "Clefairy is one of the rarest pokemon in the world. It uses its bulk to use attacks like Pound and Body Slam. It's signature move is the Metronome. However, like it's relative, Igglybuff, Jigglypuff and Wigglytuff, it can use the Sing technique; singing a mysteriously relaxing melody which may cause any Pokemon or humans around it to fall asleep."

"Clefairy, huh?" Tom mused, "Well, it's nothing this Porygon can't handle! Porygon, Tackle attack!" Tom commanded.

The Porygon drove towards the Clefairy at full speed. Just before the Porygon could ram into Clefairy, the Pokemon managed to catch Porygon by its beak and swing herfelf onto the Porygon's back. clubbing her hands into tiny fists, the Clefairy began to Pound away on the back of the Porygon's skull. "That's it, Clefairy! Pound that Porygon senseless!" Jen cheered.

"Porygon! Buck it off!" Tom commanded. The Porygon reared up and thrust itself in a controlled nosedive, throwing the Clefairy off a good three meters in front of him. The Clefairy slowly got up, only to have the Porygon tackle her in the mouth. Clefairy wiped the trickiling blood coming from her broken gums off her chin. "Clefairy!" she snarled angrily. Almost as suddenly as the fight began, the Porygon was now rushing towards the Clefairy again, nailing her in the gut. The Clefairy coughed up a little phlegm before collapsing to her knee.

Jen could see that her Clefairy was getting outclassed. "Clefairy! Sing it to sleep!" she ordered.

The Clefairy took in a deep breath, and started to hum a sweet melody. Tom could see the Porygon starting to go off-line, as its eyes were starting to dim. "Porygon, don't listen to it!" Tom urged. The Porygon shook it's head violently, trying to resist the Clefairy's Sing tactic. And then, the Clefairy began to sing. Tom yawned, feeling the effects from the Clefairy's song. "Don't, give up, Porygon" Tom said as he struggled to stay awake, shaking on the spot.

But it was of no use. The Porygon had gone completley off-line. The Clefairy stopped singing, and walked over to the Porygon. "Okay, Clefairy! Finish him off!" Jen called, "Doubleslap!"

The Clefairy raised her hand, about to administer the final blow. Just before the Clefairy could strike, the Porygon came back on-line, and rammed her with its beak, right into the Clefairy's midsection. The Clefairy staggered back, fell to one knee, and coughed up some blood. The Clefairy fell flat on her back, winded and defeated. "Oh no," Jen gasped, "Clefairy!"

Jen rushed to her Clefairy's side, couched down, and zapped the Clefairy back into his Pokeball. Jen stood up and looked at Tom. "Look what you did to my Clefairy!" she snarled.

"You're the one who started the match. It's not my fault this Porygon's better than that weak Clefairy." Tom smirked.

"Weak?" Jen roared. Jen's face turned red, boiling with anger, and then almost immediatley she cooled down. "This isn't over, *******!" She growled at Tom as she stormed by them and into the down the street.

Tom kneeled down at the Porygon. "I'm sorry I had to use you in that fight, Porygon. Now you're even more damaged than before."

"That-'s ok-ay," the Porygon replied.

"Well, there's definitly a Pokemon center at St. Baers," siad Tom, changing the subject, "I said I'd fix you at one, and I will. Okay?" Tom proposed.




The Asylum's note:

oh ho! looks like somebody's got a rival! If you still can't imagine what Jennifer looks like, just imagine loreli, with black hair, shorter, without those little hair "poofs", without those weird glasses, and without jugs the size of basketballs o_^_^

-The Asylum(Mewfour)


poketrainer terra

wow............another nice fic you have there........ *snaps back to herself* i saw only one mistake, when i find it i'll show it to ya. anyways, you don't need to use * instead of the curse words. just write,---- has some bad language----or ----rated R--
i'm very sure that its not against the rules, to curse. ~.- good luck with the next chapter.

do you remember me?


The Dainty Delcatty
Actually, poketrainer terra, it's quite possible that it was the board that converted the word in question into asterisks. A lot of message boards have these swear filters and there's nothing we mere members can do about them

As for this fic, it's pretty well written and the Porygon seems like a cool character - I especially like the way you tried to convey its robotic voice.

The Asylum of the Damned

Eh, I guess that's just the kind of guy I am. Let slide what may. Just ask Damian Silverblade. He'll be suuuuuure to tell you about all the "fun" we had together way back when.... :)


Pokemon, Asylum of the Damned Style!

Darkbadge Saga

Chapter III: A real 'Chop-up


"Sys-tem dia-g-nos-ti-c... sys-tem at forty t-wo per-cen-t po-we-r," the Porygon said blankly while running a system check.

"That Clefairy must've really roughed you up some," Tom said as they continued up Route 43.

Tom opened up his Pokedex and pressed a yellow button in the center. "Pokemon seen: seven. Pokemon owned: zero. Percent of full Pokedex-Trainer experience: 1.4 percent."

Tom groaned. It had already been five days since he left Yorin town. At this rate, he would never get any badges, or his shot at Pokemon Leauge. Quickly shifting his eyes on the Porygon travelling by his feet, Tom wondered how having this Porygon as one of his own Pokemon would help him. Suddenly dismissing the thought as soon as it had happened upon him, Tom knew that it was not in him to thieve off of someone else. Deciding to keep optimistic nevertheless, Tom and Porygon continued forth down the forest trail.

Just then, the Porygon came to a stop, making Tom halt too. There was a grayish-blue Pokemon lying belly-up in the middle of the trail. Tom pulled out his Pokedex.

"Machop, the Superpower Pokemon," Tom's Pokedex said, "Machops are usually solitary Pokemon. While awake in daylight hours, the Machop usually spends its time exercising its mucsles, while at night they are almost always found sleeping. Machops are also known to take naps almost anywhere, similar to the rare Pokemon Snorlax. When on the attack, the Machop likes to use it's hands for fighting, and occasionally uses it's feet."

Tom put his Pokedex back in his jacket pocket. "Too bad I can't catch it, it'd make a really good team player," Tom groaned.

"Wh-y ar-e y-ou un-ab-le to ca-t-ch th-is Po-ke-mo-n?" the Porygon asked.


Tom started to explain to Porygon about his predicament. When Tom finished, the Porygon nodded. "A-ff-ir-m-a-ti-ve," the Porygon said, "Bu-t I w-ou-ld be gl-ad to he-l-p y-ou-"

"Oh, no Porygon," Tom cut in, "you're already damaged as it is. And I promised I'd fix you. I can't." The Porygon blinked once. "We'd be better off leaving him alone."

Slowly yet quietly, Tom raised his leg over the Machop, as not to disturb it. Just as he planted his foot on the other side of the Machop, a dry twig snapped suddenly, making a loud, dry cracking sound. The Machop shook awake and fixed a glare upon him immediately. Tom could tell that the Machop was not happy at all from being awoken, and before Tom could move a muscle, the Machop struck with a swift Karate Chop between Tom's legs.

Tom yelped in pain and fell over, holding between his legs and groaning. The Machop rolled over backwards and sommersaulted to his feet, just seconds after being awoken. Still in pain, Tom looked up only to have the Machop slap him in the face with another quick strike. Tom collapsed on one knee, rubbing his tenderized cheek. The Porygon sped towards the two at ramming speed, only to have the Machop swat the Porygon in the face, toppling the Porygon to its side. The Machop then grabbed the Porygon's tail, and began to swing it around like a centerfuge motion, and threw it into the bushes with a Seismic Toss.

By this time, Tom had gotten back up to his feet, wiping a cut on his cheek. The Machop suddenly switched his attention back to Tom, boundign up into the air with his hand wound across his chest, ready to land another Karate Chop. Without hardly a second to think, Tom sidestepped out of the way in the nick of time, quick enough to let the Machop sail through the air and hit a low branch on a tree around it's mid-section. The branch flexed backwards with the Machop, and then springboarded the Pokemon into the air. The Machop landed on his back and tumbled onto his belly, thoroughly stunned. As Tom looked at the Machop, his brain immediately switched gears.

Pokeball time.

Tom dug into his trench coat's pocket and fished out a Pokeball. "Pokeball, go!" Tom called and the hurled the red-white ball at the Machop. The ball struck the Machop, zapping him inside, and falling to the ground. The ball rocked back and forth along the ground violently, pitching with no end in sight. And after about eleven seconds, the ball fell still. Machop had been caught.

Tom could have screamed with joy. Just as he scooped up the Pokeball, Tom suddenly remembered something. "Porygon!"

Tom ran over to the bushes where Machop threw the Porygon. Tom searched the shrub, and pulled out the badly damaged Porygon soon after. "Sys-tem at tw-o per-cen-t po-w-errrrrrr...." The Porygon groaned as its voice and eye-lights began to fade. "C'mon, Porygon, I'll fix you for sure this time."



The Asylum's note:

Well, a new pokemon! looks like we won't be seeing much of this Porygon anytime soon.....or will we? o_^_^

This is one of my "cleaner" fics. and for once, the HUMAN bleeds! but it's still just a little blood, and sum trash-can humor,( ) but i still think it's good enough to be called a true "Asylum" style fanfic.

-The Asylum(Mewfour)

poketrainer terra

nice chapter.........you said you knew Damian Silverblade right? well, can you please ask him why he quited. i'm his bigest fan. even though i didn't post, he was the reason i joined. anyways, i really like this fic, but if the guys i knew got hit like Tom did, they would be cursing and crying...... but you still have a short chap. it doesn't take a long time to read it(i'm normally hard on good writers). but other than that this is a very good/nice fic.

The Asylum of the Damned

Yeah, I knew Damian. We had lots of fights at TPM.


Darkbadge Saga

Chapter IV- Porygon, who are you?


Tom sat in the lounge chair in the Pokemon Center in St. Baers, waiting for the Porygon to be fixed and Machop to be healed. They arrived about forty-five minuites after Tom caught Machop, and for Tom, it was not a moment too soon. Now that he had a Pokemon of his own, he could catch other Pokemon as well. Tom brightened at the thought of finally having a chance at Pokemon League.

Switching his thoughts to his current situation, Tom began to plan out the rest of the week. First, he thouhgt, he would look around St. Baers and see if the Porygon's trainer was around. If not, Tom thought he would then challenge the local gym leader.

"Tom, is Tom here?" Nurse Joy called out.

Rustled out of his daydreaming, Tom got up and walked over to the reception counter. "Are they ready?" Tom asked.

Without so much as a word, Joy handed Tom his Pokeball containing Machop, and the Porygon drove out from behind the desk. Tom thanked Joy as he walked out with the Porygon.


"Well, now that I've finally fixed you, Porygon," Tom said to the Porygon as they travelled an empty street, "I guess it's time to find your trainer."

Tom continued walking along and looked down by his feet a few seconds later, only to find that the Porygon was not there. Tom stopped and looked around. "Porygon?" he called. Tom looked behid him, and saw the Porygon in the distance, not moving at all. "Come on, Porygon."

The Porygon moved further backwards. Tom walked up to the Porygon, and crouched down to it. "What's up, Porygon?"

"No-th-in-g," Porygon responded.

"Well," Tom stood up, "let's find your trainer." Tom walked on, but the Porygon didn't budge. "Oh, come on," Tom said, coming back and crouching by him again. "I can't keep you with me forever."

"ca-n y-ou tr-y?" The Porygon asked.

"What is it?" Tom asked the motionless Porygon. "Don't you want to find your trainer?"

"No need to, mate, you already have," a voice behind Tom said.

Tom looked behind him, and saw a man in his early-twenties looking at the Porygon. He had long, black hair, wide face, and a fair-built body. "You mean this is your Porygon?" Tom asked, standing up and looking at the Porygon.

"Yessir, this is mah litt'l Porygon 'ee is," the man said, looking down at Porygon. "My name's Alex. I lost this little rascal about a year ago down at Yorin Town. Nice little place, really..."

Tom smiled. He felt it nice to know that other people from different places had heard about his sleepy town. "We were walking down route fourty-something, I looked down, and noticed one of me pokeballs was missing," said Alex.

"Porygon's?" Tom guessed.

"Your smarter than ye look, mate. How nice of you to find it for me." Alex looked down at the Porygon. "Well, c'mon, mate. Let's go."

The Porygon didn't budge an inch.

"Why won't he move?" To wondered.

"Search me, mate."

Tom crouched down to the Porygon again and whispered, "What's wrong, Porygon?"

The Porygon raised its head to Tom's ear and quietly whispered back, "D-id y-ou no-ti-ce a t-ea-r i-n my st-ru-ct-u-re wh-en y-ou c-a-rr-ie-d me?"

Tom glanced sideways at Alex. "Come to think of it, yes. Why?"

The Porygon looked straight at Alex, it's trainer. Tom looked confused awhile, but then the concept hit him. Tom stood up, an looked Alex in the eye. "You sick ****." Tom breathed.

Alex smiled. "Yep."

"No wonder Porygon wouldn't come. You hurt him, didn't you?"

"Th' 'ittle bugger couldn't beat th' simplest opponent. I got 'im a few times to toughen 'im up," Alex said smoothly. "B'sides, y' cant hurt a computer program."

"I take it back. You're not a sick ****. You're a ****ing *******."

"Alright, mate, you've crossed the line," Alex growled, clenching his fists, "You're concerned over m' Porygon so badly, eh? C'mon, I'll take you on!"

"Sure," Tom replied, reaching for Machop's Pokeball on his belt, "Who're you sendin' out?"

"Why, Mr. Fist!"

Before Tom could even blink, Alex charged Tom and punched him in the nose. Tom reeled back, wiping away the blood oozing from his now broken nose and his re-opened cut on his cheek. As Alex charged again, Tom quickly crouched down and took out Alex's leg with a sweep along the ground of his own. Alex stumbled, struggling to maintain balance, then rightened himself. "You can't take that Porygon away, anyway! He's mine and he belongs to me!" Alex said defiantly.

"Re-a-ll-y?" The Porygon asked. "J- us-t wa-t-ch hi-m."

With that, Porygon rushed his master, ramming his beak into Alex's left knee. With a yelp of dismay, Alex fell to the ground with a crash. Porygon drove back towards Tom, then looked back at his former master. "By-e," the Porygon said.

Tom and the Porygon looked at each other. Tom then glanced back at Alex and sneered. "C'mon, Porygon, let's get that Darkbadge."

As Tom and Porygon went off, Alex called, "You ungrateful 'ittle sod! After all I've done fer you! You owe me something!"

Tom and Porygon stoppped. "Want to give him something?" Tom asked Porygon knowingly.

"Y-es," Porygon said. Turning around to the downed Alex, Porygon said as clear as day, "Fu-ck y-ou."

And they turned around once more and left.

-The End(For now...Mwaahahahahaaa!!!)


The Asylum's note:

Seems as though Tom has a new Pokemon, Porygon! But you ask.....what about Jen? I said i'd bring her back.....but I'm not telling when!!!! Ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!



Whoa! I like that Porygon! I always wanted to see a good fanfic with one in it, and yours seems really good. Nice way to start the adventure (collectively). You make me want to read more!

The Asylum of the Damned


Pokemon: (-AD-) Style!

Darkbadge Saga:

Chapter V: Dark Battle


Tom and Porygon stood outside the Gym. Although Tom had never been so confident before in his life, he had also never been so scared. When Tom started Pokemon training, he had no idea how hard it could be, even for the trainers. Tom reached up and rubbed the bandage on his cheek. "Well Porygon? Are you ready?" Tom asked.

"Y-es," Porygon blankly replied.

"You can't be serious."

The familiar voice behind him made Tom turn around. Jen was stnding behind him, wearing a silly grin. "You think you can beat Rashina?"

"Rashina," Tom said, "That's the gym leader here, isn't it?"

"No ****," Jen sneered. "You're thinking that you, a rookie, can beat her? Don't make me laugh."

"Really? People have told me I'm funny." Tom said, trying to smile.

"Crazy more like it," Jen smirked. "Just so you know, Rashina uses all Dark type Pokemon."

"The Dark type," Tom muttered to himself, trying to remeber what he read about them before picking up his journey. Rack his brain as he might, Tom could not remember anything. "And I suppose you're not going to give me advice on how to beat her, are you?"

"I don't associate with pricks," Jen said calmly. "But I will challenge you again."

"Tom grinned immediately. "You want to be humilated again?"

Jen's lower jaw sharply grinded against her upper jaw. "I'll pretend I didn't hear that," she growled, "That 'victory' was just a fluke."

"Well then, I suppose everything else with you is a fluke as well," Tom retorted quickly. "Come on, Porygon, We've got a badge to win."

Just as Tom reached for the handle to the gym doors, Jen said, "I'll be waiting right here, Tom," she said, pointing to a park bench in the park beside the gym, "When Rashina's through with you," Jen said as Tom ignored her and went into the gym, "I'll pick off what's left."


The gym was dark, lit only by a few candles. Tom and Porygon walked down the long hallway. It was a sight that chilled Tom to the bone. As Tom and Porygon reached the center of the gym with the battle field, they saw a tall, slender figure within the shadows of the gym. For lack of anything else to say, Tom called out, "Hey, Rashina!"

The figure lifted her head and stood up. Her tanned skin accented the numerous gothic marks that laced her face, her blazing red hair, and highlighting her strange clothing. "Another cahllenger?" She replied in a soft, yet harsh voice.

"Yeah," Tom replied.

"Sure. But don't expect me to go easy on you," Rashina said with a tone of total impassiveness in her voice.

Rashina took off her short jacket and pulled a tiny, minimized Pokeball from her pocket. Dropping her jacket along with the Pokeball on the floor, the Pokeball sprung open in a brilliant flash as Rashian acommanded, "Go, Umbreon!". Immediately, a small, black Pokemon stood in the middle of the battle field. Tom opened up his Pokedex.

"Umbreon, the Dark Pokemon. Another Evolution of Eevee. Not much is known about Umbreon. It evolves from Eevee when it is trained at night."

"That's it?" Tom muttered, disappointed in the Pokedex's lack of information as he stuffed it back into his trench coat pocket.

"This is my gym," she said, "so we play by my rules. The first Pokemon to lose loses the whole battle."

"Sure," Tom agreed. "Why not?"

Porygon drove forward to Umbreon, and the two immediately locked themselves into a mutual stare. "Porygon, Take down!" Tom commanded.

"Umbreon, Tackle attack!" Rashina ordered.

Just as Porygon sped towards Umbreon, the Umbreon quickly sidestepped out of the way, leaving Porygon skidding past him. As soon as Porygon managed to stop, the Umbreon rammed Porygon in its side, toppling Porygon. When Porygon began to try and bauck itself upright again, the Umbreon smashed into Porygon again, sending Porygon tumbling over to the side of the field.

Tom could tell Porygon was beaten already. Tom dashed to the middle of the field and scooped Porygon up into his arms. "Looks like I win," Rashina said, smirking.

Tom smirked back. "Look again," he said. Tell her, Porygon."

"Sys-tem di-ag-no-st-ic," Porygon muttered, "th-ir-ty o-ne per-ce-nt pow-er."

"Damn," Rashina muttered to herself, regaining her composure shortly afterwards. "So it is. But that doesn't mean you've won, either. Send out another, if you have one."

When he got ot his end of the field, Tom set down Porygon and picked Machop's Pokeball off of his belt and let his Pokemon free. Although he did not know why, Tom thought he saw Rashina suddenly shiver.

"Umbreon, Sand Attack!" Rashina commanded.

"Machop, Submission!" Tom ordered.

The Umbreon reared up, and was about to scratch up and kick debris from the floor into Machop, when Machop dashed towards the Umbreon and grabbed him by his ears. With a short snarl, Machop placed his foot on Umbreon's forehead and yanked on Umbreon's ears. Umbreon screeched horrendously, trying in vain to struggle free from Machop's tight grip. As soon as the Umbreon was brought to his knees, Tom ordered, "Machop, Karate Chop!" Tom ordered. Machop flattened one hand like a knife and whacked Umbreon on the back with the edge of his hand. With the wind suddenly knocked from him, the Umbreon collapsed and moaned in defeat.

"Well, you've won," Rashina said grudgingly as she zapped Umbreon back inside her pokeball and walked towards Tom. "You've earned this," she said as she placed a small, black police-badge like item in his hand. The Darkbadge.

Tom took the bagde and stuffed it into his trech coat pocket. Looking down at Porygon, Tom asked, "You okay to move by yourself?"

"Y-es," came Porygon's bland reply.

"You know," Rashina said as Tom and Porygon turned towards the doors, she said "you're kinda' cute."

Tom blinked, and glaced quickly around the dark, gothic room. "Thanks. You know, you're kinda' cute too," he said uneasily, slowly backing away to the door, "...Except for... your goth look, Satan praisal, dark... gloomy..."


Jen was sitting on the park bench reading a book when Tom and Porygon came up to her, holding the Darkbadge. "You beat her?" She gasped.

Tom looked at his newly-won badge and smirked. "Yep."

"A loser like you? No way!"

"Heh, pretty damn good for a loser to beat the unbeatable. Why? You tried to take her on?" Tom guessed.

"Well yea- wait! A loser like you! Beating Rashina!"

Tom and Porygon looked at each other, grinning. They then turned around and walked away, ignoring Jen. "Hey! Don't walk away! I'm still talking to you!" Jen screeched, "You still owe me a rematch!" Tom paid her no mind as he and Porygon vanished into the city. Jen packed up her book in her backpack and followed Tom. "Run all you want, *******, I'll catch up to you and beat you next time!"



The Asylum's Note:

HA! Looks like we'll be seeing alot of Jen for awhile!

Yes, that's it. not much of a paragraph my ending note this time like previous, because nothing happened.(aw, yes.... Tom getting Darkbadge and blah blah blah like that...:p )


The Asylum of the Damned


Pokemon: (-AD-) style!

Chapter VI

Saga II-CrestBadge Saga

Chapter I- Big Bug on the loose!


A completely urooted tree lay beside their path in the forest trail. "What could've done that?" Tom asked, stopping with Porygon to look at the fallen tree.

"Lo-ok," said Porygon, "I-t's ro-o-ts a-re st-i-ll gr-ee-n in-si-de. Th-is tr-ee w-as up-r-oo-t-ed re-cen-t-ly," Porygon said, pointing its nose to the two large indentations on the side of the tree.

"Whatever did this must've been pretty powerful," Tom muttered aloud.

Just then, Tom heard running footsteps coming towards him from behind. When Tom turned around, he saw that it was Jen who was quickly running up to him. Finally catching up to him, Jen bent down and rested on her knees, breathing heavily. "What do you want?" Tom asked.

"A rematch!" Jen snapped quickly. "Now!"

Tom and Porygon looked at each other. They knew there was no way out of it. Within moments, both Tom and Jen had opened up a Pokeball each, with Tom releasing Machop and Jen summoning a Totodile. The two Pokemon growled at each other, exchanging threats.

"Totodile! Water gun now!" Jen commanded.

"Machop! Seismic Toss!" Tom ordered his Pokemon.

Just as Totodile was about to blast Machop with his attack, a large blurry shadow shot out from the forest foliage, flattening Totodile in its path and back into the shadows. "Oh my God! Totodile!" Jen gasped as she ran to Totodile's side. "Totodile, are you alright?" Jen worriedly asked.

"To, dile," Totodile weakly groaned as Jen held him in her arms and dabbed at the cut on his cheek with the back of her hand.

"Machop?" Tom's Machop asked Porygon, confused.

"Me ne-i-th-er," replied Porygon.

"Quick Tom!" Jen shouted at her rival, "Pull out your Pokedex and see what the hell that was!"

Tom quickly grabbed his Pokedex and flashed it into the shrub.

"No Pokemon Located," the Pokedex spat out.

"Damn," Tom muttered as he put the Pokedex back in his jacket pocket.

"I guess whatever that was," Jen said as she zapped Totodile back in his Pokeball "it did that," Jen said pointing at the uprooted tree.

"Maybe so," Tom said under his breath, still pondering what that shadow was.

"Well, Totodile needs healing. Tom, do you have any super potions with you?" Jen asked. Tom shook his head. "Well, do you know where the next Pokemon center is?" She asked, sighing.

"Yeah, there should be one up at Plaiton." Tom said, racking his brain.

"Well let's go then, you're heading there too, huh?"

"How'd you guess?"

"Nevermind. Let's get going."


As they walked, the three of four of them kept spotting numerous remains of twisted and fallen trees. "What keeps doing this?" Jen wondered.

Porygon took a long glance at one downed tree as they passed. "T-om," said Porygon, "Th-e da-ma-ge mar-ks a-re fo-ur an-d a ha-lf fee-t fr-om th-e ba-se. Wha-t Po-ke-mon is fo-ur-foo-t-s-ix?"

Tom pulled out his Pokedex again and scanned the library. "A few of them," he said, "But I think this one looks like it may have done this to the trees," he said, holdig his Pokedex outward so that Porygon, Jen, and Machop could see.

"Pinsir, the Stagbeetle Pokemon," said the Pokedex. "Using its gigantic claws on its head, it can lift almost any opponent up with ease, and crush the life out of them. If it cannot do so, it will swing it around, and throw it down hard, a Seismic Toss.

"But it usually doesn't have to grip the opponent to fight it. It will sometimes charge an opponent brutally, also known as a Take Down attack."

Almost as soon as the Pokedex finished, a rustling in the foilage stepped out onto the trail, As a large Pinsir trudged across their path, Jen released her Clefairy. Clefairy stood beside Machop, glaring at the Pinisr with him. "Machop, if she comes too close, attack it with a Karate Chop," Tom instructed. "Porygon, use a Thunderbolt,"

"You too, Clefairy, use a Pound attack," Jen added.



The Pokemon acknowledged their commands and nodded. The Pinsir trudged closer, Machop and Clefairy braced, ready to attack. The Pinsir never took notice of them as she trudged right by them.


"Fairy?" Machop and Clefairy asked, confused. The Pinsir walked up to a tree, faced backwards from the tree and started rubbing her back against the tree.

Tom, Jen, Porygon, Machop and Clefairy looked on, confused. "What the heck is she doing?" Jen asked.

When the Pinsir had finished rubbing her back, she stood up, letting her pinsers bump up against the tree and tangle in the branches, totally uprooting the tree without a thought. Soon, she went to another tree, rubbed her back, and again carelessly uprooted it. Tom suddenly got an idea. "Hey Tom, where are you going?" Jen asked as Tom walked toward the Pinsir. Tom only shrugged a reply, getting an irritated frown from Jen. As he approached, the Pinsir turned and glared at Tom, trying to stare him off. Tom simply ignored off the Pinsir's glare, hummed, and went to walk behind her, completely unminding to the potential danger he was in. "Tom!" Jen burst out, "What the **** do you think you're doing?"

"What else do you do with an itch?" Tom chuckled, a silly smile playing on his face.

"What the-?" Jen stammered, "You really are an idiot!" She yelled. Tom casually hummed an odd melody as he carelessly strolled up to the Pinsir.

Just as soon as Tom was right before the Pinsir, the Pinsir lowered her head, spread apart her massive horns and charged at Tom. "Oh God! Tom!" Jen cried. Before Tom could even blink, he found himself lifted into the air by Pinsir's massive claws. Tom tried to force the claws apart, but he was slowly losing, and losing quickly. With only seconds before he was crushed to death, slipped out of the Pinsir's grasp and rolled behind her. When Tom's jacket scraped on the Pinsir's back, the Pinsir froze and relaxed. "What?" Jen murmured in surprise.

"I thi-nk I kn-ow wha-t ha-pp-en-ed," said Porygon, "I thi-nk th-e Pin-si-r ha-d an it-ch."

Jen sighed and grinned slightly as Tom quickly caught on, rubbing the suddenly delighted Pinsir's back. "He's one brave *******, she sighed. "Crazy, but still brave," she said, breathing a sigh of relief and running over to Tom and Pinsir to help relieve the bug Pokemon of her bothersome itch.

When Tom and Jen finished massaging the Pinsir's back, the Pinsir then faced them and gave them both a hug with her long, spindly arms. To Tom, it felt like he was back inside the crushing grip of her claws. "Well, see ya', Tom!" Jen called, walking off down the trail by herself with all her Pokemon back inside their Pokeballs. "I'll be waiting for you in Plaiton!" she smirked giving Tom a knowing hint. Tom gave the Pinsir one last rub before he zapped Machop back into his Pokeball and left with Porygon towards Plaiton.

Only after a minute of ontinuing to Plaiton, Tom heard tranpling footsteps running towards him from behind. Tom looked over his shoulder to see the Pinsir trampling down the trail towards him, skidding to a halt in front of him. Tom smiled. "You want to come with us, huh?" Tom asked. Pinsir beamed, and nodded a yes. Tom plucked an empty Pokeball from his waist, enlarged it, and then opened it up. "Come on, Pinsir!"

Pinsir leapt into the red Pokeball beam and was zapped inside. Attaching Pinsir's Pokeball onto his belt, Tom continued onward to Plaiton once more.

-End (for now.......:p)


The Asylum's note:

Another new Pokemon! Tom's certainly on a streak..but for how long? and what awaits him in Plaiton? hopefully a new badge? a new Pokemon? which one? I ain't gonna tell! Ha ha!!

-The Asylum(Mewfour)



poketrainer terra

a very interesting chapter you have there. the pokes you have in your fics are kinda "forgotten" so i like your style. Anyways i found some mistakes so i just tought you would like know. heres one:When he got ot his end of the field,-- :) don't take it the wrong way. i'm just trying to help.

The Asylum of the Damned

Yeah, these early chappies (roughly 1-15) were written in 2000, where I was suffice to say a pretty crappy writer. I've of course "Asylumanted" ch.s 1-30, editing out, rewriting, and pretty much de-crapifying near everything in my library from 2000-2001.

But on with the show!


Pokemon: Asylum of the Damned Style!

Chapter VII

Saga II-Crestbadge Saga

Chapter II-The Chapter with no Name

Part I-Battle with Jennifer


Tom walked right by the Pokemon center. There was no need to heal his Pokemon since they were at full health since they left St. Baers. Tom stopped at a sign giving directions to the Plaiton Pokemon Gym and was just about to walk by it when he heard a familiar voice behind him say, "Hey there, Tom!" It belonged Jennifer. "You still owe me a rematch. You've been avoiding it long enough!"

Tom groaned and rolled his eyes. "Oh, fine," he moaned, taking out a Pokeball from his belt. Jen pulled a Pokeball from her leg band and let it open, sending a beam of light shooting fromt he Pokeball that materialized into Totodile.

"Totodile!" the Pokemon cried.

"Go, Machop," Tom groaned as he opened up his own Pokeball, irritated at Jen's persistence.

"Machop!" exclaimed the small gray Pokemon.

"If you wanna' get to the Gym leader here, Tom," Jen said, "You'll have to get through me one on one!"

"Fine with that," Tom replied.

"Alright, Totodile, Water Gun, now!" Jen commanded her Pokemon.

"Machop! Submission!" Tom ordered his Pokemon likewise.

Machop dove at Totodile, but Totodile manage to dodge out of Machop's way and shoot a blast of water at Machop, smacking him upside the chin. Machop staggered back a few feet as he nursed his jaw, then he charged at Totodile again. Before Totodile could counter attack, Machop grabbed Totodile by the jaws and forced them open. Totodile struggled to resist Machop's Submission attack, but it was of no use. Within seconds, Totodile was pleading for mercy.

"Let him go, Machop," Tom said. Machop obeyed, and let Totodile go.

Totodile whimpered back off to Jen, defeated and disgraced. Jen sighed. "Totodile return. You just got lucky, Tom," Jen grumbled.

"Now will you leave me alone?" Tom asked.

"No way!" said Jen. "I'm not gonna' rest until my Pokemon beat the crap outta' yours. See ya'," Jen said as she walked off in a huff again.

"Good work, Machop. How about you stay out for awhile?" Tom proposed.

"Machop!" Machop smiled.

Part II

Tom stood in front of the Gym. Porygon, Machop, and Pinsir were all eager to get a good fight, especially Machop who was jumping up and down on the spot. Tom spoke, "Okay, guys-" Suddenly, Pinsir clashed her claws angrily. "...and gals," Tom said, "let's kick some ***!"



Pinsir clashed her claws again. With his Pokemon all fired up, Tom and company entered the Plaiton Gym.

The Gym was much more lit and overall more cheerful than the St. Baer's Gym. In the middle of the room there was a short dark-skinned man in a robe was sitting on a futon, painting weird Japanese symbols on a scroll. Tom called out to him.

"Hey!" Tom called.

The man turned to him, put his hands together, and bowed. "Greetings, stranger," He said in a low, solemn voice. Tom, not wanting to be impolite against such a sweet old man, did the same.

"I'm Tom. And you?"

"My name is Hiro," The man said. "I am Gym leader here. I assume you wish to challenge my Crestbadge," Hiro guessed.

"Ummm, right," said Tom.

Hiro bowed again. "Well, good luck to you, my friend, for you shall be needing much of it." Hiro walked backwards five steps, behind his end of the battlefield border, and grasped a Pokeball from within his long robe sleeve. "I propose a Pokemon contest to you. Of three Pokemon, the first contender to defeat two of the other's three Pokemon shall be declared the winner. Do you accept?" Hiro challenged.

"Sure," Tom said. Under his breath he muttered, "Hell yeah."

"Then let the contest begin!" Hiro exclaimed, as he enlarged his Pokeball. "Prepare for battle, Tauros!" Hiro's pokeball shot out a beam of energy, which formed into a large, bull-like Pokemon. Tom pulled out his Pokedex.

"Tauros, the Wild Bull Pokemon," the Pokedex said. "Using it's three tails, Tauros will run at an opponent, and flail them with it's tails. When on the attack, Tauros will lower it's head, and charge opponents. This is called a Skull Bash attack, or a Take Down attack. Tauros are extremely high- tempered, especially when provoked. Tauros also travel together in herds. Approach with caution."

Tom put the Pokedex back in his jacket pocket, and looked at Pinsir. "Go on Pinsir. Show that Tauros who's boss." Tom said, smiling. Pinsir clashed her claws again, and trudged onto the battlefield.

"Tauros, Take Down!" Hiro commanded.

"Pinsir, Vicegrip!" Tom ordered.

Tauros charged at Pinsir, knocking her in the teeth. Pinsir got back up and spat out a knocked out tooth with blood trickiling from her broken gums. "I receive first blood victory. This is bad omen for you, Tom," Hiro smirked.

Tom grimaced. "Pinsir! Keep trying Vicegrip!" Pinsir tried to catch Tauros in her claws, but Tauros was too fast and nimble for her to grip.

"Tauros, Fire Blast!" Hiro commanded. Tauros reared up on his hind legs, took in a deep breath, and then shot out a large blast of fire, which looked like a little stick man.

"Pinsir! That's a fire attack! Dodge it!" Tom yelled. But before Pinsir could even move, the blast had hit her, knocking her senseless. "Pinsir!" Tom cried as he ran out to his fallen Pokemon's side. "Are you alright, Pinsir?" Tom asked his fallen Pokemon worriedly. Pinsir coughed weakly, her outer body shell charred and black.

"You better come back, Pinsir," Tom said as he zapped Pinsir back into her Pokeball. Tom went back to his end of the battlefield. "Alright, Machop, go!" Tom commanded, letting his Pokemon out of his Pokeball.

"Machop! Low kick!" Tom commanded.

"Tauros! Ice Beam!" Hiro ordered.

Tauros took in another deep breath, but just as he was about to fire the Ice Beam, Machop caught him with a Low Kick to the jaw. Tauros stumbled over, firing the Ice Beam onto Tom's jacket, tearing the bottom corner away. The Ice Beam hit the wall and froze on impact with the corner of Tom's jacket perfectly frozen to the wall. Tauros stood back up and spat out a tooth and a little blood.

"That's it, Machop!" Tom cheered, "Low Kick again!" Machop ran at Tauros at full speed and leapt high in the air.

"Tauros, Skull Bash!" Hiro commanded. Tauros braced, and leapt up in the air on a collision course with Machop. Machop proved victorious as he kicked Tauros dead between the eyes, drawing some more blood. Tauros fell to the floor unconscious as Machop landed skillfully on his feet soon after. "I concede, my Tauros has been defeated," Hiro said as he zapped Tauros back in his Pokeball. No sooner than a few seconds afterwards, he had another in his hand and released the Pokemon inside. "Stand tall, Miltank!"

Miltank mooed as soon as her feet touched the ground and charged Machop with a Tackle attack. Machop got the wind knocked out of him and coughed up a little blood as the Miltank battered her head into Machop's chest. Machop lay dazed on the floor, his senses knocked from him. "Machop, are you okay?" Tom called, worried.

"Chop," Machop groaned weakly. Tom zapped Machop back inside his Pokeball. Tom looked at Porygon. "You're our last chance. Get 'im!" Tom said to his Porygon. Porygon drove forward to Miltank.

"Miltank, Headbutt!" Hiro ordered.

"Porygon, Blizzard!" Tom commanded. As Miltank rushed straight towards Porygon, Porygon's beak began to glow and a powerful blast of ice shards blew towards Miltank from it. One shard hit Miltank's hip, immobilizing it in ice. Another hit her elbow, freezing her whole arm solid. Miltank tried to struggle free from her icy trap, but to no avail. Sensing Miltank's defeat, Hiro returned Miltank back to her Pokeball. "Commendable performance, Tom. But my last Pokemon shall not be defeated so easily. Go, Fearow!"

A Fearow appeared from a flashy red light, and screeched, "Frrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaarrrrrr!"

"Fearow, Fury Attack!" Hiro ordered. Fearow flew at Porygon at full speed and furiously pecked its forehead with his long beak.

"Porygon, try to hold it off with a Blizzard attack!" Tom commanded. Porygon let fly the ice shards again, sometimes hitting Fearow, sometimes missing. But through it all, Fearow still furiously pecked Porygon.

"Fearow, Keep attacking!" Hiro commanded.

"Don't give up either, Porygon!" Tom called. Then Fearow stopped, it's beak completely frozen, and fell to the floor. Porygon, completely covered in dents, fell over too. Both had fainted.

Tom came over to Porygon and scooped him up in his arms as Hiro walked over to him. "Tom, it is an unusual co-incidence that both of our Pokemon have fainted at once," said Hiro, zapping his fainted Fearow back inside his Pokeball, "Indeed, you have lost, but you have also won, in another dimension of truth." Hiro reached into his robe, and pulled out a small, rectangular crest. "Here, my freind. You have indeed earned my Crestbadge."


Tom was at the Pokemon Center, waiting for the Chansey nurses to heal Pinsir and Machop, while one of the super-smart Kadabra worked on Porygon's repairs. Soon after, Jen came in and gave her three Pokeballs to Nurse Joy, obviously for healing. Jen turned around and saw Tom. "Hey Tom! Imagine seeing you here," she said. Tom groaned.

"What do you want this time?" Tom muttered.

"Nothing. You beat Hiro?" Jen asked.

"Well, sort of," Tom muttered.

"Ha! That was one weak trainer!" Jen exclaimed.

Tom almost choked on his own surprise. "That's right," said Jen, sensing Tom's shock and smirking, "He creamed Clefairy and Totodile, but my third, my third cleaned house! You should've seen it!"

"What is your third Pokemon, anyway?"

"Puh-leez, like I'd tell you, loser."

"Tom, is Tom here?" Nurse Joy called from over the counter. Tom walked up to the counter, and Joy gave him the Pokeballs containing Machop and Pinsir. Porygon drove out from behind the desk.

Just before Tom left, Jen stopped him. "Oh, and Tom, I'm not gonna' rest until I finally beat you," She vowed.

"Sure. Just like last time, huh?" Tom said sarcastically, yet trying not to show his nervousness. Her last Pokemon sounded pretty powerful to Tom, but that was the least of Tom's worries...



The Asylum's note:

Well, that was a relatively short saga, only two chapters!!! What is Jen's third pokemon? the one which looks sooooooo powerful? Wanna know? Then set your eyes close to the screen... closer... closer.... you wanna know what the pokemon is?....


*gives props. to The Rock*

-The Asylum(Mewfour)


The Asylum of the Damned


Pokemon: (-AD-) Style!!!

Chapter VIII

Saga III-Infernobadge

Chapter I-This Pokemon's on Fire!!!!


"Say Porygon, how much do you know about Ketchum?" Tom asked Porygon after hours of silent travelling, "Rumor has it that the next city was named after him."

"I w-as n-ot pr-o-gr-a-mm-ed wi-th a Po-ke-m-on ma-st-er ref-er-en-ce," Porygon replied.

"In other words?"

"Do I l-oo-k li-ke a fu-ck-ing en-cy-cl-o-pe-d-ia to y-ou?"

Tom grunted and muttered under his breath at Porygon's response. The sudden sight of a small, mole-like Pokemon digging at the side of the road made Tom's mind switch tracks instantly. Tom pulled out his Pokedex.

"Cyndaquil, the Fire Mouse Pokemon. Not much is known about it. Using its burning tail, it can spin in circles, aiming red-hot Ember at an opponent," Tom's Pokedex said.

"I'll bet it's pretty strong," Tom plotted as he reached for a vacant Pokeball. "Hey, Cyndaquil!" Tom called put, catching the Pokemon's attention. The Cyndaquil turned around only to see the red and white sphere hurled at her, and within moments, she was zapped inside the Pokeball. The Pokeball rocked back and forth with Cyndaquil inside, trying her best to escape. The next few seconds seemed like minutes for Tom, who was hoping with bated breath that the Pokeball would hold together. Suddenly, after a few tossings, the capture indicator light clicked off. Tom grinned as he stooped down and quickly picked up Cyndaquil's Pokeball. "Welcome to the team, Cyndaquil."

Just then, a familiar voice called out, "Hey, Tom!" Tom shivered, and turned around.

"What do you want, Jen?" Tom asked, annoyed as Jennifer came running towards him from further down the path.

"You know what I want," said Jennifer, finally catching up to Tom, "a match!"

"Ready to be humiliated again?" Tom asked, rolling his eyes.

"See? That's why you're a loser. You're unfriendly."

"You want unfriendly? Look in the mirror."

Jen stammered briefly before snapping, "Nevermind! Send out your best, Tom!"

"You want the fight, you send yours out first," Tom challenged his rival. "How about that one of yours that seems so strong?" Tom suggested.

Porygon was surprised. "T-om, y-ou su-re th-a-t-'s a g-oo-d i-de-a?" Porygon asked, questioning Tom's actions.

"If it's as strong as she says it is, it'll be good for the experience factor," Tom reasoned quetly to Porygon.

"I st-i-ll d-on-'t li-ke it," muttered Porygon.

Jen cleared her throat. "Ahem, are you two done now, or can we start?" she asked impatiently.

"*****y pest," Tom muttered under his breath.

"Go, Exeggcute!" Jen called, as she opened up a Pokeball.

The Pokemon that came from the red beam was in the shape of six eggs with faces on them, all glaring blankly at Tom.

"Exeggcute," they all said in unison. Tom pulled out his Pokedex.

"Exeggcute, the Egg Pokemon," Pokedex said when Tom flashed it at the creature. "There are six eggs in an Exeggcute. Sometimes when attacking, they will swarm around an opponent and batter it with their egg bodies, their Barrage attack. Also, as well as a Grass Pokemon, Exeggcute is also a Psychic Pokemon. It can use Psychic attacks like Psywave, Psychic, and Hypnosis, as well as Grass moves, like Solar Beam, and Sleep Powder."

Tom looked at the tiny Pokemon. It didn't look very menacing to him. "You know what, Tom?" Jen grinned, "I'll let this be a two-on-one. My Exeggcute versus any two of yours. This one is my strongest, besides Clefairy."

"Sure. Whatever you want," said Tom, "Go, Machop!"

Tom let Machop out his Pokeball, and the grayish-blue Pokemon cried out, "Machop!"

"Machop, Karate Chop attack, now!" Tom commanded.

"Exeggcute, Hypnosis!" Jen commanded.

Machop dove at Exeggcute at full speed, readying his hand for a Karate Chop, when Exeggcute closed his eyes and softly chanted. Suddenly, Exeggcute let out a blast of psychic energy, rushing past Machop like a vicious gale. As soon as Machop managed to stopp reeling, he suddenly started losing consciousness. Soon, Machop was snoring away, lying flat on his back and fast asleep.

"Machop!" Tom yelped, urging Machop to wake up, but to no avail. Machop continued to doze listlessly.

"Exeggcute, Barrage attack!" Jen ordered. Exeggcute's eggs began to tumble over one another, eventualyl rolling beside Machop's head. With a quick spin, five of the Exeggcute heads spun around the sixth as an axis, whacking Machop's head in a flurry of strikes. Machop was battered awake by the sudden attack, and passed out again soon after. Tom zapped Machop back in his Pokeball and muttered bitterly.

"Only one Pokemon left, Tom! Who's it gonna' be?" Jen taunted.

"Dammit," Tom thought, "I can't send out Pinsir, I promised her I'd let her rest till we get to Ash." Tom glanced at Porygon quickly, and Porygon looked back at him, eyeing him questioningly as if expecting something from him. Suddenly, Tom caught an idea. Reaching to his waist, Tom grabbed his recently-filled Pokeball. "Come out, Cyndaquil!"

"Oh no," Jen gasped, knowing of her Exeggcute's weakness as Cyndaquil appeared in front of Tom. Out of pure desperation, Jen ordered, "Exeggcute, hypnosis!"

Exeggcute began to hum and beamed waves of psychic energy at Cyndaquil, but Cyndaquil nimbly avoided them as fast as they approached. Exeggcute was breaking a sweat on all of all six his eggs, shooting wave after wave of energy at Cybdaquil, with each time missing by a matter of meters. When he had waited long enough, Tom ordered, "Cyndaquil! Ember!"

Cyndaquil suddenly came to a skidding halt, spinning herself in a full circle, spraying a barrage of red-hot ash through the air. The embers flew into Exeggcute's faces, driving an agonized screech from the eggs. Seconds later, Exeggcute was brutally bashed sensless by Cyndaquil's Take Down attack. Exeggcute's eggs tumbled over one another and they all passed out in unison at Jen's feet.

"Exeggcute!" Jen gasped as she kneeled by her Pokemon's side. Jen zapped Exeggcute back in his Pokeball and glared at Tom angrily. "I'll beat you one of these days, Tom!" Jen snarled.

Tom shrugged. "Yeah, whatever," Tom mumbled, quietly breathing a sigh of relief under his breath, "Where have I heard that before?" The only reply that Jen gave Tom was her middle finger and a frustrated snarl before she stormed by them.

"Tha-t was-'nt ver-y ni-ce," Porygon muttered as it and Tom headed back on their way.



-The Asylum's note:

That's it? Exeggcute? Well, this was an Exeggcute on a high level. And Exeggcute is pretty tough. Once again, not my usual long boring speech-for- a-closing-note, so blah blah blah blah blah.......

-The Asylum(Mewfour)


The Asylum of the Damned


Pokemon: (-AD-) Style!

Chapter IX

Saga III-Infernobadge

Chapter II- Safari Zone Blues

Part I-Two Heads Equal One Head and an Artificial Head.


Tom was silently daydreaming to himself, and was quickly interrupted by Porygon. "T-om," Porygon said, "th-ere-'s a si-gn ju-st a f-ew me-t- er-s fr-om h-ere."

"Can you read what it says, Porygon?" Tom asked, snapping out of his thinking train.

"It sa-ys... Po-ke-mon Saf-ar-i Ch-all-en-ge. Ra-re, un-us-u-al, an-d har-d to ca-tch Po-ke-mon. Te-st y-our ca-p-tu-re sk-i-ll-s he-re. O-ne mi-le a- he-ad."

"Rare and unusual, huh?" Tom asked himself quietly, stroking his bit of chin hair. "Rare Pokemon usually mean strong Pokemon," Tom trailed off, grinning to himself.

Porygon shook its head and muttered. "He-ad ca-se."


One mile's worth of travel later, Tom and Porygon had reached the Safari Zone Challenge registration building. Stepping inside, Tom and Porygon found the small, quaint recdeption room to be quite bare, except for a few chairs lined on the walls. "Can I help you?" A red-haired woman from behind the counter of a kiosk built into the wall asked.

"Yeah," Tom answered, "How much for a round?"

"Do you have a Pokdex?" She asked.

Tom fished out his Pokedex from his trench coat pocket. "Why do you want my Pokedex anyway?" Tom asked.

"It's to see if you'll break the Pokedex improvement record while in the Safari Zone," the receptionist answered.

"Really? Who holds it?" Tom asked.

"Gary Oak."

"Gary Oak? Who's he?"

"You know, Gary Oak? He was Ash Ketchum's rival."

"Really? What's the record?"

"Hmmm," The receptionist hummed, typing way on her computer, "nineteen Pokemon seen, including five captured. A Doduo, three Rhyhorn, and a Parasect, all at out our Fushica City location."

"How many kinds of Pokemon are there in here, anyway?"

The receptionist looked at Tom in a funny way.

"I mean rare Pokemon."

The receptionist typed some more commands in her comuter. "Fifteen recorded Kangaskhan, forty-one recorded Tauros, six Pinsir and eleven Scyther. Anyway, back on topic, your Pokedex, please."

"Oh, right," Tom handed the receptionist his Pokedex, and the receptionist plugged the Pokedex into her computer. "Fifteen seen, four owned. A beginning trainer?" she asked.

"Yeah, I just started three weeks ago."

"Well, the usual free pass for beginners is five caught, but fifteen Pokemon seen, for a beginning trainer, and your a first-timer, I suppose I could let you in for free." The receptionist handed Tom a leather sac. Tom took a quick peek inside and found a wide assortment of different kinds of Pokeballs. "You've got an hour," the receptionist said, "Have fun."


Tom and Porygon were walking through the Safari Zone, when Tom suddenly felt a tugging on his trench coat. "Porygon, were you tugging on my jacket?" Tom asked his companion. Porygon shook its head. Tom shrugged and continued on. Seconds later, Tom felt another tugging on his coat. Tom whirled around and ordered, "Stop it!"

"Wh-at?" Porygon asked in innocent shock.

"Stop tugging my backpack," Tom said again.

"I sw-e-ar I did-n't e-ven tou-ch y-our ba-ck-pa-ck."

"Then, who-?"

Just then, Tom heard a soft baby-like caw behind him. Tom turned around and saw a strange bird-like Pokemon with two heads. Tom pulled out his Pokedex.

"Doduo, the Twin Bird Pokemon. This Pokemon is most commonly known for it's horrible flying, but famous for it's fast foot speed. Using it's two heads, it can invent complex plans to attack opponents. One head works on the attacking, the other works on strategies. It will gradually become smarter and faster as it evolves into Dodrio," Tom's Pokedex said.

Tom tucked his Pokedex away again and reached into his sac containing the special balls. Tom was going to grab a Bait ball when the Doduo struck out his left head and snatched the sac away from Tom. The quick tug on the bag was enough to yank it from Tom's hands, and spilling a Pester Ball on the Doduo's right head. Doduo ran in circles, squawking like mad and flailing it's two heads about as the ball let out a spray of pester liquid, puffing up into the air in an irritating cloud. Tom couldn't contain his laughter and began to chuckle. Tom soon stopped chuckling after Doduo bit his nose with his right head. "Ow, ****!" Tom yelped. "Porygon, don't just stand there!" Tom ordered, trying to wrench his nose free of the angered Doduo's beak. "Thunderbolt attack!" Tom yelped, trying to wrench Doduo's beak off his nose. Porygon was about to attack when Doduo's left head started pecking it furiously, keeping Porygon in one spot.

Tom decided to try and outsmart the Doduo rather than overpower it. With a quick swing of his shoulder, uuuu Tom grabbed the Doduo's left head, immediatley stopping him from pecking Porygon. "Porygon, now! Thunderbolt attack!" Tom ordered, struggling to keep the Doduo head from writhing free. Porygon shot out a blast of electricity at the bird Pokemon, just as Doduo yanked left head away from him, pulling Tom in front of him. Tom felt like his bones would rip apart as the Thunderbolt zapped his body and ravaged through it. When it was over, Tom fell to the ground, dazed senseless as Doduo started to caw, laughing.

Sensing Doduo's distraction, Porygon quickly shot out a blast of psychic waves at the spilled sac, knocking a lone Safari bll into the air. The ball clonked Doduo on his right head, driving a surprised squawk out of the Doduo before it was zapped inside the ball.


Part II-Love hurts


Tom's hand was still shaking from the remnants of the charge running through his body, holding a wad of paper tissue to his bleeding nose. He and Porygon had been wandering the Safari Zone for quite some time now since the capture of Doduo, and not a single Pokemon had come their way since.

"Porygon, how much time do we have left?" Tom asked.

"A-bou-t te-n min-ui-te-s" Porygon said. Tom groaned. "Only one Pokemon caught in fifty minutes?" he complained, "Great." Tom's cut cheek had scabbed over, so he threw the tissue away. Just then, Porygon spoke again. "T-om, up th-ere! A Po-ke-mo-n!"

Tom immediately cheered up. "Can you see what it is?" He asked eagerly.

"No, t-oo fa-r aw-ay. It-s ba-ck is tu-rn-ed."

Tom and Porygon continued on their way towards the Pokemon, and it soon began to take shape. It looked like a large light-brown Pokemon, maybe seven feet tall. Tom pulled out his Pokedex.

"Kangaskhan. The Parent Pokemon," Tom's Pokedex said. "Usually found in packs or clans. Kangaskhan are very sociable creatures, and like to be around other Pokemon, preferrably other Kangaskhan. It's signature attack is the Dizzy Punch. A punch that, when thrown the right way, can confuse opponents. Kangaskhan are very rare, and were once on the verge of extinction. Now they are protected by law and live within Safari Zones."

"Alright! A rare Pokemon!" Tom beamed. Almost as soon as Tom thought of reaching for a Pokeball, something poked him in the back of his mind. "But why is it just sitting there alone?" Tom asked Porygon Porygon only blinked.

The Kangaskhan was sitting on a large rock, slumped over and motionless, as if deep in thought. Tom looked at Porygon, who hummed an "I don't know."

"Hey Kangaskhan!" Tom yelled, challenging the Kangaskhan.

The Kangaskhan paid Tom hardly any attention.

"Khan," The behemoth groaned apathetically.

Tom was struck confused. He was expecting the Kangaskhan to charge at him after a challenge like that. "It see-ms ra-th-er sa-d," Porygon said.

Tom and Porygon walked around the Kangaskhan to face him, and Tom looked in Kangaskhan's listless eyes. "You're right, Porygon," Tom said with concern, "he does look sad."

Tom knelt down before the Kangaskhan. "Whazzup, Kangaskhan?" Tom said, trying to cheer the depressed Pokemon up.

The Kangaskhan just sighed again. "Khan," he groaned lethargically.

Just then, Porygon drove up to Kangaskhan. "What're you doing?" Tom asked Porygon.

Porygon did not reply as he began to glow a bright blue, and then turned to Tom. On queue, Kangaskan's eyes began to glow a dim indigo as well. Porygon then turned to Tom, and spoke in a voice that was not his own and asked. "What do you want?"

Tom looked confused, but then the idea hit him. Porygon had formed a psychic link with Kangaskhan. Kangaskhan transferred raw thoughts to Porygon, and Porygon translated them.

"Nothing," Tom said. "I just want to know why you're so sad."

The Kangaskhan only snorted. "What do you care?" the Kangaskhan asked.

"I just want to know." Tom inquired.

"If you must," the Kangaskhan sighed. "My girlfriend left me for my other friend." Tom could not find anything with which to reply. Unhindered by Tom's rapture, Kangaskhan continued. "They ran me from the clan. I tried to join other clans but they rejected me."

"Why?" Tom asked innocently.

"How the hell should I know?" Kangaskhan groaned. "I just feel so... so... worthless."

Tom caught an idea. "Hey Kangaskhan, why don't you join us?" Tom asked.

"Why?" Kangaskhan said through Porygon.

"What better way to forget than to travel?" Tom proposed. Kangaskhan looked at Tom, and Tom looked at Kangaskhan.

Kangaskhan sighed. "Sure. Why not?" Kangaskhan muttered. Kangaskhan stood up, his bulky figure towering well over Tom. Porygon severed the psychic link between the two and both Porygon and Kangaskhan's eyes returned to normal. "Khan!" the Kangaskhan exclaimed, smiling. Tom opened up a Safari Ball, and zapped Kangaskhan inside.

Just as Tom put the Safari ball back in his pouch, the loudspeaker announcement system turned on. "Tom Simms, your Safari Game is over. Please return to the reception desk," a voice blared through a microphone mounted on a pole.

Tom smiled. "C'mon, Porygon, let's go."



The Asylum's note:

Ahhhhhhhh....I finally finished it! now back off to bed....

-The Asylum(Mewfour)




Good one! you come up with some really neat ways to capture the pokemon. That doduo looks rather miscivious. I hope you never get writers block!

The Asylum of the Damned

Writer's block on PADS? Hm, that'd be pretty hard to get, seeing as though I finished this whole fic last year.

That's right. You're getting Asylum leftovers. Becuase I don't love you enough ;)


Oh, yeah, make me feel stupid ;) I should have guessed; all my fics are prewritten, too. Well, I do want to see the end, though.

The Asylum of the Damned


Pokemon: (-AD-) Style!

Chapter X

Saga III-Infernobadge

Chapter III-How'da ya get your *KICKS*?


After two days of travelling, Tom and Porygon finally made it to New Cinnibar City. The two were walking towards the city when Tom saw a small border house gaurding the city limits. Standing there was a tall, green-haired woman dressed in a blue police officer uniform. One tiny little fact Tom couldn't ignore was the very short skirt she was wearing. When Tom and Porygon approached the border house, the officer stopped them. "Hold it," she said. "Are you carrying any Hitmonlee's with you?" She asked.

"Uh, no," Tom answered, a bit lost. Tom looked on her nametag on her chest, reading Corporal Jenny, "Why do you ask?"

"There's been a stray Hitmonlee running around here," Jenny replied placidly.

"So?" Tom asked.

"It's been running amok in our city. Destroying everything it runs into."


"Naturally we've tried to battle it to weaken it, but it's much more powerful than we thought," Jenny sighed. Upon noticing the Pokeballs around Tom's belt, Jenny asked, "How good of a Pokemon trainer are you?"

Tom smirked. "Pretty good. I'm totally undefeated," he grinned smugly.

"Bu-t you-'ve on-ly had fi-ve batt-"

"Shhh!" Tom quickly and quietly hushed Porygon. Porygon groaned subtly and muttered under its breath.

"Really?" Jenny asked.

Tom flicked his eyebrow with his fingertip. "Yep! No one can touch me-!"

"He-'s on-ly had fi-ve batt-le-s," Porygon cut in.

"Shut up!" Tom quietly hissed through the corner of his mouth, "Shut up!"

"Beginners luck, I guess." said Jenny, silently chuckling. "Anyway, we're hiring any trainer who can subdue this Hitmonlee. The reward is five thousand dollars-"

When he heard the reward money, Tom's brain drowned out Jenny's voice. His mind was immersed within a sea of imaginary paper money. "Five thousand," Tom metally chuckled to himself, "That's more money than I could make in years!" Tom quickly snapped out of his daydreaming and asked Jenny, "Are you serious?"

"Serious," Jenny said firmly. "Well? You want the job?" Jenny asked.

Tom never said yes quicker in his life.


Tom and Porygon wandered the deserted streets of Ash, looking around for the rogue Hitmonlee. "Any sign of him?" Tom asked Porygon. Porygon simply shook it's head. Tom sighed. "Damn it," he cursed, "We gotta' find him!"

"To hel-p the ci-ty?" Porygon asked.

"No- well, that too. The money mostly," Tom grinned.

"I wi-ll as-sume you are jo-kin-g," Porygon said plainly.

"Hey, I don't like looking for this Pokemon either, Porygon," Tom said, "It's not like he's just going to pop out of nowhere and-"

Tom ended his statement abruptly when an apple flew by his face, barely missing it by a few inches. Tom turned to see the Hitmonlee had struck again, this time kicking over an apple stand. Tom reached under his jacket and pulled out his five Pokeballs and let them all loose.




"Caaaaaw!" Tom's Pokemon gave their respective war cries. Pinsir clashed her claws twice as Porygon drove forward.

"Hey! Hitmonlee!" Tom called. Hitmonlee turned, and stared at Tom and his Pokemon. "Yah! I'm talkin' to you!" Tom challenged.

"Khan!" Kangaskhan roared.

"Lee! Hitmon! Lee!" Hitmonlee laughed cruelly.

"He do-esn-'t thi-nk t-oo we-ll of y-ou," said Porygon.

Tom was unhindered by Hitmonlee's threats. "Pinsir! Seismic Toss!" Tom ordered.

Pinsir ran at Hitmonlee, and before Hitmonlee could do anything, Pinisr had him in her grip. Swinging her head around, Pinisr slammed Hitmonlee down on the steeet with a wincing thud. As soon as Pinisr bent over to take Hitmonlee for another toss, Hitmonlee rolled backwards and kicked Pinsir in the face, knocking out a tooth. Pinsir staggered backwards and fell over as the Hitmonlee kicked himself to his feet. Realizing that this Hitmonlee was at a much higher level, Tom zapped Pinsir back in her Pokeball. "Go! Kangaskhan!" Tom commanded. It was then that Tom noticed that a large crowd had gathered around him. Tom felt their eyes burning into him and expecting a success fuelling Tom's desire to win.

Kangaskhan charged forward and aimed a Comet Punch at Hitmonlee, smacking the rogue Pokemon in his cheek. Hitmonlee backflipped skillfully and quickly after the stike, and as soon as his feet thouched the ground, the Hitmonlee sprung at Kangaskhan with a Double Kick aimed right for Kangaskhan's face. Hitmonlee's attack hit with amazing velocity, smashing Kangaskhan's jaw, knocking him over flat on his back. "Khan," Kangaskhan muttered in defeated, blood dribbling from his broken gums. Tom recalled Kangaskhan.

"Dammit," Tom muttered. "Alright! Doduo! Machop! Full scale assault!" Tom commanded. Doduo and Machop raced towards Hitmonlee, only to be kicked back by his Double-Kick and sprawled on the streets. Tom recalled his two defeated Pokemon and turned to Porygon. Before Tom could open his mouth, Porygon backed away. "Aw c'mon! please?" Tom pleaded.

Porygon shook his head, and backed away further.

"Coward," Tom muttered, about ready to give up.

The Hitmonlee shrugged, turned around and walked away. Tom hung his head in defeat, senisng the crowd's disappointment. "If Jen were here, she'd be loving this," Tom thought to himself. Tom looked at the one empty pokeball on his belt, and thought it would be nice to have a Hitmonlee in it.

Tom caught a sudden gleam in his eye.

"Hey! Hitmonlee!" Tom shouted to the retreating Pokemon. The crowd, which had begun to disperse, now began to reconvene. Hitmonlee turned to see the feeble human's position. "You think you're so tough, huh?" Tom jeered, "Well try me!" Tom shouted.

A voice from the crowd shouted, "What are you crazy, man?"

"Sssh!" came another voice, hushing the first.

Tom held out his hand in a fist and extended it towards the Hitmonlee. "Take your best shot!" Tom challenged.

Hitmonlee didn't waste a second. With blinding speed, the Pokemon rushed at Tom, readying his foot for a Jump Kick as he leapt in the air. Mere seconds before Hitmonlee's attack hit, Tom opened his fist to reveal a minimized Pokeball. Hitmonlee's foot kicked the Pokeball, and was zapped inside upon contact. Tom was sent skidding a few feet backwards onto the ground. With the crowd's awe with Tom's capture of the Hitmonlee, it wasn't until a few seconds later that they noticed Tom clutching his left hand in pain.


Nurse Joy had just finished bracing and bandaging Tom's broken left hand. "You really should be more careful," Joy scolded. Tom tried not to let his hand writhe as Joy wrapped it up in the brace.

"So, when do I get the five thousand dollars?" Tom asked.

"The money?" Joy asked. "You did it for the money?"

"Sure," Tom replied casually, "Why else?"

Joy was angered. "You mean you didn't care about why the Pokemon was rampaging? Or how it felt?" She asked. When Tom didn't answer, Joy scowled. "Mr. Simms, If you're to be a real trainer, you've got to realize there's more in training than just money," Joy said sternly as she continued to wrap up Tom's hand.



The Asylum's note:

Ack! I finally got up off my lazy *** and updated it! There! Happy now? *grumbles and goes back to bed*

-The Asylum




Nice chapter! It was good in length and good in description! Keep it up!

The Asylum of the Damned

Double update because A) I've let this fic die here too long, and B) ch. 11 is short and crappy. Enjoy.


Pokemon, Asylum of the Damned Style!

Chapter XI

Saga III-Infernobadge Saga

Chapter IV- The Chapter with no Name Returns!


It had been a few months since Tom caught Hitmonlee at the cost of breaking his left hand. Tom had tried to bring Hitmonlee out of his Pokeball once and awhile, but whenever Tom let him out, Hitmonlee would go back on his rampage before being swiftly caught again by Tom. Once he even tried to break Tom's other hand. Tom remembered zapping Hitmonlee in his Pokeball once saying, "Fine then! You're not coming out until you learn to behave!" Tom had never opened Hitmonlee's Pokeball for the whole two months since.

Tom was beginning to think that life was treating him well. Tom had spent one thousand dollars of the reward money paying off all his debts, and spent the next two thousand in New Cinninbar's fanciest resort, ThePokeMasters, and spent fifty dollars on a new system adjustment for Porygon. Machop, Pinsir, Kangaskhan, Doduo and Cyndaquil were in the downstairs spa, no doubt exercising, training, and getting massaged countless times a day. To Tom, life now was perfect. However, there was one tiny detail that stuck to the back of Tom's mind. Tom felt like, amongst all this luxury, something was missing.

Tom heard a familiar voice once he stepped outside the resort call to him, "Hey, Tom!" Tom shivered. Life sucked again, Tom thought as he turned around to see Jen running to him. When Tom looked at her face, Tom thought that he saw something different about her.

It wasn't until Jen ran up to Tom and grabbed him by his jacket sleeve that Tom saw something he never thought he'd see from Jen. She was crying, with a look of utter desperation in her eyes. Jen tried to speak, but her stress conflicted with her tongue, leaving her lower lip trembling and lost for words. Tom put his hands on her shoulders and held her at an arm's length. "Jen, just calm down," Tom said in efforts to subside Jen's panic, "What is it?"

Jen took a deep breath, and let it out slowly. Her reddened face burned the tears that were streaming down her face. "Tom," Jen said between breaths, trying to control her panic, "have you... seen a... Kabuto... fossil...?" Jen panted, short for breath.

Tom racked his brain for awhile. After retrieving no answers, he said, "No..." Jen broke down again. "Jen, what's with this Kabuto fossil anyway?" Tom asked, trying to calm her down.

Jen controlled her bawling. "My Grandmother... she died a few months ago, and left her Kabuto fossil to me in her will," she said.


"When I finally got here," she panted, "The law office had been robbed... and the... the fossil..."

Jen sobbed on Tom's shoulder, again. If not for Tom's jacket, Jen would have cried an ocean on his shoulder. "Poor Jen," Tom thought, showing pity for his archrival. Tom put his hands back on Jen's shoulders, and put her at a distance. "I'll keep an eye out for it, okay?" Tom said. Jen sniffled, and wiped a tear that was trickling down her cheek off her face.

"Thank you, Tom," she sniffled. With that, Jen walked by Tom, wrapping her jacket across her. Even though Tom hated her, something deep within him felt sorry for her.


Tom had just checked out of the resort for a few hours for a walk. Staying in a fancy resort all day since he captured Hitmonlee was not what he considered fun. Tom was just walking past an alley down a deserted, lifeless street between when a large, shadow of a man bumped into him. Before Tom could speak, the man shoved something into his chest. "You didn't see nuthin'," the stranger grumbled, as he dashed off in to the street and out of sight.

Tom looked down at the lump of substance that the stranger had given him. It was wrapped in a kind of pale tan cloth, and whatever was inside was hard and heavy. When Tom unwrapped it, he saw the shell of what was once a Kabuto. Tom wasted no time in dashing off to find Jen.


Tom didn't find Jen until two hours later on a lonely street corner. "Jen!" Tom called out. Jen turned around to see Tom casually walking up to her with the shell underneath his arm. When Jen saw what Tom was carrying under his arm, she could hardly contain her joy. Tom caught up to Jen and held out the fossil to her. "Was this it?" Tom asked rhetorically with a grin. Jen let out a gasp of relief as she quickly took the fossil from Tom, swung her backpack off her back and unzipped it quickly, slipping the fossil inside. "Found it," said Tom. Jen didn't say anything. Instead, when she zipped up her backpack and put it back around her shoulders she threw her arms around Tom.

"Thanks," Jen said.

"No problem, Jen," Tom said, placing his hands behind his back. Then, Jen stepped back from Tom. Their eyes connected for only a few seconds, but to them it seemed like hours.

Then, Jen put her hands into her jacket pocket. She closed her eyes and smiled. "Maybe you aren't such an ******* after all."

Tom grinned. "Maybe you aren't such a jerk, too," Tom said.

After a few more silent minutes, Tom asked, "Hey, Jen, how about we put this little rivalry aside, okay?"

Jen smiled and nodded once. The two exchanged goodbyes, and then went their separate ways once again. Tom went back to The PokeMasters, to pick up his Pokemon, and get the Infernobadge.



The Asylum's Note:

Hmm....I had enough motivation to finish this in three hours. something's wrong....j/k.

Yeah yeah, not much (okay, ANY) action at all, and pretty damned boring and short. Kill me already. I never really liked writing this chapter anyway.

-The Asylum (Mewfour)



Pokemon, Asylum of the Damned Style!!!

Chapter XII

Saga III - Infernobadge Saga

Chapter V - Raise a little Hell!


Tom had just finished his eight-month stay at The PokeMasters. Tom had that warm, fuzzy feeling inside his stomach after helping Jen. Not only that, their bitter rivalry had finally been put aside. With nothing behind him and everything in front, now was the time that Tom decided to get the Infernobadge.

Tom and Porygon stood outside the Gym doors, ready for a Pokemon fight. With a heavy sigh, Tom entered the Gym. Judging from the brightly colored orange and red color scheme within the gym, Tom could only guess that this Gym leader used fire-type Pokemon. "Great, I don't have any water-types," Tom thought to himself, "this is going to be tough."

And Tom got quite a surprise when he entered the Battle Field.

There was a very large lava pool in the form of a circle around the large circular battle field like a moat. In the center of the field stood a tall long-black haired man wearing a black jacket with yellow and orange flame decals around the bottom. The man turned around when Tom called out to him.

"Are you open for any challenges?" Tom asked.

"Sure. What's your name, kid?" The man replied confidently.

"Tom. What's yours?"

"I have no name. But people call me Charlie."

"A secretive guy," Tom thought, "But Charlie's fine."

"Well," said Charlie, "will you go first, or shall I?"

"Your pick," Tom said, as he walked onto the battlefield across a makeshift bridge of rock.

Charlie opened up the side of his jacket and plucked a Pokeball from one of the item attachments from the inside, enlarging the Pokeball and opened it up. "Come out, Slugma!" Charlie ordered as a red beam of energy shot out of the Pokeball, which formed itself into a small red, slug-like Pokemon with very large eyes sticking out on top. Tom pulled out his Pokedex.

"Slugma, the Lava Pokemon," Tom's Pokedex said. "Slugma's body is covered in red hot lava. This Pokemon is almost always moving, to keep the lava hot and liquid-like, giving it more freedom to move. It's body composition looks somewhat like Magby's and Magmar's, but no connection has been discovered between the two."

"Let's make this a best out of three match," Charlie proposed.

"Sure," Tom agreed.

Tom put the Pokedex back in his jacket pocket. "I can't use Pinsir, she's a bug type," thought Tom. "I can't use Hitmonlee, he's just unreasonable," Tom grimaced. "I'll have to give Porygon a try." Tom concluded as he looked down at Porygon. Poygon nodded, and drove out to the battle field and faced Slugma.

"Alright, Slugma!" Charlie called, "Earthquake!"

Slugma jumped up into the air upon Charlie's command and slammed her body forcefully into the ground. The ground shook so violently that, after rocking Porygon off of his feet, even Tom and Charlie felt the impact of the attack. Porygon landed on it's side, but soon rightened itself out.

"Porygon, Iron Tail!" Tom ordered. Porygon's tail turned a grayish-hued blue and suddenly looked even more stiff than before. Porygon rushed at Slugma and made a sharp turn into Slugma, whacking Slugma with its steel-like tail. Slugma was sent flying all the way to the edge of the barttle field and landed at Charlie's feet.

Slugma groaned weakly in defeat. Charlie put Slugma back in her Pokeball, reached for another, and opened it.

Porygon strode back to Tom as Tom opened up Machop's Pokeball, letting the grayish-blue pokemon out. "Machop!" Tom's Pokemon squealed. Charlie's new Pokemon looked like a small black dog with a skull-like formation on her forehead, and two boney lumps on her back. Tom pulled out his Pokedex again.

"Houndour, the Dark Pokemon," the Pokedex said. "When on the move, they usually communicate in barks and howls that only they and their evolution Houndoom can understand. Houndour are very agile, as they are a combination between Fire and Dark type Pokemon."

"Houndour, Rage attack!" Charlie commanded. Houndour rose up in hackles, hissing and growling at Machop upon Charlie's command.

"Machop! Submission!" Tom commanded.

Machop dove at Houndour and slipped behind her, put his foot on her left leg and yanked her tail. Houndour yelped as she tried to writhe her tail free, but Machop's grasp proved to be much too tight. Suddenly, she whipped her neck around and bit Machop on the arm. Machop yelped in pain and furiously tried to wrench his arm free of Houndour's jaws, but could not tug his arm out of the Pokemon's tooth-lock, and the more Machop struggled, the more Houndour held on. Finally, when Machop fell to his knees, Charlie called off Houndour. "That's enough Houndour. Let him go." Houndour obeyed and released Machop immediately. Machop held his bleeding arm as he walked in defeat back to Tom, leaving a trail of dripping blood behind him. Charlie and Tom zapped their respective Pokemon into their Pokeballs.

Charlie reached into his jacket, and pulled out another Pokeball. After releasing the Pokemon inside, a large black-yellow Pokemon took the field. Suddenly, a fire flared on it's back.

"Quilava, the Volacno Pokemon," Said the Pokedex to Tom. "Using its fire on it's back, it can use a variety of attacks like Flame Wheel."

Tom plucked a Pokeball from his belt and let the Pokemon out. "Go! Cyndaquil!"

"Cynda!" Cyndaquil cheered upon being released.

"Lava," The Quilava said menacingly.

Cyndaquil squeaked and ran to Tom and hid behind his leg. "What's this?" jeered Charlie, "A Cyndaquil?"

Tom ignored him and crouched down to Cyndaquil. "C'mon Cyndaquil, don't be afraid," Tom said, trying to encourage his Pokemon. Cyndaquil shook her head fiercley. "Come on, you're the last Pokemon I can use!" Tom pleaded. Cyndaquil still refused. Tom sighed and said, "Do it and I'll buy you something." Cyndaquil squeaked nervously as she nodded slowly, and then made her way to the battlefield.

As soon as Cyndaquil took the center of the field, Charlie commanded, "Quilava, Tackle!" Quilava raced at Cyndaquil and rammed his skull into her forehead. Cyndaquil was sent skidding across the field and slipped over the edge.

"Cyndaquil!" Tom gasped as he dashed after his Pokemon and slid along the edge on his side.

Tom found Cyndaquil hanging on to the ledge by her tiny stubby fingertips. "Quil!" she shrieked.

As soon as Tom took her hand and helped her up, Cyndaqui's body began to glow brightly. The glow so bright it nearly blinded Tom and everyone else on the field. When the glowing subsided, Tom was amazed at what he saw.

There, standing before him, was a newly evolved Quilava. "Quilava," Tom murmured feebly, happy for his new Quilava. The Tom turned to the rival Quilava and ordered, "Quilava, Quick Attack!"

Quilava raced towards the other Quilava with speed so fast that all Tom and Charlie saw was a black-red blurr which collided into Charlie's Quilava with incredible impact. The Quilava was sent skidding across the feild, only to have Tom's Quilava meet him on the other side with a whack onto Charlie's Quilava's back, sending him skidding to the other side again. Charlie's Quilava staggered to his feet and charged Tom's Quilava again. Tom's Quilava then sucked in a deep breath and blew out a thick coloumn of smoke, the Smokescreen technique. Charlie's Quilava was lost in the thick fog, unable to see anything but a black haze. And soon he was unconsious when Tom's Quilava leapt through the smoke and smacked him across the field with a Tackle. Charlie gasped when his Quilava landed at his feet, slumped over on his side and knocked out cold. Charlie sighed as he zapped his Quilava back into his Pokeball. "Lava!" Quilava roared, declaring her supremacy.

Charlie walked over to Tom with a grin. "Nice job, kid." Charlie said, as he handed Tom the Infernobadge.

-End, for now....


the Asylum's note:

This chapter was relativley clean. I am truly sorry.

-The Asylum(Mewfour)
