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Pokemon Australia Club V.2

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God is a DJ
Welcome to the second version of Pokemon Australia Club. This new version of PAC was created due to excess SPAM in the old one.


Here we will not abuse you. If another member abuses you, they will get a permanent ban.

There will also be a strikes system, Oh yes how fun.

If you say something about a member, two strikes.
If you do or say anything dirty 1 strike.

3 strikes and your out.

Rules rule!:
1. No abuse.
2. No rude words
3. Follow SPPf rules.
4. Try not to get banned :S

Members List:
1. Sharpay_Evans (Owner)
2. Dark Dragonite (Co~Owner)
3. Acheront (Co~Owner)
3. Alecat
4. kennychan007

Banned List:
1. ~Water Lucario~
2. Omega Pirate.
4. Charlie_

What goes around comes around.

If any banned members post they will be reported to mods in a PM.


1. Pokemon Ranger and the Nintendo Wii come out on the same day which is 7th of December! Make sure you preorder the Wii as they will go as quick as possible!​
Click here to go to the old PAC
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Wild Cherry

Magma Commander
Hello all, and welcome to the new and improved Pokemon Australia Club!

I hope all you new and old members have a better time in this version 2, enjoy yourselves and have fun!



God is a DJ
As you all may not know I'm Jose the Owner, and along with Emily, the Co-Owner, we will make new members feel as comfortable as possible in this version of the Pokemon Australia Club. I will update the first section with News soon.


I'm Back!
What goes around, comes around, sure. But at the moment I don't agree with either of what you or WL has done.

Undermining his authority is enough, why not let him join (so he doesn't cause a ruckus in the old thread, or somewhere) and give him the same chance as any other member?

Anyway, I hope this new thread can continue to exist without the spam and politics of the old one.


Saiyan-Human Warrior
Wow! This is a new one...... Hello everyone, we can discuss anything of Pokemon together. I hope I can enjoy this new club



God is a DJ
Well I can't let him join to show him what It's like when he banned people in the old club for no reason at all. It's just not fair how he and the co-leader used to treat the members Alecat.

Welcome to the club, please stay a post alot!


God is a DJ
Yes I am going to buy ranger. I played the Demo twice at JAOz. It was really fun.


Saiyan-Human Warrior
Well, No, I'm not. Because I was busy recently..... but I want to know what Pokemon Ranger is..

Wild Cherry

Magma Commander
It certainly looks good, but the tedious circle capture thing is like the floors in dungeons, yeah its good to start, but it will get boring drawing circles.


God is a DJ
In Mystery Dungeon I entered the Purity Forest it is so hard! Starting at level one and walking through a 99 level dungeon =="

Oh yea Water Lucario has great leader ship taking our topic.


God is a DJ
Laugh Out Loud. It's so good to have such an intelligent member in our Club!

Emily and I are so glad to have you Alecat in our club :)

Wild Cherry

Magma Commander
Anotha topic.

Most Frustrating part in Dungeon?

You know whats worse?

I was on the 98th floor, in the Relic one, and I was sitting right next to the stairs, I was asleep though, and then a Golem killed me 4 times with Magnitude, I ran out of Revive seeds and lost all my items due to quick save.



Saiyan-Human Warrior
Quite interesting, I can use Pokemon to save the human and pokemon itself....


God is a DJ
Yes you can kenny! Oh and I hope your results for your IELTS are good for you!

Good Luck


Saiyan-Human Warrior
THanks, Jose.... Even if I can't get the bands that sactify my demend, I can retake in anytime( May be this December). Anyway this's my first time to take. Thanks a lot
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