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Pokemon Battle Championships

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Kim and Kam Fan

Huge Anabel Fan
Approved By:(moderator or admin)

The rules are simple

#1:You can use any pokemon from Bulbasaur to Aruseus,however,
you CAN NOT use Darkrai or Sheimi.

#2:When a contest is going on you can only comment when some one is battling.

#3:If your sig has "Future,Temporary,or current D/P team" Included,you may use those pokemon,You'll have to know which levels your pokemon are.

#4:Heres how you make HP bars


Each O is 10 points,If your attacked,here's what you HP bars Should look like


If you're get burned or hurt in any kind of condition,add these next to your HP Bars:



Here's a List of Pokemon You can borrow:
;078; ;165; ;049; ;136; ;347; ;107; ;355; ;201-m; ;222; ;munchlax; ;026; ;412; ;292; ;444; ;328; ;476; ;335; ;335; ;126; ;310; ;155; ;105; ;346; ;134; ;047; ;163; ;076; ;192; ;210; ;201-r; ;399; ;474; ;336; ;124; ;380; ;153; ;066; ;182; ;463;

Winners prize

Enjoy!I hope this gets popular

My Pokemon:
C:\Documents and Settings\Junior\My Documents\My Pictures\1.bmp
I will use my Lv. 100 Aruseus [OOOOOOOOOO] It was in my sig.
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Well-Known Member
My lucario is in my signature. I bring him out now and he fights.

For this....Ill beef him up a bit.....

Level 50-0000000000

Sharpedo Boy

< Don't take drugs!
My Swampert lv 100{oooooooooooooo}

Kim and Kam Fan

Huge Anabel Fan
Salamence and Cptin swampert,Begin your battle.

Salamence VS Swampert


Well-Known Member
I'll use my Swellow! it kicked butt in the battle frontier!

Sailor Merury

Butterflys rock!
I'll use Lapras.......Lv. 75......
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Kim and Kam Fan

Huge Anabel Fan
When the contest is going on others only comment when some one is battling,
elekible addict and sailor mercury,PLEASE begin

remember others can only comment.

Trainer Mercury sent out Lapras


Trainer Addict Sent out Hayashigame


I'm also up for making trainer sprites.
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Sharpedo Boy

< Don't take drugs!
Swampert,Rock tomb and endover any other attack.
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