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Pokemon BDSP - Recent Happenings Thread


Well-Known Member
So I finally started Brilliant Diamond and decided to use a team of Pokémon that I had on Pokémon Home as I like to start with a full, planned out team of 6 but I'm running into a bit of a problem. My Pokémon stopped obeying me when they reached around level 12 or so. From researching online I think once I get my second badge I'll need to keep them below level 30 but after I get 4 badges then I should be all good. I've planned my teams and don't want to change them but my planned team for Shining Pearl should be ok as I can catch like 4 of them pretty early on.

My Brilliant Diamond Team (when fully evolved) is Poliwrath, Torterra, Magnezone, Magmortar, Drapion & Clefairy.
Is the reason you have Clefairy there instead of Clefable is because you don’t plan on evolving your Clefairy?


Well-Known Member
Is the reason you have Clefairy there instead of Clefable is because you don’t plan on evolving your Clefairy?

Oh! That was a typo, I do have a Clefable.

I've also just beat the 4th Gym so I shouldn't have anymore obedience issues.


New Member
Playin Shining Pearl, had the weirdest battle against Cynthia- everything was going normal, but against Garchomp, I realized that it had Earthquake, D-Claw, and Poison Jab... and I had Bastiodon, Haunter, and Azumarill left. So I decided to PP stall it out, which worked fine, but I ended up losing anyways- I was keeping track of its PP on an online calc, and I knew it had 1 Poison Jab left in the tank, but it was spamming Swords Dance against Bastiodon. Usually, it'd just finish off a move before using useless statuses, but I didn't think much of it, other than that I had to attack with Bastiodon over Haunter (who had D-Gleam) and Azumarill (who had Play Rough). Once it started Struggling, I realized why it did that- keeping a backup Poison Jab essentially forced my into attacking with Bastiodon(whose Heavy Slam wasn't good at all.), and I couldn't use up her Restores or KO Chompy. Bastiodon lived a lot of Struggles due to its defense, Sturdy, and Protect, but Cynthia had an unfair share of Full Restores in her back pocket. Chompy was also faster than my team, so even though it had 0 PP left and was her final mon, 3 Swords Dances is still a lot.

Anyways, if you're going up against her soon, bring something that's faster than 221.


Avid Pokemon TCG Card collector.
Defeated Fantina yestereday. Man she was tougher and hits hard than what i remember.
Electivire Umbreon Quilava Munchlax Prinplup and Wartortle evolved into Blastoise (after the fight)
Umbreon and Munchlax came in handy wasting her options including Umbreon against Gengar's ghost moves.
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Well-Known Member
I'm totally done with BDSP. I completed both games and caught all of the Legendary Pokémon that were available.

My teams were:
Brilliant Diamond-Poliwrath, Torterra, Magnezone, Magmortar, Drapion & Clefable
Shining Pearl-Empoleon, Roserade, Electivire, Rapidash, Staraptor & Garchomp


Ghost-Type Master
I'm replaying Brilliant Diamond, and I keep having to soft reset because the old lady in Floaroma keeps giving me a Mew with decreased Sp. Attack.

Like, what's up with that? Give me a good Mew!