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Pokemon Box £20?

crimson vengance

Pokemon Box £20?

i am thinking of purchacing Pokemon box on e-bay

Is it worth £20?


Well-Known Member
If you want Pokemon with special moves, and/or want a gamecube link cable, buy it, but theres a chance its fake


Beginning Trainer
I got Pokemon box with colo for 18 euro.

crimson vengance

i want to use it to store my mons and trade in bulk because i am tired of the stupid link cable!


Veteran smartass
i got mine with collosseum....i cannot imagine to play pokemon games without it....its very useful to me...
1.u can transfer as many pokes as you like <--- <3
2.if u have lots of pokes (like 700 ralts from breeding) u can just put another memo.card in the GC and put all the pokes on it and then erase poke boy from the mem.card =)
3.u can search for pokes in every possible way (when i wanted to erase all the ralts i searched for the highest sp.atk ralts, and now i have a lv100 gardevoir with very good ivs and the right nature)
4.everytime i restart a game i take like 500 pokes from box (trash poke box mem.card) and put the items on them and then put the pokes on another cartidge and take all the items....
5.after beating E4 in a game (and doing some requirements) i can fill the pokedex up to 383 cause i have all 383 stored on pokemon box
6.and so on.....

i'd say buy it if u have money but dont know for what to waste it =)

Sceptile Master

Survivor of the Great Avatar Depression
Well you can get surfing Pichu on Pokemon box.