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Pokemon Card Face-off!!!

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John's Knight

Well-Known Member
Welcome to the Pokemon Card Face-off!!!
The rules are simple:
--no SPAM, including "you shouldn't choose that card, because"/"i disagree with you about that fact"/etc posts. Wait until you can vote again to say your opinions/disagreements;
--You can only vote ONCE in an hour. If you want to express your opinions to someone, wait until you can vote again.
--your vote should consider not only the images, but also the attacks, retreat cost and other things that you consider important in a pokemon card
--Normal face-off rules
Very well, LET'S GET STARTED!! Here's the first face-off:
Ex Unseen Forces

Neo Genesis

The first card to collect 10 votes win!!!
I vote the neo Genesis ampharos, because i think the image is prettier (i love sugimori art and in this face-off i, in the beggining, will not be considering the attacks/etc).
Vote once in an hour!!!

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Well we can vote ONCE EVERY HOUR so I guess I'll tell why I voted for Ex Unseen Forces, because:

1. Has a Resistance to Steel Type
2. Has 120 HP instead of 80
3. Its move doesnt need 3 electric energy cards, just 1 and 2 different energies
4. Has a Pokepower
5. Better attack points
6. Instead of flipping a coin, you can decide what happens as well.
S-H-U-P-P-E-T said:
Well we can vote ONCE EVERY HOUR so I guess I'll tell why I voted for Ex Unseen Forces, because:

1. Has a Resistance to Steel Type
2. Has 120 HP instead of 80
3. Its move doesnt need 3 electric energy cards, just 1 and 2 different energies
4. Has a Pokepower
5. Better attack points
6. Instead of flipping a coin, you can decide what happens as well.
Is that what he said wekk then UFO Ampharos again

Yep, The Ex Unseen Forces is really popular right now cuz it STILL gets my vote.


I STILL vote for the EX Unseen Forces!!!
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John's Knight

Well-Known Member
Unseen forces - 8
Neo Genesis - 2
Ex Unseen Forces Ampharos wins!!!!
Here's the next face-off:
Rare Blaziken

Holo Blaziken

(btw, they are both from the same set, Ex Ruby and Sapphire)
I vote for rare Blaziken (sugimori...)!
Vote once in an hour!!!

I vote for the Holo Blaziken!

EDIT: A few hours have passed - I vote for Holo Blaziken because:

1. It may not be good than the rare one, but still great
2. It's holo AND rare
3. Has a pokePower
4. Discard a fire energy to do 10 damage to bench pokemon and pokepower gets you back the energy
5. doesnt use as much energy cards
6. pic looks cooler

There are my reasons!
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