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pokemon city

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absol 777

one day after a visiting a human city a Absol is inspired to biuld a pokemon city. he travles by lapras to a remote island filled with many forests and mountains. while on the island he meets pokemon who also want to help him and every now and then somthing bad happens and delays construction like a cave in, forest fire, and evan legendary pokemon attaks. what members do is make a story from that.
1. all members must be pokemon.
2. no spaming.
3. no flaming.
4. no curse words.
5. last no legendary pokemon members.
6. sign up first on sign up.


please wake up...
Since I'm apparently the only mod here at the moment...

Read the rules before you start an RPG. This isn't even in the right SECTION. Hell, if you think this can pass as a roleplay at all, you are very, very wrong.



please wake up...
Since I'm apparently the only mod here at the moment...

Read the rules before you start an RPG. This isn't even in the right SECTION. Hell, if you think this can pass as a roleplay at all, you are very, very wrong.

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