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Pokemon Cloning on Crystal


<-Me in real life
I can't remember exactly how to do the cloning trick on my Crystal Version. Does anyone have the exact letter/word you are supposed to turn your game off on? And if possible could I get all the specifics on how to clone your pokemon?


You're Illegal
to clone pokemon, just the same as duplicating items


<-Me in real life
That really didn't help me att all I'm afraid because not only do I not know how to duplicate pokemon, I do not know how to duplicate items. And if I'm not mistaken what you said was redundant.


Staff member
I don't know how to do the PC glitvh, but the trading glitch is easier, and won't mess up your game.
To do it:
1. Get 2 gameboys with GSC and go to the trade center.
2. Make sure one game has the Pokemon you want and the other has a bad Pokemon.
3. Go into the trade center and trade like normal.
4. When it says "Waiting..." on the gameboy with the good Pokemon, turn it off.
5. Yay, you have the Pokemon on each game pak!
If you can't do the link cable one, I think I heard that you're supposed to wait until all the letters come up, then count "one" out loud, then turn the power off, but I could be wrong, so don't quote me on that.


You're Illegal
Its here->MOD EDIT: LINK REMOVED I don't know why you removed my old one shineing mew, it may have codes for GS an AR but its also has hints!

Its supplying codes, so no linking. You could always c/p what it says about the cloning which is the point of this thread.
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1.go to any hospital in crystal.
2. give the item you want to clone to the pokemon you want to clone.
3.save your game.
4.deposit the pokemon(s) into any box
5.change box and it will ask you to PLEASE DONT TURN OFF THE POWER....SAVED!........you must turn OFF the power right after it says POWER...oh and you gotta time it right too....
if you need help pm me..


You're Illegal
Hmmm...maybe that will work, I never realy turned it off RIGHT after it says power, I'll try that! thanx!


You're Illegal
Alex's Duplicateing Glitch!

kidumbreon said:
its so easy........gosh....well good luck!
Thank You it worked! But sadly I have a story to tell you all:
Alex's Duplicating Glitch!
Ok, as you might know I have duplicated 5 Masterballs thanks to Kidumbreaon, but just yesterday I had a glitch in my game when I tryed to duplicate a rare candy to make my Kacuna evolve, you see ever sence the beggining of my game when I first got to the breeding center, I let my Togepi I named "OMG!!!!!!" and my Kacuna I named "Waiting...." stay there, but I forgot about them so after I beat Red I was catching and evolveing pokemon for my pokedex when I went down my list I saw that Beedrill was next to get so, I knew I had a Kacuna, so I checked all my boxes, but couldn't find it, then I thought, 'Well the only other place my Kacuna could be is in the breeding center, its in my pokedex so its got to be there, if not, I have to catch another one and I released my old one for some reason...'. So I went to the breeding center and sure enough my Kacuna I named Waiting.... was there with OMG!!! my togepi. So I went to the breeding man and he said that my Waiting.... had grown by 40 level's! I thought, 'That means my waiting... is level 45!!!'. So I toke back my Waiting..... and my OMG!!!! and deposited my OMG!!! and withdraw my Giantsquid (tentacreul). At this point I was thinking, 'My Waiting is going to take to long to get to level 46 in silver cave and no trainers want to re-battle me and I don't like to battle the league again untill I have accomplished something, wait I know! I'll duplicate a rare candy! So I went to the league pokecenter(don't know why o_O)and deposited my Waiting... and withdrew my Rattata I named "Duplicate"(I use him for all my duplicating needs! :D)and attached a rare candy to duplicate then saved. So then I changed boxes to box 14, you can never be to safe, then I deposited my Duplicate then went to change boxes to box 13 then as kidumbreaon suggested I tryed to turn it off just after it says POWER. Then turned it back on and opened my box, it haden't work, I knew I had to get the right timing so I tryed to duplicate 3 more times and on the third time I tyred to open my box but the game forze and the screen was white, then the music disappeared, so I turned the game off, then I turned it back on again and the same thing happened when I tryed to withdaw my Dulpicate of my Duplicate, white screen, no music, frozen, this happened 4 more times, then on the 5th it finaly did something, but itstead of Duplicate being there was a level ? Kingdra and ?'s were all over the screen, so I turned off the game, tured it back on again, and again, a level ? Kingdra with ?'s all over the screen, tryed to withdraw it, then a word screen came up at the bottom saying weird jumbled up works in french english and japanese and all those weird ?'s and other ones like $ % * # were around the words, then screen went blank and a screen came up that looked like that title screen, it had pokemon on the top center in Yellow and Crystal in unknown language below and below that it said "This game is only ment for GameBoy color!" Then I pressed B and the screen went totaly weird with any kind of japanese, french and english letters all mixed together, somewere in the jumble of stuff it spelt "eff you see kay" I laughed inspite of myself that moment for some reason. So once again I tured the game off then tured the game on again. This time I tryed to move that kingdra but instead it turned into level 126 Aipom, I was happy and O_O at the same time thinking, 'Msybe I could keep this Aipom and get the rare candy, but sadly the game froze, so AGAIN I tured the game off then I tured the game on again, then tryed to move the kindra, the kindra turned into a level 126 Aipom but this time, I COULD MOVE IT! :D. But when I moved it into my party it turned back into Duplicate, then I was happy that I didn't lose my Duplicate that I had become very close to, so I toke the rare candy from Duplicate and used it on my Waiting... wich evolved into a Beedrill, I released my other Duplicate, depoeted the othere rare candy and deposited Duplicate and withdrew my sudowodoo. From that point there semmed to be no other glitches in my game exept ever once in a while when I press B there is a faint bzzzzt that you can harly hear.
Moral:I will never Duplicate another item or pokemon, in this file, I will tain pokemon the hard way, in this file! :p


breathe, spit, walk
the duplication glitch is gold/silver only iirc


You're Illegal
OK, this is what you do <_<"
Get a week pokemon like sentret or magikarp attach any item to them, save game, deposite pokemon with item in box 14 I suggest, then change box to box 13 but when its saying RIGHT after it says POWER. turn the game off, turn it back on, and that pokemon with the item should be in your party and box 14, if not try again, its all about timeing cause you gotta turn it off RIGHT after it says POWER.!


Bad and Nationwide
shippo said:
OK, this is what you do <_<"
Get a week pokemon like sentret or magikarp attach any item to them, save game, deposite pokemon with item in box 14 I suggest, then change box to box 13 but when its saying RIGHT after it says POWER. turn the game off, turn it back on, and that pokemon with the item should be in your party and box 14, if not try again, its all about timeing cause you gotta turn it off RIGHT after it says POWER.!

I don't recall this working properly in crystal, could be wrong but I doubt it.


nope he right cause it works......yeah if you duplicate alot you will get glitches...like one time i duplicated my lugia and got a kingdra....but then it didnt wanna attack and all this little "??????" appeared everywhere!!!..i was so scared so thats why i dont duplicate any more.^_^


Well-Known Member
Altmer said:
the duplication glitch is gold/silver only iirc

In gold and silver, you can soft reset. In crystal, they fixed this. You have to turn the gameboy all the way of. And turn it off right after it says power.
(At least, with my games this is true)
I've found it works better when you swith boxes, then deposite the pokemon, then turn it off while switching back to the first box.
I've never had any glitches when using it, but that's just because I timed it right. I think it only gets glitchy when you don't turn it off at the right time.
good luck!

Flame Sabre

Leon-IH said:
I don't recall this working properly in crystal, could be wrong but I doubt it.

It didn't work for me either.

There are a dozen or so methods posted at different places on the net about cloning, but I am yet to find one that is truly reliable. I mean, out of all those I've stumbled into, only one of the tricks worked. Yet it wasn't reliable because it worked only once, and failed at other times.


Rainbow Trainer
Okay first of all i don't think any of this will help you . (What everyone else said!)
So i am going to tell you.
First deposit one pokemon into box. Then switch boxes. When it says don't turn off power while saving when switching boxes turn it off as soon as t he words are done appearing. If it dosen't work you either turned it off to early or to late but as far as i know there is no posible way it can destroy your game because i do it all the time so don't worry. When you turn your game back on one pokemon you wanted to clone will be in your party and the other one will be in the PC.


Beforehand -
- you need at least 2 pokemon in your party
- If you want to attach an item, do it before you save

1. First you must save in front of a PC (the computer)
2. Then you deposit the Pokemon that you want to be cloned in a box
3. Next, change the box. Change it to any box, as long as it is not the box you put the Pokemon in
4. Then when when it says "Saving... Don't turn off ther power" turn off the power. You have to time this right becuase it can't be before and it can't be after (usually I turn off the gameboy when it hits "P" in power)
5. Now turn your Gameboy back on and check your party. If there's one in your party and one in your PC, then congratulations, you cloned your Pokemon
You can try it but it won't work on Crystal, You cannot clone pokemon in Crystal, or at least you shouldn't be able to because when they updated the game, they took out the Cloning glitch.
I tried cloning on my silver and it worked fine
I tried cloning on my crystal 5 times and it still did not work
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