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Pokemon Contest Help/Discussion

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i've won beauty and tough master ranks with painting in the art gallery. here are the pokemon and movesets:
milotic with blue scarf:
use dive, surf, dive, surf, dive. or the other way

swampert with yellow scarf
-focus punch
-take down
-hyper beam
use focus punch, take down, tackle, focus punch, hyper beam


Dynamo Trainer
Antarctica said:
Say guys, my Relicanth won all four rankings for bueaty but for some reason that painter won't paint my pokemon. I talked to him as soon as I won. Why won't he do it?
On the Master Rank Contest, you need to get the crowd excitement level high enough. I don't know exaclty how many marks you need to be awarded by the audience, you need get good crowd reaction and win the contest before the artist will offer to sketch your Pokemon.


finally i've won all five master ranks (thanks to Shining Mew) and got the art gallery filled. here are the pokemon and moves:
cool: regice: superpower, curse, superpower, curse, hyper beam
tough: (explained on my first post)
beauty: (explained on my first post)
smart: castform: weather ball, rain dance, weather ball, rain dance, weather ball
cute: barboach: amnesia, water sport, water gun, -sport, -gun,

i've finally got my silver trainer card:D
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The hoopy frood
My girafarig is at the master rank smart contest. I've tried about three times to win outright, but twice I've lost and once I won but the artist didn't offer to paint my picture. Now, the second round is ok, but I don't know why I'm only getting two hearts while some are getting four. It's smartness is maxed out, it has a gentle nature and it's even wearing a green scarf. What's the matter with it?


Crazy Trainer
There's more to it in the preliminary round of judging than just the level of the current contest attribute. Of course that's obvious -- otherwise it would be easy for the audience to give you hearts to. The Ultimate Pokémon Center has the best in-depth guide that I've found on contests.

The formula for the audience's vote in the preliminary round is:

Primary attribute + (Secondary attributes + Luster)/2

The primary attribute is the Pokémon's condition for the current contest type, the secondary attributes are the two attributes that aren't the types that "don't go over well" with the audience. In other words, the two types next to the current attribute on the circular chart when viewing the Pokémon's condition in the PokéNav. Luster is the sum of all the feels of the Pokéblocks it was fed. From what I have experienced, this formula seems to be accurate.

For example: I have two Milotic. They are both maxed out in Beauty and Luster, but one also has a lot of Tough, and the other has a lot of Cool. The one that is Cool does better in a Beauty contest than the other. Why?

Beauty=255 + (Cool=130 + Sweet=0 + Luster=255)/2 = 447
Beauty=255 + (Cool=0 + Sweet=0 + Luster=255)/2 = 382

I don't know the exact value for Cool, since I didn't keep track, but that's what gives that Milotic an extra heart in that round, and I wind up with an extra star at the end.

So, how can your Girafarig get helped out? If it's Luster is not maxed out, give him Pokéblocks that will increase his Cuteness and/or Toughness it is. Since his Smartness is already maxed out, try giving him a Pink or Yellow Scarf. Scarves add 20 points to the attribute, but no attribute can be over 255. However, if your Girafarig is already at full luster, only the scarves can change the 1st round judging. If you want to get painted you will just have to get more hearts to make up for a lack of stars.


The hoopy frood
Thanks Slim. Unfortunately, the luster's already maxed, but I can give him the yellow scarf. I managed to get all 5 paintings in Emerald, but Sapphire doesn't seem to be doing anything. So I'll give the different scarves thing a shot. Thanks!


Well-Known Member
In my opinion, Harden+Take Down is the best Combo. You do have to have some luck for the Master Rank contests, but I works perfectly.
With that single combo, I managed to get all 21 ribbons on both my Aggron and my Smeargle. If I wanted to, I could get all paintings in the museum filled up by just one of them. I'm sure that there are other combos that work well, but this one is really good.
I suggest that everybody who has doubts about it should try it. You can catch a Lairon in Victory Road, and IIRC he/she already has both Harden and Take Down.

Raden Surya

Abdidalem of Erika
Umm..sorry, but as I remember, I can got a luxury ball for winning the Master Contest more than one with same Pokemon.
And also, to get your Pokemon painted, you need at least 5 hearts (not stars) at the final judging.
Anyway, I have a question. How does Surf or Leaf Blade works?


Crazy Trainer
Surf and Leaf Blade (and other attacks with the same effect) work like this:

When you make the Appeal, if the Pokémon that appealed right before you got 4 or more hearts, yours gets zero. if they have 2 or less hearts, yours gets 6 hearts. If they got 3, yours also gets 3.

What about if you are in position 1? Since there were no appeals before yours to compare it to, you get 3.

What if the Pokémon before you can't appeal, due to Explosion or Hyper Beam earlier? You will get 6 hearts, since they got zero.

--- Now, on a Different subject ---

Concerning being painted -- although I did that long post just to talk about how to do well in the preliminary judging, I did say you could get painted with a higher rating, so I want to explain myself better.

Accroding to The Ultimate Pokemon Center (the same site I put in my last post), the equation for getting painted depends on both hearts and stars.

First Round Score + (sum of all appeals)*2 = Final score.

The first round score is given in the formula in my last post, which determines stars. Note that red hearts during the appeal rounds are worth 10 points each. This determines the final judging number of hearts. If the Final score is at least 800 points when you win in the master rank, it will be painted.

So, if I bring my first Milotic I talked about in my last post to a Beauty contest, you are right, it will need at least 5 hearts. However, if I bring my second Milotic, it will need an extra heart in the final round to make up for having one less star.

Raden Surya

Abdidalem of Erika
^Thanks a lot, it helps. Would you mind if I ask another question? How does Synthesis, Morning Sun (and another similar moves) work?

Oh yes, I have thinked a pretty good moveset for Claydol:
Ancient Power
Cosmic power
Secret Power
Explosion/Hyper Beam

1st-Ancient Power, Claydol got one star.
2nd-Cosmic Power, Claydol got one star.
3rd-Ancient Power, Claydol got one star.
4th-Secret Power, Claydol's total 3 stars make it a hot appeal.
5th-Explosion/Hyper Beam.

These moveset can win at every contest, I have tried it.


no shinies ;_;
i know why

you need to win by a lot to get a picture,if you barely win, he wont paint it

EDIT:i didnt see it got answered XD

water types rule

Well-Known Member
Will I be able to trade my Gardevior who's won a Master Rank Smart Ribbon on Ruby over to Emerald,enter it in Master Rank Smart Contest, and get a painting if it wins? Or will I have to do it the old-fashioned way?


Crazy Trainer
Synthesis & Morning Sun are shown as giving 10 appeal points, but they will actually will give a random amount. They aren't based off anything else, they are just random. Either 10, 20, 40, 60, or 80 appeal points are possible with this move. If it's the second move in a combo, the combo bonus is still just 10. (the bonus is always the value of the original appeal points of the second move. )

*Gives standing ovation for Claydol*

Yes, you can trade Gardevoir and immediately enter it in the Master Rank, and if you win with enough points, you can get painted right away.


does anybody knowa
how i can get a benette with destiny bond.
or another high smart move.


ok, i've got my suicune from LG over in my emerald version and i'm blasting through the contests with easy, i handily win the master rank in beauty, with over 4 red hearts in the final judging and tallying thing, and 7-8 gold stars. like i said, won, but the painter wont paint it, its frustrating! could it be because i traded it from my emerald to anothe emerald that ihas awesome pokeblocks, and used those, and then traded it back, and then entered? >.<

Squid Rooster

Marsh Squid
My main question is, does any Pokemon have the potential to master any contest, so long as it has a decent moveset and is raised properly? For example, Shining Mew recommended a Castform for the Smart Contest in her first post; would, say, a Meowth be just as able to master a Smart Contest given the same careful maximizing of Smartness + secondary traits, Smart moveset, etc?

What I'm getting at is, a Pokemon like Meowth is obviously not tank material in competitive battling, whereas a Chansey clearly is. In Contests, are there Pokemon who are clearly better suited for X Contest while others are clearly duds? Or are all Pokemon, generally speaking, blank slates and thus able to potentially win any contest so long as their moveset allows?


Dynamo Trainer
Squid Rooster said:
What I'm getting at is, a Pokemon like Meowth is obviously not tank material in competitive battling, whereas a Chansey clearly is. In Contests, are there Pokemon who are clearly better suited for X Contest while others are clearly duds? Or are all Pokemon, generally speaking, blank slates and thus able to potentially win any contest so long as their moveset allows?
The only stats that come into play in Contests are the Condition ratings. So, as long as your Pokemon likes the kinds of Pokeblocks that raise the Condition for the Contest you want to enter, and its moveset contains a good assortment of moves for that Contest type, then the Pokemon will be good for that Contest. Limited movepools are the biggest factor limiting how well a Pokemon can inherently perform in any given contest.

*Jean Grey*

Night Triumphant
Please help me, i need a Beauty Contest moveset for my Milotic with maxed-out beauty, I only need to win this contest and I'll get my final trainer star


I don't know if this will help anyone but I won all Master ranks using these pokemon:

Beauty: Castform
Cute: Anorith
Tough: Aron
Cool: Fearow
Smart: Xatu
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