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Pokemon Contest Help/Discussion

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Those are good sets Evan, they work well.


Thunder Trainer
I have recently won the Master rank Smart contest with my Lunatone. With a Hardy nature and a green scarf, the moves it used were:
Cosmic Power
Future Sight

Psychic and Future Sight combo together (with Psychic going first), and Cosmic Power gave my Lunatone a star. Explosion was saved for last due to its effect of sending me out for the duration of the contest.


Beginning Trainer
Do IVs/EVs/stats have any effect on contests at all? Just wondering, before I breed/EV train my contest Pokemon...


Dynamo Trainer
Do IVs/EVs/stats have any effect on contests at all? Just wondering, before I breed/EV train my contest Pokemon...
No, they don't. You only need to worry about your Conditon (from Pokeblocks) and moves/combos.


Back I guess??
When the circle of stars is complete (You can check via PokéNav or when giving Pokéblocks) the Pokémon will stop eating Pokéblocks, it´s normal, the game don´t want a Pokémon with top contest stats.


Beginning Trainer
This info is all wrong
for feebas to evolve into milotic it needs 170 beauty
for you to get a scarf you need 200 of the respective stat
the max is 255
a scarf ads 20 to a stat
for further info go to www.upc.pkmn.co.uk the best game mechanics site ever


Well-Known Member
I used a different Pokemon for smart and this is what i used

Gengar (Green Scarf is optional)

Shadow Punch
Destiny Bond
Shadow Ball

What moves to use if Smartness is maxed

P.S: This will only work if your pokemon is first at the start

Shadow Punch - If starting first

Shadow Ball or Psychic - can use first if still in front and also in second place to Jam the opponents and make them loses hearts

Shadow Punch - when still in first place

Shadow Ball or Psychic - can use first if still in front and also in second place to Jam the opponents and make them loses hearts

Destiny Bond - Last Place or first

P.S: if you get the crowd going twice you are going to win and if the Heart Bar reaches the end its also maybe be a sign that you are going to get the painting

Berry Blend a few of the Ganlon Berries which raises Smart And Beauty.

Hope this helps other Sppf Members
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*Jean Grey*

Night Triumphant
Good, at last I got my Milotic painted, it had a Rash nature, its attacks are Rain Dance, Hydro Pump, Hail and Blizzard. Any good?


Well-Known Member
I have a pretty good moveset, try it out if you like!

Beauty Contest
Ninetails w/ or w/out Blue Scarf
-Fire Spin
-Sunny Day
-Fire Blast

Sunny Day ---> Overheat, Fire Blast, or Fire Spin


Well-Known Member
Never mind about my question since i found Pokeblocks effect it, can somebody give me a Solrock moveset for the Contest?
My solrock won the normal rank so far and here are its moves, it isn`t complete yet:
Rock Throw
Light Screen

Harden and tackle combo and then repeated until Im not in 1st place, then I use rock throw


Well-Known Member
I won the master rank CONTEST in emerald with my octilery twice, anyway it's picture is still in the lilycove contest hall it's in first position . WHY ISN'T IT IN THE ART GALLERY?


Master of Charizard
Why that's because the artist guy did not go up to you after the contest and talk to you.
I have done this and gotten the Glass Ornament in Ruby, but I have a question. I traded my Skarmory over that did excellent in the cool contest on Ruby. Can I use it on Emerald to get its picture in the gallery?


Crazy Trainer
I've posted this info in this thread before, but it was across a few posts. So here's the full detailed explanation. For more information, I got my information from The Ultimate Pokemon Center In order to understand why/why not a Pokemon gets painted, it's essential to understand how they are scored.

Primary Judging: int((Secondary Attributes + Luster)/2)+Primary Attribute

int() means to take off the decimal part. Computers don't like fractions. :)

Luster is represented by in the Condition section of the PokeNav by the stars going around the Pokemon. This is the sum of all the Feel of the Pokeblocks fed to the Pokemon. Max is 255.

Primary attribute is the contest you are entering. Beauty for a Beauty contest, etc. If that's maxed out, this is 255.

Secondary attribute is the two attributes the audience doesn't dislike. They are the two attributes to either side when looking at its condition in the PokeNav. For example, Secondary attributes would be Cool and Smart for a Tough contest.

A scarf will add 20 points to the attribute it raises. (maximum 255)
(note: if the primary attribute is already maxed, try giving it a scarf for the secondary attribute, since the attribute cannot go over 255.
note also: instead of maxing the stat, get it to 235, using what you would have instead for secondary attributes so you can take full advantage of the scarf.)

This value gives the stars in the final round:

Final Stars:
0 -- 0 stars.
1 - 63 -- 1 star.
64 - 126 -- 2 stars.
127 - 189 -- 3 stars.
190 - 252 -- 4 stars.
253 - 315 -- 5 stars.
316 - 378 -- 6 stars.
379 - 441 -- 7 stars.
442 - 504 -- 8 stars.
505 - 567 -- 9 stars.
568 - 630 -- 10 stars.

Hearts are based off the grand total of all five appeal scores.

Final Hearts:
0 -- 0 hearts.
1 - 40 -- 1 heart.
41 - 80 -- 2 hearts.
81 - 120 -- 3 hearts.
121 - 160 -- 4 hearts.
161 - 200 -- 5 hearts.
201 - 240 -- 6 hearts.
241 - 280 -- 7 hearts.
281 - 320 -- 8 hearts.
321 - 360 -- 9 hearts.
361 - 400 -- 10 hearts.

The final score is (Appeal score * 2) + Voting score.

the painter will paint your Pokémon if it wins a master rank contest with at least 800 points.


Ichi no Hana
Well I have a solid pokemon for my appeals.. maybe youll like it too!

@pink scarf
Mud sport
Water sport
Water gun
(anything else can go here!)

Start of with mud sport, then water sport, mud sport, water gun, and finnaly mud sport. This will result in uber cuteness!;munchlax;


somewhat backwards.
For Smart Contests I recommend using a Ghost type with Curse + Destiny Bond. Its such a good combo for Smart Contest, I'm surprised I only saw it mentioned once in the whole thread. Using Curse in the fourth round (yes its a Tough move, but in Smart Contests Tough moves are tolerated) then Destiny Bond works as a combo, and combos double the hearts you get from the second move. Destiny Bond is one of those "finishing" moves that give you 8 hearts. With the combo, that's 16 hearts in one turn. So even if you do rubbishly in the first four rounds you still stand a large chance of winning. Furthermore, Curse makes you go last next turn so there is no chance of all your hearts getting lost by a startling move.
Here's what I used:
Dusclops@Green Scarf
Careful Nature
-Destiny Bond
-Calm Mind
-Future Sight
The two other moves just have to be decent Smart moves that can get you through the first three rounds. Apart from Dusclops, I can also see Gengar working with Curse, Destiny Bond and two more Smart moves as it learns many Smart moves such as Psychic. Hope I helped!

Arbok of Doom

Well-Known Member
Here all my sets, thought of them myself...


- Swift
- Agility
- Peck or something

Swift when you start first otherwise Peck , Agility , Swift , Agility , Swift

Plusle and Minun (can be done with all electrics knowing QA)
- Quick Attack
- Shock Wave
- Thunderbolt

Shock Wave if first otherwise Thunderbolt , Quick Attack, Shock Wave , Quick Attack , Shock Wave

Beauty: (can be done with almost áll Weather Moves)

- Sunny Day
- Flamethrower
- Selfdestruct

Sunny Day , Flamethrower , Sunny Day , Flamethrower , Selfdestruct

- Sunny Day
- Flamethrower
- Overheat
- Explosion

Same as above, but Overheat when you won't get startled/stand last


Whiscash (Anorith with Water Gun instead of Water Sport works same way)
- Water Sport
- Mud Sport
- Rest
- Snore

This one works REALLY well, first you start off with Snore. Then you start using the Rest/Snore or Water/Mud Sport combo, if you're about to get startled you use Rest/Snore, when not, go for Water/Mud Sport


Muk (funny set with use of Condition-growing moves)
- Acid Armor
- Secret Power
- Rock Smash

This one wass just for fun but I won :), Acid Armor , Rock Smash , Acid Armor , Rock Smash , Secret Power (Rock Smash and Secret Power can be changed and you could go with Explosion with the set)

- Harden
- Take Down

I won with this one the Master Contest (and being painted) while I got only 2 Conditionpoints... pretty easy, Take Down , Harden , Take Down , Harden , Take Down and just hope you won't get startled... could work with another move...

- Curse
- Spite
- Rain Dance

The Curse/Spite combo, works well because you won't get startled much... When you begin last it can be even better! If you don't start first take this:
Curse , Spite , Curse , Spite , Curse... use Rain Dance when appeal is at highest place...

I don't really have a Smart-Contest pokémon... I used a Barboach with Rest/Snore combo, but it's not bounded to type.

Although, I thought up, probably the best set for Smart:

- Shadow Punch
- Curse
- Spite
- Destiny Bond

However Curse and Spite are Tough, it's almost the best set here. Try to max out your Gengar so it will go first, then:
Shadow Punch , Curse , Spite , Curse , Destiny Bond

EDIT: Can someone explain something about pokéblocks... Let's say I got a Pokeblock with 12 Use and 24 Added Points with using a berry which main flavor is Spicy, and added flavor is Sour... how will the points distribute?
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Sceptile Leaf Blade

Nighttime Guardian
Swellow for the Coolness contest

-Aerial Ace
-Quick Attack/Agility
-Double Team

1st: Quick Attack or Agility to ensure you are going first next turn
2nd: Aerial Ace for huge points because you are first
3rd: Double Team, you will probably be first or second, so Double Team will avoid Startling
4th: Quick Attack or Agility for a combo, and to ensure you are first next round
5th: Aerial Ace for huge points.

This one is for the beaty contest with Castform

-Sunny Day
-Weather Ball
-Powder Snow

Sunny Day is good if you get the crowd going, since it gives huge points then, it then gives twelve points. Weather Ball is a combo after Hail or Sunny Day, and can screw up the chances of others to get the crowd going. Powder Snow is a Beaty move that makes a combo after Hail.

Cuteness contest with Barboach

-Water Gun

1st: Amnesia to improve your condition and prevent becoming nervous, which is common in cute contests
2nd: Snore if you are last or third, Rest if you are second or first
3rd: Use Rest if you didn't use it last turn, and you are second or first. Use Water gun if you are third or last and you didn't use Rest last turn. Use Snore if you did use Rest last turn for a combo.
4th: Same as 3rd.
5th: Same as 3rd.

Xatu for the Smartness contest

-Confuse Ray
-Future Sight

Fly is useful because it avoids getting startled for an entire turn, Psychic>Future Sight is a combo, and if you use Future Sight if you have way more points than the others, and the crowd excitement stands on three, you can ensure the crowd going. Confuse Ray is for points and for screwing up combos of others that are place-based.

Machop/Machoke/Machamp for the Toughness contest

-Seismic Toss
-Focus Energy
-Karate Chop

Revenge is for turning out last next turn, Focus Energy startles others and starts a combo with Karate Chop, which is also useful if you are after someone that didn't get much points that turn. (2 or less). Then you will gain six hearts, + Combo + Crowd. But, if you use it while the preceding pokémon got more than 3 points, you don't gain any basic points, just combo + crowd. If the preceding pokémon got 3 points that turn, or if you are first in line, you get 3 points, + combo, + crowd. Seismic Toss is also for startling and works great if the others also used Toughness moves.
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