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Pokemon Contest Help/Discussion

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Junior Researcher
*sweatdrop* I've read over this thread for some ideas, but I've managed something that may interest anyone who likes the contests.
My Impish Umbreon (*Shine shine*)
Managed to win All of the master rank contests, AND get painted for them.

His moveset was as follows:
Impish Umbreon @ (Appropriate Colour) Scarf

Return was for those non-cute-non-tough contests where I could milk the audience for extra points. Mimic is what really won me everything. There's something funny about setting things up so that the person in front of you gets the crowd going... because it gives you more points.
For those of you curious how I pulled this off, I fed him the following berries (Made into pokeblocks, of course)
2 Leichi Berries
2 Ganlon Berries
1 Salac Berry
2 Petaya Berries
1 Apicot Berry

Oddly enough, it's a 'cute' build, and the cute master contest gave me the most trouble. (Stupid Attract), closely followed by the master tough contest (If I hadn't been immobilized that ONE turn... mumble...)


r u not entertained
Anyone got a good Tough set for Poliwrath?

Evil Genius

Well-Known Member
I have two questions, I'll get he shorter one out first. How do you make black pokeblocks and what makes the highest level. Or do black popeblocks evan exist?

Yes, they do exist. Me and my friend were being stupid with making pokeblocks and pressed A as fast as we could all the time. I don't think you can have a high-level black pokeblock.


Well-Known Member
I won the Master rank Cool contest and had the painting on the first try using this:

Zapdos@Red Scarf
Hyper Beam
Drill Peck
Steel Wing


Wi-fi Trader
I dominated the Cool Contest with this:

Claydol @ Red Scarf
Max Coolness
Attack Raising Rature (Adamant, Lonely, Brave, Naughty)
~Cosmic Power
~Ancient Power
~Secret Power

CP, AP, CP, SP, and explode. Let me know if it fails.


Lonely Traner
My Mawile gets loads of hearts in normal, super and hyper rank contests and is always the first performer, but in master rank it gets no hearts at all...Could you please tell me how to improve my pokemon's hearts? I have given it all the pokeblocks it can eat, they where all ones that upped Toughness (Which is the contest I am trying to get it to win) Please help me ASAP.
Also if you know what I am doing wrong, please send the answer to me in a PM as I will not really be checking back on the thread.


Eevee Fan
I've won the Master Rank Cool Contest, but the artist didn't show up. Why ? I've won the Master Ranked Beauty and Cute Contests, and the artist did paint my Pokemon. I don't understand.
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