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Pokemon Coordinators

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gym trainer
at da mo i've bin playing pokemon emerald and i absolutley h8 battleing lol but i luv pokemon contests. i'm one of the best male coordinators there is and alltogether i've won sadly only 4 ribons lol bit of a let down but anyway tell me your winning combinationations 2 help me get thet win plz!!!!!!!!

and let me introduce my team lol :;038; ;359; ;119; ;358; ;257;

help me if u can coordinators!!


So hot he's on fire.
at da mo i've bin playing pokemon emerald and i absolutley h8 battleing lol but i luv pokemon contests. i'm one of the best male coordinators there is and alltogether i've won sadly only 4 ribons lol bit of a let down but anyway tell me your winning combinationations 2 help me get thet win plz!!!!!!!!

and let me introduce my team lol :;038; ;359; ;119; ;358; ;257;

help me if u can coordinators!!

I'm not helping you until you fix your spelling >__>
at da mo i've bin playing pokemon emerald and i absolutley h8 battleing lol but i luv pokemon contests. i'm one of the best male coordinators there is and alltogether i've won sadly only 4 ribons lol bit of a let down but anyway tell me your winning combinationations 2 help me get thet win plz!!!!!!!!

and let me introduce my team lol :;038; ;359; ;119; ;358; ;257;

help me if u can coordinators!!

Sarukarisha is right. Gloom 123, I won't help you.

Kirlia forever

Hikari lover
I like pokemon contests,but i'ts too easy in GBA versions

Kirlia forever

Hikari lover
I like pokemon contests,but i'ts too easy in GBA versions


Long time no see
I know what u mean
out of all the pokemon I have i only use 1/4 as actual battle pokemon
the rest i train for pokemon contests.
they are just soo fun
u dnt know what will happen
an gttin all those ribbons just feel sooo gd


Also, you're probebly NOT one of the 'best male coordinators' out there...there are plenty. My Whiscash swept EVERY contest it's been in... AND I have decent spelling. This is no attack on you but please go sort out your spelling and grammer.... and don't assume yourself to be 'the best' or 'one of the best' at something, that kind of attitude makes you more enemies then friends, friendly heads up that ^^.
As for help, well try combination attacks and such... i'm sure you can work some out...
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