Pikachu Obsessed!
Note that you have to like Code Lyoko to get it!
If you have any ideas PM me.
Chapter 1: Pikachus!
Ulrich, Yumi, Odd, Aelita, and Jeremy were in Lilycove City when they saw
Ulrich's twin sister Rose running up too them.
Rose: Guess what?
All: What?
Rose: I just saw Professor Birch and he is going to give us all a Pikachu!
Odd: What a Pikachu like Ash has?
Rose: Yes!
Jeremy: Cool let's go!
When they got there, there was 6 Pikachus and a Pikachu ran to each of them.
Professor Birch: Yumi's Pikachu is Buttons. Buttons is a boy Pikachu he
has a black hat. Ulrich's Pikachu is Sparky. Sparky is a girl Pikachu she
has a pink hat with a dark pink bow. Rose's Pikachu is Spark. Spark is a
boy Pikachu with a Union Jack hat. (Sparky and Spark are twins and
they are from London England). Aelita's Pikachu is Steven. Steven is a
boy Pikachu with a pink striped hat. He is like Aelita love pink. Odd's
Pikachu is Danielle . Danielle is a girl Pikachu she is brown and pink with
a light pink neck bow tie. Jeremy's Pikachu is Jessica. Jessica is a girl
Pikachu with a dark blue bow. Ok here are your Poke'balls and Poke'Dex.
Aelita: Wow thanks Professor Birch. Bye.
Ulrich & Rose: Thanks bye.
Yumi: Yes thanks they are so cute Sayonara!
Jeremy: Wow! Thanks bye.
Odd: This is so cool thanks bye.
When they got outside they saw a girl about 10 with blue eyes and brown
hair, when she saw them she started to run up to them.
????: Hi my name is Kirsten and I have something cool. Do you want one?
Jeremy: What is it?
She showed them a piece of candy.
Ulrich: A piece of candy.
Kirsten: When you eat it you can understand what Poke'mon say forever!
Yumi: What are you joking!
Kirsten: No! Try it!
All: Ok!
They ate it and....
Jessica Look at the cute sun!
All: !!!!
Rose: It....It...Worked!
Kirsten: Yep! Bye!
All: Bye?
If you have any ideas PM me.
Chapter 1: Pikachus!
Ulrich, Yumi, Odd, Aelita, and Jeremy were in Lilycove City when they saw
Ulrich's twin sister Rose running up too them.
Rose: Guess what?
All: What?
Rose: I just saw Professor Birch and he is going to give us all a Pikachu!
Odd: What a Pikachu like Ash has?
Rose: Yes!
Jeremy: Cool let's go!
When they got there, there was 6 Pikachus and a Pikachu ran to each of them.
Professor Birch: Yumi's Pikachu is Buttons. Buttons is a boy Pikachu he
has a black hat. Ulrich's Pikachu is Sparky. Sparky is a girl Pikachu she
has a pink hat with a dark pink bow. Rose's Pikachu is Spark. Spark is a
boy Pikachu with a Union Jack hat. (Sparky and Spark are twins and
they are from London England). Aelita's Pikachu is Steven. Steven is a
boy Pikachu with a pink striped hat. He is like Aelita love pink. Odd's
Pikachu is Danielle . Danielle is a girl Pikachu she is brown and pink with
a light pink neck bow tie. Jeremy's Pikachu is Jessica. Jessica is a girl
Pikachu with a dark blue bow. Ok here are your Poke'balls and Poke'Dex.
Aelita: Wow thanks Professor Birch. Bye.
Ulrich & Rose: Thanks bye.
Yumi: Yes thanks they are so cute Sayonara!
Jeremy: Wow! Thanks bye.
Odd: This is so cool thanks bye.
When they got outside they saw a girl about 10 with blue eyes and brown
hair, when she saw them she started to run up to them.
????: Hi my name is Kirsten and I have something cool. Do you want one?
Jeremy: What is it?
She showed them a piece of candy.
Ulrich: A piece of candy.
Kirsten: When you eat it you can understand what Poke'mon say forever!
Yumi: What are you joking!
Kirsten: No! Try it!
All: Ok!
They ate it and....
Jessica Look at the cute sun!
All: !!!!
Rose: It....It...Worked!
Kirsten: Yep! Bye!
All: Bye?